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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1909, p. 4

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LAKE OOUN~Y IYDEP~DNNT, FEIDAY, ~OV~K1WR OUce Telepbome No. M iltor'b Segdmee Teles5aoue No. 1141. LÀberyvlle ExCh&ngO murd 1eff t Pc3WOOe st lbertyvlflC. T.. assSecond Cisso Mater W5KL. UVRIMI1NG R*TesA.. CX N cAPPLICATION. s~.~'fl N PICE 01.50 PER YEAR STRIOTLY IN 'ADVANCE trRANK Il.,JUST ................................................................. Edtor Ri . KELLEY................... ......................... City Editor 9 FRIDAY, NOVJEMBER 12, 1»O9. THE WAR 18 ON. Representative Loudenalager, secretary and acting chairman of the Ble- paiilican congreasonal commttee, in a telegram bt The Pott denies that hisi c9mmittee ha declared war on the insurgenta or served notice that an effort wllIbc madle to prevent their return to Congress. He asserts that the only object and purposeeof the commlttee over which lie presides in to asset in the ciection of Republican members of Congress. Mr. Loudenslager's statement deals wtth the formn rather than with the substance of the is*ue ralaed regardirtg the attitude of the "regulara" towarci the insurgerts. War ha, not becn formally declared, of course, but everyiiody knowa that t the present time within the party are hostile camp* whlch may beIn battle at any moment. It does not matter which ide starts the rumpus. The. other ide la eager for the fray. The public and private reception extended the so-called insurgsnts upon tiuoir return to, their homes at the close of the session and the voice of the peeple a. expre.aed ln public gatherings, on the lecture platform and ln the proes Indicate that in the mncis0f tJeir constituent*, at least, these insurgents have been the rtpaier cf titeir party. Every memiber enrolled *mono the Rspublcan opponenta of the tariff bill as flnally agreed to in conference wll retru to Washington next month freali fromn the people whote support le be- hi.#d him. The hitory of politicai parties ln this country does mot produce preced- enta upc,, whlch the aucceas of an attempt te discipline the Insurgent* can be predlcated. The Insurgent@ conteiud that they stilI are Repubilcans, and that, 4e fer as the tarif sl conçerned, they, and net the regulara, represent the sentIment of the Republican party. The Republicun congressional committe. la a law unto itself, and must determîne who are Republicans wtcen lt cornes t. extending assistance in electlng themn to Congres. As et present consti- tuted, it would mot regard an insurgent a. a Republican, and assistance there- fort proiiabiy would be wthheld. The committee may cry peace, but it. hand is raised against the Ineurg- eta. t is fighting, a. Speaker Cannon sa flghting, against rebeliion l,, the Republican party. The. insurgent., when supplies are withheld, are very Ilke- iy to think war conditions prevail, whatever the committee may ssy. But the isisrgnts are mot relying upon the committee for nourishment. «Fhey are flighting tlieir 0w,, way. Mr. Loudenlager is rightin tating that war has not been declared by the committee. But it was hardly necesaary. The war was already on. Speaker Cannoni, len. reaerved than the comrittee, declared war some weeks *So.-Washington Pot WHY SO MANV DIVORCES? It ha. been show,, tlat marriages are many and that they increase in Proportion te population, mhe bureau of labor at Washington has etablished the tact that divorce.