INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKLYSUN 'VOL. X.X-NO. 21 TWELVE PÂGIS LIBER2 LuiInn tltutlng therefore legllation whereby IlEfilan i medit andi clos. co-operation bc*I lebad betweesaI al of -te people of thie state for the speedy construc- tiof an adequate syntaem of higil- UEIEIWWaYs; i RhRILITht an appropriation hc mae by te tate for a substantlal portion or - lb. sapons. thereoito abcexepended un- 000 RoAD CONVENTION URGEs der direction of the. blghway commis-0 sien Of te state; that the pOwers of $TATE AID îIN IMPROVINQ THE the blgbwaY comision b. aniplified and tht tbey lie giveil sueh power *ROADSIN1 ILLNOS. Ras wM aenable tbem te bull a com- plots gsb.m cs f modern hlgbways tbreugbout the. stte of Ilinois; and LÀAE 0. UiN 01< PROGRAI tbt wben i the.ievsiopmnent of ti btwen Chicago and St. Louis. via NERTNa ELDAT TE ADITFI.SPrinSileld la 0,mPeted, itlib. officiaI- MUETO I4LO A THEAUDIOR-IY knOwn a the, lincoin demoital IUM-EXCELi.ENT DISCUSISION ligbway. CHARACTERIZED IT. De It reaolved furtiier tliaI thil movenieut belng wholy non-parti&"~ mnd nonsectarian. and of equal blenc- lit to ail the tai payera cf thse Umte, GOOd rosis, rOas whielh yl IMI] Ilint w sollit thse assitan5ce and fer 911 ime, rosads wllch c'an take coîca~n<ftsevml a !ts iC ofvere automoatbie andoo auo, _O13e italsocfrte oh'e ae nd oket careo! ti. atombileani ise Pll lirress of the state of Illinois. trcnveeiogeabId inheieudRluade th e financal support of ail te citietis 000-Moday under the, auspices o! of lthe tte o! I,,,noie 1tealfit lu '. the National oed Ross association, thie organizallon of thia --ri and th,. Of vhlch Arthlur C. Jackson la the accomplîshment ofIls purposea. presîdeut t. eilt urtier resoived liaI w berc. The.saivent of te auto and the. auto 1> rcgnize the efficient service bere- Iruk, geeraiy oneded amOng lofore siven bte theStalle by thc 8181, gond rosadsPeople te have necesialttd Higiway comm1ssion, lnadequatly a change framn aid plans Of building 'suPPIiled with fura as tiiey have been, 'oms. la cther worsd, ordinax'y grav- te carry out a grent wark. 01 reams are not atrong enougi te wtb Bé il resolved furtiier that a joint stand tb. Wear uhlcli the mnotor la tu e eflatlve cormîittee having been ai> give rosis througboul the, country. pInted by the, voiunîary action of the, Wiiereassin the pait. gravel made the legislature for the PurPas. of examina- bout in o roads. the, future must ten mb to ih lawi of other States and se nomothlng more subatantîi. l t the formulation of a goo rosad aat as ln order ta bave a discussion of for Illinois, liat we heartily commend pans te brlng about a betterment of t"is action and recommend that a crnm rsi conventions In Illinois tiatItie mille of! ilve be apîotted a ttis convention vas held. 1 meeting te co-operate vitil and renier The. convention was partlculàrly jSurit assistance t alad leglaalIve coin- lterestlng te Laite countty people bie- mttee a. in possible. rausae tire Lake county men were Be It mIsa furtier resoisci Itat wu suoni the speakers on tiie pragram ln re-ognize the great and parlc ser- the aflernoon sud evenlng In