»e 111 . aedC'Ct u OÙ* UWi WlY s umber, usé won by u. cdy. "MW eht fyonag peuple gaUi.rd Bt 9*01wd.y ntahi. and gave thema t*oebub surprise. MèuY garneswon p$4isd sMd al ter a daluty lanceo, ail depo«tt for tileir bomées dsewi«o S kbà lansd Anica royal sutert.aem * . é, 'o sItlgiDg patie ttsodsdt PM eb s aupper Bt RoosraneI'ay OU~ sIbebeomlng tired alter a obet 4 eé h. rneyParty ohaap4 s ÏWOlhsd a jolJytdîne, old ait uay 1 .nbeBordale Webbh Md Auto Frasier e, Vantegn, vlàtod relatives snd Idri eover Snuday., 1640 Barbera Ebertiànudayed ab Nie '*up Faserof bSvaatoa, spent 8ÏO*udiltb her parente, )A. sud Mrs ~ atilgubsek of l Piasnt Prairie, "QUmisdlebrotber O0 .,, Suaday. JlmyBsolm, sWho -ia.worklns la1 IM9194 w..houiea ew day. lut, wS.. N. TNots for BudWan. 'a»e « the. characterliues0f hU 09«.t d*y lat tat everythlut la dom. u15a rush.- Yomr for uni- YOers for greai- 03u leasýnIûg prwer. Youis fer eovr f aiing vesais. Tours for purity. Younsfor cconomy. Tuais for cvery- t biuàg thai gore ta msko ap a strlcily hîgb grade, over- depundable baking Tha is Calumet. r ii once eînd n oe th t i. ig. Sec..1-W Mochi ,1- economi.Al over ith" 1: prlesi t,,.: -.'-'. I m7oucb bec C'iG ..1 :0e e1 -P anti b0,--.7,c <i Caumcet is I r. i..,cji -mode:..-...'L fir. 40619M. s*.,' lUcinrs udibaiiy suivres. Q. t Daim" yvttd JosessS. Osabm,-Wodnesday anud Thuasday ol -M. M i . Uctire flofth of Wackegàu, itaiteil relative.&lhors afete days tht paIt r.. .Jaiolon spent Wedneeda, vib ldr. Devis et Wllaington, Ill, sud Cu'eaaaeed eusela Cicago Thurs-. K.yesrr'@ bond barneti Taesay, orun anauv. It vas Inured inl M'as milibjurulfsarsace Li. teat la os botifr. JOam~rpbaall of Guru.., callod on erleui Sers maaIuy. Pavi Whte trasmcted business lu CcaoWsdnssday. 'dies j.sw4t ai lsl,s@pont a tsvr dar vith mi", a.F. Bater. tirs. ElIzaboth Tovur csiebraed her degt-oth brthday Wedussday. A feu frisais tout dianer wltb ber anud sbe1 vas given epotal card shover. A postal tard choyer vas givtn Jese B. Deuman hy hie mauy finet Tueday. MM. C. E. Densn @Peut Wduesdai sMd Tbursday thlisveek with ber eau, in Chiéago. I1ss Clar Foote lbit Wcdurnagto sOsl foucluas vltb boa nolce, lire. ipli Whatou of Weton, IIL LeslIe asud Morde Cannon viultedt hir 1mother et Bil. II, lant Wednesday.3 MliesBerthe White ipentssvers* deje lu Chlevtwth ber ister sud lire. Ver Keauper. The C. E. socety yl give e pie> Pinda e ssulg. Fsb. 9. TrAyLoR GaoVE Herbert 8#» Ilest a tviabla lborne Saadiby. Mmrs Thoo. Vaderuell, uho bas beea vsry lu. lealluproving. tire. Th"ele caabg fer ber. C. EL UeUlng*peut lest veek vlth rlatves la Wawkegan. Ur& Scbsly la vistlug ber dataglter, Mr. Deaula Reardion. Dr. Levln spent Bunday atteraoon vlth his deugliter bore. Dr-. Bellove madie hie tripht-e in hie euta Frtday. Frieude of Charles Biddlerooeb are aorry to hear of bis ilîne. Mir, sud Mr@. Cox @peut Frliaey vill Mir. andi trs. 8. E. Faulkner. Warren Holu