- LA~ OÔTWXTPDE!IND1~T.V1UAY. JÂNUARY 26,1912. /4* A new waists. Waist shipment of beautiful skirt effect ladies" These waists are madle of e.xcentional fin e material and should be sold for 2.oo but arrived so late that we are selling them during this sale for.. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . I eC al i l= We have on sala for to-mor- I ~pc ii J.AlL row 68 ladies hats. Ail the I inery Sale 'verele u o$.8 flr~e $S0$ Every lady was surprlised yesterday wbeinî 1 saw the woo4 0 l4rqalns we had ln wool- dresses. We weare fortunate enough tp seçw another shiIpmentkwlttcl will be grouped in twolots Lot No. I, AIl wool1 panama and serge up dresses, values to $10.00, now 40998 k - f e I t 'T am/ 'Corsets Q gri~tcorset sale certaloly has been a pleesat urprise to everyladywhowas fortun. ý*~~egurz qne of those wonderful bleLs Il have the f aejestic Corset an sale i,00 tumorrow for ................ ,50c Corsets for 33c Children 's Coe, ts Are closlng out cvery chld's coat tomorrow. CI las. Values up to ,3 34 a ntist go tomorrow for.. Chldren's Coats, sizes up to 14, ' A C 5.00 values go tomorrow 2*48 for..-............. ......... Children's Coats, 8.00 values tomor- 39 in ail colors and Efflk Petticoats pif y 198 4.06 valuas, special for this sale ...... Our entire fur stock must be closed out ii@w raud1esp of cost. Thost who ha¾ýc 4hâted until now for thir furs don't- detay any !onger, but get the cbôlce slection right now as there will bfpothing reserved. Everything miust go. lIundreds of Fur Sets, Muffs, Séurfs and Fur Coats. Alt. less than cost of peits Ladies Walking Skirts, values up to 4.00 ..... 1.98 ýpilDm~s Sale Ik Lddtdres,"& înA .1e np in haif-wo*l inaterial joi I ti vel>' *5 vakes.tounorrow.L 90 Our Big Sale 3.50 Julia Marlowe shoes 2.35 special tomQrtrow ........ is Stili On-$hoes Children's shoes, values to 99C 2.oo, for tom~ortow sale ...... Lot Ne. a- Ail wool Frerich serge dresses for Iodles, val- ues up to 12100, now Your cbplçe of ltoj-b t tallored suits,. ln satinined, thaï formdr-y soId'tas hlgh as $18.009 now............... An entîre gqçl' pf 40s" e suItÏ of extshls cheviots auod,,ngxtrs formerly %weérç end $20.00, this sale ot Your cholce of a lar.. collecton bt tallored sOtltimn'tef for $25.WO and $3OMJ, oow Sacques, reglr75cv*»Ws for.... L T.kwipde«h#Iar MùslIn............. speclalfo. VfeIvet bags Rubbq àai Laes* fun lewoti %r0ldJ1 - FI!W FrMO 0C ICAGO UR4ED Oeeyin NwpPin Chicago Urges1 a t a pnîéeComilssion Paru 0f ov.rnmnent. Wjth ts ectsion of thse Spe .out uph-ldlag-the conmlstioaf Or.n i Sov.etieitforIllinois ctie$. Chi- iela urged l nedtorilinluthse -#"I'tg-Zeltung, one or -the Gernian ja* ispepers of the cltY, to get ready ta join thse progressive movement. - lile edItorlal points out th&t Mein- phia. *nu.. the tiret Amuercan ritY t0. oiit the commissiafon ortuOfgav- e a#e oc e on tise verge of bank- ?'riipt y end a pestisole of dilealie wheil W adpted thse plan It $Don îld Off ý t ndebtèdndls9 and hecee n ell Lx? ïuütated -and sauitary city. ý G*IvetOn folowed thse iead of Ment- phis after the tîdal wave of! 1900 and accompllised wonderfud reforma. Illa stated. Tise Germu newapaper be- Hieves kit s turne for Chiscago o fall lu bute The price of butter wiich tel off three cents on tise Elg.in Butter 1inard Moqiday. was rsieoted ln the retal market here yesterday, where the de- clins was nearly thse saine. Inquiries made at markets lu various parts of the~ city gave an average price for yesterday of 43 2-3 cents a pouud. As against 46 1- cents a pound on Mon- day, rnaking an average declue of 2 5-6 cents. Tise price lu the ctt stores