ILAKE OOUWrY I«DEENDE!~T, FRID~!,. S~?U~»~R 24~ L9#~ 1RAVINIA PARK NOT A INANCIAL SIJCCÈSS North, Shore Worrisd Over Possible SCyeresand Feuri that SansSouci or Riverview May b. Eitablished. Resut in sHghland Park Meni are Forming CombnstIon te Keep Place as I leI. Ravinia Park is ta be sol d tu, the hilgbest bldder. The park did not pay expenees this yeur, and whetiier lt le ta b. the horne or refined and blgh- clame munie, as It. bas been ever sînce it waà, opened as a n amusement resort, or w " f~e it la ta become a San Souci or Rfièrviev type of resart depende an m'bo baye ItL That the park la ta be ald In trom no les an autharlty than George M. Sevard. the receiver hlmseef. "la it true t.bat Ravinla Park dld flot pao' Its runling expeuses?" vas the question asked ot Mr. eward by a represeutative o The Evanaton Press. Liai Monsy Subecribed. "TYee, It le true that the park dUà flot pay expengee,' repied Mr. ew- ard. "a the firt pace, viien eub- scrlptions were taken for It before the seasn a peued about $3444 lees vas ralaed then vas subscribed tbe year beoe." "Tben It vas a seasan of very un- propitiaus weter, so tiat tiiere were 30,000 less people attended this year than pald ýta get ln tie year betore. Last year the weatber lu the days along about the Faurth of July vas perfect and there vas a very large at. tendance. This vas esp-cliy true of the Pourth ltself, viien the crowd vas Immense. But the Faurtli thia year vas an coid that the attendance vas ver>' siali and it vas mucb later be- fore the5 veather vas reSily favor- able." Wlben ssked what the deficît vauld amaunat ta Mr. Seward ssid tbe exact amnount w».e fot knawn yet and would flot be util a number of outstandlng scunts her tnrned- ln. No Movement Yet te Purchase. 'Have you hes.rd auy movement an fot ta purcsse tie property?" Mr. 8evard va.s asked. "Weil,.anme af tie walthy men uf Hghland Park are talkiflg oftt, but 1 don't tlnk tbe matter bas got far enougli slong ta say that a moveeneft bas been started. But If thse park ts ta be nin along tbe samee Unes It bas been action should be taken very ioon In order tbst the orchestras may b. engaged for net season." Lut rORrST WOMAN «tADi)14AuTro wgrCK Womoan Partiipant ie Divorce Suit le This Ççuity,, Lakg Forat Rosîdant1 aed Osteedeit le Me.hanîc's Lie New on File, Nesta Terrîbîbe DeathE Near City otfSBiffalo, N. Y.-Auto PlunfeOvin Bank. Mrs. Harry . Good ai Lake Forest vas kIlled lut weekk etghteen mi18es tram Buffalo,. N. Y.,.vhen tise antoino-1 bgi uivici aie, ber mother, Mrý John R. Hqxle, and ber brother. John Hozie, vere returning tramn a tour o! the. eat plimged aven an embank- meut. Mn,. Hoxie'arilgbt vit vas brokeft and see v9 cut aud bruised. Bier sou vuz thravn out as the car took ta vlld lisp and vwu nt lu- Mn,. Good, vio as Annsa M. Hoxie, vas a iiece of D. G. Hamltan sud cousin or Adelaide Hamilton Ryeranu, vite of Dr. Edward Ryireon. She had made ben borne ln PaisForest ton severaI seasous. A tev montia &go thse lAke Forest set vu surpieed ta learn that Uera huai been a separs- tien ietveen Mr%. Gond and ber bus- 'naativth promise that Mrs. Good wouli! bring a suit fon divorce ou Use grounds of aleged et>. Site le sai! ta bave left ber bus- band tiret ean>' in 1907, but later a recausrliation vas effected and Use j- i a mare pretenUious scale than ever before and lu a va>' It yull b. Gltd- deaisb lu 1k nature fûr the tesson that the tour wiii caver four state ln lis four day' wandering-llnois, Iowa, Wisconsin, snd Indiana. TiienJ too, It villi duer trota 1 fredeces-1 sors ln tbat tva of the nlgbts viii be spent awa>' trai home, tbua addlng ta the tour an Interest sucb as bas nat been had betore. As a the case lat year, each days jaurney vili be 250 Mles. Dates selected for the aillait are Octaber 12, i3. 