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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 7

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c' I I I lit" LOST-Friday, lieu>. 24. froîn Prairie View. Scotch tCollîi dog, maie ,hwite neck, four white feet. sinali si-are lin nos,-. Ato-wers tii naine Scott. Reward. H. C. IIvLLiNHEN, Tel. 2744, Prairie View, Ill. 1-3 LOST-Mla@ouic ring, Initiais and lodge number ou tîhe inide. flsward. Wm. OtiHîixe, Lbertyrille, Mi. 52-2 1WANTED1 WANTED TO BUY-Acce lot nortb of Libeprtyville in loation eitahie for sumnier homîîe. A. X., INDEPEIIDENT office.1- WA NTED-3orie tii wiuter, good Warinu talie, 140 ac-res of standing Caru stalke 011 whîî-h f0 fed lu the day tintie. Terme: $8.00 per monfh, speeiaf ~ ie ethr,-e hi-ad -xr more. 0. W. EBNOLibertyilîle, Ill. Phone 2785. Farin located two miles wet of Lierty-. ville. 52-tf WANTED--100 $boat.. welght 60 f0 80 PDQntd@. BiraçaCoLa-a -Libertyvvi, 2654.51-ti Thîeliats spcat tbree- day, fouring froni Wsuliegan west tirongi the luke1 region anS w-ecc ut Pislalie, Bay anS Fox Lakîe Sundsy. To a repîorte-r Mc- Morue deciared that the,-tcrritory between Waukegan anS Xoodstocli uirougi tiîcHenry and lie luke region la tie fineet rplway Prospect 10 b,-ond anywiere ln the UniteS States. Mr. Muorse 100k a number cuf camera vlews of Woodtocks business sec- tion us wuli us of the, Oliver fsctony, wiere a unief raIl was ade, on Supt. Whitworth. At lie factory Mc. Muorse assured Mn. W7bitwortii anS a reporer liaI lie Uîne vîlI bc bul xeithoul a douif. Hie Statesa theli-part iroin Wanke- gaa Weetwll be bulit Iis winler and LAKE (JOINTY INDEPENDENT, 1!RIDAY. OCTOBER i. 1909 Profssindi arR A. àl. CHURCIILL Prolssioai CrdsPHYSICiAN AND SURGEON x1li, elu BuHaser Binek. axer W. E9. Diet.' store 0510ef'Sse 55 Res. ptu3ane it61 DR,.0. F. BUTTERFIELD, Specîi Attention Gîven to Disees sOf VETERINARY SURlGEON,. tht Eye, EFar. Noue end Thrust r &A.NTi-ANT @TATI E ETaINAsAN LIBERTYVIIJL -- ILLNOW Ubertyvllle. hlluole DR, GOLDING DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, DENTIST 01,Y]CE OVER LOvELL'O Dure. cruiEZ Houre RM f0 12 am.-1i-to 5 p.. socUsÉ-froin 1 f 8 and 6 tri 8 p. m J. Ehi Trîgge Building Liiie-t:rvfle ll, iluiots .ti1)r -f-IL. Tai luir-Phuine 19 [les. Phone 1092 W. Hl. STIJDERLtri-îl Illinole 51115 EYOR Sîiidiridiug and Farni Wi-k DR. E.,FK SMITH. LI1BEIITI lLLE. IlLL.DENTIST. OVES LKS. COtTNy NATIONAL BANK î4-K. STEARNS S UR-tO2s.Inad to 5p.m. LAWYEII i BAILY. 2111 Wuiiurton 4treet Llbertyvijle, illttols O ý uku-gun 'Piuîai 27611 DR. MICHAEL COLDENBURG IVililibe ut the DR. !DW. V. SMITH "IlA.TLE ..T.,EFRYwFttcu General Practice Prueta-,- Lîrni ted f o the Eye, Eur, 6o8e ______ asd Throat WANT ADS FOR3RfZI I - FOR RENT-On shunt, vis wîlIen IFive cents par lino s sch insertion, about 50 acres (Ji land about 1ýs lîilem Noms recoiv.d foir lots thon 25 cts. weet o liighland Park- IL "ab ben in MIE Bwus. 204 11.arboru St. REAL MSATE c,9.1t I IFOR RENT-105 acre fata in wth.Lown of Newport, hall way hetwen Uillburn FOR SALE-Hou*e andeottagi-tor male.unm, WdmwortîbgodbidnsE- Extra large lot»..Inquire ua îîs.w~nulys et yvîlie, iii. Box lEn- F. P. LxE, stewart Ave., -2 1-tf FOR -SALE-13,Ya-ceem if land, ose FOR RENT-Ilodern 6 roua iHat, ni-w mile nortb of Long (irove. bousee stalpie building, Cok Ave.lf.