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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jan 1912, p. 9

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or . WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUN LIBERT'Y VILLE, ILL, I'RaAY, JANIYARY 5,1912. ]POUR PAGESO ysrr 9~PLÂ~13 MARTHIJA P. PAS. WAT. > IRUANGES 1 48 flS lut 3vmltom. .91MW ? VMM tom.. 474S .1142 10 $& - - lmaie pk4ort. .~~un? . g NdraumlSe. 790 T .................... SOMiL ..... ue oua .. . . ... .. . .$5 ........... mTu.A ............... PublI9M ............. t.Am i ON JANUAIT lïT We. IRANft -M«Zoom CITY ALEli RD LLESAL VOTINO CASES WILE UMM& juoft PaRBOON# To DUsPOÇýOP A.L 0f JUDGE RECKi4OV Jlu esiet oeoourd vill bu sgi tî amm teipw b Juigrkukbuaulesab evini*0 CW ot ases m bave lieutdigoceolai Julee Pu.sVin taie np th* repu. et ou«dr f ass ure ?i raanmt m& i Judo moia nus yufie béapprovai 01 s i lavyemcmasofl iitb fieo UOê- Clty oce».m- k aflova li e Imev j",t vh b us v»ii gOmoqu fa trial Md la cMMu lii.Zla CftY - Mvern ta buiband lait tliuy iclgt nMt »mOv vbuutmr tain vas co=la8 ath$fiela" Minte. hoin bis atsy bur Judge fiuc- bau vii lesmotima" sd ePut sffmeoii tesfimt s sud vilne« e agUt. He vWimat. hoevverbuar My? CotifflSl atter. la case i casabmlI mothase been IhislmMilsof a veeL. Judle F0105 vii istama for prottuwrk on Mondamsthé»e ieasMuuaL It is flbo«ut os- fln ikelY fIa the dssu vi be dlspamd ora ils turià ourl. TUSERCULOUS WMAR COM 0 14AOUM. Moet 8 14,500,000 as spent la umwe Statu, la 1»1l. euâiwlugte etdsi Mie 14*0551 A@qOeltcS fe wm-a -cm .p qmmey,a«pf t Agd iespe tbsyer. be b OW. iMye ovie bas L DL -à* vec iscom sqMI. oM aeaI qi mmfer ~W* t ani. lie ovacn- ~, UluiIl vtkscIaly pmpe fUup.tWmlbmoaasfi. RWub te w.u, w. i a Wh" ibis Pdr. batbntR4Pe pth$af up bmuar shaeseelans ap efomtb« %pai. ivnl vet la» un eseaW».e tomi te bb k sa b ome,. î~~s pdetw Sm 5 queselsgMOUant ShowS. A tueDOt .emtl Ivlqe W eàeiv meRtbeL fterce Usi - 'rie wlw i ums.mfro ru aoufat dry. M»'itlvutod, pouts umm §buIspame mÎN lM.t yqe laS. A arivissa vas oWssisl, - beproces.MW boc.ael- br tv. ve s agi. Adtila 0409l sodvis the oau tsUUSMqt1 for fie bathbal nefU :"soiel àeve. mafting pgr Pi. iau-" Mveu I.pomtet Muain fie leut us SUCIISTARENOSVla SOMETHINO "AWFUl." COuutry Sillor Fuel the Sali a o Seffing out Shue sUnti lesUta U Soarsbe. TIe Orayalake Times - slI lut obrNer etBlaak or fie Wucm L«edr i.m toptittaOufa upe fils ve.* ad vo pe tfliatle lA bv" a god tfie as If viiibu à loolled co &8t, tm ie lali rnd of gof- ug UR nove ton a papor." 1WIlls'a gUesorai ia »o04 Chosa, cdietau W.reffle ow a ee.ii 1w hers, tkSa.-hk'*a uieueu. Ms .e ~~~,M buseOs- as City, Mt club, oi slosi '40 or 0, arepem t.100OW Judie W. C.OBIoohorsas Ih Thouihtses.kb.TsI's Cbloce Fer Puacesa 'SUPtqse Cout Beach Wabuna, Jas.2,4It Attorney ted Sf atu.judgs H9k vws bom i li Pestrai Wlckurahsin uponbis rotan t Pnttsylsat il S e li' m , m5~,u ta Washingtonm@aal gise imapproval vas educated St Le&Vën9vorth, tia. JudIft lllam Cather Hooli, af Lus- wbsru bo bas bad bis borne asiusboy- rumavorth, Kan.. one o ftbe ulaiesof hood, aud graduated tram the 8t, the Uiglit Feral circuit. probahiy Loutis Lav ecbool la 1878. H a p wli bu sppoiated by the. preaîdeut as poitedl district judge. for the ifnW: the scceofa Jobhn Marshall Har- district lu 1899 sud four yuar .Ister Im an fa le upreme. oÜrt oifIheUnl'wuaspr0aiied faufths circuit Ilonêj.