L4E OCOUNTY INDEPENDZNT, PRIDAY, NOVEMBtR5 10 «re the babies' s ':Emulsion MMt ony nouiàshestem most, but mso regulates 'Wdrfu tomic for cha- PU A-1 BTEV *.1. DRUOGISTS , qc I ammume ofpape?&Madhis ad We b ~s"iffl aviei sk &.d Chld's ROCKEFLER Qoa Lathron. of C'hicago, Ppt Satur. day and Sundey lire, a guest of hom. relativeu. Vis, Chan. Lumk lias b-en enterla nn ber aie, Umisa dge t)ooley of Wis., the Pa"week. jý Bdgere.ofiRacine, Wîe, in ipend- =aa ew weeks livre, a viitor et the braoli~re. M. Swan. Uils Edua Broedbead le now empoy- ç4it the Macaroni faet'ory et Lberty- Mm .L. 8pech< lias returned [o Rocke- ktlsraater an absence of nearly four Mente, partsof whicb waespent in a Ctikea ohospîtal wbere Re. snderwenl ea,pwsaUon fur appendictis frun whicl defmufully recovered. She wmacom- hm ibas b ber oister, Idrs. 0. F. IýeuMsaao! Kimburut, who wifl visit Àkvabersa&M D"moud Lake. Ibs villaite board, Monday evening, gra Mahmies ta the North Shore anmid thsy have agreed te =aploeltigtaitn worklng order in Owvillme in a year. Wbat we 'UtAtsawietor the Oaa Co., [o brini , ,Ikir iâ e ta aur village. LAEZURICH F. P. Clark and Emil Frant wsre Chcago visitors Tnesday. Mr. and Lire. George Geiste were ln Bacringion, Tueida>'. LMr. sadMr@ Clia. Seip, of Palatinie, wsrs visitors lbare Toeeday. Mir. and Mm. Wm. Bnescing vislted relatives et Hemup-hire, Sunde>' andI Mir. andI Mm F. Hursobergerenterfain. ed Mr. and Lire. Beherno ut Gienco ue- day. S. P. Hutcbisun enterfained Frank Petersn Sundey. aisu LMr. and Mmr. WiU Hutchisun of Weukegau. Otto Knaak lias completed [lie base- ment uf his new bouse. iWork lies begun on a bungalow for Gene Ender, A box social wili be given et Andsrqon'A Bail, Nov 24. Eîter[aiument glven by 1PUPîlaotschoui. Pruceedego to aclipol. 'rîickete 15 and 25. IVA.NHOE Luetîbe and DLolpI begeu airedding cuirn tîtiswest. A cantate e liing îreparcd for e 'Iruitas (eti[i'taiîintt. tilles EmmaneChamberlain les oten i.iting irietîds lu Part Ridge and May'- 1 fiîr. Mc. Berger, esmtudu-t o!f[lie MeCociek Semintery ocî'upied tle pulit aut eieitably lotit momîtîg and evcnîuig. Mise Aliles Suutl epute ver>' intdereet- ingl>' on MI ruions lu the C. E.. teliîng ot niselonacues whom abs les met. Auguat Wlrtz lies improved the appearence- of hue reidence b>' puttiug lu a cenou t eîdewealt. MrNebliieli liesopened bis smorelie sitli a fresl stock uf goods wlilcl la greail>'apprsciatsed. Msr. Crampton and famuil>' lient Sun-. day wi<h relatives lacs. Thv mut taitory lias getly inereaed in bus§inessin(es oiening. Fred Gralîb.esaniurehaavd e new eh redder and wil star< ibreddiug [bis c -est Tue Mysfîî. Wortvm are prepariug e prcuacanu iîili includes a pie>' <o le giveti Notv. 1'21etftse Woudnian bal. Miusuc wil Uv lurnitled liy Rapte' ouhtuiiira. MIrm. Chm'la.is-twith lies Iven spend., îîîg a wet îuin MnifÀ)oü cviiéng ehir Weétern trip. Elizali Ames, of Washington, le vîit- ing hie brother R. D. Aines. Re went weet iromthem forty yeaneago.* Stuart Wiliameun of Weupaca Wts., le viséting te Home fuite. Ralit. Hunter and wite spent Sunday with James Oliver. A tickifbg or dry cougli enu be quickly loooaesiwth Dr. Shîuop'a Cougli liane dy. No o0p jin, nu dhioroform, nothiné .Miale or haroli. 801<1 b> ALL DEALERS BANISHED THE BORE. A Rsmedy That Dampened Hia Ardei Fer Ilitinrng The heaà oe! à bureau tin SDImpon tant goverament departnenf lias Ioti beeu affiIcted willi a fî'end who cali i s g Nb. Ihsidon Ohoal building le guing =y. Th wetlerbas been tavor. lof the cerpeuters [o work. 'In. 8& L2rppentertaineéthetLadies' * M ecisy Weduesday citernoon. Wlwayd Biuhm, wh isworked [bird J&la tbe tawer tLihon for the t* a ar ia ab t el aposition b il. .Raioa cWaukegan. D.wllae atend ueColege wê'eIiwntîer. .L. Trlpp bas tho hasement excavet.. 