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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1909, p. 2

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ANT ADS Mn. Keller sud son, frooe Elmbust = ~bave bee' speuding a few doas wllht Scets par line .ach insertion. Mr. and Mr@. Henry Kaue. r.celveci for Ion than 2655Cts. Mns. Oet, Sr. and Mns. Oo Ot' Jr. vi@ited with Mr. and Mne. W uV l of Lk Zurich, one day Iset week. Frank Wenban, of Lake Forent, called REAL STATEon Fred Towner last Weduesday. -1OPISA'LE OR RENT-Store roont Mr. and Mr@ George Mitchell and vri* living rooms above. F. G. PAYNE, daugbter. Luella, lef t lat Weduesday *ra ie. . 45-2 for an extended trip in the western statÀm. -----____----------______ Mne. Miller, froin Lake Villa, oent Fr1- FOR SALE OR RENT-My house aud day wTlh Mns. Poult.ou. lot on thecorner of Milwaukee Ave. and Mr. Weîekopf, accompailed by..hls son Fair Skreet .M. Archer. 41-if and wîfe, froni Springfield, are sponding -----a few days wth relatives In Ibis ein- tty. FOR SALE-Eïght roo.in bouse on Mnsd n.m.epkrdoet bramnerd Court, ail modern convenienese r n Ir.W .Lmkrdoet Inquire CuAs.KLrPPER, Lihertyville. 11 Des Plaines Sunday. Phone 1144. 34-tf Tbe Diamond Lake Aid je to bave au -----------_____________ ce cream, social on Mr. George Rayes lawn Thurday eveuiug. Auguet lZth. FOR SALE-Lots In the Dymond and A short prograin jes hiing prepared and1 Austin subdivision, 50xI4>O: 100 eaerý everyone sbould try and attend ps aB $6 dowu, $5 per tnonth. Dy!,oND & go d fime is aseured, am Mr. and Mn., AUMTN. 40-tf ay are royal entertniners, and theirc .1_______________ lawu iS an ideel place for a social. The 90 AL Rtu 0NT-.Me' bouse at proceeds are for thechumcbh. corner of Milwaukee Avenue sud Lakte Stmet. L'ULU MÂTTOCE. 45-3 LOTS FOR SALE-lu the B. J. Grimes ab.dlvlulon of Libertyville, mouth of .lettic road on Miwaukee avenue. B. J. 0a'x. wnen. 15 tf fORf RENT-Stiore roomu on Milwaukee avenu, central location, formerly oc- oupied by fruit stand. Inquire C. H. K.uaa, Lihortyville, Ill. 45-tf FOR SALE-Acre lot@ on Dymonds aubdivision, lose to towu and electrie en»e. PicsSSOO.OO . DvetoND&AUSTIN 40-tf FOR SALE-Pnoperly known ai Father Rcalan's reeideuee; ooarly acre ofground en corner wlth fruit sud shade trees sud twn story building vith latet improvo- menta. Thiee additional resldencea tan Ie built on this corner; might conaider dflding. Id . . JOuNBON, Cook Ave., or P. 0. Box 79, Lhortyville. 18-if OR SALF-CboGim lots lu C. Frank Wrigit'à addition, 50x150, for $200.00, 12500and$300.00. DymoND & AuSTIN. 40-t! FoRt SALE-86O acre lmproved farm in Red Lake County Xian , good buildings; - labt divide. i. O7 Joiesort, Cook Ave., or P. O. Box 79. Libertyville. 17-tf PA"IS-We have a large list of Lake o-v 0081 armato meSlausoum~ and lots là vOila. Dnsoisn à Ausyli. 40-ti FR EEM< #Op r ENT-PUanie, Players, Orgsus, O up, ent alowed if pnrchaaed. ~lamlAgency, Luce Furniture Store. $011 RENT-We bave a kew god rod- om 8boosanmd fiatu to ent. DYliNu & .AW~L40-tf FR SAME FMB ALE--Scotch CoUle pupe, 6 weeks -o4. 1&00Oa piece if tagmn at once. 6. IY. FtuLMAE, Long Grove, B. R. No. UPr"frlView, IIL FOR SALE-Aultman-Taylor 12 h. p. 1ecttbu msgla. la good repain. Or wilI trade it for cattle or sheep. T. D. Cot.x, Çpriag Grove, DIL 44-4 FMOR SALE-Buggy and barneme. Vhs.p, Âiu.asrGouLu, Libertyvîlle.filI. 45-2 FOR SALE-Our slave silo (100 tans ospaelty) sId our blizird ensilage cuti- ter, bath a@ good as new. Apply to Mo- Coxm=t's m a, Lakte Bluff, 111. 42-4 FOR SALE-Young bay diviug horse, ebeap il taken at once. B. H. Fîsg, Llberta'viile, 111. Phono 1423. 4r>2 FOR SALE-S8ilo tombe,-, cheap, C. 1. cArnET.Llbrtyvllle, 111. 45-2 FOR SALE-1000 lb horse, bargain, r4 Apply N. O'BiEIREN, Lihertyville, ni,-ear flower bouse. MONEY TO LOAN MONEV TO LOAN-On Impnoved farne at 5 pen cota. DUN it & AUSTIN. 