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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Oct 1909, p. 2

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.ccnt bottie of s EJIulI5ID M. E MAMNAN, Courespod &MandAgent I- given in haif-teaspoon 'ars.7H J. Scafler, otUceffnry, apent lire. Nimogearu for a ltle social chat. the firet of the week with relative@ in Carde were the order of tbe evening ~.'doses four times a day, our village. util 10:80 p. m. when ilght refrésh-I Floyd Carr went ta Lihertyville lastgaente vers ganreere o h ia ,wxed in its bottie, wiIl ' -bàav ~e-hlseacnred emPloyrnent ro-d ndan1--- p.--ai---ate with lhe Lake Co. ladependent. FIoya il on n t1:0p .aldpr a guod workmau anti printer and we loti w ibing their boat many more yeara o las a earoldbab ner- u -liewill prove a good man for the ttae eartb andi many happy ratUrns fr01» Independent office.th lsa veig a month, and four bot- Mr. and Mrm. H. E. Mialman viited Fridey, Oct 22nd Mrs. Dr. Hughes aihM.adM.Mt émuu entartaîned the Thimble club ai the HibM nigha u r us. a. Mie thome of Mma. Meyer and the entire lime tics over three months, H-had ,r ueta.wa-4 one of pleasure; altbouIl the con-. it Dr. anti Mrs. L. E. Golding and test made ail wLrk bard oud unly Mrm. w UfI* deughter of LibertYvilietapanit thse tiret Hatmmond solveti aufficieut of the I n t e- and will make the baby Of the week wiitb relatives in our village. que.etiou@ te reecaîvea prize; yt go muce-be The hunting license doas fnot eeem w10 ouelot i~r ouî er. 'îe prie wa strong and well and will dmpn hearorofthe it orloalunique andinow sibebas no.exusewfor Eden- huiter o infilt t @em tohav mde oýtin amesin ber tolt as @)le tllnimule entbupiastic andi Saturtiaye aese w osypnlmros Iay the foundation for a cuidS1unda3s the3 are out liv tbe tsore -ioýeto le latrp a e m tru- ByABI F.RAA lot lui-lily the merksmanship aof the mnteual use redere bytirsth enu yARI .R N healthy, robust boy or -ooth gexterminai C. Wealcn and 6m.e. Block wbieh .prgt10.b .i Nmr. Mary Monelian, haviDg decided embraceti ail tbat waa oh, so good as girl, ta go to Texas tae pendth te inter wjth weli as dainty. 1Itwae six p. in. ee<w 'j UE was seate aut lber typewrit- bier daugbrar, Mrm. N. Converge, will Fei] broke away, enclisune saying what S er,* lird at work. vrilaenar FOR SALE 5V ALL D)RPGGIM ber boneeholti goodsaet auction et lber would arr do wibhout tbe club at h frieild entened, bringliig wlth borne on N. Main St. Saturtiay, Oct. 30 congenial Opuleta mingle w b » lier tisa breatiu or the wlieat- S.md fer, nae w f p.per aad this && . fr We will haeorry ta seastirs. McnDalin Long live esdames Meyer and Hughes. Selus anti the fragranice of tbe maiza. mrb.wful legBa.acid'Scch .ave our Village bt balhoe ta cea lier 'book Pbh ieak v ai.iS od LS& bock wltb ue again iin the spring. tMr. Clara Tidmareh and daugbttar "Edith Holden," abc crieti, "shut ev- i-r . peut the peet week with W m. Tîimarab ery story yoo bave inelde that deak Mmr. James Crace andi taughter. MNiame where tbay met many oid friands, wbo and corna wth me! l'vs found lte MCX àW & mWNu. 4»e ped ioeseeLy. Etella, lat for Omaba Neb., laut Mon- are alwaye pleaead ta renaw aid limes. garden of Eden!" day wbare tbey wili spand the winter menthe witb Mr. and Mme. H. R. Rley. Mmr. Hammonti anti Kent are Ppenti Vastepi-e"watersos __________________________ing a lew days in Chicago. vvitisout aven a pause lu thea jingle of Banry Maimanuseas tonderei a plas- the keys. 