fteEDOI AIRI-TS' 5 iW XY TO FOLLOW 'FEERAL OFFKRS A CTIN4i F GOYV. DIX AT INDIANAPOLIS Ofrm r Schiff Valet te Be Glv- Sommons lunders la Taking en Anther Chance. fToc Precipitate Action. 10V. 09 APPOINTS ARITER COWD TAKEN INTO CUSTOOY Supremei Court Justice Gerard Wil, Warrant Iauasd for Prealdent Ryap In Heur Casea'and Declde If Dix Chicago When IHe le Kncwn to Would 5Be.lustilid ln Par' Be ln lndianapola-Houll- donitg Primoner. han Ais. Wanted. Ntew York. Feb. 14-lor Folk@ M. Indianapolis, Feb, 14-The news ot 'Brandt justice and freedom are mst, tha arreat cf Clarence Dowd, the agent seund the corner. of the Machiniste' Union ln Rochester', On the. verge of pezdoning the man N. Y., and the issuance of warranta Whio baa apeut Ove years of s thirty- ati(Chicago for President Ryan, of the Tuer sentence la prison. flovernor Dix International Association of BridgW ]ts eut througb legs) taigas by ap- and Structural Iron Workers. and IL poicting Suprmeë Court Justice Ger- Il. Houlihan, of the local Chicago "d special commiaalç,ner to determine union, came ae a great surprise te the. *betbe, executive clemenc.y sbould bé federal officiais bere. It was arreurg .eaed.ed to maire ail the amrats of parsons The goveraor stlffened te a dacîiaon Indicted by the fedaral grand Jury ili wbaS Attorney General Cariuo'y told the dynanitlng case later and the ..IhID flatly oves' the long dJstan'e tele- ecicl) do flot underItand how i11, phone that the people were den-id- atru~ctons could have been misunder- > Ing justice for Brandt and thot none steod. but be could ghve If. The tc rrev United States District Attorney Mil- geuaral wanted rnt's pardon ise'dler refuscd te admit that warrants 1astântIy 1The governor, greetly dis- Lad been sent eltber te Chicago or tBi'hbed. consented te fthe sppo!ntment Rochester andt said that no Informa- et Justice Gerard ase sjecial commis- tien would ba given out by Lieu unit) stener. . he waa offictally inforined of the ar-' Whfle the Brandt case la baing con- restB. He would net deny that Dowd. aiderei the grand Jury wl11 entelr upoil Ryau and Hoalhhaa ad bee aIîdrted, ek mai iialgsa,'ebing investigatien of sayiqg IL w»sa a atter that ha would Masdts arrent. arrslgnment snd sen-.tact disesa télue. tu Sud If there are groinda for Preaident Ryain here endt han a chaffl ef consplraey 5g5liit par- boen It the. office of thaeIeon Workars «»Who may bave plottai tot send coatnuoualy for neyeral days. Ha e yonma n tq prison for a long sati h. d1 flot ses wby a warrant t" et thet bele« of a man rich la ehould ba iasmad for hlm ln Cbicdgo q su'ad poitical linfluknce. when IL was knowxi tbat ha was Lare. 111smet va foi-merly valet tu 'lorti- han refumed te aay wbather or net * me khmur, son cf Jacob I.. Seiff. hbe Lad made preparations to furniab tG wAmithy New York Lanker Lboi' 1lu the avent tbat heasbouid ha besaagieusts alemg dlferent lhues airaated. and refused ta comment fur- III ct,«Ved te folUew qulckly on the. tier on the, Chicago story. which as- trOeSdlnns bafora Justice Ger. aerted that heansd Houlîban would be *M mathe. grand lmryInvestigation, the. firet two men taken into ceustndy; t'à1a1111a3111 Yveistons are exPecteit by Unted States deputy marshals. 