44 for a cou housesan one ut hi$ lots lu *s lavine Siope Suli-divialon. Ou Dew station agent, bd r. Devereaux, buc maved into [ho fiolconli bouse re- 0cmtt vaeated by W. A. Shaw. Thae Pocksfelher Ladies' Aid Society VMl have ac eicacu' pile upper in tlie .baasrnnt fthe churcli, Thureda>' aven- lug, Ntov. 11. Supper: adulte 25c, Ghild. fia 15c. Evsryone invited [o coma. FREMONT. George Hertel inade e buiness [rip [o '"*oa - ChieIodîj George Pcusia, Ernest Slienning and Monda~Hacvey snith started on a huning rip Carde Wagner of Long Grove. @peu t e to Iowa iast Frida>'. The>' expee t<o bc tu* daie wltli Lre. Mite Wagner. gone [lires watts. Mr. and Mrs. Barus>' Behin and child. Mises Enime Spip andI Mrs. Fred Seip gn of Wcutegeu, retumed hlomeSniidaY weut îo Mlwaukee, Wsdnesday [o visit atter a wesk'e viit wit[b riende and relu- Heury' Seili et <lie Soîdiers' home [livre. 14v«bar. 1Cfin». 'Itoodînet and Nelson Nuelsen boe Hortel etîîredfhomte Monde>' la' v gîitu[oBelviders [o wurt focr<lie aftsra iew wse t iathe[isWest. Continental Bridge Go. Mir, and Mmr. George Wagner. ut Weute- , gan, uîsited e tew deys witli relatives PAREVE Lir. sud Mms. C. V. Orvies spet Su n- Lire.Il 0. Friteli ot Highlandi Part day wiL tue lettece paeta, Mr. and vîited cuithlier elter.Lire Lt. W. Mm. Alart. Kuedier. Thureda>' of lest 'sec-t Coca Titus epent Stinde>' witli lier M.Fe onr r.u imu brother jdot andI wiie. M.Fe onr ro im L.akîe iepeit Monde>' wi lier uparents, Linlie Wagner, muf Weutegen, re<urnAd LMr. and Lrs. J. At.Maison. home 8-îi.day aller eaes' ew ta vîvsit here. O0cm Whecýnerg ivglaeriouieiy ill. lDr. Willie Steinîiiîht-c ot Chiceguu, epent Tracy and LDc. Taylor atiendvd ltnî. Monda>' 'ith JlIe Fc-d&iciu'tandI îamîîy. Hie mnt>frisude hope fur naps*-edy recover>'. Mir. and Mtic. i-luie, f iii eizcau. spent Bonda>' c-itI tleei.,tvr'm farejts, tMc. WmnCoon ot Milwautkee de a short aMd ire. Hirotinus. vi-ilt wltt hbig parents leist Monday, re- Mir. andI trs tiikeWawi,r ametil faiily turnîng thle sanie day. spetSude setItil. uui Ma -~iesi Lre. M W. Knedleaed ma<her, Mrs. er Wagner et Volo. OGeicc u jtzfec, vieted witb flieforiiecat WEST FEMONT, daîigfit,. LMra. WiiI Ray, lest watt WESTl miesd a v -orgae Lvysi'loft MîtImîî ýt.., iîîst- hific<ewehrb Nuas l' Bru Builu-es . -i- toriýIr ifine, hurees ili iIow have f Vakega. ,i,'îi-va. Lie-ne are urse ebedao eret«d aet Mm. Scuweie andI snmuetu-r .f['suit -I i- lai ,oadcailed un Ici-udw 1lu.- ru' t5ii' J[f s irit i. mlt.ir and socn, Jact, A=& Rom mvel t t uni1 ivflo ic t .ii l da- t laest w"ek c ifi leu- l.uepts, Ill., wliere cit fra thum ",i p , a-îiî-i.ut amîl MseG.F. Lilt-1liei 1'1 Diaa»ftler muni Nite Henry, c t ~ DEF ImdyW, ilibis paes ts lu-re, tEFELIc S tciis' andI grand deuigliter, ut IF«eaad Pied Olienani ec- stue M I-lî.itîîdurmttvsiteda<limrel WaIi-wauI. pcrit svrldaya viffiting 0« st,*,Lio day. i a '. t <le Vanui1#w lutine. 'Il. . . j. ritr~r'i.îis ven et [hé Mcariw Peniayne l sssday lhast HAI..P D Y uî-.. l i '~--r cuis a cuîus.rseiiwini.- c-m-t t4ulusolîumuoftlier daughtpr, Ars. lu'l ' liii 1 ' ., . -mrta a t il acier, <îuutll inortberu Wlaoi.u D. O, oîChumgîr wil il i',II1.'d.. . ltIii7fîî.u-de*un, of fiCwes iIlu it a tew daya and would itev. Humble, D . ffhvgw luituIi.risucuavfsiieg<-le osutg. iuaeb ilu <ho Hall Da.irChîuccli uniidav Fuîuîeials-ce-iu-s acr-e oidStofve$go. Îktt, Nov, 7. ai 7:310 P. M -AIl fitekoin fiurt if î,n'Aîisice, F-i kulafen ahfudyafiernuio eod t Iv bod -a mai as'oncd [Hait De>'areerusafti>' ce- 1hmaiiv g ttrdyhf.n,ý n teboyw g.ss t[o bepresent., Ma 1." II.li.lurfutfesu.mplaid[o "resu lu>tfuisaide iof ber lueand lýwd.t"j haqw'-ýt'wiiuu wes ir»- of <ie tire& settiers ut1 Lee alsu of vouse,head pana, cr an! M..,! luite ii>' Iy ll et fnîMnt r, andI Mec. flelan Oncood and M :togn,d n 201tinante Isere whthi wl[ ithT,-' mdangliter are spendlng c fou days wltli .ebop:lk Paic T*lalta.Se. tulI Mre. . cf df nfntrfelist uic u irties hem. le2~. . Sold by tertiiM, vnflct isesMast u tnila alywrlWu. ALL PLALEUS. Merlei 'i SuIluay. 