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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Sep 1909, p. 7

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~r, tRLD4 8JCPTEMBER ~4, 1909 Theres a Satisfaction Un fitting your boy out in a Hercules suit. You feel sure they are rlght and wiIl give satisfac- tory wear., The mater- lai isail wool and water- proofed. Theseamnsare double taped, and the pants are extra lined. There is more service and value in a Hercules suit than in any suit sold at the price $4le95 Men 's -Suits The snappiest line ever shown in this store is now- placed before you for your judgment. The long dlp fronts are espec- s oto$2 ially dressy, priced $1 2 Blue serges are very popular this season. You wiIl finda lot oit them here in ail the new styles. Our Shoe Department Activity Shows that our new Eauline is a winner. The styles are certainly snap- 25 py, especially the line we offer a35 We show great values and a large as- sortment from $2.OO to $5.00, It is to your interest to get ac- quainted with this store. You wilI always find the latest styles and a, large selection to choose from. We always do our best to please you. DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice ore DRMICHAEL GOLDENBURG Office eter Luce & Company% Stoi Will be at the NEW CÀSTLE ROTEL EVERY WEDNntS.tt SPECIAL ATTENTION Flrom 8:30 ta 700 pnim. GIVEN TO Practice Limîteti to the Eye, Ear, Nose DISEASES 0F and Throat " ýX THE EYE MARTIN C, DECKER 9 ulVI PI Nb- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Opp. î8tlu St. Electric Station Office Pisone 53314 Res Phone 8603 NOItTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Llberty-rIe, Illin oIe PnONS 88 DR 1, L TAYLOR, oric» OVait J. ELr. Tatane aLta. *ouu:-7 te 10 a. m. 2 te 4 andi 0 te 8 p. m. BWsderuce on Broedway, opposIte Park. r Lîbestyville,Ilflinols. DRL . F. BUTTERFIELD. YETERINABRY SUREGEON. ASYAN? ITATZ ErEEiNAEtAN. Ufbsitvf i,Iluo. DR. A. il. CHURCHILL PHYSICI AN AND SURGEON Oficeln Buti-t stock tiver W. E. Davis store office t-tes- 5 Ifs..Phons 1061 Speclal Attentfionl(ilven in ta Dlseases of the Eye, Ear, Nase and Thront LIBERTY VILLE -- ILLINOIS DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houres to 12 ar-i to 5 p.m. J, El! Triggs Building witb Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 Rfie. Phone 1092 Lîbertvville. Iflifnoie DR. C. RL GALLOWAY, OIFIcEOVna , WMLL'5 atta efrotzU. gcou-bram i ta 8 andi 6 ta 8 P. M. J DR, E. HL SMITH. DENTIST. OVER LAREt COUNTY NATIONAL BANX. aouas-t3 to 12 a. m. anti 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY.'1 Uibertyvllle, Iluios W. Hl. STUDER S,JIVFEYOIR Subdividiug and Farm Work LIBEItTYVILLE, ILL. A. K STEARNS LAWYER 213 Wasblngtan Street Waukegan Phone 2761 Eva-Ste- neyer bad a beau ln a&H ber lite. Katlierine - Anti yet se bas ths nerve tu declare tisat ber face la her fortune. Eva-Grneloiisl It must be one of thons 'unclalmeti fortunes we bear so mUrs abouL Warnig. Do not be tiersuadeti into taking any- ting but Poley's Honey anti Tar for chrouir cougite, bronchtîs ,bey fever, asthme anti iung trouble, as It @tops tise cougis anti heaus the unB. ' FRANE B. LovELL. JL X 4,eq ýL,ý Scientifie Experts ln the Kitchon. "But" sanys thse lady of thse bouse ta the epplîcant. 