LAKE COU'NTY I NDEPENDE NT WAUKEGAN, WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIIL NO. 5 Trwo Pirts LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FItIDAY, OCTOBER 2,190P-12 Pages WOODMEN R.AISE lit,-e hall, whicit irolally bt it e aand RAILROÀD DEALS -lien surit a reorgatîîîtîori laki-tiPARIIAM RETURNS MONEY FOR COLONY I d rebotîiddfrotte largetl lte he pace, ageplit.h ie man riglit blte Ef fECT NORTII SIIORE Northwestern Belt , L. TO ZION CITY front of te neck and panelratedl a Thte Des Plaines \, lia - Coupled wth the tact that Lakte veîlaue itat te flow of itood was Tite gite llonveneîîîs have lai olay fe(irgtt, îîlntx 'iic oge1-Lae gi od Cap fth Mdm oomn f copions. liewas atteuded by sorte iltCeItiheii- aiîoad workiand aIl ut iern ballUne, wiîr, ,i. t, lt-ltoîti Meetingsin te Hois Cly aid Effort Amerîca, Waukegan, la engaged in itoapîtalcorps îîîîn wito gave fral ad lt'ltfft-t t Laite coîînly. Tha are liteh burit of Eliiîtitî u lîp, eo-, Wîlite Made l. Lic.- t His MeetIings a campslgn tb 901 1100 membera, and lter talien tue(Chicago. 1-The efforts of the steel trust (on.îerting te nurtlit iii ni yt Ul s a Mutit as -Ptit)e SitH, now havlng 600, selite furtiter tact T'eriteljured Omaniwas -galneand to acqutre the Walsh raifiroad Itr ie aira, is ii r ilu Lre ooat ihtLiecountY camps have rtfîsed 1t0lie carriî-d or supitorteil 10 peoperties for $3,500,000 have lte acquisition u n. î-trngt ralsed fonds for tirree cottages aithle train. faied, due te intervention of the lot wa>- aiong lt ti, tuithee jaýitlmi iit ~t x it the Wodnin tuecculsîs ani-i I aun aît aitîiiîelit-saldit. i, Norhwestern andI other road of- lu lite soutit of Deqliit,- titiaise iae - i 1. titti tarlum ai the Ambler ranch near litanti' ta Harry Prîci- Tlht- shullirrt fitiais. ia.ditionai ground ili tfil--aland lîtunder atînd ti.t1, i-gif o Colorado Springs. miiitijugîllar si-lit 2-There ta taikte tohie effect t iorîli of tat sîtiurl.i i pitiîti icloligues sect txiii r ît iiîtî tit> thal lthe St. Paul road may ac- 1îe lalienlketti îtt c-s OItto lt îît ii i i-- 'liii L it.-îî (aîly attfs t te iod- quire the Frost electi ra o1 f $67,493.Titesa d,,,1,ixlîîaddition lu gs, commreilti lg Sittttt arhaîîî làrlPAP0,41R PUBLfISurIIEaS oin ;save the expense of elcctrtfylng lIojîres-lous iturchases i , Ili-, rail rat preacitai it.h- dotirine of stir- mure lhiit i ti-lt liIta, towards ra5iniIi1 i IisT of [EAD 1BEATS ils terminal into Chicago. xsay for alorage Yardîj istreitut itear ln buninown ltangues at Zittîtand ftnds for ite rectlon of lent colages 3-The Northwestern matil has Des Plaines, Elmhurst ait-i otner ait-tuit a large nuxoher of couîvertst itsh for thte fret- use of tuenîbers at it e fre hIoppo hrubisae alrcady put a quarter of million itrthv rulltt'îî~ ntnlnovail eachinga MNany orgies wero. surdllarlîtîi îialîtalned near Colorado --obîlvîcus of what la happening wd ollr mb geî n h ilt ue s cliealley -ise f$2000,atedadsvraierostene biprlrigway foroilsfureselainesentland eTheortghtnof wny predît-rlx so faresaigta as a resutl0fa itas aienlerostai" et i ni bega s l't l - fo ea l e t nr u i - b utilmcln e li p B ell L ine connect ng Ile G a ena a quired li s bIn he to w nship s orf ,Ly- w ork t itre , 1111011 under the foot of their creditors and Wisconsin divisions by a linme tin.Mairne and Nortfetît, .71.