nl bore on business tht vesok. Mises Ida Griffen is hlpinc P. B. Johneun. George Burton as vorking for W. H. iirever. Miltiret Eddy, a-ho lias been qiteâlck, in Iii tter. Mises lli@erw-r spnt Vriday wvith ber grandpsneîîtm at Reiicrai9m. Dennis Reardic.a tranerahe-d bus.iness ia Chcago Tuestias. Ilier-v tiagg bas been on the sick lit aIl winter with rbenmutim lahi@ enft. We hop@ Dr. Miller wAl sonon lavehini qut sgain so ho viii ho able te to oser bis fl bpp untlng igrounas gala for 1duce sare évomilig bIck. Mr.Mary Pallexotfitas bppn grentiy ho Ototed by the - minerai bathe ai Tht C (lai-MineraIi Springs whei-i. he bus bren toirte lettwo nm'Otiîaandl expets to opta ber unntmer reort et Taylor Lakte by tice Miret of aftrdi Fol-y Kiîlney Pillé§ viiii-are aîîy ruse if kiner Cor biattier trouble Dot bevunct the reaéch ot medcivra. No itiedivin;eauo do more. EFor tale by ail Drnuggtd, A Rairibow forLibertyville CAPITALJZE FOR,$UO SBSDRES $106 EAClI A home iawtseu In home industry, that wIIti u~s from 8 to 10 per cent. per anui. ~ go out of town seeke. ing nvsmeun1è 6 csplace gour monçU to good a<vigt, pe!wight et home, in'. a conservative e.teprlse aé,d se -1.havï woor eue on il? Ths a mP 10,eu1mPI Mme -Ou è , r 4 t now en operation see&ingde lp *,n invesdtigaion wlII cooviace gou ttwpruspws are mm*h brighter tho adverti*d, dkeg wil be vouched for bd gour owm pplew. Wdo.t be msled bg the kooMkes of -Mmte eaterise. Onig 50 M-&%vu sold teog one person. Make lnqufrgsee for gour- self, w0* recomend it. - - . -' -1 ILNOIS, tire.Elizabeth Whitmnore te visiting ber #ou, Chas, Whitacure at Fhcago. Ber sou. Oscar whtmore 0 ai Baook. Wil., Who la stappiug vith bis brotber chtse- at Chcago i. lu a critical coudl- iou anud but littie hope le beld for bis rucoverv. The doetors prononuce ie dàmueseslecancer ortiget stamach. Win. Pester bas parchaset a "Gide" se Automobile. There art stilI others Who he Che lever. f Seerai from bore are planning ta> àboue, Feb. l7tfi, given by the Hustlîng Kylgbto of Woodcralt. Mase. Mofly Cievelang trausacteti husi- u luCicago Monday. r Mme. Bd Kappi. and tirs. Chario Kappbe vers guttea o relatives at Lake VIlleTussday. B. J. Lettue shlpped a car loati of etocka toic ago Tuesday. Tht flosbensdie Caning C'o. bad tbo ulafortue, ta booe a vainable homse vh"Wvasrestîr sent bore. Miss Eva Fêlter of Autlocb, vas a guestof1fblaendebers lest Thursday. W ma.Jahasof aiBrllugtou, spent Bun. da> ultb bis tauli boe. EvsrIons le looklng foruerd ta attend Che Parapsr'afustituisnet CTussday sMd 'edaesdsy. Ou Wednesday tht ladies of the oawqtoaecnc ili s ire dinîisr &à 12 o'loek to thlIasesur .ieed iser tfailles aISe Cctiste eltians of Che toua ebho cars tua ttendutie a e lte- Man. Jno. Ballard lua vistlng ber mother l lu inpole tir. Cslantd viiiçosa tu h.srvlc's at tb.he speltims e m8usM y mors MmrsW-l. MI. s sChicago vwator Tneda.. J. J. Lonabaugb traemceted business at Laes