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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 11

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WAUI<EGAN 10 LOSE HALL (iAS Offer of Ohio Cty ls to be Ac- cepteil at Meeting of Compmny Tonight Ofers Fre e Building and Grounds Worthi $20,000 for Location of Plant Offer Wil Undoubtadty Be Accepted as PlantlHas' Guigrosan Present Headquartars and Wili Not Buy Hare When This Otffr Ha, Bean Mad-Hall Just Back trom Trip toi Scena wilh L. C. Prrce. 1 rîr i .5 îi - i)rai iv Sui i Vr arri-yrrr t-. i nS lime liHall Oas Co.vrr-ir A iiirrý-llig of tire coor paie>rIr r allen for toigirt wlîen a vote ,l 15 iii ir miiiouna lIixwsiion a lly ri r r.wrrrt rnir Ohlio u0lias made tu Brob liaIrriiirr'r rf lie roirpany, forilire ft ru i rreplanrtt irere and lirere r - otr -tloir fr tlire al'eplantte oftlire uSerI i io a irnu of$0 00foi tire ýia i io urrf t ire planlltirhere lui omet>' du . idn n) stingsaraieattanired tlu i ,,irîv MOIrî rturnrcalfi<m a viail I. r i. it. r1%atnd laenliruseil wiiir tef ,il r iade, lie belevee It heast for iii cornrîany to accept. Tire trip waE . 1 W1TOFRUNEN MAN Leaped Ili.# hOrk.ssFr. Car si fai$ Trais ai Nerf hChkage macle wth teitî(otirnty Treasurèr Price bIn ri', aitri iind Iiecirded mop; ail tirroîrgir0110,ltir.atira aide trip loto Virgii,î Thi wo P tri airrday andi reurned thia mmirir. At tire Ohjo lty wiich la makijritie r.ffer tutrire companiyt the to miet tir etcty officiais and prorniicut irmen, were sirown tire en- tire ciii, aCre expiained the uffer ln detai and weré» mucir bnpremsed as a resfriti Tir- ofer lit a free aile with a iree building onIiiL, pieîîtly large Pîruigh for thre tacirîry for a nirtuir of years tu cone and lire makirrg ready of the building for tire factory. Tire 011r represects tuiiy $20.000. Toilav Mr. Hall stated traItirhe re- nirrali rorîr Warrkegait wouid be on sac crourirt of lire atrirlute necesaiiY Of se- r rring trrger quartera. 'We cannot kecîr ri) wilir unr orders tii Our Preiei loratiliri.' ie satied. We nîlgiri Bird a ile large errougir ln Waukegari irrî we woild ire fooiliairltu buy land ani erect a faciury wiri we have anri narr uffer as lue .IL will bie for ibeoe reso ona lirat lthe cumPaiiY wili leave Wankegair1. Tire Hall Gris Englue (Cru l; (rire of Waukegans bIret narraîtie IL is une of tire few PIaeru ltirieinîriruîs sklited lirbor Peiirl.i% andrIl i ltl re greaily mismrealfront lire rity. Ilia par rolla8 bg fur tire irrîlîrtrr oft mciienr- Silice iii atari Il iras elrJoyerl grerui ployédcic4 r oe i er ci lîg iigIr çrsV irosperi v arrd lirasgrowna ir nni nuall r tbicîr lie Idea utfiravirrg ru)walk froorFnBiamal. tir ing hePa'r tic arift ibillas Wikgr iiiig i iid ejid Aides de-camp---.Jlet' E Ct? Aciorrofft nflto tirE darirris agfduprali ,; th,' r trhaue duly Hon- ie landealriouonun cons. It E.W. Wiliard, 4. E. Corneéit onl upper iealirerr.tiifo r ,rm>srrcir a,,nas eleven ri nigiiasd pilcir dar k.EhrtJon LmgEM are turied it b.