'i DA.OD LAKE ant surprise et bis home on Maille O E. Wicom' two aon@ came front "Stop that noise andl listen!" cama avenue on M ondey evening hv a faw of Chicago ta epaend Sunday withbhlm, rit the command. "Do ýou klouw tit1 lir. B. Griffith anti son of Wabingtoi. bis men friande, it bing bis 69tb enni- heîng bis ilîrtbtiay tbey lîrought hlm a was delegated t0eliant up aur stiular nW» vlsting bis ister. tirs Annie Ronge. versary. Bis dautiftar, 11i-s May er- practical as weliiaas beautilul remi'în- boardilng place?" md attier friands he r. 1 t le 25 yearo rangeti the plan8ascretly anti it certelruly brance. Mir. Whitcoîih iselt as weil as aonés Mr. Griffith visitad bis home towii. praveti a surprise party foc Mr. Maimen, usuel but lis many frientis hope for a 'Sura-not ta axceed se% et) per," sali Mr, and Mms. Will Ray spant Suntay ello bad gaire over ta hie; neghbor, spoedy recovery. Luith. *ltb ber parente Mra. Kuetiler af Preiri, *Weil. Ive got It et four, sud lias go- Vler. ___________________________________ ng taelie paradîse." % "Paradisa et $4 a wcel.A" eise aniffeti. Anou@ bavinig aId Dpera or book@e o "Corne, wake up. We cant live bora 'dispofa, il.-ae @endl word ta Mr.._***foi Dab. m . oese r. e.Ra fIoI rII,~L L 'thattAnd you meali to tellme v. M . A .t aue s I01mMm. T E U Ray you'va found sommer huard In the of "Wn Lae.MOUI J.YEOA N cuntry et that figure?" John Bouse tr, base returpedt taB. E "I mea» Just thrat. Wban 1 vent j Vieraiwfsake idgMr. ey here hr ndigpewy yesterdsy t took stearn te Cedar- levra vrek w I i. 1Mte. Ry wVVrele filesad frorn thora I went on and hée bau fl. TE S EIN CA ,-'.",,i on utilI thougistte end o Aima Meyer@ o! Fart Dotige, Iowa h the continant was rcached. Tisera I e~ÀImi niedu e tie liteantiLîiart ft~ A ~ I ilk ~ ~dl.ccvered lise hlggest bouse, atone, * MI ~~ UI ~ *~5 LII~ vîit a wia bal running fbrougb the MmSldmMicel n eidrn e A W NU. M A N U ~center and g troeason ether Bida ,qetjtir an M. Fed ownr.seas. There was an aid lady--she limRBoumespeut taturday and ul-muet bave been anaetfthe original 4.7 wth ber iter,lira. Cbarley Pierce LONGi< pllgrn mother-and I angagei- board #4 laneevllle. 1 PAIIEVIW RO EîIh bar for a wboie montb. We are lM Ws. lrri, f ake Forep 5@petit J te eara for our rocrms and iselp ber lueda vîtit ber brother, Fred Tawner lslie Hutchinei, of Clanviese, spent Obituary. waah disea. Anti theres a hlack-berry tir. »md Mrs. Geo. Knigge and ebiliran SAtuC.Ricard and Snnamiy thbuu Cle atherine Se-heUf was born ln Holstein, field whlcb will remlnd you of tise old A C Richardebe aadent@miiyakeGrrnany, Merch 11, 1825. Sisa tieti et se-bool vacation days. We vaut ta %Wc* ftna.Paul Peglow bai the misfortune ta the home of ber dangbtar, Mrs. Abert bny sunbounefe. anti-oh, Edlth. ltll Ms, FedTower J., nse-edfalltroain uapple tree wbila picking Sacrer, Oct. 18, 1909- et tise aeaof ho justike heing at homne agnal" M n Chicao Mo»r.day. te pplea. The lim b break ing precipitating eigbty-four years. seven mnenthe antid "W'Il st.srt tamorrow," waa Rdlth's bWu nCiaoMna.hi'»ta the grounti, braaking hie Iarearm Bave a e. . *eii» "utvî nSIgtIi Xotbetlaue, Jr.. viiiteti wilh hig ant i dylacratlng.hie eni. Dr. Tracy The firet fityc-ix years of bar hife were dso off t r.Mearaoun. U'1 endhl im.Jack Boues anti farnlly lait Frit retincat the fracture and unei athesiveamsedi'lubtheloi hometoad in Germany. trofteM.cPrsnH' ed pîsetert ta kesp hie soir in place. AI- L la after tise deatis of ber bneisand litwlle we're