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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CQUNTY INEPENDENT WAUKEGANWEKYSUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 7 Two Parts LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, NOVEM13ER 12, 1II.1 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA.NCE. CASES TRIED IN tlt-ait geity and waas entenced te . Ic4yq ln JlItand flned $5. CIRCUIT COURT 5i5J91< lltrsr case te corne up on the - crinîetcat docket wil ho the People Circuit Court Jury.Returns Verdict of Js.Albert Ggchwlni of Hihlhand Park $2.500 ln Favor of Mr&. Jopp Whosefoaeinis cmealedan th Humbnd Mt OsI- nRunaay îeailii'otf Morris Ciaco wîîî tolluw, After He Had Obtalned Drink in -c(rîfeelal case's for trial cati cum- Fairbalrn Fortune Bras.' Building- oce'cineg Nov, 8, 19o9: Other Court News. tînueti. vii.e'îco sSaine Bale.et al. con- The case uofliric-l i-t %4 e. iw î tinued. Scbaringbausei. bielle ortIes reidicce'49--Plteie'ccAlbert Grbahwiek saear Highland 'airk,. att heard ln the 2-- Peole v.a,'Maurice Sisco. circuit court T'ltee .taY oic irIuîeec The 13M-Pfletvos.John te'oacowski. piaintiff ali-gr, tfitaIlie îurcbased al2g l'e'uîleý vs. Sylvester Go rksi. et ai. quantit), ftc ,f ront9îeecuithe eleendat31 Peuple vs, Josse jodson. and that let'eî hbad lt baied it dlii jitl)Peuple vs, ease t9odson. flot a. igli a'. îeice" atlire' actount ho Gi-Peopie yvs.Frank Love, lied îald foil Attorneey fiatluof1-1gb- 33 Peutite Vt, Sain Baic et ai..cone ]and Park. ce'r.'sects Gloser, anud ý51 Peuple' vs. Chartes Sanson, et ai. Scharinghaiiei,ii la re'lesc'nted by At- The case otf Dodge vs. Judge & torneyt'. T, iIe'9îeckor. Parker 0-ent tutheo jury aI Il orclons In the' case' of Fre'd Pettîclair vs. lhIsa nrcing and at 2:1., this aller Willianm Sebuceaker, bulh ut Wauke- inon a te'rdict hat flot yet beec re' gan, file' Jitýii e îdered oac er<ict Ter 1Ilecrned1 $25 ielieue uortlire litalohiff The The stati- case agatoat Abert Go1 aflouit os clege o b h.due' for tice sehilnk rharge'îi wh commcitiiîg a repaire ie' tifa hoIIiî ai- wliil lîy Sc hiî n crii' agai st ciatiure, Oas stelsrled aI maiele'î A motion101 foiia ie' a.trial w.ai, lifcit'a f eii ' e rocîîîe'i l 10 cf lice' Dudgît entei t h r (lie A e-ei iin ec i i i h efleilacîl tiit iceteitliOtIte coîiirciiel icy ws bi, ghtigilic iitht' casg- ufScbrue' t ldgP Xi ciKit tic inoeeîrîeng agali.st der s WIlll iesc Attorcne Airthur \ i iiliiFit' ofi Hir. ce icghltanid tiltkii-e t'\viici t ce' illtets. tht' t'rik. i"irii ig 1111l tronet elitr)iiosîgc o delenntîîî St riiî'tiîol .a sastine'te cfeotlui iida enccunifraîce eipon $327 c cgoaIle-gid t, Ie' rdii'froue Cth.,- teoilcîtl owre ech%?thiInself I Sud Wil lid e tît cas a e gar imanuufaiceue ri if.- ciiil a lu rte ýor o nir ofc oulrtI Anna Kilue' celicciI arle'.s V ' ciThie' iroeet% lariel in akî- lîlci crus utf "îx tak.' 111.ad gciltC 19 caiand ili Ighla ndl'ai k. âtal Utti rrf t iti cee c ' ic idte cr i e I n h arie-'. tan iarh a ,Sa c ti eCle'y 0 0 t and a. 'c ' l e ci IC:;i ti.ltrh.ii' ch as taid si b0il th a. hOu, o tee' d ictee for l A lcteei 1011forCthet' ucai e'ofuth ibi .î biere'te ne'andeIr -n%', O re is'rmittlid Of Mtathiliia Pihe'ha', Ic i-ciued icn ihe- t1 o litOO1guilty tel a charge of pelto count> cotent f Alfre'd CfBoun.The- sultiofuthlce lut.