60» l ellsca.tonds twith th. ca.e Ryau trasveled a good dea) In ie ikaoS Kmte Nelson eof!Minnesota cspacity as bead of the organisation ftMOd Oa u e tâitrict AttorneY and Ilu se doiug. it la charged. cama S emoumde*. su d Suw u le ocontact wlth practiaily ali)tihe SbewArlg on Batta case. That district leaders of the conaplracy. IL - bdbnugatiem vii gofar ta Prove, ale id ta b. chargait ths± ha otten 1116 1111100110 la the bllot of hie at- censutted with these district leaders buhUIUe coceruiug conditions ln their dis- trictsansd concernlng thea advIsahility *MSe Waurka te r.. bletz. 10f "helping them ont" with an expia- ,...S.Peut. Sia. .a 4.-Clarence sen or twe. Correspondance between »&ma * e eu alons "defender of bMcNamara suit Ryainindbetween d&0»l la Si. Panl ln tis, lyae andj othera. as well as ltters ehie fafhr. vWhola aerin£ writtelà hy other membera ot the con- Sters tIte Wisconsin atata Pri-s- pracy ta MeNamara, are alleged te S8ie ma et a adeputy aberilf. show btis Ryan kapt hisfInger o Aoo.adai tsbingWomn. operations at ail titae. ^*eu etMabinqWoran. H. wa» presîdeut cf the union «4btuo. lId., Peis. 14. - Walter visose board approprIsteit the $1,000 a ý,,qO .IL tu diarzegait ubLulM rumonth te J. . .MeNamaa fer *"organ- Ode 3000es' lithse nack uopn belng Lai5g urpum ns4 0&*"Mbb«hole wisere he as_______ »ftiovd'OR CONFEDERATES MARKET 9UOTATIONS % eff i f eanky pe»« Bilîl GON- Chicago Cash Grain Quotationa. Isg ndient eloans 10 tdeth. Wheat-No. 2 reit. 11.0001.01; No. i rait. 9fàc@$I.0O%; NeZ isard vint,. 11.00106; No. 3Iard vinter. 99ce IresktoMt Ky.. Vab. 14.-By a vote 1.3 o otensrn,8.0 tu 0 tLheSonate ef the Kentuck $1.03; No. 1 nortier aprIng. $1.00 ,à" u aaibl$ passeti a bilIIpr*o. 10: No. 3 apring, 99c@$îI.os. Crn- "uaf era pmim ofl <$10 a m3g3ontNo wie.41 bi «Whuc Indigent centoerate oldier. No 36384@No. 4%c;o. 3 wht,414%.Oi l'ave là aise a clamnluthe mous- 65;N.3ylo,6% 6%.Ot VUa vlh giron theaviitows a like No. 2, 6205&2%c: No. 2 white, 53À@ admiProvîaei usat tliu'marriage took64c; No. 3. 514@514c; No. 3 *hite plac befre 890.Tii bit, i pasait Chicago Lîve Stock. the soèe.Win1 entel) an expenae of ilots-ReceiPte 80.000. Qutations ____________runiged Kt $6.2006.30 haavy slulpping, 'TA" IN » INSPICTRE 6.1506.20 lghbt silpping, 16.066.30 TAFTlU WVIN PICURE heavy packing, and I8.25Q6.00 good ta etuolce pigs. '~hm WiII Show Prouident Igning Cattla-Receipts 6,000. Qutations ArizonA MStahood Papars. raugnd et $7.40<qt.75 prime eteore, $6.2506-10 cheice te prime fed beef Wasahington. Pib. 14.-For the firt cowa, 04.7,105.65 gond te cheie bel!- lime la the, listorY of the Wite Houze ars,,5360 6.10 selectait feedera, $4.00 movlug pîcturasof an evant of national 04.60 fair se gond stockera, 87.b00 Impsortanuce wera takien today when 8.25 good to, choice veal calvas. Precldeut Taft signed the proclaa- Sheep-Recelpts 20000. Quotations Lieu admitting Arisona te the Union. romand at $6.5066.6e choica te prime T'h. icture ver. talien by an enu- native Iamba, $5.005.65 gond te chisa plYoy f the traaaury department andt yearlings, $4.4004.60 god te choiea preautei tot the predditnt. Anther wethera, $3.5004.10 fair to gond awes. May be made a part of the eilal -Butter. recorda& Creamery, par lb., 32c; printa, 34%4e; extra iir;e, 31c;: itris. 30c; dainies, WILL PROBE COST 0F LIVING extra, 31c; firts, 28c; packlug stock, DePartment o Justice to Place the Liv. Peultry. Raciplent of Undue Profité. Turkeya, par lb. 14c; chickens, fevîs, 13%4c; roositers. 914c: springs. Washilngton, Pcb. 14.-Tise hlgh cent l4c; ducks. 