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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Oct 1909, p. 9

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LAK COUNTY INDEPENDEN'I? AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIU-No. PART TWO LIBERTYVJLLIE, ILL., FRII)AY. OCTrOBE-R 29,19S FOUR PAGES ý1tIE YA<I I)ViNCe. ernoent contract ho bas an Idea Ihat g 'IJI IT the coat; ta Ih, iliî l s . -, sald. l Ila a good îipîotimIty to slgbt work. S i! ~A ~ sass kinig to ii l [ltwii tulti I aval Station [vuay r~~~~~~~~~o Ou accouni. of the rigld Inspection îoet i>b~sas i h xuns [C I ta tio1tn. a goverumeut cotractor OB EAE f the litîgatton. Mirs \Voîuîers iras H d Fate oflHa rris lithe atoundut who wmli aîîvmore iE E AV D 1eliresetedtttl h i l. oixuit popie J than break eveui with bis coutracta n tous rlîihîtke to [e Fini-shied ini Yea ri AWAgTIN6CAÂSn ad Drys [eArtur lNI othito Tht.81siklug tf theo grouud ut thet. ltt.Gi l avid iaclisoiiî iîiiiîyiiiTtllt li Mess hall sit(- aud the. spring lu tht itefeuilaul______________________________________ SwImmJîg îpou] are but a fow of the caes w , het. or a ertncut Th . ~ Odgen Armour,Louis F.Swift SMALL POX IN VILLAGE I D C A U N CONTRÀC S ACCEP licias usîect the saud clos&-iy and Il And Arthtur Meeker to N I T A O N CON KALr Sit dus not co1ne uP tosicfications Aid Prject PointFOR BAKSRO.R UD FEW TIIUS lFAR'iite iiaitatit2aalu tti a îîewî toP it iigf Vîlit ai i(iii tth,îî General Review of Work Shows Great Pro- gress But Miany Bufldings Remain to Bc Deli vered in Completed Form. Gymnas- ium Model of Kind and Con tains Giant Swimming Pool. t Front Wedinesdays Daill Sun.) White naval officers stem t0 thlnk thatt1he naval training sta- lion at North Chicago will be cern- piete and ready 10 hand ci-or by next September, there le a feeling among contractons that it may r.- quire much longer, possibty years, t0 finish the work. The gushlng up of a spring in the gymnasium pool, the clnkung of grounds on 1h mess hait site these are among the thing that isili cause deiay. Nevertheless the goverumens cf- icls are goîng ahead as though thestation wouid b. deiversd and are proceeding with the pro- ceas cf ornamentation. FiM tioli- rf-tllze the. tmagnitude tif tite naval stationi irichIt s beiug tîîlit t te doors 10 tht.clt'. Tht. grouds are elghty acres lu ares and TItis builtding la ised for instructin I;ttriiost's sud ihe Instruction halls for the- studentta over the. tht-et. loors. To conte agalu te tise Idea of heaith which la csrried ouI lu ail of tht. build- iugs iii agalu made evideut lu tht. gyni- nasiîm. Tht. one thlng prominentt about tilt rooma Is th(, light and tht. flethol of ventilations, as la the. case ot te dorndîtory buildings Is by a sYstu Of Pipes very similar to tht. niethMor uthot air lbrottgh tht. lites tif a furnae At the Auditorium. At tht. end of tht. gymnaslunt or ln structioti building on the- side near the. laIte 15 ihe auditoriumi, wbere tht. fu- tort. seattîcît iii pass msay dreary houes. Titete [s aroom n ltIis build- iîîg wliii i ln designt ia patterued atter the. issIon tyle, sud tht. low Keata arouud the. ire place gives ont. an i des of ait old EngIs»h luit. runtalu a score ut buildings. Tht. The Power Meuse.. buiinlîgs unîler may sud t-Omulete Tht. power bouse la located otu the1 are- laIte trotit and for