- Hîs reluru Ila ntlrely unexîîced IL amp itth, if Waiiian, liasrailed and a powerful league with Ch- hetween Eimhursl antI Gle.ncoe. lng spentbI lte former,$21 Rinluaîîd lwas titougli ltaI after lhtsarý iuflicilit i îîîîîîeytu lîildone cottage, cago and te north shore as its Steel Trust Deal Falls. Naine, and $10,550 ln Nitetl ra nTxsWoelewsrtre fIeld ~ ~ ~ )Ilîaîrites frora St-w Yortbd ht ie iitlnest0 oî h irrilvn-lTasg rommlîted a allged f Use iîthîr tarupstxif t' count> itavlnîg fedhas grown up, mercilessly lt10lttrerttt tlt "lortiate Thail lt uurIn lte tuh auit1ai l, t- neaginat nalîtoart dlegexpof.s raL«tst lltiti tîtunîgitbe. ad i. tointrvetinîolthaMoretther.t taxubud tnote pursue then fnseagdeadnaurb anat,, xand st e ( ra y s ia k e ta rîî i) e ax e c s t e s u it h o u n d h îm u n t îl h e s q u a re s u p ,P =V l v , h o d n e r r t u H I scrible a siitîjl tt i att.lfoîr a ibird under penalty of being cul off ivhIritot nrul thteorltwesteni ni__________ ola i wudOrrrltr en tout collage from ail creit. ittîer iteaIthledeai of te steel R IH WRC a magelc speaker anti a tuitnwitor What Camps Have Raised. trb ult ie aoile isfI ilas gr-at influence- ,itil certainr Abotat$27Milxlm it i- atinit rt-t1tttt l'hi- nlinte uf the leagur- lm tht- Chi - îlu lmY'tjui'ed ihal ar ntm ibas O I!E .&E txsu teî, rtî xttlgi teblan______olPcotaeliFcthai lie wiluin'ett It- gixen Ouci of an 10o it-daîlîiîîî ,î oiai lt reditors' Association, ls ltcad- rtached te steel trust tiat adxerse A wmcclion the.lgnloletan tierrig titis îjlts Effurtsw le aiut-re ut lte sarlums calijim hlse jiaEtern aree41at22- irs wavenli, iturirs ra4lt, 2 Ifh aenelis Ivlgistattoît woîîlîlIlie axteti of con Eastern Railroud near Twenty- made te0 heplluit fronti sacurlga been asssessed 25.cents ta t int îay uga h-.lieWeekly Bulletin snd Le losSan sre attCiiao trge hall andt im oit ha efforts 10 bave givt-n front i51) (Punis tu $1 ta l IAvie lteelriîugW B Tte aisirodaaretie unltiro lie cnty t ofth CiagoHr e alreaîbeinTt-t at t i 1 lteiti-i-t it ii ttifii ott ngaV il Atn - atîdth-e iit nitt tt-i er I niW ilTe lahia unîd litec11 theois utill rn th ae cFio tdr Ciag lidgt a>litg aieîneii luti-rean il amuuttts lant i- -ti t ,t iilý yit tlie wrt ny Cmpany, near iin i cn h i-l Olî y vaIos utgi..ilitttxitii ît iuutxtiý4l ttsugattftti sOiati thlagu ,Southe-rn sud uotild t onneet three Monday aflernoon pried the fi l il Tarioesl'or-i staîîî,wh $ 2th 2< 0 sxhv: ltehilattr aiîoft-eassoaion, Oftil t-leel trust otilia, of tecotutry tracks with debris and resuledD Rae oudlt'ait)i,$i21070 ' ihlte a kgnl paetywili lie Indiana ant Iillinois croal1 n the serionusinjury of lte firee I OT RR a wiahîr r plîîitd 5-et f ie l-ds laIdes glning lte steel truxt a mas. Waucoîia tiliît 0lit cf socalied îiesd beats, anîd Ihiti profitable frelgiticarrier, as te ruada iIIRUI LAKE COU NTY JilwdtrCitanti 00 t 7.1 lsîa sl!o nate taialat as i'Aoutidas a niatter of rourat liave been Thte wreckinq derrick of the loiieasrnebsrahdIi (drnee trngasunecflie9radtina co>rîred,,wilb liteElgin, JoIIet and rmatIwasa t onc* calletI nul from lulx iaruala îie ii JÀtgCfi Aiiii 4u5If leles anîd itirslans. Easternî and tils rumpaulon. lie Chi Chitcago antI piysicians from Wau cii3 litai a station n-il lic esalaihsled Lotus i ti , hr 'a o i -1 ,00 'hr~ e - are about s x y naites ilit t e ago La iteShore and Eastern tegan wereerushed 10 te s eh iue r rt i ,0 - ie a t