UN rROST ROADI pgrt 1la That Graver Lîne Ha& Ac- -bdMd Frost Increste and -Wllli lrbOver Operation of Road fram ~eIvre-tflla ciofBoth Lines i.OS Ivesgnorance cf Matter in En- -TItre la a frankly oxpressoit and -weil defined stary in circulation in .Weukegan wo the offect that a doal '0ltis0 hait beon made or will ho made by wblch the so-called Graver street aulvair intereuts wouid arquire the Mutrol snd aperation of the Frost lîne Te men 'who gave out the informa- 1c. stated slmply that if tboy rouît g0on an d tell wat they know 'there -woff be no doubt about the anthen- tty of tise deal, They also stated ;MM announcemont would ho made ln *boWI within a week. IL 3. Douglas who roprosents the 103rover rosit" Interests knew nath- 'Ag of thse reported deal this week rWbea It camne ta maklng a statement, ,,t dit othors assoclated wif h the rS1 formerly. AUl efforts wo get aomething tangi- ble falled thîs week. The enîy thIng t la positively known fa that tho taffa of the Frost rouit are rap. MlY meàrtng the climax. Officiale of (ho Chicago and Mlwau- km. Electric i(oad comupeny bave united in tssutng a dental of the story thMthtie road Io soon to pas loto the baad.eof other ItltretR. -la spite of (bis tact thes report seema te gain ground and the tranafer lu sald labe expectoit withlei a month. Accardlng ta information that ht» Ieaked out, itl s aad that the A ollowing la the arrangement for the. deal. 1-Tht Wisconsin end of the 'lfdd lli pase nto the hands cf Johni1. fB.gg, Witconsisn traction unagnats and owner cf the Mil- vffkee, Racine and Kenosha Traction campany. The road tcuth cf thet Wlscon- Ma stwae lno wiIl pase into the han"s of thse Chicago, Waukegan mdNorths Shore Ralway cern- ,auy, botter knawn as the Graver T'he planaibility of the deal la ap- lemt. The Doggs lino has alwaya " tm d »=naY tinta fouglt lnthse ; «M andi therwiae thse Frost inter- wblcWhieh mkes It apparent that the r:_,âo fntersts wonld be ttIckled ta "t-na ctrai cf the Wiscansin endt of Oà the other hand the Graver Inter- ego Would bo no lottckled to get bepthehUe botween (ho Wisconsin r hguda n d (ho city of Evanatan. -0li nohmre elegant franchises aireadyE oblaneti. -AtorneY M. Lester t!offeen, ropro- omting the recelvors soit a mombor 09~ the firm of Tennoy, Coffeen, Hart- ti nd ut Sherman af Chicago, Vas OMWle up by the SUN unit t odce *mail denlal.. «I hjave beard notblng of the pro- »Osl change," ho sait, i"andt ta fot kuow cf any negotiatiane wt h oh- b Jet Of (aklng over (ho rosit. Thero la Po deai eno a sy lnt. The recoiv- <ea art dolng (hhe et hey cati with tht lroperty undor (ho handicap of a r-Wttvership sot It looks as tbongh Mbi recelversbtp will continue Indeti- ,Rttely. Audtor AIto Denles. Auditor Thompson for the receiv- est sait that ho hait heard na(hing of aMY rtpqrt on (ho deal for tht sale orf U'satr of (he roait. CIa". Agent Vîviso also deniet hav- lag hearit soy(hlng about the deah Dont Expect Frost Back. 1 ]En (hia connectlon (ho officiais Inter- vievetd stateit frankly (bat soother1 muastingency-(hat of Albert C. Prost Ocm]ing back luto cautral of (ho raad- 1a «ven more unIlkely. CAN I!IND NO TRACE Of: ARMY OfTICER t JShfi hîide Returnedt(o Lake For- 0et afier War but After Short Visit1 ~7Lefi for Florida and Since (bat Timne1 NO àa Trace Hat Been Uncoverect -New Bcg SOught by Local Pen- ciois Agent 'Whflt(ho civil war as well as (heo A$RO'a1ntUnary war bas afforietoihe tite(homos for song anrd viory ai *mm ithoct ont, yt a luli loti- 'ftocceonaily