Plaus te Place ir£levated Roadaeof Ohiesmo Under Ont Management la t.i Taire Up Waukegan Lins, Evert aa Surface Merger in City Took Up Cary Lines-lssi'ii Looked Upon as u19 Factor In Project. Thre men 'ur, b are at the iread of fie px'aposed Luerger ofthtie r-ieated unles li Chicago. ieaded fit Saruveli inu I am r ankly and open]l, atter tire Frost gyatenn of interorran eiertric lines ram Chicago to Miwaukee Inaulli la ter tihe contrat foriis CoDmmonwealtb Edison and Nortir * Ele&ric Company andthie or-fers are working for there uerger as railroad -:mon. Tire Wankegaar Interurbinwiti fie tiei-uded ln tire eievated mnergers as eali'iy as thre Gary uines were takeur u -laithre aurface fmerger. r'. This la thre substance of Inside le formation front Chicago Lines a Connscting Llnk. The Frost sYsteni connecta withthf ie Ch 'iicago eievs.ted systella lnEvanstour nd thed r-e Nortirwestern elevated wor-ka witirte local afateun. Insul la now sellng tire local ine sore of lits power nortir of \Waukergan. There la a stuir of elevate t rauk ieft ai Wal- err treet in(Chilcago for a arrlai Sit, rt tan service for shipiers, waichIi ru ,-relOir rtlrthýireie rd plat Y-stertiay aiiiiinciniii %i, r us a ardtionallt that Iirruialutu i iig "t" t ire Chicagou Waiilt,-curi, K Nue H Mtu-til air- i.ia lii' risM .,;tii tit-litu, - i - - r ' tl,\r ir,, SUN oturf a iritili Ater Al Les. eThi 1. -i i l- ' , - ' - te'ctiliu im ie i-e r-ie Fuuut-::t' Sse Consolidation rcf -V Lies. totauromlir ii' t t - fil-, uitat lime l1r r ui'n tir,- t'itits i( il ,,,-, tfio' bave ftiiow-ul it-Lru ation s foit i' - i ut Conueuolu prettti' l- iia rlic santda st t t tiogguuuiutg liiutul Io flruug abuutI,,ir' irurion llrs riait tri !ta eat rýut' i-tu u!il ti uratrou, tf fairuu irsirit iliai,' t,-,r- t otilng liu tire tatk oftf iiw t,-l' i t ait publicu utilitîr-r i lu(' iiuutiz I, r'otiiioltuS,ati Mdsotu. wthfilh tviiraffi- ltr'resia, Tirey tl-r'st - i, i r. isuil ia amir tiein to ir-l t i- eui urtrirri-]ttauud fur-eai irhLe miotive lpower- i uuelreuiilu- ly ta olerau-tirte unifliel rtreef car sud e leti systema of Chircago. M'ut tuill was one oft tir'"'ionie r-nIe' ttvoctes wiro aidet i ti engloser- lng thie deal wheretty tire consolida- tion of aIltire soutir aide surface fines sas brought te succeseful issue le New Yor'k Isat Frlday. It ta consîder- c'd slgulftcant tirat only Ijat May Mr. Ingral.i, ra M.('Cire and EnlIe K. Bol- sot, ail etfsiroi figrred intire New Yor-k transactions, tr-red te put tirrougir a consolidation ofthlie elevated lines. Tirer-e wsa a hîteir andth ie deal falleti at tirat ime. lit- laexpecteti toefiere. ie'wed now. CUSTOM, OFFICERS AFIER SMUGGIFRS 'I f isflggest stolu rl,t-, i t-rat itel 111(. nuit ii -rîti1ii tluiIt N f tti- iu mil] flotu lu'wrtttiiru tut i tu-at ýer, t conîcer-na allegeti srtuggiing oper-atuons tirrougir the porte of New Yor-k, Boston andi Chicago anrd juif tire ether- day a customrs officiai n tire service cf tire gos- erieent un Chicago aaaerted tirat thre aggregate lott by tire gevern- ment thr-ougir customs frauda wuli exceedth ie amaunit of thre gugar- weigir-u frauds--b>- over $4,000,- Tire lurlerest ii, it, itti tor ýi ut corfne tri tire facu Mlat a liii,-wealtbv gocletu' unr-ut anîd oftrei fite Lakue F'or-err-ant ili gilt.rîr laik itfric-ts have roth iu r' ;iii-, l-ttgllt ti ,,l- tirt vague h'at,,a,.ii, -, ronti Ciclagour tilatr t'r, i-t rIturuif so1ue'of irent ,-hut- ifti ua fr-tutti tlege',d ri- tut, a i suonooneti ai u; tuu Many Go to Europe. fab le net aI] l rit tir- fut-rt t l Ililru gr ta Europe Or tufiýt auaFiItir ()i tirenuarr- ar-r rsi-l rtf aituýge, i ti t utd lng of tire goNiiit irt ti,, it-r Statex, officiais atu îu-ru-îr tutuut ut gail nuai Ile the ti.r -tl abru- ottr. tf shore soiely for flic'iUourirud &Md If la statedtietulie ctuttil uttý Of turne b-toie tuat mtrrui i tî -, Ple are netteti M Just DOW lata tîtututta ttr,uiit ofru T,. Ciîcaga modisteasireo are Pst- ronîzeti extenalvely by the north Ixoirm- elu'unent h*vye tirUs far been arreateti andrth ie tlp 1s3irat It la only a motter o, a lw weeka irefore tire 'ax'tiroirs tutu i-nortir shore. Juat Begin te Uncover. t încovercrg of allegeti frauti ex- 3 ie thre customrsiras bsn fie- i Cicago witii two or tflree A Latke Fretworfaiar s satti t' -beeti Interesteui a tear ago rit s a tti Gardurer case of allegeti t mjg Otirers a-hose trames are - utriiare saidurowto fblieuîdrr iance for tire same frauda. - ,îgar trauti scana]itrubfasc cusa- tii( ,orced resiguiatlonoft t iaittire e, ' s aiectore of New York City :tir-u dt tire man wroo urcoveredth ie friser elging system wficir was fluilt on i qr cre1 epringin tire sugar scalea, il 1' a bonus of over $700.000. Await tire Climax. Nuit tishrore peoprle are anxlousiy awaitiiig thre climax ofthtie customs expliiries and ti s intedth iat sone of rflett are tremblng le thircr siros. Wu- ihave just begun r-o get to tire ln- ,ide of society's aies agaînst tire rua f oflu Fr-r-vIce," saiti a governmnt of- ficital tunChricago a few tiayB ago. LIEf T IIUSBAND FOR STrAR BOARDER tekicran Teispirenea Mr. James, Coi- ,-sed MAan un Chicago' Tirat His Wife Heu e Was& Deati anti at Saune Timre Pt, -cl Mrs. James tiret One et Her Fri- , Was Dead-Resultts Per- r at nti F natly Much Anurer- lut, MANY DUPW t s mflaTHtirALIC-R 9Rsputsd l"Dupes" Said t e iUnduced te Make Transféra ln Return for Love andi Affection" fer Intereat ln - Calîfornia Colcny-Man Bait te ire Workung Witir Woean's Ativance Agents for Schemne. i Front Wadncatiayse Sure.)i A relresentatVC of a spirltttalist, colonv saidtiro, luscbas-o uear Los Anigeles, (aitorula, la reportedti to fe morklIng iru Lake couer-y anti It la rirargedti iat fie ls a sunootir taiker anti a clener artiat aithlie gaine of separat- irtg thre deluded and uesuspectieg tram îîer property anti rney. He la sali 10 hrave bee succestul le gettleg a deedtu t a tarin frant at lesat one ot ii Lake county couverts and to hrave soiti tire place at a nîce figure. Tire man la saldti 1ire asalafei by several ery dr-lver women, wiro rentier materl alid th ie tr-ansactilous "Love and Affection." W"ien a convert la braugirt to tire point wirere ire or sire le reatiy to aigu over tireir pr-oçerty to tire agent of tire coioey, ire la ,tendered a contrsct le tire ton ot an snnulty. Love anti af- tection are salid to fie one ofthtie chIe! eonsitieratrons gluten ln returu fortire brardi cash of tire convr-rts A certain aurouet of uuoutey ihalso ijr-omiseti anti Is tir fie îîald as tir, rorte'rt bras treeti Cf i t aftu'r lfe, reiau-ltera pinltt wfiere liei, r tritbe tut artt rtilng at tire Si hiurPli t -sot I t it i- ith-e rirtu- e glu Cr iiroittu Ativance Agent in Duamontis. Tin.ut agi-rt îuf tti- itut i ru-surftus.,fit- t »id u-io tt(ert n triaidlIorbu-awoik- 1, t, l w i, 1 tiilri l t1itýIl tari >i l l'u ir-liras for , - r , aun tiit 1tt w i luta i, tolil, br-it- Ittut tutuu t > i ltt , t p lji. r u ' , t, , tul ' 1 - i h i nf î , r i t C o r i t u t ,, Il i - t. 'i i iL hl ir t tii r itin d (Io tt,- mitt irlirtt - itt t' Att inv itfgation li hi-r-tu ittttr i ln '-rtt-ilWhil.hfiurtt'.re-itît inntir expr-au r l au-- -I 'ut tutui*.t tii- tf one of tire bugge,.t schienea ufat - t - r - ;l'it 'i tit't titu -tI,-r-fe enu 'ut u)(triittu-r] n flii i <iiti t i. i i l-u i t Iatt Pe.-t. 'ýý' C,-.-, e Joke. AUCTION SALE. t ru. - utl NI]t arut(i, >ut lrnu fannu t1 ntîf-lle rr nf Eb- Mi t î - u 1,sr- -tîtI , e c i tit itrt:f nir-u fru For-t Su-n . Ir rajIls i)ltt i iti T itanr 1 tu rr t 1 trel "irl II îrat tra-s i te füclo'litrg uloautirt rirtu ra, t" uril, l.-- o Vuatukegatucon Thir-tee-in nihcirroas. 4 alulu caies -tiii fii-tt I . e -frrnd ftiral fit l e ttt sis-.balanhle' millers amui srr ng- rtttiu ut - tuti, lie telepiroueu ira, t stock tbull, crruing 2 tears olti. I, i ,f t'i- uiiletrtakiritg rr 6afust Ir- ifera coi-tntg 3 s rars utd - rC isif- tjir-rts rît t ti ind tltat tIre,,hart nuers. coumung t ypar- otti t -ioa-ra t.,tri, Il a - r f aucir a teatir crs-anr selarator, capaciSit) 00pirunda Woman Vctnm TOO, lier four. 15 toua ttmorfiy fay - i tons ir'tu-czantine somne otue hadl feue straw - 10 acres core lu sirock t1i;ru,,- r tuaIra. James ffiat titere was Terra of sale, on uors river $10 a rîr(i-aflu ti fier familty.Sireai unce creuit of one year wî is- bcglven on au> tteetirunu'd to irer relatives fiere andi Prur-et bankairis notes bearleg 6 ps-r acas noitirat no one- was dr-ad lu tirecetiers. A odInlee- fatutitsfini ther- a report bati ber-n ne lied for on tiay of sale. cflied, tuat sirfe wasadr-ad Whro per- 1 ,RDNOD pti tu hie grur-somnejuku- fias eut I ' ENOU ls- foi.i ou. V Iil fYtt.'OT. Anctiorur-er Pos WAS OLD RESIDENT - --- Of MILLBURN *M Real Estate Transfers '4 (Wtt t-1u I. 'fTrotte-r, ageti5- rtt laite I'nsuutn Tîte &-Tr-mAt C'un rl'- 'i te rEvaniatou tu-sur-ia, folA. rt fu!Tu tc. Tities I urtran t-ei viit' -- uurok, .of lieralýit a n~,-td t,,- !uutt- omorrotu folboiatg ,- iciLoi s J. titaNl:s Se.. rnî.u - ibi ire irougflt bit-r- i ti1 t ifsft for ittsrutitit if Mitlit Dr-r-ii 2:1't 1iW.4 1 - it, utrn utire runitu U I. fln ir- ,anrd aiftri, 011%sl, s-ad t ' r. tutu- V-r frotter wanaairrnid iug, of nu Village' ut Atiio'h; w aid r-h--ît,-î noflt, b-utfii ias itueri $3t25.00 rilkwg ir-tutret-r m-v.01:i ,ttuirit Ev-anis- \V.KYagg ro 'utargarr-t .t. S.Litut- lu-u'u -t i r Vr , ,î r'r-s-ed b-r bs-t -parns of bruts 214, 216 anti 217, lit tfir atirrn-.r --t--Lake Forest; w, d.