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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Feb 1912, p. 2

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..MN" IMd hippy. rr PIEVENT Croup Loss of Flesh .d mmy dm bmbw We priniaries dill hé held bere S12; ose clek sud three trutees bornlnated. & rask sud Cari Erut cee. po vWsiors Tueeday. uh arr o Wsuoada, wca mcaera 0 *91ffl usedsy.à wot F. P. Clark sud Fred Bleu ý &trp to twty lMonday. t i'Bae ,tSvlasSd m meetr sud0 a .empe dyi hW w-ek. lWg Mor ovéS osto théPepper ýpào of ber h e s.il. r. Pepper bsl hve anuvd ta ,WSuksgsn mingtaredeace biSaIM Plpb" Tasua sud Mr. me.Wa. icassuMd <bldre it J . i. Oherassdl »seoCamr, Snaday. iW!goe ehos.obbhér «Cod s»d i as b*;r5Uae5toit aiLke1 b cli M nsuéI'd for layug lb. *géus seat Uturh«Y sVeuig. 9m.D.Fin% mode a trip IW esoffl radaky noveS ta Nptt *k gierber hueband le bisemsi ait albc dS. c Jérwiu ll be oi surday. "» 205 toowcI.ta be Si Rperývlsr, aseessar, élrk, Wubnay eoiu ioetsd üaàh4oàaoqm euyseIfa*scandi- r *% on@@ et cetar lte b A& U. ' . support aifilievaSe 'e med Prliarise ta hé rd, lui ocs.- ~.Trlpp. Prssldebt. Victor Clair went wAntlach 8tuid*y wbbre lis bais ecured a good position at ti. cfie ai the Actioe Nes. Vie ie a gond Induetrlaus boy sud WN wish bite ences lu hieDow position. Tbe aid folk'» dance at the Oakland bai Touday evening s attended bY *lfty.nius couple. Bapke'e orchestre ai lIbertvlls.furvlubed thé munie snd plaied, &U ai the aid tumedances aud a *Mr pleàsaut tinié ln repartedl by ail wbo attended. WiII Dunung le here thie week buylng st ofa ail kindesuad on tiaturday, Me. 24j wll oeil s catlond ai bornes Mt J. I. Goinera livery bain. Anyous con- tmplatg thé puebcase af a borse would do wel tw attend thé e . Batur. day as bornes of &Il kinds nul hé offered for sale. Mise UVa Barris huwaie cepted a pont- tien at th Wauconda Lemader office end wili lesru tii. art af type netting. Um Hlarrt i n a abitions and iaduetrious yonug lady and we ar, sursbcaielli bom hé ioumd an able assistant ta Editar Dlaaek. Bey., T. D. Burke. our faonmer pestor, who was u'uslerrd ta, Oak Park chers h. le building up a néw pariah. spént Monday and TuesdsJ'wltb 1ev. Father Murphy asud aDed ou a lac fiblsformer p&rishloea uthéevllage. Hes reparte ains progreseand la cel plessed nth hie nec locaton. B. B. Maimun iutalied a nec 520 accoutitMéeokey Accouiit Register lu bis stors this week. having made au exebange ofiis fgrner 880 aco-flnt register sahé baued Itwnstoemali. eThé MeCaskey le reecognaed as thé moat up-to-dAte ancatmt systeafi n tiéniarket Mud Ci h eecn cusqtomer snuws O hie aeonat tands cith efery trausae ion sud ther lanDo chance tor ervr au thé cutofer getl au exact Capy nit effy charge or credfis. VOLO Mdis. John lBkardsau epet Wedneu- day sud Thsruday lu Cicogo. Ury Paddock boa been ii citl> Dr. Paluor <fa attendauce. Me.g. W. Kinsi sud lutile daughtér ai Jiaseviile, Wla.. cere.gueth sb thé Reugit hoen the past céék. They let far tiarn, Oia. ftsak Zooldani and lanily ciiimove bo Mafenry lu thé usai future. Paig Avery aud cite ai Lake Villa, @poteui unay et Bsy Paddock'.. A bue load front tocti atiended thé bell st the Round Lae Opera bouse """Ueird"a igt. - î Ogr mail es, rsr, Umsa ande Ratioger, ha. gos. > soviit ber