15c; gane. toc. « i lving le te b. lnvestigated by the Potatoes. dtartment ef jticle to detarmîne le Wisconsic,' $1.0001.03 Dar bu; Mich- aiba measure It le due te trustsorIgan, $1.03C41.06. othes eombtnatlons. t r East Buffalo Live Stock Spacial agents have bacc lnstructed Dunning & Stevens, 1Lve Stock Com.- teobs~erve ail effects or combiinations' mission lierchants, East IBuffalo, N. Y., lireae te the consumer and, lu 55cer qute ase- felows: ('ottie Receipl.s san a MPossible, Who ie Makiag IF, cars: market duli Hoge -Receiptâ ltudu, pofis.20 cars; market îteady; heavy, $6.5 esinsprnO ~6.60; Yorkere. $(.GOqLu .657; pigs $662&. Sheep-R"ceiî h M0 cars, rmark{et slow, £ LOIN BOARD EXTENOS FIELD tol) iambo, $6 7«ti69ü; yearlings, 15.00 Q5757; vethers, $4 27, 4.f.0; awa., Elgin, Ili., PaL. 13.-The Elgin board 70140.Cla.$05i.5 Fie Nrhnds iven Àwy This ad may sound on th# surfacelike a "'Gold Brick" story, but wben you Investigate the. real facts you'Il f[md tht every 1a 0 n make là truc mnd thut cvery offer lis bon-a-fidc and backed by our reputation of* nearly faurteen t ars ai hn4 deau.la ii cwauI There lu an aid sayig, «Don't expect sotncthing for Nothtng." and lannety-silnc cases out or one hundredthi e l Ji Wbst*i instance ls an exception for we arr, actually giving merchanise away. frteof cost. Naturally, you aukr, bow tan we do ft? as*er, we coùldn't do it carlier ln the. se-mun; ft would be utterly out af the question, for we must make profit ln ardu fto exàt.1ae~Ds*~ making scasan ls over. Our stocke art heavy and miodern business methoda deoeand that we make a qulck and Absoluti d4id,tat i wlter Unes af merchandise.Glving a portian of aur stock away with varlous purcha ses occurred to us as ' lng about is sétwl method of stock reducing as we could cmploy. Cansequently we have flot only made radical price reductions, rut ln addiicu te c gWrg you merchandise fret ofcot Sale Stails Tooenorrow and Continues Until Saturdoy, February'?4 vin Six bars of Lighthouse famnilysoap free with a No. 8 heavy wash boiler at raU , One irivert-, ed or up. right gas mantie free with a pur- Chase of 2 mnauties at each 25C FOU Fiftyliard woodpol- ished cloth- es pins giv- en freewjtlî the p ur- chase of a wamhlroard at 25c 4 Yards Shaker- Flannel Free. with the purchase of 10 yards of firin, heavy unbleaelied shaker latutel at, a yard 7c- 2 Yards Fine [fuslin Free Nvith the purchase of 10 yards of 36-inch Ihleaehed or unbleaehed muslin,- fine quality, ydj 6c - 2* yards Sheetdug Free witli the purehiase of 10 yards of heavy 9-4 un- blcached shecting at the speeial price of, yard 22PC- On. 12*c Pillow Case Free witlî the purchase of one 72 by 90 inch bleaeh- ed sheet, good durable quality muslin at eej 4 Yards ShakLer Flamnel Fr.. with the purchase of 10 yards of excellent quality bleached shaker flannel at, a yard 3 Yards Canton Flannel Fr.. with the purchase of 10 yards of good firm quality unbleached'cant0i flainel at, a yard 6c 2 Yards Dreus Percale Free with the purchase of 8 yards of dark and light colored dress percale, dress pattern, at, yard lOc- 2 Yards Dress Calico free with the purchase of 10 yards of dark or light colored dress eabco, ail new patterns, at, yard 5c- 2 Yards Dieu Glngdham Free with the purchase of 8 yards Red Seal ging- ham in new spring patterns at, per yard 12ac-- 3 Yards Twil1.d Sjaer Free, with the purchase of 10 yards of bleached fuil width shaker flannel, heavy nap at, yard 2*yds Unbleached She.th ]Free with the purchase of 10 yards of 84fri heavy quality unbleaehed sheeting, at, yrd 1-1 Waukcgan'a Best and Diggcst Storeq. GivenFre Wth' Wom en's Coais Offer N.1 A beaîîtiftil $2.