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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1909, p. 3

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LAKE COU14ITY I1NDEPENDEN'r, FRIDAY, ÔCTOBER 22, 1909 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI F. J. DRI1CE. Editor Phone No. i1 Orders rakn for Job Work Advsrtising Rates on Application The Episcopai Mission wiii hold se- MsNore Bier, rof the Hencry Kuebker v cs@Suiîday eveaing. A rchDeacoD o-r oer nt'C. rlesenig e wilU have charge. weeks in Den.r, Ci WVaiter B. Godtroy lýa. reëîgn3ed bic posi tion et the F. C. W . bui Co., for the vinter and wiii leave Monday wiib Mr. aud Mcc. Wm, Pester for Engi anti. Mvr. and Mmi Oeo. Pepper, of Iowa, aýre the guerisso! their nephew, J. W. ltev. Pretons young sou is quit@ i1.i The Woma's Club niet with Ms.. Bullarti, Thurstiay evening. SchoolSuppfi Mr. anti Mve..B. J. Lofirus @pettSun- IA FULL LUNE 0F UP-TO-DATE Converse & Book bave jusI receiveri two carioad o! cainbie roni the norili. Teet Books Compoit BookDas M1fr..Cousuer anti daugliter, LIILlan Tabls sscratch s pett onday as 0bleno.o Pencis Rulers Miss Aura Betterebali bas resumoti peina Boxes Draving Books e oa ~n nCiao There wva e amiv reunlion ait the Eti1 Ibm B aier Kapple home Sunsta. Fen~s and Penholder Crayons, Etc. -Mr@. Flîniiug, vbo ba@ been very low Anydng e baeid in ur arge«Wl of hes goos vlth pnieumoie le sanie wret Improveti. Anytingve hveni usaurlare suplyof iesegdiése Aida Lottus ie spcnding a veek va vii get for you on short notice, We invite yoii te caUi wiîh frientis et Weutcgau. anid look over o"arfine ol9t1oW iyDontforget the daence et tire opereý bouile, Fvîd&y OeUcing. Z The Woodmcn idance et t ieeban;s lu.t Du-iU C E . D ii JG C 0 Saîtiýe eing fror tire bi-nerto ile ITeut irirîny vas veli ettendeti and ail Tirs tor, Graysaat, Chas, ThomsonR. Ph.I report an s.xe-lent tinteý. Three StoresRoctefeller, H. A.WitsonR. Ph. Round LaeMrge Wirc icMeiiancatertains.dSttiuc. 1due y itnr ioiflier mtitrîer, wabri l ---- --- ---vriting ber rut Wichita. Kanse M r denM "re.Freri Tuctsr r, f Fortr j ____ ~ Hisir-dth..foruieco pereute. Mc. IF F ICKf--WflT PAY adM krlndy DlMr. o'idy asti iemily 4ciomed tîriir UnIllfe eth Fit Reluiras. 10 t*elet Bruce Lakes.thin wr-ctand! Raea ha bt abould ad nle dhoneu1i P IA N OSEU c. nneri tathîicrty bone Tuescta.) No ocaud ltaninl tra rrli! _Dr_______________ i. Kruernact and faicuttibave ciîrscdf B~B ot rr 1.i.dtrr Tbec i, f lrn-lcne i tictmm.tueulr cumner lirnue et GageLaiteciii >oclévit rra iîýirrr rc-- --ry- Cleap (p<or)[pianosr Nx'e (do rirni-i to tile itl hiuiri Noaian.d.rfertire cii-h -Yif. lu is Bcs Rgti. a o hc tre uavrii-ce.lhti- i-î-i.p- iIrTr-> tttuNol, ajai.wt iI ti lrnrrng tic summer litirp reltiriieritu te1.tcN io 1ha cn'ni-d cr8t. cru-il Sionde hI ot, iklaîîdle' theum, but we do seIIhi-r bout tt.LoiMme ly free < f ivLSoii-radottru-nrs t ta fii(la r d maeu riiinig, going, gone. Be cure ytre iad orlw aýt1iby 1tire irtiirsauriglu othebirg frrin scie on ni Î) ".ai~ftlcri u.uî.,u.ir r Iili t. îlea ier;ît-' ax the Faille th ire .thr.î Gibbonns fauoîre aîd a mmr hno ,tesiat~ r : irr~ rdt îv- hrbei iait niles couti of ibonrit n the r acf c 5.ntl. tr-r tc cIîIi . .nn.u.n i, un i d'ye. Novi. 4. Frce. in, bI ut urrîrl nric. .t ri i rr.r-ir i. ,rrt~rna~rnnPRICES FR0M__ i .nîc.cr:ancnrutiie tI tr le ~i t iel, '% e t tire tirai aeul,-l'irîr atrio ui tii.cr. tiili, a";" . ner t15 $ 2 0 0nnii ic ý!rlrîeîîte trîtI.