-ady about Nv and other buaildingsm. or-bhard. Iir lot. M. 0)Jo. P. 0. Box 79ý of S. KEILEu, Route 2, Prairie tew I I. 52-4 '1t ný- nn jFARM FOR RENT-4)f 113 u-' FOR SALE-Punrio f 115 acres witlî Apply to We. ScarLa, .Hait Dayv, 111 good budiîîdîge, l in hevillagie, of akeif Villa, fl.i Inqîlsre fjti . SiiEtsW(K) Lake Villa,lIII 2-l FOR RENT-Farm ot 145 are. ood . ........ bîldingm. Pk-nty of water. t. iii ,eoiit FOR SALE-A 120 acre atan$eî7pfer fo)r hi lîping mllký Appîr tii K. . Al. A,, acre. C. R-r-rju. Atiocb,Illi. r,2-2 Lbertyville, Ill. 52 If TO EXCHANGE--Chic'Io property. 2 FOR RENT-8iix roouu brick liiuiieoni tory frtrme building wt istore,, lrese-bol0 . Aply i iila S l'usIII attie, 2 Mlse. ouai-us îf I Moins. 1=11 Lbertyv 1i'il' 52 tI building, 2 fit-, 3 roomm eau-h. Rentai, $50. North mcde. For "Moil fari *ortlî FOR RENT-Foîîr rî,im i ottagi' niar $800 *imi ESLlti, 443 Wellm kit., eehiol (-'use Inquiri' L. E RA%. <llagii.52-2 Liberty viii,,11.48- FOR SALE-10 rîomr bouse, arranged FOR RENT-Piisiiîi, PI'sei-e. rgauie, for twa-fmilles or one- near eetrici $2100 Irît,.re-ut aiiîwvýiI lfuni--l ilepoît ail Menii 1 q îvn~besfquine KiîîlailiAgi-nrv -LuiPl-uruiîiir- Sfre. %VI illiiu-N, Lîb-rtyville.lixhone )18.l Tiei. 2î.M . i51-tf -:7t FOR RENT-VM' liavec îkt f-ix gu, i cd- FOR SALE-%e e'bnrot[1o, -onI irn hou-e anl îfini.Tiini-n t. iTr mi, î&j inluioln avenue, ail Modern cinvinienris, Atsi .-ri 40 tf bath,' furnaCe and ci@ terri, fla@elut terin tscuit purchawr. lni1uirp(E,,): iiîiLibertyvilles, 111 Phoîne 1253. FOR SALE _i-f FOR ;FRSALE-Fiii ir or l,er fi iof î-tîvî-r FOR SALE-Hioua- and tot Onui-rner (If hay, price-rweeiualli JA- i HurlbuttCiurtand ParkiPlace. 1-urue -onî'mile norti ofî,t ilert.vvil,-. p l'hîîi l'mat. bard and sof water, yourg 2763. -1-2 hearnng fruit tre.Thîis im a liargan If taketi ut u i-e. Oe.N W. Tata,-, Li- berty vill-. Ill. 52-tf FOR SALE-Uni- l(alg,-r fîuîîru 1 ri ______________________________ sith roliiil.te îîutttfuîr #$1,-oî-îît Prai-tiî-al iv tu-a' Val]I ir wîIxlî r,., iloi FOR SALE- Fatiiir Scanluns ra-idesu-', , v3:îraysslake, 111. tiviN, oy tuodern ulilding, large î-îrn.-r____________________ lot, Mîglt nmoidviding. Sci ', % FRjAL br-u lttr)i.Cîuetu JOjII.eosotr u rît,- flx 79, Libertyvill,'. FORt, pie- T Siiixiitte ri o uîlli-,e FOR SALE-I off,'r my sevën riiiih ORSAE250 i-tu77n, m- ClIk reiid-nj-eien Ria-ket.-l-r fîur sall-e,-îi-ljR S-2brve eti crf in, aloi ome fnruitied îor uniirnish,-d. For Pargai e, hefîî jtmjrlok is on eulars addrems IW. L, lîa ,Oakaadale iftings AbihuAN Ii  hueFENcE C- ti FOR SALE-Bouse of etght reooin and FORSL-ire Miie collie pupe[ i thrse lot@, 1601200, onle bloc-k front old moksl;stesiiudgot r od d&pot: eau il taken at (once. Ajdreem.