accure. lit I I h a long tîme hetare Inter- dot la tisetragedies soit comedies of Off il ver cesse. A CI& in he latter la bolug pur. Oul viser, a solditr, an ex-Flrat Lieu- rtMAt etaul Ohio regimentt.le com- 01,ttliy btmInce being mutereitont Jaune Shtlda, formeriy o! Lake For- 4111t, ia the sciaier la question. MiA OM John Shieîda, of Lake Flor- '-Ut, bas'betu for yresaeauching for 11110 father, or his rettng place, it Thse son was an infant when bis father wau disrbargei t ut(he close of the war. Ho does fnot know for Cor- tain what regîment ho enlisted Iin, but it wau at Oxford, 0., wbere ho joinei the reýgimen.t lu bis shirt i.leoves. Ho was promo(ed te fdrst lieutenant wblle In the service and af- ter musteroit ouf, came to Lake Forest to vîsit. Thon ho riroposed to go to Florida via St. Louis. From that lime notbing bas been learneit of bis es. reer. Penuion Attorney Botstorit bas the case In batti but findu It difficoît at (bis late tirne te finit anyone wbo Içnew hlm or the regiment ho enliu(ed In. The only evidenco ho bas fu an aid hadly hatteroit tintype picture of Lieutenant Shields and t wo captainu, wba woro bis comradeu. ARRESTED FOR WIIIP- PING LITTLE GIRL OId Man ta Be Brought Here ta Atf- svWer ta Charge cf Uslng Whlp on Ten-Year-Old Girl Says He Gave Tenant* In Question Permission to Keep Chiokens but He Draws the Line Hard at the Quack Quacks. Thu case agsiîîut Louis Seeger, the ugeit Zion City man wboue divorce case lu now hefore the uppeilate court, and wbo, was recontiy arreuteit for an aliegod whipping of a littie girl Who lu (hoeitaughter o! tenants with wborn Mr. Seeger hoards, will ho triod beltre Justice W. F. Weiss next Saturday. Mr. Seegor tates (bat ho did flot whlp the chilit but that ho bau tried (a de- fend ber from allegot crueltieu anit nilu (reatment fr003 ber stepumotber. Seeger renteit a bouse (o a fanily wlîh (ho understandlng that ho was to have rooma and hourd in Cio farnily as part considoration for the rent. Ho chargea (bat ho bas net boon allowed ta eat and (bat ho toak a wtt- naess ta (ho bouse wbo could totify (o (ho tact (bat ho was nlt hing ted In accardance wltb the ront agreement, tbat ho was flot givon a boarty meal. Objecte ta Geese. Wben is tenants askei t(he prîvi- loge of hringing cickens ta, the place ho grantoi t(ho lavar, bot (hey (hon itrougbt soute gesse aiong and per- mitted thtem a t'o n wild soit wbeu ho Insisted (bat (ho fawls ho ponned up ho wae (aid (bat (bey would not com- ply witb bis roqoest. Ho attempted ta, drive the gesse in(o, a coop, and (ho chutd of (ho couple was sont (o drive thora out again, accoriifg to (ho aid gentleman's etory. Ho taIt ber (o st#p Interfering ant for (bis ho laImis ho was arres(od. His former wife will ho a wtness against hlma when the< case cames up hofore Justice Weiss soit Mr. Seeger dlaims (bat (ho arroat Io a forrnaof persecution. INJUNCTION TO SETTL! I'AMILY ROW Mrs. Marie C. Trent of Highlandt Park Monday atternoon (hrougb At- tornley E. S. Gal, filed a bill for di- vorce and a ptition for al injonction wicb ptition was gran(ed t ooce by Juitge Wright. Irir. Trent lu sald ta ho omployed ait (he power bouse of (ho Chicago & Milwaukee Electric com- pany et Highwoad anit Mrs. Trent ai- loges in ber bill for divorce that he bas been guilty of extrome anti re- poateit cruelty. She lleges also (bat ho bas heen guilty of personel violence frequontly and (hat hbc bas bea(on, ptucbeit, cbokod, kicked and otherwise ahused ber. Mrs. Trent furtber afloges that