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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1909, p. 8

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Peope orr South Sheri- Then Met Waterloo ln IimSaloon. Went 10 Poil"c ta Cempiali of Mater and A~vstd Wt'.n He clalmedc OBfou gU. rought tao Stion. 11050 Flalanden vllh a dangeraus rne band and a psving brick r biaiSher kept south Shrdan rond 4 fe orne ime frlday mornlng [ta yake a gaod cndl.ng ta bis ex. Mmoe Is-i ta ctean out the Elue-E salocn at t. corner of Sheridan2 xe-a Water street- Instead of1 Obding he gt a severe beatlng wua arrcsted wbe'n bc trie-I ta Ujjaint of the men vho whippeil a te te police. r»e Fnlander startcd ln by chas-1 V:nVrsi men, bacti and forth oua the street, brandshingt.e 114la bis teft baud and errylng tb. wMU brick tu his rlght. Hie tbreab- êd tec-rve up ait h. met Ou@ tbe men met Officer Franki Tryan à 1011 hlm of d'e ms-Uer. The of- or vent to te scelle and found out CMt b. ffgIt inlutde Flnestcln sa- b. FWuander bad entered and had Final reporta oi the Wauticgalt ted ta dlean out the Plac. lI- tbree-ds-y Park Opening Celebradit ad h. bumped lote a hard fit and wilt show about $500 or $600 an baud, M h. stopped ta figure Out whab ede siat Irtbehad al 1sipesied bis kulfe and brick vas , the etmaîlte oday. ebeasdeds *I& thIe va ina on bcdevalTiy permanent improvemeuts madle at d'e liSethe aloo. Omer 'ryonPark are counteil as recelptsa snd sweli 04 tarther or d'e manu but coulil the total profita ai d'e day ta about L ued bilmsud vent tn d'e pouice $1"0. The Improveuients were neces- 1141XLsary and would had 10 been put ln go mt tems-n coming out Just wlthoutb the ceebratian '10 they can ý aklng a complsint aginst t e ~counteil as praceeds. The accounts ne vbo bad vhlpPed hlm. "Is tta bav-c nat been a-il ftnaltY settled ai- ar linfe?-' asked d'e offcer. 'Testog otbveadteetmt pq i toine, wù theman "Noe,"la about rlgbt. j te acer. "back I male fon you. au put you vbere youi cant use Eeynwudebie ytk ithe deman'. third expertence vtb o if e trouble and hbi'o ta cou bc>& e.Tvlce befare b. has been tipationu. It w aud habituai cen-d 4 &com tde Cty, anti ta return. bremt, gutiystint the t.liven and ____________ netîsb. bowets sandla muaIt supsi- lo aplansdd alxativei& ~WY DVWhy ualt 'y Flsys Orino ative ta. I OM C WILL daj? p,uss B. LOVZL1. MAUI TO ELGIN mbf um lit Ibu Covered Firet JOINS MB Rut It RIN Ce «#n MdeutNicht EXPLORATIONS »0 of U et lmnd Lake. WiI Os IéfLOIgin About Five What ta Strange Qui rk of Fortune la It on Seond Dsy, Wfth Other Thae Connacted Wasiaken Wth aterea% Mklobg Camp De- Andr slioofl'Trig, Leflugai- Mkkelsohn Siedge Trip, and LsstIY t»è«ý onday.with Weliman Afrahip Trip, Il Sensations-I Trials e t plnding? fflgs, C la ta enter Elgn next Whatstsange fats eI.Ilt teha$a Ondau oenlng in fuit 5mrai, In cern- ied Up Waukegan In anomeWY wth evii' raclent poio htint a- la" *iM'the eaber tvobaterie Of coet tisatoieutenant Peary? ii mes,, aiter campag et two Fig-t tisere was thse Andre bai- t d'eCDttte trip n mWankegalt. bon trip m&nY Yeai'90mgo. 4r dglsteella orthde oves-tand ruarch to G. K. Stark of Waukfgfl. a ýWe D@eu een t Etgin. bave been dalmf nls iyofca s a p:erional fs-end of Andr* and ani ver. iven ot by a o f Andre' aides w-ahi*i 3udai V. 5.11h Isat elgIItI. aciool mata book in Stockhsoil, .