$10 St.- t-st - t1-'1 t g csoirs andti trr'H.lJohinsounantisifs- tu F.M. d'aîuI1rter- Nit r t>t, - Bain anti Steels-, lots t andti2. blocku 4.Iligîr- tur-a Catî r rrr.- jt Nltillbu, lanti Park,; w-d.i$1.10 Fruat and BIt-t out ('trii - su ad John, R.G. Evans anti wifs- f0 SopieNM. Wilttaur and lti- ,t het trl i -lu sr't, Stueukel. lot 1t, anti S.10 fi. of 16, brui i .insr,.u 1,--r1tte-e-sn dl'd fblock t. Highliandi Park;- w.i. $5500.001 ttîstiiglit at ît.- ta. . -Aiusier iroe W.H. Johinsont andti wts to F. M. tliltai ' of utH utun . furuurala-liStes-le, lot 8, i sxcept E. 100 (t i tbtock tutu- li fruit t i C, rr ilrutire 29, HighlIantd Park: q. c. $100. fa -iristtiduît.'.iR. F'ultont ant i we to J. G.Haz- zard, par-t lot 10, Sunerlin'a Sufi on Makea Statement. lielvlder-e tr-iet. Waekegaur. hI'i ,- as- , r i riig star lie $150000. t o 1,s ii, ,r t ,a us. uat bu-ir e Tire jar itmuhe suit of Rois-rt ututamr i', n-, Virten Ys. tire HIII ('oestntctlon Thlits s ft, i t.'tuu!ut Il tesbiu- Har- Cotmpany frougirt le a verdict leist t iinîat, - îibuig caughtIn lea 1,06nIafffor- $5,000 damnages for tire plain- (urita. itrbuoilu, fiank robfiery anti tIff. James Offie waa foremaur of rAi, u bî it' - irýe irat patterneti atter- the jury. Thre suit was brougirt for kit, r-Hart t flure Ilîgiranti Park htba $100 tamages fiscause of persotl r t miii,, iInjuries susa-ineti ytut hie plaintiff tirt .ar f~atrneyt aiis blwhille un tire exnploy ofthte construc- iifiotidon eompeey September 30. 1908, ulI1tir't, ,. tn.anti lits fatirer-.bu twirentrirelli con a acaffualdtittiret tIti'- ut1- tiiu'rdi(dt't iotrwunt wrong Naval Traîlng star-ion. mitilt uttiri ru I ,esliu Har-ris Ia aaid u 1 r- tt a tut-r-hl1k11anaud itpotte- i r hu tteu.s rit- urrtîl final!>- t For tire irst tins- sitice iley'ms Iilu ii mrtutu- turris mante a set- coturet irasber-n algiteti on its present r tti'ttr-tttvisit It Ili visible to tiretaketi eye In d u,,ifrit,,tins wife. wiro Ns-a Yorkr. Prof. Estrmani of Coluna- y aS s,i, ti ttut'-s', ansu irasot lua lUniversit-ybies been atudylng tire 0 tirs AiigetrI-s ttir9 Saî tirar-t ire-l uier- wîr-lour- etelescope. For- two 1, la suru-illaoru utar- inris' gulir-. bot1waccu1t ir-sli feieviIle aidlit wlll ire tri Aut-t- 'uir,tu-r-convieceti a-s-tu plilitseverel nigirta lia., 3, Dy EDUTH V. ROSS. *Dy CHAUNCEV WAROWELL. [Copuyright. île. by Amer-jea Pr-sas Aàa.- [Copyr-ight, 19», by Amer-lot Pr-sas Ass ciatlonr.1 - ieatlou.! One day luihrau. a lIttle teaiden of Tirer-e waa a ring aitie teispirone I Stimwile walkleg le a public gar- t teirpeti to tire Instrument andti rok O EN dien pasert a dark eycd poutir. Tiar tire recelver. This la tire dialogue tirat mese met,' andthIe ihume of love sas f<ulowed: ________________ kindîcti un tire ureiena breat Sire- "Wiro are you Y" asked a volce waa tiren oeip fifteen. but theu Image "Fui Ciar-ile Mutiles. Anti pou'r-HI sth titoya of thre Young otan reotulectipiroto- Ge'rrge Greeuwood. 