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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Oct 1909, p. 4

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LAECUNTY I&flEPENb»NT, FBIDA&Y, OCTOBER 29, L909 kÊ, COUNTY INDEPENDENT'LAdtos OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTYMicelMltsr adslIgethr lcaptere N. 1. F.,ito.r Residence Teeplrsse Ne. 1141. Liertyvile Excane fitratindonconcert tihslsthrof November. Eat.ared a se P,,,.-ir.ffe as lbteesceile ii].suSecourt Close Malie Roy Whseler returoed Wedneoday MSUCOO WBEaa. *aiRCTtIiSIN R4 SMADiE i i5WN ON AL'I.CATION. rritaMontana abere ho Iras lauen fan CalPTlflN PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY UN ADVANCE several aîiathcpart. ý0bj1 K H. JUST ...>.......................................................... .... Editor là. K ELLEY . ... .......... ......................... Oity'Editar FRIDAY, OCTOBER '29. 1,409. WOULD ABOLISH CONVENTION. it le the direct feature that Mlli receive thie mot painfui cmutiny by cer- "ai , tatm sen wiiose affections and hopes and foars are frmiy wedded te the git e.metiOs sytem, the goed eid convention wiicre dlegtes wee round- d op and branded with the. mark of a dominant faction like so many rangt dbecas, ware a iiandful of politicians composed the reai erganîzatien, where tafflaba wcore compelled te pale .fealty. The people of Illinois do net w amtht sont of priniar> eiectlon sImplicity. Otiier elementa may and should Ï. elmup., but any effort te Include thecocnvention feature ln future primary giceticos legiaatien eught to e .sit ln repudiation of such tegilation by the peelgis. Sy ail means let us have a simple direct primary, but not se piainiy simple as te include the convention feature. The watch-word cfIllinois vet- crsm sesad b., "No convention, deiegatery, qualifying or ratifying heeded."- J. T. Ilwurtsocn inadvertising a lins of cameras and kodeka that rnay be cenu at the Lyric Theatre on bdiiLesae avenue. Renad hie advertisemeot on page M. lire. C. 0. Sipp andrilidren, ofIlrving Park1 s epi nc neday at week witb lire. Frank Locke. who hau beon very lit for the paet nronth but l@uknuch better. Dr. Smith in the attending physiclan. Unsa. C. B. Wlls<,u eili open a kinder- garten Nov, lut at ber home ou msil waukee avenue acraus tramn the W. W. Carrol tore. C&@@ tram 9 ta 12. Termq $2 50 per month. PhonoeS854. The regular business meeting of the Epesortla Lague wlli ho beld attise homeofaIMi!sue thel Wbeelon Saturday evoning, Oct. -30. The social feature of the occaion folowirsg thse reglar rmutine business wili ho a Balîowe'en party. 5F'5m Reporter. Health CoSsee" is the cioveret imita- - - - - - -tion cf real caSfes ever yet made. Dr. BAD EXAMPLE SET BY IOLE RICH. Shoop crettd lit from pure tmrched tomne one lias dug up aId John Arburlle's statament about the sons of grains, nmait, n atq. e. Fine in favr- la made in ibat one minute. No 20 il 80 naililonairesansd reprlnted I, and again set the critica ta work upan It.A& mmi t Idions hoiiing. Sainple Free Was the case wtren the statement was firt made, there le but oe kind of CORLETT & FR£DERICKS. cebism, and that ls n faver of it--criticlsm te the effect tirat John Arbuckle Telaet a iocit ie u cr dsîmse s u&c wUe wn crreo whn li sud lIn is the patient arises lut am tre rsp 4What consummate fouas the majority of our millionaires are. They were air olîbe niornittg l ii nelowed b', theflicir f 6 deveioped, bth physicali>' and mertally, by wori, and now they don't want rariicar. An ordiriary erii-tuir sle terîrz tse wind to blues on their sons. These sons, afler ging tirrougli college, have lill-d ,wilh hot wrsî- n îrpsdir A perfect, bout. Deigoed oz er itemr d lto than when the entered, and, as tlrey travel throug 1rorîrîîînor hr' ,ees.llcmetna Europe witlrmoney ta burn, mike Amercaris the laughing stock of ail sensi îîîrA-îc, î th - ni i; ao.tras d I ikea seth rr e rlana ble people lu Europe." jjilîmtjc, n 1,T,i *v pnî,nd d.,rnilnîr r1,rbd a geoilday'.aponrs, The boy problem is admittedly une of the brggest unes which the Ameri- " tiil.