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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jan 1912, p. 3

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-t lac s i~s w'.. 'urs aîýluc. Oua... £&iol MnWra"94"o IwftiiaiaMmee ting9Ja.,0 I ý,b» asit» Ur.anar *,eacac. iii bdeyl itîr of igan lctuon cf ope»#ra *wW aashre td. paofof Turbsdsy, pnoul DmTon rncca làucinec-*la Me Dall*eamud Jenn i en 't1âi loy No liaxco Apatw »Demt timeeoting Jn 6.d11 i_ *qqà ocleywlgel lthaîr W J. . n mm)l l. Ail28 N.Urs-Jeubn Danner; 11* NcIanysiake; S. M.; Ir ;Sclira. A. i. Bain; Bâ onner; Con., M rd.. flatîÉe Ion., Idre Mati' Jatuison. -.Ai., John Botauer; S. WV àyro Made, of iraysînk-,; .,W .E. Irt.ef L..Lu.Villa; S. i).. Unr Murrie, ofI~;J.P.,P. N. Lund, of Lake Villa!f, lHenry Patch, of tuacell; geWmcii, IgaÇ r re, -o!tala. Vlla, John tl*am; Tyler, fleo. Jauaî,'str. Wo4f Prayer et Willard Mal Tie 1à1tidm Duae lüstitute o! chiag.. lu .*agliir the ab's'rvan.' .î ia WWk bt F>#ier at Willard Hall, corner 'à' 'Osd' Lahalle treete, Chicago, bi ic uU4 tb#,following spmàiaan. The ta~~cavii halioa ugge8led trv the wqfiIatMlla forontbis week: a a.8-."Thanksgiviiug and Bi, ev, John TiaohiyStt)np, -Psâtor Faurtb Preobyteniali ,Jan. 9-"Buudsy Scbool Moion Lawrnîce, Secretary à atsionsi Suauday Scicoal Ià, Jan. lO-Nationa and Bey. T. S. MeGaw. Bartani of the National 'sPlttuwrgb, fa. Jeu. 1l-"Foreigu Misc- , oastaMyars, IY. D., umiud Bptiel cburcb, 32-**Pamilies. Educa- -te #uM t.he foung." D owell ai thec Melba. ~alimb, Chicago; 18-'Home Missicons ]W. Louis Doyer ai 09i01ohlo, la VMhl*g rm baUïae k* *oabeaefte mr» Mrf Sasd la . Sabt a gel urçi, or t-PU"rci. lacol asun tirs West. Tb" h od a ve" mueutl. meradwlth «Ilad 01 ncae hica. a" oet u Wauiegae Miaula,net. grOssi tom. T"0 pastor cMd lb. *pps at St PatrIote leh sbta hasi the IaiqusOabg4md o wecm er- doam10uslem 1adadçi>asrotuli.l la is o eh, or km tdoo. w»* *tisass- ssfvO s s.la" -fo r ta hlaper éiva Te WVebsmasse Tahora. du tom , l ous 0< ViSsage raumMvLy19éy&adwhg. T. fistceer MMa sw"M w l ufw a Kou"& 'u Wdemsdr0 ay sigau sol itgNew yeapI e i bsont, I Mr&.a.iP.Isea,. Jl. A. Cohii s ad v il so .t Nea eoars vitit W. K. Wilby. J. J. Crawforda' fs.mily vere aillhomoe ou nday. Idyrtie Corna sand Clauda Nelli, @peut guaday sud Monday st their reapeehivo Mr. eowe and sous, are expectÀpd hers Uta. 8. B Howe and daugttr. are bock from South aotat. A neighbor lady aecotnpacled ber. Sfio foith, hertJaitatr, l». Levin. £unamsud Barbara Chame snd Charfia Bergen, 01 Milwaukee, »euet Sundsyv as A. Q. Curtis. -Tii. Sebool opemel buet Tuecday murs.. log, ittrb.e clooed for a week'im voçe TU . cinlefie thora are parties 111-01a. lirils, le a-MWa Wb" ut bU*p~lis fatier. àlm M urnia. Cime.. and Wfll Welehi, epurt Sunduay in lK.iioal,el. Mir.