-intirt sm.ar. .trrr-., r i.a uW e of tt N icit ri lllnienis ic a Ttrr, toutei i l un, t im. ru rprr tfi j iUP -nati fias bveruate b wo unittire astsitx 5) oe it-, hr, y ll. etrii î.rc.iW >4 ixrtrîîînu a ir.il leunt tînt.drug -tri- ageint oth L1I uirr isus a.iclt to *i.d ifb-cufit f£.ý irJrglîts anrd I>ayer Pianos~. 718I. hsiy I "iyi tuke aîo r-hoaiy-e orîra c medlie tr)se 174arkc,rre oto bark it I Write' foi information. _______________ .Iut as I do fly thlic ru markealle effer". Bo a-lie Imeter'ai 1, r ýord-nr uhavre apnaerrt'rb ,, 't s t . r- uii Bu wl e e it heR. Ce Fulton L U SJ il ifruagiu.. ti. ihnrdetriic ts l taenoStthorlrs emetie tibitc. deay. ýI m aiohIhusic (o. À posltal .111 do. 132 N. Genexe St. Waukgan II. Beitie.. Cen are bm-. to reuit mecas rau wOuM id hS reerliee pic.a.My' ihice andthe (sIUPSTAIRSb 1 - biol ok r Wo ou"s-Bcd arisoci eol TE J E .,:reiawudroIuim r ls PHONES 1282 anti 148 &làt1havs eilie t oumedi ________ antI>. tou is eUSia ie n" cwhile RUSSELL nos laI, eh bin minti, fr totronrro. aevss 00m«. tr. Stucen. ccB tai- c i. a. A sumbcr trot irere wece in Wantegau en v awilàksu, r Îwasi 7-1.. Tucsdey as vitne@sffs on e suit. 1Mr. anti Mis. IM iBixier @peut Suntiey "pi u yenisa No. 4 F, or ., - - e -- No. a On the. ldnm NO. Mo.Sn iteccradR à RUSSELL Lihber Yard For Figures ou BUILDING MATERIAL My priem are rfght and grades gcood. Whether you boyor8 not get my figures. PREI'ARED WHIIIEWASH: f . S. MIEAD. Prop. F. BAU RSTOW ' MANUFACTURER OF ,Maîble and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5olicited 126 Genesee St Waukfgan W. H. APPLEY Auctioneer FARu SALES OM! MR CENT Aoe Corne vwas a Kecuosire viitar au saueegau. Monday. Chas. Thomson calleti on bis broîber, Dr. Lewin spest the latter part of the Chas. Thonison et Fort Hill, Sunduy. week in Aittioc-l. ,Haroldi Clevelauti spent Sundet with Mc.8. L. M. Bonser cpenf Tbursduy et I ita ncie. Oco. Clevelanti. Mlitruru emti Mc.. John Bottai-c .Mc. Ifuractî -and llis'McNes'u wce I Speciai Nofice mercieri Tbnr8day aftecrnriry Juctie Tiltgsat hc ioeicar J. . li-ci i-otus. GraysiaeItc Ie Cream Co.. vicirco t. Thispliceetbrs got tir ii- e great assoumice thett hcy wyul furnicli brick or eiiiptiitiîc iiiit. Nrri-r-rliad oflcabbagze nui e-ecreaut to thoe Who vic i t vers mhiplr1d n t rue titi,- f-aitertrin utîrn forty-erglrt bouc. notice. WeP Broc. aoi lun ,rns ix r ririnars. guixariter- yru tire very besterciarn anri The Cattale Gceiietery Society met ,rcirc.Tilet!trre 11 or icave yor Tbur.tiey wîtbhIcsr. fBurt Siver in ortier ut dcug estore.. New Managemnent. Kenosha. Decet &lmiii 1fr. anti Mce..i L. Siver ant i Ms filrocit, Mr@. E. P. Sver andi Midred £,WoodmanZP9ance a RoundiLake.0 @peut Sunday et hadivorth.Tiirýu=a apNo 31wl Mn. anti Mrs. E. J. Mtrice spent Sun- give thoir second annuel grand ball day lu Kenosha. Wednestie eveumng, Oct. 27 eit Arnat Mr. Chiame hippedc'reartrlail oricattie Bros. hall. Thor. vwiih ho prisngiven to bo Chilcego, Tuesday. the beU lady anti gentleman valtrers. Bandtetter's four pince orchiestra vili Anuie Caison @petit Suuday et home. iuruish tiremunsie ari e'rrythiugi1shobeng