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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1909, p. 11

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r,, ~. *~'~Ž~ * k G.R. Lyon osÙWuea's Bst'Stoe u The IWch string is out--te -hour we bld yo4u welcome to Lyon's, a store whose mer, hlgher as the- area lof floors. *ô4re that stands'for the bee efftn't to imiproveconditions"ý éeesent wlrter stocks with1 séen, evidenclng the spirit ' Frontier Day- The evening twllight broken by a fime, f fire from an uld muzzie loader, the snap- ping of twlgs b the under- brush, the stealthy tread of moccasIned feet --- rearfng, pluolnghorses, told. lis XstO '0-I too well to the brave .11(é( caravan of prairie scheoners wiÏndlog ils ay thyeugb ,the unbrolken pattis Of '-the Western "llderness, sixty-seven years ago. Thes'e and other- hardships were only afew unçIer which thé Mistory of tbis store began. 1. Re Lyon started for thé Northwcst eairly ln the Speiqg of là42, late in the FI he had reached Downers Grove, MI., where, handlcapped by u«favorable weather and an Indian outbreak, he spentthe.win- ter, teaching school. Farly in tht spring of 1843 lieagain started Westward but the contlnt4ed hostility of the lndians compelled his return eust to tbç littfie viagt Qf. 4hicago; thèlow swaMpy land of what was destinled to be the fourth larg- est city in the world did dlot appeaU to this early ploneer so he 'traveled Northward along the shore of Lake Michigan until he arrived at the small trading post of Little Fort, now Waukegn; the beautiful bluffs standing a quarter of a mile back f rom the shore Une appeeiled to hlm so strongly as the logical poinWt for the future, great city of the lower làkes that lie decided to. locate. Shortly after coming tu this decision, lie re- turned to Nrew York, purchased lis stock, loaded, It on a filat boat, shipped It by canal to Buffalo thence by schooner to what ls now Waukeiaq... Here the goods were unloaded In smiltsklffs and f ish bonté. November 25,1843, the store whIch Is .hown ln thý tqp per ieft hand sd.was opened. Thus.W.ukega*ns's ~ store was faldy l.unched. The same solld methodae t the , set merchandise et the. Iowest possible price and satisfaction ai your money bock. whkhb was inauaurâted et that tUrne contln* ucs todav, attef 66 yeakrs. The Permanent 1,, Genesee -Street Entrance Fitrst Fi'> or North Aisie 'IIoilet \Vaters, T>er lriirSSoaps. Lress (lo.eIs, AX lover is wvhiteCi( iuss, tnlrlls Ei<îrbroderes, Linen 8car-fs, Linen Center- Pieees, 'Uabl Lirieri. ToeWhite (Io< <s. Childr-ens [Ufle(CrtQ5, Ladies Lndcrwear', <Jildrerrts llosielrv, Ladis LosirvLadies Bis Novelty Plated Waire, I3raids, Tirumiiiings, Genesee Street Entra nce First Fluor South Alite Toilet ( IJd (Iies C(hI<>s, Notions & Notion SNo% ehitr, Ribubons, Ladnies Sevkî'ea r, l iii1i Harul(ket,'elriefs, I"arev (omrbs. 'Jewo.llr Novelti es, Výiiirigs. Snrs Nfis Meue~ .Nirs 11 <se. Menls Des IitM enls Udre Mens (iloves, NIeris Svae Mi~I)s ress Srs M ens H rrntiirg Boots, Mens iirbielr Boots' M ens Iligli To p Srss Washington St. Entrance First Floor South End PURE FOOD SHOW & DEMONSTRÂTION BOOTHS Fresh Fruits, Fresir VegetabIes, (Canned Vegetables. lPreserves, Salad i Di., Olive Oul, Stluffed Olives, Plain Olives, Teas, ,Coffees, Spi<-es. * E>xtraet, eveiything ini the Staple and Fan ey (i'oe i* ill. - ýýide, and in the progressive splrt of the &niversary f auean's bes5t store, ,s,ïhdards a re contlnually, belng raised ~vIueof bus§iness basAncreased, a =mrcadise-and. exerts a ceaseless diered best. In com p a in i detail our, Wen a year ago,a si-mifcant Avance is s which permeates every phase of. this. >u'sness. of Stocks Are As Foilows in thf. vi l- at ivili iake it i mre cuî* whih bIoshorLrat est store. Evcry