LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY,_ OCTOBER 22, 1909 Pure Home Rendered Lard and * Home Made Yo *o the quallty we handie * J. ELI TRIGOS * Urocer r Now is th Time to SHOIIS We Have Them and They are Priced Right For1en Ediueator, AHl Anterica Vici Kid, Ail Ainerica Pats-tît Coit, Hartford Englhisl We1t, Mastiff Kid, Nlatifr Box Caif, Great Westerii Vici Kid. Gre~at Vtrî Box Caif. WORK SIIOES -Sliarkiskin Waterproof Toiler's Shoe. anîd others tif) nnmeroî1s to mention. For Ladies Trilby Vici Kid. Dainty Vici Kid, Her Majesty Patent Colt and others. For Boys and Youths west Point Vici Kid, Mastiff Box Caif, R. & H. Box Calf;SehooI Shoes, Clayton Box Caif, White Sox Box Caif aud others. For Misses and Chi1dren Clias mate, Marcie, Primary, Tyrant, Phoebe, Jiinior, Sunbeam, Katie and others. W. En D AVS 1Groceries and Dry (ioods LIB[ERTYVLLE, ILL. Are What Vou Want Now o We Have the STEWARTAN JEWEL Base Buirners, Hot Blasts, Oaks, * 8ýtee1 Ranges, Ouat Ranges, Cooks *IF frs Over 50 to Select From 0 sc ROM Com'e in and Talk it Over, 0 lIHANCK'PS it vii Pay You SCHANCK OOOD BROS. oC 0@0 MAX KOIINER IN you telle the High Lîu,, Electrieca w*e nKt4tediffereut' minem. SHORTADPROA 0 __ capped Sangri-de Christ,, mountaits is iaBatie i îg red 0 seeMlnglY ilifein reality sixty to ss lmre lativs ere imtngf Ind Finds the Good Old Days Departed OeventY miles dimtant. Straigbt or level an eltl@ oe and a Mining Town Toc Sleepy te stretchels art- as s-arie asm len'@ teeth out A coupon given a îth evvrv t ket a Be lnteresting. Visita North Chey. here but tiâi electrie road taxes the the Ly rie. a Canyon ~~~palm for tortueus clirves aud steep HsLZPoiea c -enfleCayn grades. The old Chii-agi cable cars rode Vls5d.n 7bicao this eeddok r iiePilaen oiparison heeause V'e nCiaotwwk the motorman talles the curve, at hair YOU lwaYs get yiiur monev' 9 WorfI, Have you ever wandered ton miles raihing pe-mint îlid flot- raies, a et the Lyric, Oover a splendid mouintain road, elumbed bl.haed matilm entitled to anu îsABrikclCi *up ,000feet lu the tiret hall and thon lnnlng once in a great whils. Yeu feel -.MA adik fCiago, le spend- down almost as many on the othersaide, sorry for the insrane company that lnga weekat the biiuef Win Wh ghain shog bady glens, tbrough narrow carrne ve i)$5,OOu entpolicy. I Mis Ina Mason, of Prairie V ew,@pont N ~ l T î o e deileewbee imene h.ý7Jy01 t ent he; i thy lntweek witb ber sister, Nr8. Chao. o of feet abore you tbreatened to léave do have the next liatcb of touriste wiii Mason. M n T io e a o their anciut restig1 p elaipat minis- fSnd spinteres ad houes large enough toe anbepie î-uaa vr o tare Niauaras, laahing ike silver take borne as meîniî,s, 600 to 1,000 Vdài rzsRvnaa vr mrrorrs in the brigbt sunlight, paeint etbeîow lu the canyon. Alter a ïnaj Monday nlght afthe Lyrlc SBave Tour rusaid u , waled in by oty pins@; p buret of peed you damb jta Crippe ibcodupae" .un s liebeowyo an vur ly rame ie @ou te ae f hehotel that gvea on BrOadWSY between Seond and Third M ad e to b ieasu re 9 voud the roceky canîyon portal@ te tbe the bot dinner for 50 