'Sonda>', rillllill- e -ouRUSSELL .1 Mr. Fowler wea entsrtainied st Mrs. E. WAUCONF>A DEPARTM ENT A. Reevea ovwr Sunday. i The Ladies' Aid 8oIety wili meet E 111N. C mE.e and A MTbursday wltb Mr@. L. Md. Sonner. F ___aa1__aail_>__W_---------____w The Paneakq and Scars Crow Sociable i wan weil attended. Mr&. G. A. Siii"r MMre Ven. Tédiarch !@aspending the Oliver Bouk,.oft Rollins, was a Wau- won thie Lêdis' pris, Frank Creerford week visiting witb friands lin<lie city. conde vis§itor Monda'. <lie Men's Pris, Charlotte Siver theilrl's Mr1 n M.A ePc nddnlter prize, Wilia iieu orris [lie Boy's prize, Mir@. J. F Roue>' in viitingfriend@ n r.adMr.AeKPc and l or tbeir suite. relatives iii Chilcgo Ibis weet. moved intu [lie Maman reeldence on North Main St. thie f rot 0uth<le wffek The Chiasmfenil>'loit for Mil wauikefi Mr. and Mi8.lm Wellswit, ut Haile>'. wlbore [bey ciii make <heur hume dorinq uitMndey wberix fli>'wii spenîd lie wîn- cailed un friend iD ounr village and <the win[er montbe. ter.2 viinit>' Sunde>'. Ueo Beuvr lies 00w meeured e nies C. M Goham an d cite ot Wautegan I Misa Nettle Murray, ut Chicagu, @pett ittie hume lieving purcheed [lie eo. @pont Sunday et Marine Bled.t Btraan udywtierprn@Bates farin and aiii taespossession un A L ihua Saud>'adSud> lt e PrnsMerchI1 st. Mm a. ico pent a few deye bes.wtb Mmliseves.r Mies f sbel Geer and AIa Wlieelîck )eid Pt rhe liucky boy ut Aunie Carlson sent Sunday e iii Misaunr oelue'u innd<lie WceeeotkNorth Daéut spent Wdue@dav et Melicury witli Mc. îaud îraàvigaend eaysle is guoing tn Elle Carlson wes aRnulàviiu and Lice. H. J. Sdliaffr-. <o file in the spring. Bis laitier anîd Saturdey. Mines Maggie flovrs, ut Wintlirup bruflier Otis, 'entut n sd rvgiAervd A. C. Corris and famil>'ys1,cut Sunday t Haîîîr ep'u iated>' ud nudy e sd almo ceitered focDave but udf herI lir, omen em. y nd unaetofthym macre totunafe enougli Lii îraw etrou t<i u ieî i'i ee hm br.e la i. Mies Berthe Scîreet lefi frîr lier bonis DvdMCCin inle pending the wcet - lu n inPennevivalnia, Frida'. Sue lies beenk whl)av e Egn Village board met in regular .eeo viiting lier aunt, Mca. i1.L. Sucer toc e witl reaties e Elinon Mosnde>' eveuiug witl tIc, presideuit ew weeke. Mise Allie Pool wes e Chicacgo visitur and ail nieniliere pces.'nt. Soviual bills Seturda>'. acre preenied for payaientLand alfer iA C and J. R. Corda coers Wankegen Mrs. B. L. Pretîi, of1Lake Zurich. being 0 KRd b>' the luatre coimmi[Lee visitoce Setvrde>',1 trenacfe busnes in nr ,lla e are ortieed peid, The question utf (Ge.. DilFrris and 1F. L,.Neweli cccv Tueeday. s thîa[lse egine cooni overbead sves Chcago visiturs Tlivcadav. di'icnesed and e motion wes made thet A movirtg pictureeiow Iot)ta liebld aethLe niafterbclefvt with [lis buidinig GCacdme Mrville le Viitinizlier son [lie Laineide pavillon on Seturdaev eeu cominitîce tu pcuccod witli the wurt .aned deughuer in Geneva and Miwaukee. ing. Nov. 6tli. As we uutertaud it tbis [lie>' ew it. Cacied. H. E. Maieani The li[tleGandy Coid ['ureTablete au'll in to be [lie Orel: oicamerle@ ut entertain- reported for [lie finances commites [uat sd Preveutica, wii lu a few hours salvé>' menta to be heid et [lie pavillon and if it e tex warrant for $17 5lied iteen isvîîed check ail Coldor LaGriptie. Try therni proves proftab ele t4one entertamntus as uer instructions et lest ietilig [o 48-25-. Soid by wif be heid sacli Saturda>' eveing tîde over tlie village finuances outil flic ALL DEALERS. dnring the win[ec monthie. taxe@ are colleced next Mardi The Liran Ms.R Kntan Lc ndwarrant being placevd ifli P. A. HALF DAY. M. anod M[ruéi. . ernt nddAfir.i-cieNimagoacu et 5 per cent. T'te maccluali c.Jnl ito ii ieJ Mr@.Geo D.Strkerattnde th r es asked [o rie iict un flic deliJuueu ibretion iii thetlftîc[li auniversary oftihe wett eperît a fn hedelnqeu 1dog tex anîd stisted tiiet feu or twpeis'enneipenua uwtW lls u il fIh PaaieM&aoaic ..