III& Noeday. isls B"MlWltteod return.d bous Mondi & fura apsndlag vir"ldus. vlîh relatives sud lrlsuds lu W-aukogen. FOX LAKE tis .Buntlug tranascted busiues at Chicago Frldsy. C. M. Spring -'se a Chicago viitar Saturday sud Snnday. tsera. J. C. Deiner and 0, A. Binghsm vers Llbortyvllle caîltra. Jue Miller apeut the Orsi of the week wîtuii rtende and relatives at Spriing Grove and Jobimburg. Mir. and i tre.Pltobt. Maypole ofi Chicago, s'lited witb tht former', brother Benry, and the latter'» mother, -.ru. Wolfe over Saturday and Bunday. lire. Jas. Halpin and danghter Kathryn andi Master Eidon Kitchen vieteti et Lîbertyvîlle Moudef. Bora, to Mir. and hire. i. . miaan, Tuesdayv morning, a bsiij boy. Knickerbocvker les(:o. coiupleted fillteg theîr jcet bu',e Wednssday. RUSSELL ThPtufmeting et the Ladies' Aid BocietY t Nre. Bonnero a8 l argely attendri lest Thurcday. Dont Icrgot the- oyeter eu.perr li the church, Fiday eveiiing, Fei), 9 The ladiee are arraîcg.îg f- fi en.tertaclcnent îiî the. ehael. leb. 7ti., ta whleh the lpublie fi;e rrdiaily r i. Soiîeîhîng uew andi startlîig. Milsa Meicceif reenxnel ber dtct's (in Mouda3'. Tht pupilé were wail dol to Weleoroo holierback îgaia. tir. Lewinuandi Aga.Cct c r0 Kebosha vi-letore on Tnutsday. NI r8 E. '. tilcer fnlitben poc. fiat s lcrttr. laeandti îceliver bas-c diictOn. E: J. Murriewa8 a Waukegan tnstnepe caller on1tiunday. Fleck's Stock Powder Ite medicine flot feed stuif andi it require le at a dose than other kinds bougint from other dealers for whbîtli you psy twiee a Flok'a Poultry Powder elîl produite more eggs by keeiug the fowls heaîther than any otlier brand sold. Pleck's Lice Exterminator is ever rellable-Vermain while flot so troublesome during the wiuter gsson retard egg production and make fowîs unbealtby., You ea flot be disapointed in giving thse remedileu. a trial-We gusraatec ail to produite resuits equal if ngt better On the @ame dose as otber stock Preparationâst CMcudouble the price for like quanti",s. The Rexa-,li Drug Store -GRAYSLAKE,,ILL. DRUCf DRJG 'CO. Tht tiasoulc aider will niv-e their annuel bail obt.tbe orayslake opera houes Frldey sevslug, Fth. 16. Five hundred in ivtttiona bare besa imoued. irs. Oardlularvlll serveti tht sapper. tiru. Turu Rearey lias been on tht sick flot thée pâir e esks. tia- Lou Bitte in probahly the Orot lady ln u r clC.y tebave a lieua esttng, ths cb*c &exspectedtei to elinl about tua esha. Iss OuoW e isof Chicago..vas the gusst ai àd1e Martel Cleveand over uSat~y sMd S.uiy. Tb@ Boelsssaall Canning Co. are rea.lvlugtiéais uev machinery for csuung #pues mo th aine wvîllI> u LllllauDWWu "spet Saturday sud Bude> et ber boss elaWlmot, Wis. Mrm. W-eegc Chego, ilave a lecture ta ti des"oftise Estern Stems Tuesday stereo,.