m b l Iw i tan hoe 'art18.75 2 00 au tgan l sibt of t e peuple und 'r t ite -Im portant 10 City. of the w reck w thout tIlay. r i b ili y race t a I l t u10lie he u! w i it at Russel Carop2 6. ( ban ad the emarirble thng litthat Te birentaofîhe<'alh treulsdViofanlCaiet tilcagoJlieasi Chieaters aceiterw ntIxttw eets. c wAItue ttn- tt iteo.st1report, rane s fron $2uîîlu $2-, towngnuuId liane beau important 10eiaukee-tlie Injured Man. MIs foot ilarut andti Tite rare nul lie ail te more lotn a Wauegu anuli u 2t0 S O tliai ie fot orfiiers3arc ouI for gant, as hiulkeiy taI litaBell Lina <reushel, te resul of te re] pohrlant as if te Insistentllans of te s offltages had bliacît eiteîiandl wareanl willilnnsanme way get teir duel wuId have been extended telu îlllwau- Teacdn o lc ta 5Irmtr r are U h ue «anit ccrgpled it a lpatienrt. Septeni- Teiweepsalutl la t-t-tjoint nit ore îarrîîory linos or oln a cirne nearlte feuandr Tite for tae race alîllia etitse adoptai by g " " T h e aat aex e m t saar a n g ente n t w o u l d h a veo ir e m a n s a x e a n o b s t r u c ti o n ui th e m a e n t f o r 1 9 1 0 a n d n t tae u i e s o f e t eaZdas cured d l h ui tino h itk, - losiet witthe Wlsconisio ce- nbeî iu lnadtinI tetnu otrbtdil. ictu(lit saine affect, s0eltatthelier 'tait, id-ant i juped.The engi- Hee econd Day.H by ieai officers anîd lîead office eu cm- m tebe pleaet, -, ___and steel trust wouid hase beon runnected nSeanr cut off the steatu snd titanr litanies P. Rouo! ltaeNational Nlm-at o rk h.urantii t te ain~ CONVICT BÊTRAY!D ta t eek-ean Wintiirop Back. aBY CHIICAGO WOMWAN Attt. r triexienig ou tttoilth lit-tf) ,tt.- sianl isp,ý. f anWho Escaped Marquette Penliton- tinax t t Idiand tixval staîtn. intlie trary Where He Was Servlng Tisue an t iiiIîtlin ýi. Beikîtîttît \%flit for Murder of Companion in Crime, t i r, p t-1tt soc-etar tf te Trusted Woman of Levee Onfy je Naxx witcttt v i . Nait >ii îîî'îît, Be Captured by Policeman in 1Dê» Stîtutintt .pit .as ttt uI o guse-Planned to Robt Lake Vifla. %Va l'tngtin lii r-. ii. tr if se-r rcttrt alt,î t ti itt îltn> 'tit I-, îr ittin the îîenitentiary 111 n tii -Itnt tl h Ia x i t e ,e Mich.i, arned Ime to S.î riai t ~ t. i- allthing to do wlth wooa- t; ro-, al]i , tii N\î it in h tiii titti 1 litlt tiitheir counsel for boo t, . , tittiti t ttîii'ttîv fîît e ti aitl'tltas n iigîllty as Loj aill. ý-I ad 'ntî 011le 1>but tht- firstot une1spoke to lin ait t isitîc ile n a- fax ortil- lIr. ,sed Itha iite causeil my arrest, and the wiLh te ttosttlbiiites of the- yard at prison doori wlll close on me for the lîrenterîttit Wait ,whlc-h, wîth ilsa rann %rýlt'yaso ysn lairge artîtîîî tt et water. it capa- ere.~aîîglx013 er fm fn blte tif rataI iieîttpment. Becatise Of Sîeh sas lie statetuent of Asa ifsslh>idi loaton f raeicl]YlsTefft. alias John Brandon, who as sectîre frointaoyçpîeration that misitî caîîghîbInte saloon of Max Seehi- lie nde laký by a ho til fle t er i Hf; VW ells street, Chicago , W edaes- Th.