40-tf IWANTED) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hokerneyen and daugliter, Alice, epent Mouday and Tuesday witb theiîr eiter, Mm. Fred Towuer. Mrs. Poulton and son are speuding a few daya witb relatives in Libertyville.r Mrs. Ost, Sr. spent Tuesday at Mil. waukee. A number fromu attended the camp meeting at Des Plaines Sunday and tbey aIl report a good tinte. Dont fonget the $unday School con- vention Augnet lStb. AIl are cordially invited to attend.1 Mfr. and Mmi. George Kigge sud1 family 8pent Sunday with their parents ut Lakte Zurich. Sunday School at 1:,'0, preaching followiug. Mr. R. B. Bagshaw, of Evanston, will have charge of the ser- vices and hie topic will h5 "The Love of God." Everyone is invited to corne aud meet Mn. Bagohaw. Miss Mary Rein entertained ber brother from Chicago Isat Sunday. Miss Aima Blackt returued Tnesday fnom a two week's eiay witb fieude West 0f the village. The many friends of Mm. Spechi will be glad to know ghe le rapidly regaining ber bealtb after an operation for appen- dicitia. Mns. F. A. Dollon retunned home Saturday fnom Dolton Station, wbere aeet aweek visiting relatives and l Mr. and Mns. Jas. May, of (4r&alake, were guse of Mr. and Mm. Irving Payne, Sunday.. About the buieet man in town ls Mitchell Blacx, the le creatm n. The growing demand ie sufficient proof of the quality o! bis creant. H. J. Bell, the harnem maker wbo bas been lu business bere, moved to Lake Zurich this week, wene he expects to locale. Mm. 8. D. Kranier sud cildreu are bore front Chicago to @pend a few week'a wltb relatives. The attendante at churcb last Sunday waff @mal Ontaccoutit o! m&ny attoit- ding the Dou Plaines camp meeting. 8. L. Tripp bas secured tbe contract of furnisbiug the lumbor of over two hundred tbonsand fent, makinîg several car loead', for gbeldon'a Univesity build- ing, whlcb Is o o uilt In our village. Miss Blanche Mitchell epent last week wltb ber @inter, Mn. Jack Dolleumnir, of Llhertyville. Mn. Paul Pegelow sud Miss Mvrtle Richards were Rockefeller callers Tues- day of lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Biruoy Mason vislted their son, E. H. Manou sud wite, Sunday. Mn. sud Mrs. H. A. Kuoph entertalued Mfr. sud IMn. E. Fritsch and daugbsers, of Chiago, lait unday. Mr. and Mn. Knoph were Libertyville taller, Fiday. Mr. and Mn. S. E Knedlrentertalned Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and daughter. Opal Marvin. aleo Prof. Finkheiner, of Napervilie. over Sunday. @peut Suuday lu Chicago. Lloyd Maithen fasentertainiug a cousin front Wauconda Ibis woek. The Ladies' Aid of Prairie View will test wiih IMn. 1sf. W. Kuedlernenot Thuneday, Auguet 12th. Even.youo comne. Villons rordially velconte. Mnm. Wnt. Stanclifi epent Friday at Des Plaines camp meeting. Mm. WilllRay, of Diamond Lakte, viei- led with bon cousin, MmrsÀ A C. Richards, Friday. Services next Sunday same as ususi. Rev. Koeneke will preaeh ntonning sud evening. ho baviug rturned front bis trip lo Colorado. BOARDERS WANTEO-AIout Auget 1M-. Will pTom pson, Mrs. Will Smith 1, 1 viil ho prepanedtu totaie Lotimersi, stM.Spia Kapp1eo! Orayslake, veet furulshed roumi, sud furnmnîe tealspel Fiday wlth Mn. and Mn. B. S. ttrous. Mise OttAtwt idiurneCon west o! Pnsebytenian chiurcl itu ruhardRND T Sre.44-4 O DU _________________________ Thore was a Chapel tan ben lest week - oowhich mate many PeOPle Chritlas sasd WANTED-Dreesmabons and ne-dl,- tht-yv are sîso going lu esîabllah a SUD- *pbr.to preservo thein eete ighî lry day School. "motlng a pair of Our Feintitill2 ttti k lsse. Dr. L. B. JOLLry, North CicagIo, Misses Mildned and Dela 8chwantit, of ~ -te,44-tI arentue, 8epent SUuday at this place. IRiini ont M'hite Socks defealed Bigh. landParkCrDeent ina ûbail gam:tSun- thie o-iî gaule îiiayed between the two teaul,btnRionduiut won hoth. O ,.WANTED-Holt Brothen, lv$aio elfotabit e * LEUW»'llle,111haysltait. i-aIurdcy, recelvlng st-vert sud interna itîîîurîes. but they have hope' Adjofe0o Notce. for bie rei-lvery. gotte, la bos*ehi 0ýecstest theesuiob t i. the weiîk ni-mest that am trylng r taymetlland Teatcast outlfor helli Tuthel p them, don't tI oe inaedtednng the Storia-ii or eintulats the heart r lu -waekegae.on ki va~. 