gana, and vise» va tbougb bis injuries are fpainlul hais lanti et the sarneat solicitation of ber gel bock thereiUlieo a Pretty Uttle = ta okbr esl ew deye vitis geîting aloug nicely.. chisltren, elle cama wit bebr yrunge@t latter telling wisy be'e raturnad IL. Oh: etMre. Wiii Ray "put Saturday anti tiughter ta0mrie ratisa fanily lias wit bis latters are modeaeof Itera.ny re- 8ue4ai »Chouf at 1:30, preacblvg Sunntay wîtis ber parents, Mr. anti Mmr four of ber ciiltiren who baili pracedati gratl" Evsryoa rdia nvite if. W. Knedler. b11a1iscnty feai br»w ' don't sec why yaur staries al- *pIbse srvca.bomea sha was parmitteti ta peosatisalst ~tbea servces.Assoce. Mre. FreJ Towner, Jr., alpent Suuday twenty-igbt yeaac of bar litai o.ways faîl vilshlm," saldth ie other. fle iamnd akelarnts ith ber parents, tir, anti Mca.'J. A. parative camfart anti contentani. He'% neyer accepted arne yat, bas hae?" Was ii etwlth lir.. Wilcoxi Maso». Bise vas oaia quiet, retiring disposition "Never. l'Il keep sendlng till lha does !tbmsay, November 4tb eit 2 p. m. AIlbtli o' olpr rmlc wadmpissée attend. A. 0. Masîher attendadthetisa neralai o anti iappieet whan surronnded only hy -tialifIdntclpstrmak UtbOTIbis cousin et Waueonda lust Tues day. r hase nearesî anti deareet ta ber. Her of postage hefare tisaI haptpy day ar- Piglas of vonn endatpins, or any true abristian spirt eablei ber ta look rives. Hy tise vay, Hart, boy many mêl sopetiIn20minutes suret î v iMre.Koneeani ca a t the brightasida of lifa anti@site calmiy In tha family up In paretilsel" >r.Soops Pnk a Tabln aIs Ssuil Rttenthaler anti Viola attondeti a con anti patiarutiy aweitedth ie summoans 'Jusl the igrirn moîher, lte pllgrlm jonoea 5- o.Sold by ventian et Barritngton Saturday anti that soonler or latar coms ta ne ail, ahradaylo e.W'lb AU. DEIALERS. tiuntiay. witbont a murmur o! camplalnt. tibetahrniayeov-t.W'la Mesdames S. E. antId. W. Knedlar oflen expresseti the wisis anti prayer mnris0 I aena. antiMca Cao Cuaierviataireltivs iaItan li er lima tu depart tibis fle "At $4 pan," igisad Edîts. 1"1 van- eVfl Et North Nortbflelti, Frliay. came oh@ migbt ha spareti e lingering dsvstatetobawtsts lc. ilînese anti bar vish vas folle gnantsd. The uaxt nigbt they ata suppan In Wluak Dlpb and Hienry Lusbbe vere Qulte a nnmber tram this vicinity Her lest ilînasa being of only tbcetiaystae gardon af Eden. Edib isadn't Poodia vistons leist vsek. faut tO Chicago t0 hear "Gipsy" Sm»ith duration anti ber lest bours' wve calrn enîffat i snca lier arrivai. She vas .Adm ebn eabenbain by altiTuesetay nigist. anti peacaful.. She realizestirtat lite'. elmply ,vondering wby lise wbola, roithe Dean tarmn. BaveraI fondes have Miss CalleCutl sen anti Clinton Frite-b are ai onatiat e Jwrdiai ltdsoaa h lc bealtauied t10 ayla of0Highlanti Park, vioaiti vitb Air. anti parei at 10 m er han ati ho gave han lire&oek'abrefte asn h tire.Id. W. Knetilar, Suntiay. go many years i>store. nlsigheaIth rao.Te Tb@e Wma'aRoe ItiuaionarytSoc-iety She le surviradytihybrea daugisters, pllgrim motiser was tea il, appaanfcea josat vlîb Mc. ,acoby this veet. lMr. anti lir. H. A. Enapi anti chiltiren tirs. Abert Baller, lire. Chas. Herch. te original modal for the cardinal visitati et Whaeling Sunday. John berger, tir.,a! Longr Grave, 111 ; Mrs. e'rtues, andtihes fatisar desarve te t A goodly numben mcom bore altentiet Knopî vlisti vitb friendse t Hghland Fred Se-iomhnrg, of Hiliaooo, Oregon; rank h3 brrr aide. ga titres tisys the Giiuay Smit's meeting