'yt'u really sold not soir sncb bigis wages tram> me when you conalder thse convenleuces wltlt wicb my bouse Is equlpped-electric c.king range. electrlc washlng and lrontng machines, vacwnum sweepers andi dusters. pueumatir parcel carriers tram and to ail flooro and routs, phones andi annuclatoru lu escis room, santar walf sud floaS finishes, fil. tereti air. fltered water, antlseptlc rs- frigerator"- 'Yes, muni," lterrupté tise appil- sant, "but thse likes uf yeu ougbt to know tisat e sclent.lflc expert draws a lot more moncy fisan a kîtchen me- chanlc."-Judge. tii 6 P. M. NOT A R!SIDEPT 0!F LAKIE COIJNTY A bill for an lnJîrnction was fled !tlonday afternoan ln'the ittrlrsof. fice byb G. H. Hoia I llottivrp îaîl- tallat formnerly of Lake F-rettttuen jon thse county clerk front exfentilng any tai ar taxes assesseul agalaît hlm for $750000 Mwortis of P. rit ual prop erty. Mfr. Huit la net a rt or, tfthl.s county or st5ft-yeen, accortlltug to tht- allegatioensut tise bill antdi., llpgem that be bas ieen a resîd,, titf Cali-t farnia for tise lait fine t, r-, He claims tu bave no persçtitil îroperty whatever lu Lake Forc, or Laike county. He madie nu refuru oni h, cheilule and assertste iat he was ucu ýa-,kcd te do sa, sud furtiser claltut that tiset assessor of thse town orfitlit,l lïtiadd nat azeese hlm at ait. Bi ltt. uBtolard ot Revew, saw fit voema'- att origi- ual assessment o! perettu t; îuttu;rty lu tise lump stim uf $75,W, ( wthlout specltylng or cnumettralitt. Ijant.t fis persouef propertv 'consIlu t trirnl abat shape, forni or ni' t x. Mr Hoît1l e tntset-lltg ttite payîueut of taxes upori. I l ri lu titis coutity, hi-says t . , i, teh as It appears fisat an atteut; is Iteen madetieluasisshlm ttî'$f-,-,uut) worth of propervvtyweeit , du-,ctoit owti a dolars wortb ln f ttc Cmtît accordlutg te hi-, stateni, ru' t et n he dos-et o p u3ose- 0 te tOtIl: at ail. f'oot.-. Popte & l,- o, ii altorne3 't N r. HuIo aticwns ts' thI uaitan builldinîgin Chicago wbett ti v l- isi office atd lias extensive liuttlcu in- terests Iiit Wlsronsln. lI.. tbas ,lso exteriiî t at-ests lun(Celifurît catI (anatal Holt Is saidttl ,,have maJ lîtit ittîte front Lake- Foret frealty andtlaittheý time hi-, ti-uesment was rît, t-ifit, hadI a aharîit tut-t-e wltb tise lttIor te- vets, iullowlng wblis bc i, -aid to banc thrî.atentd legal recetrsoc Ons of Edtion'a Jokes. Etison waa alwas a great jolte play- et. T Dose unes ut set-es! to cnjoy ntost nstrt- fike tise nue he workecf ou ont- tof!tht-lazicat ojierttrs lu tiseof- fice ni lere b ns vsonce et-ouîtedt. One nîglt it, nvfetisis fellow thought is tiny's work waa on tr sandl ias getting reafv t,,goi thome,. Edison sflpped ar-,uutit, tiseffice slt4nrmade a ctnnectlen a ththîlIe lazy tt-low-s tt-ltgraptb Lty, raIls-si fim dwn tu the- table sud. aultplled ulîih uolti news- paltner. irttcecdt-d to su-ut Mr. Lazy a lotng lo t of mt-nunuaf.ly Associateti 1'rt-sa tuff frotu New York. Edison wii5 a llglifntîcst-udt-r (ns well as ce- ceP t-rf frttut smost tise begnlung of bis caret-r, andtihie way Se matie tisat tcllow work for twa solld boums was a joy. Atfer weamlng hlm completely out, maklng hlm recelve anti copy thbe equin-alent of about tbree or four newspaper colmue. Edison sudtieuly came tram iseblutitise swlfciboarti, ex- pasedth ie joke tu tise puer fellow anti wound up St- pelting hlm ou tise nase w1th tise newspaper iseSati been senti- lng tram.