-son.bedding hay. W. I. API>L'%" -. Auc- Btox 1 27, Libertyvîlle, or inquire ut tb io.- 52- INOLENnENT ZlCoffice. 47-tf 0 e .... OR SALE-20 h. p. eunle unî 10 FOR SALF-Acre lot. on Dymond'e ruiler Piano busti-r. A liargaîn trial subdivision, close bto twn and elp-fric l'e- JONus Bom, Roekelell.-r, 1-Il tnsPriCe$300.00. lhaOa & AiMT 51 4--ut MONEY TO LOAN' FOR SALE-Eigt roor bouseo _____-011__________ -Brainerd Ciourt, aluiîîdern eonvenienli,- Inquire CaÂe Kiam-a'ea, Lîiberfyvvlie. Il MONEY TO LOAN-On tiîprovec! Plione 1144. 34-tf farine at .î Per 0en- t h uos & ACSTiN __________---________40-tf FOR SALE-Lots in the Dyinond and t Austin subdivisîin, î>oxl40; $100 ie b, HELP WANTED f $5 dou-n, t-,peri-rîîîntb. Drsiioq1u & L1i ________________________MEN WANTED-Atthe AmitiicA-,% FI iii LOS FOR SALE-fn the B. J. rMes______________ euh-division it Lbertyville, soutb of WAN eletri,- roa<I on llwauke - avenue, B. WNED-Young lady tfui a kinCn 1tif Composiiigroom. Inquire l.itIi-i N]iEvi J. OaI.mEs, owner.15 office. Lîfi)ertyvlli, 11. FOR SALE--Choice lots lu C. Frank Wnlhtet addition, SOI 150, for $20000 aATR A IA $25000 and#300.00. DymoNu&AUTL E AS ER C PIALN ____ ____ ____ ___ IS INTÉRESTED t FARMVS-We bave a large fief of Lake r cointy larmesto solil, alo oua-ne and lt. Spend Titres Oays In Fox Lake and in village. Drio.so & Are-t-a,. 40-tf Piatasse Bay Reglon and Snap * 0e- - Mony Pictu-s i n and About Wood- FARM FOR SALE-A good furtu ut stock-Moi-u Says Hef Will Surely about 149 acres in toan uIf Warren, 4 Build Proposed Wynn Line and nilieaet uof Guruee uand 4 mile nîrtiî weet of irymîlalie, 2tý Mil-s oiiiiof McHenry County Ic EncourageS. Mtitunu 100 1ares illa' land ail tiled, E tbe r-et lasture, reek ruiiiîîg lbnuuuli Franki B)ron Nturse of Nemn lot k 1 1'.( I ', i 7 î. a ci.liI - WhoLiiii' a-it l8tii ieit, graniarv, ' agoil i aîî1 est 'i itu s îreet i iixxaî s ii se i rrai tdîîl ebed,. dîiutîle Co-drinb, lîîghfouse. parts of the United States, usa in chu-lien houle-and repair shoix, 3 weiie, Woodstock a short time %Ionday whlle windilliI and nîiiîîîeoue. Farnii can bi- dlividedintata-oiirthrtee lIai-e. Addreee on ait automobile tripi froul Waukegan FREtI)FH. B Gatxuîrnec, fi,11.Mi tîg, sys the Woodstock Seu, %I 5r MNorse was acconîpanled iiy R to, LOST and FOUND 1). Wyun ot Waukegan, who la pro- sir I-moing the building of the Waukegan an STRAYEO-TO my farni, Sturday,. sud Rocklord eiectrlc lin,-, and L. J gk Sept. 24, a heifler about three yeare ).Id. o Psy of Chicago, a representa. juk Owner May scee aine ty provîîîg profierty and pa3ing for thie ad. R. J. ,tic, of the,- Colonial Trust & Savingu ti LiLL, Rockiefeller, 111. banli sud their ladies. e IItLD UP BY BOYS TO BUY DRINKS Defalle of Flght etf Soth 815e Wed- ding Show Hose Sncb Affaira Are lCOnducfed-Butcher Tried fo Col- tcct Meaf Bill and This Proved Sig- nal for a Gsntral Fi-te-for-Ail and Thri-e Police