J~T~r~IUPAYa o~Yro»~U 1, I9O~ COUNTY INDEPEND1~NT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAICE COUNTY 4~OB Telepbone No. I. LIILors ResldCnoe TeIepbon~ No. 1141. Ubertyvifle Exchange ai the pLotoffiCe at Uberty.IOC. Iii., as SEcond Oleos ilatter IUUUO WEUKLY. ADVtRT[~lNG BÂT~ SAUt KNOWN ON AP1~LtCATION. *IJSSORIPTION PRICE 81.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY mN ADVANCE #UANK M. JUST............................................Editor ~. #*. KELLEY..........................................Clty Editor FRIDÂY, OCTOBER 1, 1?09. CLEANINO Up CHICAGO. Or. Imil G. Hirach'm rlnUlnh condemnation of membera of J.wiab church- os for mccepting ,,nta tram buildings umed for hotam cf iii lame 1.1. une *lth th new moveenefit lai Chicage ta atamp out the whita slave trafic. ft la dmelared tliat ooncerted action la te ha taken b mesibera of relîglous and clvlc hodie. b rld Chicago cf coai4ltions wfiicii are a dlegrace ta any Anm*ioan cemmîaaiutY. It la flot ta b. woaidered at that graft fleurialies lai a eity where mach thînga are aliowed. If It were annotaaiced by a newapaper in maaiy a city lai thia country that public expemura woiald b. made trou tii. tex boche cf the co&aaity cf tho, who .~i prep.rty umed for immoral purpoeau, thei wouad b. such racing and chaa- ing e. had neyer betore been wltneamed lai tii. place. Peepie owui preperty lai Chicago tiiat la b.lng uued for juet mach thinge, adi. ataaid highi amoaig their aamcclataa becauae ne on. knowm cf lb. Sou. cf tii. wcret dlv. keepera lai the weet eldo pay tiieîr rent maaiey to thege ad~o profem te b. 1,1gb minded aod vîrtiacias. Statea &ttorney Wayman mpp.ara te b. a tairly busy gentleman. By the way h. la atirrlng th4aigm up lai Chicago It wouid aeem that h. la the right aiearch and lai tht right pew and bliat hilare the benedîction la pronounced ho wiil bavo ruai morne cf bb* deacona cut trom under the asata. uaseOqO~.E B. Hall, lot 2. silatberwlcks Divu le (O~..h I. TI Sec. 18. Aton Twlî.; w. d. 81450.00. Real f~d Byuis.a...) ~* Ccii walbacb ta KH.Stupple. .rans.ers G.S. 6, Lot, Coenty Titi, & Trrat Co. Hlgbland Park; W d. 8150.00. Abstract. o! TitIe. Titie, Guaranteed C. J. Paterson and wife ta W. B. Masonic Temple Bldg. Waekegae. îî~ Itoatelmano sud a-lie, part lot 1, Loi î~ j. Gi 5~EE, secy Stantons Sub. lu Sec. il. Grant Ta-p Emesa Bates to Tablas Jeesen & W d. 81800.00. D. T. Webb. 60 acres on West shie. t W. H. Stripe and wlfe to Mary G. North Ave, Waukegan; ~. d. 820.- Peterson. iot on W. aide South Un- coIn St.. North Chicago: v. d. 81.00. 00*0O W. M. Strlpe and a-ire ta Ida G. Toblas Jeesen and vIte to Emma Croable. lot on W side Soutis Lincoin Bats., lot 8, block 2, Hoff's Suis.. ~ North Chicagu: v. d. 81.00. Waakegan; w. d. 85000.00. J.G. Grane et aI 10 AliserI Roggo, W. A. Stuclslik and vite to Josepli lots 65 and 66, bîock 6, Deerfieil Mesidel, N. 44 feet lot 3, Stantons Park; <i. c. 81.00. Sub. te Sec. 2, Grant Twp.; w, d. Catisolle Biahop ut Ch'csFo ta H H. .600.00. Doebier, lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, hock C. H. Flaher et aI ta W. P. Crockett, part laU 2 anal 4. Sec. 16, Grant Twp.; v. d.. 89500.00. C. B. Sayler mmd vite ta Nort2s Chicato Abats Bassk. part block 1. Ward & Divers Bob.. Nortis Chicago; W. t $5000. 