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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1909, p. 3

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AfA~LA~fl. A~ i4, U*UI ____________________________ I a 1bv tmny home seveaa tyles of the Baldwin Pianos. invite yon to aeansu e. l'rices within the reach of ai]. GEORGE E. STRANGI Indertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYMME o -o w Il -0 ILLINOLS H-EADQUARTERS FOR .XMAS GOODS 00 GOOOD TASTE AND QUALITY At aur stores you wiIi find POPULAR PRESENTS at POPULAR PRIC ES. Camp ir i s es thesisatin Msnicurs Seis, follet Sets, Nfilitary Sets, Srroker Seis, Pottery, Plîtures, lountain Peuxr, Arts aud ('rafts .lewery, Souvenirs, Perfurues, Fani y Box Caudy, Cigars, ffand ilago, M uieltoal@s, (ames, BtookesudNIf ixed Candies for the, Li t tie Foikm. We bave ahr'îlutely the targest irud bemt fs.eten in liooks (mati of the iiew,-,opi irglitm) \ ojas ('ard., -t oki ýta1'Post Carda and N'aý ý'iar*m Posi (arine irety.W'. hare tenir i tih- l' 'T waitirig for your ique ýioli COME IN AND> SEE US Merrry X ras and a Square DJealtoail. DRUCE DRUG Go0. (Grayalake, Chas. Thomson, R. Ph. Three Stores Rockefell or, H. A. Watson, R. Ph. (Round Lake ROUND LA TONSORIAL1 Shave 1Iý Neck Shave FIRST CLÂSS GUARANTI MASON & FLARY, ROUND LAKE- Agency SchniverL AKE VOLO0 Pi~I~.L ~ JR lUnEifilîge rî,r' ti art iof ait -k~ v' Sc itli ii i noi' S' , , uiiiriretlîtr Fret Ili i giir rora iclîntîre iofii,'r't W~ORK 'fnj i xIi' ar u ir ra'i ,ilt.,i ýED Mfi iLti rmaii-Mti Propretor lmVa i oirarriî tirm iiiiiani surii latir er ILL ,Mr inilllrî,nrrrîîrr Sasitii' gliret o Laundrv rlunti e lgrii'liiirrda.vsuit F riia, Mis,,An rs eRoideut-si'irr.ohfS'raun uuîîiasîeri W'eulusdunirht- uirn u ORAVSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. ORM'E, Editos Phone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertisîng Rates On Application Mr. and Mr@. Otto Johnson are @pend- inig Cbritmas witir ber parents at (Jeen Bay, Wis. Tud oe aeigh boats front Round Lake an n frour NorthrCicîagor attendsd th tisrask ball bere last Wednesday evenlflg. Otto Wslirnani- borne for a monirb's vacatiou. pMis@ Mary Hî,ok im homne for a wseks3 Vacatîin i The fur'ritiire siale te strît on at tire furuit-ure tstori' We will have botb brfi k nd bulk ces i rsaur on band during thre holidays at itbe(traysls.ke pbarruavy. ,,)I 'i joe. the bespeake and (lorden stter tirat was ownsd by Allan HcMLaî hian and who mnade bis borne at lirsysî,sie neerai easdied tât tbe M!I taciran horne a week ago last Sun- iday Tire dîig wrr.i a univermal pet sud sut bc.ritseâd. \Iien.. iiliin Fliirinjz efrent- Saturday id sud rrdrrv in iila F lrarnk Lawrsrr riturned Suuiiav even- in ron a rui irursicg trip Jo wrrti, C. 0. Lorrgaiaugii and al'ii(iai il wrtlend ChiriHttriras at tir" £ J. iLongabnugh bonie li. M. Godfr,-y, of imutrovir, penit Siua iday lure. Tiée wil Ire no Sundny s'iront St tire Mismoir next- Sirnday but on t-le fîalow- i ig Suday atter New Yrars