te audi- ic rendered 10te hs cause by tho teutlnm. Fran T. Fowier spoke ln the, preidenî ocis organizaantbie * iis god radamoement Honorable Arthtur C. Jackson- austieiatieilte Politie. Be showed tee Sgned) this 12th day or ?ebruaIy. nec.slty of organîzing tu detail in1 912_ order ta accosnpli ls tiig resulta lu 1 RANK T. PlOWLER. the. good rosads movement. He said V. V. BARNEII. as systematir organization waa needed C. W. TERRY. ta eceate internat in buIldIng geld'M. E. SPRINOER, roade as ln needei InuIaoUtical ranl- W . .SMITH. pagnz succersfuliy carrled out. Judge V V. Barnes of Zion Cty argeti con- ~ atin nicaie ataîln ciOBSERVE 25th WED- the tact tbat Lakte couaîy hau many DING &JINIVEESÂRY good roads nos., due te thse presenire! of gond gravel beds. W. J. Smithi of Fflrends of ]Kr. and Mrs. J. .. the SUN and Indep.ndent. apolie on1 Feezer Celebrate thc relation cf the country presstIci With 'Thom thse goci ruade mal'ement and ,aid ___ tIsaI lie presa al tavored geod roMss Friday. leb. th. was te tweni batt ok no active part luadavocatiag ifth anniversary of the, marriage of then> because of lacIt Of organisation Nilr. and itrs. J. J. Feeser ar Grange o! pramnoters ln solicttng Support frein Hall district snd lie occasion W2s thc press ,uarked by a celebran of the event speakers of abili>ty ram variotis F v itch goes on record as being oe pa,i's of thse state were on tlise pro- o! tiheosit succestul srranged ou gram wbInh hegan with a morning Ses- sut-b an occasion li ycars in Lake Flot, oninued lointhe alteinoon and counti. (O1iW'iFdkN at a baiquet ln tIse eveniiig. -Tenty-9ve yyeais ago at tic ahi Nilesrs. Fowler, Barnes and Smith rcigdcn borne jut, n rth of LlbertN- 4'1erc appolnted on the cOmmittee ta ville, Miîsa Neilie Bregicu vas unitei draw uptic resolutions vIiri vere'nt marriage to J. J. Feeser amiS as bath adîsc by tIse conivntiona. v'Are among the weil kuown Young WIereas, the statules OfIllinois ,icopie o! that section, thse veddlng wllh reference te IlghwaY iîrs was an eveal of importance. So, also, nient have nul been materially ciang- 1 cause of their vide acquainlancp, ed since 1883. an, viereas thse de- ns the relebration oet tieir aliter mand for bigh-ay impravement le '>- wedding. peratîVe becauSe Of the, grovtb Of: .X1bout fifty triends res>onded ta in- maay modern lnvelitlofls and wiereas,',itain c tedthse clebration, the r.tlzet>5of I llinois see!n te lhe una- eigity invitations iavitig been lssued. almouslY In favOr Of lmPrOvements of lThe exireme cola prevenited many ai li4secharacter but are ian>pered by7 tending who liad 1lannpd te lbe pres- lave vilch prevept a practical, necn- ent. The gueste incliided soome troit Ornlc efficient and systeniatlc Improve- ltvanstofl, Vola, Gurulee, Libertyvills ment of ciar ulghwaYs, and and ater -places and lhcy aspent a Whereaa, ail lhe other Progreusa elightful musie c bg rcid Sttes of aur union, nO greter ln ed in lie shape o! instrumiental ant wealth and population than Illinois, vocal. have adoptcd modern melhds rrTIse bouse was sery prettily decorat- financing, building and mB.lntatlm 9saSg eî e1te augget silver