parente usar lexadre. La. al Paddock cii lie aur carrier for ew-o ceeks. OoUector's Notice W. 0. cbumaker.i ta: colletar tawn of la, dli hé at Enili Frauk,s store, lAie Zurich évsry W.ededy aud S&tur4ny sud at lilmér every Mouday torecoa.un. AU taxes muet hé in by Mar. 10. W, . O.Scuuackxat. (n-20.5 9. F. Roua. V;ies Prosldent. Irvng E. Payne, -Csehier. THE CI TIZENS' BANK< R0CK!errlLiR, IIL.11 Conaervatively Managed Pro g'esÉve, - - - Convenient We invite your patron ffl for our Nfutual Bonefit. - t..Tripp. Me 1. Mller. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Roua.. J. tL. Taylor. Irving E. Payne. J. S. ùèriey. 1 lpanstera' mepolblilty Approxlmately $100,000.OOw Auyiody wloi-xi - , î~lie.a t.,, i ti i w, qti '-of OF WHAT FUEL TO RUY Bull not hé puzzléd vert long. Thi-rp are just s tew simîple ruIes ta talIon, wbicb elli ,,,abléayone to iutalligently élve thé prohleui. Thé mot Importat lé thé niamir ait béat unité y<u buy wti évery dollar you @pend. Come ta aur office r tléphone sud ce clii taurine. j us" iukaée you are iiurniug OUIR COAI. yaur béat nuits e - is*l t o amuell u ney. Hoe- Luýmber Co* Br.i aswAN* A aumuhér tram h9e éatteuded th. card The ayWaraInstute Tbursday cwu pavty ut Lberty vile Monday evelug. qveil attsded snd théeskse . recelvd. 8. J. CroplIeX sud niothérne. e elled ta Qulte&a tdilatoitwu camnaniseud 16 Chimeo Wded@ bdy hthe, deatb aiflir$, théeseysbytwiimbwO blidren sMd thé Cropley's ieslre. 0. S. Code. prisn wce rr do neUce ds4l h o ng Eila Zerau, nwap bu .bond cou@ W usd ader: o.- ?MàuIeFrdiud the bonne wih Iàgrppeý hbu devekdpeil Tetiusyeýýi, glp Ut.sud Theadoré a easef buu boâlj>tla. Wlcox. Grh-Udsa ells, Mbel Rsck- Theéyoungpeople esiebrted Waibing. setiler. PDaej1 SoHckeaclller, sud tou'a Mthday cwiâ s very pl"ane Mabél atiot"c. dancing party ai MbBride'a hall. One oi tii. noM$'l tereetlng addrsese Cas. sr cas cW eSFrlday tooffiteale given ait b* ' ntiusboSl et lte ifoi oflMrs. Emiueshenke ,N5Bi5eY as thet ai wha paossé eé,y lut neek at lier boni. Paul Macetoip,4 eh lasa candidate fer cesi ai Ianta.. . State Ono 'frorn thla district. Thé Mouday J. 0. Pond, asitant genDerai oaMp oà bii, i gii athat hé le ual peaseger sud ticket agent Of the 800 anly weli acquàaluft.d clth sonne ai thé lion. metsa nunihér of buqilus en st ~perplexing problezqe ai the, tarmie, but Mr. Oheidoa's office ta arrange for Imi- Io a*o awake ta their neéds ln the proveS paeuger service. Be casvery niatter ofi lelstiou. lBis prononce euthuelastie regardiug aur prospecteaifbare ile ait4ruacu session cas very a bright future and ns hope for good .rea tîasatcally relved. suite rani the conféreuce. The euh ject ta hé ýtveuted lu ne t. han. day mo!uiug'e sermou eil ho: "Who léObttu.arY. My M,-ther aud Who are My Brothers?" Kathrile J. Augute Wc bora lu Ger- That for the eveiug ciili e: 'IWlere eauniM&CY, July 21st, 1841 sud died atRoeke. 1 FinS film?" isller, Illinois. Feli. 8, 1912, aged seventy After a briel stay with us, A. p. jeans,six nionfli sud seveuteen das. Oheidoa loft Tuésday uight to roturu t 80ehoawu uited Iu marniffl to Clans . 11- » 1 M1 ..i u-sue tj AAIUéC in Europe, whére hé la establieliing lrsuch offines. -Even though ne dérive no otier boue- fit frani ibe visitai 1Mr. Pond, It ta a stîs- facbion tu kuoc chat oue msp of at- isinieuta thiuks o aur local canditions sud ietat ce are dog --or ratierilyhat ce are flot doig-to improve theni. 