-Peersun's. LOW ONE-WAY FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST VIA CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAIL WAY. Every de-, r, -m September 1a f0 fJt- tober 15, 1f109. int-lusîve, tbis Railway vil iisel l,.,n one-Way coloniet tickets fi oui stations ou its lunes to Seattle. Ta- coma, Spokane, Portland, Victoria, Van- couver, Butt-,San Francigeo, Los Ange- les, Salt Lake City, Ogulen, andf todozene of other points West antiNortbtsest Stapovero allotsed. Lots ene-way tickets wll aise te- ne sale between above dates froni stations on thisi railway ta Montana, Idaho, anti Wasbingtou stations on the nets lin@ te thte Pacific Coast-the Chicago, Milwauo- kee & Puget Sound Railwsy. Stop) overs tsill aiso be allowed ou these tickets, a!fording an excellent opportuni- ty tuo ee tise wondemful nets country openeti by this lune. For complets informatiton regarding cost of tickets, sleeping car service anti lares, routes anti train service, seenearest ticket agrent of the Chicagot, Nliltsaukee& St, Paul Railway. Desiîruptin.- loldersris gardiug the country afttng tise nea lune, froni F. A. MtrttGent-rai Pausat-ger Agent, Chivagv,. 51-31 Open in evening. SII!I.DON CONrERS WIT? C01NTRACTORS lrrom Wednedays Suin I Waukegan contractors antI tîxh it- Izi-us as ciseose meýtftith rîlut--urita- tii e of A. F. Siseldori of 1h-e tonos Sheldon cormespondeiîce scitool et Rockefeller lu Attorney Claire C, Ed. isards' office tumorrots e'tîlrg tii tae .p lu dea11 wberber 0or nov tht- con- trectors walîl iuild a scoeeandtia half o! residences on the chtantce of bc- lng able to seII tisenito tîîîîloye of tise Sheldun scisool. Tiese cheme le r výgai,.îvIgeuttrally as a sounti one, worthv of attentionj ity tise contracters, heceus,- Siteldon ais regardeti as a comlig tutattand as a man wbon t if tesafe te taiotr Besîdes tisefibeldonut tîiversity, thtej tw0 hhndreti foot adtnisttration utfil- ing rer wblch ls nti% entineg lut up, snd tise score antI a haltîf(thionme ilanrîcd for e cr l)ei, lf -.'îr. Si-Idout llertssfor utct t-a r t h ,-.ut li .,hmt i of a training camp scih as tfli'li doori camp lu Ne-vs York stai#.. ai-rt- Elisu P. Root regaincifhi,îs .tu ength antI italth a ycar tien This 1-, a itealtis camp wiscrc1m.-utareput ona ri-gid ditf.gfven trsîititiex.-rctec itoth isntnally and pisyslcalfy, andi are forcet Inf lin-e out duers. ,Mr. Siseldon also plîsans a chantait- tqua tn which i-e bundreif baie aIý ready slgilfled tisir Intention of cent- lurit. Siieldon is nots cngaged oit a lecture tour that will engage ini vntIl tîtrisu nias Ht-elas unlonlzlug the- stitients otf cnt-ry stte sud titcy art- holdinug animtal toit entions. FOR SALE t. it ,r- farro I$67 per acre fC -TlTERt, .Xititt l 11 5- TO EXCHANGE-(',,f , voery stt)yrfiii it- tîîld lîîg vi t hstore,,larpge atti - tt, latt .cm ieNt stof 6 roîtuie. R-ar luildlîtc,12 la4e. :r ne eatwh. Itental $5.-)0. îrtli i(J. Fr stîtaîl larn wortti $(000. G. Mti t .443 Wellm St, tît1itago, ]I L 2 FOR SALE-lIt rîorît bouse, arrangeti foîr two familieîor ont-, near efestrie depot, al rîmodern t-,nvt-iencs. Inquire Wttx. BittîmÂN,, Litltsrtyie, phoîne 13U1. ~1 -tf FOR SALE-News secen roomn boute on Lincoîn avenue, alilmotdern conveniences, bath. furnace and eimtern, large lot; terme tii tttpurchaser. luquire UEO. Hiotu, Libertyville, 111. Pitons 1253. 