a amail municipal-1 Six etrance doruîîllory iîîildingF. Ity teoMît Sa tlant et ils size would ho Administrationi building, a cedit. Tht. bolier trom bas six1 Guard building %t i otrance, ut tht. nosl Inodern boliers mith as Four large duruitory btuildings, romblueti horst. power et elabteen A large stablebîîndred. The. power pant la fitted@ A guard houai-, with tht. best electiral uîarhiueryc A drill hahl, that rould bho btalued, A gyîîînasluîîî snd auditorium, Tht. construction of tht. mat-rworko Main adlmnistration building, laîîow under wsy. Tht. matermet-ka Comflete matet-mot-kalplant, at-e teuh4located ou tht. flaIts ethe. Eictrlr ight plant, power bouse.t Lauttch bouse ou lagouti, Tht. amoke stack is about tire hun-,t Sevoti offirers' resideuces. dred feet igb and exteuds about oee Otte -foot tunnel.,îtsed lu carry tht. buudred and tmenty feet from tht. topN puies for wiing sud wsîer, connertiug of the. bluff. To saatify bts curiositya ho finished la uot lnoviu but from talIt gathered f roui the employes It witi be ieverai years Itetore the worIt tg tdone. Wheîher tht. goverument ut- flciala buid flua vleir s flot known. but front the. fart that scores or ocd ciril ar cannotn haro arriî'od for or- namental put-poses il mtight bc taken thai tht. officiais expert 10 laIte pou- seisitoti hi Jitir 1,1910, Wnero Settrement WihMil- lionaires is to Be Made City's Lake Front Case Cornes 10 Bat in Chicago Vesterday and sa Contîn- Lied to 24th with Rule by Court on Dîsmissal January 1, 1910-McGrew Fort Sheridan Case Nol Vel Called n Court. Tc Solve Bewage Probiem. (From Wedaegdays SUN,) The guierumolit will solve the. laIte While romm-nisLsîonei-s for tiii-,,1 sevrer saultation îrobiem b! înstaîîîug irainage canal are lnsoatigaîiug- tht. the. solution syýstem for thle haudltingý responsiblliîy of the differtînt contîra, of te ref'use. This system iii consid-! tors for the work anddîiouding a set ered miich better than the. septic tank tlemeut of private miatteri lilt-,en Bysîem sund ta much cheatier te oper- J Ogdeu Armour. Louis F. Swit anîd ate, Arthur %leeker, the contract foi, tht. Al 0f tht. buildings iiilb- boaled Sokedrainage canal bas lut et hi stseam plant whirh Mii he o - been ]et aud the chances an- lit iti 0 beletold Ihai h is a rîialitisx patietlaîîîl t0liai e tht- health mcou misalotter of Northi Uticago îîollfteît te tht. effect. The hpatietnt irailati-r at nit. lu tht.eieting laItn to Norlit Chicagto anti i-i ui îîiîr qitat-attini- Therp ar(,, fonrit tht. Ioiiseliold ito whiciiht beliitg.- 'Ut t heut are îîîtdPr qttarauîtiie. fl ic CO 113 es of liie' aclure ii lin- Sise as emîîlo *-eîl had al licen var- ,i ateu so Iher Mort. uo fither pro- fauîtions tîeedeîl there. tl0weVel Sear. t-rile ou tilt.stri-et cars expotueil iualii% li iiaimed as iltits mawalk ip e su Go, caled near tht. powe.r bouse msv ho a week gr se beforo thiti- N tee ls settleit inally îlel Launch Mous. Complote. As iilI ho recalleti Arntuii. Sift had 0 Tht. launch bouse ta localeu on the. sud 'ueeker agreed that theY isoultti to tagocun lu the.ratine. Tht. govetrmoent meet tht. rosts ot tht.drainage- sYs- ii s building au lt-fout barber and plers tem beyoud $18,000 sud It listte *romn tOt ilîl be hult on tht. outaido te prevent ing arrosa b>- thenu that tsaaiated aut tht. lagoon frot belng illed uit Mithbhy tht. commission