doue by the committes fa mats tis the Sert Melville, of! Hanmonti, Id., cailiti big svenî of tihe season. Oyster supper t the Coiris Bros. home Suutiay ater- aml hoercved for 35ec. &eplae. a mnea noon. Mire. L. M. Routier ie viitiug ini Weutegen. Cacti cf Thants. I vî,b to thaut ail the trueutis vbo wcrc 50kind toue durnug ibe sickncss and deaili o!fiy liusbaud; those vbo s-st the floyers, flot forgeitiug tire !ricnsisvio liarvesteti im r n st ptatoei andtih.lInldiesn irt assioteri vitibis adinner; t ta I lei1vicli tri express mv sincere blanks andi appreeia- tion. Mios. LENA WFN'RRe. Mc.. Spencer Crawford anti sou, oh Bristol, speut finnday et M. Nonibrope. The uluisterwvas iniertalineti Sundsy at lb. bous o! George levisi. Mc.. Elmor Faultner ani Wesley vse Zion viitors Monday. WiII Geling aud shans.rspot Suntiay et Mn. Northrop's. Mr@. Elmer Faulkner @pont a fev day's in Lakte Foreet villa ber @inter, Mus :Northrop. Pushl If yen camet PUI, elmu »aU&l.IUyen bave MW' grliag leur ear't br"n12lui, lotus me rnlm vo ties, Z Corne and have the tume of your lfie. Real Estate Deala. Quite a number of real eetate dealm bave taken place recently. Mrs. Steven l)rueba@ soid ber fan at Drues Lake te, Ned Pratt, o! Chieago; Joeepb Litwifer bas sol d is terniet Taylor'. Lake fa Mv. Macfarland, ot Chicago and Ed Druses ha.purcbaoed bbe filionS tiriffin termn eav Gaes Lake. Joaepli Keler ha. soid tony acres of farn land and woods near Gages Lake to, a Chicago pavty. These de"ls ili make a noniber of changes&fla tbe near futurs. lirs. <allahan, ot Chilcago, la the guess ofMis. J. Sheridan. Miss Maggfs Meriman i on tb. sîcit list. Borns o, Mr. and MS. Wm. Flosd, a baby boy, unuday, Oit. 17ý James ConnUy bas rettirned la Chicago aller several vsek's i W lise. MissKails Bvsny,. 0f Wanksgai, spent Tiusday hsrs mm. ocaihy, 01 Chcago, fa Viilung [vill laless i~m oMala m-ia~fo I have ai oey home several styles of the Baldwin Pianos. 1 invite YOD to a eauandi sec I r os vithin the resch of ail. OEORGC E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAIoE - - - - - - IWNOIS Mr. Beidier ha@ a nuniber of eme endi mon et work on his artificiai laike. Oursee W. C. T. U. have a niotblrs meting et the home of Mrs. RoeDrrnap Ct 27. Lunch at noon. ProgramIm - rnediatefy foUlowlng. Ail membere fIrvit,- cd. LAKE ZURICH J. J. Mar8hali, of Chicago, and Chas. Seip, of Palati»e, vsecalter. bore Tuesday. Emil Frankt and Fred Sel p wieo Chcago visîtrors TnssdaY. Frank P. Clark naiS. a trip 10 Liberty- ville and Wanrkgim oiday. Mr@. Hsnry e i b oMlweukee Wsdnssd ay fô-vS ber liusbaet the PrM Johnion aod Gea. iffhieman, of Chicago, vers out on a huntiog frip Wsellieday. John Kohiliasuanotber cavloadof catile tram Wleconsi* ibis vs.k. John Scholw boUl a number of' cernent walka fur lb. Lake Zurich- Golf Club around tbsîr bcUldlag lest week. B. A. Flke vas1) Chleago vsitor Tuesday. EriassiPotta lias 14 cauriact for lauihag4am L) the l. av- a" dfor 40 ceai. Mr@. VanHorn spout Sunîley wîth lier daughter Grace in Evenstorit Miss Pearl Smith ViNrted w tir frîends la Palatine over Sunday, Rev. C. B. Allen loft Palatine for bi@ home iii South Eîîglewrrod, Tburmday. A reception wîil be given fur the ltev. and Mv». Cariy et the homrue of! rs. E. V Wood et 7:30 Friueay evening, Oct. 22. Alil are