Cass@, tonday night ut a lut,- hour wbile a South Ge-nese-,- treet menchant wae golug honte ut 0,-nec,--and Lake streets, arourid s darli corner, b,- dlaIms that four or five boys stoiiped uIni, asked huni to buy drinks, and abuseul hln for a refusai. As be hai $9l on ixs he prein be feared a holdup, Oli- of tie iboys was arcested but nexl iorulîxg theu nier-liant r,-fuued t0 lîcosecutu fur the salie et the boyem futnily snd the- cas,- degeneruted lutoe simlnîy a drpi tsUnd dlsorderiy charge ultix the meru-bantt eiueng to appear. Ottails of Weuiding Flght. Ieres h,-eîoi-YOf the -weddling on the, soîîth elde that resulted lu the, warrant cxases aud soite, fat fines. Jiiet ais the,- eddlngwuse ut Its heigit Sa01,-at man eniered the, bouse ahereif t us'belug held and ofped s bljl to a wonîuîî thece. She ocdered hlrîî a-a- tntil after the,- eddlng. Th- tac cailed names, plates 5,-w frouithoiii- arf'ahs hand towards the, collex touc I hi- bute-ers casitant gcabh,-d the- ivoman, tm'o other guets laid the, butcher iow, otiiere tili got after hua assistant and puit hum Ont, the flghtfng Iecame geai-raI sud final. ]y the,- ffair.bcoke up lu a grand finale of fitieuifs sud liying dishes. Attempied Suicide, Del>ipoderii, Mc, Fred 1Neibeirof luuuî Nxorth Spciug strict Sunday ilght slilfou--iliack,îiiic s deadlyipoioni, ait tiivat Is helieS 10tuia*vý. beî'i suiiduai fittent. The,- larni wau gixen hi frightenedb relatives near nine 1110eu lait uigiit to thIilOlire depactinen, anS a pua xl i-ian made a reco)rd con te the,-N,-uhert LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN residence Iu hie automobile and affer OPENING OF THE STANDING the, stomach puuîp had been applled ROCK AND CHEYENNE RIVER the wouîun was prohloonced sast,-Two' INDIAN RESERVATIONS hours after-cardu she was feeling tri îîie-aldlaiiiiu -as aise taken up wlth the, resait fiat action ai be tuken as soon as possible unS sonne cernent walks laid belon,- cold weatii- er sels lu. If the, finit plan of sellîng the, 1,200 lots fa not successfîîi sud the, generai sentiment le that lul is noi feashble, because the peopile-of Zion have aI ready been blx-d and soaked te the.- Ilmit. another illan hue heen outlined which nia s îccecd intietof the, skepuli and those opposed te bhe plan s beiug chlmerleul in the,-ee. This iat,-c plan la for the, recelver to gelthte consent of the, feulerai court te place the, blanliet motage whfcii bas al1eady heen ouflined In the, SUN, -o ,ch betutlteroui ingJact muc beter lud West of the,- it y. Itlu sclalmed Tii,- irkepur that ah,-tooli usin Regisîration ut Modi-idge, Lemmnon on that Most of this lanS le now e-leur the, houa,- as pal-t of the, famnily medi- Aberdeen, S. D., October 4 to 23. Of debt sud that the,-Placing of a mort- cm,- ciiest. Si,- îaIlwe. a large - gage focr.100,000 would b,- an easy piortiontof fi but Js now feelng Wveil. The opening of tihe Standing Bock und mut ter sud tiat thus fond coold bu The, deed foiloued sthe,- eunit of Chieyenne River Iidîsu