'tt ewnong. Vitaline tua An* 7s41ftceme; b.r es wsefrlmneii ne-es twlth Dr Md baing Soop's Retonativo and 500 bow last têeaetee@sae tasacourt for good heaith wililcorme lu you-agaln. Test it andsese. Soit by - - -.-ALL DEALERL WAUCONDA H. C. Werdeu returned home Seliurdav aflter a tbnee weeks tri p thnougb tbe eaat anid reporte a very ploassut tinte. Mn. Martiu sud daugbter, of Chicago,. were guesîs of Mn. and Mns.Wm Tidmash durlug the pait week retuning honte on Tuesday. Bomn to Mr. and Mn. Hugli Martin, ou Monday morning, a daugbter. Robin Pratt neturned home Saturday alter a mnonth'e vieit in the city with bis ejedter, Mr@. Judeon, Miss Colla Geary v iaited fionde aI Mcileury. Sunday. Born to Mn. and Mne. P. Peteroon, a nîne pound baby boy, on Thnneday, July 22. Mfr. and Mm. H. J. fichaffer, of Mcflenry, speul Satunday eveuing sud Sunday with relatives in our village. FloYd Carr. if Barringtou, spet Suuday et lue home hene. Mn. and Mînt. V. 1). Kinthail entertainoti the !ollo%%iniz guets at diinen Suuday Mr. and tIrs. l-arny Bassestt sud daugh- ter, Mr. andl Mrs. Coxhead, Miss@'Villa Dixon anci Mn. Mîceal, of Chicago, Mn. and Mn. Lu lie Itixon. of Lake Zurich sud Mn. anti'Ans. Harvey Dtxon. I4u -iW. JEe hum je~va entertmafnet athe Seas The frieÜde of Amblle Nesmlîhare ver OO o10bear of blea udden death. B died of tyyhold levrer. only ilck sixteen Sdya e ived st Roecrans nmre timei tâsgd . nay fri1ndahos. Mn. and Mms. rack Shea vlsited SUn. day wlth Charle. Lewin. Mm. EveretLilly sud daugbter viit- egfrend be@ Watwook. She issaoon to go wemt. Fred Lesbie m"tnt Sunday at home. Miss MlIdted Eddy is spending ber va- cation at bom&e Denula Reardon came very noean losing his borné and rig the other eveing aI Mion. A nelgbbor found the bornestom- log home andl 100k it hack lu Zion car une. Miss Lizzie Hogan teaeuaying -uith hon esnter lu Wankefln. Mré A. Don sud daughter Floy @pont Sundây at Rosecrane. The Mount Ileet Cemelery Society will meet wlth Mr@. Alex Munrie, of Kenosha, Aug. 11, tu take dînuer. Ail mentien are requesteil ta ho preseut. Miss Betha Crawtord visiteti Ethel Lewin laeelweek. Mns. T. D. Newell called on relatives hons one day lait week. Mr@. H. Young visiteti ber siseur here Sunday. Mr& Julia Tuttle loft ton Chicago Mou- day, wbere @ho vili @pend a few weeks. Rimer Faulkner Is venv 1ev witb ty- phoid lever. Bis son le hotten. Farmons are vory huey iiitting grain. Tht- King's Daoghrers met w i thNMro. Olive Wel$sIbis W .eek. DEERFIELD. NMrs. Emil Fredenicks andlmot). of Arlington Hsighta. are vîeîting with C. W. Pettis sud famiy. Ou Sunday evening a biby boy arrived Mns. F. E. Ma.yer and children are at the home of M. and Mr@. Leot visiting in Tnaer, Iowa, with the Wamsley, wbo reside near MeElenry. Warfeld family. 1.nr. Wamsley was forinerly Mie Befflie Miss Betkermeir, of Pt-ru, Ill., le the- Martin. guest of the Bosold fanîily. Mn. and Mns. B. B. Maintan visited The Keyetone Longapue of the U. E. friende at Long Grove, Suuday. churcbh feld a businees meeting and Mns. Jos. Toxisky, of Cary, and Miss social est the honte of Milton Frantz, Winnle Pratt, wbo ih spendin3g the Moniday nigbt. pummer with ber si4ter lu Chicago, @petit Mies Hazel Suvdom, of Glencoe, @pet1 Wednendav with their parents, Mr. sud lait week witb Mahel Hlonubenger. Mrs. C. L. Pratt. Mn. aud lins. Fred Ellennteyer, of Harry Orantham le entertainlug a Ch'cage wre the igueste of Mn. and friend front the cdly, Ibis week. Mns.YChs.Elleumeyen over Snnday. Mn. aud Mn@. E. J. Moyens bad for thein Teabele Biedentadt lo ependlng a grueoto Sunday, Mn. sud lire, H. T. montb at Anisquam. Mass. BennIt ud fntiy, o DoPlales. The, Ladies' Mieionary Societyme Misses@ Mary and Etta Meysnis, of Tburedayj witb Mr@. Craft.c Mtfieury, and Mines Rutb Moyens, o! Mn,. Weidonfller f Chicao la visit- 1 Chitago, were the gueinte of Miss May iug witb ber daughe ,Mrn ad Maitua, Monday. Joe