ýi id 1 îlei nît lie t lit. Tlirsîtl.eînr made unbeaxshle by i11-ii l car milioair ha toface. Every teck the uewpapers are filled with the niUal' i ']tir li ide,. ir rsaunid iwe nr--e iThre Upper leallerila Mez 1 c-an rriilîoniregha ta ,g pi ' ii. elaient hievilizîn,i sge. loug rnsud roug but escapades cf tese pour felluws who have lad nu chance in the world because theii e air andid bLîîr'rllrth, lie n rli alhosgfrsotgieylnreorlrert of tire maney of therr fathers. c iiahel5ah tIa iilialin gers abrad ludilof el onm But ilas a serraus prablent bore at home. Il wauid nt amount ta su MUC i~'i il -îrlî-iirtr-trkt-t5.iesi barbe,1r hoering houn If lit cere orly the sons af the millronaires, perhaps, but the trouble is they pîr1n1,ati ru e tirbteturile" theste,-bfous11ud tfien abence and unsettle other boys esho migit otherwise get duwn ta business exciting sport and rai, îucîigîratrtrg c. for lhe MeszE.ansd 9"d aniunt to samething. ,; 'earvre. tire "Americas Boy." There is uo mare baneful influence in a cammuurty tiras a rîh, idie. yaung riN\îiclruir.,f ritkaivr.lak, b() is a e 1ev. He demaralizes thre immature fellows who believe that it s useless fle.-qîealî irir liiea-ariàb is iren given 0hM-,tstcsae la eo te wark. They, tea. wat ta lead the lie cof the idie-ricli, and the mu- thre rî;lirria ppelaîioir f "iBlack W,,l. dslUel, mssuta iman Ilote suc?, an ambition in hi& head hoels worthless 10 the cammuni- Jack" rei-eeril îa sare last Mlondai riornlrîg Ihal lie uili oct forget in nriarrysa rIS5 ty and tu himself. rinos. Soiday h[le as plact i ulihe lap., - - - -- - -ilage birutile by AMariuilLîmberr ' v un liii' IE.thcharge cI being intoxiraated. NMcii- lepçraAu- GOOD ADVICE. <t~~ac lnrnlug lie awiike wih a hurnîing oeBeylW* iiin -Nly ira.if %i r are r-er lteit t say a word or do a llrirag tirren lîat deroandbad inetant relirtl.arnrrarbak that r-ail put a bar between 'yon and ycrrr fernîly, ycur home anrd treet iirîrriissrirrer, E. C. Yîîrîng, bap- is1r, L) your country, îrey Ccd in His maerc. bto tke yoari t Ine rstant om ie preil tii have buieeinothre vilîrige Mirarandià te ie owri heaven. bulding tirnt mirrrrrng asnd thii irerat- CATALO Gc aradforIhaltis, riur- dcariri ~ ed iiartx apiîealed to ha fo uir r-n-c ia etrue l "And for your icounory. boy. Nîrd fir,,uîr caine tir hi. relut .aun a g, adAri,.s ereana but of srrvbng ber as sire lidu cu lîrogir tire-arrie carry Nritcliea rît wrie al i-' le ouru tiad"F-"i-d "hA-,!- yen lhrougb a lboueand heibe. îrrg n..i the laile iair lit aIsd 10 reate'Aaa.alfane.lî In tires. words h. late Dr. Edward Everett Hale set a standard for thie piti-lier rirriitairri.d a a-eut sîlurrin oif -d ia- al.se cbilir acrîl wbieli faarsîiel Frii-r eietnrrcc-e patrletlsm tu wlicii every truc hearted Amerîcan boy and girl can look for badl bée-imieng tor disiriiectiîig îurîuui,ér-a yend "iîA- iaiu.i lccpbratien. Blaci Jack"' lo nerisgond suurg ardrd aia sr,il pr6. il... W. are ail fanillar wth Dr. Hle'as$tory, "The Man Wit)iaut a Country'," tiran h- disgorged. )*cuag liraaniseirass- spssi el ltr fthIle dathing young mlitary officer placed on caurtmartil who alarsocri and sent for Drr J. L.. Trylcr MENZIES SHOE ~a biStery wlic iiriniseerd raw eggs and urit Y sad Damn the United States. I neyer wluh to hear of lier again." He had The doetor fouîrd 1aI the mlutîcu wai, COMPANY Uns wId, for he w«a piaced on an American battieship anrd was tranaferreti oct. trong enough ir btca ithe 4r Mak. gOMMeeute anoher se that he neyer again saw hi* native land and ne ond patients atMutir 0 that Ihere was; nu DETROIT r 1 wmelwdtu taik tu hlm about the hronmeland. serions danger. N ichoaa s uffered more LC sllowcd ram is imagination and the suggestion Chu day, tiis prsesier, then an old man, gave the advice quoted above tu cf pars.,nîng than he did fromt the elecls ë» fee Ismlddies. and wa8 able to returu tao rayolake the - ...