&1in the United State. are three tîmes as numerous now JÉa they were a generation ago. gays the New York World. There ha, bec,, so.omuch perceetage of increme in population. If to the total of divorces were 301111110111th great number of matrimonial dagreementa, the record would b. avon met.rtling. Tise Probiem muet b a serious one when, mot to be soived by thie famlly, by religion, or by social coniderations,4 it is almost deaparingly take,, up by thtratier bumgling worhna-tt, mgt.. Wiat la tthe trouble? Why le it tisaI of every 9,00 American me,,, women mmbd ehildeen te,, have been dlvorcdd and another ten penhaps have been sepa- raed from their muarital partners? Wtsat in t in the lives of 80 man y of the Yeuse generartion of Amneric-anst ut rendera them incapable of matrimonial *hy m» many divorce*? WDm1 TO PROMOTE FARM!'S CLUBS Fainer Waukegan Educator Takea as Cardinal Doctrine that tlament of ROO»veit Wiich le te Effect that Conry Life Problem la On. cf Re.- conotaruelîon-AiI Thoat Par,,,Life Muet b Made to Satiafy. Pra.uk Hý Hall. Superintendeut o! 111inols Pstmers Institutes, bas for yeazs strunglY t-comreended tue orga- nhzakon of local tnt-nera' clubs tram bis personsi knowledgeofo their work. and niow he asud Serctary H. A. ItcKeeue conte torward with au offi- 'kept up s gond Grange meeting. Tho Magnolia Grange lu Putnam county, la one of the. best euamples lnIllnois. Tiiere the communIty spirit secured tue John Swanoy cuueolids.ted schuol. Rooaeveit'a Commlasion Baset. 'One o! the Mont significant state- menta of Presidents Rousevelt'a coun- trY lite commission la: "The. probloni of country lite la une of reconstruc- ton, sud teniperary measuresansd de- tence work alone yul ot suive If Agriculture retit b. madie ta yleld s reasousble returu te thas. who follow it lutelllgently, and l!. on tue farm retit be madie permauecitly satlafylug tu intelligent progressive people." Make a Satîafying Country Life. Financial prosperlty will nover mtikeo Iuntry lite -permanently satis- sUai 01er ot help to new clubs. tyiug. Is the tarre slrply a place If tue people ln suy îocality J. llm ut O hard work sud privation te burt-y ie vUIi organize a fat-mers' club toi away fromt as soon as It hasn ieldod Ikelti t leat six meectings a year. the cuuugh money. or are we t0 really Inttute will îupply the ruecnbers îîîe lu the cotry? Tiie fat-mers vitu ail reports. circulmarssd bullet- club la a testeti sud practical sgency ina it lsues, ant i wll &end a conpe- for breglng about tue ireprovements, lait speaker te tthe club once s year oti ucation. enjoymentsansd coopera- 7neY suggest that the neîghtenhoodti lon Oftheic ew connerY lite. An an- club shail constat of f rom ten. fte unîtlgatiieriug lo not iflDclent:t top"c tY familee; tiiat tue meetings te at tue bomnes ot meretere; that tue fore- smou te giveu to the Inspection o! lb, beet fieldi,tarin products, animal Of iuplereott tii. host cau peaenmt; tuat ail esystereaticslly contribute te kie food BUPPIY for the dinner; sud b&t the aternoon be give,, te a mugi-. of the. fat-m sud home ought te te kept alive and discussed througiiout the. year. Auy cormnunlty e-an have a gooti cub if It vanta I snd viii work tor l. Tiie Istitute vil? help, Reportait by Arthunr J. BuI. s Blt.et Illinois. County of Lake,s. in the Circuit Court of ILahe eoonty. In the. matter of the. petltlop of Henry J. O'Brien, Coraer of thCe eu- tate of Josph Morrisey, John Mot- risey, Agnes KorriaeY. Irone Mor- risey and Thomas Morrisey, minore. (Jeu. No. 4366. Petition for 1.cve ta oeil rosisate. Public notice la hereby given that by virtue of ce order snd decre. made and entered luntthe steve