&adlia. P. J. Hamt, went tw thtir hotus in Cleveland, Ohio, last Thuraday. lirg. Jauaeo Crawfordias on ldi siet a. A lagecmuay o netrhorsgave lir. Zandera a birthýiay pai ty on New Ysareàr' Eve. Allen Di'ron and lainly ni Ruassell, ïtý1Ner. Xears wuth ECi. tmil. (itirdiier k'aualkter lias retuarued to Zýou11 ty FOX LAKE 3darehal Walob and constable; Ring- bain trsanscate d bnsioses uin Wau kegan 1Friday. SiE. .W. KiînŽhpu and con Eldonra e. iturtaed irotu LO»rtyville Moraday aven- iug alter spendiag the holidhys ia i ber 1mot ber sud ajatera at that place. .lois. M Iler wvaéCbicago viettorTus. day. Loas Lancina sud Edythe Spring of Uàberty aill, viaited relatives bere Tue@- day. B. Buntine transached businega tn Chicagolueuday. Meme.J. C. Damer, Guy Larson. C, Poedeloupa F. Poadeoupe, Ueo. Bing. hum aud a. Munohan vene Onsyclake business cailera Wednavcloy. % R. W. Kitchena vaa LibertyrhiHe calter f LAKElVULA Mr. s»d lire. AffraI Pederaei enter. tatne4a »cucher of lr wr isa and iam!Nov Tem eday, amqii lic. Dira .11.and turc. Auutrcv Nduarn c tmffy,,Wr. sudlirMm, fHecqUyWGn, :IX~, 191. Grace o GUào.. I c wu O" Mn Chasm. AgeasiitheltbX ue m #of Ibo is SorMi maSmirsSSuav*wr d of emogo a* Mbauab.SOdscL. wmcil. leu utndweg-aAt bu afli0 lie us, 13. Js LONM ri. etrtalclng 10 bosse &&w,obm Ewaubais put jei. Uic SSII. mk,1W lacmbecs brA awr E. J.OLituetranascI., RmaiT. hi hom OasSos ai i u off. @eaiWy.veci ouds 10h ai btuvan a Mr-. Chancelor cpm$ Tncdsy 1,N ew liBtud a lte boya wera bnay hluta. -1la71s beel . Water Be" h" b is grsin thireebed Dob' tfourjt lmtaI v hvemncrll - -- -A qhi i. - an& Te Bexaili Dtug torW lms ptiday and a uraay. a Th i prababli the. latent aud lut job of tb. T. A. ileynoldc vas lu Chicago on buiess Wslunday. Wm. Mooreansd familîy pent New l'taavllh friands in Chicsgo. lmaS ussa Whtehead and lin..John tomgsaeUgb ald Mn .. red embier of " ipas o m an.W. Wilson oI zanda, 419.. ver. ouet* aifrelatiet a Wsuieganlut Frldsy. il. . Uuelomwinv mUbortyiflla au bd'sWedneelY mornlug. jesLonpugb n id fsmlly vielacI bru" lo 0 »de &0 lmlly et Zoadu, Jlm prtook ilas @bot mal captureI t»Wn à" .gooce for i. prize. Jgtan Lonubaugitransocted business 84 L*is Vis Tue.lsy. Min. Am"ehiteIaltocoqpanls by ber motbar, fai1t oselay for Madison, W la., vherc i0 viiiattend cehol. iums Isabel Palinior sud Emlly Tonner returuel Tueuday la thair cehool at Prsirie du Chien, Ws.. Nesal MUcllian bad the Fox Laie a.ot tacblusebond Up bfor J udgertLi again Wededay. Z:Misa Z.ia aa ay oiChicago. @on tram Fridy ountil lloladay Witt f rlèn7 bora. 0. U. Rchardson and family of Oklahoma, retrnued Tupeday sudvilii maire th-irbhtsome hrs. Thai' Iban rentai tb.' tiiuton Washtaurn boumée o West&,rfleld Place. Mrn. Wlmot, latier of ire HRenry Kuebker uft tiq place, died ah his home Kt Wauukegan lad tNiliîîîy evening. idre. Kaqlk'r was withl bar faer'7it the lime olf .ilathb sud durlngie shlort iliuesa. lier rxany rlande he ..tenid tbai r siacere eympatby. Waltor dIrait, former editor o! the Oraygloke Times,.hm c aeptel s posi-.1 tion with the uew magasiné,e, fi tartf Lighit, edited by Wm. Elliesud paablisflad lu Graylake. Mire. Spauiding of Mut-an. Win., arrivaI Tuecday evenlng et the home of bar dougtar, lina-J. Md. Palmier, where sic IVI qmpa caveriveus. 