~ ~ ~atdayd'e atts-y iii Swediti. 16 mbé lilt eted' eort Jait Thon, when Ernest Leflngwil jwï, MM i mamthe bort gltsttd out with ijalmar Mtkkei- bégtalimtes t break d'e borses sMd sofin on thiir tri an poisoisunt- wos$ U. a. 'Tbe camp vl îing with isIgea. l was diaccv- 5 ,l4mai t u4t on thde Rougese lm- e-d tient Lalfligwoli was aa htp iies lickeelir, oenloki Di~s, mots o Bob lingalia, Douglas and osa R«efee3ýovelooing Gîtes on tiseODragon, durtng the poW Laes. l'he spot la an 11.81 nue. Spani.Americafl war. Teceod day the bs-tery vl ccv- And now As-hus- Wîitman, weil oë tl. et o! the distance ta aEtgin -lciead-hor as s- iandagme, watt 'W the leecptof!abu nv et up gray halred gentleman, han ,v exeptin abut lve tlft for Tromace and wil saek thse Pt1é*w North Poe ln an atrahilp wilh hie SB4ttele À af Danvlie and B of brothar Water Weitman, ona o Oldeago vitI b met at thIs camp and the world'm graateat noeapepr on Ilcoday morninat.e tree vfl writerm. Wisese wilt! ttend? 1111ter the clty, fresh. and ready ta Walter Welman and the members moIte a great showing. Tire tat yl a!f bis Actia expedition are now on be ma-de tram Ws-ukegan about ten or ther way ta Tromsoe, Norvay, tram etevea 'clock aturday mornlng. filil whlch point If conditions are fayot- prpbabe. able, the sasrt for d'e nord' pote vill b. made wîtI theb next icv dais. The ms-mmth baltoon. lu wblch d'e Arc- W A LBO 3ItiI! tIc voyage la ta b made la alreadi t - frame and adJustîng tbc mechanicat Whethas- Wllh Basie o! Coai Reason parts. or Not Report se That Factionat French aclentista are greatly Intter'- and Rellious Dlfferences IMay be estedîln bbc Wellman undcrtat<tng. Practicsltalyai obcheparts o! the invoived tin Deed o Little Boy Who mamrnoth alrshlp ln vhlcb the vai- plled CKIps in Basment end Set as- le; ta be-underlaken ver. made Thom Afire 10 Sunn Place, ln Paris. Al o! the prellmnarles Clalef Jaap o! Zian Cty sud is bave been tolaed wlbth cen inter- est, particutarly by tbc Society ai IlieeAre bot an the rail ofa boy iAcu-al Navigation lu Paris. IDOÇ»di&ry vho tast wvec t tempted Remember Andree's Trip. tO b«M dovu. an uoccupled building Expert opinion dffers as ta bbc fea- "d u omsfully made is escape. sibillly o! reacblng tbc nord' pote Si WWl nohin ha ben sid o tis allon.Gtanclng at bbc precedents Wble mthîa bs ben -ai tath fe(r soute standard by wblcb ta mes-- , Rot il la hllev.d tst there mays-aune bbc Welman project, anc turne b4 saine untcovu factions-t or relig atural fo A-drees li-iated bs-lIoun bflplot bc of th, fine buga visit. tnp. Attenne tbSn years o! etab- arabýe preparatlontbbc asrt vas ms-de ~Wtbore are claimed to bave s-en an tnty 11, 1897, tram Danes Island. '-', laYIcendini mtie bis escape Sptzbengen, wibb tbnee men an board etjÏcoffl Slve no- description afilm. and provisions fan severat monthe. A reffl;1 11- ver. made carefullî srnng abes-dy vind tram tbc cautb thecoslyboue a vsqbtawlng-what tbc parti bail ê. « s-e ring 01Us oslyboses t wled impatlenbly for sînce bbc carty $te pçed ldecu, the baseinent bclng aummer o! tbc prevlaus icar. The pld! "il la saI wth chips vblchb bslInon saled s-vsy ta d'e northeast 1Ws', au 1tualtad. &fier vIticI ýthe l snd llnslly out ai ight. Four dais lter s- carrier pigeon lghted an thc _ *'bàg swfl e 'eMatch and ms-de rlgglng ofa saaling vesacl ean Spitz- j" W ivge. bergen. bearing bbc anIyawrd ts-b )4hM dincovsred d'e lire snd bas ever been recelvcd froni tbc dan- - %-s-àlxyettinqisIed vben td'e Ing advcturers. ardvd- Cief Start Wam Favorable. ~ me âggm-tmeît arivel Chi T h, balbo0onsasrled in s- twcnby-five e» bu 5a4 l~lit ldV in 5aUîfiuO mle-an-Itour vlnd, blovlng linnrtb* , ff#let fat S*0 1515*vere t teeli direction. Had bbc vind betd -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h - 0s sest onU.second day cnt, his - bvà od 1ft Mpedbýe fr atn I tr ba .hen260 miles d'e othir pg~I4ga~~j 17 s-s ido oi~ f the Pole, *hlcIt Ie vautd bave «Mille. pae$& st s-distance of perhaps 100 miles an bis leit. But. accaldlUS ýO te message n.celTed by the carrier pigeont be vas actýuallY. at noon Of t second day, onlY 145 mites north and forti-IlVe mItes east O! the point of departune. The prahabilltY satat lte balloon came dovn in the occan ta the southesat of Spitzbergcn. WVh.n he was asked a fev days before bis starb vhat vourd bappen if thee des- ccnded In te ses. the adventuUlr ne- ptîed, cooly, "Drown"-wbldh tbeY probabty did. -But it aboutd he r.- xnembened tat Andree's battoon bad neltben proputlve force ai Ibm owu, ne steerins- device, except te commani guide rope. Il vas, as Wellpuan bas sald, .'a mere toi of the vinda." Two Problemi Uppormoat. Tvo problemsamareuppermast lnte Wellman uaderts-klag, Flret, tce verI- cal sts-blity of bis alrattip. as adfected by beat, cold and preciplts-tlon, and controtled by guide rope and ballast, second, te pauslbllty af successfut achorage durng ilgh wînda. A bs- taon la uecessarlly a very dcllcs-elY balane" Instruent. A rai oi sun- shine, a puf aof td causes tebal- loon at an even beight. This te beavy guide rope dois. , Ttsllng sicng the Thers la i,eêrtalÉ I !es f guby 18k - farce tbrOtgb c00d snd los. f tu At gronv.csimc.b h.n the airship ago throitgh thé envelope golor on te verY lime vheni nstead of dgo-a> hasa enenc rt ne, It bus ta lft constantly. pontaspi tot 1% per cent plng velght to correspoad through more and more of the velght of the every twenty-four houri. There May consomption of gasonnltflaIt aclualty rope. On te alter bsad, as the bal. b. an accumùlatiau i2 fft at .r gamIno welght thrcugh accumulation taon descends, It le relleved of the mosture upo thlIe alrahip amounblns o1 frait and onov. Again, lte reverse wlght The guide nope la also of to several huudreds of pound au anmy bh. true-s. cansiderahie gain of some service ln sbeering the unsasble houir orýtwo. In operatian te motos- volume and lift force st the very lime craft. la consumng fuel et lte rate, per- lte motors are raply reduding te Other Factors. haps ai 80 ta 100 pcunds ln tventy- velght of the cargo. Mr. Weilm-n But there are other facters lnvolved four hours. Or the motor ms-y be claims ta have dlscovered te solu- lu the problem of vertical sts-blity. ruzulng on account of adverse vindi. tion ai ibis important and deticate The shade- and sun tempersture and yet the ather conditions may oh. problem n l physica. If he lhasnte ch ngoe or less. the former siight- tain. That là, the airsblp may toue a possblîtles of the success Of bis ad- cy h a e r ln greater measure. consides-able part of ls ascsi4oai ventulre ame greatly