1ev. eud Mr@.. Cari -are îutertaining Mfr. and W rs. W. E. Den, sud siousund idr. sud àMs. R. E. Dirnu aud tina chuS. ren ai Onelds,,.Iil.Mr. Dun buspur- chaued thé Zersen faim wesi ai tocu aud la movug hies posieeloue tbere. 116.dluner anS supper servéi y thé Ladies id lait Tbnrsd*ycere. grssly ejoyed by thosé cho partook sud the treaenry of the society greatly elsrgéd. IVAIO Me. Brainard entertalui d ber nephew, Carl' Farneeortb o! Nebrasa, iant csek. Misa Roms impson @peut a len days hèere recetiy. Mm. Guldge and ittle Saughter>r,- turued ta thir home in Terry, MdonteAWa, lest Wedneeay. -.leseLoie Smith bas héen epéuding a 6 An. d:s witb Wanfrnan rlative@. April, 1878., To thîs union one sou, Wlliisniê as born. Mr@..Dremu se a consistent Christian sud siaitilul meaiber of thé Lutieran churci. For the past yeàr ohé sulfered attaeks a1iim unées&#d I let pueumxoie deveicp- éd anS arried bar anay. 8h, lestée a huabeud. obe son William of Waupesa Win., aud two brothers. Imor Tax Collector I wisi ta sunofoce uy candidacy for thé office of tix colictar for towu of Libertyville, subWét ta thé approval ai itépublican vote@ at the caucua ta hé brIS ett he Lbeurkville tocu hall. c.20-ti Wu. RiNBMÂNS Miss IsahlboedWertad t cas a Deerliéld visitoir Boday. frs..Bd RSmtoansd clildren @peut' Bundsy lu C iégoeh Fred Parsone sud iamily. Mr. anS -m Lr. .L. fiskin oi Evas-s ton, nere Suent@ of thé latter'@ pareuts Suuday. C. B. Restau sentertainedtMr, and Me.. )iytie Haneon, whQ underwent bu operation for appendlcltis et tdi.honme 01 or. Tracy, la rapidly reoverlng sud wll sonon ebl he ta mre tDtber home. Thom wiIi hé no service@ St the (irae. Eveugelcal bnrch un neit Buuday sevenlpg. On Thursday, Feli. 15 occuréd th« death ai Mia. Nortimer Hodgkin@ »te 5, Oe.ofnly a few days..Sb@ iîdeIr ilde tirclof iInds wbo extPnd t-her eynipatby te the bereavedjiasbapd aud daughtere. 1ev. sad Mm. & M Vobacb enter-1 tal.& Preuidug Eider 0. Jorden a Chicaga, Frlday nlghî aud Sunday. WTTYAY V il Chai. Fot moved bis femily ta the! Behaler cottage tat week. MUs. Wyiie vislted lis Chicago las week. ir. Frie'. famiuiare noieoccapylug tii. bouse he récenty buit oun lie land, eut etthe river.1 The play "Tb@ tÙolored Acboul of Baconavllle" whicb wai *lien at Hall Day wil l e reprodncsd at llernecberger'a bail, Prairie %lw, Friday evenîug.1 Mareh lut. Athird scene bu@ been waitte beide, some new Dartm wbleh bave been sdded wu the other ueo Thim wiii extend tbe piay. several new flambera will bu given hetween acte. inluding tien eolaehy 1Ur. Lenttoer ai -Lake Villa. The admission will lj 16 euts tuada4ulte and 5 cento tea cltd ml. The proceida nul go for enses anid what le lait willi ho for , aitlZ,>s scbook ý il Thé remalus of James P. Gray a01us» eék. Lhértyvilie, cere brought, to this pace A patriotic service eau bcid lu the lor bu.iaI Frlday. fr Gray ca.. for- Presiyterlsu cbarch 'Pbnreday évé.îing. merly a isidet of tliîe township and irs.Wiliî Krsl and daughter ne. had mauy trieudse eo extend their Waukegau viuiors Séiud.y. sympathy ta théelieresved ane. Chas. Pâasofa DeePialués. vi@ited ai A number iromalie.