at 2 fi. ri At tis session thes Xrarr ardm arnd tueinrrt ardm wil e given tant-. Dr. E. F. Shaffer, wifsand son, Marquis, lIt- Tirnday il, apeui thtb. irilidays wîtir relatives inlu mbînius, (Ohir. Tire doctor will retoru tire Miiniay followiug New Year's. Rev, Preston w-asin CUitagu tirs firet of tirs week. F. D. Battersiraîl tran ai t-ci, business ln Chicago Tussday. Marquis Siraffer w-as a Ciiiago viitor Tne8day. H. 1. Tower sud 'n îe. fill itir i isiid hers Tnesday. Mr. sud Urs. 0. P. Biirriin are spsnd- iug s fis days witbreItiviirn ruChicago. Miss Rtuthb Rilsy, prrîîîary teacier us spendiug tire vacation at lierborne. agaîn Mîînday alter Ne, 'r . 1ev. Toit wit "runduvu tiiiservices at- tire Missionu usat "i iii lav sveuing. Specral X mas seri'vic,. S i erer vted to attend. Mrs Nltfî'ratll and i, ii,'r,R ittir. are speuidrng trCior hiî w('iiagi Mr.asud Mrs.G. W.Wfiiii, rer arrîvud .Nioduay frîrura wopk'm -ta iiitiîcr chugirter, Nf s. L. Hei . ' i i'arnii'r C'ity. Mr. sud NIre. Waltrr,, kr'îîlîîît, (il Farruer'a City, w-e gti- il Nfr.aird Mrs. Hioffnsu sud Mt unît %Irs,.fE.1V. Shanks ibis w-est- A party of youug îe"t' uit a isigi ride to Anitrocir Ia,,Tirr v'i eiiinig. Mr. and Mrm. A. Hlari-, .îa ae visite,-, bers eîineday. TAYLORGROVE.iatimm 'nviveE ffiuger ieft iereTtiars.USEL Mise lilizabetfu ter -isiitedi irrenda 1 diranniurnurug fur Bnurgtiii, nwbesG.AGE'S L.AM.E US luer@te tirit of t-ie w-est. se, iiimat-eterironie for souis tiui' ----------%-'I rry Christ-as t-oail. 1ev. l)apeilier slent- l'iiav Nil 'F ti Mr, snd frre Wun.Clouuglaud S Irsa RiirnI(ur t-lue'Chirtirras tutu ignri iat- Tirre w-as no servit-sa lant 'unîiai. Wifiey. fnr',' Itoout-anrd l-netiqqiglit, o % ut.iratire vîrr F'riday nugrt- Suiday sehoot as usuaf usxt- rina. ' ýnu iA creir nuIra Wedueeday alte-t Tire Ladies Aid Society rsrat,'ed aiu,ut E. A fle-eves sund famiiy t,'it- Saidaj Mary [lunean ta taviug vr, hirt-tu tut 11. arc Mruuur 1$15.0riirrn rt-he measiring tiaitY l"r'i- morine ifor Californialor saie, muiuit-irn ai@ i s'hiruru ietit ivamu i-IreSylveMter Wagner sari uav uigbi l1).Younug w-as seau oui lir niteets Tbe adrs' id iiiir'y greairr. i dus Teie, NW ris acre ru Milenry Sat- Horward Are niasd Cheter('ruiker toiuk rer'-enutly os Mrs. %.n H. lrew-er Vedresday urday sfternoiau a steiglir irrd fi yonng fuit-n to Liberty- MaLMBne -sn 'rcg Ut'. Meivifie la Improviiig. Mr. sud Us rm ittrHoiman, of Men- ville Sat-nrday igirt w-e t-bey w-e Mr. st .Bne a bc Mr. audSIre. F.liretmeyer and Mr. sud]dot-a, w-rs guets ot relativu eslrs a few- tleaoanty sntertauued St tire home of atr 9tw-et- for aseonpleuui days. rme. Jotn Sires iait-crirelatives bers daY6 rr'rtty. Mr. sud I-re l'reui Crot-er. Thon Sayhs visited ut t-ie A C' lurin Monday. M fise Cora Suyder and Miss Pratt w-rs home ast Wedesdayunigbt. There wilfi as a Christmîas trse rit tir 'WEST FREMONT. ru Chirirgu Satîrrday.DrLw-uatptvybuynitad Bo.cruaciurvr ndy vemuî lvsy Ierry Xnmas. Mrs. Pattuertrîn ru aw-ay on a t-w-o day. oecore