entitied cause at the October terni, A. D. 109,' the underaigned, curator ase foresa41d. wtll on Tuesday the thirtieth day et Noveniber A. D 1909, et lhe haut- et one o'clock in the atternoon ofa" m day, et the eosat main entrmc, te the court bouse of Lake county ln te Cty of Waukegan. couuty of 1.sk and stato of Illinois, oeil ai public vendue for casb tu the hlghest sud bost biddez the. foiîowing descrubed land and i-osl estate, sltuated ln the. township of Shields lu said cuunty ut Lake aud Êtate of Illinois; to-wit: The north tWelve (12) acres of the following describod rosi estate, being part of ,the northwest quarter of the. northwest quarter of section eight (8) townshiip forty-four (44) uorth, range twelve (12) east of the third prncipal meridian described as conimencinga t tue northwest corner of said section eiglit (8) and runuing theuce east un the uorth liue theroof ton (10) chaîna sud thlrty-seven (37) links to the con- ter of the road: thence south ton and onu-haIt (101A~) degreos east aloug the conter of the road tweuty (20) chains and thlrty-two (32) links to the aauth. lino of the northwest quarter of the. northwost quarter of said section elght (8) aud to, the conter of an eakt sud wost road on ssld south Ue. thouce west aloug the conter of sid asat mutioned roa.d fourteon (14) chaine and six (6) links te the aouthiî wost corner of sald uorthwest quarter of said uortiiwest quarter of na.d sec- tion elght (8) ; theuce north on the >est lune of sald section eight (8) tweuty (20) chaln t the place of be- glnning. HENRY J. O'BRIEN, Curator ot Said MInora. ýDated Nov. 2, 1909. 6 3 State of Illinois, couuly of Lake, s. Circuit Court of Lake CouutY, De- cember terre, A. D. 1909. Erena R. Baddakor sud Charles Baddaker vs. Joel Eluis, -unkuowu heirn or devinees of Joel Ellis, de- ceased,' City of Waukegan, William E. Sunderlilu Henrietta Buell, Henry A. Bueli, Wallis S. Buell and Charles A. Bueil. lu ChaceryNo. 4487. Satlnfactory affldavit baviug been flled lu thin office that the defendant Henry A. Bueli residen out 0f the State of Illinois, se titat procesa C5fl uot te served upon hitresud that the dofondauts. .loel Ellis, sud "nnknown boine or dci isees of JocI EusB de- ceased," on due inquiry cauot te tound se tuat proecas cannot b. scrved upon thecu or any of tuem- Notice is tuerefore hereby given te tue said defend&ats, Joel Ellis, "un- known heirs or deviseca ot Joel tUhs. deceaaed" and Henry A. BuelI tuat the. steve named Complainanta heretof or. fiied their Bill ut Complint lu said Court, on tue Chancery aide thereof, and tilat a sommons thereupon lasued ouft of eald court againett lhe steve nasned defeudants. returnable en the tirnt day of the. terrni o! tue Circuit Court of Lake county, te te held at the Court Hanse lu Wankegan lni sa1i Laite county. on tue tirnt Mouday ot Deceniter, & D. 1909, ase à by law reý qulred sud whlch suit xa stli pendlng. Waukegan, Ill., Nov. 3. A. D. 1909. LEWIS O. BROCRWAV. ClerS. PILAlk! L. CLARKE, 6-1 Camplanante Solicitor. Chancery Notice. STT FILLIN0IS. 8eilleT-v OFLAKE w CDircuit Oe tatofLake Connny. Oeeber terni A- D.. 2)»1. Oses, A.. lmer "s Elteabeth Kiehner. l. cbaneery No. 4M. sstorr sEdavlft th" the Place of moi- denc. cf 15e detendanl ihleaeti, £rehoer la -,known and 1dm une difgemt lnqWury ber place of reideucecannot Se aaertained se thal procsacauotbe ss,-ed pon ber havina beeu alma tu tiOeof . 