cordially invited to coule and meet our new pastor and femily of the M. E. church. Mr. and M re L. T. Reuse and Master & About 20 U.iS.a agone passed thrOUgî hobrs Wsdoeuday enrrrnîe to Pt. Sheridan. They wsre corlrnr frotîr Foi Lakte wbere tbey had taken rovirsileons and camp@ for the uoldiers, wo r are camping out thers. Tbey hlîcteri in town for about 15 cor 20 minu tee tII get a band-out and their Wagone ard rmulies filled tbe main etreste. « The Sorosis tLîapter No. 3290 E. S. wjil entertain the members a at Hello- we'en party Fridey evefiog, Oct. 29. Ail are cordlailly invited. Mise. Thomas Haa, of Silver Lakte, spent Baturday with ber mother, Mr. Aima Tburwel. Lcucy Banie@ vetucned to, the Gardinter Ra"l, Saaday, etter e weeks vacation. Mvr. andS Mre. Fced Miîller and famUly, of Waniksgcss, ririt,îd Mrs. Miitsr's parents, v. and Mc ri id toilini§, un- day. Imie. Oo. Stuart, or,! Wankegan, iépt 8unnd.y wlth ber prrete, Mr. nti Mc.. Andrew White. J. Aiden, of Werrirgaa of the Aien aitd Didinter Piano (to_ weln town IMW. Zeta NMerreî' ise etertaitiing lber mtirîbr, 01 Chicagor Mir. sud I ire flîRmit rrrîder eand son @peut Suadey ai t hb -i, rs e areurte et W ilmot. LaMont frllcrurr îuo-, r. r! Iu-iess oet Chicago, Wedrcr.rJîrN vrs. Henry Rîr.l o r h ac lîcn cisltiog ai Weukr-grortire ptratfew daYs returned Wcdîreerlîcr erer,uîiraîed tîy bier mother, Mrc. W rirrîrrî lire. Erneet WabLrfL tak viliaimit- cd friende here Wedîîv,.ray. i-.Grato Newatir m o rihad hapre Oîf th@ ,qîcnnY lide hiritel tiraonrî, wes rnarried Saturday, et (hieage, tfIr Wnr. (iandett, who @petit rrîrîrIîof bis vaca- tion at the Sunni tiide tis ceeson and made many friendsi n thîis vleinrty, nebo foin OStin hearty congrettrions.îî Accident Near Round Lakte. Tuesday flîon aethî e rlcoad errselog i-ast of Round Lake ai rîung tîran by tire neme of Stcîarns wo. .wat,.rîding e ruotorcvcie wes curblt hbvtire nrîon train. the enirins bitîrîg tire iloit kwiîl, trrow ing hbu peverai fer-t fowsn a steep cîerît)aukment. Be we4ii( rncîrr)ue wien titi-e unby the treîtri w jriî trrrk i r rîjîrrrd for Chicago for wiîî Iî triace iri-anîrisicpal, Mr. ifarc v. -r..brindr. Tiîîy were riding tcor Frîx Laite wlîcce ti11- liedi been dock bîirntrg. it es not krîîîwtrhow badiy bie oas furt. YEOMAN ,WELER LZIZ----- ZZ--- Severaf carloada of hay were ehiped frotn here the tirst of the week. C. M. Brown ha@ been able to ride rout corne the past week. Mc. J- W. GvaY canie bome Mrîndey from the hosi)ital. She la much lmproced in heaith. Mre. Sponenhurg entertainei eoinpany from Wooddtock, Sunday. Wili Pattersonu, of Chicagor caine ber, Mîînday anrd wlth ni@ @jeter, Mrs Thoîrn, went co %lilwankee to cee tbeir brrrcier, wh is jevery ill. Mine Rutb Farrell wes homle fronîr De- Kai b over Sunday. H. D. Hughes' son came honme Secr day from Ulrbana for a few dayti visit. McI.. Meteaif ba@ purchsd the L. B. Joily properîy here. The old Warren M. E. chucch is being demofiebed, having befng oid to a Erayolake Party. This P rety bas been in dispute for Bonie tre bot han finaliv beeti uettled. Joe Merville, of Rumeei, wa@ hem. on business let Tuesday. 