1 knew pour- T i tefne fya grapired Indetibly ripon ber- braie. voice tire moment pou spolie Great T have doue thte past year Tire tinte sooru came wbee sire tiringa. tirera teleplionea - a trial balance to get out pre airoulti fe mrrrier. But. thougirsire "Remar-kalile. Your- volce soumis pr-oved youraelf? Ar-e you st was pretp tind uattractive, nu gultor- equaliy natnt'ai-' the past year-? Study yoursel appear-et for lier- irnd. Tire trutir la "' in l uck, George. ai pour- caling and get a good PRACTICAL. tiat aire gave nonse of tire pouug nen me up. I waeted tu speak to pou; but. aithtie WAUKEGAN BUSINI any encouriagemnent. One day ber-taa keowlng you bavent a pirone ln poux tirer-, wiro was a maîeratlclan, no honse. 1 couldn't. Now 'ya got you The W. B. C. is a LIVE sel abeoriredinl bis figuresa tirair took l'Il tell pou sirat i want. thoro PRACTICAL BUSIN Uittle note of anyting elge. gali to "Pire awap." - pecialty in this countr-y, diffe ir;r 6 "Tire eneny iras got irolti af soins lan of oper-ation fr-om any ai "Jairaria. ires olti are you?" pointers."li aesbihdinrpo e ",Ntaetesu." "Wirat enem>r asetbls?,i esos "Wiat.Nlneteen anti net unar-ried! "Oh. pou keas-tire gaioot we wer-e the age and times-for a acbc Wbat dora l menir'talklng about thia afternooz e. a and men might Icarn "THOSI "Tire ar-e no aultor-t" gaîdth ie gir-l. gelng ta m'y tauniake a break beween KNOW TO GET ON IN TH' "No suitrs'a Sur-ey you ar-a corne- mne andi Heul. 1 aut yen au my boit as ta prepare themi ar por auhtr-triend-and nsp 'beat man.' 1 hop)e-ta most direct manner-, and aIt t "Ila ordultr and yo ead hlm aif.' useful business life. Il is the me thfr-ongl a fattuer'g e3'e." "Yeu usian Ber-t Tirur-ston. of this state for- the young mano "I sonder- if that in go, Per-iape if courser" his own star-t in lîfe and his Y la. At sop rate, pou oust have a bus- "Certinip." salvprcceco mn i bandi. 1iws artend ta thre iatter to- "Well. sirat are b». paointsc"cu c mm. morrow." "lnishtirenIt place, be'$ got iroid of akiliful teacher-s, men of e<i Now, titis la wluat tire olti man meaut tira tact that Pitot & LRtiam an ~ ctical experience and met evr wia wobs e edac r- Olh ' e fo- a3USI NESS 3TRA1'd>ING SC tale âge wltirout securîng a iruubanti "Holti on a minute.inm calieil awap. may, Italite c bouge, e registeredas one FllIr backln l a second. Holdth -ie A G001) PRACTICAI.1 ut tire porunger daugirtera o! tire king- mIre." us the KEY that opens thed Tisl places luer- uuruer tire kteg's pr-o- le a few minlutes lie retur-ed ]and Tht- whole wor-ld is open la th tect luenti dcompels film tefoSd a bus- toiti me lu repeat neiat 1 oitsid 1 an educatirtu It us much ni bond for fier - iese irusbaniti, iruw-repeate i lu. anurlwien i bar]l tictd i us 10 ut thal Cou delay this ev er' treIl tilitreakers. Tbey arreehatuttimtelugo on r agee tîs start Iantiry neut sent le 1urîson or fined or executed, Tire iertt tfilng tfie scoundrel iras Sho but are ceoit'tdenedteu marri one tif getl ruir]of la tiret iiraves lie- thfe krits 9arotoueri rouruger utaugbiu-ru gager] tretimres, [revirutu' lu y e Tii' roiuti-rîînîei ier) ire sttruwet Io gegetefit te Nei mate thirro'auaeetton, brut arir I lirlO i gelttîrit- c-rtaitt itlilîtit,- rue ,buse lr t lie