ne bave a gndt-me o oierseSna ireeter w-net-svacation w-ht-hrelatives and Mr t-.A. Siver -asaMiwaurkee ohn Gelugd fgoodyairentmSnudathatMPeter frieuda. visitor tiretant- of tire wsek obs ao wt eIlativudsmilbwlitriuIvtseseyre holiay.wttb rI.atin's br..Frank iiniart- was a bfins, aller iru_,r. and Nire. Watt-er Beak ha',- nain- Mr and M"., Merville sud fra. H. A. Chas. Lewin was inr Baut-egan onr lisi usas Tuedav. I-CifINESE LANGUAGL -;" 1 *liffesaceBet-een the Written Cer sot-es snd Spech. f Tins ditecin or isirgnîges ofthtie Cà ceses empire are s"yituerous anai damiar.Tîrus a ('brisese eaking tise dfaet- ut tIrs KýangtIrrg (Cantol proviuce la not- nuderEtoori by s Ci lems ersidin tritie reigirboting prov- lince o! Fuklen.'fTheueirgiags or dift- let spot-eu aSharnghihwontd t-equitu I lbbrauge to tire peopls rendiug at- Pekt-ha Writtteu cirastere of Cirmnse au'% haw-ever, underatoori sud ecogni-d by sîllat- tlroug$lut tire #bole empire la t-ie same rhssuer as Our Araibe nu- marais 1,i. , 4, etc. are recogubueit by thes sys througiront Europe. Butas thbe nmerals wbneisi ronouced or »and bave suttrely diffrr'ut-souandseta tacetusd10tirsi lu Euglannd. Franc@. Geripiay, Itaty, et-e, go t-ie Chines wrftten cirnirsetema are spot-eu lu to- tally different wordsansd sounds a l thse saverai provinces of Chia, with âawsver, t-le important- exception tiratr Me mandarin lauguage le spot-su orr Vdertood more or esas (hronghoutt lbrg-tosurtls o! China or, ronghij qopakg, Iunsariy ail tire provinces Mosth aud west- of the river inrigtze.t TFie iaarguage kuosu asne-ten Ilirr the MedIuns by w-ca tirs classicat book$ et China have heen lia niler>dow-u Il le par excellencestire writ-teu Isugnage et China, but- It le not- generntly under.i aboati iy tire great- mass of tirs peopla1 Wobs poken fauguage- dz, Mandari- 'My also b. writien. and irets le à pood deaI of sofioqulal fteraltuela Ifandarin. Versions o! t-ie Bible lu tirs 10=1l Patois have Iso been prodaneut i neverai district-s oftht-e sont-rst-, Iw-er. thirleicte are very'animerots and diverse, Iu th ChInese w-ntteu language t-bers are over 40,000 distinct charas- ters or symbole, andt -iis vaut- Rumba, la belug coustautl>' Iucrsad by tire adtijfon o! nsw- chraatars ta repre. ment- uew sceetifle worde ansu odems Mdess. Ait-iougir tirs Chinese are eon.ldsa.d a llt-eramy people aud have natuzsay a deaire for edimatlou, yet- owlng te tire extrame dificu ty o! masterlng thé. Chiues. ciraracters It la estimateil thre ouly one lu teu o! t-ie population sam rend or wrtte.-Coutemporary Revsw-. Locusta. Indiana tcmiilocusta I'lttie borns.B' md t-eir erruau tenu forttue pente je ba' ora..." r>. may lave company, but It 't etertanliea coiaur VeyVoIL. Wa.c.n o ay.' ---- -- -v1tMtireir boy.,55Willim Tft John F"redericesn.as tia'eei ia bsout w-itllfteFridav fit a u'alier Tnssday. w-itevacation. m f5isIbilips, t-encirer ofthtie Sangstnck Lon11 Sus transfli b iruese ili MuisioîiIan goe t-o lber home in Cîîed. Ilenrry Tnesday. i ehraska, fuira t-w-o w-eeks' vacation. Wiil Aikoier suit .1s' irîbner wsi-te ir, auitMnIre Amen aud - dangirter Rtockefllier valiers Frîday eveuing. tteoded tire w-eddiniz of MrnAunes' aioretinruWaukegau Tlrursday. Mnr. Mary,'letirpt-e ap'ni n u'oîupls of1 dayâ last w-et- viàrtrrrg tuer daugirter. 