@ attended the ,thé bonis of C. B. Vmtat duriug thé' nedding af IFrank Vickery sud Miscek. Lydia Weller in Chicago Wednesday. Lnt Wedueedayv nigit Miss Wood man MisEizabeth Kueliker ripent Satan té aidabu iety.or id day aud Suuday et home. St a 'besrtî" Party. Aprogreesiveame Little Bertha W irtz sud the joungeet of hesrtq wai alayed. Mfr. Keeesud ean of Mile Wirtz bave bath lien tirs. Wii Oloway captuariug 11,-t senlouaslyiiithé pat week but boili are prizes. reportéd htter. tMe. Todd la viaitlng lu Chicago with Mr@. Mussr, sun<'id aud respected ber dauglîtér, Mre. Smelcer. realdent oi ibis place; peesed snayý Miss Sadie Galionay eutertaiuéd Maudsay.. several iade at a luncheon Tuesday. B. C. Payue wiiili e ut Dorler'o. store Mary Bleimehl was a Deerfield taller Ivanbae. on u trdays sud Ra iVe tore: Sunday. Itock 1elier. au Tiisdav.a until the lst of Thé realiug lat, met witb the Misses M 'th, ta collet taxes bar the tow OaiKansak u Mouday uiht. Ater thé Prmtunt. reading thé meuiliée. engageS lu a sociai tume, arviug ligbt relrýesbmeuto. and as Dont expenluleut cih cheap John sotka ut egabries Baie eri mediclues. Bartér'. is gaarautéd wib a aerit ,pivseued be Notblug liê te foran eugbs. coide, eatarrbcusctgseboi sud rheumatieta. For sale et your Srng Me.. eo. Mata.ingér ai Chcago, speut store, lait Tbarsday aith the Todd bsmly. k PRE-IVIENTORY SALE DRY 60DS 2c Dre a ghain................ ...... 08e 8c Satin Surah....-............... ............ 9ic Sc Gingbams sud Percalesa...................... l2+c Oc Ginghams ........ .......................... 08c 6 Spoel Thred...................... .......... 25C 3 Spools King% Thead..................... .... 08C soc Back Caahmerette Gloves..................... 31c Spedol low price on Mi Winter Goods GROCERIES 2 15c Cana Vau Camp Beaus................... .. 25c 25c Can K. C. and Calumet aking PanSer........ 19c 9 lbe. Rlled Oaes.....................25c 1 lb. Amnrican Creamn Cheme e..........17e 3 lb, ane-yHead ie....................lac 4 Packages Corn Flae............ .....25c 25e Co Hawsuan Sbced ..: p1o................ 20e 1I40e NU %le andlRedOluine Cut Tobacco ...... ..33e 1 l>.Pà PsuPow Boy Smoking Tobacc.... . 0 L A. MURRIE ROCKEFELLER, - . -ILLINOIS LOA '» uDaim EPTQ PUVATB RivlTOML tussdey.day Mm..a. E Knedler @peut Monday sud ?asa îit relaiyseat UnaseJI]1 sti -Mis. Winl A. R"y ai ockslellier, vlsited bers ti4day. Mr& 8. L. Tripp a01Bocefdellnr, @peut Wedosedaot Imat cash euh herparente. mis.à. C. Richrds cas a Ueryrfle1 &bd Meit*tl eUe clleon Tdssday. .1Mr. and Mms. Ueraiau Raie. vleited tbelrsa1 Frnk, ai WaoreuTsa Hat u Je hIlýa litl Mra P. Mlébei lanur.aly inproved alter ber recea atteck oi the laliappe.. Mr. a"d Mm J. A. Masuna visited cîith reltives lu Chinage sud Deertield the Mir, sud Mm'. JabsDoilennaier sud Jackie vieited cith their parente, Mir. and lire. Frauk Mutowsl, sunday. Mr. and Isr. B. 0. Frltcb af Highland Par, =et und&y clili1Mr. and bMn. ler Thé Ladies' Aid eocety ai Prairio ""w cii'y" ebcichen pie napper At Herscbbérger hall, Friday eveing, Fo.' rd. dupper ciili hée noved tram 5:80 p. mn. Adulte 25c, children 15ec. tb mlec thé United statu Ossatars by a direct vote; aima ta nominjja e.xd IitsLaber it atd eil ti frIeiid* bers oeec tbé Preaideul ai -tbie UnItS orer Sandal. Sttsby S dirent vote el thé eapOle Eddie MuadhlaZ d al t hWe bonehme 'Souday. ]MOl. latb o! punSmoahé. lire. Vmllois sud Mies Grass cer Uniss tk dfrieud@ulu Oak Psi, iday. Mm. G. 0. Arpé e inta lisegueseloflhe BWil W. E. C. et théir camp Kme Fridsy H. C. Hltsmae bas purciaaaed »n lutereetin the arocnatarast Deepl!re. Tb# W. R. <C.