- -i.- t. book han come to ight flsinusire ihot cmune daY. j». 1a5e5a object In wrii ".e bok nt-crne o ign..- ung in n- UoUtdamemp.'lign lni Ohio durlng the CMI war when the oopperheads were *on# t.e ~ Vandlgham gevernor se as te swing Ohiol nte the rebel col- uneg, èvry ofertwas put forth te defeat lim. Dr Maiehpd ne mens>' but he wrote the et"r of "The Mai Wthout a Oustry" with whlcli te appesi tote patrltiern of the Ohio votera and keep in lino.. It bas besn suggosted that the uine. quted above be paoed upon tableta la ever>' clioelheu.. ln Amnerica. A mutl.millionaire who weuid lbave hle wsaltla te b. ws.tad by hiei prefigate progency could do himseïf and the coun- ta>' a fer btter turs, by carrying eut this suggestion. DRAWING O! 'STEEL THESE MAYVÉ5 WUl ! DESCRIBED Abert Dents Wilhoet. Minneapolis 21; Elizabeth E. Hanna, 23. --Jos. Krteheil French, Winthrop The drawiog or wire la an tterut- Harbor, 23, Meta Hartman, 19. lag operatin, says the Detrot News. H. Nelson, Wadsworth, 25; Anna Bars o nietal tour loches square are Rasmussen, 24. beated and passed whiie hot and ilas- George Miller. Kenoaha. 25;Emma tic through raply revoving rola, re- Paschka, Kenosha, 18. duelng theni to wire rode wich vary Harold D. Weltoo, Zion Cty, 22; froni one quarter of an Inch Or more Margaret A Baley, Zion CltY, 24. ln diameter, accordlng ta the sIze of Loui Wyrtok, 33; Eva Waugner, minlahed wire wanted. These rode, 20. Jms ema eaiae whlch are formed tnto colleauasthey GrcA na TJmeeoman lega age PaUR through the ralse, are dippsd i rc naYbmnlgiae &CidI baths ta remoye 1008e scales and Ray Bard Pulse................ 28 provide a lubrîcant for drawîng. tIa G. Herberger ................ 24 The drawlng consiste of pufllo;g the John Ji Griffin, Chicago, 43; Jua roda whle cold through haies of grad- HenieY, Chicago, 40. aally decreaslng diameter drlled ln Otto H. Anderson, Chicago, 39; atec Plates. By thîs iracess the par- Maude Anderson. Chicago, 28. Yticlea af metai become eiongated and Charles H. Staley, Eiand Junetion, btralne, maklng the wire harder and Wisconsin, 21; Elizabeth N. Whiring. more brittle. Shawna, Wisconsin, 18. It la necesaary le beat or anneai it Azel Waid, Mlwaukee, 29; Hordîs th retare Il ta a proper temper. Otaen, Mlwaukee, 21. Whess a fine damneter le requlred, Thamas Groer Cox. Highland Park. . 22 *t 6ems arpstdanalg Margaret Cuins, sBene.......... 19 a fl-~wlg. This may be done un- ________ tii the bar, whlch arlglnally was four ine square and about four feet A PPEILLATE PROCEEDINGS. 1094, long, becomes reduced to about lnOttawat I., Oct. 21.-The praceed. 4e.eue-thouma.deth af an lnch in di- in te appalate courtsecond dis. **aM«ta andl attends 1,300 mles ln lrl, Thursday were: 111181àA Paddock vs. Norths Share Eiectrlc Eere s nofins aalzsinlareached the Co., appellee's motion 10 trlke bill af 1064ulhI cut tnto tihe st"eof the dis excePtions tram the files denied, ex. pât. Ms.the usual die plates mut b cePt as te the instrudtiona whlch are dilssrdM d slthe drawlng conUlnues stricken frra ithe record. tM»sb bo4.udrilleal ln dlaaodL MW edlUMtc of thc hles la thsese SUPREME COURT PROCEEDINGS. Mim ift decreaae by fractIofl l Springfield, Ii., Oct. 21.