1I-fisa Auna Panka le very ai k at the Mn. it Aikofer. 1prr'nttrnrr F'rank Nordrnsyer atti'dr'r a sale nerar Roc'kefeller Tnesday. Wr' wouîier girat Bill atiiGeorge sers lookiug trîr Siindiay aftcýrn-iin-a tînme or the utîrtir pois. Mrm. Josephr Aikoier aud dangiter, Mary, &peut Suuday iand Mrauday vimnt- iug relatives inn Palatine. A very narrowescape frorn instant deati w-as had Saturday mrnring by George Chevalier, a w-eh kuow fariner living about a mi e tont-west of Warrentrn. Mr. Chnevalier as usual irad taken rniik to WVarreutoi et-at-ion ahout 9) o*cdock Sat-nrday mor-ing aud w-as rst-nrunug home wireu crossiug tire rail- road traek a fast nortr bound passenger train hors down ou him. edîd irot irsar tirs whatie sud atire deprît obstructeritirs vlsw, did not ses airs train ntil itw-asaiamoat upon hlm. He qnickly tried to baek off tirs track and bad almira tsiuceeded wiren tire engins @truck tire horse, cnt-tmg it to pieu.s sud strewrnig thleu> atoutirsh traitk Tireairafte w-ere tor f rom tire wagon sud sîîliutered but M r. Chrevalier w-as leit git-tiug in tirs Sat euiirely unintun and under tire irctmtances irisscs w-ansîrnirsirriraculoua asfirad ire ir ne foot usarer tire track ire ertaîr woiand bave (resu strnck aud kil instautiv. Tirs train was stojaped ei backed to tire crosiug sud ire w-as for mtrilliittiug in tire wagon uninjureri x'ery irauvirdateri sud ai firht nable rpaliee w-bat bail bappsusd. Tl'ie tr- w-as late sud wars making of) lost t aud goiug tirîugir Warrentou'.ery t. Tire crossiug is voisidersd a ufauger-et-" ons an a nuruber orf fast fiasseuger r gol îirongb lu tirs morning w-hile m. fariners frrîur tirs snrrondiug eoud-jr are nnliiîding tireir mîlk for ehilaunsoil Cilago sud tlîey' liave to ri iel reinini tire track. MILLBURN. %ferr., Chistmras t-o ait, E. A. Martin transacted býsinseesurin 'alleri ou Sauta (laus las& w-et-. tei. A W. SafBord speut- Frîday ru t'iur eago. (4', Whit, &Bd i Mand CIemiarnn, ol Roi-heet-er Ar'aiemy. Wiseonsin, are hume] fura tîro a'esks vacation. Mt. snd Mes, Wm, Thon, iret Mon- day li Wankegan. Simeoniines sud Mr. Hauser liant mn- suesys tire pint w-etNo serein,,danm- age was dons. Fred [lootittîs.ounr geuraf tesaud cotise sateemani. îransact-ed business un unr irnrg Monday. A. H. Stewart lfeu Tuesda>' for a teu day visit w-lt-hiis dangirter, Mes. lidua Pember, of Nortir Hamptou, Ohio. Wadsw-orth got onusIrsigi inluaswest-. If you dont get your Xmasprssetsthst corne that w-sy dont Se anrpised. Tirs varionus etboots w-ilt-fose for urne w-seL vacation. t. E. Topue, Lie. 26. Our respons- ibrltt-vfor borne sud loreigu missions, i e'y' sliitt-rry t-lis past w-est-nd td lhe t-ste tii tire iddle uf tire street lu pi0)01 vase tu