îîsge et Palatine on ceri sîil dulitqueut. The presiident forme'a uother. Mca [lattie Ili-lut r, lest Sefncdey evcnung. Mr. and Mca. weeols ,Stocker emeuned over Sunday spending intructed hiîn Lu eau uon tiieve parties thedaywit reaties.againta-hi> acre delîquent and if itl Mande A. KMoult ie ionfinlîd fth[le tue da wItbrelatves. asn' paîd by lieceuiber nmee[ing he outse wîfb ealied case of t[le tifi. Mites Miss [flesTegger[ and Mrm. B. K. would pcoceed wi tftber action and Helen [ileeson isl filiiug lier poiio[uns [muers epent a few deys otiest weet wiîli force tlie paymcîît. '['lera liingDo tacher lun<lie iowvr grades. trefative@ and frieuid@ et Duindee, fnrttîlina)uinev nmeetng was closed in Mca. EsadoIc epent a iew daypv nill Carperitervills and Elgin. due ton, li er notliec, trs Her~tel, Sr., lest ceeu Lire. Burden an'd deugliter. France@. -,[)îut't torget <tie Columbia Tenneseans aiso touklth le lazear. te whcî have bren rpending tlie pes few etth[le ilaltist cdurci next Tueeda>' The Ladies 'ernon Ceuitery Society' weks witli ber aister, Mr@. Hudson eceuing. Nov. 9. Titis wili be tfl im fireld ilir liret annuel bautar et thie returned to f heir home lu Hamiltou, of a seriesu of higli eless entertaiamente fowu bail Tlîumdey of lest aet. A Cen., lest Frida>'. wliiehlais o lie held lu unr village [lits large eruwd atteuded iîî'îlithe supper Mca. W. Shiaw and ehidren, ot Roultc-wîuter uniier [lie management 01 the and selse. tany and bsautii!ul were tfus toler. *-peut Saturdsy lu unr viluage wîtu Century Lyceun Bureau of Chicag~o articles on [lissaie tables and ail [linge -ber pareis. Mr. and Mr. J. B. Turnhull. wer-hisi beingconîtucted by tlivcnergetic soîd et reaso)nabie prices. The societ>' r peuple o!ounr village [bat we mey have 1 wighem [o tliank ail wliu aided mauy a Henry Malînen, Jr.. éa ependiug [lie euterteinmeute that are wu rth wbule wayo e@epeiaiiy [lie anetioneer and clerk 't week witb relatives et Waukegan and and we trust [lie publie will eppreciate <o mate <lie bazear e uetus bot h bHigbwood. [hie rare uppurtunit>' and bc sure and i aciali>' and finencielly. Thle profits Wili Retid, of Chcago, epent Sunda>' attend the irai entertainmnent and YOu anun[vd to $136. The uext meeting with frlondsin u ur village andi vicinty. wiiiwent to attend the others without o! theasocief>' witl b.clield with Mca. S. ;tcging. Pris will bc adulte 50 cents, T ot.Nv 8 Mir. anud Lrs. Chas. Carsey and famiIy, children 35tcents or seaoons ticket& for T otNv 8 ot Highland Park, epent c few dsys uft<ns four entertainnenits adulte $1.5i0, I' iast week wîi tir. and lir. D. H. chiédren $100; tickets for sale et ail lie ROSECRANSI -e Murphy. business places lu town. _________________________ ________________________ Henry Aines bas mturned front bu@ Uponman egulrly nd ste; iownand eopl ofib is town wfil ave t ookcir siteaend sitesud goes on atllng Ill for anuther magistraLe. The>' canuot assiuit and batter>' becornes a iurtice get anotber man te ake Mamie!l The other day tlis sedentar>' bore %vas Kenrys place. Thece le nu man ln ln Lhe fuitlî'xeccise o! his fonctionus town who enu do t. Mc. eroui'>'the1 wben aoddeiul> fie officiai, chu Lad oni>' chie! wbo lias enfocced the lew been ecrutilulalua bîni clureel>'. erteil bore and now [bere le botter order knew ItI I1c-as aura o! III Cuîufoîuîî.i bore [lieu thore alis lieifor somde [bosoffice boy s, wltli <loir [clike onuitmin. strangers! Tliey've lieeîî utiiilg gluie 'Thee aie blind pige bure. We on youc chair îgslui. 