on November 7,' 1909, ber husbanit struck ber on the beait anit face, knocking ber prastrato upon (he floor and that &fier knocking ber down, ho draggeit ber about (ho Sloor by (ho hair, anit ktcked and o(herwlse mistreatot ber. She dociares tbat sho tears ho will continue ta, heat ýand abuse lier and (bat ho bas aiea throatoned ta seli (ho bousebolit furnituro. She prays (ho caurt (a grant an absoluf e divorce and allrnony and aa oauka for (ho rua, (oity of (hoeitaugbter, Marie Neshît Trent. She petitions (ho court tatssaue an lnJunction rou(ralntng ber hushand tram slling or asstgning 5fly of (he housebolîl furnilure or porsanal prap- rfy a nd itstofroni on(ortng (ho bouse, loterlng about (ho place or remaining n te rsirlitnce. Juitge Wright Issued the Injonîction at once eut the case w p fihi earit on (hoflirst day o! (ho Itecenifier terrn of court "f7oudtious of the broora marktet lui Lake cmunt- are auch (bat itiiessaa sub6ttute for broonicrn lafounit (bat te bouse wireboro wlllho forcoi t(o retantro t he mop as a means of gtting (beir bouses clean, f'or th.ore are1,only about bal! onough brooma lni (hoUnitedt states ant some ont Must go withauf," salit a Wauke- gaus grocer (bis weok. SM! WAITED LONG BUT ALL UN VAIN Milwaukee Woman Proved True Until Firet Husband Seemed Not to Cars Enough for Her ta Lîve Correctly, when She Teck Stepa ta Cut 0ff framn Himn-New Husband Threat- ened by Old but Say& He la Game. Wating patiently for ive long yoars wbilo ber bushand served a terre In (ho Wisconsin state penitotitiary at Wauiiun, a Miwaukee woman tried bard (o traigbten ontt fhe man unit loduce hlm to lead an uprgbt lite. Wben àihe toutýd that she rould not anit that ho woul t otwakik n (ho îath she oulilned for hlm, uhe di- vorceithIl. Thon (o cal) the cli max and ln tho face of ibreats frein the iivorced one, ube felo in love wi(b another Milwau- kee mnan a traveling man-andit(he two wore unîteit bore just recontly af- ter a harrawing elporionce witb iaws of cburcb andt tate that hait almout wrecked their barge o! bappînesa. Married in Waukegan. When (ho woman wont to a 'Mi1 waukee prieut witb the man to wbom ube beme engagoit atter ber divorce (ho prest is saidtetohave refuseoitet recognize (he civil divorce ln any way. At (ho same time (ho former hus- bandi is ueidtetahave tbreaiened to 'get' the man fa wbom she wau on- gagod If any reremony wss perfortnod ta malte tboma man andt wlfe. In tiis dlemma (ho prospective bride and groom turnod ta Wankogan and attor tlopboning bore late one af- tornoon foilowed up the raIl hy a per- canai visit andt were married at 9 o'ciock one nigbt rocently. Pledged ta Becrecy. The officiating justice and wtnesaes of the coeony wore aIl pledgod te socrocy roncernlng tbo (rue story of the marriage and bave ketp thoir word. 'I met andt lovoit ber,' slmply Waukegan News ay corne (a the rolony at any (ime, sait because oft(ho fart (bat ltuberculasis Accordin cago pape] office dead N ife Hs LOUIS J. YEOMAN wvNne. ea practlced1 atBarriný THE OPTICIAN b e uh wbon aboi ---- ---- ---- Davenport dence with (ho second bushaod wbillo bre. "That Is ail. I know ber bistory soit how abe stock (o ber flrst huebsoit ait througb (bose five years et Waupun. I also know bow ho troatoit ber alteri ho fluisheit bis term. I know (bat stie la a gond girl andt a (rue unit I arn, going (o pro(ect ber oron thoogb bey former hushanit bas sworn (o "get" me, trom wbat 1 rau bear.' DR. MATIIEW WILSON APPOINTED DEPUTY Foiliwing on Declaîon of Chicago