L4" COUNTrY INDEPENDENT, FRIDA!, NOVEMBBR 12- 19019 One Price To Al 1,ONGi AND SHORT FLANNELETTE PLTTICOATS EXTRA WIDTR Emhbroidernd itucked lloun<-eý only one to a <ustmer ....... 45c ALTERATION FR EE THE STORE OF QUALITY Our Great -November S.ýuit, Coat,- and Fur Sale AnoCtier great tlisplaY of supi-ritr Triuittiei I Lts at ~.5 liats such as have built our uîln depa rtient tii the lie a gtst in Waukegan . A wide range of styles, beautiful feit and veli-et shapes, trirnred with (strieli and faut-v feathers, silks, ri- bons§ and fancy orna-meuta, values, Up to $8.00. Special Sale Pric .................................... 2 9 GENUINE FUR CAPS-For ladiee, Migs mIst children, regular $2.50 value.....................2 Misses' Ready-to-Wear Felt llats-Several atyleo, in ail colors ............................. 69c New W. ists SEVERAIý STYLES EM- BROIDERED LINGERIE AIND FANCY TAFFETA EVFINING WEAR. J $ 1m969, $2vl Begins SATURDAY at 9:00 A. Me 'IV< have iîlained fo r this sale onn î ore e x to 'sivi- 5a(thli eelefore, andii Ih a ' had a vonîpLete stoük of the seasou's lesi garînenteuma-de ii) î~ial for tiiis event.. Many Suit anad (oat anfactur crs, e-ager te> get moître <if our blisi<'sl, hav'ie madtue speNial] loteslit prices titat, perhiit il s t4) givo .*(>il theeie v~iduv. IVE XSK 101 '0 1' lF4 C lUR (>1h~ OV >1Il 1(Hil CLASHfES1IT-.and COATS WE (>11111AT $q.50 $25,1,$O$53 Bro.dclotb V'LII~E S TRI(N(iLY I'AFUC- Full Lougth and Nomeespuu __________________________ rmScla Conti SuftsExtra â911t1 44, Valais. M INV NV T AII <REI> 12.50 SUITS ê2 COATS995f At $15.00 and $20.00 A v~ariety of new ixiehavei arr-n <I for tliis sjms i ilNovlî.r Salie, ainog thetu îuany lttractive long coat styles in ing<îîle andî doublhe breast<-d seini-itteel etfects anid (ozeng oof utlier st vles just as4 attractive and desirahîle. Tie Skirtii have ..î suggestioîn of pluits liere ai there. $oîne pilited ail a-rund. 0me Lot ef Sat'da speeI T.II.red S.1.s The uîatAeria]s are the ver-v ls-s;t and th.eol r Ful hz SpdU are the most desfired. HeyKre 9 nt Guss'tyn Ii (oas ii ixuresl.5 42, 3ii8"Stylsh Cats 5.00 ureg *Now, is the Time- to Buy Furs Our Vast Collection of Furs is by far the Momt Complets, in Waukegan FOLLOWING SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS SALE'a RUSS IAN SABLE SETS-Large Piilow Muf, Fancy Large Colla-r ...................12,50 AM. MARTIN SETS for Latdies anad Mimses, beautiful long hair .....................5.59« A Larg asortment of a-l kind8 of Pur Sets $2.95-*-3.95--7.5-15.0--20.00--430.00--#5.00 and ai,. So ab Pur Cou. s1.7 SaorbeantFu Loa $4a95 LZm - - AND Exceptional Shirt Values UP New Models in Broailclotlî, Panamîas aid Frenrl Vol-i"ee Them. Onie lot Pana- ma Skirts. Pltated effects One rack of Broad- cloth and Panamia Skirts 3150 SPECIAL SALE SWEATERS We carry a complete line of Wool Swkaters, in al lengths, Red, White and Oxford- 98e, $1.50, $1.95, $2.95 $3-95, $4.95 Ricli 19 French Voile Skirts 5.50 Ruasian Pony Coats Seil.............87,50 - ,Dresses and Coi PrîifflRadcal', Iteduced. El«tbo Wedding Costuie. Specially Priced.......................... Broadeloth 11g-Grade l)ref Dresses, PleaLted 1 Be6t materiale 5095 $10, $15, $~ I. Visit ourSheetMusicDepartment ALL THE LATEST MUSIC AT 10c. A PIANIST TO PLAY THEM FOR YOU. Flammeette Nlght Oew.. fer Ladi«., end chlidr.n 49c, 8w,. 1.29 s.79 Faucy WoI and 811k shawls 25C. 3w, 89C 1.23 Lng Flamul taCilds Lethe KI--6.PrOtYwltl Fur SO Golf Wevu, Lad- Sç, 1.29, 1.89 les, aBd childnm, 2.45 25C &Bd soc Cbildren's tCoats MiI îr ýXA TWPI.i l'tiR IN LARGE VARIETY, PLAIN ANI) (tRîL BEARSKIN, PLUSU, KER4X Y AND CAPA- CULE. $1.n959 $285 5tuum$495" rate Party and UjP ....14.50 888 Children's Dressles.Very f aaey I.9 'pecials, you can save extra pin money bY comini early ;:t.e LOT No. 1 We have selected from our large stock of Waists about 25 styles in Linens, Madras and Lingerie, worth up 98c $2,50 ............9 8 LOT NO. 2 50 Ladies' man-tailol'ed Suita in Broadclo"h, Worsteds and Seges, perfect in evEry porta, ble anad thes biggfflt valuesl ever off ered, worth f25.00,___ ~for .. . . . . . LOT No. 3 Our lot of Ladites' high-grade Dresses ini Broadelotha, some trinied,others strictl y tailored Worth $15.00, special 5,o75 for ............ On. Pric Te. Ail Cil 1ILDRE N'S SWEATER (3OATS One tii a <-utA5tiiý- 9 CO&SETS to a 39 clistiiet ... ....39 '1-'~ ~' f'~ il fI .1 t! * iii 11.95 1 SPECIAL SALE 0F Underwear We carry a complete line of Knit and Muslin Under Garments. Ladies' Hlsses' and Children's Ribbed UNION SUITS 50c, 98c, $1.79, $2.50 COLB' . m e 1 ?