1 Ciccago toc pait veca. 1,10- ----- 1Mr@. J. H. anri Mr@. W. P. Scblerding Afin Mark's oye flsshed. Direct ais attsntied the receptiou gIven by tihe ber narne, eevefuiseti to mari-y Henry Quenn sîer Cbaptrer No. 41 Ortisv o! Japer. He stood before ber a tittile tbe Ea.ter Star to the Worthy Grandi avkvsvdîy, but yot a man that mont Matron oftIlliInos, %Ir@. Barris Wm. vOren wouid bave consitiered i kndly. Hlueliel, Oct. 15. 1-- Ho vas fot forty, veil off for the aim- C. E. Julian ha. beeu appoiuied bo the ple comrnunfiy, bighly respecti. sund position of Deputy Coroner madie vacaU. by the deatir ot Milan Reynolds. mm i le, Caroline, bcd tacen deaui ture r HWenury Garne is viihoe t home ta bi@ years. Belng a mère nman, boy ronît fr idsl the upper fiai o!abs Mud- bc know illat Anti, bis olti ooolurte. haut residence lu the future.. - ad cuffcred agonies reben au e Young Henry Pahimmnu ateudedthebbcaunuai mati lie ball rourtuud niavvlcd lier meeting o! the Grand Lorige ofthflicCousin? etate of Illinuois reSntly. *49 NO one tîîew wby Aun bcd flot mac- SVer& tiooswilier entec.d hîgh scehool rlel. iShe tîcrer wore ber beari ou iber Mouday. Suceeso attend ber are the Bleeve. Nov, lu spreil of herseif. ber vishes uf hec nreny lrleudz, N" beart sottene Ito fhlm, uotlng bow bis TAYLOR .GROVE. bandiruffle i hbal r as li h ay i Fermer. are vvy busy huoting co rur . 'P- bie as puzzts.d andi ulfiappy. oi ni-ver dîi tilÏuiL i md te' second1 Mr@. H. C. Amen antiMcr@. K. Brewer best In tîty meu's tifs..' abs.weut on rvisitedi relaives et Watiîwocth Sundey. ratlier i-ru.lv. "Anrd i dotî't sec. bos Miss Stella fiSe eîîuetded the corntY ret ury cge. ttrlrty-Ilancîd 1 dont cure S. S. Convention et Orcycilke iast tVi k Who kurows It-t donct ses. how1i cain s e ticiegate frombbcht ossecren un-ti beglu playing morieîr ftgiîoiber vo- day oceool. ilAn'schcbid. Thebe îv w ii iraie .- is.i ' If ce Icîl Lewit ,eicee--ii-fword of tlle ail cljdrs.uîdo aelnieuer.No; oskz deelli o!flier iarler. 8bce ttenaderi corne ouer wionan. Tire man Surirri lire funerai, igly R- i.t)riecliler ls the luca- pactorfr r "Donit mntI lus. b îr,. Vri trîrî 1 RoFcrenom. Corne out and beer bria dont wa nt ativaotier wnrnraî. 'vs. at- Tînt Krng*s liatglitere' mer-t with Mcc ways-yrriikuow I1rni iciellyouî w'hîtt Tl D. Ncwell, Wcedtiedy, (Jet. i2<).= I afwl.v t!rouughrtof youî Il vouidrint MI, and i<rd Frankt Sjea visite-i rein- seernfrair tîr Carorlie. wvio did f- lie! Ltues bers. Sunriey. .- by Th oct rloo ie idbnu Les. Murraysi>eîrnt 3&turL.bï ton i Stiti- a-..frstfii, inittit lninîil, iîîruus, day i-ce. <h rifftîsî-lier < iiilreuiy galles.)tia Mr, andi Mrs. 1). Mariden caled onu r-!a ýe%,ys.îrqî.And Ir itrsw or bis ioyalty. tîves bore Sunday. fe<oi i!Ii iswmnlovl A number frointbece etteutierithe conu- eeyoalrs olshtiati been abotutiris bourse. Itcmetjrrn rrvice belidet Miil Crecit. heipIng (rrou'Ines. îsheurt hlatigons. 'Wpdnesdey. ont to Anno chs.ery str-ngîiî. lier FREMONT, wbolcutoms, liis.ntly kintiss HPs tricci one Word mre. Aurirew .'taiil and wie,iif Lrîagt(iraove.* "Ans. If tort kus.w low f Icn(ed tiyen r-ail <l n tîteir daugliter. Mrc and ri XInre r a yuwudcol.D P. ager Suidy.thfrrk t haie forgolteni low vta lors.?" Mr. aud r! i. Mfitle Wagner ari Stll abs. shoot biec hecti. Ile irrns.d riîtîrPn seit Saturrley end suriday aiowi 'v away. cttuiî,d iurio bis buiggy Iva rbJr>- Stnfri and !ainiiy. O!fiBuffalo anti rove tabis pwu farm, vii sat Grrrse. thiungj. for sire rêremered uîauy '-fr, anIrier-r- Ziuiirr ifiLong tIl 1ngc.is. itfneily rose anti went futo <ruc-, Ilierit )atiîriay etii Girairnlerbecsisters ionse. vhs.re obe vas vtit-l Niloýr. I-r le, .i - I ng. MIIY ooted antlier curlouîsiy as Elizabreth Wagir-r. Of Wauteganu s s. nlsrs.d. walting fo bc ml Borne- vieîtîng trieur,, andrelat.ives ebe,. 