- iltel landinget - ai MionCe le c la.'. uetu ii et tanrtenleaete by Wclur A liardingîr, The jury ln tht' daceage rase ut Joîîp %'F. "lrbliii retucrn-cia tverdict lni tarur etCfCera.Patrla Jopetsfon $2.500 nt tii,' cuing eofcourt onccTiursday. Attornoy.9s K. V. Orvis and Jobn D. Pope ncttncsent.-t 'tns . opp ici ber iglîtto rceîte thie' calotiateepor. Pain bru, utf\'Nth e'htnegiî, wooIt sas ai- ieged solcd hi-r husband the liquor whlcb madle hlm drunlu, pay damages 10 theo odosu tur the, logoaootlite wours reaultetttnM ion ici- cîaî's ean, non awey, rPsiiting in bhs8itteith. A billtobuQuiet tille haie heen iied ln the circuit cuurt lie'Attorneysa Bey- docker anti Parmaîno. repres enti ng iJohn \'ccilofutWauieogsn vs.C'Mar lin Andersnosud olfioro ohilghwood A new 'Irhil ia,be-en granted ho bic fanions borse vase of Scott va. FautC non. A motion ton a niss triai bas beecu ov.errtitd ln the satlofutJoicuson Smuith and cuetpane' agaluot 'trs, A V, Gi-ahane, outhlie North Siconu3 Inn. TrialCati. Tica triaial ccmmnclug Noe 8 fur crimîîeat cases toiows. ,53 Peu1le ta. Sain Baihe, et ah, c(oie titued lu i)creliiaer ternu 54-Peul ist Sain Bain. et ai. coietiue mced ho Decîcceflen terni. 411 Peuhie vetAlbert Gsarfiulcî 26 5Peuile vs, lalurice. Sisco. 30--Peujule vs. Julete igeatowsth. 28-Peuicie tasS3> le sIe-n Gorsi, et aii 31 Peohle vtSc Jesac )udsoo, i0-t'ettle' %ScJesse tiodoi 61 PeupitiNc S. Frnuk love. 51-Peuple ts, Charles Sansuon, ct ah. 33-Peotle va. Iti9tieocd Lauto 34-Pentue vta lijliai- Harju. G-Peupleva Frankc Basteen 35-Peuple vs. ite Petronia et ai 66-Peo1ste vs. AntuteilB.Shatus. 57-Peuple vs. Antote I. Shattus. 58-People vs. ActoiriB.Sicatees. 52-Peuple vs. Genoud Bort, et ai 36-PeoPie vs. Wiiamî Lurtsooît 59-Peuple vs, Mangaref Hudson. et ai 8-Peuple va. H. D. Weliune. 12 Peuple vs. Jamces Br-own. 13 Poopie vs. Fred Endentho. New Suite ln Circuit Court. Chicago Titie & Trust cumpanyet c ai vs. Sarahi Cascelleti fai, ciancere' btl1toneciose. William W. Evenias'vs.Elicert Oh ney, ciaucere' bil10 foroctose. Grttlofi F. Boîz 'vs. John R. Betz et aI., cleancene'bilt ton partition. The case- of )odgce'vs. iludge & Parker ceas heaitl ilite circit court Ilocday afte'e'toecu. Uctone the hoaring ufthIis nase ceas neoucmod, the tbnee Lifitî ille' hUyO a-ho sueno tndicted for nalilioues oitthief sueno brougicf betone' Clii-coure. Eau ptead guille'i and wercnu Oued $25 eseh fie Judee -.Wrighbt.Those. fOued. wera Gerald Bock, Loyd Willams and Williamt &IIenian. ltending e'ood iebavior theE Judge suspendeS Ibeir fines.i Jesse foSson ie. idcted for tairoe'y and burgiare' thce aiioged teftt bavIug1 be8en COMmitfed at ZMon City, aisu laefene'anti senObiCe tuspiencdee lue:.1cde Wnighi t The e oecîug mon ocre' e-ange'd ith ostaine' relgit frontlice îS. Paul rahînoad sî Rondoul ROB WARDROBE Of SOCIETY WOMAN Lake Bluff Woman Saud ho Have Dis- cuvered thât $2,017 in Purs lu Miss- lng in Form Éf Two Trunka-No Clue 10 Robberm So Norths Shore Weon iAppeale lu Chlefs of Police -Along North Sisore. etl, 'Ot it.t.....,. c------ an fa i-o INSPECTOR VISITS COU NTY SCIIOOLS Thse Saugaleici Schoi North of Libertyville tise Ont>. One Visiled thai wass p to the Requirements. Many Schoots Poorly Arranged and Badly Ventilated. 