before t i-ait pou'h laIte saîtd. ceed. thtc Thero ta nu doubt but that titi-i%*iit n11ti Administration Building. utake good on the. original îtrupOsîtiurîtî ,d Tht. administration building Is buitt snd tht. deiay ha merely teitertt 10to at tbe end of a court sud cuverlootis tht. Lake Front Case Progress. fbui lake. The tower outu Iis buildinîg mil Yesterday lit Chicago before _NIater be usi-t as a staudîlipe for thet. 5tr- lu(hancery Booth, City Atite> O1 wurks. Tht. arrangement la surh as sl fr lte cl- f Wuega.nS auy ont. moul itiin uaspublic build- andsAtoruthe Aitn f tt. Bi In. ri lng of this character, Tht. dock face Atre 'K np aigwti In tht. tomer bas su openlng ut tweîve AlreiIt Kaphvlgat feet. dcawn due te other maltera appeared ien for tht. rlt3- lu tht. rase of Stone et at. luiç Tht. drill hall Is otî.et tht. largeat, In regard te te ailegeti DtWoif riaitit get buildings on tht. groundsansd dues not! for the enîdset Wst.r, 'Madson and fruit have a single Post iu ts fleur spart.. Cisylon treets. t Ail buildings are fiteproof lit con- On nmotion of the.attornetys for thet. Ill strurtion sud are bult almost eutirely foiwoaetaigntanw ntepa of coucrete. Tht. ides of concr-te cou- tht. hearlug iras rontinut.d te, Novem- îhr strutio ha&bee cariedte te rof 151o siectin bs b-enra-t-ed th. rufber 24 sud It mas sgt-ced that tht. court S sud tht. naval station lbasttht.lfitstshouuidt-uiet.)owirether todismisa thet. , courrete roota ever but lit tht. counîy - case en tirel>- or net, January 1, 1910. Itg Tht.t-i is net au idea of correct sani- tation that bas eacapedti he eye ot What Casé lu About. e the. gereruments architecta. Tht. Tht. rase concerna a matter wher t-.u - boxes lu tht. stables are equippeti with lu a question irbether treeta continue ventlitors, a featurt. lu stable con- to tht. lake trent or stops at tht. houn-' struction which cotîld ho seen lu feir dat-y Unes ot the original parcels utf wth tht. ten main buildings, tht. SUN reporter countt.d tht. nomber places lu LaIte rounty. land. It la clahmt.d by thet. ly sud Plant for disposai ot semage, of stpa tonu tht. power bouse te tht. tht. riaini la said te bave been sus- Hospital building, top et tht. bluff and found ont. hundreti Nai Station Notes. i taineti a year ago that s-heu Emaley Laundry, steps wbich mit an eizht font rise Tht. surk of aut-cting tht. electrir Sunduerlin selti the- land esat of tht. Three.offiher' quartera for medical wBould gise tht. but a heighî et elghty light polcu s lu progres bocksaene 10 flue te tht. Poweils ho detiattment. fo Tht. teul main buidinga ou tht. soid the t- atp next tht. lake lu ont. Tht. onet hing Ibat impressea a visi- Tne onasBidns grouîndsarate about complete sud tht. parcel lustead ot tive or six separate te te tht. grounds ta tht. tact that tht. A tunnel ftom tht. powe.r bouse w-li only work that remains hfore their pst-cela divideti by te alieged street govertuiieni la taklug t.very measure c onuect with tht. ten main buildings. arcelîtanre hy the. goverumient la a Continuations. te rotrtthehelthoflissevane.Thila tunnel la ire fret square sud la few finshntoce on tht. Intet-lors. McGrew Case Net Up. Tht. sility ot tht. construction sudmaifoth.p-osofutlgffh. Foundationa are nom belng laid for Tht. case ut tht. Grant beira againat tht. fart that tht. nsvy isatun by a sys tientansd water lu any et thet tn main tht. pumplug 8taie0 onet.