-Proceed- gats Of a theOCandtls of an lacis. loge were had bn Supreme court on WreM the time the bar of mtel entera Thursday as follows: ltm'naoe, n*e nod"g la aded tteli. West fikokîs District va. Dawson et "» Vire la mue frem an extra hiola&I sublnltbed an bries ad oral alu- »"~d of etcL!. vrtus ln Uic bar abot monts by . V. orvis for appellant 6 Mb a Posmi, Wblcbla mucla aber, lad J. K Orvis snd Paul MeGuo 0» pd of e vh*gintt ulk of *Ste.1111)r aPPelle le 111» 211111hédX teéut t@c ,alyc>vaffl=a - s.Chicago Consolidateal L* n e 0 etet te 0 a ilen. ?SUCtSOU Q Pfla7, 5lMItted oIL brief. StateoaI lilinois, Counny of Lakes.; In tbe Circuit Court of Lake Connty. Illinois: John H. Duggan anrd Sabina Duggan Ys. Sarah Leascb, Mary Joyce, Neile Kinkecie, Michael J. Dnggan. Jr., Ag- gis Duggan and Harvey Onateaai. Cen. No 3479. Bill for Partition. Public notice la bereby given thaI by virtue of an order and decree su- tered la the above entilled cause at the Marci terma A. D. 1909, af said court, the undersigned, Master lu Chancery of said court, wili, an Tues- day, the îinth day ai No.vember A. D. 1909, at tire bour of 1 ociock In thse afteriaoon of sald day at the sast door of the court bouse in the cty of Wau- kegan la said county of Lake, and elabe of Illinois, seti et public auction ta tire hlgheet and best bidder for cash tire foitawing deecribeci land and real estatesistuated la tire Connty of Laeke and state afI llinois, ta-wtt: Lot I3lanblock 1 la Hghland Park, in Lake canal y, Illinois, excepttng a slrip of land 150 feet vide off tse westeriy side thereof; alsa that part ai lot 10 Ib block 1 la Highland Park, la Lake cauary, Illinois, described as foiiaws: Commenclag at Use south- easterly corner of salid lot 10; thence running oorlbwesterly along the sas- terîy line af said lot 50 feet; thence southwesterly pai-alel to the 9outherly Une o! salid lot 217 feet; thence Souti- easterly parailel te, the easterly lUne af said lot ta thre sotherly line thereof and thence northeasteriz along Use sald aotherly lin. to the place of be- gning. Dated, Oct. 6, A. D. 1909, ELAM L. CLARKE, 2-4 Muter ln Chancery. Chancer>' Notice. STATE 0F tLLINOIS. OINTY Or LAnKE lf Circuit Court of Lake oonty. Deenaber ternit A. D.. isa Oscar A. Kirchner v. Elizabeth iebser. tn Ciacery No. 4M0. BsUstsctry sfidavsIt test ttc place of reui- d of nitheedelandant Elisbet irBiebuer te rrnwr sud test mi. diligent inquiri ber Place of regidaecauno b.Scrtalrrd no tbst Proaeu cansot b. ,erved upoq ber basing been ftreulla theette ai theeclerk l ffld court. Notice ln therefore tereby Iglysu tete uald Ellasbetb Krchner defendant afomasd tirat the shove nanieri ouplolnssstbevetofore able bis Billeof iomlairrt In salul ot, on the CbancerY ide tirereof. and teh" abuamoras teereunon issueri ontuOfaid Court s"&hmuthte above msmed dfendant. reunrabl. on thire rt dayf tee ternOf tbe circuit Court 0o Lake Oewri.p. te b. b.ld at the Court HiomseIn. Waukegauilu Mid lABo Couy, n i atie re fs Moudsy feft erber. 1). 1508,as la by law requlrded rea su sit la MMliii ra. LE WIS O. BD0CKWA1 Claerk Waotcgas. L. Oet.LUA. .ls. - ; OOLBT &u.ApîoANi. Oomplauan's Soilcilr. ANO RECORDS HTss WTCHMAKR and JEWELER Libertyville, IDI. ------ -- -- -- ----- p e .du buy son y ad huila ta ime fonta r aildiy's tmsap. Fris ý,î.d a.ek iiep sud irntidlyu ecer i di. nr s dais -uek L. bots EurJ pioceua of tao- utserycanaid phabie. upper larinrs Nese ensiale wrrnkles. An ns ansd everydzy n hoee .11 sents f uccatme. arny super 1.