lservaîions in ued to psy bonusea neceeaary to se- a large lust or illeged mîsforînnes. in Scint Dakota anS North Dakota in cure ten factocies employlng Èive hon- Mr. Neubert ia engineer on a llsiiing ýOctob,-r WtiI gir,- about tOn lbouand dced Mn. tUg One boy was blnSddbIna local Plafe for a suxul sftufertie ae. th The conditions under wiiiciiIbis fac- -silcoad accident. gzaverument hue appraiscd hezo lande tory expert prososes to accomplisi j t 50 cents to Vf; pur satre. bihua giantie contract hs on the basic If yon intend to engzage in farmtng or o! no fui-torIes no psy. Tii, plan le are now furniug aad wîah ta change VAS CLIEANING GUN your location, why mot regifster for on for the, consen't of theiInvstora for of tbe8e f.aus > .Ion ny hoasucceseful the, plucfng o!fite mortgage 10 be wII!N iT !1XPLODED in drawiuig for thece lande, flrst secured, then w-heu tbis mtîci la _____Aberdeen, Southi Dakota, on the ssured Mfr. Vatlilua promies to se- Chicago, Milauiee, & Sf. Paul Rail- Eaplodes White John Pope, Jr,la wsY, and Mohridge anS Lemmron, core- and bring the,- ai-tories Into Zion Cfeaning If and as Friend la Enfer- Suiîith l)ukita,iiitlii-Chicaga, Milwsu- f7ltv hi-fore hi' reeles a penny. Tien !mg Raom, aud Merest Accident Pret kee & Puget Sound Rsîlway. si-e he is uî to u aeuîî r (eaunt f, arnoînt ensFatality. Shot Scatiers and ais liý1-ii rîîîîii, i 4 [,, 231. Th, duaw- ci1;i Scai-es People in Heaing-Due ho iulg aili tuke pla-ce ut A uerdesnu tn Octo- This nian Waikîns la saidtot be a Faifuve ni Safefy Device. ber 2fJ Wonder, sud tii bau i a national reputa- The,-lauSnd f cxtitîthe f0 the -as4t of flou as sciia usfîî fitory îandîng - - i heme r"u.ccatliuns -nri selle ut $25-,lu A fatality usavectd by niereet $81>pr acre. specîîlauor lie s said to be lie flan bhanc,- rex-eitly ut the,- honte of At- Tis lanîd uîu-tîîuixiii sîsalo gir,-you e wiio blîîîlup îîRicniouîd. nd_ - te, ione oh s plendid opîîîrtunity tii cie the Wonder- Poitnt of îirortiouetce Ji noc- ioidx as orns Jb0 ).Pope ai 423 West fuli-ountni-yxîeeithroiîgh the construc - of tii,-larges:inîanufactuilng Ire-et John, Jr.,was anrg an ex- lion of the ni-w lin,- tIithe, Pacil Couet,on 0 mînnation of un aîîtonatlc No. 12 ut siali additioina] î-t over yoot- rail- towns of liai state. Receiver Guis B. gauge stiot gon in hie crum hen i-ouarcstu o ints îîf cgietraîlon. Thomas I luitlS1to okli uthmore fuv- 201as e we coîlg tc beec of Fîuidens regurding thue hand openlng or on thlfasateciene for the ralIsng Just as he was clasiS the-bec f n h country alîiz the new line lu of fthe-bousuti touey tii5n the, lot pcop- te gun fhe safety be-i alipped, ce- Sooth IDakorta, North Dakota anS Mon- asing thec flning pin, wbîcx of coure t ana, free. F. A. Miller, (Genral Passeuger osition unS w IIIl co-otuerate wlth fie Ilîciirged the, wespon. &ýgent, Chi-ago, Bilauke & St. Puni businesse nuen's association providlng A friend of hie wae Ixiat eoterlng th Ry., Chicagoi. 