1il. .liwie. Lnbiiiknow wbece [bey are, wc know clore a epouge auj a paullof! ater!" [i dtbe eptîdsufadalo ht pressintg iiit lt lits neiglit on t~ lie> epthi tîtadai !ta abonlîlers of is iti-tîn îu [cli îu:'î but ce cen't catch theor. As soon aru doc'i u l.ie mîuud, [)jiitcil'*i mi J a mtanm lasceu t e tis imbuildting te<esfleulruilu lii- .rr hutu -.iti i o' II i- n asu unmu'r o!fatutafll boys adhesive as M1uteortaîlil e 5'.if chut who go and gîta the alarîn and whctî Hors. Jîmmie. tnuiolaeu [is gentilemtanu ce auofliere ail C.cfinitis larrid no <liaf use uuuîgeL Ulm lbuse. boultJus spore te tiatmr, fe lue <Ib onL alrint or or fade. luTe fauitful nieceiigc'r '"Tle lac la sccu [laI [o convict oheys. taind Onhreti e otucmliî,n iacou- yoo ternir. get i hi licou! ccd liaîded and cludoul ti- <itiilutconducLa flic visitur t[Ils I slîmsile tu du. ffell yen to île dotur fimîmltitî hlm farea-elI. siltîth[at îou cant get atmantDirke ft <lie ceinnrk "lerluape you cent tlUnhic-mar8aal cluwill do [le [lîltîgi t [1s ry birne ai ilichange yourclcollîing. se1 Lie lias dont." won't ted> >'îu.<;oouîfiy. hlese >'uîif If Whon aîuked If te ii> or Liad gluon yuur ironce i-rmte splîuled, let nie tout enybsupotlth r dte sud L'l stolufitherîcofo!tieraout f i eo>bssuprtnIm-csae[e [he puy o!fluie lInfernatl acuondrel If 1 magitrate wouid fnot ancwcc but enu Sud onftsiho lic ces, and <o Liaf snîii-d. tank 1 cîilovofo aIl tlie energie o! Facuors Saloons. my lifefime and tlie wloI machiner>'-I atn in favor or saloonst If [bey of tlie govemmient. Goodh>'! The are ceguiated righli' ndt If ce bail ocoundreif i thonglit tor sevecel deys [heni under proîter regutation I coutd potenht f iceetivse eometbiug wcong. Doet Lie uîpoaned fu <hem as i1eut." saad Hie frienî gîtes lietshle visions e! yautb. ocrer [o retnrn.-Argonaut. [le magistratse 'Now, as it is, [lie _____________tOo dota net gel an>' mont>' and ftl A Lecturer's Amusing Exparience. tle wocklîîg mien geLs la îuooc whla- t wae v an nlelture wi<li tle afd ke>'. f Ihinli [bat [lie mile and an of a isutecn, sai) Mc. ]<ferry Furulse. elgbthlî aw Il;ont o! the lîîst lea and 1 wae ahîuwing sense portraits uf that [hie plaeoblas ever Liad. The Mir. Glaîdstonmel in>' cetalument, blind piggecs arteisu fIat we centaet "The iiuîinu-s of Paclilament." 1 cas teiingmy ndenu usI pined o Ltewa>'a catch [hem, bîtt occaiiooal>' pileure oDnIfiegecreen <bat one me- [hie>'maie llundece antdl e fine [iern ment Leltuoks 111< titis and et anoLlier beavil>'. Tire trouble with tht law la lie locsta liete lat, 'a-bn there was a [het It iii su vtry uifliettit te get tlie greait fmnctlof hluglîer. prou!." 1 umuiimu< tut speat aliout Gled- Wheîî thoeceeporter cas taîkîng [o aLnes lliiiitg ye and noble brow, Chie! Konry thl itayor entered the and 1»' tile uie 1 mentlorred sons. co tlilng abotut LIe uitine nusesmy cmli. ro nd joinod ln [lit conversation. once su'eiii'd fui lie lu bysterîe. Mayor Prslsea Kenry. Thintlg <tnt b>'saune mtschence "I wen[ yen [o se>' thet [lie pros- tbe wcoîîg lirure was belng f hrown ont macehllIo5 [le beet une [bat [lie on [thenecrf-en. 1 furned round and was towq lies ever lied," lie eald. "Mc. et fret horrifled to ses a gigen<ic fl>' Keni-> la gettingaleong ln yeare. andI apperently waiting about on tlie nome a noce trenuons man shonid bliel. of the Grand Ohd Meu.t . Mc. Eencv lias made a good man." Tt cppeared ibat the fi>'hiad got io Temao asto -kdwh a the tentern, lied beeaucuglitbetweul Ttmyr c hnaae b thé Ileres and was beibg magneid a <o succesd [lie present maraliel. bundredfold on to the e cre.