arni pheed on uirsulay and bs Sat'rday Mer 2Oth Sfollow. néline3 m'a Winter Underwear Mn's Servicable Shoes Obildren's Hosiery sro 4ioods & Sdlks Ooforts & Bedding ýtig for Comforters 'a Coate & Dresses Rored Suit.s and Coats ICurtain Materials me, Dinner Sets Etc. N.5pkins, Lunch Cloth. yBasenient E,xhibit Art Ware, Brornze, ,are, lIardware, G rarit ewa le, eNikled Xae, nWa-e, 'Wilhow Ware, rrleil WVae, Fish, Fish Fùod, r Goods, ire (O(>ds, ries, ToYs, Miens Overails, Work Shirts, Rtbber ('nats,- Riorse Blankets. Second Floor Ladies" and Children's Ready-to- Wear Depat tment Ladlies ( nids., Ladies Suits. Corset Ih.pt., Ladies Silk Waists, Lingerie Waists, Infant W~ear, F rrderrusfins, ('hildrcîis Di-esses, ('hildrens ('oats, Ilolise Dr-esses, Walking Skirfs, Dress Skirts. lEAeîriing (owns, Petticoats, Infants Bonnets, Fuis. (linghairn Aprons, Tea Aprons. Second Floor Drapery and, Rug DepaLrtments l'v Ii-tails>Prtiers. Swviss 4 rrtains ju vii e <es Appiiqried D raperies, ( '1îrtaill Madias, f rrtaîr wîs, Ienifiis Si Ikoli nes. Irapery Silk, lio<om iizurRngs. Surall Rugs, Nlattiîrgs, ('arpreting, Oilo('lothi, Lirurrletîrur. Third Floor Domestic and Trunl< Section M suSlmetnrig, 1>1mw 4Cases, Sheets, Ticking, I3ed Quilts, Coinforters, Feathiers, Cottoni Batt ing, Wr rrn Blantkets, Cotton Blankets, Crib Blankets, Eiderdown, Prints, (1 inighaitrs, Flan uel, Ouli ig Flanniel, Ete. Speeial rrruIlks, Steavir Trunks, Suit Caseis, rrclesc<Jpes, r1raî.eliîîg Ba gs. Shoppfing Bags Etc. To-day Towerlng wlth mou ntain Mie proportions above every business instittation of its, kInd 'in Lake County 6wau- kegan's beststore" occupies a ýposiIono of pre-eminence, tiat. has bc-en obtained by a -record of 66, years stand- ing0, for ail. that Is best ln merchand Ise. E4rery department. in this store has been '. doubied-..-in sçverilinÉita fce sêctions have, been tréblçd ln size, the actual. -space occupied for business' purposes ag- g regates o ver an acre -three floors and, a basement-- threç' hundred neWest style electric lights d lsirlbuted' by five mfiles af electrlc wiring and forty inverted gas arcs make. Lyon's.store as bright by night as by day. Local and long distance phones combined with our own.private ex-- change'; a store and dellvery service that is. unexcelled; a section that lias truly earned Its name as the Economy Basemelt; a pure food and grocery sec0on that lias set ail' Waukegan taiking; facilities for pieasing. our customerg through the handlinq of vast assortments of the best merchandise; conmenences in the way of elevator service; com- fortable. roomy chairs for the weary shopper as well as public rest rooms, and lavatories for noen, women and dhiîdren. OUR,< NEW SHOL DEPARTM£ENT The home of "Q~ueen Quality Shoes" is' the most soaciouz departmnent in Waukýega dvtc ecusvt o soe and shoe findings. Among thc specials which we offer duringjhissale is a line of 1aies' ad mis=es soes that we q.5ohave handled succcssfully for years. Thesî lines ire the equivalent in~ $4, $2~every way to many shocs for whkch you pay one half or a. thitd morte The 1IodIsh Ftgure--.You ~ca~i have it too Speciat Demonstration N Tei h tre t-not thliue--wn-Ybull teau a ve. o thR4w0b0t the lonad & h eal te swkfto the n m oe- Aà or the cd"W " tc Vou have nevèr ku*oiow the pmssbîbitlca of your figure. uuîtd you have ".theS& petfect garmnerts-the new modcls are especitaliy si lart, n ip- png in just -cough at te wast lie to give tluç NEW -WAISTCURVE. Core l, let us fit yous to just exacrly the right for your iu<ividuial figure. Pices eangef7 i $1 to $5 Amncaa.dtol..yr and Fittings Novobr 22.1 Ihru -byOinbe 21bh Yob are very cordially invited. ,G. R. Lyon & Sons,Waukegan 's Best Store 4 J

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