Cents. Cripple atree.. endles ex panne of plain and sky; bave Creesk sa :a deinsion and a snare; you la yon restedi under a boopitabîs fre5 on a conne bers expecting to fiud a wild - ves your naone at the Lyric if you Yueunwgtmntioe asn. ai OsoIt bed oi pine-needies and drank deep wooiiy western miig camp, where waft the pîcture of Jour houes on a O MnDw8tmuWoe ailne-6 *draughts ofthe pinseented.exb:laratîng evrybody carîes a 44 colticonsoleu onPot ard. yeJur. Individual meallurs, at littie more th"n atmastpbere; thon llowed the tortuous ]y dlsplayed, you Sund a we 1 bulit town O .Nwo n jehaebe iî-I-' made prices.. windngedow int anthe eve wihalugman oree thWeloktasken arald ofdrtltivsmeaMarorementsWetâriaihOf hete aueme â tgh Onarrawlng canyon. dawn andever down slsepy as Iankegan onua summer aiter- thspast wesk. We gather ail the farte ueeessay f te or 1u~ O dll at every turD you expected to Sund noon. Perbape the town ha@gnot gotten ntli Yeuy f hldepi, esd niidaly *the end af your jonrney aniy te realize over "«the night befure' yet, as the ameil MmAls]leo hldlhs eadidvdai * w e t iast the mounitalus opened, of stale boer and Eimilar perfum«1,FiLych tW. @end ail lihelle facts to the America Ladls %r * hs y:eou have several weary miles ta mucb in evideuce. Cipere ii: wntra h oeo o.oing Co., Chfeago. the largest coneorn la thoii, o trvlyet, aeyu i&l mce 15,000 luhabitlantf;e, nmëenumer- Leaveyour ordoesforNew York appîem 'ýq -Theesthe garment@ are made by jounymen mh 0 your home, deacl ired iu body, but your akir wlIl have saiîîugh fume finding abipped direct froin Sodue, N. Y., ait m 9 0 mind f1usd witb tboughtsanad impres- them ail neit Jean unlesa hie caunts the WALROIÇIV5. neteprsaldecinothlmleM 0 saonâ quits at variance witb yonr quick and the dead. The glory of a@r materialistic cvery-day world? If yoty 8hushau has departed, ct-il days bave Orders for Home Mtade Pies; taken at Dlvr svr rmt 'O bave Doît, tuake a trip over the famouo falien on Cripple Creek. lons are the Warond'a groeny, Try ttein, you'illDlvr nvr rmt Bighb Drive, thronglt North Cheyenne good, aid turne wben wliickey anîd vater camns agaau. 10KN SO LT Canyon np te,, fuckboru Park, 9000 suid for the saine prie 25 centm a drink Miss %sin Young, caqier ait the office 8KNS0FCOI feet aliovéei- sea; then dowu flîrough and the towu paint gît ruify from of the North Shtore Oas Compn, lms I areiliiiug u tr h ado;Pdd ifear Cri- Caulnyoni tiiColorado City; 1 disuse; wben a mati ttok his lils in hie Off for a wffsk'e vaèation. Portfolio iséeea y this ýalrigCour-ru. The. bsu « a i sioulder titi Miaine il yoîu di n't fled bande, if hie appeai cd oi tli,- e iet aoDer % WrightofEs sstyles for Full and Wiuter are ehowu iu it--ajin lu ta well irepaici ifor s unr exertions. 