-ondon "We dont want liim to go and I lit-Bito, have umade no plans for bits succesar, for mY>' eaignation and I told hlm [bat I would not gîve if to hlm as it would lie up te hlm [n expiaIn [o [ho conneul. "Severai weeks ego I1[01<1 [le mayor LIat I knew o! two bliud pige whlch i liad pienued ta capture. I w"c<oid net tueliotler [hem as lic aim ilat lie lied two men watchlug t[liu1 con- lîniied [o prosecute [lielilas. Ten daits beforo 1 waesîtpoken Lu b>' [le oîayoc 1 heard on [lie etreef Ibat 1 caK lu lii asked te curcender my pouet. IL E'lMori'. furnir nîar'.f inti d ie r tti' W.illiIami Il ogîn adiis mtrationîî ha'. fîti-tua îîoun i -< L rt tie i'thii, f c imîiud chl ef. Blind Pig Report. Th-re las beco a reporut [luit i wr mu-ýw hulnd tigs bave upencud. One ut lt e c ald Lute c ar fthe Nortbwes[ ecii depot andthd[e ufler Is cuppoaed teob linatt old llace. The dry pupolte say that tlie two por cent par- lors are doing an cîtornion bouess aîîd wccu sonte une conta in wifli tLe proper combinat Ion [lie>' are givon [le 01<1 faabluîîcd 'tudwciser" Instead ot the parler social drink. Miayor Soverson nuakea [lue !ottow; Ing sta<cment- 'R. E. Moore bas licou appointed cbief and I thlnk [bat I lave a mant as elle! cho wili make It ver>' unconi- fociebte for the bltind pige in [hic con- mutnît>'. Ris going ID office willt net et!cc[ our werface ou [he tiquior [ce!- fle.1 Hi. Imrcptant Service. An otutiitllying'etuoa lea foc e fIlm) as f hiit o!f5a ua lIlLi lieru iani. mneîtiîîrîed I>' Mc. JoIn Augu-stuts O'Siiia luit '[iidîî uiuft tecoliectlons.u Thc aulhmîr vs tîravellug ln Icclattd. i druive i itetote station on fhs falo ch mlantcue mi! ciitmhiîg flic Irain te Dubîlitn.bci 1 gut ont o!flihecaeuhnt theî station nu [ri-gît fiucod boy accosfcd ne. "Alit. mur'ý. stc. you'vc joat ntisaed [lie relu," lui tuu Iftis îtc Ie.1booke<1 ny inggage and ais-crtîhutu-mlwlen thet noxt train would ]u,-lc' illI e1 awaling <lie lad came ni)u it) me and aeked ne for a tip. "Wliat fio; Iaskeil. ~Sure. ai- tuld yoo <liai YOD wer toc, lete." h, i'bfusblngly respondsd, IGIM WOOD MARMIAL Iin1ade the suggetiasi for a change as I thouht thatlhe wauld n« ecae ffi RCID 10 RÉSIGN ta bold the oU11ce through the long wln. Police Magistrats John Moyers aîso The marshail nterrupted the cou. Hands in His Rasignation ta the VOratOfl and salit. "Y«a, 1 am wiliing In Gavernor. Statemente Made by Both to go. There are just as many mon al] Rstiring Officiais. wbo can MIl [le place as 1 can,' 27 The niqyof said, "No anseeu taesit Today Hlgliwood lea[the seat of as your place and 1 want you [o stay." 10 much dissotion a.nd argument as It For severai minutes thie townoMarnet was In the mayoralty campaign of leist ciel argued wlth the chie! and triea itt spring. The cause of the rancor I n t bave hlm retaîn lits oilice. The te the heartsofo the Hlgliwood citizens la only answer was, "Il quit at 12 o'clock Pl the resignatlon or tlie enforced dis- toig t"Ca charge of Marsai Kenry and the Gossip of City. L resiguat ion of Poli ee Mlaglat rate John Wbet le behind the move? Nleycrs, wblch wlll lie sent to tlie gov. This la 0ne of [lie topics under dis-rr ernor todey. cuilsion. What wiii jth[le poiicy un- hg The iaw enforcement faction sey <der tha .'tlew Chiet of police? Who 0O [bat the marsael was forced to reslgn wil heolie? s because lielias made the Ilighwood Friends of %leyer sei' tha[ termesdl climate uncomifortahle for blind plg- have' heen made wlthtbhe wet tac- 91 gers. Mayor John Severson stetea that lion. They essert [bat a man wililie t [lie narehal la reslgning on account of appiointed wlio wiil wink eit the biind a' bis ae and Insiste f bat he remein figera and let the town resume liLs oid lu charge of the police department of gior>'. thie village. Kenry Hurt? John Mieyers, police magstrate, and If la evident, frlends aBsert, b>' Mr. other friends uf the depuaed miarshai Kenrys actions [bat