1'hae ams jtptSaltilsulo a01, q lausoui ls ua"Isat Faide> .velu»g wbih bvu op tauatadard là eaety respect. ARE MICROBES IN YOURSCALF?l It Ras Been Froved Thati MIicrobes Cause Baldneso l'rolessior Vonus oi Hauaburg, G,iiafly, aud Dr. S,îauuurau,1, tl' ,.dicig F renefi de.rlta.ologist, diauue@rtd liat a mictrobe cause, buldrisse. 'lhir tha,'<-y lias tima al- agai l (Ssu mp~ly 'ified Ici ough ress.rch experiients carrted or unIes' thie observaton (Pt émnent cci,aiotcs. Thlis muiniýbe lodg,~s in tii,' '.bam. whivli i.' the naltral bair oit. sud wtisn paetiitted to lounimb il destroys the lutir loflic!'-esud i limt h.'pores lnttraly close', and the scalp graduuaJiy takes ontsa shuint sppeanraur..Whan thigi lîippens thar. fs no hope of the grua*tha àtitair being evtecd. Ie havea sramedy whirb wil, va bîtnestly beieve, remova dandruif, ex. tenuhanata the microbe, promnte gondl circulation lu the scalp sud ar.asand the bute retott, îtiten sud revitalisa tha bain roula, sud covercome baldues, su long ns Ihene e mauy 1laite lu inch hain route.,1 1 Ws lbattitup Ibis chatamant viîh aur ou paronalguaranlsa Ibat Ibis remedy calîrd esmail '.l" lair Tout ic Slli b cuppiiel touof ail Cnt ta thie user il il fits ta du as we as.e 1It wiliifrequcntiy itlp taunesIore 1ra andI fadait hair ho île original caot pnoviding losiiiof colas- bas beau cauaed toy disea; yel itlàl lu au flouse a Iye. Itaxail -'91l" flair Toulue acomplitabea» thase relulta by aldiuag lu making every bair tout, folld ansd igment giand stroug sand active sud by timulatiag a naturai flow of coloning pignmenh tbroughbut the hlaïr celsa., .W@ exact nuo bligations or promis..e -W. imply m onou 10give ERexail "93" IBain Toue a tiorough til ad if uah satisllted tell us lsud vs vii relund the money n u patd us for il. Tva sizee, priea &0 vota an.d 01.00. tlemembar, Sou cou ôbWa I exai itemedieâ lu LhbrtyvOlI. auty aI aur store. Ti helahl Store. Dsia & BOND, Libertyvilla, III. Cultivae a parouasi p n u our sbllihy tu write vaut WaI TAI AO COMPliSETHMIOS TitIallusive boa-ding hans. vbich .mu bava delttil la finI SOl80E D*Y May b. alverlIcel owa. 1TlbuSuarch Ught The sev Butrab i LgiiMagazine wbi.h iedl aonme. lorte .public vit i sI tiret lssce halé mnanhlamun independont magasina, avel amI oallod by 55. Editon Wu.. ans, acsiay eao Lorimer or» uanaielyl have snr- thinte, l««,"ata vint g"u Stua the OW» ni91te O*mrch Ugat. Mn. £Ila$bas bal the aPPO»10ety San e llecontraI otbis sagala orscbprpase, but hba aetalât>ôly ahit but contrai the maaaimag ielf.This la no ev vetumefortlgr. 