6 P. fil. as in theitiiulitlu- siî,îîtitug sv r îgst, of Eet StLouis..pviit NothtCan1uoni te otniil hlv thoiti-tofmerapes they nsutilly killiol iti-, at-s.titisghuwt ibis parenlte, ~ colore. There are- 54styles picturcdiniDthis Portiolo. CeoaoSprings ani lok-jt lî à-as amakler@ sud Innocv-tt lîiiuiee Ni r u sCFWigbt. Wcalso show 180 samPles Of the latest weavesha raturaIincak; llmte Ititger and mid only sx sr etcii slosa'iir .Tttitcrýi-vrle fu t, i, tri,,,ilotb. Auy style ftint you choose wililibe made fe ye titan titi- Souit h I anon. Sooi t er blotlik, while nrustt r ii-tain tori ecslacst lu îudas Weri,- pttpt il tiroai--ili r measu re lu anyiluth y ta Select. Th îuk wltst au *sg ein oriig tlit ides ii-e q n ce aitrn îti - a anud dîamond-sftuîidî-îl a iski.-'v Irît iiitire ioftiti- ctol weathl. suldeti tn rît attî tllsgraîti r valis i-tue of thein pi nrel liste i iifimoi ut î,e ai tiitt ii-ct.%t a i izzv îeîghlt 1,1) ) iiou r ueyi pt i- ii-al.i- i,- Tout Drete r i l sîcIiil ingtihe a--k tinAM ZNG RCE Icit aiîtî e oi e ilefrack tof t hi' ert,,aaiftiug for Ilitfriuhe i îtte Iuelativl, ilad soit,Lt. A tk ttiiitît antiM ZNGPIE fripll- tri-cluratîritat, ahere t roîunds dayssof i Auld long . ,,.' oter lu it«-cotsirlto fn.c.iThe pfiies su e ijîote are amaitig-hardir mors b Poinut Sulirite. niifhir tbru and flue The trip aven ti(- leiiG-ri, Wo l,îîî S re inenlle, ifilgin, wamsut, -rrtluy-.atlclrîces. let the' germents are ail ma-o& Canyotut%% iens agatît Tie rot-ke abute and tV Mt. MoClelan a ilfi ti--trtli-t ii i-nY upra ted utmn lu Chicago la.t ored by enpert., aud tlcy bave ail he mau-tall., showaal sorts of rîncer chapes, if yoîîr autfer letter. Miiuday for aplitduif e tces ni byae i ae oJu maue îihauiady te livu-ly ittiugli ytu iMay hliM \l IX Ixitfftt.An te ae ilmdeteytrmeste ables fi i,-ecrii litarc, lionse, vati-h-iiige, Mv, at-d Mrs AlfreilKirhy aud Mr. attd an1dui i i , i, I Kit, g Stliltatii, Lt iag MrH. 0 E. tva ruer visi, fri-il ritiintaS IITS. $13. 50 to $45.-00 feliflua-eunef sorrtia-itzSatant. St lPeurier Ak yîîar neîgbbor abouît ti vi sni Stîingftoiu 1%Wt., ast Suuday p SKIRTS, $5.50 to $15. 0 and ft,- Augel, etc.Titres miles np b Ni r. and Mmo Parkuer, if Chiiagti, clîctt Mr. and Mrs Bulitt tsITayliinviiie, COATS, $.0to$ .0 -- aitît Mn.igmandhMrii Lia ProttîyIl.,i hiave ,i'i-uthi- gueste of their daugL- fonpt nnBaum loge a tahe e audvîest Srda wt I. n r. o f)tr, er, tirs. C. R. Pngh.the past week. We gitaraute,- ahmlute saetiou n ntStsyle, w rkmil hip sud mater!& and riilfee tir more lalorafs uteale Wlo attends the i.yrîc-Evr liif teiiptfil eer uliry anerp. Wordwa reeivd tiiwee th rWGeorge Wtright aud hiny bawr-ni-ni-e Aut gsri-ltt itt riglit ues-d uot hi- accptu-l. A sttitîcs tbhrow away glisiensiluiir irwsr eci ii iil iaIbt hoarc aîîendîîîg Si-iool et irbaita l l 1-oîîîîe atuisec tiisFashion Portfoljo, as ud îgewhat such en sm l'a-ei-Faite altolurter q ttil i- -tn Moi\iss Frances Clark, wn-l tel i-oil îaîusî-t s everuil iaysu 5fluhome ttis a-etýsrie eja f lue îretcy Heletu Huut Fal.Te, Tt-ronadlucre sund is seretary fîîr tiie Y. WtlCA afeOifokudngwlstra livre leaves ftic cantyon a a-wtîtdi- v u t Ehein.- Il., ids sirit ueîj Iilt ilt t i SI tiejl ueIl.Fîtr i ma nvle i sth srt a usînJiD9 llu clttîîthi-Stee1111t iiu liin iii- fi-er at tbe Sherman hosiitultt d l11iMHre Ui-l eFtr salhye 11. 