14 and 15. On the tiret day it viii be an autgoIng jour- ne>'. vitb the trali hadlig through Elgin ta Dubuque, I&., and bending tram tiiere ta Plattesvllle, Wls., wbicb bas been seected as thse nlgbt's stop- plng place. Ou the second day of the tour the contestants viii returu tu Chicago via Madison and Miwaukee, wtb the lgt cotroai at Obcag. LÉGAL LITIGANTS IN TII! CIRCUIT COURT Laike Forest Woman Geta Out Papers Againt City of Lake Forest Claim- Ing Extension ot Western Avenue as er Property-Ada Williams Sue H1usband for Divorce on Grounde et Desertion. Attorneys Stearnsansd Feld llonday filed papers for an Ijjunction agaluet the cl13 of Lake Forest ta restrain the use of property aiieged ta beiong ta Mary Ftzgerald Doyle as an extpn- sion of Western avenue. The plaintiff alleges that thie land was seezed witii- out notice, feuces razed, shrnbbery eut down, and thse street, nov ln use, put in. Througb Attorneys C. T. Heydecker & Son H. P. Msiller files suit of fore ciasure agalnst 'Mary and Frank T. Fowler. ,%da sues H. L. Wilams for divorce on graunds of desertionan sdasaks tbe rlght ta resume ber malden naine, Ada Newell. B. Carpeter sud C. M. Heuderson, Carpenter & Heuderson. file italers lu au assumpslt suit againat W. A. Tayoton. Papers were filed for a niaudamnus against Walter Taylor, police moagie- traie, ta rompel buritotavacate the Harry Halgh bond. ARMOUR VALUATION R!DUCED 8V BOARD 13ig Features et Board of Review's Work Are Lake Forest Increase ln Assesements on Pereenaiity, Total- Ing $258,6, and Great Decrease fer Lbertyville Due te Armour Estshe Benefite. Tbe tva biggest m.nanges that thse hoard of revtev, vIlci buas fnabed lits sessions, made ln Lake count>' as- sesamenîs, are touud lu the tremen- doua traduction made lu LiertYville tovnsiplu the matter of the Armaun esgte, the reductIon bietg $101.633, ou Uhe ane-third bas, or $304.899 se- tuai value, and ln the ibig Increase i Lake Fo'rest persoas property, tii ussessed valuiation for personal belug .1258,655. or. mnultlplied by three. the actuel value, 1775,965. Accordlng ta, the finiebed tabbula- tona of Use board of revlev folaving are tise assesi! values ou the ane- third baste af Use lande, lt.sud uer- sonal praperty o! Lake cauuty: Landse............$5467935 Latse.............. 6,552,553 Peraonuai.......... 3,879,318 Total .......... $15899.806 This uultlplled b>' tbree viii give thse actual value of caunt>' property, $47,699,418. OPENING 0F THE STANDING ROCK AND CHEYENNE RIVER INDIAN RESERVATIONS Registration at Modrdge, Lemmon or Aberdeen, S. D., October 41ao 23. couple madeasvîst ta the eut. sue>' Tie openlng ai the Standing Rtock snd sipsrated a second Urne eceuti>'. M. Cheyene River Indien Besevatione in Gond vbo la t Patton, Ps., vu hon South Dakota sud Nati Dakota In reaciied ater hie vîte's