surround- adequate sYstens Of hard roads, wtl in gsb eing used extensively. The other an equtable sharng. of exPense prevaling color was rai and tIse bouse thereof bY the peuple of the state and sureîy reseneî a pretly apppearance. local communitjesad Elaborate refresiments were serve-i wiereas tIe date o! the holding o! Te friendsbîp 01 guests for their boet Ibis convention la tIse annlversary day and hosîes vas shovu by lhe large of the irth o! theie Imortai Lncoln, numiser of presents. useBml and beau- "aS were c lmlve he vould appy the tl!ui. which were brougl te lhem. n Muîl<Iv hugl1 ii iw r. and !%Ira. Feeser own anc of!the ~.q îms~àitpuble necessity as charte- fInesl !arms in the vlclnity a! Grang terlzed bY everY action Of!lits Ile: Hall and are amaug tie mot îighlî k Be il thereta!e reeolved that Iis as- respected realdeots of thal lacalil:. soclation ln convention asseied Thdy have Ivo daugitters. Grace and urge the legisiature o<f lihe state O! Blanche. Mrs. Feeser la tie dauglite j Illinois hhat the subWet of GOOD o r.J .Safr fNrhUie ROADS be made one of the important ae MIS. J. . afr !NrhUi k subjecîs for conslder5tàon teI le Set sireet,Wakg. >gneral assembly andt lat- lIlaLton k <e,"enacted elimlXintIgthe. obsoiete WhtstCLASSIFICATION of t an ôrlminaily incompoet itprovIsIOns want ai nterests van epecliy T!, j»V on Dur statte book».,sud asi- DAY?1 on eau înrn ta it ID about s TYVILLE, LÂK (OUNTY, ILLINOIS, -FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912. FELLOW GIVING NAME 0F NICK CARITER TAKES HORSE FROM EMPLOYERS STABLE iQRÀND AnDFtI MUORS DRAWN THE NAMES WILL BE TURNEO OVER TO T.HE 814ERIFF TO ISSUE SUMMONS. BOTH LISTS 0F JUMORS ARE SUM. MNED TO APPEAlq FOR THE MARCM TIjMM. Te names o lhe veniremen who are t" to serve an tie Petit and Grand jurles ANINAL IS RECOVERwD for the Mamrciterm o! court were drawu taday anad lhe ames givt-n >0 Sheriff Green vha yl Issue thc urumm DEPUTY SHERIFF LIM13ERRY AR mens vithuùth le neit !ew days. RESTS CULPRIT ^ND LANOS The names of !onrteen Waukegan men are found la the lst of petit jur- HlM IN COUNTY JAIL orsvhIlle tour 'Waukegan men arel among tli 1.1o! grand jurors. ho luigs o!f te jur-e&-; !ollow: A yaung man giIng thse name of PtitJury. VIE 3R il PULL BOOK JUDGES AND CLERKS 0F ELECT- ION ADMIT THg.Y ERRED IN MAKING UP POLL BOOKS. VOTE TO RETAIN GRADI GRAHAM ENOORSED BY 9 TO 5 VOTE-BAD SPLIT OCCURS IN CENTRAL COMMITTEE. ONE TO EIGHT $:.W PER VEAR iN ADVAIiO2 port from Meînbers of bis îarty inth1 couty. colomitteemen presers>: Bort Overton-Antloch Second. Thomas Graham--Gr ant. C. J. Wghtman-Avon. Tlm Spellman-Waukegan Firgt. Peter MeDermott -W aukegani Fonrth. William .J, Ward-WaukeganRiat. George Jackson-Waukegan Seventh. A. A. Gehi-ShIelda Third. W. E. NMller-Libertyvllle Pirst. G. H. Hertel Fremont. Emil Frank-Ela A. G. Mahhers-Vernon. .ohr OKeete-Deerlie!d Piret. John Hart, jr .-Deerffeld Third. DENIES 1MOTION TO DISMISS AFfEL AS A RESULT THE LoRI>-REED CASE WILL BE HEARD IN THE Nick Carter and seeking taemnulate L. lligiy, Samuel Cole, Benton; . FIThe Dcmorratic Central conumîttîe "'GHE"COURT. the, famous dîme navel ch;aracter as Cin W. Honke. Pýeler Larsen, Elmer IseiS a meeting Nonday utterisoon nt poiiock. Autiacit Emri Tovaseni. 