Gibson la viitiug relatives lu t Miss Jennie Senuott was a Chicago Belleone, Iowa.1 visitor Tuesday. IL E. L. Holmes la viitiug lu Janes. I Mises Edith Geary le spendiug the week ville, Wis. Sca Mcery bbncusn n . Mr. sud Mrn. Harold Flower are Scbsler.atteuding the Seattle exposition Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stevens came ont Mne. Mubîke, of Highland Park,lata from Waukeagan to spend a two week's tingheat al. vacation, havlug rentedl the Pierrevîtigl.atfmiy cottage. B. C. Hlli is stoppiug witb Rimer Antes la pending a two week's< tbem, vacation In lowa. The village board field their regulai îJIM1 ntontbly meeting at the village ball on I LA EZMRCHi Mondav evenlng and pessed ou several his that wore preenled sud O K'd by Woodmen piculc Thurmday, Aug. 12. the finance cohmittee. H. Cook chair- Don't mine lit. man of the lire sud water committee Mr. sud Mr@. Wnt. Bnefchiug made a reponted that a band pump had bentilp to Mlwaukee, Tuesday. ordered for the sprinkler sud as acon a it arrives arraugement@ will he made bt, Peter Knowe of Palatine, bai the sprinkis the streets for the balance of the COntrati for the new cemout walk to the seanson. The board hal planneti earlier tbtrb at 9%c per square foot. lu the season tel instali a regular pump- Pnusia & Ficke have sonte fine orna- ing plant with gasoline englue sud mental posta at their fattory.e aupply tank but found tbat the condi- Wm. Tonne and family, Emil Frank ' tion of the village finance for the yeran sd family sud Mr». H. Seip weme Foxe wonîdn't warrant it so a more econontie Lake viiton lait Tbursday. plan was suggested and the pumIng Tbeopai fsodreoIer plant will bc postponed until some ,future wayhe om veo f o Serdn camedr tinte. Ilans were also diwsueed for ab oremendsy FogtSeiancme improvlng the laIte front of the village hr odyngt park and the matten wai ef t witb the Chai. Zetkel sud Walter Weisen, o! committee on public improveentetu Chicago, eac bhought four lots of Henry start work ais oon ai the water wasHlîman in his subdivision, where tbey fowr onougb sud wonkmen coufid h5 inlend vo hufld Ibis fait. This makes ecured. t la the intention of the board fouirleen lots Mn. Hilîtesu bai sold in to have the parks lake fnont in fine shape the lait two ntuts. He bas twelvep for next season wilh a fiue batbiug more ut $75 per lot.1 beach sud the possible eretion of a Tbe hall gante lait Sunday, Lakte publie bath housessud make l an ideal Zurtch vs Arlîngton Heighâts waiau necreation place for bothourlocal people easy vtctory fon the home noeiant. Score and city gue4ts. 17 to 4. Boysessud Soilen were the The msuai annual lawn fete sud enter- i liattenies for Zurich. They will play the ttalument will be given on the Caîholiet ititie leant aut the Woodmn picuit chnrch grounds, Waucouda, Sunday i 'iuîTbiureday, Aug. 12th, for a purse alternoon aud eveniung, Ang. 8. The o 25 work o! deconatiig the grounds sud Miss Emma Schaffer, o! Wauconda,t erectlng of stands for the varions aide visited ber parents bers Saturday sud iattractions ie lu ho dons on Saturday. Sunday. Accondingly thons will ho nothlng loti for Snnday but the social sud eojo3able WEST FREMONT. part of the fe tival. The m anagement Frnek niat trnaueted busines in are using every effort t0 malle titeoveet Mdllenry Saiemilay. aurpame any o! lué kind that bai itherto MisTlîTkapsenSndra taken place. An elahonate supper will honmeTli eap aetSna, ho served on the grounds front 5 p. nt bule o'clock at 25te oath for adulte audT5c lRaymndlMNeyer sud Helen Tekampê for children. LontonaJe. tre cri-arn, epPut Sutiday at home.a cake, toUe sud sandwiches will be Mm. sud M ri. Peton Meyer are enter- senved tbronghout tse afteruoon and taining tli-t daughter. Luelha sud son, evening. A caidy tand wlIl ho pnovlded froue Chicago. for a few days fon the childnen. Special effirt ls belug Frank Martin espeut Snnday lu Wau. 1made that lheprogram of entertaiument kegan. 