'fhfng, for cre hbai gnress.d Henrys 714iesAr a es.aid Alois Raupp ari )tîri erranti. But shs. wes foreti to respect Spoeclin ePent Suatiy et Aram Bim s. Ann's sience. .Nlr an Mr@ Gp. Hetelentetai lu 8If he crhsp Scpfember mrnrulg An ier oair ddiMcc ler,.osrteig enltaicîtarteti ont for a vaît. She veut over luiry btrhes ninstr uBt Hlow lcbitllviiere sire usedti 10play wifb Sum Frdey no M-ery aMgit oiiy and vlli Henry antiCarolifne.j AesnterF1renri. ren.yj 119 Fti l ow sfcangzety tblngc hall vorket ont! ber ater Mc. Wm Arnnu.She tbonghtlocflber liusy Ille as fore- Irons Maither pas»eti eway 8aturdey, womau lu e big shop. ber practîcal, aftcr e long ijineos ,asti vas buried iet busy, useful, loueiy ]Ife. How soon St. Marys@ churcb, Frernt, Tuesdey. bier vîsit 10 the oid place vouid ho Sire t-si-e tai mourru,lber relatifvos anti a tiveri Reacblug ftle top of the bli, sell boit of trienris. sontiovu ln the lalllug beaves. pusblng Cercle Wagner, o! Long Grove, spent the bcavy tient beir hart trou ber Sundey bore, face. Ber big eyes were sort ant i knt sud darla. lIteunan enmai's oyes..She1 L =GAGMr vas tail andi vigorous.y Dovu In the Valley esle roldbr se The Ladies' Aid Society vili have ae Honry Jaspers bouse aud becoyard.t special meeting et the honie oh Mrs. lie vas hitch ig flic bays to flic bug- Croker, Oct. 28th, to vont on the gy. sud prffs.nty lie drove avay. A Englishqhut. This vii licbauanei dlyay uden temptirtion assaiteeiliber. fibet meeting anti the ladies are requestedti fred beard Moliy say bis mntsirécent bciig lncb.*** f iiuseîs.cps.r hle ct. Sborld esle gos ltr. ant iMra. Kcu@cmerk returuedta andi have a foot- ai things? She dhd not theirhorne in Chicago, Sundey. nsec thli. boy rîtout. Probably Jhimy Cbainccy Dte was homnefrom Chicago was at fils grautimofber's. fibe roseP over Sundey. ané wlalts.d acros the eulibie. P Phliip VauZaurit, of Chicago, visiter! The door vas iocts.d, but she fourniI relatives here river Srîtday. the ks.y nuder the niai anti enterei. I Mirr Auraesscpi-at Satartiay aneudariy She routti hare groased ent siglit of tflic witlr relatives in Wautcgan andriovn kîtchen -disico titivaliedtofuor ditfo. City. disorder rampant. Tlic ciiilng rooni, thle betirooni, everyfhiug vs. a sorry Mcc. Cerrniiiee is ili'ait preilent sIght ho lier bousewitely eye. for e writiig. vas tritaund aivays a bouseteeper. Mccr. Dix andri tiegliter, Minnie, of Tbings hall becu had enougl inl Cavo-u Waakegan, etteniedi the Ladies' Aid llne's urne. but nov tbcy vere billion- Society et the home of Mrs. Chas. sîhie. Snytier last Tburstiy. fihe hall uno comuntlon about su- .Nir. antiNlro. Havthorne ver. visituirs iering. aire hla aiays been lu aud et the Fred Wright bomne Suudev. out hefore abc voit to the City. Be Fred 'ianZantit attendeti the Natioual vould flot carc. SlIc ootcd at the Dehry Showv lu Mlwaukee, Wednectiay. cioct and caiculafed that lie couiti not get hart froni tovo under two bouc.w DEERFWnLD, Thon