TisursdaY Park Suuday. andt tva sns, John anti Clansue heUf passi. Tise troubla for 'vitcis Hdltb etvening. Thay report a gooti meeting fc.attieMtIer-ibgrtakbath of Fairmont, Mien. vas searcciîg tidti a materlalixa. md e plesant svanling. MD.avd Cm.Elaimniel rut thatoo a trip to a latine in their euto Thorm- Rv .Hme lteEvegi iFlîe vereimlssing. end moaqultoes àMiseEmm'a Ratite reentis Firent day. Lufheran liure-h aiiciateil ait tise fanerai were flot ii î'vîdeîîcc. Tise tva girls »noal tayosta the home o! bar brotbec Tliucstay, Oct. 21. '0i9. Iiiterment w0 aveei1 ilgu. ie t îabu Chicgo.Mre.àE m ma Krnegar hai the ris-mnatiein tue Long rovecemetery. Mray rssept dInlit tis ed aielivad avory fortune ta falliand dislucaeilier @houillerr eise test in leace.oraetikthdulan vdeey 'Ea Chabmberlain viitsd et Park tira. Eruegar vas veiting in Palatine bour of tise twa». fitge avoic Sunday. Thncsday vitare tisa accident accurrati. ty-foun. The lire Carl Dorler vlsietiber tiaugistar SA defaiva psidaveiu onitaon.cese " tof li day rat Bounti Lakie, 'ruesday. StisnaprccoscniilerCdcfTnk.-dinnar the fathen dangistars,_Cura anti Aima viâitati ler To the friands anti neigisiore vlia ga Speke; 'Thefonnnal o! tise laie Mr@. tphanen tieY. - - . 7'--:4 kindly assistet I n u ur racent bareava. "Maîlior," lia IPayne vîli ha bidalt aIp. m , Satncday m Mta.e eten Muas. ALe tanTsÂt.ii lt ie loin the home af A. L. Ritta and then DEERFIELD, etvsseniarriceetsn an viltha ee lttbe ,auboe churcli. tre. Ca», oI Michigan le viiting with ANDMai._ALET_____ lomn ilt. Tisea Adiam Titus bas seanreti a eupply a a sof tr.J E asie.- mueI have bis waer et the parecrnage et Framont A Surprise Soci-l wili ha given untiar Fifft.eîlh Century Artiste. ruemra aty." Conter anti ia naw varking at Mr. Wat's thaauepiceslof tishde '[ur-sSociety nerClovardale. Fridey Evening (lonigist) et tise home Artiste lu ltnîy In the ifiteentit eu. Il la tise 4tis EmmaTitu he tis miaontna ofaiM. anti Mra. H. 1R. Weaver. Erery tu" y ers uitile htter off titan 90-U- ftiatoni, to oe ismostbeatly nvitd.aise anavereti. brek bar cliar blle, but is tioing uiceiy oasme ertyivtt.shepkeepera. This la show» by tise 2'Thc hisil 7-loin .ul Ha alwaya ar- e"m fbin se-bool again. Etivard Segert anti Rimer Atespent dovnias tbeY usuallY gave taisr daugis- bca tire- tauil' rvson tisa aven To People of Ivanhas Vicinity. Sandey in Milweaukee. trvlb a1u rm 100t Z-Igc iari n ivs ronmte ve h W bave remoreiaui the îvanîîae tore tir, anti Mca. Etivarti Knaak o! Chi. 080- and Il la relateti as an ertraori- reatiy." Jîiliding haîonglng taelB. C W. M e3r cae-ea ere gaeat.e of tise îremr parents nany instance tisaI Andrea Mianegna Tise girls lii'ulnet. Wiso vas tise mdvlill open on Nov. let witlu a cien Sanday. gave his daugistar $2.600et ltse Lime Itiret men w ho always armI-ed'an thc buk stock aI genecai me M'parîise.We hd Services w-lu ha iseinluEvan- of han marriage. wvicis as about thse evallug of tie 4tis'l ov long tit ieh OôWIIct yeu patronage anti assure 'voi g4v'la Chuc-lSnndaty avening lRov. J. close of thefIftaanfis entury. Michsel. stay ent wlien titi ie go tisai ba room bipiest andi e-urtaouis t>ratnitniit at riglit E. Webber wilil pceae-b. Spaciel Mumie-. augelo, Rapbaal anti Tti»vans retis etIbuîrr'paned'l Mut tise pilgrini WM. Nîtiulliure ., tirs. Robert Holme. le viiting lier son Only pahnters Of thisftteantis century mother aiteredthfie unepokea qaca- Wàf NCHUI(i &8-ý n Janeseville, Wls. visa succeetedin u ttainlng a position houaon. Mir, Sam Hioeof Cnaai@ isiting at af eaae. MIchelan2gelo et is dccl b Ftsrau? bsamnt s 3iako--lnks le continually tliing me iotune. 