1' G. Iltîfnace. assistant superin- tendent of tice'Ilinois Detartment ut Publie Iii8ti cîtluu under Franîcis G. Blair, tale sicterioîeodent. bas vtsited sIixteoe tcf the oloety-îwu achools in Lake counîy saci bas many intereat, elg tbicîgs tu say ut conditions ut the unet noum country scicuols. Ou£Iouthebosixteen unie' une suas able lu ceosa lie nnqulnt'd Instruct.ionî and as a resecult ofassiog the require- mots ouIlho giveo a dutlomnaof menit. What Dîploma Means. Tice state dîtluluauleans that thce ochuol oil re-ce-Ice copies ofothte butte tins issiced h9 fle sîte hubard as wel as those ssue'd b v lich.stteucelver- w119 't'eae i'fi( e seefaicle andea sî ify Tee a.c' etirieuclu ae and de'grce' Countys Model School. Tht' teodîýl .ch ootl ieLake' rulle 9 1' tht' Saiic ice cek i ho IîîOrtîl tf 1, h -dc ill Tteai te r foi tris c' ihot i-4 NClisNi-tuel'hiliîîeo The' dîrecloro for the' ,ich-ooltaettIl F.Thomas, 'il Ilie le'filîelok andi AI Aean Tbe grecintds are' coud. the bouse ercelent, tt' îîîîîeîucc,-itîand tirnisbengs gooci lie thé ogaeiizahoralof clelas's'e s ud tho iiec'llieiifci îîtîrelti tlegucd. amiethe CacePr excellent. The ochesci noorie s blci oie Cc modol plt)î as requinod b hebc cepart- omentlof public hinstructionu Ticere es a roocîî hn the basement sud tee'out- bouses sud librare' are up lu tthe re- qairefeouloofuthIe atate huard. Spaldlngs' Corners Rapped. The scboot at Spstdiogs'orner ls 100 mites trom tbe business district Ito condition us une Ibat cao not ho Ivery wla-otaîîroved ot. The builidng la '22 1039foot Il i, eated with a beater Sec leot acuies. ptacod Ini the renter ut the room. The beater la th iat uod icoat a room tour limtes1 lthe size. As a usuai thing the beaters 1anPeOqipte'd wilic sentilatora but ati Air Sco i t tt uauti. oîue'e c e. 0,us adnsVre uhi o h ae d icrpetblon of thît ('rafiTree-cdat-inbit a sînail ite1,tonte' chicdren arel rui,. doncof iLake Bleif., bas finen coolieS. oihbnue a possible cicance for Obfiecud ut $2,1lcu o Crs. bath gotona ventilation. Tic nuom la not as dean a-nd oticer wa. cone' îstaret The tiîo on lbi'ee bahae'estped Thce iln<iniî of hUe iing ut a muff cwt stte o toriieoff 'itucuday mue- ïilue' oas tUe Orsi ktsowtcdge Cers. Dur- j land hact cf bt-n luso. Fils ted lu an lo Invstigatione aed ai, a rt-suit sice fouod ticat twu teuceki, wticc l'adlcootainecl lier nxticnsie e e'aring Otîparet 0-ore c 'tne She inedIat'19 eitiflt'd tice pIlite- of thte nont h sicue e nsîChiii rage lielua' s a noue ufthlc 1sf ohicte '-te'se-icIc i e anus s h ecte aI po- tiunttig gui-eu ciutîitluth (citI ee hc rest- llec'-eaille Rotetta salut'. vain,, :iiu Ht , I. euîeff aud lu c i f tt I il-.cie scîluhi Ie7. lIreaul taiti-ti ,titc i cr i eîccf andi ticlel- 4100 Aistreakhuan roai, bacet ui! t 2,,Q Bilie salies goal, . .. 11 ..... 150 Red rope dness .......c Pink ck oiet gocen. .... ..175 Pîlink seuldc'.ille strtut-utSilli gowo 100 Fuir leutti party scues ....... 7 Feou' silficpeliecoafs, geen, bine îîlnk elet Iblach' - . -- 1 '_ Vet-t Caci a, et leiro car unier- oie.u icte . - -3 Tutti .. . .. .. . .. .