%feGreir sud tht. Unitedi States tom at-t otbt-r farta brought forribly ta buildings. Tht. tunnel dues net enter About six hundt-ed men are em- for recouery ofutlen acres nos lu thse tht. attention et tht. visitor. thue buildings but gos up -et-y close pioyed on tht. naval training station heart et Fort Sheridan reservationI Main Drmitorles. te t.nt se that tht. electric and wster grounds.i faiit.<tte ceme to bat yesterday sud Tht. fouir main dorutitetes are mtade,. pipes rau bo connerted fs-on tht. rîr- mil ot come up until next week - atter otue style sud are as much Sie cuit if ui desit-et. In case suy ut tht.1 DRIVEN OUT AT GUN POINTI in construction as (mu peasa iua dpoipes ahould break t ii ho possible NW A 1MEI lu th. baemen ther is sh et repair the. breaks lu a short spart. Nothestern Laborers Complain toie.ILLtIALOF bath for every mnand ite lok St tht.etoftîme.Sae tony ivasit bowls une mould sa> that thero e Hospital Buildings.Laes tony (Fromt Wednesday's Dsily Sun.) mas s boul for eveey eue. Tht. lomer Th1 floot-of te dort-ories where tht. Tht. hospital buildings wlxlch are (Frot, Wednesdsy'is SUN.) Tht. aunoutriement la made todayl shomers are locateti la coolei by a spe-uow natter construction at-t belng but Two men s-ho wt.îe sent out frote thst ail negetiations bets-een tht. new - ria sytemofvenilaionwhch a cr-on the. north ide of tht. ravine, Tht. Chicago tir an employaient age t act ion for s short lime ln control ofl riais>stnî 0 venIlaion hlchis ct--tht. Datly Newrs sud Roesnet, tht.1 ruiates te air about the roonus vos-y cencrete sud mortat- are carriled ovOt- yesterday toemot-k ou tht. stato linetuoodys sud tht. peoplt. firtatln charge-h îuuriu as it la circulate Ibrougit thet O the. hosîIital site by a tramway 1,100 rallcoad two mifles s-est of Waukegan at-t. compietel>- broken off sud at sui piîpes ot a turuaro. fret itu lcngth. To dste ever ont. hou- appesteit to tht. police this uornlng enti. i, Wben s boy Joins tht. navy ho losea dreti sudvtmtnty-fivetcars have been because they dlaIm that tht. raliroad , Attornueyr Clare C. Etisards it 1l! bis boit sud a ho la in a naval train- crt-t-loti Ct on the. ramway sud as foreman retusledte1 give thema their stated ils-I tosv cite tht. old dit-oc-' lng arbool ho muast lesrt-10sloop lîke tht. feundstion ls Only complesit wmliit sa sheu tht.> decideti te quit work. torale mb court to explain the allegoat a salor- Earh cadet Who goes there give ont. su Ides of tht. magnitude Or: Thet. io labot-ers at-e said te have "fake' mertgage sud other mattera sundic 10 cheel iii ho givon s hammocti tht. wot-It. Tht. bouses for tht.suirgeon wet-ked luit six bout-s sud berame It la derlared ihat altegatoflon f rt-- c attiud te10sIeep under tht. sanie cou-, sud bis tio assistants are bul over- diss&Utifed at tht.eend of this tinte. potted celminat violations lu the' ditions as if hoes-or at sea Tht. lockinig th. laie. When îhey toid tht. foreman that finances et the paper s-ill ho ait-ed. main lohby ot thet buildings s-ilho Mess Haul a Wonder. tht.> desired to quit tht. job (bey tsodfor a sert et cception rom, Laut Ortobet- iot-It as tat-ted on caim Iliat ho kept their roas sasd VRIT Tht. gymitasiont is a building which laylng foundations fot- tht. mess hall .,puiIed a revolu-er-on (hemn, ceusng MesWEIMERS GETSVEDC iii visit.ettb>- ail wbuto re tt.