123 Eat Waesington streel a WvIlci CASE eit ONE INVOLVING A VERY tar as possible, la lu tIse Ccunly al, i hdl VALUABLE FARM LOCATED IN Sans Wright, Gvant; Fe Hamlilu W. tie discussion o! tic chaimansiLKEttNY cIargai vti teallng a hors, vilci. H Smith, Avant; P. P. BranudA. L tt.. n h edree falgs for soute lime refusedei laho tolen Conrad, H. Carslon. George Carhart. latuse représent.ative vere tIse princi Tise supreme court o! thse lste Oom île home aid triai iis boet t R. W. Daw, T. il. Hope. Frank Ber pie feature at issue. Tiere were Tiurgiay a!ternoon ienled thc motion b itch the Ihief b> repeateily buckina maa, Theodore Meyer. C. E. Scivai-ut. !ourtccn delegates-prenent fron t ari ta îsmisa the appeal af Miss Rend In 1_lm off Ils back vhen he vas tkkling Nick Smth, John Totapkîns, A. J. eus parts o! the vccunly mad tram tir lie !aius Lord-Roeei.casema as a il away fron tIse barn. Tm-tsIy, A&in ttler, Roy E. Warner, requit§ il voli appeur îhst tl i enti- resaIt tie comploe records yull go be Ini fat, bIse animal seemed te ra-, Wtukegmn; Bfl Rnqulet. 'Shi d ,. meto!1 h inmtmber. vas anything tore lhe Supreme court on Feli. 19. ize thalfit vas holng taken awaY rsnd Jury. but unanimoas. When tueecase fis-t vas trieS i.e vitiaut knowledge ai its owuer aid W. A. Curtis. John Burgess, lienton; lit iiaî teen claimned by sente ot fore lime mater In ciiaucery a iodas- triadits heet ta save itself.Tise por Williams J. Oliver. New,.,rt - Fied tIse miemiere o! lhe )emcicrstiecero- jin as retumnei in !avor Qf %Mra. crealure tallai but ia nov santIn lail ach.William Cremin, Antioci; H. Irai commit>,, tia Dan Grady vas, Lord. An appuai va taionaidtise own mIal aidie accusei mn ia try.- P. overy, Grat ; 1, Y. Sikes, New- e nildt odtepsto fcs a e eoeJdeWhte Ing e fgur ou jut hw mch he ort;Ara Chndlr, arrn; . C criîrmnan, as it vas asserted tiatlise wviasustained lie decîsion ai tie mas- herse really knev about the malter. Regan. William C- Dalen, Emery Vase, vas net a preclnct romtmitteeman anmd ter. Attorneys for MiesalRoed tien Carter ls 26 yemrs aid and the borne J. P. Arthur. WankegMn: Joseph Ker- the lav emys tIsaI tie chaîraman o! the prayet ui appeal te t lSee cot stolen helonged te William Walker. rigatn, Anirew Lunn, Shields: Tom centrrammlttee hoe a preciurt rani- Attornueys for Edrs. Lord entered a moa- via lives one aid a halt mile cent of Corlett. LàbertYville; Robert huebile. mtteeman. lion askîng the Supreme court te dis- Lake Villa. Fremont; Milton IL.Pavera. Waaconi- Attefsmetnoftec mi-Ma h pel.Tstecurd- Carter vas captureS throagh lhe e!