deat. and! Octaber viii give abont ton tionsand asked ta basten ta Chicrago. people 160 acres of fertile tarrnlng There le a utçrairs lien pendlug land@ for a srnall autm per acre. Th aganet Ers. Good lu the Lake count>' gaverument bas sppraieed theeo lande circuit court t 50 cents ta $6 per acre. Il you inteod ta, engage ln armlug or CHICAGO AUTO CLUB are unov farming and vih t. ciafge your location, vi>' ..t egi.tWr for oue PILAN 1.000 MIL! RUN af h teefarron? Ton ma>' be aucoeWiu, In dravlng for tisse land@. Octeber 12 to 15 Are Dates ton the Aberdee, South Dakota, ou the 1000 Mlle Rue Thottla te Include Chicago, Mlwaukee & Si. Paul Rail- Passage Trhrough Waukegan on wy and! Mobi'4'e and Lemmon, Wey Setween Miwaukake nd Ch i- Sonth Dakta,on thieChicago, Milwaua- cego on Second Rue of Trip-An- k. & Pugit Sound Railwuy, or& rgng.meesaNov Seing Compieted. Points Of regîtrain a atrgse an>'day frornOtbr4 ta 2. Tii draw an! ing viiltae place et Aberdeen on Oco. Delayed lu issuisg fita misesadn ber 26. tri, mmakbecausç, of a itcb ovin Tihe landin luthe conuries ta lhebesof a th reguiatiouis viii Use Amerîcan the"e reffrvations uow slleata $25 to .&iutibuie association, Use Chicago $T0hilnd sers. wilsen iv M(otrellb la et vank ou the pis utafr epiendid apportnnit>' ta se.thie vandir- lis Mane 1,000 mile eability rmn, fuircountry' openêd tirougb tie couitruc- lutown" tu have evenytlstng lu n di tian ai tiinew fine to Use Pacifie CasaI, st amaailadditionaî flu ner yor ril -mou vibe umet" ot tim ouh Dakota, Norths Dakta and Mo. wothw ik b sru*teieàot, h,«r.. F.A. Milbier, Genrei Passns w.gk, &iAsM84Cileaga, Mlwaukee & St. P"ai '1se !el u ltilla 7M se on 8>'., <*go. 5- Plckering, lot 12, Oakmont, Hlgblanà Re C ât ..r&MfS Pak;v. d& $1.00. Rnl St~Ift5 W. R. H. Pickerng and wjfe to M.LU Lake Canot> Tti & Trut Ca. Park; v. il. $1.00. AbstractsofINtie. TitI.. Guarateed C. 0. Llndqiiat and vife ta Edward Masonle Temple Bidg. Wankegan, Ill. Benson part lot 6, lndquist & Ander- Louis J. GuaNsxg, Sesan's ub, i.SBe.. 16, Grant T'Pp.; Holland and vite, part lot 7, bock 32, Highland Park; ql. c. $1.00. J. K. Orvis and vife ta, A. P. M. Sandabl, lots 1 tai 5, block 3, Orvia Sub., Waukegsui; w. dl. $1000.00. Elizuabeth Hubbard ta Edgar P. H. West, lot 18, block 49, Wabburn Park; w. il. $300.00. Loula Thorsen ud vif e tu, Hermau Adamiion, lot 6, block 7, Wnenns Adai., Higlgiand Park; w. il. 1700.00. E. d. Huber anid vite tu Cara J. 'Prermaine, lot 10,. iock 2, Wrenns Add., Highlanid Park; w. d. $1.00. T. IL Dureitsand wVle ta Jacob Go16- scbldt, lot 9, block 3, Durats fbui., South aide, Waukegan; v. il. $450.00. Nettie G. Evansanaid buabanud ta Ida R. Haines, part lots il anid 12, block 21, Lake Bluff; w. d. $1.00. W T. Bâton and vite ta Edvin Aue- tin, lots 44 and 45, bliock 1, C. Pl. Wrigbts Adi!., LUberty-ville; w. d. $400.06. Siielf Lake County ti> J. Halse>'. lot 8, block 44, Lake Bluff; deed $3 15.00. H. C. Basye ta G. A. Strng, Part lot 4, blork 19, Hlglauid Park; ql. C. 11-00. G. A. Strong and vite ta F. P. Rolngton and vite, jart lot 4, block 19, Htgbland Park; w. il. $2500.00. Everett Culver and vite ta irneon Culver. 