$2.107 tl.wardcc if rel ce 'ed tu 'tIrs. Scf, May Eolend Canal. ITeh u..e luu'eniigcgnonemitIe utoCte souuetaeeiitrict oie 'toudse'recel'.ed a c-ci' ocefi'cuiteCli eut Ecgiteper Ge'ore'd. oV. n the liipiroic'sced sosuor frno Gleunci- tue ci Pointmet tof Keeiitoortc and toCotîue 0lii' liCo f lice Ailmette eiseinfc-i and i i i tltliecios suer d St a ttîeCtilig cil110i lueIestees souri Thcect e -ilc-Iaîuceiis bu suive thc druluecgu îcrcerilîe ofeutthe roitic store towtis. If teeploues an'. adopfed work wallîbocomnauceed at once. 'Fie tunnel, antcri eîe t 0sPenifications, suit fie liptiecal ie shape, fiee hy six toot, si-c miles'.lieue'.and a-lt cost $250.000. tVte btee C Cl 'iwewer soili suIve bthe noiticshore-drinitae-pi-oltem," salit CicaîrnnitClark ofthlie engineer- ing cummitîcee, "aud Ilfiehe tr-ustees deonde lu bacve It consinnctod, wbicb I beileve tlsey wult. -4t meano 1fucb for all north shore towns." as megbî fie. Mtee Hoilman sae'a, sud tie tact tical lic eueIs O'iliouf 'rventlation ha uneof liehesuns as- shged.Hoo a esîheer esn suont ecc don theuce condditions and phnuero n- soies are Questions luefie snswcred h9 thce people oC tic,' districtf MnirHoffuiao 50aslicat etithout ven t iltionueeor înotuenlIighî sud soalcog tacilhitles ut IhoImpssibleifo tonhesccol- ans lu base hue'b standard of ochotan- sici p Otiser Buildings. The c utdetuon ecfilueonticouses ini a ecueuci ofuthttcscicoots ehouted could tue greale'inprovc-d luet outhtie six, Cettei coots six tif Chenu bad double cethocuses as Is i-equenedsud fon baS icone widcie se'parsted. Four outhlie >.lsx ane oui> separated te a li partI- lion sud o lb lice hales eut tri tcem they ue're eflot rondeeciis t 1 e heist infleuenes.sinail of thîco thce vault Is -not sspsrated fi9 a partition. The itwo nemainine' are oule' tees fot apani isuich r tacthcally fouks thenas fiaS as ttc ot1em four. W ater Buckets. Attuocie'the man9 0cllerfing ehu- breS lu te as the- o sen flucket witc lice oid tasicluned duhupen This dippen matec disoases vere-nastily spnead. A ater cao suha taucet ho recons metuded be' lie dopari-ut-t. Paper 100 ris are recommeoded In proton- î'ee 1teliceordinore'boa et, as tbee' are înuîî'l nore sanitare. The Ltbraries. liesieclue ItotfmansaiS. 'iViie ail oC lice scioots havo s sufficbeutfnm- fier uof boots, Iflee are as a subohe teueeh Cccii ut for lice sehccians and I wouhd recommneud lhst fbooks mfore aniîed Iiticteir 9-eas fe iaaîatted. t bote fomuud eîs ca-bhoteenculuehe fou many oh theotisluAlger boots. The booktia tett huieii ouhd fie flealare ticosen' h lice htgiven cuuli byîhe t nets Poîclis' Reading Cil'd Two Linied Up. 'The lieue ailer schools hichfi alt sotte ie Cciable te neele a dhtulones are lice Siicci anlneceni caiehue, andi 'Rmge -'.schooilune-au lh'eaod Panti. Lake Counity Has Poor Schools? "Fiecondlion ofuthlb'., ountry' scbuols tee Lofe roule' compare vere' murf hîi titoseofutKane counle', as the ave-rage satane' Inlice alxteen arboots vislted bore 10 about $42 a montb - The average satary îeaid 1-LRO K D A -KR Sangamon coccnty la troue $70 to $7 3 R O ,..1ANK a montb. Logan couneîcl9 ci'.stCauds vry bigb as tbe aver age wagc c'.$70 7aod ils blgbesî. pricecîite h(hrgots une buodred and Ibre e'llariic ler montic. 