- Assitantî Secretary leitrned adav hlpanigteggeJa guud ticai abtoutthe administration o e so f ildanlng r10 engeB ait a lte, ias t tarda ai ni attolix n ic lhd ert mag îaine reoblersand I*ko a-ii liei-taliablil'tuSecretary Nfeyer \llls oA nigervolvere aad in tht rtîisiteraton ie iq gix ng the ca " liq lolr-lyeî er on repo t r t f ile , w lft ib o ard , c n ta in îîg in *fi po s tt5ttî0it A cco rd n g te th e recotiîendlios îtr ort coîtilepouieTefft shol and kilied L.eroy recoirrpndtios fo mo,ý ompe:eRoges, acousinl laHatngs, Mleh.. ait! harnit n lotis w rklîig betw en the ft e y li s a o nv ad ndtenv asîtitiisuil, ' rflarrlved in Chicago Su"uaY niglit and a few hours laer ivblle looking for Thomas Qoinian, a bm- CARRIAGE STRLJCK Itanion who deseried bina InSot BY IELECTRIC CAR Cicago, lie met Goldie Jacobo. The womnan watt asked lu "locale soult Due to *fate of Mrs. Muller, Mrs. good gun -- Harrington'a Siater, and Companion, Womnan Leads Detectives. Misa Smythe, to Make Train that Site sgreed, but lnstead went to see Was Comlng, Carniage Was Driven Inspecter P. D.OBrien, aod retuynod tn Front of Electrlc Car In Vain telthe saloon wllh DetecUvea Smaoie- Effort 10 Gel 10 Depot. ton and Stromberg. Wben amnur.d _____thal Stromiterg was "sale" Tat »@W An eiecrîr car îolided wit a lesalie knew of places 10 get any amot taîd (-arr*iage at the t'entrai avenue of money wlth itlîte danger of as-s'omt. rossxlîtr uiHighliantd Park Thîîrsday Stapieton presged a revolvor at andl slîexed lte ruitintg with te TaBla' head and lie made ne attompt. wreci of lte carriage, iihiatibot thlie ait resiatance. torses and lefI îîninjured liayond lte "Tite jig ls up, take me along," ho vloyas, cottageslhasve li-andonated v iit.j t i ..x t na'"'i tatia"simer'n t- o.--- ,itante are mereir narned ofnitron l. sItboI 1raiand ore iîrpettual menabars aîîd Jnît ites-serai ltittors sugitat lies ail] nol exîcned-T, odeielle iA'iMoora adan- létates az followg:credîl Tite man wlio lonestiy seeks dultsnon eteWIs ods ti Northi Dalota, -2; Minnestota, 7;1111 i- n saîd, lu trotîle ronipetition Scredît and nîelns te ay la not mois, 26; Ne-brask,9;it ona 3 l otîcied. agatin lte Petitsylvania and the New Ohio, 4;- Nllssotiri, CiNi-w York, 7; oktetr] n il o e h Wahntn ;Tiare are Iteritalîs 1,000narres lion <nta n u ntlIlt Wsigon7,Indiavaui,;2 Mtichitgan, tc ecurrent Issue 0frte bulletin of te' eltutaqi. 4;Oregon, 4; iscouisii, 10; Coloradbo, league and tits is itlacrrected and ILssai htWlhsbteryds 5; Iowala, 0; ansas.8; Southt Dakota, changed w eetiy su btInie onte slips aîîîîinled anslie nouli hase rtade 2; ConuortJcut.9-Irgitia, 3-; to M ioun Il ines$10,000,.000 i> te deal, Now te roado lata, Neu-Jer.'y i Ientrky 2 While te RorailiMerchtanits' Asso- wilI go 10 te artoît blockt and tese Penetsylnaniai1 ;lîbstrict orf lolunicttonlea ar aîngla mtrradverse tnterc'sts rai gelteintany- bla, 2;- Oklahonna, 2; W'est %Vîrglinîa. 1;1wationan aI nîtaîr unit rateih waint B uese.o lie IssuedI il as nult now a t hi wi ae Maie,1 .Tenesee 1 n Tit,- N'aIsui roads alto î-onnect nîit Illintois teatis teliâI tit tsauly- uniil today lhat ietrrliants bail goneColumboius and (Cincinnati and hava SIX, uhilu- lotitWisc-onsintanîd Iowa Es-ory town and sillage and hlmet ottliels vslatle Norfot snd Western ourntesecond wit Lau cottages rart otltenricor srxre a anthtti-Kenucuky Soutiern. Thte Mtodern Woudsîouof Auterlia, oitIthLaiot shoreiLaitvrd te f an'St. Paul Afler Frost Road, wilt mure tant amailliont merntutrs, s itLaeFrs. ak Blfant Iigitiand l'ait ail lhase large lIsIs. IL ttassaid iniiMilnaukee tlis seat successfulîr iiigagtitid lit t e ar Thte leagrie pledges te send rereipîs > itersotîs sety clOitOiy connectai! agalisttubeculbisfor acrounts nilhlo 48 itours' lime utith