ý tirsý John Gutavana retnrned from a lew days viait vith Inonds Bt Evanston aud Chicago. Dr. Buttorfield og'Libertyville, called on tirs. Chard reoently. Mir@. Walter fleak and eilîdreni spent Wedwed" ywith MUni Evan Lawrence. Miii. Ateve Young, of Ellendale North Dakota, fie apending p lew dave with tire J. 0. Keller, wbo bas been un the sire list the paet week. Walter Bes.k was ln Prairie View on businessW@dDesday. 'hlo» MogýA sbpped acarloBdofateer. to Chicago Monday. J. C. Jameas pent Sunday with 1,18 mother hore. Mr@. Eh Johns had the mi8fortune to fail down cellar Monday and hurs heroeif quit. ssrîouâlj'. Dr. Clark io in attend- Fred Chard w"u a Chicago vîiotor Tussday. E. E. Mareh attended the NuIk Pro- ducer's meeting in lChicago Tueoday. LaVern Pelto,,rirtz,îrnsd tURound Lake alter a fesýo.' e i4it u a i-- bure, Mich. He -le .'-te to Irai-e cool. for Franksvrll., %%>etc tamis a position sdepot agent ther-. (Jnly 'a saieilI1 r,,,d att,-nded th, banhet soeial anldlii'.' t the o1wra bouse.Saturlan 'eyv:.rg onu arrount ..f Iti eold we.itfler. Oieu. Uobleutz, mwit, and ehiîre.. reter..- ed Thursday alter ea a-rît visit ut Leaf River, lilinoie- Del Smith mas ali;rayalake vwit,r Sunday. Reba Huoon ise utîu.sick list, E. A. Luhy and Frank Rtley woe Waukegan vimitors Suoday. Barry Drummnandi tnd Ed. Hlunt of Chicago, were gu.-mtH tit Will ltoein't 8&turduy night. Big dance ut the ,p.ra boute the 17. LAKE VILLA Frsd (Junetone te t.1ving to the John Kerr place. . Leo Barustable it lllinq bis ire bouse. Lee Tweed and daugbter have been on the ick fliot, but are recoverlng. Bert Galiger made a basinees trip to the Rotes faime near Mapis Park r, cently. AWarnlng Againat W.t Feet Wet aud chilled fort uoually affect th. Mucous membrane (of thanous, tbroat and lunge and lagriope, bL achîtis gr uaeuinoula May resit. >ateh cars- fally, partlcularly tht chldreu snd for the raoklng stubboru eughe give Po' Hocsy sud Ter Ooaipouud. it sote b nlaued uabaaues a Semi U».Oougb qulckly. Deh o sub. stituts. For Mlé bjy ail Dwugsa J. ODDtl. ...A s ud JhnB,...ted the milk meus t onveution la Chicago ttiet orf iths vesk. Blanche Oliver bas returued f ront Rl- moud, vberu she base beu vleltiug. tir.sud tir. E. S. Faulkner vers Waukegan vuitora o ounday. Ws arn sorry tu, bobaCht oui uail carrier, E. J. Marrie, bas recigned sud yUll start faèrMEXtu t he sprig. Firet Lagrippe. Thon, Bremîhitls That vas ths naosaviCia tre. W. B. Beliy, McCmary,KY. *"Ny vite vas tairasdoun wvh ae sVers ettack of ielmd wbcis ra Itaebrtbueltte. 8h. atio' ele. aticonssamion and coulti Dot %lesp st aighL.Tise lest bcosf Foley's Loney sud Tar Cou-. =nd gae beranme chrelWef hat ss cotnuin i Loatisbre vas par- usueutir cureti." For sale by al] À stries of card parties for the boe t ut St. Pat-ick'@ chareh are tuolho given at M. W. A. hall Wtdnesday, Ftbrnavy 7, Wednesdaiv, February 14, aqd tiondsy. Ftbr-aary 19. Admisson 25c. Lunch 25c. Music afler lunch. STESADPA T CONFIDENCE The Fclloving StatemnentShoulti Foi-m Concilusive Proof of Meni la Rvery Libertyville Reader Coalti stronger