51mo for ho vus editor ai the Ihlineagnse, Mgaintu Wisco.mes, for MWsI mml c 00 il hno% only a *Wseor vwr «bus dcep linket snl tic "Bearah Llht" vifii ho 1.11 ai plensy ai gos.? cluf wvhb iii bo orthy yaur situa unI monay. Thisa e1waivilos.mniy halar chop lu enayakake. Mr' van at -O U belag 80 mach hettar Iban- 1 aptaI 1hs1 Il lanltegIalm mcii af I, ami i theà i cannoa aord ta ho awaýv îro=iS.. The Girasilmk*bop vif I not sct3';ml »o 1 have thhaugibsbot ho lose il up. Tbskilng ail my pattone for theit supportdxring my .tay vita thèi, I1 vricia omaythat at sur tiýnlsyOU u vi leItas knov Ibat you wji ras ho maie you amsuit or avercoat 1 wilI coma ta your home ot Moset you at G ,uàyolake sud taire your moaguruAntt land guarau tee thaenit. Any leaning or pressing yon wîcbh o have d'ose you înay leaeab the drug store. Express packages wSi, leave there everv Wedes- ilay aud iveluruSaturd&v. *Taakng vou fur paat favori sud eolicitiug yonr futurs busiiness , 2 l l ç 1 rtmain ymurà trtaly,_ Wua. àa Magazines ~ '2 Danh forrat thal va carry ail tha late4t peroidlee and albookrs. We '1a taiepatbcriptinsfor mgazines«.'Aux- ue vibiog ta subsîrlie for "The SeamciTIlghl' Magasine, (and avenyone ueomul tuaUTaystake should aubi fur il) ay laavg lIait mbucpUoi M~d »M &r eipt fuiraase. it4ml .;Thecas# u ll 1c IL GUR : Mr.in.ud ire. Clans Cape sud soi] Ashicy o! Racina, vlsîted L. W. Wakefield aud fîtuuly Saturday. Ms-e. Young vimited friends ut Russel Tuemdity. Mrn.5d Nies. H. 8- Haines visitait Chicago relatives Suadsy anaàlfouda-y. Mr. aud lins. Jas. CaMPiiella Cicago, epent thie irsI of the W"ekwihh relativesl hiera. C. M. tr.n was in Rueseil ou bkiai- nase- Tue.uday. Gearze taiziel vieil-ad hb is eier ait Loon Laike Sunday. .-Mi s4 Vers Uecali speut t tic bolidasys Zh home hors. i "Attoney Dady of Waukegau, spent Naw Yeara day vitb bis parente bone.-,' rEluart hMilsuad famniiy hava' moed i the Hugzhes rogidence inhieti hao ,ecn-lr' purebaead. Chanies Durbana, Cavingcon. lu., bac auceedadin lufauding s poettive cure for litd wetting. 'MY littîle boy wvolhei. bal avery igbl dlean to' ou tii floor 1 tineai caverai kinde ofai kdney tuediclue sud 1 vas lu lhe drug atone lookilnqfor shametbing difaninat Io help filin ien 1 beard of Folee Kiduey I-is. ,Aiten ho bail talien them tva itsya va eoid cees change sud vian ha bi Seen tva thirdo ai a batile bo vas curai. That la about alx waek ago esal -45passurmotl labe hai lca." for cal. by aliDruggisla. Poil Fném ftfaof Oisurth. maumiionnnas-I isttejaba. recldhns ta lie OStahblon districtAb*nde.,- sbira, Scotiand. mel hWm ieathiroussit J> - la a remarksblc Itajamer. Ho climbd olheatoautqaet aurhmcir lnor. der la dilaoa àvarna %)tbeec, but cullenly avasbalanctnq, ho e1 tuathée Vrouanc as *ukille le lspot. Sta goCmhislonau*l. a tir"si sul airis lais buft ou1it1 h. cmma.bWM teSa a hoiSet Wells. Uoieërsat. Euuid.