he le very mucli ail se>' thet their favorite has nut re- hurt [bat he sliould be aled o re- signed on account of is age, but that sigra on accoulit of hie age.Wbsna lie beard Il told ou the streets LeD ftle reporter left to get un the train days before he waa spoken to by the hie sald, "I weîît you to aay [bat I have t village Mtayor. no hord feelings egeinet the mayor. t 1 .Marshall Kenry, who is 83 yeers oid mekea une feel liel [o think <bat oneb but doe not look hie ege b>' îwen[y le gettlng [ou 01<1. Wben they ailed years, wl Isey nothIng on the topic of nie lu take the position the>' aronsed his suppoeed resîgnatlon. nie et midnight and it was e week bc- The maishl al "l4ghhwuod la [lie fore 1 couid consent Lu Lake 11.1 aDi touglicat own In the ['nlLcd States. ready [o quît." t ihl k hat f have maintained urdert here. 1 have dune nothlng to be Hlgliwood Is stlcced uli by tflicri eslaiaed of. Since belng [nid four forced or necesser>' resignatione of days aIlby thelieayor [bat I1aliould Marshai Kernry sud Police NlagIstrate take e ceet for [lie wintec I have Nlcyere. Ail sorte of repotrte are ite. received severat uffere of positions. A Onieleprt 18 [bat a wet fman wes plosition of buokkeeper lias been of- ovocheard Iu tell[te malor bat the fered me b>' [le Erskine bank et High-- merebel would have 10 go, These ru- land Park but 1 shahl stay aL home niors and others whtcb are îirivalent rwith niy fil have aflrred up the, town to a îîltch What Keny Says.chiIL bas nut seexi since the elec- F Turnling lu eabondieof paliers ou ion of this spring. V lie table lie remerkcd: "Flece are Il AnnUler Version. receipta for ever>' cent [bat I have Antbreptwhc wa ec acoliec[ed for [lie City. Thece lea r>'wee ibat Lbe ceai reasun for the furced ecommission-someone else can bave it esignetion of [lie maril wa[bat If [ie>' want Lu. I quit [bis place eit hise cies were potir and lie waas Dot Il 'cl,,ck tuniglit Mayor Seversun li.asbele tpread the Imeters 11kve sliuuld, agked me fo ste>' but 1 eam going. 1 10onday evenlng ex Nieralal George bave no bard feelings againat the man. Kenry gave <lie SUN an exclusive In aWe part as friende. Some one sise terview on [lie strife wbich le nuw lias as mucli riglit [nlits I have . 1rampehn I havgliwuod bdý d -want you [o understand [bat 1 bave "IlnkIbvbenoied Iu Ino bard feeltings agaînat hlmn and lie nut went [o accuse sny one but after sure and so atate in yonr peper titis1 know chat la wlie[ 1 am golrîg <o fact and moite it plain. 1 bave no figlit." ystatement Lu give out un the subJect. "Do you thlik [bat the onaylr old Continuing lits telk hlsi:"In hlmeel! out [o tlie wet ccowd"' was y1872 1 was sheriff of Comanclie county akd B- on the Rio Grande and 1 wlll eay that -Now, i do Dot ciihti accuse eny eat <lie ime i wais sheriff it was oneune, and I wlll nul sa> anything fliat of [he [nughest counties in [lie etate. 1 am flot sure of.1 will tfell >'ou tlie Whlle 1 was sheriff 1 neyer killed e story. man, I neyer sbot a man. but wlien1 "On October 27 [lie Mayor came f0 lef t Conianche count>' was quiet as a m n l ta a etn l chuirl antd un> eyes were ge[ting pour and What Magistrate Sayî. iliat lie thouglit ilied better take e Police Magistrale John ?-ileyer salli: reet. gl " Tomurruw 1 am going [o send in My Wtahn lkta 1cudo 's resignation Lu [lie guvernur ald the nouthing more [ban accedle [o bis re ldlwne f h. o. i , hv t . tîneIl . This niurning b leskeinie Sehool children should eat ' Quaker Oats at least twice a day Aualtd chIl l b. Fall7 in ucag., LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWING MACHINE MAN )BITUARV 0rfhMRS.