1ho ai enjoyable ai possible, Il willl Brinan Colman sud Tlle Nordntoyen, consiet o! select mniel, songe, sud reci ta-ofBrigu iitdSnautWl lions al l ntenop.rnod with vaudevilleof arngt vsidSnyaiWI performances. The Wantoudaorcheutra oîarn.i will sulivon the occasion with their bemtt Careie rekampe Iso pending a feu, instrumental slections. For the honeit da3e utai rayrlake. of the curions snd axilons young ladies M. sud Mme ro rd Wagner vialted $un- and gentlemen an expert In the fortune dey asttonîta Frank Erbar'a.. tellinglino wifl hoou hapd. A number Henr3 Ti-lanîpe and wife were Rocks. of oth r aide attractions will ho on the feller callers %Weduosdayv aflennoon. grounde. Needîpt-s « sy that a us e njoyahle tinti eisnes]toevervbody. - WARREN Brieg your frit-nde. AIl ar-e welco. Misesfiitîi. sti-arnuis eutertalnlng ht-r (;ate@ open ait 8 p. in. uiote, lins. llaricock, If Mason Cty, Robin Pratt recelved hia Normal loua. *seholanrsbip crIlicate lait week s bich Tht- W'arren Ci-oit-try AsséocIation mot -ho wiin in the eighth grade competîtlve with Mi, C, . l- l)nnan, Wednaesday. 8oxanination fiieid oite 2ud -aturile'Y Cake and ive irt-nt were served. oiOf Mat 1909 for te hiileet average lu the- chools In Wauconda towi.shlp Mises(ilailye Meade la vlslting at whieh oeities Ilm 10 enter any Siais Oraymlalte. bt Normal seciiîii or University fit the lste Thse 14. C. T. fi. will meet with Mn,. 1 of Illinois for a periîîd tiffoutr yan Ellewuirilîliet4-alf Wedueaday afler- oe We wieh t10 congratulete Robtin on hie Doon,!t.A5uI 1l t.uccess and trust it will inspire otiiero g i t) trive harder utit year. H L A ILMies@'sivrtie Moeerwas awarilpthIe -t etBliutaithe Muleey mhîtw cttet-t ont Thëe %- cii tie a grand boni-fit content » Satnnday evetiîiîg, havlug romlied the given liv liii moqtîben of the Chicago rlargemtDnibter f voles for the mot ,f"dratîtir if Miosat Bertels Park. ,t popular youmig lady tof Watîcotda. Hatf Date-Ill , Motîday evulng, &Angust The. LaIe County Independont anid 23 at 8:30,) Tickt. 50 Ocents. à fine Chicago Datly Tribune $3.50 per yeur prograirs i@ prontisid, Waîcb for tiss caah la ailvance. prograintlunDoxiwook's Immn. M.B"achentettàaed. ber brother sud failly also ber son sud jef over The Mlselonaryr meeting ab the paison- age lest Wodnesday wai well attendsd, Ibere being twenty-throo premnt.À speclal progralm of reading ansd rmsie bail botipnepared aller whlch Mis. Banna ervsd a luteh sud a social time wus enjoyed hy ail. Mn. Jacoby pet lust week witIx Mn., Crampton, :cf May..od. À number of mon met at the ohurob lest Tuean sd gave lb the fihet coat of peint. They expeet to put o n tbe othor coat tbis week, James VauPlew, Jr., apent Satnrdey sud Bunday wlth bim parente. A lange crowd attendeil the social at tbe George RadIte home lut Thureday eveniug. A nleâant time was euîoyed and about $16 was cleaned. Miss Emma RedIte le suterlainlng compauy from tbe City.1 1 Charlee Dolph'-i horse became frgbt- oedei at a motoncycle Suaday, ranaway tippiug bLn over and breakiug bis buggy. Martin Docker and family and WiII Decker viaited aI the Heny trahho home Sunday. WIII Hecketsweiler boIt a load of twenly-slx people to the social Thur*- day nighl, Rudolpb Dorfien @pent Sunday at hie home hone. The subject of Bey. (0. T. Bannas sermon next Sunday morulng wili ho, "The Joy of Implicit Trust" and at the eveung service, "Dave to ho a Daniel." The Adamt Titus sud Cramton familles @pent Wednesday ai Round Late, Mr. sud îrt Fred kitsch are vimiting ai tbe formecr@liarents, tMr. a:id Mno. Willard Beach. Mn. and lIre (itirom suifndchilti, if River Forcet, have be,-ui speuliltig a tew iteek@ wilh Jîihîi Hecketigweier and fantily. Mn, sud Mr@. Fred Mayuacd and daughtere, of Indiana, @pont a few days eitti the formnrs isten. Mns. Wllard Beach. Mr. sud Mr@. Jensen enteriaineti rom- pany Sunday. Frank l)olpb etarled bIs lhreshing eaon on Mnr. Jenseus8 barley last Friday. Tb$ undoralgneil wUil mmli t publiq anotion on the Frederick Hçuk ok mn 8 tol* nQrthweto01Lake Vlla and 2) mlles nortbwe.t of Round Lakte and on*-balf mlle sat 01 Long Lakteos Tbnrmday, Aount 12, 1909, nom mencng at 10 o'lnck sharp th. folio W lng d-iÎuhd proporty: ifibeadlofmilýl owvr. IDurham bull, 8 bélfers. 