Board of Mealth that State Veterîn- arien or Dcputy Muet have Mate Tuberculosis Tests on Cows, Local Man Receivea Appointment-Brief of Important Ruie. lii accoritance with the nom- Chicago regulations regariting the Inupectiotn unit testittg of cows for tuberculosto Dr. Mattbew Wilson o! Waokegan bas heen appointeit itpuiy state veterin- arien hi' State Vetorinarian J. M. Wrigbt of Chicago. lu other woritu tr. M. Wilson is to ho muRe ail touts of cows milit for wblch le aougb( (o ho shîppoit into Chicago from thia district, The Chicago hourd o! beal(h bau ruieit receutly (bat the atato veterin, arien or bts itoputies muet haro madte (he touts or the miik wll nat ho sdi mitted tot Chicago for dealers aud tt is folowing opon thiIs iecision that Dr. Wilson is appointet. Ho lu ln offert a iteputy ut large for this district. Al applications for the tuherculin test must ho made ta (ho Stute etate veterinarien throîîgb the regu- larly autharizeit doprty. A recordt of tho test la sent to (ho Illinois Stute Bard of Lîve Stock Ccrnrnsuboneru rorne ta (ho U. S. Bureauofo Animal Inuutry, (he rertillcufos of the test altter biug countersigneit hf the tate vtrinarian are retornei tot the owner of (ho Animais. Al animais reachlng f0 fho tout have (ho lettor "T" punch et ln (ho right our, eo (bat no tuberculous animais may ho dealt ln withaut a knowledge of thoir condfItion. The iteCanty Colt ('ni ndetsvcou- oitPreventice,will ina to- iref-afely check aIl Cldsor Lallripj Il"V (boni! 48-25c. Sait by ALI. DEALER9. frequently follows the ravages of (ho 'lIazy bug' as it Is calleit, patients reg- Istertng utt(ho (eut colony are alwayu auket wbence (bey corne andIt îey state (bat thoy have liveit in the sauth wbere (he titease bas ruineit millions -tests are mate (o prove (bat (bof bave not t(ehobooitworm. ",We bave hait ahsolo(ely no patilents from (tho south 80 far,' sait Soperîn- tendettt Wa(teruon, 'but we are on the look ont for (hem andt wili make testa necessary when (boy corne. We have no desire (o ueo a colony of book worms in (bis county." Attended Meeting In City. fi wau jott last Weitneaday 'ha( Dr. Wattieruon attendeit a meeting rulledInluChicago for the purpose of keoping track o! 'Mr.I-iook Worm ln this -iitity and,. loadeit with farts and tett formulue the local (ont col- ony houri now feoit safe agains( the n0w ditiease pest. Signs of Patient. Sîguir of a book Wormi patient are int the fluhy el-c, generally a distonded etomach, an appetite for*sncb thîngas as clay, ditr, fleter, or penisa uîoutlî wi(h the appearance of a gasb rut lu (ho face, andt generally an ap- pearance prerna(urely ageit andIt n- avlit. Beaites sucking blooit fromt the mu- cousînenmbranes of (ho intestines, (ho book worm injecta a poison (bat bas a general hait offert on (heooInat ho chiot sYuprnlobeing (bat (ho blood willl -fot coagniato for oigbt hours, wberu wilihout the poison of tbe book worm It coagulates In dive minutes, The hook wormiiseuse leaista o a gettoral conititioni of attaemla or blood- lesunesu andi even(ually because of ts to tîîbveufosis or dea(h, althougb santie gel ovr-rIt. The (reaimnt is a itose of thymol aitniniatoreil up a physirilanit (b la falioweit lit'other (reatment, "The American Murderer" Froni Its ravages lu (he south (ho hook Worm lu culleit 'nectator Ameni canu" Or Arnericun mordorer. John D. Rockefeller las giron a million (o wlpe it ont ln (ho uou(h andt every phYsiclan of (ho nortb is on bis guard against it 110 fearful are toIle it nocesa- Itates (o iteath. The Lakte CauutY Indepenteut 'ait tht Weekly Inter Oceso ant Farmer 1186 per rear. Eu I MY II M~U vV>m GUTS INTO SYSTEM 1-Infesta damp sals end m.rshy placet untîl lt devOleps Into "hook'vworm." Iln this stage la lncased ln sheath and le Intro- duccd inte human system by waY of drlnklng water or works way through ekin. 2-If nlot taken ln drlnking water attaches self ta 5kin, works way down haîr folliclc into body ta vain or artery, thence ta heart, lunge, wlndplpe, oceophagus, stom- ach, and flnally Intestines. 3-Once ln intestines fastens fanglîke tooth Into mucous mem- brane and aucker-like mouth draws constant stream cf blood. Poison back of fang-llkc tooth prevents coagulation of blood for elght hours by tests, Many "hook worm patients" de- generate Into tuberculous patients or develop abnormai appetites such as a llkIng for dlay or piaster or common dîrt. Waukegan la safe froîli the hook Worm dl sease. The littie parasilir worm that is claimed to ho the cause of the char- acterlstlc laztness of the 'poor white (rush" ln the south bau flot the ghost of a chance in this drty hocaue of liro cautions bat are beihg taken daiiy. The one place where a patient. sut- ferlng froma the troquent atter effort ot thue fook worma disease-tîîbert-uiouis lu ikely to corne-is the lent coiony, and out at the Tuberculosis lnstitute Suît. Watterson fs taking extraordi- nary precauttons to prce ont th1e develt oiîment of a case. 'We have had no hook w orni cases wbatever thus fer," salit 1r, Watter- son ln an Interview yesîerday. "Whill 1 was out west and before the hook worm dîsease theory was de- velopeit andt proven, ihere were eev eral cases that 1iiow helica p Were cases of hook wormn I recontly hait a cuire oft'roundi Worm' howevor, This frequently iu fol- Iowed by tuherculosis. Protect Agalnst Hook Worm. In tho fear that a book worm case Cail Waukegan 258 for particulars. North Shore I2lectric Co. 23o N. Genesee Street Waukegan, III. X RESUIT Of @>@O>EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE@EEE ~IPPY MARRIAGE ~ Dentiat, Met and Woocd E oGirl f-ne Vears Ago and E t, and Marrlage ln Daven-E iy and Ended Abruptiywtre W a Yo W ntN w E Phial Montay. O r W a Y u a t > )fthe suîcid,- bhpîîiolsonorE> I +t, > ore Ratb, of Chiîcago, on Mou- 0E> Have Ith idte 0lie (ho unbapiiy story 0>E nticeiomeat and niarriage - TE W A R T 7----JEW E L era Ratb wat tounit lu bis0 Base Burners, Hot Blasts, Oaks, E i after a quarrei wlth bis E> Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges, Cooks E office was ai 1513 Fullerton O0E uru ugo Rath lu salit t e E>ave hprofetaion of dentiutry E> Ir IT'S Over 50 to Select FroM E0 gtan lu Lake county soitd>0 - E re motitndfîll ln love wth 0FIROM t orne in and 'lalk î (ivor, 0 hier o! Sanfard Peck, big 0i ilPy o te apeculator R Is salidth(at 0:SC-ANCK'S t illa InE out til (ime Ra(h lbIt foric tho kep(1îîîa corrospon- 0IT'S 4C'" ht he girl tantdtatut(o t1 SC tiA N CK joined hlm et Davenpor E> (>OD CF PY hait att elopernent mar-~ BROS.0 s niarrlage is uaiit flt teE> et onît verv hapîdly and 0EEEEEE~>,EEEEEEEEE>>>.