- da; Mles T. Laxey. Cuba. Wiliam A oia etn ! te omît Iss thisoadappal. Tiltiacourtd tarte o!fPFrank Worthi via avns thse Bueschiag. Ela; IL H. Krueger. Ver- tee a comsînitîee vas appointed abI lnil i n ssral IsRe ciii Bractor farma four mites north o! non:; rank Mau, West hierfieli: lnte tieater te repart batik at tIse viii have an apportunily o! prenent- ChrmtJonso, eogeP. vehat.meeting omn Mcnday TIse resuiw vsiiig lie rase te the hîgiiesî tribunal In Libetvlle alter tr>lng ta seli hrs JthneGore iinir.ratiner lntcresting. ('oanty tierkE H- lie tate. stolea bornse te Worth. Deerfield. tden submitted a tatement thal ha The case le une of tise monatnus Carter trrived nt tie Walimor frm 1.a1 net rce .e record of any ever tried lu Lake caunty. William F. front Tvln Lattes. Win., a !ev days TO GET 85000 SALARY Ivtes lieing neceived for %Ir. Grmdy boLrd, General Frelgit agent for the go aid askeS for vank. He vas put- for tic office of preclnct comuil- Wisconsin Central railromi, gave as a on tue farm but proved vortiless, iF tate'. A$Worey.. tot be Paid m an. prenant te lilas tRed, a tarm vmuei at bernce on MNd a nternonaM'alier' , Sajy Ingtoad -of Tes On the other hanS, Mrende o! Ml.I everal thousanidllars aidlocated taak hlm te lie Knick'erbocker ire rd rdeda fitvtfonth InLkcuty hause at Lake Villa anS got a Place j as Roeetofore Mr.rdyLordmied anafInavi906omlIse n Late cunty for hlm. Be holieveS ne vouimi slay I i-juiges and clerks of election of tiche .Lr de a10 mdisvl for fart ae generaldintereutdantiynul thîrd prerinrt aI the elecîlon cine and at once startei action ta recoves- ths there forthegenersllA fa uo vu erla nVuegands sud a mf yemas- ga declaring tuaI they praperty, rlalming liaI Ll bai beeu Takes The Horse. Lake conîy inta ma, lic neat Mates rememb.tred diim:nrtly thal votes hadgve10 isReiileM.Lrva Mond-y igit Carter returne te atorney lu Lake roanty wîll recelso. ýbren eaut for NIr. Grady for precinet under a mpel i hcIit vas clalmed sice tie Watier barn,. sadiei a taIutbIe Insteai o! fees for ils services, a -ai -o0,mnstleeman, butI tiat througi marnie im tirovu aver hlm. drlving hoarse vorti $20.3, and tiak It ary a! $6.00ui a year. error in lIs, making out a! the Poi frem tic place. He ried to rde the No vonier that thse aspirants for bookus, nu record hai iteen maie o! tie CASE OUT FOR CONGRESS animai bal tIse homne lhrew hlmn sev tihe office, Stato s atternîey Ralpb Dady tact. - oral limes aid hefinall> ied it aiong,aid William F, Veiu . are decidediy Frtrtermare. the 1mw. as lnterpreed 'AntioCh a o g le gettimsg along as fast as posibe. aniions t0 go>tiihejoib. It le wart hl bY attorneys provides thal a precinct Il oMan Jobg fe KarI:. in lb, moraing lie stopl oS nt going aftm. I! bas ber-ome cime o! the rmmilîcemnan houd office until bils sat-m -o severai farina and trled te seili tý'imont deirable pesitions In telie- eso, a uyelcei1nuaiiS Springiraldi5spatches Sunday show- horse anS saiSie fur $175 buit totnd ty, Il la secomditteroune excepting the ilsad as Nr. Graiy vas rammitteeman el sonie in ýreeting features o! tise ne buyr. He reucied the WorItub 'ce circuit judiili previomi e t the 1aI terra anS- iusa- campaign îvicbh le inaugurated viti uni tried te gel Worthls etakeait . Under the New Law. j itiou a camasIleemua dîtrig tlIse lillng o e !tiins aI tIesetale cap- Worth hocanie sus-piius. telephotued Tiihev, l aý%is us,-tIse salary ras lasI yeam vas stci that, If lire as not' tui. Marsiat Liaberry o! LIbertysiie and enacei 1>7 theo a-t 'u-iaatur, and t> duly eccrded ut the iast eilectlorr, h] FritsalilueeTui