1 o-lItsay as a relIt' iecI cic districts wblic hac' Clii. iigih'st prIced achools as s riele' iaîet' oo !ears of tclgh scicoot wok nfilntîed lu MAY (Ui i FEE Claim ls That Notes -n i- FPoriMa- ture Soon and Thiat $'(Y Ns PlIenty of Assets to Meet Obeigaliores-As- sertion la That He Sîmply Higi- Financed Way enta JsiI and People Are Dcsposed to Forgcve and Forget gcit li tiiitinal C telit I ii c l. ict t j eue a le nceC- ic it îIl I 1ie il 1r tiice Il l cc 'I', l'ii d etc lIeu. l t ;ic celi- f -tl d c il i t t lî -tîci i 1 d Pt 1r a Sctteed. MYSTERIOUS St1OT INJURESBRAkEMeN A L. Jackson Interrupts Suspect». Cutlung Train un Two and le Delib-. cnatede' Shotahi., Sustaining Wound in NeaS-Taken ho Libertyvilie and Later Sent la Miwaukee, Where He Residea. ticir course ut tutte'-astre Mnay Ctre 10 iescue. 1c tic lt . I ciel îîîîîe " In my eXperience I lise efournd tirait piccehe l t i lceg 0il, coitt ;( l letthot 1 icîi del iieiiceet A. L. tice cumontieswbicicare sîttloîtand AcîbîîîeSbeîikeciiý.Ltiîî i i t c il 'i guc-ci i li e ..li lo I t'Cicag'o.e'ilwaukee are icumogeneotîs In tbeir le ccnt a-cs aIbIs oe',ki' hiscI ý il i i '.îîc culti iii' iidcce cele.iit.l.~ lii i . e lecel ilicOce it aiRouîndI 1ke o-bore there isa a groator forecie popu- joli for tbe' fieetCh cct e tiiý i i c hi e iý T)t tlt j< e >tie î ec . iiiii.. ch,îeeîîîîg l.îtwlot'îî 12 sud t c'ule bave iuuchb ebtter sc tu tti Ian saw a rift otf '.icishiiii. ccc i) ' c- lii t e tc) , t .i. l't l)i, Icw Ieil iii i c' ai'..se l , ci th tee c.irt îef an ltin. Youu slîl ind go00et Cocutry clecudo Ibat biclehoce rt c jici -e ii'tr i e t. c dctcit ti,, I;o ti e î Cet t itd iîcclcîic ri, cet ce 'agoo. scicols suiere you tid tii ouitry' toilces. .I; c ~ t h-e 1e',îîîî i c el c ie - ti ý 11 grilcc jii] i iue' tht' adiug ta f ac so o-bore cburcbes are o-cil altexeed 1 The lruth is o tîhlit ccîinîîiîî ii iitc*ý I , ,i letl", e'il I.-.Ilu t c , t. t V l uc-min- fhe ii lai'g t l le f ackore expert tiratout of the sixlee'îisettools o5ud tic tic'. l hceotîii h tîir iu i tý l .- t ucefli l 1,, cclIt i, ciiii ticri iety il eue suhlic i bave Inapected te'o oil i e' 0000 a bant'aartt 0010e' anduit Ceocli i lc tilCcicIli(clu'ecoccll t Ifthi, Ias ce cedbotRon Lk I b able lu recelve the diptomna oftapint uehosurtîrlol e lascle efinanecicerdciii' e i -IdIIaI ht iiltîicic as lie i..iurleof a wagon and twu men, but beltre a year la over 't reieased lrom tls colt and gis en lice' OutIIji ec thi- t-t-icenete ciiott " -î,,1 Fcx.li C chail I gîtete 1 te i l dt a ttor H igis Taxes. chance lu atraigîcten out is utfalrs n ll e e heic i e ti t os.uit ip t ' leue t fiIleti lite' )t i t ce- One outheIbinteresline' hingea PorsOn Ntt ApaThe-rcili nuci lle it ocil,,-flt Fired -St lDelibec'ately. hrougbt out Iu tbe Intervi0eewasc beNtho ear.tr ilin lait oniith ic' , ci iciteui a c'. ectchîne' lu lhe yards tact tbrait lu ait utthce districts sherc Ttc repourttirait gaineet soe creod it Zciihilu take cit-ie ontre side ot tec sehucta are gond Itilsiia srolle'thal aic' e'. ic ic e effort that Shititi x 'utain1 iccltîodutEI o bhi- enoticed lb'.- îevariabty bave sh l l(jticouac osîrs a lic are' iiîcthri i t lir-îc LECTRICIA'N 15 a et ce'uîe -e al cet-c eut-e. 