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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1909, p. 3

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MRMAÎ, ÂUG. 27, 1.909_ *@@ ----n~4o z@@* oom~ se 5 o O O o O O O i O i O O O O O O O O o FARffi TOOLS You wii Need Now Janeville and Oser. SULKY AND GANG PLOWS Twenfisth Century and Gi-est Western ' MANURE SPREADERS Deerin; Fuller & Johnbon CORN IIARVESTERS PUMPING E-NGiNErS Blizzard and Cyclone 0 ENSILAGr- cuTTE-RS *0 IF l'US Fs-rn, Teaming sud Spring 0 FROM WAGONS0 SC1IANCK'S SIA C IT'S' OOOD BROS. 0 0 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 0 eL 0 McHeui-y viaitors Tueday. Wjl Snyder, of Lanke NVilla, je puttîug a dilled well ou the new eub-djiison an the eaat eîde of the lake. Ed and Jay Graham attended e shoot et Watertown. Wit., Sunday. OIe Hoem vas a Oiaylake caller thie week. ,Mr@. Jay Graham and children visited liends near Antioch Tuesdey. i. and Mire. John Croker atteuded a family reunion at the home of Fred Croker iu Lihertyville, Monday. Mise Edua Kapple is home foi- a few weeks. Mir. aud Mi-@. Will Kayler have inoved li-aud Mrs. W. H.Wilmotor Wauke- gan epett unday with R. M.Vant and faiiy.1, 1 Henr-y Legci-t o!fLlberty'elle spent Sunday with Parent@ in Desrifield. Mrs. Ed !Easton and eidren @peut oeveî-al days last week viaiting relatives in Chicago. Misse, Besie and Mlldred Knicke- bocker spent aeveral deys duriug the week with Mis. Eleanor Meyer. hlrs. Mike Boreubqpg e vtsiting ber d aughter Mrte. Beberue lu Glencoe, 111. A number of people attended camp meeting et Barrington Sun:isy. Mn.. Ozar. anddswu Herbert are vlait- ing with F. H. Meyer and femily. Mr@. Fred Ker.tenvildatberparenýs home eeveral day. lest w.ek. A ud.eionary Festival wili he held et St Paul', Erangelical Church Sunday Augnet 19. Mise Marie BlelmebI eud bruthber Peter ai-e 8pendiug their ,va tomIn1Michigan. Miss Irene Eu cin le viatting ln WauLegau. Mi-. Fehlmau in very illaet preeeut vi-it- iug. A lawn social will be given et the home af ire-. L. P. Toodd Frlday ereu- iug, cake and Iee cream will hoberived, Dauce ut Scheuning's hall Satunday night. Wm. Hogan aud family, o! Chicago, were guests of Fred Hoeft over Baturday and SunJay. Henry Huliman sold thlrty-aeveu tif hie beilrs tu Mr-. Klausing, of Gilmer, thi, week. Chao. Etazte- and Thomas McEwen. who work lu the crcamery bore loft for tbelir ho mes in Canada, Tuesday on thsir vacation. John Kohileot for Wlaconslnlast week tu buy nome cows. Mi-. and lire. John 8mlth, o! Joliet, vere visiting relative, hore lest veek. Emil Frauk bought the coi-uer p roperty o! Henry Seip last wssk. A number from boroe ttended the hall gamne et Palatine, liundaybetwoen Lake Zurich au.] Palatine. Tho score wââ 9 tu 4 in favor of LakoefZurich. Tht, in the second game heteenthe two teams. Palatine wluuiug the firat. Tent Headquarters. As bas been custamary for many Teai-, paot the editorial sanctues viU ho move.] to the fair groiunds during fair week. The INDEENarEusT tout lias be- come on.' a! the tpermnanent headquartero on the.'ffir grounds. Sebocrlpttone may ho paet. and other business connected wlfh the office transectd. There will ho plonty of chairs so that j'on mev ho comfortahl. and masw yaur