1 yr old 2 cafres. 8-yr-old colt, yearflin% colt bey mare wth colt hy aid#, 100Pij montb Rock cblckous, 20 tons of tau buy, 400 bushele of ose, 20 acres corn stading; cornn sholley, ésige buagi milIt walon, truck wagon and Irag =wan d box, apring toth ul4yM Cecultivator. corn plenter, new pulveasrne Y Dow; Jamrdlng plow walkingplow, NlCormlck mower h, raecorn bindur,"grain binder, ý soit barruws wagon box 10 Mllk canai et£ donule berns".,cingle harasse, oui stoye, fonks, abovole, apoides andl man: othor articles too, numeouna to mentiom Frie lunch st noon. Ternis of Sale-Ail sumo of $10 ani unden cash, on ail sunts over $101 credît of one year wlll ho glves on got- bankable notes bearing 5 par cet iuterest, No gonds rentoved uni oettled for. MR&. FaEDEcrICK HOOK, Admlnltrator, WALTER WHIlTE, Auctioneen. Tîtom. ORAuàA. Clenk. 8001< ON NORTH PACIFIO COAS' BV CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & - ST. PAUL RY. Are you coulentplatiug a trip to 9 Pacifie Northweat or tu the Alaaka.Yi kon-Pacift Exposition at &fLte? If t cail or send for new book,."North Pali Coait Country,"îisleued by tbis Rail wa, lb M Illbelp you lunîlanuiug your tril FnggE-if you cioli IIAiLED for four cci, postrage. $612 roundf iilifrtim Chicago to Sestti Taronia, Sliikeîie, i'ortland. l, î Vaneouvéî. Bttie anti otheror il daily until SoplAtehr 10. chois, routes. Stop-overm. Iteturu luit 0 tohon 31. W. W. Wi.îTON,4 District Pa songer Agent, Madison, Wls. 47-4 Ait penso)ns are recommended to tal Foley's Kiduey llenedy for backact rhoumatism. sud klduoy and bladdi trouble. It will qni-kly correct urinar irrogularits, whith, il neglo<ted. ma iteveloptntora ser-ions, Itîne.. t The stîbject of the Christian Endeavon restore health sud strength. meeting uext Sunday evening ait 7.80 FEaNKà B. LovELL. wiil ho "Why Wsr Shoulti ho Aboliwhed."________________ PAUL. MAC OUFFIN. Attany. To ail Peomaswhoma ti air coeeru Notitce It ebe ive,, test theeundereigneit. guavdtsn of Robert Rouge, atuer chut .01 WilimL ouie. aid. bas nidtu th oe Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Offceofth OZC rk f heCoueiy Court of sîtit Lake outy.Ilîlnots. ber pettlon to the sait court, ai s riguilar terni tioreof., b. beie t opposie s t. Pauli relgm iDepot tee Court Rouge te tee Cty Ot Wsukegsn. tInas e este. Couunty ou thee fint dci tif satd September Lb ry ilIln i Teri hee O. . . et*ofSaidut . beh Lbetvioegnn î th bt dyo eptemhoee A. D. 189. ai eh trne aud Place Mssld ptiltion wllii;hesrd. _________________ &ekins: for an order otfsali Court dvctine the uuderstgned aos Sueb gutrdlan tu stîl the toltowtutg destrfbed mreat te belouatiig ta Cou t a]'o nte frthe best atee f M achine Shop 1 Stat of sltu t. Inbe connuy of Lakean tteelleoli,.sud decrttied aS foulows. RBPAIR WORK 1 to-ri1 Au undIitedon Qe twenty-eenth ttenesite aIl of thee flowlnc desctbeti nal saleto-witt The Soute thirty ae, et1thessouheat quarter of theeuouthgeat quarter 0f Section 24, tnvruebp si no,th range ItI suit tf tee ti;uirîprncipal mrdan (exeeptbng therefroin teeare of lend A UTOM O I E i heretafureotinveyed to Wntlap Williams. loy w desit recordedIn t.theeRecordera offMe etLakte ORK ASPECIALTY Oouuty. Ifintois In lockl 147 of Dseds, pcge OMi and the lasuinlcudeitlIn theeplat of Nous's AditiototaRockefeller, tetue a subidvsio oFe part of theesouteaat quarter ofthel,. oueââi Engin«s Overhaulod. AFl quarter ef Section 24 In ownshilp U4teirtii oRueris- range 10 eut0f thes tein Princial mentitîcu. Ltne fS re. Tires îe wlich addition te recodIndth îe Receetera ,bl OffIce et Lakte Counti. lIllnots. lu sook B of paired. W h on luTroîîl Plat., on page 24.as document 4241.1 AISo the nortluessitquarte; of the norteast quarter ofE a~. O Section nmnter 25 lu townshitp 4( norta trange T LEPH N namben Io eus tlo the tidprincipal met-tits,, .au..Me