varies slightly lu dillarant Io- calities. but lo nowhere above 45 or tînder 43 cents. The anîout of thse dociline ln îricp was lu some cases aas nuch la four cents ad iuothera iwo aud three cents. ICE TOO TIICK IS THE COM PLAINT Harvesters Complain of an Embatr. rassment of Riches. TIiere is vîîch a thing as an ern- barrassinent of riches and thse ie, muen have mni up agalnst 1. Tise: are Dow coltting ice runnlng up tii elgh tieeu luches lu thicînensaand fnane of it leva tissu sixtean and whlle IL 1$ of s better cuality tItan any eut for a great mauy yeare, tisey com- M ANOED DOWN A DiCIÏ16N.' Stoad Rules Cilles Muet Pravide Bal- lot for Esach Party. Attorney tleîer.tl William fi. Stcad Friday hauded tîlis a dçtcislon ou tise state lîrîrary las. whIlcis wll force int poittica the affaira of cities and towns where {arty Ues have flot been drawtu before. ln respoftB tn s message froin tise city cierk of Ed- wardsville, Stead i uied that every in- corporated rnunicipality mu8t aiside by tise state law, wiich prov Ides for a separate ballot for oais politicai .0- tis.k. 1liat,, mgardie,, of wuu.r er ar f paintha ILIý oo hic. any-candidates runuing for office1o Wisen It cornes to delivery to th.,.th ballot. consumer t wll Involve consIde r abla spllltiug sud mucis o! t thI.o P WaY. Tise iîisît con1Veueut thick-nles; A nîrîlage llcenae hât beau isatied for delivery lq fîîîm ten 10o twçlv,,1,iti Chlvaloto h lutghIl,11 RaIerty andj i incis s IL vlenîfs ltseU better tI isaqPortia Ni, ScilsOfor bots of! Hîgil. division in approniuate weigbts. land Pari(. ANNOUNEÉ ýWilliamn Winte Reurdon of W in Chicago. ers and Mise Pearl Waukegan are Married THES5E MAY WIRI. Albert Dolge. Milwaukee .......... 30 Myrtie Mann, sane ............... 22 Jullus L Welsch................ 23 Mable A. Callahan ............... 22 John Boland, Joliet ............... 23 Augusta Roblilig,................ 13 Waler Maxfield. Milwauklee......21 prised to learn of tise marriage lu___________ Chicago of Wllilam Winters. former The funeral o! the latç Mrs. Thomasa local agent o! tise United States Ex- n w1hldTeda ouiga press company and Mia Pearl Rear- o'deock tramt tis e curcis of the lmmmac don. Tise Iloense for their ma"rriae ulate Conception. Burai na t tM&rym &ppeared lu Chicago papers ibis morn- cemetery. Mrs. CoYne leaisatacmoaru tag. er loqs ber isuabalid, Thom4a Cones, ,Mr. Winters bsas Juat beau trans- o! this city and seveu ciilliren, Mise. ferred to tise express§ companys of- Horace AsisieY Of Hopkins, Mlan.; fice at Rockford, where ha has s muc's John Coyne, Noth Chicago; Mrs. EBil- baller positIon. Mr. and Mrs. Win 1,abet Van Alatine. Martin, Mrs. Thoa.. ter-t wIll uiithle ibr homntiutijut 4alloiy, Um.r. Nosiman Ginean and elft George Coyne. WaUlegln. Lake VIWIll I.. J»i. 13.-Tq ýbe U. itar: 1 noticeS la yçnr f MUn. Mle iue GoMOW' thea aides t Ipçsqfl ow JitlWo boa la Ois.* ed' June la, l1&81. Ibieiffqim lng bëesL f*v i s in Ciicagut~ I la M. Chdett Vla herff Oep tbr-W. IL aMýU. aoId. 41.4at th» borne et bis diaa Mr*. O lqetUauel Tusidar. Dut4 * _ sB t-t--.- 4; COATS Ladie?6 and Misses" $12 Co&ts for 4.98 Corne and take your cboict of a big lot' of fine fui! length Broadcloth or a* Mixture coats that formerly sold J8 at 12.oo now................ 4 $20 Coats now 10.00 Take your choice of over 100 elegant full Iength coats of fine j , imported materials that formerly sold for 2o.oo no $25 and $30 Coats at 15.00 Take your choice of some of the best Chiffon, Broadcloth, Kersey and Novelty Coats in our stock that l fl1 forrnerly sold at 2o.oo I MM and 3o.oo now for ...... fIls i.~ . ('npi'~hml 1915 b7 ~Ir -,