îr v ire IVldër 'nairninig (runiri and rire ildinig ut cinders M a" Tannirg Co.is rordriced froni iwenly unnithtie Imptact ut tire body coul perr inItiigi aw ru seven and bie ireaý-d.Then lire allen aruse.sag- Tire Hamiltou'Ole bahuiflia une-irait pet Vent Par-re law. bereal u t te raiiroad tracks again, at Ravinia Paak-JuW~ 29. ulier, tougiist r - O15~~5~V rW Mcii's Pante, 3*5for choice of t grat- ______est lune of Dres ~u sers this store has ever at $5.00 and $6,00. Boys' Pants - 39c - - for regular 50c vaIy s. "a n 59C for reg. 75c kflickerW I~s ent of This Big Store made big preparations to prove to every famlly ini Lake visit this store mencing Thuraday, August 5th Underéwear Specials, 1 cper garment for Underwear that 25c 16cws geatvalue at.............. 3,5 for a large assortment of regular 50c quai. 5clty Linderwear. Boys' Play Suit., one plece, Just the thing 15C for these hot days ................ Youths' Long Èant Suits ages 15 to,.19 years 5e75 for choice of yoths' Suts thât sold ftotm $10.00 to $15-00. P4.t of the Iatest stylés, but ALI wool aW4d ýlI give excellent shftwfa*ý tIoc, wear, and scr- vIce. A great -'ý au the price, .5 Boys" Blouse Waists Men's Fancy Vests s 1.5for Vests wOrýjh up to ......... $15,75 A great opportunlty tù, buy a suit thât I. Worth-, 020, 82250, ad M.~ most!snapPY1 .M4te clothlng sold laWauk cean. For ciolc'ee of Young. Men'jý Suilt% -17 to19, lip to s 0-v 3p RCT.DII»ES !ELECTCIC CO, BUILDING PIER ONTo Overcorrie San iSRireTrnrrh- ON SUR LCOMMO rive 5 Po elrsiratrr. ares T ppair e lrearrge anrrrrrîrîrt ,t rrr. l i. flave Rena htir ir trilngIr>' rr lnrî ru I. rrrr ,., là planIii mmi . te \rrrth ir lrrr -- and ait down, on thre rails lthmtink It- &ver, £àzit gaflterlire taItillgirts of tire elpress medîlalîvein, PARTRIDIE IS NAMED te egdli.Grànd Army Ataistaift Auijw. tant Binerai. (From Wedoeeday's Darîr ,Sunt) General P. C. Hayes. Wi-tern ave- nue, Whro wasa îeted 10 lir, offce ut Btate commande? o! lire (irarrd Army & lire Rpihflblc At tire annuai tate meeting beld Lat-Aumra May 18, 19I Anrd 20, bas orgmalzed hie staff. The appolntments, whlir wre annourrced yesterday, are glven ieioa Stff Officers. Aselatant Adjtan t Getri-Cira. A. Partrldge. Waakçgan. Seniur Vice Commander-john S. Varley. Chiéago. Junior Vice Cofarander iïdward S. Jiohnson,. Pprlngtàla.1 Cirpan-Rev."i. 5Jllare New Ueo. 01,111I. Medîcal Dretor-Dr witiam M. Hanna. Aurura. Judge Advocat-D B. Snow, Gi taws. Pattrlotlc Intr*Ctor-J B Sine,(Chi- Cirief of Staff-4amwe 0G llwood jo- liet. Council of A4lulnlatratlon-R. m Campbrell, Peoria% , S . Wrightî, Wood stock; A- D. LWd*alader, Lircoln; Willim AnÉrwwttIJeurnr go r rrnrlr:ilrV r. e'vieurg te rnr, irrrilr i.ut. rrf Its. plrantirborritrr t)rrr ,) fr--t frtrrýi lrto tire lake, O tIlrr mrimte limre arr . Ici bbcg dr-rital cevr-rirea uprIAriofut len n . rtr-r trrr rire iotiri 'ri, In o .e rrr nr O- r'.iar 'r ru i rrirtrt rroft t ir- argl'r rîrrrrrîr of srrcd ti tr, c. u iroirgirth ir n î dowur lgirr n-otin rrr-irr ,ýtat ite sg e Itr'i pirr lie . rtrrg tire nrr Iilrrasandoi. rririiii. tir lri4, ri i'irir rrrr- cliii 'trrrrirrg 'tlir.- rrrr1i arass rtartrrl irrdrr Th'n.,rituii là, prît dr-ci .-irrrtrrr rtrîfrrlow- Iirg 'A,11> o. ri iirfior . thir r tire Irir w f ar' ir rr' rirai rof ioat. s d.iri-rsmntire rinuru îry states ilire wartor w iii nul lic tri. eigirt h-et di' a t i ts nidu. JOHN MW'ER DIES 0F IMJURIE&; itrerrl Boy FeIl Into Tub of Beiliaig Wath Water. (Fr rrnWednesday's Sun,) .Irrrr Ieyer, thre year and a hall, oid on otr.rand lIra. Jus. MeYer Of m, KmrI.rtr.trv wiru wlle bit Illr e ,, a iasi tfeuloito a tub ot Il. 