oId acqueintance an woll as your suhscription. If j'on have e kick f.o regiiter there le the place. Il yon have soruethiag umes ta ay wo'd nuucb rathor thune parties would cal liraiâ. The tont le plaze.] there for husin..., pleasure and] rconv£ece. You are welcome. Ail prsns iercmmended tta e Foley's Kidn3(eRemedylfoi- backache,i rheumatio,.an.] kldney sud hladder trouble. It wili qulckly correct arina-y tri-egularîtiesq, which, Il neglecte.], may develop intoa aserions lines. Lt yull r ratore health and streugili. FBàNx B . LovzLL. Get Weil Fir Don'! rLk siena peneu-tunflh fire! reur7w. Andi Icnl ut e.ctly that 1 .. the ..c. uhrician be sor$ te i vii..n,i ouim.o.u, ucictl. Ni fur îo.î civne iii hile tIn brnsug cheip j' And luor3>e)oY-. iPr. lcct. ic b-. -uu u.'d vi n.cmmouded lunevry'ci li.uivt In AnieiicsTh"ey are stively aHn 'ver" nt fmumi "sd veryherc Thý h aiec.hl ced st yur ri ct,ul- cairctEedsaud unoili icodicin Th-nad, uPortthuunids, !.- e c t onlsO, l r. h i ---ve. i I- uey verv. igti..ei Orenec l,. * Ir lnous iteio. iibrjwinS w 9 he«it h a.iu. But bhoso ali, ttney "c ljyhike no mainyrUIwhatet'r.Tis7 Ihatwtea u~U b or»,. fr. Shool hi.ulf gsAiTpsr th. for thtSMS ayW tmet . AesI l'ut Irie Me filvt for se Order. Mi@ ii lave del"andeu dlepvolulntnm Al drugcLs »BDr,'&Restlea ,uuslledr- Y. bt lae n lit zthethe .hic bok yo Dk. Thei or I U.i 51 17 f reo t counsu tMe lestss U « phylla.My suvies udil. bc = mi-svibou ste- Perbat'.Z7od ortw frlum ek sie.. sedus aint. bar.hlad( .17. Dda. l,8S hco. i On tiPVept No..Il pur Woul N.2 On th.sllcar No. 6For )dm X0o.3 on thé Ildnm e No. 6COn elîs Dr. Shoop'l Restorativ BEE RUSSELL Lumnber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Mdy proeo ai-e rlght sud grade. good. Whtheryjonbuy or Dot get My figure.. PREPARRI) WHITEWASEH f. S. HIEAD# Prop. stayer Buggies Jtnt received a aerload of the Celebrated Staver Buggies AIL THE LÂTEST STYLES Prices Right We alwaye% carry a fullt Une of HARDWARE 0001)3 A. PADDOCK' Round Lake, llitiols "st (raysiake rhBAKERY AND~ sik RESTAU RANT . es " Freeh l;reai every day, Ihome lit and 3MaIe Ca(eke, Pies and 0ther Ce Paetrv. Lunches and, Meals nef e ervel at al hours. lekNl E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. eitiVe- T.I.pbsuo ' eknov aRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS t icll Wr Have a Fne LUne of StatioucrY and edr-. teove.ie rP.t ard, And lor net - fo ma. Wadme. C dkansd iewery Rcpaked prfect. All Woçk Guuanteed SPECAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY mivam NPomptly FtBied advices 80 wlte W. Hl. MOORE fi-m tg ýo. Bus Orsyslae - ifn"i MILLBURN, 1luto tue Porter cottage. Mn.. Jopepbune Mathevs enteitained Carlton Amos von the ilver meda]a- Mm. Hamming recetly. .1 et the contest Friday eveuing. Mir, amidire. Norman Adams returned lir. Appleyard, of Gui-use, visited her etu Chiago, Lawnu ast Tnesday. ,eîste-, lins. Chard laet Friday. lira. Elizabetb Tower i vjtîng NIre. Jobhn Lawi-cuae. o! Fremont, visjted Hertmau and Mr@. itppen in l'hi.