5e eerk of MMid ont. NoUie e ieeeor eee,= iTmst,,o ee add ElIsaheti, Kmber elda foresaid 1555 the sioys oased O=Plam bersiofore fSled i.sia j o c ttt.l . w aaco. on. U. Chancery ide thereofand Shah àSUMsomn tberenposi iffud out ni eau Coun sKjuot t 1e 51,.,. assed dpieodaal. r«rn.be on Oe frs da7 of 15e tees of Oie <.'bvni court o! 1Laie <'00, 1.ln be beld a4 Che Con Hougei W-bt sin s»laWMLake Cuityi. on the SAM Mondai .1l>eeentrrA n D. . 15 hî law reqolred. ssd .51.5, mit lan.1111pendogi LEWI8S0O BROCKWAY. Clerk. Wsske gui. IMI. Oet. U .AO lD. I 4-4 COLBY!& IAI.CSa0 515, A Retigous Autlsor's Staternt. ahItbld..,trouble sud 1maI violer 1 va. sudenlj- trete viti seveepala la ml kidneye mcd vs. eo"mud le b.d oiogb. day. nuale to mot np wltbo oeatene.. M aris, rnt,ad *a551, cl, lterary sud praetlcaî prograju lunh. LAIS.Sdidtec. wvilemadiouot and Irsssed smmatr- Whici young anti old laeps1t sd TATE Or ILLIN018 1i -qn.atly daY ad olatL i aammeed COCNartTan M 04"oLAICPF, 6&ing Folsy'e KMoey Bemsdir, cd th. 40 Include om.e phaae o uthu t. Irut ou I -sc<'uaîDecnhr es rsd.efy aiised omod Shallyemoe- mooranlcs or agriculture. Local lu- John E. arrai r- Pbi. ,kemtl,sc J. ad »0u My eli e.m uo el. ocp,- atitute Offices sudd'.chool teacie euey C)Mkî itr .oi. 'dm et. 5 ek5Wil sdy"ok' Kd o and superiuteudeuts arc aiýkî-d ln pro hareuouCsis.<snr4'sno mate such organlzatlons, 0-t- "hein r.kdelnsiO risa L rýFuir,i.LOYI'ELL No atteept wltlbe made- lu git B.A-îrn., tlsr.deosil.un evry 7township to st5tt a fanrirskir,« ien 1Or deins.. (ifClàI. iassew ~ ,,uksun rl, adeelînesOf 1 PtaAC0JFPU. A5uay. cub, but il; la hoped that a nimbe-r 1,iiir irs.esdnkou s,,utîr Mt.e Aeemi et commuulties willl see tue true ad me) ieCii t ocutl.it îMeelaerkahaue r#uosdrs< 19a1taffs Of such 0oîgsuizatlun andi *s iisiieMyhi' os.Oig e.ir~e to ules e sse et 8&.iltoUryamds.it mat h-e uldanou. tUe aoeoge esq o âes tà«ikirgymom. lier sAINh Iiemaelvee of tue Offer, and'ok,,i 4ern r,1.&ia IWf el.s ote a îa AOimes every neigitbood i viii ian oijecî hein, àdvssu leuscusto commend tue club pan. 1 M niCbri LjJsier. d.nm e MW ~ ~ Ilible Club and Grange Work. h -r'ti.-. t wr-i Jre hein or edeOn 01 1111, ra or 4e, Il Ki," -a- ' Irs n Y* ImucSefor I*b A, kî a ws MW 1%0 Wet As rl nKleCbWi- w f: eostytWowd u),pan for fiftoon kiloS,, hriorfrisOf c ,, *%ýf Ill.« th5 eermij = yuum wth incre'aaiug interest, sud itefte u i rs eiu-t.ctc, uieMI Ke54 Wlih<sI B lMotz Ila meauiers a"e entbualaatet o c o, &o a*siiiit ie t,,o.d t 1. UiO 1)"" tl4~4esb. i11 ftotsbthi soial adndrSddui, i'or o.rlt. dld VUAXI e i0taUN 7'!eas. ofiléa 11VI11 resuilu rauca, fut.ihua1.5e.rna t li 111 "' lSk,41tiag ,laie Koloo oeqnsty iiitwo or turee sucb aii ,,i uii ii. cI,îuns fitu ebmb rie Wttansce la always good Stijr i i ,, h.r, î'i u I.Clljî.ýsAeag 00 la a bue ssemmon sd iu that iiiiilSud iiiii-a iderf.- tru-nasc PEY1-e«m,*wr ais-y'regkL s.Tlm elda of tue club Bill of Comuit -id ithei,,r,.555 1,15Adjuieus. M ot.. aIde thereulAnd] tt . _.-Oh N'nb- , bi iiiaiiter»A »Mb" a O Ab.e best Ot the commu- fIored oui l AId Ciiîin i th.uui ,,, bire 51eVAA5ui aiuîef orAs w"s n ed defeodaybu uýt..roali thfin, U,,nt awiS.4*e.onn.d e-el st5.4 $We PÉW d -J>lAtaoi of .. <1e terniof t eCirî.uit C~ot axC-Oft eLta"cS.o, islcrhIs4. scieuiturai dclu b c baus bete Be Beld ai the Court H',Uýo iiwakokr ~ 'i ou w 4sssla«e *P sId Laise Coiuty .. the tnrat MlIndagv of On it il'ie5" 4/e eP MO m .ettng a 1cr m o t h L a Y ol . Oeeniber. A. Il. IXie. a#i h i. b l îu1-i r1ed and 0 -n4 Suw1bAs t t-. w ih u tlaa li e d u 49ii ai S. < r o55 *1 a"p»n LEIlS-'O. tO<-CsÀY Clark »U»eCSIa, 60 55' la e i esry COýIV.ltb" h« ~--WakeAga Lnî.. i.t. A. ).IM98s 64 JAs 1 '41à motuls AND RECORDS The Ut Stovýes an Art Handkled