proof of tht merîl of auy remedy ho desîneti than the statements of grratelul endorsers who. sal* thoir confidence. hiebeen anti. minised by lapse of time? I'heee are the kiad of stateente that are appear- ing eonstantlT lu your local papers for Dos's Kidnty Pil. Tlcey are tvice.told anti confirmet i vill att enthueissui. (Cao aay reader douht tht folowing? Its@ froni a retideut of thie locality. Mrs. Joeph Joues, 201 E. Park St., Harvard-t, III., eay@: Sicce 1 publiels- reontmeuded l>oer"s Kitiuey Pills about ta-o andi aàb.- If yeare eagoa 1bave tati-n thein off anti on anti thr, véonover falled ta aire me relief. tiier moimbers ofi my femily have usedt Iis remetiy fctr lumîbago ant inlaes-ry case it hie am ba gond effct. i vas alili-tedti e-th kidney trouable Ifr yitars erud as tiOut patitti, 1 stciuillvgrew vorce. M kiney@ vert -a k aid 1I lilntrtcse pair.e!la rnis midreantd iten. Huvîig i>ccn'a Kidney Pli l b r.uic ttuhav arten tiî,n, 1 begaci their uer andi théir use uttiroveti my ciiiitcn lu very %% a..There lm ni. l'1io lai inMy mmnd ue ta the fteri t o cite relit dy. - Fo~r tale hy ail dealers. Priýe 50 cents. l'oter-Miullburn Co , tiaflao Nea' York moie agente for the Unitedi Statee. Renieraber tht nane-Doane-anti laie aoo îtber. 20-2 Auction Sle Having bouglît a sîtcall farta 1 vilI oi at publie envcpu Friday, Feh. 16, 11)12, at 1() o*loek sharp, 2 miles aortiîeast of fiarriugton. 13j mile soathvest ut Lake Zurich un the olti Pomeroy place on tht [tarringlua roati, the folo wlng property:. Bay mare coming 6 yra oIt, sel 1300; black horst coming 6 yrs oit, w t 12()( 10 1300; blaeetmore, 12 yrs oIt, wt 1100; bay mare coming 5 yrs aid. wtt 1800; surreli ma-e 12 yrs obit, v 130S; 42 head ofcattie eonistlng or 18 ate mîilkers anti epringrere. 10 mUt cuve. i. -year-old boifers, 2 1%-year oId hefer, 1 3yosr.old botfer, 6 valves 6 mo;ntheq oid, 15 shoats about 125 rbg eaeh. track wagon aeariy new. nilit wagon. 12 inch 0 ang plote nearly uev, drag noarly nte, sulky cultivator. 7 I1 saller vith grass attachlment, nete; seeder. crn planter, pulvtrlzer, ticOormick corn binder, maor, hay rakealsking pioce, sulky ploce, 2 set double barnese, ford 'ýutter. 25 or 80 Ions 0f hey ln bava, Som@ teeandt@amsem lough bey. 2 st"steoaicorn etaille vith cara lu, forts. sho)vele, bey fork and 150 fi rope anti othair articles ton aumeroas to mention. Ticu&-10 mouChe credit wvîl i ogI-t on gooti baukable note. at 70. lateret 1% for cash. Ail Mme of 010 sndude.r muet ho ceh. No propsrty removei utO ettled for. PMMS UhOMso, Proprister. W-s. Purin, Actionier. wedded li. twe Kinis 0orelislats The Piev. Areblbsld fà Plukerton, Ch. oluthsl inlua réent seidresa: " -ý ad a cruaty lcli hornalr.the. otboe day ta acutrlbuts teow ibock tu ne frovupi a" ait '5BO uir. a ow elalls8t, eh 'Tes. ai,' saliL 'Wslltal MWb via a caWlt MU h&aliSe.' y"n muI etu me tSov,'Mali1. WVit sflorf a Soc0u16Mtyou pesa-e