-ago for hi bibotlier. Eran Lawrence, Suuday. a lev veeke. Mie Martina Babb, o! Chicago, vas a The many friende n chie vcinîty a! week end vuiton et the Fred S'anZandt Miss K. L. Smiîth, af Waukegan, will bc home. glad to, bear that the lest report o! Mise Smith va@,s. eeas getting better Sias Wuright, of Libertyville, vas a Mise Vei-a lete-alf, o! Gui-use, visite.] guet af Mi-. and Mmr. Keller ou Monday. several days vith Miss Edith Vau Ahitine. Anthony Gonyo harveoes.] unety Mim aze Braeeof eno8a, amebushel o! wbcat from two acres o! bis Tueedav ta visît lier aunt, tirs. C. A. am Mathsvs. lMr. au.] trs. Ed Tiigge and son, o! Richard Thain, o! Oak Park, and ev. Chicago, are ,peuding a couple o! veeke Alez. R. Thain, of Canton. Ili., viglte.] vth Jas. Tiiggs.t their uephevsanad other relatives for a Chauncey Date was a Chicago visitor few day.. A. R. Thaju Preache.] the au Saturday and Suday.1 morniug sermou. Renew youi- subscripiion ta the Inde- Mn.. Wm. Caine and daughter, Ada, of pendntet the tent on the FairGiounds. Loug Lake, visite.] Mm-. Edic and lire. Miss Vivien Banner visite.] fi-ende in asth s otewek Chicago fioui Saturdav until Tuesdav. Mn,. Wili ONeil ld taking tare of her Mr. an.] lre. Oea. Jamisson retui-ned daughter, Mrm. Havkins in Lihertyville. fi-ou Berwyn lent Friday aceompanied Mi-. and Mm-. A. C. Murrayof Liberty- hy a son o!flMr. Tokey. ville, spent Sunday a% the John Croker Miss Bell Pope, o! Winnetka, Ill., @peut home. noime time vith Miss Bater. tirs. Stanley Gonyo and ivo childreu, lin.. albreth and little grand-daugh- o! Wlmette, viited relative, bers lest ter Florence Stewart, returued home ta week. C7hicago test Saturday, haviug @pent tieJa.Tyoa.]gnd agte eame time vitb A. H. Stewart. Mr . 8 alradgaddnhe dand ber ulece, Mn.. Boutvell are visîtîng Severai teachersoft tbtevlciity attend - Mm-. Carmi Meid in Michigan. e.] the teachei's instituts this vsek lu Waukegan. The Sunday echool picv*iii ho held Mm. Lihbie Paddgett and d augbter, next Saturday in E. EJ. Mare'. griove1 and Mis Jessi. Jami..on leave for their aloug the ri-ver.1 bomne in Charleton, Ill., tht, week. Henr-y Taylor ha.s old ten acres o! bis li@.. lcOuire, lits.IM. White and .] S. lai-m ta Mi-.Luek, vho yl huil.] there. Denman epent Suuday et Highland] Park. Msae uhssdHlso Wm, McGuire à Sau lot a valuable Ournse, veescairseta C. C. Amas lent bores thi, veek tram lackjaw. Friday. Mn. C. E. Deuman and sou, Scbnyler, Master Haine Wight le fil et prsent were Chicago visiton. tht, veek. wruîlng. C. nI. Topie: Aug. 29. Home mimions: Oui- Cosmopoltan Populatian. Luke C R E P N E T 18:22-80. Annie licCredie, leader. CO R S O E1T There will ho a C E Social hel.] et the ATTENT101N1 et ni-cii Fiiday evenlng, Aug. 27. le On accounit of thé Lake Oounty Fai- cream in ii be sol.]. being held nexi w..k, The INDEPEN- Tbseliociaday sebool wyul open Sept. 6 DENT wili b. issued early in the week, withbdlite Claraà Nelson a. teoher. and &11l copy muet r.sch thîs officeflot MWs Gladye Geil, of Highland Park, la later thsu Tu.sday noon. vlitlng bier siut. Mlenso Web, The. Miliburu Creainery buildings wili SEE THE R. C. FULTON MUSIC b. sol.] et auction Tueudej, Aug. 81, et CO AT THE FAIR ABOUT THAT 2 P. M. PIANO. thre.dBrt Plonien and daughter Dora- Joseph Palmer, wih- aud daughte-, by, and William 'P#itbram, of Wauke- Clara, of Waukegan, m ere gues;t@ of gnaethe gueete or their esfter, Mir.I relative@ hene over the r.'nn,,u. fed Vaner. Barry Bowe, 01 VIaukegan, le