>>>EEE xcani w i rh lte allegeit soi- id thut a i ear atter (ho mar- ýRath retîîrîîeiteto er borne ~EE*>EOEEEEE*>>>EEEEEEEEEEE ton. Later sho took a posi-~E cagoan unitbaunitndwlfeE>> roonitoit for about a leur.E>I V(hJ ID DCIoap (Io J¶K? !OUND DEAD IN BATH TUB Man Who Ca1me Mere Ten Vears Ago to Engage in Traite of Journeymnan Baker for Business Woman Now Re- tiret Meets Death Under Pecuiiar Circumnatance-Brother Summoned from State o! Michigan. George Grue'ter, a baker etiloy cd by IlI. Beach oI North t7eneuee treol, was tounit iead in a bath tub et hic roconus lnthe Kobier buildting on South Genesee street on Sunitay anth e opinion of physicians us (but ho iiet o! heurt failure. Letters tounit on1 Is periion and ln blu trunk ut the routes hr orcujîler Initicate ihut be haanc brother ln Germany eut anothor et Muskegon, Mlrh.. seothe rotative titMilchiganîv ,a1 wireit unit wil h bre sorno tnie t1- day, Carits foondit niicate (bat (ho tout mari belongei te t he Chicago Germn Workingnjen'u Society and au a memu ber of the hakers' union, whirh two were cornrunicate-î wiîb. The iteait man hait beon bore ten -eurs, firs( coming to work for fîru. Emmia Ilobrmunn, when hsie iîtpt a baker)- oniWashington etreef. The iteaitmaril haitsore no surenre unit au weii known arnong Gernmaut- Arnericans in Wankcogun, REALTY REVIEW. The take (ounty Titie &'Trtust Co, reporti3 roui otate trunsfers for thço sceeX-: No. of instruments fllot, 187; iteits, $172,041.00;, oans, $77,8461111 <'Heeltit C>îfee" la the cieveres( imite- tion of reel coffpeo orr yet mate. Dr. Sboop creetadit ifirormpure lîarchei ganmalt, nfit, te. Fine in tiavr- la mata. in moit ont minute. No 20 )r 30 minutes tedious hoilinir. Sample Fre CORLETT & FREDERICKO. E>We cari meet your requirernents no E E>matter how large or small they may be. E>The Prepared Roofing we seil teE> E>our cuistorners by the roll is the best E>on the mnarket, and cornes cornplete ~ E E>with nails and cernenlt ready to lay, at E E>the riglht Irices. E Powell RoofingCompany E E> 117 S. Oenesee St. WAUKEGAN Telephone 377 > Morses for Sale. \lountain Meadow Stock Farmi, one and one-lialf nmile nortit if W aucondss, Illinois, heu îonstantiy on lîend and for tPaie, et lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of hiorseseuiteiile for the road and ail farmi work: exprpps and draft, useful and servic'rablve trots; f. 1100 tuo 100)poundm. Price $80 (o $2l00 .No plngs ('orne to Nlountain Meadow and see thplihorse work on thei tarrin. Ail acclifimaed and avoid risir of sickne'ts. A il guaranteed on dcivery as repreet'd. 441 w aucoifa COL. F. J. BIERRY Adjudication Notice. LidNI. MILLER. Attsr.ey. ',ii,lic Notice fi hcreb iîv rcoi that thc tri, Adjudication Notice. lt Wilam saniruel Par'ce. ieasc1 il liatticf PurlNtce la herclîr given tirai (lie Stil tir (iineytiit o!luIre t'cnty.aidatetcnslurt Scriber Excctiir Rf the at wîîianirdiron or1 ie hotitruiatthetouctHo-hâe le Wauiseeaii. lotf Rtattildi Popieifeceacedil ,tl idithiir 1e tlu raid Coinsty on tRe firet Mý)Isîl!sOr .taîîoarY Colinty Court of Lake County. aI atcî trereit ain.19H., sdir ai d wbere ail verson tising o Ii e hotiten aI tie Court Hon-e fi Wikereaai cistmr agairisî salitctate are iiitiit andln lusait County, Rn the tiret Miiiiiav c .of îiî retruetei tti e eet the amne 10 sait court for nez!, 1910. wheu ndat here al per-- halingfR srliuitJeti. cdaimsa avat sali tte are'ii t u.nt id MARY (4 PEARÇE re Rejuste te Iresent (se samef0taio e e IIAM IlýW EARCI. > eutc itiuict s WINNIVREDi PARE J ALFRtED C. BION. tecutor. Waukogsan,, oi emiber 4, 1". 74 Waukegau, [IL,. Niveniber i. 1001. 7-3 WLL APPRECIATE p LCTRIm»,C - Why not have your house wired under our two years' to pay plan<, Yoii understand that we wire arid fuiriiish fix- tures at cost and allow yoîî 24 îîiotiths to pay for same and (Io not charge interest. For your own sake you shoîîld use electrie7 light.