oges tic Jatter hiaelenei Ici the tarni anSdeffective viet i!rt,krurx t torney as-'beli oser trou> rie previons terni an 1FrisacI h et oges aretdCre h a enhli s -ilouai district, vilci Inctudes t.ake armeeed arer io Isa ieente notsues office.. way.. In otiet- yards, white the argiit tiere by Worth. This was alolit 101InJ the pas> tie -unr, Ias been paiS meut mîgit lolS that ho vas tnt pmop- raconct!. there are alreaiy tince cani- orcloc, Tuesdaý le >00k thei, îuusu the state's atîî,u Fl' vin feeand fi criv roglîroromi îast lim, lbody cisc F Sdaies foir oongressinan. as oiows- iibrt3 vile anSd teXXatikegtn l ici basânebeenouuu , îtho Jet) ivîswvas aîîd thcrotore he aaulukhase ii! ere .eaîiî,Entn aflomnoton. Worth upmaruis uf uu- a yoar. Soue oser anYwaY lAlfredi E Case, Amtiori. Carter aprears te l4ea hou o.gises persoa c iuutflusu>-, ortIs mor- -ýA resoltlori va-î presentei asktîgl Geourge Edmnimd Fussa, Ut Gerdoi no place af rosideace anîi tuoruus In- lthe mca who h libud -ho office natur- ýtIsat there bc ao change la tIse chair- tenrace. differeut as Iu ie prediramont, Be ally bave netî-r teiui juet what tIse, -jnansbt>kountil alter tIse trimaries Botlî Nlr. l'autitu and tIr. Fusa wre admitted lie liorse tirea hlm scierai have miade, rue u eue than hav-e tcwlich are butittrIne iseks avay. The lnoan te ho caîtuidates burt Case, tire tintes and Ise inmly Iad to e tit. Misa Louise OlCott Weds Aliss Louis, Olcoît, youts.7es; daugi- ter o! 'tr. and Mm. M. B Olcott, o! 1081 North as-cne, Sunday esonung at 8:30 ociock vas unitem ln manrrlage Ici Max Kahn of Chicago Roi KFils- vorti Furie o!flime FirsI thistia ciîrri offla>ung. NilsaMarie Savage of Kenosha vas brldesmaiui and -George Olcott of Spring Groxo v-as Iest man. Ater tic ceremony viih was vit- tessed by lirnieditte relatives ani friends oîly a veddlng aupper was serveS.' Tite iriSe vas ecomingly attireS la a govnofo blute sul it îIs verlare and carnieS a bouiqueot of pinkandci white rases. Nany beatîtiful prosents vere recelvotu Mr.utund 'Irs. Kahn yl niaIt, their home lit W atkegan for tic pres- ont. Exbionerate Stephenson A sperlaIl tIse SUN froni Washing- ton Bat. afternoan st-mes that by s vote of! 75 lie senate commitee a! prîvîleges anS electians today appmov- ai lie report exhatsrating Senalor Stepheneon o! Wisconsins tram lhe cbarge 0f corruptiahtu lecaneection with his eleclian 10 tie sonate. Thus emoves the clouSvilcihbu bang oves- the agei senator aidlumier lima sînce hils eection. county trca-,uirersandu the city ren - vote uîuen th(- rosolution stnod a tir. ureres. Il s a b iuoW t tact tha' i e> t to esevomu. 'Nir.Grade as chat,- Siciais usuaiiî iilie lu kkep theso thirtls -mant o! the meeting caeit tic Sdecidumît F5litlt cithmnosises htadcalg l oincre But, ;%ith thse ueui taw fixing lhe ()mne or tIse monnvite had vsedt salary at $5,0011 andFuttling outu ail aganst tue adoptuon of tie resolutiîuuî feca. these tutes Fmutoiey position a, Sec-tareS alter tic meeting tsat hal porters for thse SUN today had difl- i ulîs- indirug antybod o io uuîid tel jîîst v-ho se ivas or v bore he lireS in Antiaci. 