%, FRIDÂ, FM1RUARY 23, 19M2 Q"Wt.imetink isaa bed Ist SUD- Doings au aymng of Gm yslake Mis. Eveiyn Elward,;of WauL.-gan, d%7. DrSiepard prmaohsd a ver>' ri. Dr. Jamtron sud 0. A. Neson tuaitient eSanday aits lier patente§, Mr. oeslamt serna, atr wblch eloven young Arthur Clark ta theii. ariusAmercan FP. J. Druce, Edfitor Poo il and M rai. eo. Ediwarde. peaple were baptized and united alih ouptal lu Chicago lent FridAy. I__________________________________ Mis@ Maru Pedersoniitî'ed herbtrîîther tîhe cburcb.- Luneh wa4smsrt-el and Ed Dodge 0f Rtochester, Wl., lm ealling Orders Tallen for Job Work Advertieing Rat@ On Application Aýil at Lake Villa. n lia daysi ast mony .tiîd to afterooon osrviee, on relatives and fitc-de tuei wek, Mise Edith RyaD le riitiug hi-rnanît, Mise Marjore Cati nuio01Mount Caîrrol, NIrai. fleivz ilf ansinx, Ifil., vipite I ber Mri. Arthur Nplaoir nt Liiîi uie fIl., le home for a wi-eikgvacationu Mr. and fMfrg. J, ruet wa re calls-d ti i iîn. Eli, editor of the scar-liliwht' sis-Or, fMic. . 1 fail a lew dayss lstý 'Nilliail N.eutiof o! rt!iiid. 111-., le Sevealifroru tlîja viuylittiiicided thi., Chicagot Tueeilay Ibei-alîeo e iii îesrlOus smliîkî t a banquet aitlelaî vk vwltjug hie brother, .J. G. Nelson. Formier@Institut- at kiurtice itineso lîr. Erratitsr. tsotî,hotel, Wednesday evi-niig. Brt Udivunie lcier Suidayed ln[ Alfred Day of Wanfî.gara, bac tnoved Mr. and Mars,%Vri. ai, Tliîiiîspi-ot ifis.limiter ad s-i,,itidtightcr. Alite , ilP. arron la ieuîdiîg a feue da3a iagîatîi(Jîîîîl ,li, r,'iiru loadaY into the loîlietenant houme-vat'*ted Tnewilay in Cliiago a li, aidinian visîccîl u ai i ) g uenîiay iiihesn tMoao t-opiicJhîrt -inage tii îmagie b>' Fred lIeinold. Jteck Armnouc ln gttxing alîî i i-lyt ai James-,Clark and 'lillhi- Tekatilis îf Misa MurIel Cieveland sisP.eUdiDR a iver, iVim., wlii-re lii a iivjhpi a lew -Mr, and Mn.. C. P. 'Wolin anI family tesat report. fvanhoe. acre nîanrisd Tupéiday ut the féw dayg in Chicago ii wîtlî lîs Scian a vWated ab M r aud M ru. E. Saw's îri ju5,Deumun expertats iretlirn i home botue o! the brfi-. lack. Sie wlll lerc- it t lier miitber The diiiner uat1w hieîlirvi Inlt Tlurà- aîîi siterihssd I tc t -e fîrjhr1a1, ivn by the Cciii-tery S- i iv nasà 8ndyfionsthe hosîutal flaieli lt. Hle e John Lougiaugi and ale an~.d iitrteedo h - u hi ax Mare. Page, ascousin of Ira and Chalen doingfene. meverai daya with tineir mon, C.i>taIemw homo in Utah- Weli atteude'i tii îhiîî lly iciilile. 8QIdriilge, ait> bas limon vittng boes M ise Te, oui@ Cunningham of Guruî-e, I.oigataugit at Ciiîcagzci. MisoElHizabeth Kuebkir pi-nt Satur- Mesdames o»I.) ilîîle îil front Califoria, bsareturuîed home sioiteui friebd» a l de is iiity Sinday. B. J. il tue as in'ieconsin tlîî .-k iay and Sundffyt lier limo 1i b iii lvanhoev Mr. nd Màa. >ui Bansianeutetai- is. c.d :Geo. Filwarde tranesaited busnessii.nn Mr@.1).NL hit mient evpai a. inW bore ho le bu> icîg a carloudol Ioutatti-a Th're IMystie -Workere ail! ie anrard efriends hfotu W inthnope _î1îarbiîr Sn-Chcgotii we -wth itesir alatps i cîilie wîîî sbi1) livre lu thse liar farty and oyserauplwr Friîa i Waukegaiî Tueeday andl Wedrîemniuv. d Ccg bewe- il ie iuhefuture. 