net-mie ibeir ueke on tire ce=t~ otha-n accidents haie besu rsported. Do 'vonîu noutri" lat ite easy t-o iry Sor fi't.aii t eguod t'onlti. w t-houker î:Lnnii>auii't'of soot sud amois, ery- gieti.e tri' s very ltileaitrouillins i iiutlîsn tire stOVE titisdaLm pe' rur clurneiy. i se iPyrolite W'nhi'd Nuit, iSil get itfronîrtirseHorrieLoinLuit C1 1iairv.1it Sedir leiury, blîtightiy. leste', enougi sur epaso n t t-li .1 luina nu t-b,'gses t-bat w-oitrd other urake sont and amnt-e, il iag I , inn GUREEyoo put lu your accouni?' ra tir. mrd M ta. C. fi Nfens, troui Jjy E. ville, Tenu., anse rs tîr penrd I year, $12, biuinayn w-lt-hthre' atters uotirer, yit'e 2nd year. SW4: rt W. H. Wison. Provide for tire fnuue by ýar Mrre Abbie Wilson lait Satrirda' $1.00 w-ID open an accouý Zeuda, Wis, wbers sire aili speno . ..... . - ..- , Ida, winter wit-b ber brotiser, Wm. Wison. viited lu Wnnkegan tire liasI w-etJ Quit-s a number attended t-bs enter. M. A. Hogan le stti on t-be jury iu talumeut at tire York flouse scisool Waut-ngau. Wedaesay svsiuggiveuiryMiss iIadys Rut-b Hanhon sud Lanra Strabau vis- Stewart aud ber inuplfs. itvd imtitast Frlly. ast w-esk, .rrCbase riait-cri bIsIrm last Fu'dav. Mr. aud IMra A. C. Crrris wers Kenra visitora ast- Weduesday. Word iras been reived tirat- Robiert- Murray, Sr.. la eriticaliv M n t- tire bospit-at in Kenosisa, MissiPateh ir -hhbave s Christmrs t-tee aud entert-anmeut Friday aft-eruuou t-o w-bir ailtht-e patrons of t-be erirrîn are invited. FREMONT. Nerry\ruas t-oalil Mit-e Wirt enet-ert-auud r'ompauy friruu t-ie it-y. Rose Freder ifsuad Bemard L4ianSit- r day witbà Jus Grerran sud famfry. Piiip Wagner mpnrt one day st- raeek at- Waukegzau. Heure Freini, ruf Joiustiarg, sud John Pfairnestitt suri Kate Freund, ot Mvilenry, visit-sd tireir Iiter. thîra. Wur Aman Snnday. John Freund speut Sunday w-rt-h hie parent-s. Mr. sud Mm., Ueo. Spoerl rsturned t-o tirsir borne ati o. alter spendiug a taw- aeeka bers, Nike Wagner and Lucy Stairi speut Suuday w-s Mr,. AI Wagner. Mr. Kate [istz sud ehildres, ofGrays- take, @peut Suuday at t-bs W.fiet-î bomne. G How to Make Christ- mas Presents Tor Bath F Sexes-Ilatpzu Cush- F ion-N e edi e b o00k. T Suit Case Sfet F'or a bS Man. Tirs ht-plncuatiron simien là, made of pompadour rIbbous snd val lace, fi la teian tire renierSi tlir bau i it Tirs uesdlebook la alIo as itîlf'tîr trinket, sasityriamit, a r ris li etirer by men or wotuirii. Tirs design show-n Ita aili"uti primrose pattern worksrî luii ,t[iz For tireman w-ho iravii, iiii iigNailiI b. more sppreciated thum ntui:tt lucati. NITEMlÂLS EOCME Que pece ci cotton waddmug. Oue >ird of Dresdeu mbbon. Yard sud bailvlerarenucsLace. QuJarter' yard tdeta silk. Taen yards baby ribboe, HATPu> CUITtuON' ed a suh case setL So man., fln.ilt uns thre surît- ciise, buth iaive rievr ic(i îabtle t-o o,,ernorne rire itll'ri ii , f t' r thre stî-iim' iai truasiegfrîîîîî rutlii iri, agai ii't tlîî'r i Ina linen. 