lPINS cal sSlaflt or a Chrietiansocluls. For there la a vm t fuwce. Tbe go. littiical solut. un- s: whas sur ln mine." But tiCth ristisu 0ocia lot a»y@: "wbata mine le saurs," Plttaburg CiroaICleT*egxauh. À Lis"AL<*1 We GuarluntSe to ealieve Dyffppsia. Ifwftltbo NedO&ine Oosta Notu«ao bT1o unquseîionably prove to th, people thu.t'indIgestion and dpssgsl eaui ho Permanouly relloved sudtt f4rxall Drspfpsua Tablta vii brlag about this resait. vo viii furuîI8 th Medicine aboolutly fies If It faila ta give satiaetion to any ..ne uslug ih. Tlhe reîuarkaible ses.. of isaz DYspepsie Tablets la due to'tht higli dogm of sebsatufle @kll' uaedlu devIeiug thair formula s eil au to the cars îexercised ln their tmufmctre, vhsrsby tue vell-known properts of Bismuth- 8'nbntt and Pepein have heta cota- bleti ith Carminatives and uther Bigmuth-8nbuitrate %Pd Pepalu are cOnsâttany tuiployei sud recomdssd by th- tati-e medical profmsIon »a.u valuabîetuathb.treatmeuî 01i ndigeation and dyspepa.n The Popela used la Regal Dyopepsia Tabletsji nefully prpepamd go &s ta deveiopO Its grtateet eflhl3eucy pepsi supplies ta the digestive apparatus ose ot tht most Important tlemnitu of tht digeive fluid. MWithout it the digestion and assimilation olfifood are impossible. Tht C'arminative@ poaesa properttew M'hieh aid in relloving the diaturbances and Pain eaused hy uadigested foodi. This combination of these ingrediente makes a remedy invaluable for tht eOmplete relief ofIindigestion sud dyepepsia. WeO are goeortaein of this that we urge you to try IteXaîl Dyepel@a Tabltte on our ovri persoual guarante. Threo@es e.25 route 5o cents aînd t1.00. Ileinember, y... ean obtînin Rexail Itencedifes ccrclvut aur store -The Itexaîl titote. i)ntc E'& IBOND, LiIrtyville. BESTYET CALLENIIECO, Btava,lu StaveSio #,m. or pis... O. B ý QL uestlsl u»tan a urN,, Nase smej GLA8SEq PROPIRLY Fi Ft»-4 agae vi wu sAT DEAUL M PPJ R«ea tYO 1UkI *0 a L&w- auPauu1692 DR 1.L TINO J. UllTryiw J.11<Tro %0ti 10Db. . 2 t ayl4.-.5b il. 6 lEs. Psoe 1 DEENL IR T.H Ont* yaI t a t aej.Us UbetTORF1lÂT-a. W~ OficDp.L.Th tAyLdoI --ios H.-i 3vi . sP.OIueL. Paon .? 0a.d m.ckSa &4"aii Phlea m rss.one; sWlt.2 ' L LBoRrzyli, . i.lacle. P.Gàbi eNE21-Uit. RAchu'it51 EPELL TiI4tO tA rMONEUW Offie Op i S t. aldcCaicmBSisO FO ENiME CHCO.ILTIlAND PV CAUCTIoNERO Faot-natn toJ ald a peui autinitJe n ea78r in mmVx.E Iueo AU kRJNCso oeD AUCTIoNEE Uv. S o Ok o eaf at *0 Sium Nu*$ same mi AWl kM.e fhos..v'Asm barnees7 fo-aso exbue et mi t HENRY .opiw4e PhssLU s41ZO IY Schnaebele & W eel A LIBERTY VILLE. t, ,- e - --.5 - Je.. Longabeioýgb trateactrd business Bt Cicago Wedauday. Ralph Wllo of Zeîîde. Wle., tran. scted busiessbore Tueeday. tr. andi tre& Ravi Ituemore 01 [agie- aide, vslted ber. Tuesday. Mir@, l.arby 9f Wilmot, Wis.. vielteti ber father, l'on Mede. Saturday. Tht Hosbï»"dlCo. reeliveti a carlosti of niase1<ssayaftcrnoon on tht Sou Toms W&lh Uàumcatetd