lncteased, Recommeflds WaukegBfl. Justice Botaford of Wankeganle 1 nothing if net up to date as be adver' tises Waukegan as a Gr«jna Green ln Chicago Papere. emPhaslzlflg the tact that there la Do need te fil the risk of Bs s ckness on a trIp to st. joe when one ecau corne to Wau- kegan by railroad or trolley car. The ad followa: Waukegafl a Gretna Grec,'. Parties contemPlattuz marriage. Why go to St. Joe and tatie chances of ses- sictiness when you can secure cheap and pleasant transportation over steam or electrie roada? Write (or appear ln person) ta R. S. Botaford. J. P., wiho will give alt necessary information. ^ casa of Overalis. A pair o! Senator William Lorimer's overalls came near sending a mnan ta an Ineafle asylum Tbursday.' Walter F. Wallett, Senator Lorimeras garden- er at Fox Lake. was the man. He had been fouDd wearlng the senatorial overatis, and that was conaldered a sufficlent evidence Of lusanity to seDd hlm to the detentlon hosPîtal. It vas flot the color of the overalle. It vas their size. The senators a wuft 1B tonty-six luches. the gardener"s thir- ty. The gardener 'S antica lD trYlug to keep the overaits from fatting at- tracted tGo much attention. Walett said he must have put te over&lls Ou without tnowlng it. He vas abot ln the hcad two years ago and bis 'nem- ory faits hlm sometimes. The Jury InD the Insane court sent hlm homle. Dajity i~qLu~er1e Wa1ts at 98c. (lm~ You'll be cool in one of these brezy sum- mer waists for they are ma-de o! very fine white lingerie and lawn; handsomer styles you have rareiy seau; they are daintily trimmed la the front w tth lace anad tucks also embroidered. W ere they markeid $1.25 and $150 they 'i4 would be splendid vaines. Linen Auto Coats Priced at $198. Very practical and stylish auto coatS, made in a very stunning man- ner of linon crash in the natural color, 54 inches long, trimmed with buttons, large patch pockets, high eollar, pricedi.9 speciai . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Infants Coats 69c ý Mdsummer Sli cord, large collar trimmed with lace, specially 1wiCed 69 at ....... ............. 9 INFANT'S BONNETS 25C. 'A lot that is lightly soliled, made Of fine lawn, embroidery and lace trMmed. values ta 75eC25 Coice at ....... 5 INFANT'S BONNETS 69c. Slightly siled, extra fine lawn, lace and embroidery trimrned, priced for a quick Ll 4, Trimed Hats htdically Reduced in Prce WVe are (le1ning up (>ni- ntire stluck of triîîîîuîed bats as g1s'edily asx possmible ls-caust' its timein;,m we don't Mant te) cari".'anv Over. W'e have eut the priees nîir-ilessly asU ouWill find b'. reaolintr lhe following: Ail $3.00 trinirii(41bats ar .......... -- 10 Ail $5.00 andl $6.0 trimn'ed bats at,.... 1.98 Al.trimmi,4 liats up Cool. Wash Suts Low in Price. It may seem a puzzle t.o you how e an sdi sncb stunning wash auis for so low a figure but itm norely becatise of a fortunate p urbae (n cur part; we are n, selfisb so are willng to share, tbe profit with yo, they are made of a remarkably good quality of linon finished sutin9 in ail the leading colors, 39;1w-lt 9 WAS SIT $.9. "T 1 1sit-faieyuusa beauty anti style, made of an unusnally fine qualîty of linon finished suiting ia aIl the popular colors, specially priced at....29U WASH DRESSES $2.98. Attrtu-tivly tatlored f linon finished suitiag