- Dy F. A. XfJHE ons othe nmlc M a gom ui clio far vblhhth"S atate à@ iamOU& t Nea butI rug the lImes vhac tic omthrsa ttlcs.roq*Isg laborors te vouasçà heu tabac. p&aMtttus. er. impaehlug taim emoeget iAfriean ne- gro4% Whwuve.bell as slaves. I le- et brickt. vitilarMepilesiliafront. cal, coushlattng tte aM Io h hi a re- markoblelost preservatlon. This M boeune a ruceat aonr bau put It là rair. Mii. ther boume.of tta kund dating baita thi e euteenti century. t vqs- balUt ont af the proeeeds etice. urnescapturaI la Aides and mil as olaves la Ameies. ut tuavsotraIs and li stvIa Ibrotisen pflac, v Co« ta1* , t oydpecem sthey Ar% «f ratier vasAibu. taiay. ne viao bout t icas tcirete b:h. - »0of itt MM Siiuslnsm e.M et hic tias. 51ud OraaVMe vas siot l ibuhmob but la iaagn ot il aMMciéstacf hI. umqsmW 1*1cmle fer -R*tmc le tb u »tisahm avu 130 iqicft =b :Ba"non vlatlg or M7 comtece tiers 'v«s trdi ta bu imjý &Mi a t is hier eiavec, wvit vere houas evants ssi tic. effle4ilsé h mr yasl te la i- mmse «oreuaiti im. accr. basiiel dîova t radith iontat ther mantr staled hie forte. la ptraey Be.tb em Il ay, up tota lis.11e -of theIM la t SuNhe decendate diI uat deny liai Much of hic mose had bien mode la the clave traIe. la hie old mgo bis canuclesce trublai hlm. and thase vbe ver. nebrest hlm sal tbst hb. lireI ta maire came reparatlon fdr hb inlodeeda. Ho bal à statue of binacoli madeof ibranz. ad Se t tUp on a pedestailal a boy wlndow of bis llbrary. The lat bond recta on an muchor. uni' the right blda a catant-not sa uock csextant; a rasi eue. tbough flot of brasa, but ai the, came material as the. statue. Be lt acters that nbealctoue aboul markr bis grave. aud It vas cuppael that ho lute~ddthe stue as a aubetituta for one. At any rate. no one now kmoi,. were ha la burled. Dufferent genaratlona oi bis descend- ata discucced the. statue and won- dered et the. vblm wblcb,,led their pragenitor to eect l. One tbInt about It ezcItaI apeclal atteutlos. I>ery uuafulng the son. oehilng la 'Poo Il, ar*masthe eyeplece ai lia cxtaul al, ymsug t4rough the tube. caet a colar Image an the opposite WaIL lie bstrack ai tblc round &put 09 llgitlImuqgeitth e cacaM. travema-, hig a slgitly liffereut patt a ck er o. There Jeauantier thhig abat Puoleii tutu «P a cutwy or tva tur unc luth? Ami auBaMOt t tb a"v arnething ta doevwui Ib 10usd. Thaligi ho mli imhoir t, I.la Mmel a MentaIl lap beusag a en- d t"7 "Cie àliammeatoc'alo uth.Dne d@bMtrfnla.dun" ma s taly e the ataaam" .erythntbu *1* - to It. vy mondar b.iàvoti a m to le i1dMI àutls tirhu.uvia>. kg aI Stanm tituita shoot St. Par mIW - gmeilste . m ,veFUil e tmsut o lm cTe.- eipio l. e 4*0e4 ilsatlsutil.but ho caull moa aehiieg orIL , An* yot ticainueh bit bera an abject tu putdthm lt er Oftes, »mal cse.lywit theIchaut Mdl *Mte 09sêirta. 1 P ouue mlo a mo roavife wu l miung m sue ct~lg he ame, 1 unc tu uom v rsvling clavly oreu the Imlam Il lsd boas-traveling pur tu ald ym onat fat I20yearc. The .I colonel vas vatehngIl as b. lsd et- m tonl votchsl tbefoce. A hhird nov Ide Came ta h' 1L. Mbt Ual ths.ta mma cpot bava maniemeaulns? Thora eekàta wt»inàm"f aft ln tic buman brais. tiowe liat are. ortginl or parant ldo «sud lina ia are og»aring. Tic prent esea le I Mluatratlan. Tbe conception lias bela *un spot mugit lave mcammabid vus la a messure oriIal (t~augh e6. ctyhug. siftar aILle lu *a Unibhla asn etl"rma i., calit ugeéOi