'celtbout a sceves tu ho taxerd to the iiileecel hat ce', iaed teose nlatuco aegeaeetes -3 INSTANTLY KILLED O c Oi i.icite euer- Ileice 0oto e bey migbî bat-e btter serlti T he-i i l i tli ntot iclets r Ct i'hini il](Clii e cistic-cl fit . e niiilins Icemean embout near Libenbyxilie tis:oc--vr er'olie s c' 'unries rnec 'Il'. sIli-&uIl Wass Vortng Beecli oISwttuhboard Icîcut ili- hicllcIl îîicîe ed $2.5e per buccdred evory 9eai fo-ctice' huit be 0111lit, discecssed ofthIe charge i sCamd-te.Sm ato oy ' .cli tt iiiiuiicee ConerowhhîteIetseoo xeStiliixff.'ic lit- clais bd geci ie lucc' Ca-ne o unC0!IC-ct i ciiLice Board '-ecte.c totii cirt; lies ceue tfrber o tlnbas olce tx .-'. ci'ce1 îrt i'he'.hgcdard Elecirocutcon Was Resul t-WaaIP:,l, twtant hecune tht, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ictitbauuy t'icI cc ihile llîîre ar'c îhatîs tlt'Yor Kuxesuas AUc ElcBic îcn fiI ue'\Ngtici icii ecii-sil iid uc it S6 r-lit'.s teebundre'd dollicA iCfor:.i c lalcucaccîsaga uteol Sicsttii eud uther eîtenîsting tact bheuîglîlceeout i i'. detune batik ocde' îire'e hait lice h.c( c'--t tîli oe' i ci îccraicncitee'. lieii the ueerveeo-wih th te couil,,uittcenelunak1hrgso'acstble ui.1 l". iii te c ,chic loi and îct l.cet î ccceîui i'cgn iltcue 'x t lv tirait Lake Forest occue accu ut 1'. e'ieve d Itl I IIbtct'haiei- tI.ý i c. c-c i ... l. iuc- tacs lAtI'ibi ilt uteîîCled ulitout sengos- catt hoace t u o r nune bul tid ri] lcniIttîîîuu olîd iroire - iana 1l t hItedto ibr t il l ata - lic' dcc.ci t a, . dc lic et lllu e andoit lIte ,, le .. t. Taylor ai- liolne- (. ai, se' tibat litonIN s-ice - Ileat tiltev se liili cli a i.ice.te et , e-ei.cltu c.et.l' .-. i tîî ,c l i t' lt-i iutle.li- c ite )c' uic atîaer'taken eCnuts on lice bundred colrsan.n lsi'ht it dthli,' Nuit uic.Siiic' tic-in ta Miii suifs,,Nc-ce-lu es. blie taxi,,.and lice scouts In tlio ee'gh Shatliies as ve î r îru'.clîec ef oece cf eceuctuiauc ttlit ' eci l ot Xi t ti 'i tt lc' clcl' iî'îî'u -- -'trei l horicod show the resuits of thlîdc l b' t.thuîaniîai clubs andcta hie' isait XAetilt'iM11ti1-el iîc'.C.ceîîlî idcte tax Iiaute --Sîmiply Nigis Finance. 'Th-cntne tic , i'c'ItiiTho te.e tra cini ce. louil euebluhoeut In Cause o? Pailure 10 Pass. Ti, ien neeitanues'alceioe hat fla î.uicllcic ie ileeeiistalc l l. (iao cii . e 1o ud Thce main ressons wby the onboos hcc'offense 0-as seccepiye'asl c-at..' hIag ofls ohfb thc, uieluCcleeue: .' -ucAt utradegruai. fshted Io pasa tbe required Inspctnione iloec n Ca ltIssl r 'elucits c aie .lcce-i tlue-Il lit ilceas"teegicrtleeîulteaîrd lthteptuor arrangement ofut ~ Seuil d asi.: iie sî i li ant but SoL 1t j e-IN khc119e' cclicl 1h.'cuitel bcortd onietcIr-leius tirait t he C wo rien iwitb voocilateon ,As is usualte cae ie.'i akng th- e nucs1oIcIe c i liii.'1111-anidlic;!e-disi itai Cils'hletaeetrittort cctra thoe il a stuve In the conter cf llîc- foruceelic bisfbusinie'tsaose tievlhoircu.il.tceen. i ct'rl ailoo iflaoeîhesutend routea. htch treezea those in the i-un lt is nhaencd tirat bis ososetnlode lîcIirueut suîeîcnIeîanseIl i, cibues' loib- Im e urob a couple' ut con'..1usd the nons and ru;asts those Sitting near IL bIecnte on$750,. soutirrren on $90 ah9 c nie o 10cuntace et 1h lapfar îcnucéeda tutu thiieljweagon and skip. Tice seaîing arrangement la Surie that aeed oticer notes and pieros. besides a livo swivhcbhoaed I.Tire trnceeueou' . i-t\ass o- iîu n et orteil a large puptII ba lu use a ornait 1.10eiee aathnee-store' brick 1reot passe-i thrucgh ictsa body and 'ttansicatAyu'esoft iberîe'viite sere at seat and vice versa, ancd the resuit ta buildeng in Chicago. 