fititts lte Luseti engageul tre fersa:ur, :glu ru -rr îuînneîî tur tIl) irts bt-te ir' usresent icigsflenteltt - litri'fro,t u, ,,--ut'-- v týItgratt eiti i uit n ie r-rrultiif ti- tsr' ittrtîtî- rut iriu tiur- ituru-,- furile,-t lu r eceý" m v IA DlO cal rirret runr(r titi urtibtfr'vlie 1itriglit rAi3tiug rtci U M I D thi' gri t-ff-u,-ran ts-t rît-urr ite îl tti- i[ra îîr- t-,ttemt attnid a t-utu-i1i.ttt uettut lirrat -Wou.k.gan, Si, it r', t i- tueur rl r i -i _ lu_ '-I kurr - t1 i altt-r dîur suine- Ilrg Inleur uî ,-uî t . i l, riitt Il ri- ihaul truuies (tr ir lg -s ilr - - ar-en Itithe ptt tk. ,ithtî ureturt f sotîrt Whafin it ut tîtu tutt' fetiutu aatxiuftur ' trarry lier, w arn 0 lue e ire gir-en te -a neaefactr.r lt ta an fer 'Siei t r mîsforfturti itar iun a tiler wbto.If far "oker" penetrantig ithri'- rroliuuof mtuibe Ail rttziif Any~tlinig cise?" matiesc-ru -rîliIn, r-s nrarr.r, wsai Nui-tug ,xr-u't tire ubraul lng i irulnî's trriigiv.iru -O ne Round 'li re rgiu r--r bid aýitrte1 is lui-ci rade 'fluure ns unsiutîrrepis' y lte thl ta and 1 i ien uttiît îttma r :i ns mi milbornue atm akeul. Irid ou cgi-t I" excetleieuf etircrer-aanureet lelirte 'l"s-, i gut lat Yti ru ede t re- tiiverslbr tnns r ughf pitfcring Ev-lient - er> body ttu itaonlsled. lie tuas I birr-tirul r nitiuis noice sl a/a trieti, but ficrejunige. ccusiuerlng ufiat il na If" li a uI i t-ter Tire coneectbon asa iis âran offense, gave blm a fa- auIs perfet or I au ii tît have beard. tirer-tp admtsila und ltici euoff. To i get att ide ir-n irt oetnitg aa tire surptrise rf 'krser-- one, Ivre ruers rong. Al novetuent abhut anr lu- after- iis tîscirar-ge .ire wa3a again ar- etrumrft urouur-ca a cllckl'ng, anti1 I restei for- a aunilar uffense. Tistime ircart i -at emnlle rire beiteve tirer-e tire jutige cundeurru en umo merr-y one was a atrrrggie for tbre receir-er et tire of tire kinga uaugltcra treetr Wltini s fc atie e recwas anotmer- "la potr ir-ater lu tire roou?" I i 1 case of ai Young man of gourdr-spats-aked. rion recomina s awlireaker- Thits ~ case a-as tire more remar-kable be Gv ie-iereenr canas lire asaof nublie tamily.On ar- Witisl'lea onnavue- cotant of tirs rock ire wouiti not bave Il ltaaired upon mecUiat ali Ibis was TESALS OSBE been proaculcd fbati ire net repeated e plan to tr-ap me. 1Ibilt ieen taling H MLES OSBE irIs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ofneanmerodie He temy enermp. wiro badir ee wlti p l"ut if ire la an enemp of yeura wiry fou, at lent nvas couvictei o! cr-ime. iancee. Doubtieseairhe irtadake im :d ii ou contribute te bis WoodL W@st One rnorniug wbcn tire jutige sent tui le cati me Up on tire phone, anti batidin court ire saw le tire prlsonere' dock n 0given nyssif swsp before sireirall got -,tuar- to make hlm look anai." les Iran six youuug men efthtie best tire reuelver- *'Wiat dld pou senti7' familles-some oftirent nob-Ie-wiro "la Ifat you, Mary "rewod-Wr, a rootipck. wer-e 0te trieti for- petr-p offenses. "Y-e s," iresltatlngiy. "Thee lmair pidmic f crme aong "t've been tslllng George tiret Ber-t 'Tir ola arr eid te u 0f cime ougTiur-aton laims to bacc a lot