*1 IcOLONEL PIT1I~R 1I~UKf~S DI~ÀLT No SHIPMIENT 0F ÇAMS E RMUT- *TED UN -TUE $SfTKTE 0FILL. NoUS DY. ÀN.Y0NE. OTHERS CET ýSAME ORMPJTÈAD ,II4TEIVES LAW THIS ACTION U8 TAKEN ON iîOOf-* _I)C,Tj" WIT .My,$S-#MRT.' lia- OUT PROGRlAm., l5IYtTER NO LON«EfR CAtI PROVEY TO FRIENOS WIHAT A 0400 SHoT NHE Ri')LYte.-l ?ive off[crs of-the oarmy ail above, Bed usys for Illinois. 4unfers cames fIe grade of major,,-ihve beeo order. tram Springfield juat as the. aid yuar .4 bufanu retlrlng boards lu a0uu.ct- la golng into a cluch vithi thes ne*. Son vifh the arMY "metlng Qut,' PrO-No longer ylftbu ulmnad bu &blé ta gnoum, acconîîtig' fa a disPatclfront lsip a brace of dudits or hai a dosen Wusblngton. TIey ame Colonel,,WWl quafi) ta bis 'beut triond' at home. TIat lham L. Pitcher, lnfaufry, Port Mo ia-the edlct of Attoruey loueurai Stesl Doveli, Cal.; Calonel Wliam P. Kv. vhobas laid dovu the liwaSt fe re- sus, Fart Leaveoavorth, Kan,; 1ieu. queat ai John A. Wleelur, stalse gene fanant Colonel Jamea A. Goodin, commlilaner- Seventi Intsnfny, Army and Navy Mfr. Whuelsr. "bo bas bad omie gatteral bospita), Hot OprîngM., Att.; trouble vlth pot hunters, sud ofiers Ma»rpn u4l l.Simpson, IlU hIn- lu regard tfahsîprnent ai gamie,, alI fsnfny, Nev Tank>Cfty aud Major WUi' Mn. tead for tIe. adylco. vhlei tumn- han H. Brooks, aiedlccrp,. Fort ouIouut ta be of the towedaed vaetY. iiDoveli, Cal. Hîiierfo if had- been, levei fiat Tisse oaifcers are nov aelvlng. l, t). fsWpnuf aiggne dunug the openi tie contlnetit$ -United StaUa - If ia somn anly applled ta gaule vbicb expected that ïes-rral offlors îov vas shlpped or effued tor sale. Nov merving ln the Phililppnes alovifi ho the opinion its ail 51k., and tn fa- onderci before reflnfng boOda, furu anyonu vbo shipsasai auci a Colonel Pitcher, If yl bu recailed. a sulpu la llkely to land ln a lail. butore beîng ttansferned ta Fort Mc- The lterProtaflan Of the lavIVIi Daveil, Cal., ivas lu charge aof Uic bave a fendency fa affect ail huniers mltary post t IIput Sheridan At snme as If vii no longer bu sston fie flue and fIe sunonument fat lehola huuter to prove ta his frIsaIs af lome in appear betore a r*flnlug bourt i ylltafa' a goad shot liclh. Wbsther or le a surprise lu Mia aiy Mfrinds lu ntit actually vil) probi ihe. cary fils part of theceoutry. ling at game hy the hanter himaslf - . la not uxplainul by 1Mr. Ifead. If May (or If namat, rt telulWfUti ~ - _ _ _ le I» « lico O, ou0f1r. sud Mns. Wu Itan, i cakjlbsotln rXIàd. lea;ne- IêS% aiIavltWset 'ut1f. ra % rq i AeI ý f feAmt BUSINESS- 0f Tu POSTAL BANK ON WIRE MILL MEN OUET NOTICE TO RETUIN1 TO WORK TON JElI MROj RECORDS SHOW MORE ADULT DE- REPAIRS ON WIRE MILL ENGINE DECISUON 0P COURT O PO&OTORS TUAN THOSE UN. eSOUT. COMPLETED; ENGUNE IN THE *le LUTISATI DER THE Ac£ 0F 21. STARTS TONUONT ON SLOW. IMPORTAN11 "STCKIG BNKS GONOFIRST REPAIRS IN 15 YEARS JUDGE LUNDIS RE ^LIENS READ LITERATURE IN MAJORUTY 0F WIRE MILL MEN, UT, UT MEANS THAT CAU THEI OW LAGUikE A US1 SAID, RECEUVE NOTICE TO TRIED AOAN-805NDl THENT FOMAKE. 1DIVPOSUTS.!M A noticabie tact in coanectlon vltb the postal savInga bank af the. Wan- began poatofilas, la tbat more aduitsi art taking advantags af the. opportun].1 tY atrordad by this department than ama persans under the legal age. Poat- master Char., Watrous ays there lai ot mucb dlference,, owever, as fhe1 cidren are tant becornlng accustom-g ed fa depositing thuir dîmes. 