1 lftI about 148.000. hesflde. Bolernea lilmalturing iarvest," aele sit. "Oua e,4~ aincky falov yen are. Ti ta M\issae m aIe anti Frances Bieder- estate, ta hlr napisw, Leaonando. Rapb- man bas d'un,- fise vrk many years *âBà>-Ye», but I do't like te aay ufaliattu'îul,-d flue aninuel Paeultyce-n. als pcranfry wasa aimatai ta lh ow. H'e-ûmos an the eveniug af tise ,ýeespe'*es IL.Every lime Se meetir c-rt o a ii ei usMnical Colîeiven orl$15.00visile Durer waa vents 4tis and ti tys a monts turitîg hlack- be sair:"*Ktuks. you're a remarl, n l-it sctrî,taia]i'l'hsursda evening att aI tise lime of bis deatis only $81.650. harryIltia" D scetnth :,iLbW1cky man. Yeu don'l seem ta iluititî(isitfle Auariantieint o! bath In thosa tisys. bruver i, pensions verae et itîu -anasctnthn anybmnon oit miti t e."_ l,-auuier~uuai utiAntan Foreater freqaantly gîven te artiste by soier- POnMîel n olt uiiaaa Setigo or Idat&L -r-.iuîalc. aigri@ and eitles.-Scrip. anti Edullu lier brain alnvnya ready for The Illy Cio<t , lutil et eir sîory înate-ri.l ui, nmneyet aIme-k natls deiutatiaitn e-rn ulu Tliuuîday et bis ing In tiseuquli Quaker tamily visie-i 1$ people vltb cymptone af kidnay o 10Bt ors STht. m nart 0f rne origmyanery. Nadder true nould nelise ti"icdan- Ms rdI ëlvgrla ala ougBoaodsvfirhno o.se tartcd out iclone for tise bia-k- tb.y vonls.titisaut la lofime atteekft teiitais thie a eel-. wy i-u nîs lr, ate fberny penture. Tis easunvas bot, tise tak f'leyagiineReedy CbiusVruimn, l le-a laviiting Furie-'â Honay anti Tan e'unlaycradi urnlm. ant Inlubar attanpt taecm- topstiteeun nti be rlatNs lira.my tuoy ai t evere ii 0i'. anda l ucg- bine berry nieklng anti e-amfrt slle ne- sentcsanti builde 0P The Onalaric'id i cutmel given lest bore@boyvisa v amsoe.'i unith e i mmlt ypyfruetalr eHr '1yo'vo eo.ttis year. 1 haven't berselt,.and lise» ber 11111e Isupport vas roemod Ibis aM ifor reera itheut gon., for tis aplIng vas ln ber ban"a fhndlng ont vier. lhe hout onSs bide." andth ie paishies vers raltllng day» "No, I shah not go bonle," Edîih de-.mb tiste brook. Sie eoulq feai hersaIt clared ltaI evening. "l'Il shov hlm slnilng svftly nov. andi Il vas a pale, abelote 'MY mentis la up Ibal 1"» glootd spalrlng face wvie-sMe-Pharaon env for someîhlng. aven If I c&nl vite as ha pearatidavuw over the liant. jetortes. Beasitis, otiser etiltors isuy Titrovîng aeeantiof lise relue tue tise' if be von'l. I't i 1ke ta knov ber aud telling ber la fasten Il se- b ow ha tilseoveredth iis place. I cureîy arounti ber valet, ho ad-etils ltougisî Il aimnts belunge te un11.', atier test ta tise hanrness. WIth ana "lAst hlm," returneti Hart. "For my stroug, steatiy pull tise iorees moved part, I'm glati be's haro, aven If heawaay et bts commandi, andi@eoonelbe titi cale-h me lu my isaggar robas. But vas Iylng vwbita anti utterly exisausted plckitlg-vhy, ha vorkst i lIe a stsam upon 111e grass. Ihiseher. He filati a taot quart peil I-t vas ail aur fauît," h.e siti later visile 1 vas picklng four querIs." "We shoulti bava cautioneti yau against "I've e mmnd taunir tise pilgera fa- the place, but vs hati no Ides you fusoi copanlnaisp layaung ladies lter ta laI me ride tise baynake," voulti gel eo far mb tisahevootis." lu attire liketatisr. But vison Hart Edîtis ramaritet i vl-usiy. I use te 10 "t's ail in a lifetime." aise nepliati anrivedti u tisa bery fSe-Id elle vas visan I vas a girl, anti I Intanti ta Ie-an use Il Romie day, anti 1rhiaps breathies, ant iltia condition vas Dot catch tisat bay eoit anti ride hlm te- yen vilI bava the picentura af neturlà. the resuit oet *ie air's humtlty. rnorrov vîtisout a satitle. 