aicuarsu wua -7. Air.. A. O. Nasit ior.ese4udtad wftk ~4,e' sWmuésipitfm T~55IdPm M4t1~iUUU E ~sopbThuu4 Iteheil Opoot 1005 ~ ai eh. veot vl* i~aitpimoii ut Hi ,. 8~1, Zicoittef un 1ib cr w III vtmited SSII esmsi taim r uw1 hMg ett M by hM.»ldxI ruvar. l. s UwT* #a aad Yk éé tbV "ytstr tt ea Mw va, btO Ajotoan a t al xàh 01n h., rpo i l'MW.5ihlb Vft404~58$~.5CUCOiwio arrtvtd 0 ?*o04.arI& 4,ii. 4ttdào#!bu* *bw iA s t wfl . ntéli Ceor wth mgaa os *TM#s Tsar Ao."t Tuosday evglut" <bmotaclam of ti. D*& sYd %*Iimu*t t<w lboe Go rdon tpe'. ¶lip mloai, wu vy hn.1740(d$ýhbwofo thoir aseor ou W thmoO iibmniabie acte la M0017 Ao . èfiécs wvOla fatfereci- li îO lviin *Uoer.wmié h 1ev Tir rohwkb eî*a numbir aof oung me von <W iesl e eûokeofai1911, otood Bp ti'-ot.aedopromoit%0awudly _bigbarts anitrWglt band% beW thWhl cm*Uoa*vsd ta torerer Iàams«r the me ot tii. doadIy paper pipe. ýA change toi'<haboiter M eahodiosorio a"oit là t.kope4 oior iii hoôa allortng la thepalo Tb4 vlias ilyotte Wortors viU l îvi a dama 1>irnuite vilun, Jas. Il. I _____________________________________ , o.Aann. nt woI. 1ù*tCub. ~ <~ua Il"O de' euhOh. i" Bài.l6ftwib aesta *peut homo. i ,, ~ , ~ fhob b ar esit sD»Mv.Wupe. ~ ~il h a itetwtao sai zîlrahosrt.hlunt a 14' be aabadv wMieui.. P"a, W. cl osedlt iutor Satn.4sy Ut. 0.4* Mm mt he baioliday Madsiis anUeu DmieVa. va h anomu t ÀI Mm#.floattovay mveem U9,1 ILeoM001 T'h ing v-citt<9ebicd. 7h0erovu I srubacit ewua a e narruiieuti aga, ad I t memetruit. probaieic<18 4bec.e wonsne t à« Cpllug wIthla tb . <w« h » o1t rs, mie.,ne* lg"s dw Bal At o'il w#o. h-bat ruoal mii <. uow~s4 augltetu t oi' aun t sre ,-~aea n- àxeler ti' tbras. CJI, ag. atr <bwi rta C 1h.xMO Sqtê'o <hme pistee ti la theL éy.fOI. lad 4184 a dOiVfltR a*t s4d..At tic thi>e.or fils cot of, lier le'btlg the bêttilos et bliCOUD- <17 Ucbotgi biawef nui.coneri- ut tatane a wit. werforrill i. eti goite t.Cep.rtaqg uýbpwlu l dist$ tliepoititonet *1w royal siauuumosh ""t a tioucteit eus .f e siSals î<m o1w % ito. fo b» au. The »IàWsb« Ie"tbd fo)4've? l"dWO àmtontitidit ta Sit <1 bat emog -ail the, royal fallt.otorO vas, but 050 prinrem a suttebie iuatçli for the. çrown prine. ait u be WB$'- net 0f royal hlood on 'ber mather'.' Bide. A pr;opooltlafl for au shliiîne van dis* patceed te ber father. andithéi klnÏt' bet &Mrmlngofai srefusai, wrote hi.. Om wnorulitg bithat a vIte hait. been pravmditfor lit».. -- 'Wlmt.was tii. ktu'oe atoa malrlt ouI it.ppolutuielt ta ramei'a a reray frosi the ladre fatherl ole'that thi, itaugUier d4einM tthe alliance, mine. mie vts bout on dovottue'lber lite ta tbs -pool ua"t veu son«mrry. The kin nt sa»,vealmbalotes ta cen- dosvr to almter the princow eu ttrmi- notion. but snCb undt evory ane af tboni ca*i* bock 1.41.4.Finafly bis rnajomty ua obitavit4 &write hWe non tintth leuedeimiarriage hait talion tirough- The. prinepos-Irene vas ber nainse- wms ioutiiy a devoteit vomun. EvarY uiornint oh. ,lmlted t heouor and thé glik. udnistorue' te bath. at! everI afternonmse boit a reception of th-0. Who wvers able ta corne te ber ta mar -ter SSSttmmiO. Atans. of tbeerecl>- ioue, a Young ruiiappýearod. hi% arn, iiotiiiilahiasling, vaIkne'with a crntcb. hWite ae, paie td enselit. hie itmrk eyOmfomrnua amarirei co- trust with lteWhite Clieoèw 'Whst cat 1 do fer your matait tbe wlîatya" iedoit la permlttht Ug» 0ta pie on Io& 1 amn a 0.14101 vho b âMboom plevou« oilwotdtitd. liii'v- lipg'ciimeteititomme by 0 te 10(0417 a>g dite MYs r or-nsc àr 1da" u.sismtr atuip tusUroibe of Utotai et 1»112., Taý* . 