51-3 the invsiocu wlll consent to the big lor whentî he ce-pont, airnost deafen- mortgage. Ing ithn te cnfies o th smll arnng.The plan la cauîsing a great amount g uîhlnthe cofins oflie emil arnng.of Intereat in Zion as love-store lam tom, rang ont anS yooog Pope stood Do nmltlie veccuadei lto takingr any- tiat the, landlug of the, factocles would ;till, f00 eurprlsed and fightened i-o, hing but Foiey's Honey and Tar foi- love. Tii, charge of ahoi; etruck: ebronie coughc, brîxrclii a iy faner, ut once cause a big dcmsund for bold- usttma unS iung trooble, as il ettopa the lng lots and would licreuse fie value 1e floor wlthln a few lochues of the c,,gh and beais Itie lange. of the, remnaînîug re-alty fn snch an ex- visîtor's foot, scatterinq in lie toar FANK.uBLovrLL. eltn ie wudgtamc Lad Wall bot doing no *ther Suamage. t________________et amuc Tic neaciy serions accident wa larger returu on their holdings, come te entîneiy to the taiture of the Adjudicafion Notice. clslmlng the recuit wotihob a sottie- ufety Sevîdu and fu future John sys %PIublie Nonice ls ebu-u-i gisen fumat tfei bb ment of aIl] daims on a hundred cents acfierExcufor of tiieiastWllisud Testamet on tiie dollar basia. se Wîi rentove the sheila before mak- ni Henry- eutt, deceaseli ahi attend the g anexaiioston o ilsveapn ~ County Court of Lake,- Cata.Sfa ti-om flereof ng an exami ~ ~ ~ ~ tbehuiinatlo fbswao nt ýhll t teCourt ause te Waulrka ho hause, la said onuty, onthe f tM sdAY oeMvlr PERRY L. PFRSONS, Atorey. nais t, 0, cheu alndher,- ail)persona svngAdjudication Notice. __________________ <iis agaluef scili estate are notfied nS ecoouestedmtupreseni tue carnetf0 aadooutfor Piiii-il oiceS erof ii-ei-ud tiersis S uS- SIudicssion. su-i-ler Ariitrstieofthie estate oftJierecah G. If People wili symplons of kidney or W Iuea, WLLIAM BUtrr, xeetor, rýn li ttvi teaIryCoro aSSer trouble could realize ibeir dan- WS,-ira ti-în etem . 0. 19. tae Cou-l aii erin W cu o t egaacadCsua a te SCfurtc uit ,in ue-l cei, 155 aien fe ve onîd witxout los of tinte Sth ec,- cii cayof eeso t hSsIugtI1900 when ou retkn tbey hile tue -eux nerve tbal are crying raid gutae su-iashttfeul cnd reuxulcaeuf l iuvesfu ummenetakng f-ola'e Klnevleney. ot for heip, Tien iielp tient, don't hrUg the sarme to raidt2C.rt fuorciifau imageu eedy stops fhe pain and fie Ithe Blonaci or ealmulame the Meat r W.uaegJAM 11 .Sne ER. A1500 - 2. reutite, treugîhpenud builda up Kfdueys. Tiaft.nwroog. Vilalite tiser .,J 2.1 2 Ises orgneSudA tbure la no danger of wosk !lidIS nerves wîth Dr. Bhôop'a Re- rigbli'a tSistasorothersertouesdi.j&r atartive Lad s bow fast Jood health The Lake Conntty Indeendeuî and )0 Dot dhsreg*M ùw gearty Bylaptons. Wlll6sont 10 00Test if au 0ame- SOiitbY the Weekly Inter Ocau ad Farter 1PbJhE Bu.J4OYUý4ALL PIALERI. $1.85 per yeux. di dc ln Et: il fi th nuit aPrIng vi th evecy prospect 0fet e havlng the sante fn operation aamne Cou timenex eua. Hie plan le to follow Thi up by ýnldng fron thfe laite regan Ihi wegt throngh Woodslock to MarenohB to cOnheot