t- St. Paul railroad titallitet 11 11P,10.tsuaina edad tera Is ne altenîpi ai hulldozing. Cicagto & 7.tlnaukeireferir buta at a t u it e i c d ti -boe a r c uh do c uab Ti t e l t I l; s l t y p u b i s e d i b b a d - l a i b e c s o r a s a b o u t l u h a fa k e n t ?0all r(olid prný' tfta-ta oxer by it-e St. Paul Road. says lte tou attu n t-i ut-m t-Itil ut , ti.i ftg tutot bills art- îîtîîîîtît-tî i i î1aîîsîrîî iîtix Il xxts deriared iii gc-rîeiitl tîtitttoîîîuxîîîîaî il far tal ii niLABO RER TA KES tis Nii i ii .eîass liger trainis te electrîr road 10 (hicago.Titis lur fo ueo oitiltiNestAna ,..-, -- --a -à was nmadetie l îculuî-naftr soluntar>' aid, te uîuîîey t lic Ct tu10 lîeitura te grounds amduI t utuci necessary buildinugs. înni tant $1i2,000 bar bean raised li titis utit Wautegan mon hase resî.oîueîIgttîîeouîsit te tht N4oodmnebiu e îonîlod generoîts ]Y l toitis httitauitarlan xxenit(<ami 348 made an eau t> donuationu cf $i oo anddaie titan teenieutbers have ralsai b>' Peraunsi donations ait addi- hiouai $250 andI nom bave a Beloil cul- tage un taecrounds, fuli>' equlpptl. for use of semae afflîrltd brotiten Januar>' 1, 1909,itae anitariuns irsf oponad for te free cuno.of members of te soitelafflîclai! mit tuberru logss Any iteneirlai membar suffer- lng front te diacase la privîlegai! 10 enter, uubJarl lu approva 1b- te medi- rai sîîparintandent, as a patient itn vao bu rured or tae dîsease aurrasa- futi>' anresiai!, antiholieliil e rared for and trealed frPeaut change. Tite camît saunîer lie direction of Dr. John E. White, an expariancai! physi-, clan, whliebas been thte director of a prînate lubendulesIgsanifltarium ln Colorado foc severat years. Ha la ha- lng aidet by rompaIent assitanta physilcans tutti speclal traînai! nurses. Soldier Sitot In Nonk. At Camp Logan Sunda>' s private bn tite Second Regîment, Chcago, Mare>' Prie mas aliot ln thte necit by a ricochet bail wmio tttening range practice ani! mantbng largeta. LUN(I~ALi onutiliot etiîtfront a gentheman n lue nas ti-ny osilux e abou t IL Repaîeing Walee Pipe aI Illinois SandI Vuhihl'ttutt> le ipossie tat te sany Cravel Company When He Loat S.Pu od ug- n, ieeeti Balance antI Feul, Landlng on Sitoulit- tlle teeire tO uiany ojections lu der..HeatI antI Sioulders Hurt b u t iii' asseoger traunitnitcemne Itil It Wîi Live. WildI Emergency Tnip of te ' v ere seriotiy consideming surit Switch Engluie. a utioxe Ilia lalta>' moubi! la fred lu aliandon i i. Thte nochh shoure ioxnsavae nevar laten tlndhy luelita Tuesaysvnîorîtiug tftae lits ulfte 1iii- linuted tsrire ouite lecrcrîrrai!. tuti-i Sandîland UGret roînpsny ut Viten tiese trains mare lrsI run lieutei, a laborar wsie nature Is not titrougittonte outhlie tomns witoul c-ieiifeu fort> feet frons the sani! tIopiug thene mas se munit proleat elîxatîr xxieîîhote ted te ix a mater laI tha village effleura, titrougli an- pille.forcemuent o! franchilse obligations, The suc(ii landed oui lis sitouider eompaiied tem un top ail trains li tutt sxa injuied about te iead anti! arh ittllage, andtI ltIrogulaîlon stoîuldcns soetret>, A Norîlimastan o uod dentalu>'li cenaforced more ig- smitllîengin(,, oIt htînitol tae Alexlan Idi> acanst longer and mure danger- Blrolters liospîtaili Chicago post outs trains auci as ara mun nom on te haste lut il lal touglit taIho milI aleam rnalîread, snd rentier theIn oper- ina. allen Impssxible. No