3- fitaiIlîtuge tif loge are Peçii-d ttlite tautef Change of pragrainet-ern tt thett-' l ii h e ,lt- tidiga :ifljngeroimt ;iai-c X -tiji tiirfa -i- ver lu riii- i-iiendt heln cf ewtogrficesuiig ai th it g vuesu e. l'lit ais, auv. liii-rut-I.ieiilurt t -g vsig a id hiegihitýaive aitite >an lliug riiss L .L W-tHanby etuurîulpitl t-i-stlau Tlîey ailhi' rend. toput the roofol n ls-wliîacs in mlpiii i.iti-t-eseioii lifore i-eiît ront a tripi tii Siiluîc, N. li- alter a uuvile, N i tr ey c unte -cist iof teiiidt e lui-hr,- i-îîu haqse i--irafi-ai-i aihc uf atoterrerehîîcuf ilitl, a îre aîîieatt- u esiii- i i-s- Mrs. Helen Toîuliuciit.lice- Hamilton, Captain Jaxýk, a ratho iinellinittry look- vhuas ben a guiet at.......... tapati la--k a atier uuttiîfss iîîk utle te honue 0f Mr. and Mcc WM. Wiglitaui iug urînkiedîld ouiutîuau lues tus hîîîîîîre. oniy the lateâtasudbhist pi-lîîreecbîîa îuthe past n-i-ek. Fro ivrhem yuu di-nd intî ii-ar Creek dit the L3 rtc. Cauyonu and aftcr fîîilouuiug the si'rpenu - R, B. Schuaý1(i-bui aho basmhi-en ctîppled. tti' i iursi- of Bear Creelu for four sud Mis e S-li riswold.night opecator al the paue-ce-k hy rlmiunu a rumty nai]lsn anc itait long, dustv tuiles yJu u ont li the Lake County Tsiepluou c coiupaiuv l te tutituefootltelnaih iiupriived asud ahi- é3orry a-li-.tvou si-e the smîîkceubîuhg absent ou a week's vacation.Siteste-ut f0 h-arouud agaîn, talilbcineym sof the suîetcrs ofCoiotsdo set-irai daYe vith fiends lu Chicago tirs. W. L. Whippie, mothen aud thcee Cty. this uecl chidren, anriveui froin Roclford Mondsy Alter si-ing the canyons from bhilow Gi-urge H. Lukss, general superinten- sud havi' tallu up their ahode in the you can vew thent front shove hy dent aud tMr. Alexander, of Vhs Nort h Methadiet pansonage. taiug te Short Linseail roaui ta Shore Bleu-fric Companuy vere in he Cipple Creek. This coad lis one Of the village on business Monday. They deire The Libentyvilis Fine Depatinent yl uaesan-coflmodern engineerng; the siad o estabîîsh office an Milwaukee give a dance at flue tow a lhli ou Frida hed for miles in biaoted ouf of the side avenue if possible tac geV a noom. eveniug, Nov. 5. Proceede vili go ta the Ca e X#,g t DuRlB n of the granits mauntaine. The Crippis henefit of the departinent. Creek district in hs nuhest in hs world Good pictures, good mnusic sud good Froid F. ticCloud, aI Yorkvills. IMI, last Ionlifssille and sinces Ifsdlscovery lu singing at hs Lyric. velu purchased he W. H. Shute lannu 1891 bas ylelded aven $200,000,000 Many improvemeuts have been made oI 60 acres for $6,000. D>'nionti sud *Miel amd Surpluis ln gold. This rosît whoe construction an he Westwood lsnim hy Joseph tiedilI Austin handled Vhs transaction. bas cosf $85000 a mile carnies most ai Pattenson hs pont summer. A new TeLde'AdSceya h rs this nîch ors Vo the sinelters lu Colorado bungalow le nov lu the course of con- ThLais lSoetofhePs-$ 5 0. 