'ii['r" xr.tefr 'mhile ber bak W" ti il ., I Ii dl tt ifIl'ht at tire hoepil& or 1 r'ý1q 'iten ie sustained. I i ati ittti. , ocr a day alter 'l h j olpi.t tort. toitbtisamorr1Int d.rtii iiontirruirnsreteivel. '1 w ýa art cile. \t- 'r nor ir nthe Globre depart- ANOTHER DIAMONO SHARK?1 Tir t uisla liat Sotirer anspectâi (il immiotirri hariç cane lu Wrukegarn un tLir bort yesterday and trled td rrrrî r- e-riouiraucenafrally. -Il lg her ritirett'poiie that Ihioria ýare, tnalhrig tire boat trip to Wankeg=i Ili or diqr ira mark rre irperty that Miq re siilietiifrîrti i 'irgu res. (Frolo Wedue5day'B Su.) Camp Logan la u ire thie scene of eni ~ - immense coropetitive ushoot on Anc. '~' 12, 13 aîîd 14. iren tireIlîlinois State r Rifle Association n-il fillthre ranges andl n-lul ry for recorda at lire targeta. Tire associatin la compoaed utfsi'0lY men aird civiliana and troa snnai l shoots. Tire numirer tirat w-Ilb taire part null proirabiy ire large. Usatyea tire aîn.eiatioti beini a cunipetitiveU L A L ê EW .T T r shoot witîr tue regular arnry and wer'e defeateal iy only elgirt points. Tirha B I~I T 10.-301 ÉZ assiociation made higirer scores tran Trappeti Morss.ii ly VCsumed t iaraeters, Kings, Queena, Kngigt, lire army on tire short rangesabtlt t iidier4 ruS Ciiianý tnr-chitig Pi phanir I aaan cf Canards. Mlttary &à dcIe out on tire long range non. Thia year Badý toail Molur.in Nlr&hj-rre 1rh Coder Iridescent Shem ou a TIsO it clashres witi tire arury at Camp Per- shinnei[Ig Baniern ,'l'en Acres utf WaLerproof Tenta-Coma, Rale or ry Oi:o, but only the association shootF < So L t-Atr 1i wl ehelal at L.oganFLllv no So .t r* M COMMITTEES F0P' YEAR r COo M yt. .95 Ps U SêDIRECTING THE TOUR 0F (PIrwfl Wednesday's Sun)I Tire prealdent ùt Waukegaîn Tytuo- grapiricai Union, NO. et b as orade jg WN E . tire tuiirwiirg apointitents on varlour ffEORA ' PR~OO~TOTR~~E r~~ commtreesi: AND ALL <W MéE ~AUrtFUL TROPfiES Éý tdDÏÈ%Rlê Board of appeals: Bni l Henderaoii. BOW4!, FTCl WILL ALSO OE EXIIJIED W. Hl Grama, . DHamilton. ' C tUnion label: P. W. New-iouse, W. Ail 1r L H. Graves. John Gelling. fT e 0r Arîditing bibis and accounts: tieti T .Çs urn Bidinger, Tiros. W. Danielis, W I-- THF_ NEL.SON FrêMILY, dIDING Secord J Craistituliotr and by lawa XX'ait ROoNEys, Mi4RlE I1È1ERý, Temprle. Wiiiianî Artz. -J, W. lutcii FLORAODENI,i GENA", NI lnson. TIEO. BARTIK TROUePEp Ilnfair officesanmd tînfair nien: RIIOA ROYAL ME4ACIE Tena Reýcktenn-aid, Wiliiii Pick, C. HORSES AND IIUNDREDS 0F_~ tI. Liogie. Cenretery: 8. H. Bradbrury, Clar-OT RS ence Siieiirei, W. B. Joues. *lthé 06r t0 People Empieved; 50 Dou4Iamleb Cara. 12 % uWaler FINA VOIVA ERDCT ightfVents. 500 Animais. 20 Cameis. Judge Wright Cute $20000 VerdIite UN RLC0~ $10000-1419 New Trial. "V FRisKY cLW$ w N'tem Wedniidayis- UN.