200 acree lu 55a"a. 5 and t, Avon Twp ; q. r. $500.00. C. Mi. Beatty aud vite ta W. H-. Clen- dînen et ai. General Storeet property. Zian Clty; ql. c. $100. H. A. Kuopt sud tfe ta E. E. Tracy, lot 5, blocki 1, Kuopfs Sub.. Prairie Vlew; w. il. $200,00. W. R. Ruffuer and vite ta B. H. Samuel Cale 15D R. W. Wood, lot .8, Cales Sub., Zion City; w. d. $875.00. 0. 8& Brown ta Belle Christian, lot 14, VWksh1ngton Park, Waukegan; w d. $175.00. Merub Forvor ta Henry and Mary B. Maag, 7.40 acres lui n. e. %4 sec. ai, Warren twp.; v. d., $500. Catherine Bronanmud bus. ta Fior- enee Brogan, lot .1, bliL 3,Har4en's add: to AnUloch; w. d., $2,000. Emma M. P'arr ta Eranas Âpraham- ian, e. 30 ft. lot 12, bik. 3, Ladd & George's £66., Waukegan; w. d., $1,100. j. j. Bensinger and w!. ta Geo. Streed, lot ln n. v. U sec. 21, Watske- gan; v. d., $60. Do You Want te be Independent for Lite? Fit. yiars viti vork sud osedngs vîlI inake youno5, If yau invet lu a fruit farm. Bei M. O. JanNeoso or addresa Box 79, Lbertyville. 47t1 Adjudication Noice. Public Notice leiereby îgtven that the. buh- selber Exentor ci thel1»t Wflll eotamest of Beery Sutt, dereased. viii attend lthe <Jwaity Couit aifiLake Conuty. St a tenu thereci ta be boldme t tiseCourt flouse In vaukelau. lu suâd oucty. an thse int Monder oi Nosemiier tiert. 5500. hen and wliere ail pensont s avitie Cla5tas afalut sid etate ams notlued and reluested tu present tise came tu said Court for iidlicatiofl. WILLIAM BUTT. Executor. vaukexait.111.. September 20, 190M. 52-4 Heaiih and Beaut>' Aid. Cosmetiesn and lotions@viilnat lear your complexion of pirnpleisand blotee like Faiey's Urina Laxative, for indigee- tion, etomaci and liver trouble aud habituai constipation. Cliaises lie i>'ster n sd 1leaisant ta take. FusaN B. Lovgt.L. BA R 16T rdC»r At the end of an edîtarlal referrlng l 13j&MfMr(Mentlsusla.stic terins ta, the recent Catb- AS R40DEL DRY Trowm oaie ntialoon demonstration n Ciii. Lake Coant> Villagge Sold to PrOOPeg ' "'No Crstian or argantied body of Moro Dry Than it Ever Did Wit Uristlans, Catlalc or Protestant, vili and Editor of Revew li Sald t0 ever assume the responfhIbUtty of Have lîlien Converted te, the Dry ploading for tihe ilceuaed saloon a anu Point of Vlewj-What L.llnOIel I *eesential fNature af aur civilsation.-" $&y* ln Article. ________ Baya tiie Illinois Issue, AnUi-Baloon paper: "The. vliagMeta Barrlngtan la one of only tva dluvicta ln Cook count>' tbat bave thus far taken advantsge of the local option lav ta vote ont saloons. At the siection a year &go lait spring the. argument wui ad- vancei that If tbe revenue trant the saloons ver. lent, the village vonld become basnrrupt, eiectric ilgbte li the attetavouid have ta b. diecon. iuuid, thie tovo vould b. averrtin vii 14bund pige," and tra. vould b. turned away. It vwu aiso st.ated that ne nev cernent vaîks vouli! b. laid an account of the lmpoverished condi- tion ofthtei public treasur>'. "Ai a matter of fart, tiie village finances are nov ln the best candition tii>' bave ever been. the electrie lgts bave net ceased te dispel tieý darimess, and the slghtless porkere [ive out neither offensive odore or dlsqulellug squeals sud grunts, as tbey do nat exist. Trade bas nart dlrinnsbed, as le siavu b>' the tact tbat the local plant et lie Bowmian Dair>' cornpauy bas beld alilof lîs aid custorners sud oitalned uew antes, ville the tavu continues te add ta lit attractivenes sud tbe sifet>' ot the ctizîne b>' tbe laying ot modemn vaiks The citizeus seem ta be vel satisfied ta bave ubeir lownu"dry" uni are Ilkel>' ta keep lt so. "Amang the straug apponeute of the abolition of thle saloons ut the lIme of the election vyas Miles T .aiey, edîtor ofthle lînrrlu.eoîn Ras iew. snd nov mayar of tbe village. "Mr. Lausey le a Romnu Catialla. WE LEAD ALLWAY Il io the weak nervi. tbat are cryîng out for help. Then iielp them, dou't drQgDII iii. 8omaci or stiulate the Beart or Ktdm.