eue aI Beaclit teeamd ablla 10Sevaral tinotalune Papers, nutaly> cie ils nante andthle ont>' desrrlp, tote otfLate Forest and Wautegan, lIon givetu ut al lia Is a fimede. have ecenîl>' Inlimalai! ver>' strunc-- ____________ 1>'liaIitaheelertrir mas lunlio reur- ganhu-et aud taI A. C. Frost moitI! Luaely Sprung Eteclion. sagaîn bi em lt Prealdent. Whan te fIle Jusl about pesitive, as stai! ITnde reeniiy rapîîhisitad surit an in te-SUN two niglifa agu, liaI the J1Iens<tan tron s Lakte Forest paper met anal dry Issue mi li e lrIad out a' eul emnu formerl>' concerni! in again aItte sprbng rit>' elerlion. Tite 'lite e,,raî'lu.n o!.lte.lectiîr uad un. lest mili follom fine glant meetings aI demlîlehenecelner sahd ltaI lte choie mhitrspaosera of national fame andI o! Mr. Frost for prealdeut mas te conneclad mlt lte ganeral Issue mlll1nogt utulitel>'thInz tlitIcoulil ceue, speat Thte hotest campaigu Watt- Me ailt that Mr. Frouat. ou accounut of tac-an tas aven had for anyllilng lahils finanriat ambarrassmeuls, mas t, forasoan. bss apî lu ha conaIi!eredtan anyone jurnited front lix sida The engineenton r DoiaY.lte distributar for ws EIdilard Tai rot J Chlcago and vîcinil>', uho lert jit le dud niolt axe tinie lu litrow n- Jniglilfor Detroit, unîtes: Thte race titi- braites Or rtverse, t nul nio01uste tplace for Ino neots. We1 Hom andti la a udent ireanu muît n ii iass titrxugli Vaukutgan on lte' hlm bli te cuatiad te mo ordaret i , -tonid day 0f lte reiiabiitiy cun - i-e1 limt ulîtitt. n itie le dîid, tiroughit t-i tara ofutfile rontest eeuniltie n indow.iiiftetChic aguo lutîtnclub. lu jumplinig litmiad raughî lis foft Wiah New Ruies. uon te cuat ilate belmeen te rab and Te Chicago Nlotor clublIsl unable lte tender anlti cul a doap) gasit, proli li tlel Jint nheu lte race sili taita abiy sesartnîg uiartnter>'. He mas at pltace, as >el.ibut ils leng-tli las eean teuded by Dr Joliey ot Nort li- establishad ste 1,000 miles, mhîi t cago anti laler nalieni 10 lte lospitai by regarde(] as a sevene lest. Dr. Kuigit, the tonupanys surgeon, The club is stii Ilghtiug for theti Thte engîne l*t-fhie tract and rnî sancltontOf lt-e Atiarirati Automobile1 itel note six feert ito lte geound J 5Lsseetationi anîd la farlnc- a baffhe out rnîaxintîglhte tciabuad failiaîg mb attute v sizi- airttan ilaer ofrltae totat wrert FirenutanHoward aseontesl huard -111 grattsanction oniy1 untons.-iOus wnitPititdut p He uoler Amenean Auutooiule Associa-1 siates tat bce iad a premonition oftO" ruies utile file club deaires Ils theu acelident liecause when the englue055n nuieS..Whulcliaraelte ones 1h. lef t Wauki-gaut for Rondout'there e .a .veaotd 90 trouble in getîung -ban Pans psd ic Titi club chaluts titat n-It A. A. A. feut thai tttiteihiîig nas goinc- lu gu ies- wl nthaxe flore-ltant a1 1nrrînîg. ,l i i ttitxiOuas utîtîbi ns n-ii Tbe craui.-,-ourti,- teckrt la uuatnosn, 'ltitu ir-t ththiiîst, aliî,g.