1 The. rulea of the dePartrnnt do flot a110v posfmaitera ta give out the amount of maaey on deposit but Mfr. Watrous sapa that t bers bas beau a constant increase uacb vsek since ths Postai bank vas lnstalied. The pamphlets printed lu forelgn languages, h. says, have been the mesans ai brlaging in many depDaitors as aiens wbo vers utiahîs ta resd the1 description aof the nev batik as prinful la Engleb bhave beun callairat tot bank for the last surai vouks se q eurlng the literaturs ln tbclr ova ian. aae. Many af the»..men neyer bu. fore bail beau, depositors of any batk. but alilof them sauta obu vllilng to trust Dacie Saman ad monsy that bas beau f ucked away tu "stocklie' baffiks in bula brougît out and doposlted la thc postai bank. For tbe momi, part It suems that de- pOufs bave besa it fmail suaio. 13oU luepomtors are »et cail vsekiy mà tih. postai savlnga batit vindav and mako theirlittls depasits wville athurs cail vbsauvsr th.y bave a ittie miti- e7 they vlsb fa put avay. Çbe sale eft leu cent postal saving bak stamps la besiag carriud on to, a oulurablu extunt. Tht s la doue la K m'musrs by the cblldrgq vise 1 xoémm ware sala to paroisse t i sfaaips ýla preference ta spébdIsg the Mouerfor elMar. eFo m boe hy twa or tbrse talpe a day, preferrîng ta, sase-thuin 100se.change ln this vay fa 'ylag ta sa.Itutil they cali maie laigur depauti. Sitrom thsse tacts it appearu that the batkin amoeetng a long fuît vaut ln the'city. "ME(T QIJOTAstiONS Chiens. Ca ep. SeatatUs i Wiuaf-No. 2 rweo. 9697e; No, 8 Ild. i93"99ec; No. à afrI vintp, 970 .08 .09. No. 3 ardutvisfur, 94 fte, No. 1 nartiiemasprinIÉ 11.0814.No. 8 aorfisrn sprirgt, $.8; UNo, S opuln, 95081-00. Cora-Ne, 9t3ne 41%,c; No. 8 vite. 61*i0<c; MNO yei 10vw, 41981%c. Ot&-No a vhte, 4$Wott%o; No.$3whilte. 47%048%ho; gtar 4S48qLcO Chicao ge «sBok. nogs-ac>sm 00..Quolallaus tangel at 4.1S0LUS cce sbeav7. IS.U.95*lO5 ola. lghf, 9M.90(1 b" ubd soi& ad $.7504.06 go e. Oatle-eEL"pts 7.0»-00. ttf volepaVfl: t I,09 00prix.stps ts»s@m cholce t. prIlme te1 bief eu». ILSWSLN gfoal ta ebuee i0 94A# fair lte3001 Stoker .250S s geoal lé .10ve vouI eivee mlp.-Reel I&M990. Quola toiSda aI14.04.0 pIstes buprli mative lDe,*5*01.1 Somulte. b eh yesrli.e. 4.04% ýMd tf0e olas vouIles. P.U*3.'f4ir bu oal«eves us-e pom>y Tarbais. petr b.,14 40. ebWlObe rucis. l730; s801. mIp 1 test aSdlo eLN$ o sk. [ sil& MaB 06use.ive Stock <ça* Néuls nbuflbm l luRsl. ile saue s Sllva:<tt sw; ipi ok» s'il %obatsd. og~n" Ca, oa;mreSsv ui D 14-2t, 4.8; pgawN:lî The asmiofliengns usaI tafur- Utah pover te the. Wire Draving de- partaient- af lie AmuricanSteel sn1 Wirttcnpsny'a planit, and vbidii lu been undurgolag tIset eri*«aniis le about 15 yuare, la rsported s r««d fa bu alartud fouigbt. IteWsre on tiis etiglas von tartel lait Trday. sincu vbicb tins It ls said a double sit of 30 ta 40 me- chaulcs bava been vorklng. la at i e- fort to bave fthe lant rsady fat duty agaluaaithtei earllust possible moment. This engime bas menu alinost con. stant servce for the puit là years. and thili la tIe Cmat ruai overbanllas It bas bad la il that flue. Iti tact. If basru ismast aaattinoasiy. tilt ad day. Sion Filday the Sigine bas beau& otie ovsr tborougbiy. al braus boxes and bearinga baslng beau romeauve.and piston rings repiaoad. This la a Vertical componad englue à* f$elan kiht and capable of pro- dning 3,900 