50. Margaret Boylan ta H. B. EdWarda, lot adjolnlng lot 6. biock 8. ExmOor AU,. ta Hlghuand Park; q. c. 810.00 45. F. Mengesuen mmd vit e ta Wil- liais Scier. K 60 bat lot 3, bloci "J" Bmrnlagtnn; W. t $450,00. iiaarlce lioCeuin anal vIle w Frank ldbOi', lot 1. »evlinm Buis. jn Sec. 14..Oaat TWP. W. d. 8260.00. A. HoVard anal hnaband ta ~ ~maebd. S. lot 10. ~ ~a sec. ~. Grant Tvp.; 1. Nea-berry's Add., Ubertyvîle; w. 0. 83500.00. E. C. PrIe. and vite ta Helen L Hasier. part lot 321, Lake Fores': v. J. 84600.00. 1. P. Svltt anal vile to Helen L Hasier, part lot 6, Thomptons Add., Lake Fareat; v. al. 83500.00. Minnie Foîey aed bus. to Margaret MCG1ISII, lot 14, blk. 2, Oakland suIs.. Waukegass. v. d., $50. Mary Foley anal hua. to Margaret MeChan, lots 15 sisal 16. blk. 2, Oak- lanal suis., Waukegan; v. al., 8150. Ges D. Thomai (Recelver), ta Na- tlonal office Supply Co.. lobs 1, 2, 3, bUsh. 73, ZIon Clty; deed, 82,760. Master b Chancery to Âuvsst BtoIxnian, 72% a. norbis o! Lhberty- L ~ Fumigation I. tii. tisSai o! time. Quoth he: "Sa my valeattine mmd l'il get~ou out of quaientle.." Dr. Cauiierles Blactford. o! Chicago, vas tii. gueet~ol Mas. C. N. Duraed last Saturday anal Sumday.~ Tii. W.iis Targo Expreme calnpan3' vîli op.aO a4 nptowa oEce le tii. DW Jacisiielu bdlldlng Nonday. Tii. fiv..yees.old ~0B 0f Sert Anatîn. visîle pl&ylng lii tha.yard 1mai Monda, mornliigfeli a~d broha hlm ieg. C. N. Dui'anal ~urmd Mqndajr froue tnp te 21ev Ton Wbn. b~eIemn4mé lb. cslehratloat ai tise Rodaon..-Tialtoo anni- veraaly, Tha LadIes' Aid Sod.iy o! the Pftpb>r. terlan ciinrcb viii mur, a Nov Englanal dinner le tii. chutais r4ors raday; Oct, 7, begtnnlnt ai vo o'claek. Soin ta Mi'. anal 4rs. Chas. Proctar, Tum.dày. Sept. 98, a son. Motiie~ mmd ciiuld dolflg nlci~. Tite bôr vel*bmt.n panade mmd It la a anslliag counteilanos tiiat tii. lathar prosunta aver tii. deat ai tii. office o! tii. Hase Lumber Co. Plan ta attend tue buainume meetIng anal modal o! hi. Epvorhh Leegue thla Frlday evenleg ai tii. home o! Misa Doua (Iroker. Tiiere vîluhe a progratm r and maclai time. Ail Leagurer, and ubeir trientis .pecially lnvited. Bull. Dem. meeting et 8 o'cloct. Tii. Lahe Couety (Iravel Company plI hes been clo.ed dovu eeveral day. tii, paet veet ou acct~ini o! tise blg amoke ,tack wblch hlev dove lest F'rlday nlgbt. Tise mteck la thought to have been w.~akened hy the hurning o! the paver houe. beneatis Il several moetiis 'go. Wedîseedny morsîing Mi,, LeIaii Webb, teacher se the second grade o! tii. sebool here receîved tii, .ad neye of the deatis o! ber motiier. who vas le Texas eeeking iieaith. TIse bodv lia t.) be brought to Waîîkegan for burial. Mise Webb's many friende hem mympathuz. with ber je tus berearement. Four etroliere, two o! tisent maIe and two o! the gentler ses, walked tIse entire length o! a freeh rament wahk je front o! tue G H ttciianck property on Sprague etreet l~ssvt Sel urdav rvitht Tht wslk ton. .carcely dry aîsd