businfess e Ingleslde Tus.de. Frsuk Dgvis bU tic. mistortune ta dilalocate bie ehonilder I1"t Saturdey by falllng vlthba o!cfleed on the trozoa groaud. Don't forgst Ch. Fîreuena,hal Frldey evoalng this t*utk. 8upper eerved aI Hotel (lardaular. John Chrstls yl ho ut the bank tu colleet your tames ut iIeturday. UmssWlalfret Woodford ot Chitta o, @pt Saturday sud Bunîlay wîtb trient. bere.19 tibu îth bter oie. Mr.hîanod lire, ir Ts I basbreoer-rin tire Herert )avi ha.hotuspening e 0tu Paeme l tc ea tof t . Mqui lstîs s4ayý evral day. btrd a e et writ. r - hie titC f. ayoast. al ant h s . lo ao adubs ti ad is.Pal oeyohOy lake mterttilir ervle tîto foenerai wer k. imoi Li vi e oltetia munelTotSda. pubnd lic. 1',,of. celya t cuierngaînar yr DMn taiAdamite er 1s00,.~~ Vedue Deth er eoiiagao 1, 1a91o Mpo. Tayld ortus n e imprvl Lo. tHerfartDa vhid ha euondn Wodaeeta tçl.on es th-detl -k Mr. anue d irs lrne.Ga motber Wo ba ren ypi. aes. anfrtirtwilefoupel toleemrcI. n v @e been Chcaodnthtvlate &xj viset Graslale T fr.pulees, ging to eIWiau àegaNlr. oDrvid Ae's, ha goue td* Vedu eueelr smoin ntthTaylvr unii la fthuhyne. is ir ovnn, ese, is 1Tg Raymnd oeteher RaI DvisRut Chdadistrattai ou f thJlt First M. . nd Mum. lduarece e 6~ mau n tuirtiDeie sciedsars d cMpr. daurd rietoierbriondbaveth e an s dngte lu aelllg litberk wlumed itedais fth hlc onacofg tr. Chales o'@ i e rsaM dei. Flt OathLy OTEhS vt aries nlu laitnthareie of ht affi haeChtuqilt. ickaht. Rayh. n Bolx th ra e rEnjyeti th s uth o aniliter , ty f t u d h omFiet M E.n a nkh u tteloa d f o mA=gp îp e th, picture of "Sir (ialabad" by Watt$ thoe mads the anonmSmmsuad asked Waukegan $pont tht svenlug e&AJ n Iat Fnday. for and wote urantsd the parental Barris reeutly. Thos uh reclvt revrdsof . bloaslge. Tb@ hride la the youugsst Thoe wo rceled owade f mntdaughter of tMr. and tir. Peter Dock of voe: Laura Benvell, Gi-se. IaumAnn . 1h. place aud le velland favorable ----- Ruth Donnelly, Tovastut i th, George knoubohe baving made Chis City ber f . W T4ompson and tilidreti Davies. home during ber entire Idfe. Thegro oum aiCe ers eiestivn language taGeorge is the eldest son of Mir, sud tirm.W& .... Thotapson, Grae Baumenu, Laurs Topel, vho resjde on Lake stresi lest D.o .nrEPmy Beuveilisud Raymond Boettebtv ont e et 01the cîty limite, las& C&rpeaerbVT D 0 .BU I » da y lust vesk. trade, sud whlle barvlug 1usd bmr but VE'1MÂRL 88180*. about &lire* eaos, bas may fr"a&inl sau s, ssT . m butkama,. Chie vlclnlty who are offsrlug hlm their ~ f~>s ROER Mcongratulations. The happy coupleadril______________ Thtlades t tt M E.chucb iese<ireside la the James Tnlgge boueaornsrs The ldiesof th M. . ccfe Bd a lttit over tweuty-slx dollars at their ofBoadway and Wrght Court. W@ DE. &.FH.CHIUDCHIIL nunît. vill thir frieude la extendipif Physicien snd Surgese social last Irday ulgbt. hsartiest viahes for a loua sand joyou 2!OBes c .ebe or a sobrsIes