borne power. It drives a oombitios iiy atid drive 'wiuel maesurla; la b? 30 ftet. aver le trkusaltted by "à of aiarsgenma- bet of raDe beifs vbli pais oser this lrlvuvhlesi d rmuaiala Paesil groovis.cut ltth ft c thfe viesi. The.saile c.vbti e aia isel rpevis., It -sai!tg be 34 lnclus lu dl"iater. Report lb if tbat the uajarity ar tbe Vire dfavlog fre a bni O Sud ta report for vorkthéIe isbt gin sfartlag ln thia eveulng. The bit un. aftie la to-be tarbedup togilit t b b mn os slow oued att M ueMuli ubeâ it la uxpuctl fief the mew eV taga sud pltn vina Il base homO A .«Vert la *à OslfureVie la »Mveutbat lob bava eusalsorim v a sel exiJilsm la supportlbi la e» f9i*0 emdWeeDpotaa e ba"M ,yud e, n Ousvle, oVas larvsalte se Msd be Dm *15 visSles aggqare. a as ftbu spnt lic. 1Iao *t acet ta-asse biue.«e saloN> Md bullst oues liav0f su Thie usuterus u M baïve tane 0 iupous tfront STien lb. export vouw poduce a *llot b«ontroi sMd appear vitb if et tui aidu a ofite pool uamr ia *at voulu tm &Bdfiee, bide lise, 'nt tie fmr «4pi11ups W ,romain liUm - =qi "OMlm This laIehe qisuaeicot c i ud-@ ,don obafga la lb. fronts ludae«: One day. ecrir la lt.eour et lie usi. tbie «peut fa rya beriumu bk le*bald-id , clii "vtth Que la fat poot, a" fil Irqu asisi Il Ie* book peaufttal ul.501 =ue Ibrug Il apu ". , Mdil au fime If vu releumsecs rotUpubook It bau udergme an exeMae» iaI UmOe aIa aà #ImmeollaupOce IL. bocbls* a« lie front liaI vissav bu. apergéielite pIswu il bisraI lie, tient veuld lailaa3r dami bua pis"e t Illineaul5o ifpeiu ta alteutla fa a éue e O ith iek bel .a. lwIe voa.re "trust lvel for reantu la*"Ipool al"neVer MWsIte slow itefstop eta tuant vod as lon là It lUvul daWs SUN the. Exnaeu.;a rgadtg mta- f mosom, Uc.: The Unitl Uta ApPeasTedabs~~ of judge IL IL 1ndla* etatescircuit court ta t»! oyer tbl. lucolmesblg ut %Ue f vou thue xecotor of j* dur Davis aMdWlIbut Oh. Mm. Jane Dovi. 5-d Ibl The deeowm srema*da li9 fo inuslAndir court ha ti fiae ordrcd stiekes foi ardu. At fIat tins Juulo tiiê baud for, siumdlet 1IM ca m a then aieaW isi torn of I)viu oa a oUilUi slgmsd by a momber or lie Thu Undinglo0f theu UUI Circuit Court f AppuI VI sit st MR ibyli. and holIding M. WUlbite. W1 the. etatu c« Jais Aie butorsJudg andi, 'F of rWivle ma 1 OW r Fe et muvly dswovurud dau* bfe uMl hoe, wo W'fie colos?, A. J. OlAatOe e tbeuold reeln& Wmne . ILi*t, v s Thomi.. HDert Ui red W. clUrobUDv L Tice directeus buml le aid TemdaY uetag amg 0fesisl' Tis, . LDurai, pumdod&i FnedW. Oiiutiicllu UirKES MAtWSU. Auguta erson, s, ..'.. Atred l .Loi, Mlukes. .~ Irfsax x Mrec........... FranmesRoman ......... Nis WesfergarlRacna ... Fru ela eislu, Antan. Jacwbewsid ...4' Wninincvn a lm... Otto Weohs, Cble.g. . Ilulen Tests.sane . .. Ida Algren sanie .....i Peter I. Clauson, Ml1U~ Hflda Koeaigl& mm^ .4i John Broya. Chlosso, Hulda Peleusosmua% Fayot te B. MOUetsW* Kls M. Rabuusos, Hunnm e t ufor.tf Ie sipelite! The. DotblKalt, Oo fadIW4-Slits for, mnea." This abot, - tiedaicitpoihdmon as Wvili asPrie- - ouste at fIe UhetSld avenuePaoios MMIM tla Olcgo st miniaqiton I~ suSIai vu asud5 by Il ex »«Mot, 40 so0n Cuulon â mua nation lvieus snt la, els0teti fIe cl0 ose or 1111. cou#"%,se, -- us serunvice of fv.nty4re Yoma m a Womsa retir«enoua pesaatmd 4 ýmme84 Ls V».P £MUM9jAY FINISHE êu.. i fbcuohANNOUNCEMENTWT F ORT A SURPRISE. .2ÂIN 41

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