the foot prints weîe very legilsie tise neit day. Tus ha. aroueri f lie ire ut tIse village olilcials as tus la not tue first rime ubinge ol thia kîed har.. îsecurred. TIse walk vas velI barncad.'d but je spite o! ibi, tact tises. people rvaejbered orer and I.ept le tii. .traxgbt sud earrow wav The prieta were meaaured aed will b. preeerrtd je i alcohol for future relerence. fi: ai et ol S I ta a fi a 'a le W. i. $5509. . I ville; deoul. $,U2.93. ~ g. ~~va i. codas Hansep. lot I Bila Dougla. mmd hua, ta CItY ot 21. ~Magton Park. Wmnkegaii; Wankegan. e. 52.85 ft., blk. 2, Gleis- m~ v. I. 8809.09. dais uub., Wankegan. for atreet; q. o 5e~ie. 22. 1909. c. t. IL t' 1~ Tweed maS vIfs et ai ta Lewis J. 1.. IL Hutchlnsaus anal WL ta K Ka0 lot la asetica 3. Grant & F. Ldmemaan, 40 a. le m.v. Va, sec. W. S.. $1.250. 22, Watra tvp.; v. t. 83.860. i mvi ingrahasa ta K A. OU. lat 80 Jauni. Decil anal hua, ta Tlmcbhy ~ vuet front fa a. e. Va mec. 21. Gubhaea, part kit 2. blk. 2, Wrighta Waukagaa tvp.; v. t. $1.200. add. Uhertyvilie;; v. t $4.000. c J. W. Ceci'. aad vite ta Battis Ho- Mary K Guizier ta V. H. Sokup, lot tî na* gant lot~ 25. addition ta Nortk- 2, ameessosa euh, le a. e. Vs sec. 17 W~ ait. Waakeaun; W. t. $5. Wankegan: v. t, $1.200. W. G. Walling anS vile ta F. B. Jceeiils Kolmian masS W!. ta Antan Menro. part s. ~ t. C. Va veis o! Rt.vbtlk, lot le ~v. cor, sec. 3 mmd 80 rueS. sec. 26, Deertelal bovuablis; v. A le a. v. % sec. 12. Avon tWp; tva t, $12.000. v t~a, 82. P. i. Craxtalon anal vile ta Job, anal J. W. FOX ta C. E. Sayler, lot 5 anal Terema tlmek. Iota 1 anal 2, block 16. ve.t h.ll ai ~ ~ bik. 2.fl.euox anis., Waahburn Eprlnga; vk. t. $550. Nartk Ckicawo; v. 4., $1.700. G. J. Eeunhald anS vite ta BinU BUIA J. WrIgl5l anal hua, ta K W. Ensteri. 75 acre. le n. e Va mec. 15. Kuake, bat 9. black 19. Wrlghta adal. Ormad tovnaiiip; v. al.. $l2,000. ta Lhbertyrllk. v. al. $200. Sept. 24, 1909. L. H. Lloyd anal vi. ta Cora Luk- I E. C. Pries mmd vite w .1. H. Tai- ~li5. lot 40. btack 2, Lloyd. aub. ta lot, part lot 321, Lake Foreat; q c. Hl4WOcd W t. 8200. 85.00. Emana Kaki anal hua, ta Fred Bluet- f W. H. Murphy to C. E. Asyler. ~ et, lot 1, hiack 4. R.ackefeiier; q c., 45, biock 77, Nortii Chicago; s. W. al. 1200. 862.00. Mazi.a Kovaleveki ansi bus, ta Ml-1 c. s. Huaker anal wtt, ta j. O. kaie*Togetiota22analZ2.blackl4. v Hucher mmd vile, lot 6 aed W. % i<st W~iubwii Bprlng5; v. t. $2.000. 7 bluck 1, Wlllmingtons Suis. St Round F. B. (HUard anal vite ta W. H. I4ke; v. d. 8300.<î0. Gîfford. 2 Iota In eec. 14, Weat Anti' I 17', H. Hulbert to T C KIese. Jr., ails tvp.; I Seeda. 83. lot 5, block 75. Hlghtaa.l Park; w al. A. 1.. Ragera, anal vIte, ta F. W. 81000.00. Churchili, lot 7, hlock 5. Rard.du-L.c T. H. llulbert b F~rlda K. Grant, lot Bluffa, Narth Chicago; a., c, SI. 4, block 75, Higlilanal Park, a. d Aibeit Fraaken anal vite 10 P. F. $1600.00. Moare, lot 28 anal n. Va lot 26, biock 2, T. H. HuMsert ta T. G Klens Jr Halt'm auh. Labe Fanuai;: W t, 82,600. lot g. tuicck 75; w. al. 81600.00 F. W. Ilarrover anal vile ta Mar~ T. H. Huhiiert to Mary H. Kiesa, garet Harrover, 29% a. lu a. v. % lai S. bioci 75, Hlghlaisd Park; w d. Bec. 19 Fremont tvp.; q. c, 810 'l'es... 