ail.s- satias whven is su ati S ticO ls 0f hirti as tht notsi a* aoeGnis sge ta iwfcu-lés ta s tuef ttednwt sep l t coaceptians vlalci icI ome * h hetter h. bal r«m&.butlit boboilS Matait We etmyse ie M#o n»otas au~ tué dite laccrIbsi pasiÈ De vua ot bons lu atlme tiI as tht dae, haut ami misut*renardaI asnIls Part aiof vl vitai vwe - ownur sams liormation or tujwmUmltSba- ei by tii. Mau via lai an»Cteltic statue. Tic ùnacrlhiasgave lia ycmr, vhieh Can il Wb ai of oimp«atne mies the mmn traverses aie comneappmi'5a1 peti aaaanally; lb. lur..JueoMlithe bour. 10 'clock. sud tlb. Dtnte.thIe tw.. ty.Oitii. laiothar Word*. If tbIm von the trie xpiaatioan Jue 17. at tvauty4àve minutes cter 10 a'Claai, thie position ai hie sun %Pot voUi mean aamatbtag. Il coul ualet efer le 10 oclock ah ailgit for an ôbblua ras, It 'vras early Ia AprSA vh'an Calomel Granville lit upen lt1 Possible ex. planation. Nearly tva moMhe o ai at- lng vold, hanecasaarybei are lte spot vould ranch a position corraspopi4ins pIth the dote. The Colonel, 100 liao tient ho- lofer Stalda" £Oai r vit aeoied t lina no lotg sbp0r1a4, a. ugsr ta gel o coMputer tomo ail calculste vion tae sp o ll l>sea, lt givon dey. Euh h. kcnv 01i as ee aih"&" 'ip ll le ai emi minaIs la!ortoatl on va.uasi t dcu*s. marnng ana ne p'ropooa ite tl a aI. Naouanevha cawlt M catld raent. bausebal tbal lie vae lokic WIla be ar oiag se aeusy mamorial glvlng canvanleat location fon a chlnnity ho ettar tia boxas-end minuta or a bis-lb vas tbikilg oi building. Evér>' day or the bouo antd minute at a leati. aiter tint 1the colonel valcitel .h But ana geucratton atan another page. ma"aManLt ai thea citt itia kee Inter. ed uway. nd no plausible reasan for est. and ah lie eud of a o matb h elther the statue onrls singular lu. cOuld calculate Pnatty nennly vbere Il ecriptJon vax suggesu'ai. vould mIll on thie 171hof Jans. Hala. Durng tha civil war Elwraod Grsa. ever. ha valtal tilthelb.dote canms ville. the owner ai the astate ea h laIround. tima. fougit fanthe maintenance ai Now. an tliei7th ai Jeuxe csuei the cystem n luthe Introductiona ai stands vas-y igb.prcctlcaliy et lic vic hbie progenitor tec oaS oinpor, hlgbest point durlng thie yeat'. Cas tout a part. Colonel Granville vas macoxuently thie spot waz antih lovait religiouc man sud one af thosa who point, lu tact. fil racht on the faoon. tracei tLîority for slaves-v from the Taie colonel Wes a baie l ia hefaonr- lBie. Aiten tbe wrau lie frturnnd ho lug. laciliing 1h irom the sextant ta bis plantation and begantu b nn Ilt th point of the spot*s contact aud,.tuF anew tuder the system that bal baca serting a tube. notal n> place laIn te borni dnmng thie truggla. cllar inhere thie lUnaai vision pro. A fai palpera that haut belonged te longeai voulai ehntke. Tien oneanliht thie oiginal Granvillie ere bandaI vlîan the lîouseboid vas aaleap lie lava thraugibhis descendant-. Tbey vent luto the coller mitAi a lantaru, a bal beau preserval lime anI agaln by pick andi a