1>Ieteopsta tisa Isan ant tîînuey v-t i ls s a> Chanunel Lakte, but gos loto Chicuago almost Salit. Mia kv H ST MULIDI LIBERTYVILLE MANWHO PROVI ENIGMIA TO3 RELATIVES LOSES MIND IS A MOST UNUSUAL CUI YOUNG MAN DISAPPEARS AI THEN APPEARS AS FROM TH.E DEAO Henry Stolzman, aged 32 a! Uàb«' tyvilie, vas Bat. declarsi Insane li, Couinty court and ordered sent ta fEl. gin ad lnconnection vith the ceme, a mont unusual series of incidentse.,e veioped-a mont myslerious dieappm*e ance, tise appearance o! a vesmsa clalmlng te, ho hls vife, visa demisa4- ai is savlngs ln tthe bank, after ho bai been considerei dead. etc Six years ago i9olsnan, lhéeS yeamv aid, disappemred tram LU>ef*., vlle, Nothlng vas bons-i by bhW, ' ther. August, aid b. vau eounted iead, Thon, of a suidep, a eàk ' appearei here via claimed te b. flip1ls yaung man's vldow. Si. vont tW LaIt, County National bmnk M at 0w, tyville aiddemandai tise .1,000 vMW, vas beli lier. in Stolismawa The bank r.fused te give, Il ta bot. Ho Apemlra Aqait. Tien Stolzmmni appearsi ani &M -~ !ey years, gaI hil savlngsad disappearesi. Again he vas oaouà< among lie deai. HUrd From Hlmn. Up te six veeks ago lii. reiaiLo& mnew nothlng a! hlm. Tien Xý came froni SI. Lou4s police, hai heen plcked up lier. ltl- lng ies money uhie a MilhIcuie. vas held pening word troui et Uhbertyvlie. viase aidreas them,' Dr. Tâylor of UIer»l sent iy relatives te et. taLse brouglit Stol-ma bacit honie - The young man tien yen plamd tie KeaoSla ssnltmrium sd- te be lmproving, LMs1rw qý vas brought home ta Iubertyyfil spent lie nigil viti ils brotie5 liani. PYiday niglit ho vwu vili father, Auguat Stoisman. Tiis Ing b, startei actlng straasg*ey Libertyville. streetsanmaiMarabalIMà berry arrested hlmad bro«bit' la Waukegan wvi e b trial ý pîlace, He bmi $40 ln bis pocketa,. 4 Mot Marr . d. kè 1 Stolzman BayE he neyer maIm&j.> and knows nothing o! tic vomiiaa WJhlà trled 10 gel ils money. Llkely . Ï0i heard hlm talklng in isera 14$ moments concernlng bis homean h saviass, aid, bing an adenmu'ei j thougit aie vouli lry 1 M0 e,' over' the, hank people. but she !alle, BRINQ INTO IPLAY (W U SUAL S I4TUI[ECLAMÊ~ PETITIONS FILED TO HAVE WIFE* INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE, I RELEASED. nONLY FOUR OR FIVE PARALLKL a CASE OH RECORD IN LAKCE. t COUNTY, 'TIS SAID. once aecummte-. k jobFFus rtu tmy niaiu t finet muer ior tititact 01tt the pîi-entrauce itto the race as a camndidate -1 lime, for,. il it- utiats reome ro rhe.- maries are au> near tiartlie wouiul tant loolki lieon eerl<uly eone ty Lorena Titus, ci! Freertont bavaeii... point vier o met uti sim ine la ne- i hase calleS a îseeing yesterday afîcu peoiple o! Atîtii-Is tovnship by filllg a petition la Crut cour-t We quiredici tie offi-ce, een et taI. an rau anS fornmeS a nov lentorratiur Congresman At Lange. appoîng ci cBore caree se am i is $5.000 a year îue-uuion la net ta lie re- centrai couîîîtiittoo. Cosîderaile bit- -ltdt xct arlaeo j,' gardd a on ,finiierIniprtai,,i trne4 ws shwn v sineof heiAnotier Iuteresting thlng la tot viles dover lu homesteai. covmt,rf.