'tle eare tirrees itiereat artilenlutit-t, '.ail of whiih are ruade of course lineir. Tire revepiacte for rirts t, lu tire shape of s large envestpe. i lire edgess onnd w-iti rsîri, sardt îtiiiidli e large enougir tu contatu t-wo ntitrir Tire iag for coiarrs la umade froin tire saine raaterial 'FThe Luirtionla circutar surd marie trous psstetioard. A good tdea la to sew 1t-lis n strtp of paste- board about tw-o tachres deep.Tires. aironini fa.coverer iwt-tatirs ltissuire- fors befug fa»Ucneul togetirer. Tire up- per part- of bmg saould b. fullf andi gatirered ihi a drnwlng string. Tis protect tire sollarsf rein rusating as well saskeepa t-hem visa, Tira tirri article ln tire set la a plain tInen bag 11usd wlt-laotIed sflk. This lu int-ended for spouges suri protecta tirs contenta of the suit case trou t-bs moittire of tis tollet necesaft-y aft-er It iras beeau ased. The iratriruair sau la. put luntMe bag If no spouge la nsed. Tire mouagrans eau b. emirroldered u t-ie ont-ide. To make a stumirer robe for baby tske t-w-oaud a irait yards o! plain altkotiare. tiree. boîta vof No. 1 rlhbon, anesakein oft Shet-land floau ans n bat of flue sotton. DIvîde tirs silkoliar lut-o t-w-o qual parts, ptace lIma s rame snd put lu NUEDLE[SOL MusEt-ti rabbé, iiispeudiug tire w-eskt-iysml !ctonbtwsns.sd o ln tire dit-y. 'ilj t-ie rlhbous ail lu tlsy bows. blit-le Hertel ret-ned bomne Mouday Tirsad tie usedie w-ftir t-ie Shetland after spending a fsw days at Ingleside. dlosa, usluag It double, Brtug t-ie needle ~m~Zm up trons tie bottom, tiren down agafu, ROUD AMt-aktug a fftitch tirrongr aie of t-be 1lbows. TIc ttas ysmn on t-be w-roug aide, Roud Lke o Hve ieProecton.w-lth t-hree or tour extra needles t-led In Roun Lae toHav Fie Prtecton.the ns ot t-o mat-e a issu t-utt. Lamt Fnlday soune of aur vit-iensm Continue tirs kuotttag ln t-iis man- etarted a srhsecription t-o purehase a lit,' uer, bagtuutug w-ltbt-w-o andi a hait w-bistle sud organise a vonteer lirei' fues trom tta edgs, mak-tag t-ir dfpartrusut. Tire wsy tire folfow-ing trufts four Juchres spart Tar inlut-ie sauret-o tiretriant w-ouid do auy trure heant gooril Clans Jougs, Jr., A. 'dig"sa1l arontansd buttoubole close- Paddock, F. i t- iardeon, L. Murrie, W'nuiy w-ltbt-be yaru useri aingiy. A. Rosing, Chas. E. Manou, Chan. Crochet a row of sireits aronithes Jorgenerun, A. Ni.SWhite, Bendes, inis., qutit, sasirairei ofti1ve double crociret Geo. E.tt-ir'bndsou, C. G. Odefi, Fleuri tastene iw-tb s singl e crochet sur Jansen, E. A. Dronu Martin Tiren'n, piedr close enougir tngetirer t-o mat-e dos Arranu. Ueo, Rosiug, Frant- Fender-thfie w-ont-lietint ainsdfulieri att-ie cor- son, Juin Hart, Forest(leu Crsami'ryner Co . Frankt- irnimus, Wm. Hhirouinttia.nes NIt F. i.nby, fid Lnuby. S. C. Litweîter, Ou t-ie rhit side. just innide tire N. Il Kiiotuall. ira S[ritb, Wm. Wlinir buttouirohing, mat-e a row ut featirer- t-ln, Waltsr Wh ite. Frank Amnn, Clie tlthing w-ltbt-be ysmn. dunie, Sr., tA. W. Fn x, Joe Hueker. This malien s ifght, dsinty cover for e 'fIr. dungo ofItie Foresit (lurarevt-ie baby. tt la very pretty of bine ,o. , r on trîrnifact-trýy tirsnew wire sikottue t-ted w-tI whbfte munirons or Of miilbu sevted w-eut t-o Ciiago stndw-hite .itkohiue tied w-itb plut- sud bine. runade arrangemente for irumediate suit, ________ ment-of saine sud ire predice t -at w-ba "(AId Baidy" arreama for irslp Roatri SsBfaty Pin Haldar. aLake wihl not S a good place for uny A-9 a gft to Yong mot-bers t-o sccam- one t-o s!eep. ltha int-suder t-o blow t-be pny t-ho baty basket aaety pIn bold- 5.whistte (ta. m. anti 12 m. attet 'aso erg nantie s uefu tuesents, N'cnt'aetcr' nd lu eirrergpnches. Pianos That' Give Good Service t or pli nueertitinrilv r. n god servies rsomeu« rhi ss midi ii neer iltte awi le Those w-ho iravebougbt o iai)rsa re ai n aYs rend vy toî raieilum. W ieu Sun bu '.remrriier tiratitrie insrrnienris w-e offer havsablgb reputairrîi amilufitlîiîe i,bîîne aireadv tricî t-hem. To seleet uof, tirea'prunrilur nu rei iritsurie ouist niiac'îuîn.Thir ir et bas bean proe' anditi w lîîrtliîr gîîarauted iy tire writt-en warratity of t-be msuufactuveai Doilotutilulthat irecanse theepiano8 are ii excellent, t-at theje' are eaiernive. Eli sprii'ed exact- t', at bi t-l4 w-ortf> aud wieths* yîîîr iîy lines(ifitbe low-lîriled or one if tbe high-r-iiced one@, yon geit tk lîcet isrurment wlirî an lis sold fror tire nioney yîîu pay. t%'ben yoir are resdy t-o purîbhase w-e w-lit show yon tihe@@ differt' nstrumnents andl gir voir frrll infoirmationu abount ait rof t-hem. We vili te#I viiiutilin,'n t-fieltîlaiiiglier igirres tîan anîutler and we w-rfi prove thra* inc ru il lu u i li prive. If i iilooîk ur tiisît. voir wili',' that 'lii ihave a choicesfronrua ('ontiilte ragiii ofrtIialilIe gririeH ai i itli,) spri tuee MASON & HAMLIN CONOVER $500 ru $1800 $400 ta 8800 CABLE KINGSBURY $350 tu $425 $300 ta $850 WELLINGTON DEUTÊER $225 t0 $275 $§0t0 200 INNER-PLAYER PIANOS $500 to $1000 W e unr,' made t easy tfîr yoru tir nses tirse insiruriiientsi because W* lu ae llai'ed a tine vîIlttio n t- tire store of LYNCH BROS., Libertyville fivre 'mno resoir a'iîv vra niîiiid polîtrne any longer the purcirau i unr ipianol. 'ioun nesl)ne iii yîîîr humne prrticnlarly dnring thre louar a irter 'r'-enîtiîgs. indnotili tira vîr hav' t-be oiiportnnity to get a reaIii i e ii t the riglit i rie andi uit asi icrrin, t-hile ia gond tins. te i oau'iliir'litîl Cable Piano Company CHICAGO L. LEWINTHAL, Special Representative boLeclborrner aria wom t't lua veter attir n ecattered blomsam Kfiss ringles -wld ros«es, perbapa5, f oalg tissui iover tirs surface, or tUny buoebO-. buttervupa bers snd tire Gift M ake & l rngt.(I.Wben complets Itlàl derneatir. Backed by a second =g- Prescrits for Girls- Dainty cambtiie ft becomes a very 4a-tuée Aprons of Dotted Swlas For towlp stther for a baby cmnrA Coquettish Malds How as a bead rent- for aun itva*M I -..A llandkerchiefs Are Utilized. 