0 City. struction whhch viii he oceupled hy the hytein chunch wili meet at the home Ater leaving Colorado Springs the head garduen, A new bot bouse sud o! f Nos, H. Keru, Thnrsday alternant., train foliove a vide curve, showing other additions viii aise bo made. Oct. 28. Ail are invited to bo presseit. Colorada City sud the (Garden oI hs ficr Gode tu the nîght, thon turnes harpty Yes "Argo' le the boat developiug Pyrolite vahed cosi fn or eCook Oicr te hs left, crasses Bear Creelu Canyon PaPer. J. T., BEit-i. efoveNo clinkens onr @fOutad vsny F .Dyc»d rsda and the ameen begins. Sevn miles ont ittli moke. Biet rosi ou hs market. F .Dmni rsdn sudVh sci-t egns.Seenmils nt Oonoomoo riddeu by Arthar Koon For sale hy hs HOnME Lt ansit CospANY, G, A. Wright, - Vice-.President Paint Sublime te eached and teVhs u-vvaW an1athe tive hanses that finishsd lu Lihertyville, 111. 32 c ~ ah of North Cheyenne Cayon.Colorado ,the haut0gî-i-nhy hs Oueusia Clu Springs sud hs plains beyoud that ia@tSaturday. Tbereweresixteeuhones The dance gît-eu iy Vhe baud.hoyq at F, 5& Keram Assistant Cushbier hureits ou voure euthanted vision bers eutsred lu tbc run whîch vasover a the ton-n hall lest Frîday svsning vas certaiuly jnstille@ the naine af the 'statiou courses nne sud one-hall miles in teugtb u-i-ll sttsnded sud ones of the mont F. J. Wright, - Assisant GasMien sud fnom nov ou every i-rte-sund if le aud had 52 juîu1s. Mauly dropped ouftn--eflicuu îeVttA namber almost uothiug but curves-diecloses and et-eu the boande halldteVo urged et from Waukcgau vers proesut. neyer aud greaten vondeos: Waterlalls, the fiuish. DirtCtors spsrllng sud shîmnteriug hundrede ut The awardiug aI prise-s drev lange fi-ut aboie, au et-en cbaugiug vu-v of Eisigun filins tant hebeat. .1 T. ,truadu fu the Lynir theatos last Mou- A, G, Schwerman FL C. W, Meyer flie canyons, more tban 1,000 feeî tiuuiEtiTStîN. iis.eveuîag. The tiret priw, autos mug, C .caka alMsGfi belov, lurf ber on St. I'eter's Doms ruses Iuvitations have heeu iai-d by hsetreut Vo Jean Ray and E. H. Curlett, the C .Gloa alM Gfi tea inpressive beîght. A lcv sharp'Jly tid intnghiretînu village cierk vas bbchecond lu-ky inuC, F. Wright F. P, Dymond cuu'e u ts touai tp smaceh Iieuds tsi a Hallow'en party ta e g dreiive d aea G. A. Wright eloser; anotten wt atsd tam sund w lu the Woodmen hall ou next Fiday bs ndyugttr.C .Hsn are almost on the top, whiie hundrede eeigLs ia ih r. .0 uo' offet eiw ta seiîiuivdscuneti- eeuîgOct. 29. Dancing vil] he the lase of the Methodiet Sunday ochool tnacks show he dcvioaecounewcame, odra h vuu.Spprvi elvtdtebys of Vhe Y. A. C. tea a by Vhre ile t gin ,60 lstZ A shorsved, The Invitations gesnt ont are racku ride Vo hsefi. W. Follett Fanm distance beyoud vs came ta the Pls -li -tr 1 clod u erwnqu u here saptuer vassesrvsd. They ail had 'i SdeOcupon a tVme St. Peter sud - nf.a îolv ine. thsePet-il talked politirs onr had a Cook- GeV yoar pitare on a postecard. J. T. AFSeluntexpcd oruu Peary argument ou top 01 hs Peaku, RRoumiTON.SA.dF. hedn hisueped eti ul __________ Satn uadca sdde unlguffe, p-r- Prof. R, O Stoops, of hs Whippls lest-e for Toronto, Can., and vili ho u< ape învolnutary, cit by slidiug dovu Acadsuy tyV Jackusonville, Illvas hs absent ail vinten.M,. Sheldon wilI he __________________________________ a coupleoftusn lest ta h oto gueet af iSits Sahet sui ad other accupîsd uith a lecture touand hs 0 *of he