-t.att n sd s-hon the.mos-k ut drlvlng tht. fe eveit ta>'thet for tht. six bourse athietir sports, as itleisa modal of lieaPiles s-as about complote the. founda- i s-hlrh tue>- motked, Tht. local po- Case Againat Coie Resuits in Verdict khnd. Ont.ettadre end of the. structure 'tion settieti sud tht. govecumeut re-' lice cefusedtiet have suything te do in Hec Fayot-. la used for a gymnastunu and tht. upper fust.d te aceePt the.mot-k that hait w-ltht.e case as it dld not occur wlth- (Ft-om Wednesdsy's SUN.) floot- bas beeta flted pîu -lUi a sunniug beau doue. Reluforced roucetoit. iez slu theit- Iurisdictiou. Au attorney A jury inl tht. reuuty court teturned tracti. lit tht. basenuent la au Immense are belug matie sud thoy wmlibo ustd alao cetused te take chat-geO f tht. a verdict tee $1353lnlavrof tht. plain- swlmoing pooul wibiitlu size le about iOunt.e Old site as the. goeonment dSts ,mattet- for Ihete as se uttile mas lu- tiff. Mrs. Cars B. Wiemecs, lu the 40 by 100 fret. Affer tht. pool sanet test- suy moretrtouble lu the. set-, votved. case ot \Viemet-s vs. Cote, at 5 oclocki Complote s slîieug s-as totind in t.e ding ofthUit v-oud. Tht. tert-acotta. yesterday attes-uron. Tht. case s-as bottora sud bite goveetutient Inspectes-s toc the buildings bas been îyîng P5trliamentas-y Candidats - Then 1 ont. ln mhich Mes. Weime-s wmsa su- rt.fusedte 0 ccept the s-eck. Tht. de- at-oud ounused toc oyec s yt.ar sud -May couat upon yoDs- vote? lng te roilect one-haif ut tht. cosasasd, feet Booms amaîl te s casual observer, nos- that the grouud is thought te he British Wcrkrmau-Naw; l'Il vol, expeuses lu s Lakte Bluff special as-'- but h mokas it Plain a1&o tisaI thesln condition the. sos-k on tht. mess, for Vther felier. sgmn atrwihbi aecr hsils-lBh. paheds-spdly.Pea=netarCandidte-But yc'va e metmal-whchatienar hallnmqs to hevhe apdy re t hesat ureecor - p se - e*yei liW tutetled te hat. statcmspremoecourtsou sp- 'Xmts lloeuq up t0 tise -es-y lettes- of Ita tomtmoars Los& yfthj. woeimnNias- bute Jvcesîl' thse county court, Wbea tise avesuge mntakes asgov- MMM-s.Wleuer hao.dtilicadatlcfà JGAR TRUST MEN ESCAPE vernment Toc Slow ln Prosecuting hlleged Violators of Sherman Law. nes York. Oct. 27 C-(ircuiit Judgp ut lias decided that the gui ernienl Bd be"n too slow ln getting after ai attm i o f the Individuals inîiicted fh lteý Antorican Sugar Retining 'PaD3' fue t ulatioti of ithe Shermnîa ntitrust lair Gustav E Elssl aut2 ouis B. liarned %%ilii escaîte triai Irtugli the oieilition of the ' aaitîe or litSt ions . It iras charged that Kissc and Hiar- e, %vith uîheris, Mre lu a tofl5tira.- privent the. ileinsslîanltt Sugar lie. nn coinilany frot ing business. TUDENTS ON SUIPHUR DIET lied Pruit la Being Trerted by Cern. mîssioners Named by Roosevelt. Bereleey, Cal., Oct. 27.