spadeansd begau ho ig. diffeant persans. but apeareai ta con. Ha bal cult trough lia cernent bate tatu nathing ta tbraw ciby llgbt ounltas tom of tha celltr and dug down exact. puzzles eonnetad villa the writer or ly tan fart chen lha ctnaack maanM. recaivar. Ona daýy Colonel Giranville. Il wam fnot vary mail put togetiier, and vhileasmnslng blinscaîf vitih tse hoa conu Inacened. thie upper chones, documents. read n ltter train hie comlng toanauopen epace. lu fils vaS fonder ai bis bousa ho a clergyman la u anron box or safsie uc mas ua ich fia former caai Ibat ha vnld manuy yeats ego. A llaiofaithe pick Alie ta louvo at bisc laîf a fond for tic knkeai off thie caver. andthaero lay a beneâoftihle nco race la Ameica, mas ofgolcoins. On lb. coin. loy but the. dime voulut lcamte fan par- a papes-. vhlci Colonel Giranville reaI. impa au. or twa canturies vian suçhB is ic las asraIed om tic ltL* a bequest coulai hao tllzed. inittan by bis ancestai' lama crrect. Proiiobly tha stalamant bol bhen fera vas a cheât cOitSlnin a Mlx', mra u nudral times by Ricli rutCran- turc, of Engilli. Spaulsi amI alias ville'% descendante vithout maklug ony golut placesand a a iSieqesthatg li marial Impression. finI Calonel (Gran- treasiare ho oudan tInctltnfo ville rndcl l ia thuglme hea tie nagro lie ameliaratioaa ai the neutacs.u alave hal hton juge, emanclpatel sud Colonel Granvillle rePlacel ie ertl callel.16 ailithie Ignora" t nducel, by uvar lhe treasuna cul lotI Il ta tita bis condition. t5o ecltaubtp. The ontthie iroblem lialjre lina. Uuohs memntng of-lie chiemont, "The timaiaqusf.coaatain ra i e origialhe!- vaulg nual camnefor puriapa one orttarorvuild lie abuerbal la logal ledim tva euturilu." vas pitata bin a utlitioS. Bulles. Grgaviga' volS Mare han oeme mnluty bad ptaselnet 1k. thic otorlety attaciho islng-e ku.lrougii t hi. cietil casaitiana. lt quontsa Marty al coins-aoine h Tht. WL'c dloailGanvUlîs. *ho w" ic mevcaeafrom the priasaet slaves agot la belp lie nWOg, aolt,tblie h.aprobsbly thliet otfaipiraey.ý- bal becomo à iraemaa, onavird uOuP. ralvel tasamy notimg asingehât yard. ta tblok af theue 1 >0ta lh iaS'tranga tequa5h, butl ta dispusWaI vonU seaccuef rô eCcb o boqum$ktapesceAem ald ~r In luhe 0W, a v.mentianad hi hie latter. .1lbtinttutdon for wvbM Il vp 13*10 Tisa umdeply tva céhectl MISBaS i ig in1tention ha careaI O3*996 eigteraI Colonel Gaanvglelc braSa,11W, âm iac n è gre la nov bing 0.BataS Saut vas, Mleut s'ot t ,& ier b1 il sno amy larlici hum hq.a eaayouit si t quiMt bs inicailW. ,esoracbis enautos. 1t- aie no 0 obher, Annuel Insurnca 11 The annual maeting of ilutuaiinauranu Compaq la lthe lover roof ai iic ilura, UMlois, o au 81 1,1012 aI 10.3: utim- >StI»Pi taou tom SeR muoMeI=s. bqà iai iu £1 a DL Q L QMJUM PAL MACGt0" DS, . 1. LTAYLI gqm o tma X.a. Ç stous.:-9 S 10 a. 2t. Va gcaULm n ranlvs.opJx,, DI * v. 8t e. msas OfieNERAL88 RýPRQi cuurciuea.Md à&os OOk nU -"dlcuai L v

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