«av" s Pa veriy social Washington'a birthday. Cuuaert by a Kîtchon orchetra. Mi-e Btay Toaier onterwoled ciglt oi ber youug lady fienda at a dinuer Velestînsday. The aais ers waades ecindie stics anSthe deasiousns q lu aeoovdaues *lib Vaientine costumes. MRse Amnda BhQd, dausbter n airM. b rs- . . a.ihde, dieud aturday. l'eb. 10, 1912, atteïr au iiueee of a imunth. The pâli barera cere.ber eomarnation girl frluS*ad th.iy sang tlueîr confirmg- tion sangs. The uerai nas beiS Wed. *Lsnincrat le candidate for RePrseta. neaday etrna t the Pluni Gravé tive tu General AsSmll. 8th Ditrict. cburçh, e.turoilaug Burial Vals for lu thé Ms. Mgope eiemoY. fJ Joseph W. Freund Lgea l osAp 1'age h WsImcilàenrY, II, prîmarles April Club tt e boSinuthé hal rooa i othe 9,1912. Auditrlu., rida, aiteroan Co mf ortable HomeFrisig Nothing adds quite ao ýjn uchto the air of comfort inl a home as % lhandsome comfortble" looklng couch; and nothing dotract from it m(re ttaîî ouel hose sprîngs are beginnug to 'tuîrn over atud whose-surface s3hows torturaus humps and llol1owý.. Why not get on@ of our SteffordStandlards-- th@ couch that le buit to last. "? Eacfi eprlng la made of the finest carbon steel and cross lockuid to t ho motaIcross pieces on the under side and securoly fasiened to the diaxnond croîss wire on top, maklng it impossible for it to shift. The frames are of seasoned oak or birch, carefnlly made and beauti- fully finlshed and the carled hair fillng combines comfort witb dîîrabilitv. The leather ilsed in coveriugis from the choicestgreen bides, oaktanu.d and the nonly the outer éplit with the natural grain is good enough for 1 Stafford Standard. " Other coverings are of Verona, silk plnnh, Velour and Mohair car plash lut rich laating colore anid artistic patterns, Our prices for Yuur comfort 1I3.50 to $20-00. Mattresse *The fanions Schultz and Hirmh cottonfeit ma ttressee but for comfort and ser- vice. Thefihliug is of puro Cottoin f Olt 'specially treated to «lyVA IL Lt.eghatest pos- siable elastlty and thmit scientiflcally builid up- layer upon i ayer-nitil tb. required thickn.s Io obtairied whekiîî i w ovgved and Bcutrtly baund. - Bachi tuft ie of exactly the same size and tension and tightly heId by the best quality of hemp and cotou stays that danùot pâli molt or f811, through. Th!is meures absolutr unitormity of thickneois and Iloftne... The' coverings are of the finesteclosely woven tic king tlîat 'Will not . strekch and allow the mattress to spiead, axtd may b. had in eiher plain or main fluish. "RICtS 57.00 10 $15.00 The Ray Furniture Store LIBERTYvILLE, . 1 s * ILi ,J J. 3 r tr. i. I LOOK - OWP-FOU---US. W@.-are golng'to make a apectaIly of fancy creams, Ictie, frappe, oherbeta and individuals. Approperate for lodge*, parties, weddingus aud holidays. (jive usi your ordero early as possible. MICHELL BI A CX ROOKEVELLER, ILL (Fcoy22 J-2 IGray,lalue 86 W. -A - MAIZ vair go ula fevar 0ai alan givien né thé1 à - il, IL

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