1 e cmissîy lt' aCftaaoc îpaceit iesoc u that att are uuablete fdo their tesî t ta aise chalmed that having been se'"c' t us awhene the cnrent Wijed te catch lice t*o mon. wurk. l altand asuae' tnor site and fiabe tante ion.t.>Jacîcauns suouînd Ich e bod ta sald ton cocOn montho, un ever since Apnit The de'ad liate cail tc Cifte ubit Iiliît, or 'tay, be bas bheon pîîished enoue'b stne'c'î îlee'. iel;11(1 l ue'icun titfi Tht-e lilt i[cluk lit a l'or irov ROB CASH DRAWIER Wîfe May Get l re.ti.eaiell e va atl"îgicei'lcc'cci elisuo se't A T WINTIIROP IHARBOR tî oc e fth.,iensSiattus o iisuId sulefc - u e-e'nltcc _________ 'cailue 1-tiuanians to drop chargesrt îc ril, tceunuutil ceSUNe neicucrîcrgaîic It von have aumeîhîog le set]. teit Belcef la TisaI Moesey Nas Been Tallen aeacest hi-n huiobano aand get hlm onteereed Cue' fants. pentle aboutciIl. We bave a ctasstfied by Local Talent and Hidden or Bur- of bus trouecs os i t'. niaimcd inettj 'Fic-dTheci-ilcallticltîeîcert ant cotumn tor ibis rarticular pur- led until Suspicion Blowm Ove.--so i i i bet a nh1sa-rto oe Midniahb Caliltut 71nCity..Policesi-Cc andci hia 1' tooke'd ton soci, ho ê for1Aîd-Officers Now Work on tise Came. Thioes \Niorida.enigicc robuced thtu cash dnav.cn ut INienaafer's botet aI Wintbnop Harborcnacd atole $335 tnom lice oeil knuwuu botl man and sa- out teepen Mn, Neenafier at once baS a searnh swarrant lssued fie Jus ite C K. Stanley, of Zion Cite', subici wsi 110edliluth- banudso0f the viltaget tuarsiai cf \'ilhrop 1-ai-bor ton sert'. inaý Thco oaeeaeut ailotdbfieserveS tor ewooon Chree'daca ltc lie hope licat fie calune' thpic euuucran fie recovec oc. t is thouglut tuteh,' moeîey bas beeu hlddu'îe seul t omil]uI'-1hure' 05511 ne- rovened hî Oaueecee' Thene ai-o stune' susiincas, baio lice tifiehosud 1Mr. Neushet is sure hi- an nut unie leuil lismanllbueto.o necuvercitlie wicoit ocoult The duiresseci icfne sent sourd 10 Zionty 'îe'atinîiduigbt in regard lu te noflbcry andîci stoeiofficeno ticore ho coude Cc bis aid. Lake Bluff Fie. A tire. thoueglutlu lisaoheen sîarled In ttechnimoee' I9' asomoidorine' log, conlituetele' destoyed lice Infonior ut lice- hon.eou Wiiiiani NI Rees on Cou- ten aveoncle, LaCe' BluiffSaturday nhght. cutaihine'a a ut sf ecerai thocsand dolions. Mn. Rees, wsoois Pouphuyed fie' e National Batik ofilic Republtc, anS tels oif- ecn lto ChiuldCeo sero spend- eue' lIee 5v ceithnilatines Ic Chicago oued wcene'forneoe' f tue fine fie long- disanatce tetephca,' Mn. Rees buriee lie LaCe BluffI, liut sohea hoarrlved thtir fn-had bece esiguisbed sacS s nuuunler of ttuei ousehlod offerts haul flee'îc rn uovod ta ttc sircet bfie eighu- lions. Tlîe fine- ecas uhiic'e'd fie'J. B. Brneeuaee Te iîulu'icof utthe build- ig suas gettieiL M-iss i Rîcos andcl Cure. Alice Bishopi rnde' ciev-eraltrilla leeo the burniug setrectureaandetsmeceede'd Ibrearutue'1 vaicealele'bhouksansd finita-brar. The1 pîcîno. badin score-ted, suas removed hy Ireinen. mît fie aIleeasco olIe 0nce-io-a t hai aarise hini Tlîe' lardeot 1111hfoi- lie Liticeanias' fao . salua.