51tfi FOR SALE-Houoe anti lot on corner o! HurlhuttCourtand Park Place. Fumetse btoat, bard and soft water youug, beartng fruit trsî-s. This id a largain if taken at once. At sTit W. TAipie, Li- bertyville, fil. 52-tf FOR SALE-Fatiter ktaulonsresidence, tao story modern building, large corner lut. Migitt consider divlding. fiee Ml. 0. Jottso otr write Box 791, Libertyville. 4854f FOR SALE-I offer ty sevon room reidence la Rockefeller for sale, eitber furuisbed otr unftîrnished. For parti- culard addremseIW. L. Rut(tH, Oakesdale, waslt. 49-tf given. JoýNEsBitos , Rockefeller. 111 51-4 FOR SALE titoti top btuggy, cleap il taken at once. A. J Uuîrli,. Liberty- ville. 51-2 FOR SALE-tltIrtpsbire Buck. Intînire 01 M'.J- C tiNt. Lake Villa.fil., R. R. 1. 51-2 FOR SALE-Rubiter tire buggy and aingle and double liarness. luquire at STAFFtORDSTAtBLE, MilWe.ukee aVenUe, Liltertyville. 51-2 FOR SALE-A good Jewel gasoline range. aiea a fine-toned Conover piano ata great meduttion in prie and on easy terme-. L E. HA<(KIEY, Scbool Street. Libertyville, II.51-2 LOST and FOUND il LOST-Small gold watch and pin Sspft. 7tlî on Plarik road between ownero preuti@es ,and E. E. Marohe,. Wateh le ý,lain open face anti Elgin movement. in gold witlî green enamel aud pearl setting. Liserai reward. FRED VAN ZANDT, Libertyville, 111. LOST-lasnie ring, initiais andi Iodge Dumber on the inside. Releard. WiM. Gallîait.E, Libertvville, 111. 52-2 LOST OR STRAYED-Collie dag, sab- le and white; more sable titan wehte. Angwers to name o! "Sbep.'- Fivedollare reward if returued ta D. BICIDLER, Gar- nee, fil., or Diu(e Lake. FOR SALE-Housie of eiRbt roome and_________________ three lots, 160zx200f, one flock front old WANTE depot; tbeap if takea at onceý Addroses,1 Botx 127, Libertyviille, or inquire at the WANTED-Horwes to winter. o INtiEPENItENT olilue, 47-tf warm stables, 140 acres of staudiog 1coin staika on which ta feed lu the day FOR SALF-Acre lots on IlYmnoutis simue. erms: $8.00 per month, seoa subdivision, close to town and eleitric rrs ntJree heati or more. . W. cars. Price$lfO.00. Bî moNo & AcTiN re1OERON, Llbertyville, ]IL) Phoue2785. 41-tf Farut Iocated t-o tmiles weet of Libert.y. ____________________ville. 52-tf FOR SALE-Eigitt rooni bouse on Brainerd Court, ail mnodernu convenieuces. WANTEO TO RENT-A fibm Iocatad laquire CRAs. ]ELEPPEII, LibertyVillle. 111. usai electrielilue or near Waukogan. Pitone 1144. 34.tl Addresa statlug location and terms. __________________ _ A». A. GaÀy, Pleasant Prairie, Wlscon- FOR SALE-Lots lun tht- Dynîoud ani1 nRSF. D Austin stubdivisiotn, 5011401; $100 each $5 dîtwn, $5 îe-r rnonth. OviioND & WANTE-00 soaweght «o 8 AUSTIN. 40-tf 1 eîînoi6,541 NCLYlbe v LOTSFORSAL-fneheB. , G Ir n snb-dtvision to! Llbertyville, soutis of eletrie road ou Mlileauke- avenue, B. J. GatNiEs, owner. 15-41 FOR SALE-Choie lots lu C. Frank, Wright'@ addition, 5OxISO, for $20000 $230.00 anti $80000. DYMaua & AUMTN 40-tf il MOLYTO LOA I MONEY TO LOAN-On lmrs faims ah 5per cent. DToyMîs &AWu 40-tf I HEU VANTEM FARMS-We have a lag lita!f Lake WANTEO-Girl to set tye dluor couuty farms ta, sel!, aigu houges andi lots printing office. AlyLi c 'vmn' in Village. DiMOuso & Ausrîa. 40-tf INDEPENDENT, Lîbeilyvîlle. WANTED-Olirl or waman, gaod an FOR RENT round helper who understands coakliW. 1 - 1 o Na hlng. Oa.M. HkmSIeofs, lbeit-' FOR RENT-Farm of 145 acres, good ile 11' ox23.-- buildings. Plenty o! water. Con-enient WAffTED--Six or eight gaad timing for for shipping mllk. Apply to E. L. LAvis, farm worL- plawlng, $2.50 per acre; Lrbertyvllle, 111. 