-The cotjnus. on nanicd 1b' President Rooset oit lu eStigatr the ciaitîl bv lalifîîrnia -oii s that the sîîtiihurtîi1g uf diiel ,it lu ni i ha rmful is conuilg te>st s tii enu 17111i% elr5îitY o1 (tiforuitt ileuts baive licoulisviig oun inîtie achs aud cols for seî eral v5 (shisait -hi uit tt iq t-rt main lie sanie tri b li Ithe set n Iai ae thr-h c 55 t i--s houli o iliat ilistead of iujur gi uthn t he siîiihîtr îîill do thei id. iers Illinois Issue, State Dry Paper, Prints Corn.,. ment of Mother of Highland Park Bandit On His Fate Together With Poem M.d dressed to Mothers of State and Makes Plea. - That Drink was Cause of Terrible Ending The dlrys of Ilinois have taken the altempted rcbbery of te Hilghland Park bauk and the re sultant deal'h cf Lamnar Harris as an argument against the salcons and appeal 10 mothers, n the foi- t hood on the Caver page cf th e -Otnce ho tat ititon eîy kuee, "Illinois Issue," whlch sn the or- LooLeti froua brlght eyes loto Mine, gan et the Anti-Saloon League, Qttcsthont.d nee80 Motîderluel>- and llustrated wlth a picture of 0f tht. uysteries divine. a whte alrd. addnedmoter: Once hi- fondly ciasped My ueck, a whi t hi re , deerx io i ut i l tis bas Pt-es -d ni>- che ckt mith kisses sw eet; i1ea'tR i inte pîapes hiii i tt tht. lait few Ah. niv hearî. ire little reck tiays ot tht- tiasliglît bailli robbepry îîli Vheren-uay rove lte Prectous feet. a Chicago sîthîteli, the i-obber helîîg Onice t:-tls ugbMitlî tnerry ring f4ttt'sueii sut losil'v thatlite shot a d Fitteil our borne with umusic rare. ýifièd iinielfto old aptre. And IitIs oving bauds wottld bring ~tflid lluieif e aritt cattitt. reathu iof flOwt.rs tor mothers hafr. "Terolîber :iroicd to be t.atiar A.fih-uory a~yart ll~risa beîlitîtiîilng ltere9 ii Constant, ceaseles sout-eoSf joy. Los Aigeles, Catl.,ritose lite had been F3iît lîight, oh,.t'.od. toutlit, a falire tot acroîll t fldrink.'uX'iere-oh, seherea îiuy etring bey? 'tirs. ei'ttltii' 'uVoîf. 246 Wesot 3lidst te glilter sud tht. gare Foi i i tuili liiitNesi York, tua-a 0f the. roontirb were death is ladeaQt; tti' %ilig îîtaîî ivoli attîl said of ititît Scarce Yoîî'd know him, but hea thoe., I iti ltîas îa stiaightfo-mal-d, He. irbo onre 80 relierent knelt ltttutst Nomti.stIig r . lîîtoit hc ined te A t uiy knet.asuit soffl 1>spol<e goî- titi' scec \%i. fiart.d St tht. tinte Vordi;s mb tht.e t- of Goi.- 1t bat ho titis ii iuing toolitio îîel and Oh. niy heart. 'tis aipitten. brke- i hat luis titi IioitlitrItg lit1 to Ctuuabed, 1 beud heneath th.e yd. t iii Oh, thiat corse that spolied 'ny boy; Mi t '\V. A.liai ris hi eîi'r outOragged bini dowu aud dows-a t tht' rohber. lssîîîd a statsnient blaut îleath, loig aicoliot for bei soit s mîin and1 cou- ilobbe<t ute of nîy rarest Jo)', t tîîîltg as tolloîts îtMade a îîaug ot every bre.lký -1 l iii love L.ailtle Harris. w hem ?ttolherit fathers. lIsermy piesl, I knîeîî as a itt lias ilfe feels tht.1 Let 01l leadîngs pierce the sky, satîte toirard tht. ttan ibo irasB ler ýPray anti iork uuceasslugigy, bîtabanîl. We mIll bury tht. sheil lu Ltlits save our boys or die." Chicag. m- i se se wili baire It cr0- 'maled, as wastthtlt.wish ofleys«.x truiihy txîy boy.becauso it repre- selîts what was once the. abode of a noble luit generutîs man, he L%àmb - 1 see niy finish WOOL. MPL. DRESSER-. THE WOOL IN 0DUR CLOTHING DOES NOT COME -NO PART GF ITm -FKOM THE COTTON FIELDS. NIANY A LAMB H-AS HAD HIS FLEECE SHORN FOR THE BENE- FIT 0F OUR CUS- ETNLY SUCIl Dreser. WE SELL OURbi ot CUS TO MERS CLOTHING AS WIL OURSELVES KNOW TO ZE GOOD. THE CLOTH IS ALL RIGHT; THE FIT 15 ALL RIGHT; THE PPKJCL IS ALL PJGHT. COML IN AND SE£ JUST HOW GOOD A SUIT 0F CLOTHES YOU CAN BVY FROM US FOR $812.00 to 830.00; Overcoats *810.00 to $30.00 r~2f 1 lmim -

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