-50 white raîîîbrie petticoat 0î leath- ecrblooîn Pettieoitt given free with the pur- cliase of an), coat at$1 Offer No. 2 Any $5.00 dress skirt in stock, crnbracing a splen- did variety of modish styles, gîven fre with any coat at $18.00 $ 5 or ............ Fiee with Wo- menus Suits A B11k Petticoat-Or a dainty waist, vaiaîed ut $3 given free w îth the pur- chase of any suit in stock ut .... $1 A $500 Waist - Your choîce of any waîst from our complete lime given free with the purchase of. a suit selling uit .825.00 or .... 0 woem's $3 amd ss.f, 5h... ledsced ta 2.29 A lot o! women's $2.00 andI1850, sisoa marlcad for quick clearance. Conme lu ail dagfrable leathars andt the styles are of .2 the lateet modela. siale prIce, pair .... 0 Mnous 5h.. ai $1.8,5 This ramarkable price cut shoulit result In a qulck clearance. A gond assaortment of styles le gun-matal and tan leathera, Ltton and blucher. Goodyear 18 waît, $3 valuas.......... Undeiw'i,fHosiery WOMEN'S PANT'S AND VESS- leace lned, 26c garments at ........................ 19C WOMEN'8 UNION SUIT& - Ail sizes, soft cotton fleece, reg- qft. iularly sai for $1, sale price #'7c WOMEN'S WOOL MOSE-'Plaia or rlbbad, excellent 25e values, sala price, pair.......1C Save on Notions TAPE MEA&. UNES - MetaI each-...2 DARNING 00F. TON - Black or visita, $piool. ..l C R E S SHIELDS - A sampia - . lot, pair...9 WIRE HAIR PINS-Box of .o ....5c COMMON PINIS -2 pack- SAFETY PINS -Al amis, s card e! ona domon for- -68.. .. THREAD - lu blick or white, 200 yard l es-l.. i WIRE MAIN PINS - Two for ........ic HOOKS AND EVES - eiach or visita. CAM of 2 dos en forz.' iC FURVs Éa A 4 pud, 72 teet ofI poekage of best 29c cd teSa 1 n i our's K ey tou e ni a.t leb e wa mh i ng clothes Une gîveli free powdergiv- free with .wlth th e enfreewith t JI 0 Pur- purchm oef the pur- Chase of 8 a -59e im- Chase of a Mrs Pot@ Ot~wI galvanized Sad Irons 0cohe 'iasil tuba u at 4 48c 9k _ 3 Yards Hear> Mustin Free vvith the putrehase of 10 yards of bleaehed nius lin, yard %vide, lirin round thread. at, ya~id ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ One 5c Wash £Ioth Piee with the purrhase of 2 bath towels, bleached or unbleached heavy double thread hemmed, each 3 Yards Aproin Glnghan Fre. with the purchase of 10 yards of -standard quality apron gingham ini staple checks:t yj On. Pair ChIId"s ose Fru with the purchase of three pairs of boy's or girl '& stockings, fast black, reinforced, pair 2 Yards Zion Lace Fiee with the purchase of 10 yards of Zion inser- tion or edging, at special price af, yard z j Orne Pair Wu>men's ]Nose Ptee with the purchase of three paire of womns I fine ribbéd fast blak hase at, pair 3 -yards OutlngFlamnel lice with the purechase of 10 yards of heavy fleeey outing flannel, stripes, checks and pIss , yavd 2 Yards Dieu Glugham Fiee with the purchase of 8 yards of ghihain in a big range of patterns at, per yardj StmedPIilo p Fieu top and back, all new designs, given with the jpurchase of 6 skeins of Pattera' Silk.at 2 Yardls Liti Crash Fren I with the purchase of 10 yards of bleashed «or unbleached crash, firm, absorbent quiffity, yd 2 Yards Curtala Swiss Fr"e with the p urchase oi 10 yards of eurtÉin swins in dots and figures at special price, yardJ 12 't .' j AO r ýaC-