of I must sttuup iut ouf."Tirereupun cirarges agaluat me, ail uf tram convîcteil cicr-y une o! tire lawbrcak- grounicaes, ezcr-pt one-, wltir wbich te crs of an offu-urse cf tirefligirest gradie effeunt a breauk ietwcen me sud Nelle anti setnustie uacb to merr-y one uf Ciemeut -- tire uglest and mQst Irascilre oÎ tire 'Tiats very muen Wbsta tire king'sdaug1bercharge >ou admit?" kngeurtrelerth-. ieri pra. "Glvieg ltert a tirrasiitg - Younug ient rfter-ery grpde sere A watai ti ing D eauglut ouliti uouuattibg offenses. "A tfira sai t ra-s-rng D anti ait werc coiivbctr-ti tlruut imcrcy. 1pou get t"" Finallp errc mornbng wfith ie jutige -"Tes Vuiat titti ou nirasît utur took biis meat ou tire beacir ir was as- for-?" N tonisirer]te ses- iu tire pru-oners' dock "Speaklrug dîsrr-spcctfutly uf Nelie. tire sou ufthtie prime mielater. Tire Tirar wa befocire rei bec intro- yoeeg man, wirose naine waa Kartalo, duce te t ber anti before ire began to HUMOR IN THE JUNGLE. pleatiet guitty In tealing tire pures of watbfer- bluaseif.' Tîger-I user pou towered tire con-j r-he mînîster of finance. "Yeu dont men I!" pi's record fîr- a mulle dasb'l Tire jetige. not daring to sentence go 'I do,"- Giraffe-Tu'sand lue'It ihave 10 get a igir a persouage, was about te dis- 'But tirese cliarges, cspeciaiip about bump on hlimacîf tlu ast me, charge tire yuuug man. but tire latter your- beîng engagedt ires limes befora salitfinetlire soulti prefer- to suifer as propoatag to Nellie Ciement, do pou a lawbr-eaker- anti aioulti fe oblige i rf' deniy tirein'" thre jutige would gîve unm au oppor- "Certalnly. 1 tolti George tiret Ber-f tunnty rto explate bis offense, wirere- ia rnms pe ieecrrgs"AROUSEO OVER PURi opon ire waa senteucet as one o! tire "Are you sure?'" iretter grade of malefactore. "Ceitainly. George knows wirat I Tire pure foodi agitation wiricirhah On tire tiuy wiren tire criinlas sere saidite hlm. George la my second of irenzoate cf coda iras now taken a irrougirt for-tirta select tiroir wlves ailt brotirer anul wouldn't mlsrepresent any- doubtiesa ire arougeti over this question tiraeeietter- clams poung men wer-e t rng>" It la sard tiretin most of tire canner among tire nunlier- Anng tire wo , Anti tiretfleard acrapa o! men- ln reti-iot canatit soda toeaet away r-i men toeire cirosen was Jairar-ta. Tweive tences tirougfi tirs phone lietween tire knife-peeiing, tire difference un cost ar, o! tire Young men o! birrtir ere obligeti two wiirci couvincei me tiraI my sup- te seect wlves fron anong tire birne- position sas correct. Tire man wa cents per cen. ly ant irirons. Tbep wer-e aIl lu de- Tiur-tun; tire girl a-as Nelle. le tire rocesefthriis ipe stewung. spaîr, Litle Jaiarta atooui mutesîr-"Le'tsr-e this-anti dont let-me"- appeara andi doubtiessa a bttie caustur downcaat eyes. erquallp desitoudeet, Ie a twlekItng i1ibai tur-neti tefeot a memnento of lstrit hrougirtire catir Pr-esentiy ae attendant toiti fer-tirat into vlctorp Tirer-e waa only one o! Cauatic soda atrong enougir te eata sireirai bee cirosen anti led fier- te tire tire charges tirat coutti ir suirtantiat- ire anytiring but sooting to