- s h ie atIe"gathon as they change Ibid Shaîkus look thll-moucoi and oment out autolmobihle îdîne' ait daàv and for a oek on so slth ceonuetu Ine Chicago NAVAL SCIIOOL COM. PLETIE WIT111N A VEAR iWM. WIIGIIAM WILLI DONATE PARK SITE Dended lu tise Lakte Counly ilorîcal Society Plut of Ground Surrounding Monumeant os Siseof Perse SetlIers Houce un Lake Counîy. i îîîl 'ul thle th'.fc' uei l i lu 'site'- ou (le, tI tî ecltýIii acil. in-C l'alt, '01111t' Ouriet il-a liait hie lias Contracts Will Soon be Let for Harbor leee i eekel oINeb a i cl î090 îîtloid ui Piers. Sea Wall, Four Miles 0of I1,ýiliat ema. hdlei, il eti i lîieii ýRoads, Elactric Fixtures. Etc., which Itle Jr csi Ililoîhmb Icet'iihel Will Complets the Go,,,rimentreirs u io School. Iiro tlice c- tlit 'i l olre ic I ' . lii c ,îilc \ l a ic ilie 4h îe i Ci E i egî ccir NINPay tof i S - ii (oHW ara trti l an mith aelSUN ' i t' a -'te Io I itlii li'.Laf iee I!;o1 Flatt taeII ka] lu bliil and ciniet leu l' Tlh, e du g deuiivil tIocu, t1,'it i p, ni l ltloi t-Cl icl eifieîil oj grun ii. gî e e einel 011 a of i t icïL, th e iii teiie liii ii' cr 'niîî e groceeet o ttlliticttt I if iexî lie'I i el, a i fi Iiiil,,, senl ail i(of liii, hbuilincgs 10 ilo . 'twiia ii l, e e eIlii i coîesînietloic les 0 e a i voîiI ý,ýie -î liý iit'.-ti lile cbut a osiliiltI, C te ntteeteh of Aiguist ' il oýl eIntl 1 i I a t (Ii t' tutd ili Sida to Be Opened. liii' li ýIid hti "a cipt vilicefIie Tiwc ni rae'l fie' the liarteoe Ipi ielnad cpiii fol o as 1 lut .1ooilleagie tu (ontrarleee iii t' , lIiiil iOnii Gallo ai tif Ilacia .Tîcci extieel six 1 Fe %ilio eeg ici ocleie Ifies., i buiired rt fi in e w oate'r arida t_________ cotl ii thu eîighhorhood of $7t lIeutO A ccîiil entreent fui- si(rîîrli. tite n-' 01 hi opiie'd Noveitieri Tii,- onilart coi tliii lroIiîcei l l I ea îî iii ailboh0)iOliedilNue 2.7, 'Tire- tomt seifor four iiiie'o of roitS t~ ttii.îctoic OstinCee toiti ci'lebh r - . the Ccihececil Ieid-,for cei' citi m'lt ce-ic ii N li oeheii o27 io r ý ! Bu Idinigs Accepted. t lireILr-îutul ie h u1(iee'c."rt'lit lavît th'. -igliti icii i ui lintegsc iii-' hu)ig tr i il Cie eiîiî)te fouIr oeri "Cc e Iicli..-.. cnd cît ta i t litolie How Piles Are Driven. Tii( i îk on e(lie- rnemet.hit se crte.1 ins -Ii 'tue'norierarfors rare' driei, ieg piles. lit a ecllar marnfler. A stîte'l plp or csig laetrIvIein loto the e'eoeîîelwlth a point wbere theo r tnoo oitiltine'is fIe go. Inthis pipe the conrete tililta iciaced and wbc'ci, ifl In luPosition "grout, wbtch la a WM. WHIGAM AND 1-11riof uC(aptain IDaniel Wright, who bul tt' fi-st house in ihe councy wele h ie' touider mai ks: First settler in Lake county. Bor'n Rutland, Vt., June 6, 1778, n midst of Revolutionary war. Served as soldier in war of 1812. Earned captain's commission. May, 1833, rode horeebaCk froM Ohio, where he had made 'hle home to place where he built the first house in Lake county for a , hite man on banks of Aux Plaines river near what le now Haif Day. H-ad many adventures with the Indians and once saved lnjured red alun from the tribal bully, for whîch the entire tribe thanked hilm. Died December 30, 1875, aliter living to ripe old age of 95 years. s fully entitled to the name, 'Father of Lake County," and monument is fittlng mark for thse fmi twhicte mais house in whmt evas then wilderness In whlch the settiers had to depend on theïr skil i vth rodl and gun for the wherewithal to est. 4D BOULDER.

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