vtinlthe Belvîdere sand Do Elgin line.. C THESE MAY WED, ZION CITY WANTS - John F. Steinhîiber, Evanstoni, 25.;W RLIITR T -Helen B. SMtth, ChLICago, 24. L W RLG TR T Relgb Whipple, Racine, 2,,1 Cornie Anderson, Kenosha, 25 Stufl City Wlsbea Rates Like Evans- <'harles L. Wil, ChIlc-îguio, m ton and Waukegan in Spife of Les Si. Wýaisce, 29. tr Contumption of Current and Wîli The groom lu thîs marniage certi- insist upon Ratta--Waiicr É3111 for fie to a divorce on chiarge of deser- Salai-Y May Be Settled Out of itou, *Court. Barly W. Benîdur. Chuxago, ?,;Em- lnCt onelsigl( tua A. Berg, 33. Tii,- irnluthie igi wt tequsîoîofg as case certified toa adivorce iiy reasonIlgtwhte usiiofrain of alegI] on upprt.a franchise te- the N.o ho tcre Elec- 0f ar a P.gj o Muprmy t. k,2;trie coinpuny. Action was taken on Eath -d F . MAlren, f1.laake h2, ematter ut the cession Isat eve-- JambestnRoPinlln, 24;1 lnCils ,g whIich lasted sintil 0,-ar mldtuigit. Jvams on, 2 Ops(ie It wtll bu taken up again ut the next George Owens, Riebinoil, Indiana, meeting lu Octoher. 27; argretOeningin, hicgo' Mucii Opposition bias developed 27; argretGeuîngin (blcgoainong the aldiermen lu regard to this Ial t. mkl.... franchise and If e.as on al ater the, Anna,-Karumlak...... .. 26 cotînili found that the receiver b,-ld HughFiserGIbonKprisha...ý.4 aILPerPetual franchise for the,-oper-a- Dorotby 1. Paddock ....- . . ..19 dno ihigPatadpl n Edwrd . Mrra, MlAaikn.. .22thut the counceil wok , iite tii,- act Edarn F. rAllen....a.î.l..... 21 that It wOuid b,- betti-c tu grant s 1 K athrtueP. lleon, %- - ý. - ..2.) îîrîted franchis,- a tii restric-tions AotJ Saîndis.....Elhr . ....... 21whlciu would safegniaculthe litcoste Warren A. Fiuller, Gurne, ....22ofteiyadthptrnofhecm pany than to have the,-company buy Ntaudie, Sneesiiy, Gurite... ... 26 tii,-Poislein,- from the receiser and Arthur Fendry, Milwaukee.-x .. 24 operate under the old Dowle fran- Nancy Purdy....__.... 19 c hIs. John Linder, Racine ........3 The recel-en le calt! 0 have ,-ntered Emmia H. Pratt ..19.. Into a contrai-t t seîî the, pole uine Albert Chester, Hudsotn Carolne A Doye ......to tues corporation for $15000. This Sarolin- A ff e acnewili b,- don,- ivietier a n,-w Iran- Nann Sernso, Rainchic,-Ila granled or flot, Now the,-city John eckow Raciel...iq1ghifng for a gurante,- of iow rates John RckoaRacine- ' wlli not exceed thos-e xjsting ('arol Johnson ....'I n any other of the n ortii shore touas C'linton A. Pansons, Chic;tgi the, Evanston raies belng 'sald tu te Mlany F. Sow....... 3 -speclally low. Tii,-compatiye offi-lals (harles C. Everbant, Chicago ~~acc-peetu ua îh' ee Aune Tritel4 ng cMaint thut Zion ean. not expect f0 John Hughes, Chicago .. 2-5 -'gel as low rates as Esunston owing Mary liayden ........ 2r Io tbe' .much anîxîler consomption of clîrcenu Tii, counuilunen cay they do Do You Want to be Independent net cure about that trlliug matte-c, for Lii.? sud a lii stick for rock hottoun rates Fivevpas wth orkAnd avigs N ilsud aiso for an extension In the,-nîîm Pte useae lti wouinetin à gs ltber of street lighting arc ligues farm i-ee NM O. JOHNefSON I îu-e The mati-r of paing theiill bolf ex- Blox 9,If,.i-rtyville. 