-d taulîyf Tue, firenttai wlu , t tamit aI ) r,-guiaîuoîîs peared lu bo ut ehutrud of dual on te Sats iaýsîuic-bt s tChicago Journal. tract att nd tuietl Theitudbtent mas A eouniiîe(ftheifliCh'iicago Siotorr unseatitetirclublis plannîing lut r axe for Detroit thon-aid'ýlîtuttît- t un ili\ta, Kan.,luis ,-xeoning lu li-tilt)xitit Howard1 and lue lite-.kit 1,10) Jactaon streel, teffintirlîtîrlittifelananufarlurens Joliet Ie i-t titi tht extraliltatnsd cool-es Ooîîîîiteu- Iliaquestion oet an liaiti a itiax- ntuîî S A. A -.anclion toirte club's 1000 rcllaui]iîx nn Mr- (effin*s aId nIhit Police Swear 10 Gai Swindler. bcaskiil n unittuideaxer lu Influene teA A A. conlîxi hoard tlu show te -. We'lh gel lilu'tu0. Tis, uîlerad nortects ud 10Inf nilli force amuI delenmination, Ila mitI tttnr f Iecela udn290b lie poeure ta> of John Back, arri t ualofder 1909out sudBvdBerf tuindiern-ho tîso >ears ago Inula tii Careuse. lioteanlocalidromote Hbenry Wadge of ttaukegan ouI t fTi11c'leanulste hda-lita Mm CIf la $3000 ont a faite lanîddeai. etieiartoavtrotNs fint-e s t The Ipoice Fnitiut> lipitOned lt B"",Y or aInfo h,"tt -ens -aml-rtra - un an egeo loangd forger stildtI bbe ht-Id Ilere, ald tale- grapitai!Bainidene ln regard lu Rich- an! Ray, mitose nuon> mas loilu Inte SUN itat wmach Land! amindlens are baiug brougit tol bout ahI oser te countlry' anal itle ltoutîglllaI Bt-ci.wmitchl s nont b>' su>' mesus the su'indien's eeal naine. uns>' have blt i capurdandsi!.seul domn t100 Hua With Fisis sud a bane, Warrantîs more swumn, ouI on Tues- day ritarcing Al flanîs of Winthnop Habior mitît assut antI ballon'. Tite marrant mas isstietI on complaint uf JuIn Personi, who charges ltat Davis assaulled linsmtit h a lista ana ltll a cane ounIStober 23ri! at WIntrop Harbon, Botmon are aaid tb ho em-i Piuyed aI lte plant utflte Municipal Engineering compan>' thare. ruilants. Mrs. Mullert aislr 1tuSis. S. Hý -arrIngon, lChiago manufacturer, tnd M!iss Smytite wara ln lte car- liage. Tiey had let tae Harringiln ome jîttln ime lu gel a fast train o Citicaigo antd when ltey apiiroaritd th crosslg ordered Carittan J.H. Taylor Io gel arrosa lthe tracts ln ot of the elatri. Tue roacintoitayed sud the alec- rie car strur thlie carniage juol about clu ent the rg andthlite leo. The legs of lhe itorses were broken so Itat lteanimais had tl e hotI S nce ln mrcy, ltae driver was hurla rougl tae air and occupants hla ey renaineal in tae carrnage faitt he impact and reinled nior bruises and a bail short. The carniage was a partiali> cosd affale and!bail the elecrîrîrcar struck fartitr art thers would hlae been 11o way for ta ocu- sonts Io have ecaped. As It mas ta>' mre tiiray unsatei. The accident tout place aI about :45 Titursday ntorntlng. The car mas 134, soutitiound, tilulorman Stanley Cies-es and Condurlor George Culp. Tîte trIc car dram la not being blatuci utoi'tae Collision. At flrat lthera are reîportsalitI Nîr. and Strs.Han- ric-ton noeeIn lthe weerkof ltha rc lage and haler lthaI oneofthlie pas- seugers was dead. Bot storias are Poiaioes Ruastinl Wrecit, As a rasul of a fralgitl mrert In lte Norlt Barrîniglon yards ufthlie Nortlimeslarn Tuestia>' cveraI box crs anal a caboosa meea aitaze, The fnengliî bactoal luto a train et gondolas fillieti itsal andi!a atone mas %etrurned. WilliamtîSitine, a brake- tita, n'as injured stuih>'y.Ha mas titromu acroslie sont freiglil anal oe of ltae tracta, anti rouletunder another fraîglit, miticlu mas standing sxli Polaloas c-atome xxae roasîai!, The sanie uuenning t lit ecnrtor currn it aIDes Plaines. To Dam île Fox River. Keusin, \Vii .