Canyon. Perhaps hs perlume oI Inisude Satunday sud Sunday. Mn. faiy ily l rosînin luNw Yorku. j N 7 i saîphun sud brimetans still linge tahe Stope vas 5f one tins principal oI the poiished granite vail, as if dos not bigh school ber- and ook occasion Vo Going, going, gans. Beedure you resd .. W A EC A Oshow the least igu af vegetation luinfst viithere vbilc attending the convention the notice and go Vo Vhs big tanin Sale on * aoli' length. His Satanic MajesVy ai the Preebyterian Brotherhood lu Chi- fthe Tumutîy Gibbons fat,on anud a sht owo f aPetl's Slde ou svey rosd caga VO whlch bie vas a delegate. haitlutiles southaof Rendenton he Brad-In sPite of the sarcit-y of thesepoptà ular lm Sho yu Dvi'sSldeonevryroi ev road, commsuciug at 10 a. ut., Thuns- have a large vau-ety et laver pie than you la d themc yoa travel ou lu Vhs Racktes. Front Ton per cent discount on caineras and day, Nîuv. 4. Free lunch at Doon. uwe. 0 Pnield, lghti-en utiles out, vs get the supplies. J. T. Rongainsot at hs Lyric. Cattie lorse8. fart ntachiuery, etc. 0 lest glump@es aithe tSprings; Vree miles4- etksecap" ith MW SL w trClt * urthsn atl Summit, the noad neaches ite Wm. Peterson Iliasoued the Laksview 2Wetkaecapreunt M uSLO wat C t 0 thighest elevatian, 10000 feVt. Froin Auto Company aI Chicago, for the S. S.Xhselen returued last veelu Iront which iut spite af the ad-vence in price we stil se t-.. 0 bere he smoking factory chimmuys of dainagem reeuiting roin ths kiliug ai a Laugduin, Aberta, Cao., vhsne he bas 0 Pueblo. flfty iiles away eau h e es. env hy au automobile hetougig teVthat bhtit spendiug Vhs summer. Ho gives $1.00 Ne Nothe train glides dovu into ths coutpany. John Becker, the chauffeur, gluwiug accaunte aI that Section as@a *Cripple Cneek distri-V. NaseClydoeisthe vas eceutiy tried hefors Justice WisenrIarutiug tcutry sud saysi that pesople An ail Wool Worsted $30M ensU Coat, a beaut-y et.. vondenful Cathedra] Pank vhere the and flusd $10 aud caste vhich amounted are flocking there front ail parts aI the Oaction of hseteuseute during untold te $22.85 for spesding. The prelrmnnry United States and Canada. Oages bas shaped he rocks mt spires case vas notsatisfactory Vo Peterson sud *steeples, arches atnd buttreses. Bull the proLecutiauvwilibe contuued. E. W. Pick Metiahon returnsd last Monday 2$ 2 oHill, ,no Olten mentonsd during he Cotby lnasttorney for the plaintiff. But froin Lsxington, Ky.. vhere hoeloesd Unustial values ia Boys'Sweater Coats ai--------------- s arg trike taons lu hs distance. ev If any motoriste have besu fined hors thsnacingoesason. Al nI bis hanes.tat Mn@that have yietded fabulons trias- this enuamer sud thia ans case vil] ho a have heen ou hs circuit this yean as SOC, 75C, $1 and $î.,5o Diuressare ail anound you. At Goldfield source ni deep gratification to many. wlat W he matduine hssuorer ihave L" basu aV dwitte&U mTem ahipebes Vo inther aV Vhe lsVack. tlkeC w at dupliaate the= for leu tha= 52,00 fferth" shipe hrs e iner itth mie rak. loti s gone ...... ................. i George Sullivan, vbo bas beau empioy- Ld at1 . e duster -ct.rd&oilVhsl-dC -----------