x. ag andt ao betnit gtwentî rode norte Of thee E hcg soute weset corner 0f tee east haIt of tee norte- 6lo l'IL esut quarter of sectosn uinrer nie lu towesblp 61 o nuniter "4 forth range nuniter ee-cen ultof tee teInt principal meridîaansdi runine tecec eut 82 rode, thence aorte 30 rodle. thenre weat 82 rode. theuice South,3M rods ta the place .t begstunt. eotsteteg utia acre. of land niore or tees. Also tee northeasi quactronf theeuoth- ami quarter cof eectione84Ilo tournaIulp44 uortb mueil euty ofl te tibîrirncipal merittanA I.I' contaiulng 40 scrie. more or Iles excevtitAi ON E 1 theenethte rtrt-ci-wai of tee Waukegae & .lIn. Joliet & Eastern Rallwsy Company. Aloteb weethait etf the eouteot qu&art andith tenont ll atfIthe eut ball et teesaine nouteweïd quatter suit thee SouthhaIlth e euit liat f he or t ateradhcd Sothhal f hew qutl atersut ic O d quarter, al of fracitonal Secton euniter 3M n east ofthte teint prnctpal aeidian. coitslnteg teie rlrbtý-lway et tee Wsonsin Ceetral Rail-I .&yr Company andt si-en ceptgleansed demcerit e na certain dedfroue Joh,,toii.e sait àdatildilbs cite, to Alexandter Belineski, dated ttc tourte day et Oeter, A. D.1861 snd necordedIte tRecorder%ôfice 'of Lakep1 Coiiety, Ilinois. lu Boot 38 iiof eils 0on piare 171. Aise ononciî,îgSIth. e tutheest cer et theepael o teuntur.o scontaomaes ot5FAIR GRON DSt e lat.hI nore er 4 liSe. igenler1 Aofiihîle sotitincail f ici woet tnd ortb APu ssoiaton pweat quart r eoca. tlu Lorest 80 rnum.n M M M the plt aceo tgig o number I ea 1,a lmaof FAIRrGROUNDS, pad rie rlegsdl,. ecpltteeei a the ouest aoefQ ll t t .t he n.-ol lo " o therne cnueerl euonitht irtu of salit toute half utx buitreit sodt hennI te-e fiot. ibeece west' li tiseatllel wt the nort, A N ALL DA lIce ef salit Southbhait fOurhlun di-o t suDive teet. theuce nrteeae as pott hlC'hInt 10:30 a. mu. Speech by Grand Matter tee tundred et et of thiIe wcsý lice snd te 1 1: 16 a. mu. BalilGame-The Waukeg bundrei tfest Soutb of theo coith ltee of eSte12:CO tu. Dinner. Soute huit, teence terly parallel elte salit' wîtt Une two hondireil foot te, salit sort lîUne. 1:.00 P. Mu. Sail Gamu-Pa latine vs. tnuceePanterlv on saliDthit lice to the rpface of 2:00 P. m. Free ton AIl Trot. tetculoc, tee property hereti deatrIei con- 2:20 P. mu. Farmers Running Race- taietig 21.42 acre.. Aiso theest haIt oft eSouth beoi tte 2:40 p. m,. Free fon Ail Pace. east halt of th.sutitwost quarter of section 3:00 p. M. Farinera' Trot, fout- whe neater $0, 1n township 44 uitt 0f range cumber 3,20 p.m oocyl ae il eact of the ît-t dprtnciial merfltan. coritràn - 3 m.M'occl ae luir 21)acres more Or legs.iotleat :40 p. m. 100-yard cdash, 06 andi Also the southeest quarter fteDtes 4:00 p. mu. Fat Men'a Race, 200 pi quarter of sectt oniloobr 30 c townshîi 4- 16 p. mu. Rebekah Race, 50 yards, euniter 44 otrtti range numblor Il eust Of the PS rng 5yrs tiid prncolP& meriticu, contalylce 40 acr-et 4:30 P. Mu. Ps ns 5yrs aore or les.. Boya' Race, 16 and undei AIo the eutbhallf01theo orteaut quai-Uer of Girls' Race, 12 and undoi Secton number Mlintownshli 44 cortl of iauge numîenî10eat ofthe tm-o principal mevîtîse. Soys' Race, 8 and under contttlfiSeacemoretor leu@, Girts' Race, 7 and under Alun lot four teIn lous'aAddition tA R0îo- 00p m.GrcsdP telle-r. hele as ubldvision out-part of the South - 50 .m Go d g. eutqi theosoutieastquarte, f ecîli on 5:30 p.mu. Balloon Ascension andF nuiot- l& enbt unl 40-te 0 raoi',King of the Clout numbîr 10 caut 0f the tird principal mirdlen Suitable Pmies .111 be g wtelîc stt itton te eordsditeeeordere. Office 0f Latke Counir. Illnois. tegaortB1<oettrabion nt Hcadqua plt, onlpsge 24.,as document Ne- 42211; ailiRebekah. etuate in l Lake Couati. Illiis. u. aiitîettthte 8:30 p. m. Session Grand Lodgs as doeer tigîta et Anma lbouoec.wtdow cf WilliamAiraean trav t L,. Rouge. decesuet suitalocettuloin&o c ase Alrcsadohre trom JothnRoui e1MifdhI -it aof the Grand Stand. Aexaniter 0111, tate follow.g iecIe peenileet TIeieut hait of the nortbe.atqiiartor et sectIon 88, In townbtip 44 Dnte rance 10 es-,t ftau',vfi I UlI.. i of the titrit principal meldian. wbtch slitles,- ing B5 155ftego idE was stterwarde eta wt the .2fte day 0f MUSIC BY A LA eptemitr, A. D. 168, recrrtOin l the RecoreroC Office of t lcCeti, Illnois. lu Book 10601o Mortgages. paie72Sas document 64609. fer the- UI L A YMTHL support and eduetti of etalit mInerasuitortue IhO ÀL AYB NTHEV pimpolis of tuveellg ue tcli 0fthe precrmmde o.