the D. T. Webb, of Waikegau, sîjeut Wed- gust of friende bei-e. nesday at the Lottue boine. Mr-. and Min. Reubeix2Mi11f. , ù Lake .kBluff, are ependîug il fro laye wjth Mrs. Charles Washburisjeon the pe relative@ bei-. flot. Mise Vere Beaudette hi nliago, je the Mr. and Mm-. Cbase Webb, are guesto guest o! Mimses Marion, and Flor-ence o! Androw White ami wife ,,ver the Itackeliffe thi. week. Mise Etta Farr ari-ivd ast week fi-r Misses Elejie audGenevieve Edwards, of Seattle, Waah., she isto teah the eighth Waukegan, are girestis o! Miss Coi-a grade of thse ohool and wi make ber Loodeil. home with Mr. and Mrc 1). G. Whîite. Loftu, & Webb have mold their lake SEE THE R. C. FULTON MUSIC propei-ty on Giages Lake to the Gage- CO. AT THE FAIR ABOUT THAT men. club of Lake Foi-est. aho recently PIANO. pui-cbaeed the Coombe sunnmer borne. Mm-. Geo. MeeNatniar io Ruesell, i-e. 'W m. O'Neil le visitiug ber daugh- @pett aturday and Sudzy here. ter at Libertyviiie.Wm Tn obro Mi-. and NM. Smilth Wright wilî soofl , onger and oiRbeto move tu Waukegan. Chicago, wem e gueý-t. of Chlas. Hall W~isonandw.e. f Znd, -jeansd !amily over Bunday. W .Vi n wfo ena , W. E. Walley andi f. a i Chicago, ai-e visiting relativee hem. wei-e the guests o! à&rs Un1-Thomson Mr. and Mme. Paul Aveu' and Fay andson, Carles, nver tsula,v Hamilton, of Lake Villa. âpent Sunday Many te«bm t o thisviinity ai-e at the Ed Kapple borne. aIttendiug the in»tltute ut Waukegau Wanklegau. Wm. Moore transa t.-,l umjueqs ln Mm-. Arthur Iticl epeut Fiday et Chicago Tuesday. iihertyville. Mes. Hubhea-d, of I ,îjradý,, n the, Mre. Marie Cuivr i le pendling the week guest of Mise Whaele-. et Evert Culver'. at Eaet Fox Lake. Albert Borge sud ",ifaud John qoo. Adame, o1 Route Ný, 1, je takicg Burge, of Oklahoma, are th.. gueets lot Ide *acatiou and John Hook, Jr.. le Mi-. &bd Mis. A. L. Barge atij family. eiubmtitutiug. Mie. Wlaîtred Woodforl f (ak lPark, IÀeonaiHEook. wlho wa8 obliged to epent Wednesday aund'I Iurmiday with give up hie fieeî,ositîau..ju Chiçago on fieude bite. acvount of poor health, iv feeli.ag mnch better Howeve- the doctore adrîse a Militai-y Fuceral. year of out-door lile fori- hîmThui-eay at 1 P. m at th...MN E. ûbui-ch was the funcral (if Mr. Clime. Several ai-e eutertaiuig vampany Cnttenden with milita,% IInnorve Rer. river reutuion. Rtewart pi-eached th,'- erunou alte- Mr, and Mre. John Waehburii drove whicb the remaine acre itakien t,, acrose ouritry to Elgin laet Haturday Antoclî whe-e t.hejy aec met bs' the aid and returned Mouday. eoldjere who%.ad cha-g. of the luial Old Soldier-.eice. Mi-. Cittenoru va8 bor i in The ld Wdir» ho ttededtheJanua-v 1839 and died Tuemday, Aug. The ld aJdii-ewhoattededthe24, 1901). He bad not beeu feeling weli 8aîlorH' amind e- Reunion ai-e beuug foi- the past lew week8 but wae up and well entei-taiued and cared foi-. lierabu nithpn wewe ewa F') roomi have been epoken for out-eîde about runt Mkanil thea at m e e vm o! the hotel and everythiug is being doue t&iand u eeeouly ic ad aIl thatedîcut tomake tis he esttim ofail Thai no avail. He wap un aid soldier of 'ýamp lire Wednesday eveuing waei large- the !)