tire imerr men wiro iati ciosen lier. Wircn aie eti-tire tailore ill.b Taklug money tisb la irest understeod lnr connectuonw stoi face te tacs wltir hlm aire lookedthtiet bil won th ireugit before et up. poker, I paldth ie bil lu full on condi- in making man>' kunda of aoap; in fact, It scemedte tbfer-tiret tire people, thtirerin of lis beleng re0elpteuî on tire day ti la said that thre great majorityo wails. tire furnîture, were swimmng Itirati ieen due. place of tire knlfe-peet.Ing mnetiret. Att about irer,. ail tingeti with tire colora Tire next nîghr-iethtie usuel r-lue 1 to get tire Department ot Agriculture t- fteralabow, whlie air ectatlc bain- calleti on Nelile wltir a bondir of Ârner- weuid compel tire cannera who use tinsi pîeaweiled up in fier- ieert. Sir e Ice Beanty roses. Sire was ver-y'gonds. It looks now ae if tire question saw tire youug man sire irat sever-el muni embar-r-ecd, anti sien 1 tohti apecîfic 15w cover-lng tis phase efthtie ýINESS COLLEGE n, Illinois of PIewsure HE HAD NERVE ALL RIGNT. -W'eil, 1 lîke pour- uer-v.. 1gave yos s dîme, andi 00W you tek me for a Wif dollar!" "Yes, aIr; 1t apeut de dime for a do». o! ner-ve tonli!" IN ITS INFAdCY. 'iThLg norti pole contro'veMU la vr fier-ce." "Nonsense. Ih hazzl t tOBly StartSd They iraven't yet irrd an ailenut olr framed a irypothetîcal qfleotlOL" RE FO0D QUESTION. has been principaliy over the question 3new turn andi renewed interest will n. riea of thre country peaches are stewsd te akins and thereby save thre coat cf amountrr9 to a cent and a hait or two jaimost ali tire flavor of the peacr dis- :soda oic eft on each piece of fr-uit as iery. away thre akin of ari nrore peacir muet mani or.child. The fuli aigniflcance of with thre tact that caustic soda la used ut t la thre durt eatlng part ef scap. of the cannerles, use the lys proces ln ttempte have been made for mometimel to make a ruling on this question wlalch bmsthed te &&yysao on the lables of.thoir n will bie paaged up to Congre»a for a epure food agitation. cibe with ripe fruit because It dlacolors, Jter with thre usera of higir-grade canned is possible only with unripe fruit and inn Ing. kmic onthe cane to indlcata the %cs of mer can telliIf ho hra* purcoa.d a ly, a can of péachea, waeh away tM en* etI If Ut le void of flavor OOý r - ge undoubtsdly thé 24 sý5vafI u whe' we sufli up what we r. Search our-seîves. Take teent worth. Have you ici- satisfied wiîh the results of Ilf, decide whatyoNEEl), - BUSI NESSE UCATION ESS COLLEGE. ihool, giving ils atudents a NESS EDUQATION. -A cring in coursP#f aîudy and )ther Educational Ilstitution. S ta a par-ticular demand of oci 1. which Yaung women SE THINGS THEY MUST HE WORLD," and it is con- in the shorteat lime, in the the leaat expense, for active, he BEST finishing achool in or woman who bas ta malte way in the world. In fact il sence scheoconducted by lucatianal traînîn g, men of en of CHARACTER. The of being one of the BEST HOOLS in the country. BUSINESS EDUCATION door to permanent sucresr he man or woman with auch iore important 10 yoîî than it snaltrr no longer. Make y ,, Retucurber. Ifs a Goori ýt