- salit aale, us shall notite tmmedfiately ceditfer D T F-AI t. O osIt Support cnd éducation, in nUe remal eetabte i-E or of otîerwlue tnvetlil. sae ceAstee court mai direct, oe.Gads tsi o. Check Roomu, Reat Roomas for the ANNA tie.e&dio0 &d icr on. Dinlng Roc Detid H .. à. h-dayeô ADMISSION 1!R!! id any -s boy le cslled don and tpd nt hbonithe wbole frouble Je due le a I.ZY liver, Wc firmly belle*e your ovu doc- for wlll tell you tilat an occasînnal dose of Aycr's Pilla .111 do such boys a grest deal of good. They keep the ilver &cri- m. -n" ir MO55. 0. Are. 0... LýOC. M." - ÎT Dw.'1 Esk ut a psnnry-.uMhéstlt »mm. 1 teoephyudan Whn Mr$Ios ic 1 "Y& Ilo ! to yOt aket. for rFou o Il ILl ito rn nu à"i for 20irem Dr. boap a meiéinesi aw iSo" ct Hsailth de te, n ,d sud t nerAned it-v«7y ci7.&M h..]. t in 'hý-Y r e posftL"Iîsiand- . n1: Vn'y .ut ty -and vl7whffl in, .ii o ,i sh.si t voir '1-4r. fo itm Iow-i d. uý.nitou4 nt ls,- t, t vosfitm.oon Re. w- U mwil rioitel akenomono làt wta.er. k y hnw that whet, Iesîti, f-119 t- rouir,,Dr. te, p wtt hlieit gladîr Pal iht. druEfia fur Jer te«. nii10,thet tsaluit a Y txss ýry wtte ime firit fer su 010er. ayTbf vil) uses delai sud dtoappointnent. i Au drigatti Bll Dr. Shoots Ikitie &Mssn Dr ~hioiiThon Rt tmattc otlontseto îI e . Do 1c t N o ethi11»De pRese-for Ih a1ott e d an bonet snd svulbeut T e alt ýwhlrh book lioncned. Iebootk. lielow wIl Irslr ope p n. and R el 1 ItdeL, tyee ii ar WoUlid àoUr horme p ite- tan.1fr deloansd t hok bel nseyoussn ititout emt. perbape s word or De- froin tee wnl c Meerines ilint. 1 ha- .idto vpon thmousdi h y JI-M-t. pr05t'TpUOnem peeotsl s"Vice Plan. elbte e0olà urt t il Afterwards Dr. ShocpBnez12. Nactue.Wl Vitil555 aant as .. ionDy)svev.ls NO, iFr W. lqo. 2 On th.Da e. b For ôlTýIen NO.-8 on the ridesys No. ô On Rh.nssd.i Adjudication Notice. pubilie Nie n ehemebi stie tet te Iul- acrtber Kxecutoi. of the 1" iWIII&Bd Tetttmeet et fieari C. flapke deces&eil. wtll attendl the Cowty Court at Lake Cmnty. et àsterrat teeof tu lie holdeti et theeCou rt ltoufet InWauketàe. in, soit Couety, on, theeCt Idonday of Septoniber DeXt. 19». wheu and whem-esu Det-nm.havtng ilainos agaitet.Id estaite amncnttfl d i eoetedteopeinnt tet ame to, aad Court for siudcstlon. DENINON HUNTINGTON. Enect.tr WankegLUa i.. Juty te. ISO. 4"- DAY FAIR ge1Iows' ýNIC 1. 0. 0. F. Picnlc of Lake County LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. (, AUGUSI 14 )A PROGRAM er W. M. Grqvesand others, egan 1. O. O. F. Team vs. Lake County. sLibertyville Ramblers. i-Haf-Mile. Put-se S815. heelsd, haîf-mile, 2 le 3. $2. lunds and over, 76 yards, 03 and $2. s, 93 and $2. 1, 3 and $2. unr, 50 yards, 02 and Si. ar, 60 yards, 82 and 8SI. r, 50yards, 82 ced S. r, 50 yards, 02 and 4S1. dParachute Leap by Prof, W. Price Doyle, given to Lodgea havieg the largest Regîs- uantera, also the oldest Odd Fellow and t the Towe Hall. is will ho held on th, race brack in front ci. FC§Ing lu a large OpOR.AIr Pavilion LARGE ORCHESTRA S MII ITARY DAND-TUIRTY PIRCES -TIIYARD OF C eIIESF Ladite and Chîld" n, Evmny Accommoda. oom and Lunch Stands. r-V'CRYBODY WELcomU You May Need It Ask your doctor about the- viadoni of your keeping Âyer's Cherry Pectoral ln the, bouse, ready for colda, cougbs, crouP, bronchitis. If bc says le's al rlght, then get àa-boule of it et once. 'Why fotshow a lfid. féreslght ln such maltera? Bsrly trestment, carly cure. W5.bhoe P H euis i4yer h a-be -j'l I.- 11 . 1 'il ýj -

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