1 don'l ha- "Etitis Holden," sise cried aiumant as Ileve I've fargolten boy." ,i, sau nasisle cauglit siglit of tisaI Pan- "Do, ant i le'll surely thînit rau e-- Bon, 'visa do yen thînt le banc?" pable of ruîuning a catl ranchIsnl "Tise hiroti man Mas ta ha," Was fiue-Arizona, aven If he doean't accapI yann calm rapiy. "I tidul Sec bisM ai bre'ak- torlas." .,M- fant. i)id you?" "lie mîgitsl sggeî t iIn tisa naxt ne-> "At breakfast, no; bat I mal hlm iIn fusaI ha sente me,' vas tiesa smevisat lise Inte jusî nov, andi witu do you bittai rastansea, vile a figure attlng Ihink ha le?" by tise vltutov In tise adjalnlng neom "Tise Prince of Tumfoedla, tram raur beard avery yard anti vant on vilS exeitemanî," sait Editis. 'le It ha, or tise third neating of a typavrîtten i' la lise bine-tman»nome plain, evcnyday manuseripî vhIsci vouiti hava beau Tom'3onies or Johnny Brown?" ' vcry familiar to FAiIh canîti sita's. i Ilyo'ilgayJohny row," ertte-seau Il et tisaI moment. You'e. l s y Jony on." hbot Mr, ,Day followet day lu qule-k suce-es- lorati "i'enoioti onaatisbutMr Ioln until anly oua vesk et vae-ation Te paSbarisofunu.uttinrarnainati. Tise colt isatiboa» rltite» The an o beriesfoud sudenmany limes. Mauy vene tisa gallups rastlng place upon the grass. Etiltis bicis tise tva girls bati laiton about Hoien vas, basIee tise country. Tise iarvest muet bave "*Mr. Me-Pisesool" se gaspati. "Hart caceti for lIsait, for Mc. Me-Pharaon Ij~ Solberg, ara yen erasy? Hansftlle air fauntimanv an isonr lunviici ta se-I gaI an rour nervea?" a aent. But ana day tise girls vent "Tyout tisinit80 it ha 'necleua" cefor tise let lima ta the benry fieldi. ha titi me jusl nov," Bort respondet. Tiseir patta vers soon filleul, andt ier "I vas comnig day» tise lana ingiîig elarlet up lise long lane lentiing tram in tisaI idicuions tanity sang yan tcîgtgithlie penture ta tisa barn. Halfway home, visore tisa 11111e brook eros8ee Il, e venitaleto teon of mise-ief mulet ~ have eniereul lie braîn et Hart. ) "LaIets bite aur bernIes untor tisaI - oak," se salti. "andi than trace Ibis\s elraam Ibrougis tise oots. Wiso kuav visaI beanttul spots Il viella or visaI 2'hru.meingcoit>ce-uitof ftua raita f les "I'm agreeti," Etitis nespantoti. "Wr- Ing a sttiiy Iii muhie-h 3<ou vill reeog- h laven'î hait investignteti Our gardnt>»nIze yuursu'if as fticliera." Ede1'ii-Te licasie." h e-'-ia. "'uait a 't ~Sîraîglil Ibrougis tiseeenter of lise moment, lt-uu'The7 vers sesatid en elîlier aite isy eîr anti mapie tracs habe et lOtilis ,wn rn-ii, andti vi T ie » Il entredt htisa oous, andt hua h a raluniud liri ld lui ilus lbad tl d a th U ie br o , o d rd on he w ( " n a. e9v g h e banke be-came higier. Ilulemaplaces 1111e msli p aper Il vrole tisaI tu roe-iy anti precipilous. In»calliera na loy you idse ilîlaln yaicl"h anti peýbIsy Il ramîndeti ane of an satemi ocean beach. Snddenly îbay caugisî She loot Ilt ram bin. rendth ie fav bakJisr nîhrsramwb ards lenned t liseraani ooked lut* slgislOf ofme floyers part vay up tehie face vus giovlng ee. ban, wereanoherstramseemilngly "le Il frutc!" sea astetsofty. fad by a vi ring fartisen an. jolnet Eeywr, oasee." a- tarcevilis lie aneciscy vera foîîov- returiene athe" h 'Il ius:v r "Im1 ou1tlmi isIiantsu lhem