>'. That ta wrang. Vîtaile. ti.. weak Inside flire wlth Dr. MmaeR,* storasive end s.. bow faot good heeltb wili corne tu yo. Test It auco e. Raid b>' ALL OEamLSR;LMI Ho«Ses Mountain Meadow miles north ot Waucond baud and fersale, atiloi «Il classes of! bancs,suit work, express aud drafi Plu1i.Came ta) Meuntà aron the tam. A uicknee Ugaru i or Sale. FStock Parm, one &Bd one-bafl Ia, Illinala, boasconstant>' on owest market pra, tock Of ttable for the rai an ail tarm t, uoeful and sersiceabie, trom Prices $80.00 ta $200.0o. No Zin Meadow and sec tbe bors. acclimated and avoid riak of md on dellvery es reprmeuted. COL IF. J. BERRY ---------------:u: os 4~ SPECIAL ATTENTION1 BA and CON[ To oui of Town Orders 1 Ubertyville And Shippirsg Tradie 1 HOTELS AND RE' WE DELIVER TO Telepiione Na. 46 4 Liberty'vIlle Exchange %KER !!CTIONER - Ilinoi TAILERS SUPPLIED )ADJACENT TOWN8 Waulkega .n, 1111. I~O I ___________lu__te (ireatest Special Sale of Women's and Children's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skiais, Walsts, MIllinery Little Money W. have arrangsd this SP 'W. A NAUUN Little Money BuysTheseFine SALE ta kun ATURDAY,àai 6p.M., and Buyslhese Fine EaU! Garments. Coninue A-iDay Monday & Mnday EvoigF! Ga ets A Very Special Suit Bargain A Very Special Dress Bargain A strictly tailored Ailwo New Dagebort dresses, made broadcloth suit made in the "5 of fine ail wool broadcloths, a;1 5 lnede skt cotecwpfleatin_____strictly tailored creation, trim ____ fnewe st làcothe e pet tWmd e utn, ot 1, effect. A ood $14.0O value ......... mdjtbtonwrh$0 Ten~~~~~~ stlso utmd i ~ r a strictly ail wool fancy of fine home spubroad- co10,lng clafths and worsted, i ailthe oatoe, 54 incd he season's new shades; we incude gmntioetimdwt in hs o ults thuto2-0. jet buttons, reg. $15 value Charming Trimmed ~754Children'. diresss, yh r tswaiâs u new plad ehrcu ww ~ Hats at trlmm'dhthbrd"'9 Pcfcaaakrs Waists in checks and.ptab ........ 69c, black, blue, brown, new stripes or....29 mde in iew plee4 tailored New forin corsets 45 cffecis, a goo0deffects o ..........5 3.50 alueWrappers altTe newcst fashions Waists made of fine fr ........ 59C Ail wool Fýnnch Pa- These are copies of chiffon taffeta, plain Long crepe k[moa n=nas~ kilted high priced models, tailored and embroid- fo .........9 effects, ail colors, ele- and are Worth up to ered effect, a for .50c ganty tailore4lm $ 10. This price is positive flannelette nlght i extra value at special this sale only $4.50 value, L e= Jfor ,tA~!O for thia >cal and Instrumental bMtwlc at Tei On account of Holiday our store will be dlosed SATU RDAY SEPT. 25th Until the hour of 6 p.m. Open In the Evening. 105.107 North Gem.,.. Street On account of Holiday our store will be closed SATURDAY SEPT. 25th Until the hour of 6 p.m. Open ln the EvenJng. 1~ -l m ------------ " 1 nt& per