'tO. Kiesa, Jr. ta Harrlet G. Itiese, Foley'sfloeqand Tarclsum tisait lotS. Merk 75, Higislanal Park; w. al. passeges, stope iii. irsltatloe le tii. thiomi, eo otbm lie imils.a.d memhrea.e, w: n. D.eterahafl mmd vu. ta Mary anal tise nioatniietinaîecougii dlsmpçs.mrs. C.1I~.Uas, 9 iota. Graîa take; v. ai. Sore and leflaineal lunga mas heaisi aed strengliieeed, anal tiiecalal la ezpelisd U. B. 'WllEaua anal vite et ai to f~~m tise .yst.m. Relue. ny but iii. Lt A. Wo~a, lot 8, Bob. et Iota 1411 genules le the yeiiov pectage. i~ 'VIllage cf Antloch; v. ai. - UM. Pliefir I. PeRsane. .taa.rsey. <~sa. 50111 ami vile ta W. M. Fila. Adjudication Notice. lia5 lot 21. Usu Bay AilS., 2.~s ~ 2S~uce i. herelo g,,., ibas 15e lob. Pmo~; W. S. ~18L09. Couvi PI tas, Cemey. as a ls.m Bmw,. '1eoes.ma~ isIli aaesd ai,. la lOgo M Se ~ E. NiioSer ta Oottfilad Coot Hoisme la Wmekegmm. ~AsmewaM ans! vif., E. 60 test W 150 OOùuit~,, Se mbNeday nI Doceater euH. 15W w lsd whar, ail tarante Bit lot 5, block 5. ~fbfl AU.., 111gb. dm1.. acalas saàd ~. ~ .iolleui Se Sa,., te .aid 000gb lot laid Park; W. t SUMê JASSI L SWATER. Aiisuleigratot ~ r T. Tot D.b'gb t. Laminia Vaataeaa. Seeteuber M. 5555. ~S.< 826 Reward i. revard o! 823 dollars viii b. paid r evidence tiiet yul lead to the armet id conviction of tht partie. vIsa vaht- f mcm., tb. lreehuv laid cernent wsik r G. H. Scisanet on Apragne fitreet lest aturday nighî. .0W ONE-WAY FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST VIA CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAV. Ererî da.v. from Septemiser 13 ta Oc. )isêT 15, 1909. inclue ne, tue Rallway III seil 10W Oee.Wa7 colonlat tickets ove stations on lb. ilaca ta Seattle. Ta- Srkane. Partlaaid, Victoria, Van- Saa Francimea, La. Ange. e, Sait I.ake Clty, Ogdeu, anal tadosena t ather pointa Wmef anal Northveat. tapavero allOWed. 1.0W One.Way ticteti WIII aiea b. no ~l. ls.iiws.i abo,. date. trou atatlana n tisie reli va, te Nontena. Idalsa mmd !a.b~~su atatlone oa tii. av lin, ta (loaat-bhe Obicago, Milwau- e. & Puget Souasid Sallway. Abois avera vOl alec healloved on theme oAsis .Unib .5 eSSettsr.sssm5s.nl, y ta mn tii. vondontul 0ev country pets! hy this Ilsie. For complet. infatuatIon regardlug tut tsf ticket.. sleeping car service anal are., rotsbem and train m.rvlc.. me. n.ersot Ictet agent ol tise Chicaga, Milvankeet It. Paul Ballvay. DescrIptive toMate te. ardlng tii. country along the eev lin.. mmF. A. MILLES, General Paa.enger Lgent, Chicago. 5141 BoIh Soya Saved. Loula Boom, aleadlngmerchantof Nor. va,, Mach., ville.: ~Tbree bottle. ai i~alq 'a Boney mmd Tar aii.aiutely cur.d ey boy o! a mevere cotîgis, mmd a eelgh. sor'mbajr.vba vae Sa iii vltb acolal bat tii. doctore gave hlm up, vas culeal sytaking Faley'm Boney anal Tas'." No. hing cime 4 am maie mmd certain le reemiba. Fuasa B. LovELi.. BNN n. aui.LBR, Abiefees'. Chancary Nolice. j-. GrotU Court of LaS. Cuionts', Qetobor 1er,., I. B. 1555. la CSaacerv. G... No. 4147 - WIlliam Srock,.mau n.. John O. Ocide,, ~fihI~ ANO RECORDS HTJss WATCHMAKBR LIBERTYVILLE,, ILL. i A.