'row beadlng te aewed AUail ax'a If you know- a pretty girl w-ho wltairs t-o w-fn tirs beari or au ardent admirer, makre s dint-y apron for ber and sendJ It for a Christ-mas glft Tbe aprons il- lnatrateri are btui datnt-y and usefmir tire saine t-ins. Tire surplice apron In made of dotted awfss aud ta flrulsied wftir bauds anuri mOles of lace. Tire pocket-e aud siroulders bave decorations of sort- wasal ribtion. White sîlk fa uaed for tirs otirer mortel, whieir ia trimmed wlth ti iertitrbed ratffies snd btack vet- vet ribibon.J Iland ernhroldery udris very rcirt-o tire atipearauce of tire sik epreun, sud' AÀTMO eUM Fow y".sci china or tla W mii Eda y"daofi a6u6y. mfiuz Bg4d Yardsci issrtion Four yards ai litlhluo SURrnLIi E AsiiON. sbiv. e if-i , îleseignr iii nnu.vnec. dhsw-omarr . uu irtout- rnay lie Copieri tmom nr.ir%% l 1,irrter iiior (lufor onetl he i"lut A firenix girl o enrlrug a roquetUirh apron ardotir'uh îî ti trffy rosettes ai- w-ays alitelits t ilr rurnons ys, sud lt-air ban a tos "tttuig behutrird bn eft sur $0 mninvir tire tiet-ici for t-ie man Imme- dtatel i1tiUressnesues ut domestic blan, w-beresnonru'onue bs canes a great deah ton wlltII rtî'aatst baside a siradedi tamp and waent dalntý' dot-ies. H1anutt.ervtrets, ton, are miade np fut-o att-ractive apmuons prit-togetirer w-lth-lsa. tiroidersît bcrdlug of lace. tt-alty t-bsn seeni t» o b no sud to tire number o! waYu ot usine irsuriter- chleta tasakies tire Ortirodox fastiiori. sud n new- iden 18 to tat-e a shre'r oni' 'mua luIau iir i'rat.iirntr' l t i,'?i . NÀTEMM lS m # IFour yarl fd icUe h"k or.ebot j bc~V",igi~u, erige of tire Pllow- aud la tlnzead.4 rhIbban mateiring the emb~. uarrow iremst-itcbed dune cm .e compietes an exceedici" poetU'qp whlsb lu there siopswould bthq*'i higir price, yet madeieat bome, m thre haudt-emcihet w-oufd irethe outlay. ______ LInen Hair Recule. Apretty irair recetver ta get"1a" fem Cirit-mas le o! heavy wjl1*,, ecmu linen. Tire edge la scallopeut aud la tast-euead owe buttons sud but-onhofes. T w-oksd lu tire spîltsatin seei set-te of rIbbou w-lt-bloop snd «MUtý' taire.tire reselver. ' A Joweft $tor'y. lu apf te o! t-ie reput-st-Ion forlei di.uarfalm iregalued from lis tuuIe trial for ireres>', t-ie tate PrnfemsotZS, et-t of Oxford w-as lutolerant of p915i t-buiness asailow- cooceit. 0.4 self sat-isfled unudergmaduat-e iD.etb* manteronue day. "Jraster." ire @M&d. " bave searcheri everyw-bere u In 01plnfo&r opin se. sncieutaud modeX1. sud P>, w-bers do1 lindt tisevidece of a Go'k "Mr. -"rephie thtie master &alu shortsm pause n Issu usuaf. "It-fYOU deW4t Olur a Codt by 5 o'eloct- t-irisa1tV001% ynau must lenve tit cohfege." ~ l'hs Do4tor Errplslmsed. i Tirs doct-or bmdirmouglut-a matlMW1 t-bs iospit-at. Tireroperatiou WU t-o ire a complîcater one. 'W'as It reurthy necesslry for là&~ tient t-o go to tirs iospttuailr me: ast-ad. ' Tire doctor uodded. "Yes." he replicaj. "It OP l for t-ie new bouge 1Iasus4 <c etruritI'lain Dtealer. 0 LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO'MAN 24, Iffl muuar, -m'y

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