-0 t. I2s-Efforts are being rmad ti. l tgatuizea aCompany' for lte plirpese of daimsng lie Fox riv- er nean W'ilnio mweat etfliae, for lte lîurpusi- 0f funniaitinig elecitia Pomer te fie enuine munly, At presanl litera is Qut> unie malarpomer plant In lte cotînî>' amuIdltaIruns a smailifeed rmiii ail wituiuii Askhng for Blds. At Fort Shteridan Captaîn M. E. SanIIIe, 27 Infante>'. la askbog hids ou a double set or non commltabotai! Offcers' quartera, a brick stable, a brick ilacksmlîsit Sop soi! auaddi- tion to theo wagon $hop. -i to th be on h, et( rC COMMERCIAL ASSN. VISITS NAVAL STATION Tue (lîleago (omemnrclti Assucia- ttiln nilxi1 it e Naval Training Sta- tien nt n Satinday on the annutaI sisir ant inbspectionu trip. Tite>mîi itavti a peiai train ruîusisling of thirePuillînanîsatutt Io bUnera The speelal train mutl arriv e btmaan twlueisantI cîto uchomitand mli be eoteniained hy Admirai Rossud hae safaf of as9sistants, Il wlih lie renremberet litIlte commerniai association c-ave lte land! lu lte goenenuoand il mas this action ou Ileir part mitici mas tle toc-ans of taudIs0 lie location utflte station near Chicago sud ln Lake Count>' Thte mambera consaquntl> feel a greatl n-est lu the progres 1 ",I escapad fronthlie pennitiaa'y tn JIne, 1904,' ho bold Capt. bm %t lte station houa.."I haaiIvo CO.- panions aI ltaI lima and vo savsd Our ma>'ltroug thlitaroof, valhi. pasI lte two senlinels, AIIJîo.g a wide searcli mas tinaitula!, no ta.. of me mas obtineti, andl I have ad. my way ail over the country, golngs far north as Hudson ha>' and Alagla "Sevenail imas 1 visiteti rebt,. neae my olhome, but 1 vas »V«o sean arouni! ttaebl teday time, It la more titan fifleen years ago tha t E was sentenceai! t hiety years j» pia- on tor lte murder cf my cousin, b.- cause of attentions ha mas payiag te my girl. After shooting hlm, 1I flêd doubl>' sure b>' wieiding an ax. OSys HM's Giad 1-e'. Caught. i as always looklng fer au oppor- unity tb escape fron te prise». I learnedthaltIboxes hasi been plaffd noar ns>' ril, rearhlng aimaut tethe rouf, We suid down lte mal0ofthe builing hy meass of a mre )"ader. I mesut 10 enter a life of crime atsln, tue lutI August I houglil a guan. "I worted under ltae naine of Bran- Ion ini Roby, InitI -aud aven Obtainoal onsploynîenî on the fan aIr former Alderman Fowler, near Laka VIDa. "ins glad lu lie caught again, for il la nmore ltan Illely ltaI John ]WOU&. itou, lte ssoozkieaper ln Lake VMII, mlie ePlace 1 plannei! b lloo, voola have reslsted snd been killeal, k lz Iit"ly titat lIl dia' ln lte pniteatlaiy nom, for t stîli have Ivenl>' yoSg sta serve snd t1ans37 yearsaId. I1a&M flot sort>', for It ma hiaimitedi vth ter alan>' hour of ltae nîgittand day Sinop t ascaped." Detactlves arrivai! tram th.e s queta prison Titîieday andl 100h Toft harktoluhis ceil. Found Last [Dog. While soiers of te cavale>', Prt Sheridan, more putling Trix>', Counl>' Clark Hendee's trick fox terier, linrougit ier pares bl te mao bai! Thirsday aflenonlte rounly doert walkad ln on titom. Teix>' ran lu liim for a moment, as thougit aaying "How do you do, AI.'" anal thon stipped sway afler a hall taI lhe soudien-ti n-ra leasing. Ttc counu>' rentPut a collar about lien itte.asd ted lier awa>'. "Haro, yOuui aro lu 58-e Stone efre you laiete laI dog .waY," calioti a solilr. Tite couty clerk gava hlm hiel perse. nal tard. "SeiidStone 10 me," ho sas d. MirHendespoîhosi man>' dots &t li'e fort. H119owni canine wua tx@Mod le the infante>' ihrougit a local saloos teper arnoi from lte infantry ta t»i c-svslry. Thte soldiers baye a n for ma8caita, Part One $I.r)O PER YEAR IN ADVANCF. ',