> and T HERE 18 a distinguish- ed something about Interna- tional Overcoats thats totafly ab- sent Iii the ordi- nary kind. This 's dii. inpartto thounusual smartness of tii. fabrics and the clever way m which due work isdon.. loteinatienal 's. New Yok j pnces that are To uneasure omly. E. W. PARKHURST SchaadL Block UBERTYVILII, ILL i - * o o 3 CORLETI & FREDERICKS i o o o i Staplc and G1~OC~R1ES * MARKET o o PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE No. 30 o M Bar OwM the Cold Tb.Is WIziti~; by Elaving a HEA11NG PLANT Installed lu youu home. Yuu will make 110 xntstake if you buy an Idea.1 Bolier or Boy nton Furuace. Get tacts and figures f rqrn i Litchfeld AIber~f~ ILL. I J. M. QraVes UCTIONEER * Me Befora fiWdUg Your 0.9. SeMafacdoe GUstad Omo. Bs N. Oupeele St. Ides.. PSu,. usa mis. M41IUIWoodAVC. WAIJKDOM4. ILL. 'aiea of voinso, hmad peina, or an~ O mtopped lu 90 mimate. Pure Wl Uboapos Plut Palm Teblatm. Sa. fui! jeula on 211e Box. Soid by., AU. DUALERS T~q Ç~pW BARSUR SIIOP Law Fiagg. Proprietor Juat araund tii. corner on Sprana Street, nazi to tii. Soohni bull lng and oppoalte tii. Peater biackmsnlth abop. LiSERTYVlLl.~. IU.iNOUS Olgas'. aaid Tcbacdc Laundry Ag.ncy Razora Honad A Sç~éusatative $ motel tht laad~ag mamufactw'eas ol wcedd.W~ materiai wili b. with us. wltb a f uli lime o! 0W ~ts. Thia I. mata nh-~igt a dIsph~ .1 beautilul COIOrIRp mmd Maiuhiap lot w.od woek mmd limera. tht ~IgViWw.If'Ur >@mthtwoodwoekolaro.oewfth. fakAm< off tht oU pebet or ,'anilah-mnd trut <4* hri~Itiws t. oiatch. Yois o. lana bpw t. mabe mofi wood timers equai te bard w4 la ho&q mmd wen, You cas lesta ho', te make yaur bard wood floors water-prooL b.eLçroo~ moeetclb.prooL Omi-Namel Domebatad FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. i AND 2 j~ il. B. ECJER~SUBERTYVILLE - I When YQU are Figuring to BUILD k STORE, bUSE, BARN OR ANY KIND O! BUILDING The moot esseutial part le where eau you gait thut inaterial promptly aud the cheapeet. No but too large for us to give prompt service- and Amati ones the same. DO VOUR FAIL DITCUIING Look Up Your Fail. !eed Wants~and Give Our Feed a Trial - !~NC!.YOUR !ARM WITII GOOD POSIS LIBERTI ViLLE L~M8ER GO. q Sw~ater Coat W~A IN~S A fortunate purehase made early In tii. season enables r5s to offer at this time morne remarkable bargalns in sweater coats. The-e gooda eau not be 1~ought at wholeeale today for what we are asking. maroon or Ravana at~ripe, also somut in green mlx, good buttons, only . .........51.25 MCJI'S I1~AVY COATS, Oxford with navy blue, f BOYS' tI!AVY COATS similar to the above, lu .>1~esnpto84,only...................51.00 GIRLS' SW!AT~R COATS. Oxford or Navy Bine, fancy stripe and pocket..........51.40 (iRAP4IT~WARf-We have recently gotten In a niée auortment of graniteware, comprlslng waah basins, stew pans, ~ke pans, dlpjers, frylng pana and many other articles5 Your choic~ ut these lOc W. W. CARROLL & SON FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAP!R Liberbyvilie. Illincie Fail and Wimter Goods Now on D~splag CLEANING DYEINO REPAIRING