and JEWELER Other Grades From $3.00 to $4.50 MENZIES SHOE COMPANYE. W. Parkhurst DETROIT Schanck Blocd. MICH LIBERTYVILLE IL 0CORLEIT & FREDERICKS: ~3tale and Faàncy GIROCERIES IMEAT MARKET * PROMPT OELÈVERY TELEPHONE No. 30* ----------------- o.. - Bar Oui the Cold TIltis Wluter by Having a HEATING PLANT Installed ln your home. You will make no mistake if vîuîî buy au Ideal Boiler or Boynton Ftirname Get lu-te and figures f rom Alb~ert W. Litchfeld LIBERTYVILLE, IL.E J. M. Graves A UCT ION EER U. . cie. mWu 'Veu Data $~*&cdm ô iat 098"daMay.Flo ue" lu. iwOA WAUKBOAJ4,ILL. opoeg tomoiiats, slow trains aed otber U'oublee of north $bahaecoc- uomtioavîllnm b. dulio!ofthO pgwt if tua piane of & new1y formied eo(patim 4fynet-ti shar.ena area eartad out. Niirly 2«0 repreentative ,.edn#t ofth*ii.towu. besLanins wlth Sewmu d ztendins tu ake lFor- r i bava fiunsd tbe MNorthi libreClU.. uer'Aaoetlai" mcd intend te et-ad- MeA io M *lia commun ta auburbaxi The Cozlg Corm BARBER SIIOP Law Flagg. Proprïator Just &round lthe corner on Bprgne Street, Doil t ité.oembuld lng and oppomite the. Pester blackefih@hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Oigrs and Tobacco Laundry Agency Ramors Hoad Itla tshe veak nerventhbat are crying out for help. Tben Wep them, don't rl the. Stome or simuiste the. Reset or Kldn.yaThat se wrong. Vitalise thm wesk isside oerve with tDr. 8iioop'sRe. atorsalve and ms. bfet 1aI oed"t wlii orne te .Tout Il and s. Sold by 'Ir o UR£ot H. B. HARDWARE AND F Liberty, rivalled 4 mRSALi .dcRanges Esxdusavtiy by EGER FARM IMPLEMENTS When in need af e cooking or heating steve inspect this line, Woc you wiiisccure aomething thm vii bic an addition to your home. Tbcy art the beet--none better. LIBRÎ VILELUMBERCO IOOWN BY THE OLD DEPOT THE PLACE TO BUY Ç Scranton liard, ail sizes, C 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon=. A tas, Carterville Washed Egg A LCoke, llocking Valleyp, Etc.L L V.1KIDLING WOODL FPioneer Cow, Escelsior Morse, Buffalo F EGluten, Grano Gluten, Daisg Dairg, E EFlour Middfings, Bron, Shorts, Oats, E DCorn Red Comb Poultrtj food D Phone 47 LibertyviIIe, 111. i ~ ~A. ~. a. A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned Corne Iere and E4rn it. Ladiies' Sut Scarf8, 2 ydq. long, in white or bine, hereatitcheti ends ... 60C Germaunto wn or Saxony yaru, ail colora, par stef n. ................ *»*9C Lýadies' white aprona, excellent values in reaterlal snd maire...25, 45c Boys' black sateen ahirts, matie of very bout sateen, 50e vaiu, at ...40C Another lot uf Lades' Sweater conte, lu varions styles sud colore. yon ca't botst hilesaortment snywIiere et the, price. S1.25, $2.75 aud ................................................................ 84.75 Table linon for Tbsnksgiviug. Napkins, wlde Dareak, lunch cotheeatc. Core ne uand ses tiere Iow. GROCERIES Mince mieût, 0141 tanbloued, iu huit, Ite certailiy fine, par pound.... 15c SJuet recolved another lot of thase Longhorn cheees, par pound...20e ILats craniierries, ail gouud fruit, quart .............................î2C Grapo fruit, Fiorida brlgbte, 8 for ........................................ 26c SMonsrch preaervsd fige, thej're dillferent, amani eau foc, 8 fer..... 26c Jersey swoet Potatoea, par pound.......................................... 4c W. W. CARROLL & SON w FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAPER Libertyville,Ililinois faiI and Winter Goods Now on Displag CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING ww; 1 à pqpw lidà

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