- SJ!P1EN PAYNE Cliriatianna Pollock Payne was bora i Paisley, Scotland, December 1, 1824 and disd ln Medford, Wis.. Octolier 27, 11)09. She wes [lie fourth cbuld of Robert and Elizabeth Kennedy Pol- ock and one of a famliy of elevea lildren. Wltli ber parents site came <Lite United States, ln 1828. For a 1eW years <lie fenIl>'lived ln Carlisle, 'a., sud Canton, Mass., but later lie came Pioneera, locaténg oser Miliburu, Lake county, Illinois, ln 1839. -November 24, 1843, sie was mer- led fu Siephen E,. Paynie, andI tàl her huesbeude deetl inli1881, e perio4 of fort>' Years, elie reslîled liitIlie town- ship of Fremoant 0f the 'seven chîl- cren barn ta ber Mca flarlen M. Os- .0ond atone survives. Witb [bIs daugh. ter seblas livi <1ln recent years and ai lier bonis, lIn Medrord, Wls. ,Mre. Payne peeeed away. 0f ber oLlier chil- cren tliree dled ln lnfancy. L.lzzls deîîertcd [bis life met as 'ehe baad reaeîlYuing wormanhood Jul- Us. wlfe O! Rev W B.fD. Gray, and Nellie, wlfeoforJohni tnydei, îiesaeit a>'y More recelîiti>' Of Mrs. Payeyîîs lrothers aAd as-s ters aIl] have fîassed on1 excelît one brother, lion. Jantes Pollocik o!Mill- bupn. Anotlier lirother, thlfate Capt. Joîhn K. Pollock, andi a sîster, Mrm. A iio A. oiid r"> . will iii' rnerberî'ît by> niani>' abr îî'd this sketch Mis. Payne- cas a woiîiîiiorfrace» îiualltles o!fleart and iiîîind. In thei Lr>iîîg lîuneer daymsiee ore the pi vations cheerfuillyeand over bal wurds oif eincouragenment for tioi' about ber She cas e me[itîtr o!flie lirait chnrcb orgtiîl,.d iilil te î'ounty, and ail flirougli the yesrx was a devoted, coo- Elsteuit, cheerfîj lirfaîlein woman, i.ifi lrouglit tri li<r nîsny orruws alod îlot a ef-w isappcîlntmenls, but fbcoîîglî fleni ailtsie kepf <lie faith, For Homne nîuîis if wasteapparenit fuel lier phyaicel liealth was lireeklng. but lier nîlnd andiemnory seemed unIon- Paiced. For [cu ceeks only was fihe In a croditionî aptiroecliing belpss. neas No cesiocitif dîsease W"s mani- fret but nid agit crep[ un epece and lifes machiner>' eImply cuti down. Thé end came palnilestily and she wcs gone lu tlie land cheresas many of hec l0yed unes wecc. welilng f0 welcoma ber. Tlie cenaine o! Mcra.Payne werii brouglit [n Ivaniiot for Internent, c large concourse of nid tins friende and neiglibors gatliecing at <lie Fro- rmout Congre-gat lune! lcucl, wbere futnerai services. conducted by <lie Re. Nlc. Henna' wece held on Satur- day aftecnoon, October 30. 1909. Racel>' las une beon mure univer- sal>' beloved by <boss who knew ber Ilien lu flic catie o! Mca .Clittianna Pollock Payne, WARREN The' luruse W. C. T. U i wll inuet witi Mcc. Ada Wiimocv. Wedneeday [are- nooîîî, Nov.I 10. l'iîiic dinnerý Tueý Warren 'enietecy Assoiciation will iîîîd Colonial vis-lai and New Enwlenîl mupuveraît (lurneehlt, Fride>' evening, Nov. ll9thi.Ltnbeca are reî1ueeied tii drefsin old titîte et' le. l'verybody us îuî itffl [ta attend. lf.snieîîier flue riafi 'T'he inarriage ofi L. Il. Poitsc and Mieso Cynthiae Barrie uu-i'urred et Lie homte of Mr. and LIre. tC. H. Lambi, Wedncmday, Fvenung. <4it. 27. lIer. %iiGinniâ ollici- icting Tîte yuîng r'iupie ivft un a tata trait)[lie saine evenilug fic e vixit Lii Nietropolis '[Tie iieet asIes ut ail go a-ili fiien. TiîeY wîiliresile et th" Piif er terni (jurniee A ltlle d augitpr %-as boii îtrecenl ta < Mîr. and MLic. I-nud P411)timetthe (i T ViH sehom te a litre Ni cH. l'le 11s.lis lst t liliit d.hI'liiifiil lii,. ii., ia t t h., sliotu r givîli at t L lihhome'îiforicMise Harris Tie W. C. T. Vii lot iti Mca. andl Mise Siiepard, Stitiirdaàv tinn. A ver>' exiloyahiie da «y wanis s<s'[ îîd a lîiipt i'i'elenî t i rigrani gi veti. Cîînt>' Supft. oflt hprt ir's iteef inig. cem. ti<l 'W'.'ct anit Mi-GYinnie u'iî-iuiig the exer- <'la»s. The regular nîeetitnge stýil nue b ield in[the furenîîîîr untîl fuctiier noticee George F-vert liay, Grain, Goal and Feed Rondout, Illinois BUYS BALED HAY For carl3ad qhipments il il