lise germa of geaafncss If you get tisoe fovta," itb ilet lli. "Tneyonly perseve-red. sud I knav that vitis aea tise fmot turîllîsut î aver av." yau reje-cîin voultibcle ie seppluc are inemon brllint evr sw." atone ta sonieting beller. and tiIl e-s> As tliioglu il wona a sil Ml it& cer Plenîy nf ti lisera," caplionet In tisaI last sîury. Il vas alîva; Il vas me, yelllng il ouIt. kea ccvboy On IL Bart. yu orlvnbetigsi hn sprea, andi rigist ayonti vier. tise 'Whio cures for muti?" vas lise yau: our lIn lc.finea g ef b broocerosses tise cet fieit vho sisonîtiscentifal celart. "Mut. vIls su-b ssoes lTrof eaylna."ee nbr ys jump aven tile fonce bol tisaI man. as ve're vearingi You go onant il 4"1t vos ualtisat rau titi net acePt Loka e », aize me up-scratches, dlImis air ut iJon you hayondthe tise îliam." ealît. 'Ile-an goli îbemi ragged tinasa anti ai. Ho vas droat bond." elsavisae.e but iisaledth tishiougist of iu a suit rbine oveaals anti a sav ".Ail rigist." Hart returned caralessy tailure In connelIon 'vIls rour mag- bat lg isgnougis for a ban 10 bale-h anti aautped on. Saveral minutas azine. Tiieuuthe note you sent me due-te ln, but ha pulled Il off ae tsoagis veut Iîy. Shle isatigone craundthtisa vre 1gokiîud,na tisongistful Tiscy It vere a eUti opeaflUe. Then .lie baud, ont rît sigisI. Wisat vas Editis vers un îouîraîîa». anti yet avcry one- talitat about tba vealisor andthis croa doiug? Sareiy il vas tîrne foc bar tar burt. Wisen i reati anyting vhîch outil yon'd ltit bhe ovudthetsafan'» appear. Fionver picking toas 1n01ttae aunhave vrille» i arn lifleti up, I anti vas tepenting on fle e-rn ta pay il day. Tisen she beard a eal, ssac*p breaiba a bihieer air for isoumra ailr. tisa taxas." anti quicit,full of tilatrs. Il vas yard, asuithile tioîîgit tiat I coulti ",Wail, Yeu knav hirn," vas tise Etiti'savoie-e. Wisst vas tisatrouble? 1flot vnite lu a var etfvisicis jun ould mourntul respousa. "fies see» you Sh uie isar ockis-talong tih aut a f apprave aoug me. 1I termine- iu vison yau'va ookedIlite a cîvllsti ho- ltae brook, but befona abs bat taten vont ant i nieutil rau muet accept. me» baing, visile 1- Yon tnov, I've hall a taxe» stops lisevole-e rang Out anti nov itlinîs oe-aun neyer met hlm, anti I'va been sentiing agaîn, alarpen tisa» aven: Ha bat been standing liefore bar. hlna @tories fitisIba'e nover bougisl 'Bort! Gis. Hart! Hurny UP! Nov ita trappe-t la isee-abaIn h r anti"- 55e braite tavu sutidenly. Thoan se cv lier, sattvay up tsesite, anti bis voie-e vas aa iow aven "Haert Soîberg, wbat yl 1 do? 1 tiaul bank, clinging vils ail bar migist tea ~th isa laIalng winiticouiti net catch Its feel as tisongis I coulti aven face hlmn." -41, V 0c bine-b saluIl ngcae-tne-es. "'Yeuean vear a masit," vas thlie vsose rnte015 "hat is precieeiy visaI t tav yon frientiîy atlvice, "an yenucen tirye >'your i foant ai enter vouît do." ha respondet. "But tisane face vils someetftisese pote barries -haidtutntise moisI lu ana lhing wviescs oultigo vlti anti paea oursaif off as ana of a uav eartb. tisaI story rou titi ual offen vIls Il. race. Or, say, vbat's tisa matter vls h "Edt 1h," sise andi Il le sametiiug Ierave more lisan posing as Misa Merryvoatiser or Mme. e-net."visaI laaI aitese on eanlis. Deer. l le aunscîf. îegot le neyer savrau anti vau th ie malter?" Meyr -nîm ?ou ton? I vsntlise s'unf Page-ou r te-lhr f ea *;a lice-t!" î- i cu rve 0lai toury lifetaIlriruglu cund Ai;e-i." (noiuet[lie anuuer. vi lutu îuullbe one- n1th mnre taren e- "As tisougis