(;th 111. Infantry- He wasencwbo ly attendedi and the speakiug was extra bdfihul evdhscuty i goad and the etorieo as funuy as ever. A lhad fa ifelly servduherm andra.son flue maie quart2tte rendered Fcerai fiue Ianeawfto agtr u a gelect joue aud Allen Drae'e C<rpe fui- aud mauy relatives and friende ta mouru us.,âed the music. If j. expected that 'eie.H s idfte n thë wii b 500 eupe u te gounsIoviug husband. Be had be the Élag thee wii e 500 eole t tc- rouosbearci- here for many yeare an Meinoriai t,, ay.day and lie wiU hbe eepeeiaiiv meed by Ni-s. Rackciiffe and daugliters w.iI his .Id comi-rades et thie reuniou. The curve the tiret of the week for Watr-oo, 1Il ag Iloate et hall mast today beeause li, .wbei-e they wii îloinNir. Rackcdiffo of tueur loe@ and aignilles that thcre le un a large stock farm %vhîcli lie haes01enii- ue omi the rankisof the charge of. grand oid ooldlers. DEShRELD, LON - AKEMr-. and tirs. Fred Boren berger enter- Rd Graham is ependiug tmewekntied relatives from Evaneton Sunday. Souther Illinois. thswe ntMi- and Mr@.. W.C. Eggeit visjted witb Mrk. Gifforît White anit aster were .and lireMat Roreuhierger8iunday. Furnishings for Boys Uuderwear, 50c union suits, (the Mentor make) 3.5c Boys' 25c Black Cat ilose for 17c K.-& E. Blouses, 50c and $1.00 values 35c Boys" Shoes lie t 1075 Every pair warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Boys' 50c caps 39C Boys' knickerbocker pants 50C Furnishinqs for Men, ,50c underwear 39c $1 Lion brand shirts . . 69c $1.50 Lion brand shirts . $1.15 50cilose 35c 35C Hose .19C 25c Hose .. 15c 15c &25llose . 9c 50cTics 29c, 4 for $1, $3.50 oxford shoes The best worklng,,, shoe you ever Wr for tructable sole, uppers always soft and pli- able.- $5.00 and $6.00 dress trousers 3075 $3.50 dress and work- ing trousers 2.45 Final Clearing Bargains Men's and Boys' Clothing lt's to your interest to know what'this store is doing these last bargain days--- It pays to be among the first to inspect our great bargain offerlngs.-- We don't stop at cost in many cases to accomplish our plan of showing nothing but new goods next month- If we have only one suit left of a lot we cut so deep you cannot pass it by if it's your size--- In a stock as large as ours there is sure to be many of even the best selling garments left at the end of the season. We cannot take the slow way and wait but throw them into the bargain list thereby making friends of ail who boy. lt's the best advertising for us. Satisfied and pleased customers are what have brought this store to the front. Our [air and liberal treatment is sure to make YOU our friend if, you willI only give us a trial... We are selling many $25.0Suits for $15.75, many $20.00 Suits for $ 12.75 and $15.00 and even $18.0 Suits for $9.75. In our Boys'department we have taken every suit that formerly sold [rom $7.00 to $10.00 and offer choice for $5.15. Ail $5.00 Suits go at $3.69. AUl Suits that sold under $5.00 wlll be closed out for choice at $2.45. None of these lots Include the staple blue serges. It won't be our fault if you do notclothe your boy at smail expense. PIANOS 1 lave at ny home scierai 'styles of h adwin oaq. 1 invite >ou to allau and sce. Prie i te y, h e ah of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAMMLAE -1 1 1 -1-1-1 IUNOIS

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