4"d 54 viii tb isag e utyCiw f Qows~',et.tesm <050s et tui he.w' oustqicow.eb.gsa" sait Co=a17 on te faut o' «of <1 maaréh ante t.1,a"bn Mu 1sr.u 1 lieonqiavtng Clti.suutsl1 E@ktq -' liottib»A ro04 iteil o iàim*e.,D à&mxm Éer mduis.t stw ot oi damsn. A.iw os*tosor nou» teoreupos 10mai04 el Court atuM tii.aboya*96 dlesr«muraion tii. the tomn et (ho Caruit Cou Jo1<. ta %» id ut *hý 0 laWeuksgeau la $mai là""b a bý lat Mouday&fmca la @Uit penie. LUW!8 0. Ito1wi D.WekaIfiala o PIERY u .pU18Ns, Ou Cdei, d-08-4e. Slcir A- V. OMMt, atornoey tSoute(1<. 4 tirnes lk vcekly. De. Osi- Waukmaàý D04 20.,1l11. - _________ 18- De. 29-Js. 5.12-19 No>c AdJudication Notice. i viiu ho mnymili et Bo*, . t umoay, Yridai "dcuit au Publa 011,t l *tliy Sive.u 5t ab u"aui trot mu hW"eê tii SbmC~UOI UX.iOt0f A*~ Thmskiag a ODtoc p s deaese .voli attend the (couycm."t May Mmt a eosuawsoe'of 1 of lAbeo 0001<7 8<a£tels t ttiilO 0reummi, 70010 rsop*wt< tbe bolsnm t Me.Coeut Hnouola Wau. .1 mn- Subucriptiou Au -*-fi"~ bu.av, am wmatoueieslu = .,as rou <h rASeaml.a i C4fl ir o ..aa -' éL.. M.i..5h..L1 id Ut ap#ug aitete moitenc.W oes, tb isa<tbtitnv. Thi e zt ày b.a eau. em i n ii uesi oe7 A&y. '*b= lie plIaud" cutotui t<e mui*ae ebemmlr <bre vWU the yotg. odh, ltd*among tes sugs hosgt&bwgo.&lîwtrouu eye slnd atws'e Upex là«. 'Xbe Pau- r gm4aiý li b lhtbIW4 lie ltv84gl ammetf « iltWfe-its Vo ad idhestoitlita beati. Beemetito baye suftu a&relapso <bel W014ouhi hidi mmput lita lu bis grave. Iboe pdbo < S d tbieol ochauge suit avéte l OfOt if borevsanythise' mii asul f.0th t. rmghlm. Tou céa =» rc e a ol" ho ail. "lbqtymen couit ot doto (at vthuot Matins à erqwt'iiteriticm. aidt <lsO -ves I ye o lit consent. 1 voitd Tb* opr4acess cuo hm <toi tber viat 'va.'bh. dlfoù. but ho vaçit-' sot.~ ~ b leéhIshogrevw eker maS *«b« or sy day Sit et laut e«M ohiy dts.iutnmSt no eauiepce lent v"IMosA«er ble hctgoMaie »tL 1 " SM mn<h remgth tati le cauW8001 .- -, .1 1 «I hpk»iyoto y*"repileit tic pltncou "(o tel, i ce qi tbe. eese ini $a* u viiite ou sli <-slualu . a1 vi S oi WW I an'b "I ityl WM a* i o omsa ou am' lz8 ùfI tOiedftteeU. e or Tl mwQ ese .1 oviy lttel Vk*eW #iM fero . h al disco.e tb. QIiý=* teauWedali,' itioobel «»k» let. ii 0700 584â», saSti., ar ut<W ta& vii. bat propouml to <We Prlireetfùr bis-4edà * vis.Ws eYO& 1%, Mt tr'afltb iéiuc. 14 iNLa 'tw àoho-14beéMa wouadm4 40<ià0~p Ut, , Mis ltslied b"' DU<pt f b i. be omloa q br a vite heit&dpeoeael t. "Ymot. ItbI-"1 Sai. *êeneseDbisfathierta i r1bvgicag ?bo ~.-ii@t'pSieioiing bis 41. wMat tO. tM f sl-or y*wstc. WIatosrut a i6o la td» we Winbe APPlkd .p â4w bho.ium*tr <1"oi*as 1 -*idU Pay yus5w FRANIL . JUST or a Nice l'ra-w«or ffla preseW-ferg orne appoecltte-W, - Box WodiIt i.wortd. a- Xus& Gi e OIWPlul-et hai erorder P«iW dUverd inuthe -City frée. rt-If and VI ut4m mhére~ alois ~u4* fautII~.t «Puisa