lie plIgîme tîini t non Gobauk quie-k aeut at.' visa I nus." Etit'settalIdirnegant . ant i-lm b tise For n moment sisa ti tiot iaanavar of teuse vas proot f etrlien eling In Y lant abova me. Than se laitdlier baud vîtin bis anti tise malter. I"Heside, î' eaof etau Thsi laugic k- wvisered: ta aug e me Teres uston thgs anti, anti V'm "Stane ssaouttiaivcys bave caihappy t a .a nd 5 e Titse'0 alomeahnd- sinking." ant.ing, cIsc. rau knov, Ilicy vont î'm gaîng tbis vory minute." Boer t .1lentno Bell." sae pie-Led ber sunbonnet tramn tise tlIl getîing grass vils a jerk anti dong îîIl lon Cer. araunt cuti aboya * The. Typswrlter Girl. iseat lise-n anothar jerk broke off tise Qwhviera Edttis as Tise beanlîfa typevier girl puffeti strings. 0' ining steadily eut ber galden pompadour nervousir. "*1 tant e-r," springing ta lier feet Clie-ti i tu-i-lu daepar anti decp- "tIr apeet 'Il Inerease, Mni. Mcer and tiactiug off. "Ton may pIe-klier- e-,1tu ij ce-. Tisouaeleiay excusa me, tir. WeuIngton-my speoti ries cii]tuîy If rau vaut la, but l'mu fat apauuflice aunlisanti axîentedlier 'Il Increase 30 or 40 par cecu evcrr golng bafane tisera's a gistofa a bauddtovuvard. day.", e-banceofu meeting that man." "FloyweCiiI gel eI yen?" elle aste-t Broker Wellington fravuot. Tise ginl I aaw bîm makîug for tisee-rn- aI lestvscî e r utmast effort refuset lid tlioen hb i t-atian sloviy. Anti ficit," anti Hart trutigati titfaîfy atter to reae-iu ber. in a ser», saetap l voieebli sailul ber. I roaliy vîis you vaultu'î ga "Yeu cuntI dofil," Etiit i a:ueerad, "How ga?" Soe, Edtli. an't v fix Il some aiment ln tospair. "'I'm gettingt fa> II's rour nawvoa-bulary tisaI pu ta oises w-ny?" tiser lu ail tisa lime." me out," isa explineti. 'I bat MIr Edîti s sook ber honnti. Tise anet f Bort nase ta ban foot anti searciset lteer's vocabuIary vary p-rt-'as perr' sbaklng brougit lier eyas lu lune vilS avenyvisene vils a single avaep ofthIe 'contenta nated,'- 'tisae me'-ise ouiiy e figure lInlbine avanalîs valkiug nI a Oye. Neta tiîg wava s sgitîhie-is uet about 300 verds." isisk pace aiong tisa pals. Bort caulti li of servie@e. Bar fiattering stalle varmedth ie man eloppet short and iauzhed. It vas hon "TYonve jost gel la isltionanutif I lItE R tunbeim. vay uit gellinug out ettroubla, gel hlop." se declaret, etartlug aff at "But 3ou. sir, hava a reai l iiarry "Tao bat forherny ple-tîng?" asteti express train apeeti. "l'il ha backIn »styla. 'Beg ta sulimtl.' 'Our beel aI- lise ve-rer ofthlie ovenals. lis e s s tisa» no lime." tention,' 'slîtmp.' 'bnillsh.' 'hypotisa- "Wae'no jur going aven ta teChr Il dit net taitalong ta rasch tisaI: cae'-liser're al nov varda la me. pastura." uibbedtiBHrt. "Tise barrire ana onîflei, w-lie-e se ueu tise mon vare anti, cf caurse, I catit rnttta,tisam off blggen tisane-" Thon se Introtue a i nurk binling thtis heunvs homo 10 vary fast nt iraI. But mast yoo w-nl, Eli. thtisarsen. Neluser tit i:I require mue-h enY, 1111 day after Iomorraw. Tise-» "W'ork vont begîn utîl omorrov," lIme for Mr. Me-Pharaon ta undonstaut Yau'Il seap" osîti u.ePberson. ,if you yl permît lise situation. Scon tise homes voe e *.Ail musiae mn bave ttiYerent va- 'uIl go nuIls yen. i arn out on tisa unite-ietfron thtievagoandtidrive» cabularlesa tisa tiein senogu-apisers nerne miSsion." ieclu galiap Ibraugi tise fie lta isera Muet get accustornedtla, eh?" aaid tise "D ru isntvav_-caryhoe tttrace-iserans wgas gelling lu ils brakar.

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