- even ln LaIte uoutiitu. menîbers wvIsatutended ant Il le de-, Freslerick C.Dt iig mito! Giencie, wvi e ml e8tate avueliîy biutm, taohéls»a1~ iclreS thst tIse cemmîttîce nesvla ie,, bas bLc-oit a cantdidate against Con- cf 12,500-la counîîing viti a stitUt-~ NotOutForSentor vied ntotwofacion. gessiuart Fo-s- linuost escry lime 1he Provision wviîluln the hlstory o! Lae. Not Out ForSenator vilS imita tin f5 tiens lectIon las camne uit. bas decided ta cuî,l esihsienendt' A ailsput i ako ltl TIse malter o! ondariing a legisis-ontI a aiba encaldlt A ma in osilon t 1( :w st tî tve candidate vas irotmght uit. Ttîe quit te rn-te tor lthe ordinary con- play bul totur or titve limes. ta tie SUN touls, ilat be Itacive't toi nasse of Thomusas Graairtof Lon grssinalu snea. bit bas enteremi the The statute provldes that viiesi Henrytacot i i ). 1hue a candidateLakte sas ntentlonod atu tipuîon rie ruinefor u utuuue. cuitit alarge. tvo a 10 ifo ias Isce a ajtdged las«a . sd- Heny outyIs wtoli a anidtematt-r bvoaglpit ta à toto Nir. Grabnru iu- elotte t utn tiestate. The candi- has jiectuproven contInuoasly îlu"*t fotr sate senatuir. Ii Ft ahI ho a candt-ul ocdorsedliy a voteuof i se t5 . ditesttîr tiuuý effice are: for a year an mare. îeing lnnai.c'- date for rcpresentattse. TceuiroteteBti rimtr iuuureli MChîpoerlS(. Canton. u recnîg - c-tract, It is nceuaM. AsileS as te ahi 11,3 poîlîlumme ton ttru . -tr, Gaîmna. botiher busimdrucn. m Grant toti tie legisiatmme Io qîmte bfr an a ouye iurtleff for te senate vere ctrct impttîttu 1boate nîielia Drst .Telford, Salem. part of hilsreal esîmie. that Reouo , lateS n in tlciitut i ommty, ie tated vîlie nma >unîteS strengti îuofn-Sot 'ng, Ge coe. lue appointeS ta execute ber dover t- tisat Shurlier- sureît diS noltItnow tieconitity Iseorrac>i bas join:,ulj Frank 1-ll Chilis, Chicago. tereet le the property, for ber. about them îrîîîg ott. t os frtemioycadd illiams E. IMsa, Chicago. Ini lie Instance &aove notei&M. liaI sentimntnîfor hlm le atrting and. î -LoreTitus vas adJudged lne ,Wn " Has Nothing to Say ln the shoin-dostu, judglng front ox- mo ewilli e a meeting of the mcm- Septelmser Il. 1385, since vWilchi Samuel Insuli iresident o! thse Coin pressions at tise meeting. Mm. uGraban bhers anit ires'iof othIe Laite Couinby ah, bas héec an Iinmate of lbe moneaih Eiso copan, rturedTîeberculcissinstitute, Iai heoffice asyluni. Iatic petitian fIlc4 iy niesiti Edroma isen conpac aon l lh ave a practicafly unanimaîme eur',-o! Dr. L. H. Tombaugi, anltie aftler- regnesl le maie tuai lie court EaglanS, but bail uothiflg ta Bay con- miou a!t Februarit 20. for the purpoae o! point a discreet persan viabsl ioernîng lise traction merger, lie pro- Goveruor Deneen plans campaIgn- revleing iy-lavs. Tise main teatune empovemeti ta executa lie ve' poseS sabvay, or anyting ele i ng tramn a train, golng ta each cotim-o!tishe meeting vlli b, te changlng le e!Ofhem lavfi l itarest tU cannection viti> the transportation sys- ty la lie sîste excepting tva hilci lie a! tue number of SIrectoris !romn 25 la nste vicishasube«usiit teni. connot rearis ln Ibat manuer. 12. Ttus for a cansldes-a0 to e- -- î~F<A <r- 't-,..,- Ur Lýu IL c0 Il b 1 t: c