$ rl On tir ecorraetr0, t 01toîea orBilîNl SIB tire pisintif s. Attorneys Orvia and îw èeetrlit alerJrdeWrighrt ias overruied mlso rli un . ot :r mMe by Atrrnev (qeorg e geni fiflelda ln tire Motrer»kll-Vo)l1va sl*rder uit ai W04tock, 'but ba.s ont tire 1 verdict tren $$0OO th $10,000. Tire 8 chtrie owed. Abe emmco f !Motir- AFEM , A M - raili1s #ttomen elS(Oaeq0tthre re- ed v.iilIt. Volîva lbu SInw bttDoors Open One rt w Jefore rues e éft. an appeal te the 1eNru ~ le$pm;artor. Lb, vrttW a fluaiThea DI tt<auLTe . s ;d qýî0Slho fo WAUtI 51 Del we pay! Shoes A blg hUne of 3.50 Oxfords to be closcd, out durlng this sale at 2*75 Tans, ox.bloods, patent & gun-metal, Our 4.00 values 3«25 Dr. Reed's cushion sole ahees are the coolest and M~ost comfortable shoe sbid. 3.00 values, for this sale 3,95 :NS, .aU Cail Caps Caps es' Overao à Instance of Providence tirat Watchîs Ovr Intbriates Cornes te Atten. tien When Ailn Jumnps Fast Train te Maire Northr Chicago Station, Landseln Cinder Heap, Rubt Bruis- at and ita on Rail 10 Thînk. i From \Wednendar '-r Daiiy Son t Trat lire age(ut miriacles la trot yet Last ivansirown late 3ionday nigirt ai NortirCiicago station of tire Noriirmertern road wiren a for- eigner. drîrni, leaîred off a trainr go- loy at a fuity uie arrtirour clip aird escarrealunscatired. Witîîessea. wiro were few aay tirat lire ian was so drunk that ire could n01 îrossilly tavigate. As tire fast trainr roiied Imb Northr (Ciicago, fear- fuilthaï.tit wouid nul slow down for irloi. tire aileir went ou nt mbtlie plalfor ni. hesitaied a moment, and DIVIDENft ON r TUESDAY M41e '*udnefidats Dliy Brin i Houdera et Stock Hare Wii Soon Be Notiflsd that Steel Common Stock, Sold l« Local Mili., Draws Titres-1 Fourtts of One Par Cent Dividend for TiisQuartar or Titree Par Cent Annually at Titis Rate. I!e iruodred l oderur of steel corn- mon, who acqnired lireir stock lirruugir sale lu tire local Amnerican Steel and Wire CJo. plant, reJolceal witir reason tria morninan- New York, July 27-Common stockr of the Ulslted States steel corporation .was placed upora a 3 per cent dividenal tisais hy tire action ufthtie directurg here on Tnesday lu deciariug a quar- îeriy dlvidend uft tlree-fourtirs ot une per cent. Tire regular qsîarterly dlvi- demi of one andl lhre'e quarrera per cent waa aiso authorIzed on tire pre- rerred stock. Tire later disrldend ln ancirangea. but tire raie on tire com- mun stock ta Increaseai une-quarter of one per cent uver tire previolis quar-, ter. Steel commun bas heen paying, rwo per cent aouuaily since 1907. lu 19(l6 it was only o ne and une-haIt Pet cent.,nwhile there n-as nu dividenal In 1804 or 1906. Tire companys officiai report statea tire total earnings for tire quarter, at- ter deductlng operating expensea, In cluding tirose for ordloary repara and maintenance of plantéanad tire Interesl on bonds aud ixed chargea tu sub- alaia companles, were $29,340.491, anr lncrease of $9014736 as compareri n-lth tire saine periool ast ytiar. Af- ter reducing $6,017.096 for sinkmni tonds on bonda of suhidlary courpan- les and depreciation andl reserve fun tirere remained net earnings of $23,- ?23,395. Tire satement of earnings lit montirs shows that tire business n-as progresslveiy better nitir eacir monti ut tire quarter. Rarninga iry moulin were: April, $8.163.324; MaY, $9.6jl. 228; Jue,$1.6Ol. BiG AIJGUST SHOOT AT LOGAN Illinois State Rifle AssOciatren MoitI Three-Dsy Moel. WilliamýAndMw 1 iv(wi - . Aj ........... $3,6,00

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