shie rolier up lber ileeves and Mfr. anti Mrs. Wm. Kisi. of Wiimstte, stîri anti vent io vork--dlshes firsI, s tin evoral tieys last week with the thon the fluor. then swecptng. dusting & rotiti !mily. ,anti maiig bcd. Befoce orne tnev e Mr.andMr@ Zohle, o Wakegn, thitrées boucs brui june sud i vas e Mc. ntiMrs Zolilr, f Wnkceunoon. She fourrni a bie bo et sud de- wers gueste o!f1fr. anti Mcc.B bi, ehl, ita ego ioi eeu if lie cauglit ber Suutiey. ai IL She Id iflt rare. Mr. anti Mc.. Fred Horeuberger anti Knovlng Il voultiteeveetis to get sou vifiited relatives bu Chicago, Suutiay everyfhing as fitsbould ho, ele chute f lose pointe to put la vlgbts f bai vould A. Mf. tSant anti feriiy are eniertain- niake focrolicer conifori. Suie matie iug relatives froni SoutireruaIlinois,. oepe n ine oke n Sundey mniung the male quartette of douglinuts anti bolleti soie corueti heef the MeCosrmit Seninery viliiing in the froni the barrei, iryinag not t se. tisea Pîreebyterau church. lunilie evening, contiltion tir el roirvaslia. Tise aller. union servies îli hbeieli. Rer. Oshorne no or n nsi etli HenrydIS fott viii preacli. fpeclal munie. Ail are cor- nemin. Sh onde oi lJam' tiialiy invitrto 1ehoprésent. clothes. poor cbUld! The Ladies' Dorca Sfociety vllhave an She bad declied ibat the voulti kecp al day meeting, FidaOct. 22, ai tbo ai vovit as long as pouile ad ilion bon. oh M.-J. A. R lael, Jr. Ail thc Mille out the isack vay vhen esle sav ladies ol the cburtrh andi congrégatifon hilmi comiug, but lvau.-net t10lh.t are moasi ordl"y lnvied tobSe pissent. About 4 slhe suddoialy vua aare Of as The Y. P. M. 8 fi. hebb. Ursgelcal valfng li lbe yurd aM frai tihe duorn churcli vil give a spsalagcontesa Mon- beiseTa 1amy, Sjob polo li a bndI inp- da# evsnlng. A gol unsud lIver medell ias aiong a"iScrylng et every mIels. vilile b. ardeti. Admission 20c. No He vas a bey oetlea, 1ke bis fabiser as tickets soldait the door. Buy ibeni novw. one Dues le anetiser. ob. rau 10 iieei John Woodnian Mi tTueeday evsniaug bina atIr mvWthal lasfoot vas rieutd for a trip 1 fit. Louis. bleeduaag. Bshe pieked hlm up anti ca- Thee Huis family, o! LaG agviie ieS im tiui. wub5e4 lasfoot dresud tIi.~ ~ ~ ~ ane Galoiytael S>naytl maput hlm on thse sofa, visl se the allowa fanly gudy. d hmaAs eh*eMe. letaue ai Uo! O010"Park la yw bopat ituddeely, t lu D* ' Weverad laiij. à: iî Second -9 Best Hienry Took Ann nt Her Word, but Lttle jlm- my Rebelied. By LOUISE OLNEY. COPYright, 1%9. by Asnoclied Lit- ecry Pr..., boylike faishion, inlito the necit and i kssed br By thîs firne ahe hatino .gotnocartIthe cbtld!s fa She moved about thec kitcheu tug rooni lu lier orderly, ef -a way buita ressîlike cma anly asnd gond. The vaste' everywhere tînnoyet iber thi 8Slie sa w fo riy vays Ici boiter Sire set the table vfth a f and put a good supper ta coot ostovs he bail hlackeued at tbe- ber pref iy. pfunip bande, ber cq ty save ber cyes. Tt vas o'Ciock. After a lutIle jtmmy a-- vit bout warnfng began te CM, fng f statll hat t!oobIed hh., nrg ibat ft vas bits fout. Ann got a low rocker, too t th-, ber arme and begante Cirent boy thit ho vas, b, bier, lits unlor'ed litile lisant the coivifort. trustlng ibis sof smling, mother avcoed esltcd hersef f Aut lArn. AsSAs.Rat finis. br atul ahsiocheid. Hesnry Jasper cmm@ ta the ktteen door. bts arm witb grocerfes, 'btsfaes b bad beer n ucirngfwbem e Jtimmuy. wluo lîcd been aele mclrnllrg to go ta a nefgbbor's. Then wlt unbeievtag l»y the cfcan rmarn, ibe epread t new air offi-emfort. and, tient ç( Atin Msfrk'.