47tf (bief Waiker a-as also gone over wltii the,-resaIt thaf bis Maint ma- b,-aai "HealtbC fîufe"is the clece u-et "')ta- lýoed ut the,- ,-t meeting sud set- tion of -real ofee ver yet umadc. lin ted Oto or br ,si a Sboop creat.d if front pure taîil Otn or e, iesI u grains, malt, nnul,,etc. Fiiîuin lulavoin alreadY hec-n lîled. Tii,- lttr xor lei made in imet uxue minute, Nuo )o set :I) iearingupa laber of the old woru, îuiute teion bolin, ~îllul Fr, oahord -sallie whlch are a menace CORLETT & FRIEOERICKS. Ou,. . - - 'OiONE 811 NORTH CHICACO, ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR, OFF-ICE ovxs J. tiLt. Taînna uLon, B ous:-7 to 10 a,.im. 2 to 4 and 6 to fieIdene-cuîe o rawyo i@Pirk. MARTIN C. DECKER ATT05iEY A-r-LAW 0111ee- OPP. MOlI St, Eleetrie Station Office Phione 53,'4 Refa. Phone 3608 THE original ihape of a garment fite Ir only for the form If wasamade :over. and when you crowd yourself lnfto one mot made over your form you dcsfroy lhe fInes and ruin the shape. This la why ready-made clothIng neyer holds tie original Uînes over whlchItifwss builf. You arc bound to crowd if ouf somewhere sand If le bound to cave in somewhcre. AIl of this can be avolded if you wlll order clqthes made expressly f'or yom. Tien you have assurance of pleasing. permanently iftrting garments. wiliout mar or blemlah. Order your clothes tram us - have them imade for you frorn hont tfabrles by our Chitago M1erchant Tallors. Ed. V. Pric e. Co.. mnd then ludge for yourseff- you'U never wear the tImide up" klnd again. Caliland sec aur new Faîl wooleus J. B. MORSE & Co. Everything for lien. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. SPEC IAL ATTENTION STo ouf of Town Ordera -And ShippinK Trade - - - - - - ------------------------- BAKER and CONrFECTIONER Libertgville luinos1 HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIEO WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS 4*~ Morses for Sale. Mouintaji âleadow Stock Farin ont uans-h.ait toiles îxoth of \Vaucoîîda, Illinois, has constsntly on hun idîaî for sale, ut lowest mar-ket price, a stock af ail li au,ci of horses, suitable for the road and ail fàrM xork, express sud <raft, uc4eful andi sea-tmable, froua i iîoo t0 i too pounds. Prices $Sooo ta $200.oo. No plug-. Corne to Mounfain Meadowand seethe horsts work on the farm. Ail acclimated sud avoid risk of sickuess. Ail guaranteed on delivet-y as rtprseSuted, 44, î5uî'COL. If. J E jNorth Shore IElectric Co.. Reduces its minimum monthIy charge *for Electric Liht service from One Dol- o* lar tu ih E nts beginning September i (.15 EN TO THE EVýE LIETVILLE. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATPTORNEY AT LAW. Llbect-vviiie, Illinote bo*44446" Fei*" m d Lr t- y T i blIf

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