and Lingerie, nt a wIde range o! the seasons colore, self trimtned andi 2.98 some e trimmed, only ...........e edo Undermuslius, ]Rare Bargains IrvICTC(S '~AT E69c. 1 CORSET COVERS. This & ly fine quaiity o! musI cut tull, smre îaadsom( trimmedj witlî lace and serting, others withe broidery and tucks, cii be matcetKi îven ttCi $1.00, speci(il . .. . ' GOWNS AT-95e. Barred lawn tind plain nain.fl gook gowns, high neck, long or short sleeves, tMmedwih ebridry n95cbo rubeading .................... These Footwear hgiNs en EcoDomy. w Wns $50 84 $ Tan Oxfords Prlced at $48 Now for a clearance of womel' oxfords. Theffe are high cîsua models, handsomti in style and sold for $350 and $4.00; tiLn, Rusia calfoxboo d n24 eyelets, button, blucher or plain, pair.... MISSES OXFORDS. Tan, patent or li BARE-FOOT SANDALS. The ideal sum- kid cafferssinle o heay s l in mer shoe for childrel, od lenther, sizes kid eaters sinle r havy ole, . 5 tô 8 at. 59c. A better gradie is Qffered in /2to6, low wide heels, $2.00 19.2 s9 taforticeal-s 89 ad$.0valuen, clearance, sl t.............'9 in- sligbtly soiled, ruade f rom i-an extra fine quality of ei-naiasook mulslin, daintilY ïn't trirntîîe with three Mws )C o a lace,hbeaditig andi. MISSES MUSLIN WEAIR. A table consisting o! Misses and Childrens drawers, skirts and gownll, fine cambrie and nainsook, 43% nicely trimmed, choice at .......... 39ýc Clearance Sale Bariains. CHILDREN'S RIBBED VESTS. Sizes 1 to 6, low neck, sleevless, values that brng12/eat............... c WOMEN'S VESTS. Fine mercer- 1 * ized, low neck, sleeveless, 25e vaines ... RIBBON. Fa.ncy plaid ribbon, used e'xten- sively for the hair, ail pure silk, 5'îf inehes wide, 25c gradle, at yard...... 119C CHILDREN'S 1105E. Fine lace stockings in tan oxily, ail sizes, ca.n'tbe bought i9 frlesa than 25c, price pe paîr ... 9 * I I -: i 1 1 ) 1 PVT I ' ...,.. The Voe~m ~ It's likely that many of you are planing on taking a vaca= tion before many days. My but aren't there always a lot of things to buy before one can say good-by. The store best fitted to supply your vacation and summer needs is the Globe. Our Unes of cool summer apparel as well as other things to add to your vacation conifort art as corn- plete as you could wish ta choose troni, while our clearance sale, whfch has caused ail prices througheut the store to be greatly lowered, prov4ies a timely oppdrtunity for economy. WAUKEGAN, You'll Need a Suit Case, Trunl( or Bai if You Are Goin ' on a î rp and Here i13 The Place té uit. You may buy your traveling outfit at the Gilobe with the absolute assurance that yon are getting the beRt for the least money. _eOur trunks and siit ceues are exceptionaly strongly constructed and of splendid ap- k pearance. At $3.98 we offer special an al leather suit case, extra select stock, 24 inch steel trame, reinforced leather cor- ners and handle, canvas Iined. %O Youll readilv see that it is IýP worth more that a-e ask . ....3 O!For a&7 imock in Some Cool Shady po That's just wh&t the most of you are wiahing for and ita juat what you ca-n' al have without spending much money either. We will furnish the hanimock at a very moderato et atb298 if you will furuishth shady spot. We're feturing special for tomorrow a splendid iea&q8 1 ý

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