52 tf pulverizing and sud cuttlng, 11.00 Per acre; dragglng 1n :edng 500 per FOR RENT-7 rotîm bouse ou Broad- day. J. R. MULHOLLANt>, Libertyville. 111. way. J. It.li. Libertyville, Ili. 1-2-2 ____________________ -- SBOYS! GIRLSI COLUMBIABICYOLE FOR RENT tilt r,nnti hrlct tutu-e on FREEI Gmt--aff,-r mitt. fef, your Stot -., AI-piSttt J ilia S. Ile,, t, itends t., submculte t(, otur magazine and Libertyville. IIIý 52-tf we will make you a Iresent of a $40.00 ' Columbia Bicycle-the bemt made. Agir FOR RENT-House and barn on Mi]. for particulars, frcee outflt. andclreular waukee avettue. M. GtERnv, Liberty- tefltng "Boa- tt, start. Addrsas. 'Tbe ville, tir inquiro W. EKliAis. 51-2 ltyl ar,2-1East 22nd 8trsetb ___________________________New York City, N. Y. FOR RENT-Four room cottage near WANTED-Success Magazine wants ebool btoume. lut1uire L. E RtA%.f Libertyville, 111. 48-tf an energetic anti responsible m.ao or wo-nan o! lih'-rtyville tu collent fur re- newitls anti soliit iiew suhcrptioua FOR RENT-Pianos, Plutyers, Organ, duriig full or spare tims. ExperieSuc un- $2.000ni), rent allowei if purcbascd. necýewary. Any une tau start auraug Kimisali Agenry, Luce Furuiture Stitre. friendm auti accqualntanes and build up Tel. 27. :17-fi a payi and permanent businesswith- out capital. Complets autflt snd lnatruc- FOR RENT-We bave a fets good mod. fions free. Atidres,,'"VON," 8ncems ern bouses anti date to cent. tliti,, & M agazine. Room 103 Sucesi Magasne AUTImN. 40-tf Building, Nets York (ëty, N. Y. gNorth Shore IE1ectric Co.S Reduces its minimum monthlg charge 0 f or Eectric Light service from-One Dol- 0 lar to f ifty Cents heginning September iProfession al-Cards Owing to the fact that Saturday, September 25th is a Jewish Holi- day the Globe will be closed up "di 'il ý-, ý 1 I III ~NONE RECEIVEO IA tW a FOR LESS THAN i 26 CENTS WANT ADS FOIR SAME FOR SALE-% III self at agre.t aclice Five cents per fine each tinsertion. an A. . if haee uprigbt piano, nashoaJy None received for less tItan 25 cts .-es--, A. fI rets.,nid Pripe' hen tiwsa .iti oderation $250. li.qulre j t lND -E'NDENT .office. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Five fine cole pnps. SIX Iweek old tnite e(nd growth dry wocid; FOR SALE-1 3ý acres of land, one "tme fedding ha.v. W. Il. APP'tEY. Aue mile nortît o! Long (irove, bouse, stable inr 52-5 and otte-r buildings. orchard. Inquiro, of S. Eut vit. Bloite 2, PareVeFOR SALE-Ts' (-tarloada tf eowe. Ili. 524 L. H.MILIER, 2 ttîil..s wPmt of Guruee. FOR SALE-Faon i,>l137t acres wtth FOR SALE-Iluinea pige. Inquire at gooti buildintgs, in witiilage of Lake this office. 51-2 Villa, III. Iliquir- fdIL B.St;ctî0<tor. Lake Villa, 111.'-'2 - "' FOR SALE-20 h. 1). engine and 10 --lý TH-ESE MAY WED. W. Mcflonald, Joliet, 4, hîLuell.ij Scott, 39. Frank Ernst, ChLcago, 44; Aîigu-tai Rlckuoq, Racine, 46. Raf pisB. Ptelffe, Zîsun Ct.v. 21, Emma G Davis, 22. H. A. Hanson, Mil waukee, 28, rd- get F- Kelly. 33. Henuiug Henungsefl. Kaulaunn. WiVIa, 68; U-zzetta Kenobel.. 58. Etilti Grace Davis, Austin, Tex...27 James Bouldin, Rector, Tex ...... 34 Benjamtin F. Cralg, HeWoM .... .28 Evelyn Cunmugs .......23 Ludwlg Bergh. BelotVis ....29 Ingebcorg Johnson............... 22 George Thematu. M f waukee...26 Lizzle Kraua .................... 3 Huntiry Daczuian ................ 23 Bera Endrurîkat ..... ........... 23

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