-abi w rdut dupîncat-i r beys. Other Grades, From1 $3.00 to $4.501 E. W. Parkhurst Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE ILL. :CORLETT & FREDERICKS o .........Staple and Fancy- iGROCERUES MEAT MARKET * PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE No. 30 Bar (Out fthe Cold This Winter by Having a HEATING PLANT Installed in your home. You will make nso mistake if you buy an Ideal Bolier or Boynton Furnace. Get facts and figures f rom Albert W. Litchfeld LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER Seo Me Befor. Maig Your Date Satisftion (iarauteed Office 28 5N. Oeese t. acaldence Phone M R«Bo. 144Eluwuud Ave. WAUKEGAN, ILL- PflRRY L. PERSONS, Attwesy. AdjudIcatIon Notice. public NoUje.1%hereby elver sthle Bob- scriber Adrinlatearther C 5r tate of Àusrew 0. Witters. deceesed, esO attend te ttonrsY Court SfLkOst asteras tleoi te b 1oden at tIr Co11 Hoa lu Wsnker Iln ald Oouzty on5 the ftit Monday et Deember next, l»0. weur anld ýbere &ail nes hVlnh CISi ld5DOl sald Bsatae are notl5ed snd requested te fasset the $&me te &&id Court fer adlrsdcslolr. RAY B. 05105, Adaitraktar. Wauketan. M.. Ct. 4tt, iMj. 2-4 If yan have somctMing te sefl, tell people about it. W. bave a l.sstfid vInt coluina for lis a ptila lpur, Don J'i The Cozg Corner BARBER SIIOP Lcw Fiagg, Proprietor Juat around the Corner an Spal u Street, neit ta thoe hbuild- ing and opposite the Pester blackemith @hop., LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS .CIFars and Tobacco Laundry Agcncy Raxors Honad It la the weak nerves that ar rlog out for help. Thon belp them, don't m the Stomnach or stimulate the Hoart or Kidncs That la wrong. Vitailzo thss wsakIde nerve. with De. fSboe'sa1e- etoratvc sud umm bow fast t go h wil omc te sou. Teot Il sdmue. Sold by AU. DRALERh. The Unrivalled Stoves and Ranges Art HsndkdExcilyb HARDWARE AND FARM JMiPLEMENTS, Libertyville, Ill. When in aeed of a cooking t rheatin stovc inapect ti fixâ, for you wf i secure something that will b. an addilon, to your hme. They arethe best--ooe beter. '11 LIBERTY VILLE LUBER . DOWN Iii TItE (01,I EP-OT THE PLACE fO BUY Ç Scranton liard, ail sizes, Ç oBostonia Cannel, Pocahon= 0 A tas, Carterville Washed Eqg A LCoke, Ilocking Valleyj, Etc.L L ~KINDLIJNG WOOD FPioneer Cow, Excels.or Hlorse, BuffaloF EGluten, Grano Gluten Daisy. Dairy,E E !our Middlings, Bran, Shorts, Oats, DCorn -. . Red Comb Poultry foodD Phone 47 Liber t!ville, 111. 1Winter Hosiery p YOU'LL NEED IT SOON Men's %s oolen Hall Bose, black or bine mixed, per pair ..............26e Itnat' s Cashmere Bassiln black or wshite, siîk heel and toe....... 26c Oidrens s e lncotton, wooi and cashmere, large varioty. We have jugt opened np a lot of fine Handkerchiefs, saure pure Irish Linon in croshars and other new effects ............6c, 7c, 16c I lavea, Mittens and Sweater Jackets for ail the famiiy. USEfUL IIOUSEIIOLD ARTICLIES AT WIIOLÉSALE PRICES Brassa padlack, 2 keys .......................................... ........:.....IOc Dust pans .....................................................................BC Pnaeturner .........................,.......................r................5c Carpenters 2 It mile..........................................................fo Set of S nickel plated ead irons, handie and stand, onîy .............. 90c COME IN AND SEE TMI LOT GROCERIES i (ld laabioned Buckwbeat flour. per lb..........................4 S Fresh YlIow Canoleal per ]b................................a SKîdnoy Boans, Manarch braisa, eau........................................îoc Hamlny, IarIre cao .... ý........ ........................................... oc Flns.. maty Prunes, per lb........------------i.......... oc Our 25e Caffes la equal t» any aodhote tanMost. Steel eut if yots like. W. W. CARROLL & SON hci FRED CROKER TAIILOR AND DRAPER Libertyvilis, Ilinais fali and Winter Goods Now on Displa.j CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING 1 1 4 IP

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