-z kinti armq la ýi sl.nhi!z rîiiereacid-a e ]y as utiuotfrred bhefore hiwa oWc crs (leolli ag afierhit. Sho looked i hIni eond suifý. "lie eut fil, foot and came hori fng. 1Iamoui 0er, andi Wben 1m i iiciîl tir lb ivent i tO Vatwilfu t nrd. Henury.- Ntrrl ii, rt l ltblnc W44 c~ sbrnîir!r rtî juci lo eô Aginlnth phctttfîfgis. iiiiiî a taste elt thîý comrort. let fiai sec ber lîke tO deny liura t oiitinunnuet of Il ï l'erY tulfacratîs tn frie gratitu&. "Put your packac ntt $bd Ctuintitded,. "ad wbenr. Jimtny do* 1 I iii put ilihe* X',ili ' voit 0opcrr U i le %en dont et ; th e lîleculti" ,lic obeyed stond loi huile she d everytblng lu Its pince. Tt shlungi watcdfor hlm1 t and go oâttaf0mîlt ut le AndI .lîiry awoke and wantes- bis futher aibouîtflic enormous ntthis.d ai bis book and g«l- canglit andi iow lic hi4gut bhm the tiroken bottie and foudmaa% to bind Il: up 'Supper fa reody, and yen. bad est liefore you do the rest cbores. He.nry," Bbc salti, blWa boy ta limp t0 bis place, They aie loyfuily. tallng au te m an w onde rng io v nw utes wouiti asa be oshe rose The futurs. yawneenip. CS esttng hlmnabout bb vbni lis. ptvd theni. advshng ble-- lie shonîti do. Flually vbon sbi- ho rose fon. Tbey stood faclnqf' atier, anti ber cicar eyes smule&- «o are-- Oh. Ana. yen baye-: goodf' ho sald awkvady. hitch up and drfve you b"or, YOu walk?" go lho batiltaken a bier word. It vas evIdent that b4 no thciîght of anyting pe aIl ibis. But the voman h%&~ "wv bore ber place,' ber The oiti hurt and ages lia anti irbe as again at beartt h. girl Who lbed ioved ln secret t who vas naIlitibers.OBhe moment, clii ooking nai Jl. was Dîow no thought of befng best." She wonid mate berseif them. l'il wasb the disbes up !lrst à then atter yon have dons the ebd voti rau walk Inîîtl, th me." h set UP a suriden wal froni iîiae h4 where he stili set et flic table. "i don't wtcnt you to go avs$,«- criei, "and !t ittstay slone vi papa goce with you "Aun vena bin i cha ci nîrd put ber arnsarea blur. Sip rediii flo ok t t be ciaO fathIer. "Lîsri.Jiîîî) ..XUlitie Muet g- trI gil, but If vîn isi11 ibe gond titRpe cornes becit1i w-lt come agin." "Wlieîî w illyoîî? Boy long vtllr stny?' liseîls.ntînded. wiih tboeOeM neas of rldliood. No uncertuln*yrlj jimnry, Stîs.dit font besitabe. tI ouIlloure tact In the naesrn, sîrd i wli stiiy aisecys-if papa M thrit 1Indy!' Jimmy. forgeting bis fout. $te at ber neck lite a, litti. boa= or. But bis failier st laiM wanting lier hlmsf juat thon "Ave you gelaag te jet b« papa?" Thon Heanry Jasper =a and bihe burden of unbappy ysswi id traim bis shouiders.Anu a i enilY foved ta band hlm the wM lk es & bini te ]et ber get ai the disa.a The Weather. VOflovlng ls the officiailveau forocst: Illinois and ludîcaa-Pair foday m tamorvov. Lover bMicblgan-Unsetled toui .50v lurclea ioniorrov. Wisconsin and I owa-Fairtiodi à tomorrov. Card of Thank. 1 wiha iexpress my siesm ab niy relatives, friendaea~ka~ theîr klndnes anil du rag ah. W»... AI,* !et!! 1 d, J, dg G tx fil bi

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