1f-cii. 23rd, ab Strange hall. A bonis- talent çplay entitil 11 e Mr@. Ina Holdridge, Who bas besu uâk rk Tet nkd .the toulaigirean Mr. iironi bo bas beeftîl i)iîlg M"'. Blanche Roughtiîn .,f 1[iîuawo, Stneof the Moti aI,* lbe gîvetilai Th Hx!ady cMr.wllgie-n hi-tory ruirciTuýa vniz le improsing. enteetalnmeut iu fie near future St iliingti orne, Burtone Bridgi-, jsnt Saturday and Susdilaith L.tcB iirdy e-nr~ Deanhi oicndawii reunuo Uayeuki nut l-r is.O. . Brroî Pb. 29, by thie Ladies Aid. ight ne Wlaitred Dickenoen froin.ttuoeeli. ealfsd Sidney Landun gave an etcrtl iutient the frt olf lanth. joue n1.fGnne al, nnil-crdai'lnic a ted OU fniede ber.Sonda>- ai ie ehunc Thursîa>' eveinie torîî, to Mr. aud Mare. Chas. Hoîîl tîîes bone rneoday. Tevlnîeprya h oeo SEEK DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION, Charen-eWedges bird tuant had th'ý Chicago. a baby girl. Ps oty a uî f Thn i, ose ieniaartete e theone of mi*lfortDne to eut hie thumb off abile Thenian>' old fienda in Lake rount> El'horu StarWa'd then ngiei iulîe- utheienCaluraendeared; avibg aedea John p. Waters. 4603 Sheridan rmmd, 5OwiItgwood the pot wmeet. nEiansedt ern tedaho tr cSar aed iber sixeru tentîîîan od i see.ny geeaines ereinug da Chicago ba ied à petition la Spsing- VoeeNeil fi-Il un th es s ad sprained Oscar Wiitiuare ni Hanrock, V'in. ntSt arnivetoa o! mtainthnansimaylu ad d ainty lunch gane oed. l field ne a detnocratic candidate for hi,antis and ie laid op. tihe home of bie brother, lDn. Chas. â)i.vrayo hognzto una nadadit uc ev congrehi agaînst Congreaiman front irMn. C. E. Deniln Ku t 'Wedue.daY Wlittore (if Chicago, iast Saturday ciu. and George Paullîn. - nd Thunaday of thiia woeetlu Chicagoit aLîli f.ancer of the gusmaci ýSup1t. Simpson of %rakigran, waaint If fa reported that Richards Fînnes %im Clara Fiioti- speu-t a week V.itihum ou o Weîlueeiay eveiling f0 Mn.Iowu ueday. r -FOTHIL_ Sait, ho rmade the race for the Demo- ber ni-luIs-w, heu. Safford at Hlaes, and flrs. John Cîstue of Haîteesitîe, a olihrsno aiîaiî,ai î Mu of the chitd ren lintiineighbor. cruata last ltme, In agaiu to bha a-n-~ bab'y girl. n ilaw of H. A. Uîîlîne-. -iieit,.'eral bond have the ehaicten pox. fildate thlts ar althaugh hiiipeti- Mars, J. A.Strang Ipeîîc a les' deys The flanonir hall wa4 , ailattend-d 'lava wltth Mr. Houies andi faîuiv iuliue Itaruet le guiug cf more to tic tin a fo >e be le. li friends lunVaukeizan. last Friday everainie and ail report auncritly. Stous îiiace on the haut of Sangs Laki-. Mr*. Clanîsa Niil, aile a1 Wi nel. iietLie isfln-l bec liiSsira iaueuuda. deceaod, died nt baierîîe ni-ar Milîburti The l)aisl Car Go., usho have heel, and Sunda>' viti ber sî-tcr iri iviagii MiOseCarnie liîîhardson bas retur al Sunda>', Feb. 18, ut li p.iiin Mg Neil lien home lu Haînecille, after @pcnding~ hap ie.n uk a long ime. The .luerai tulkiug of lîîcatîug iu rayslakealipoini hMise.Olive Coleiuiari nulKatierine tu-1teral gect theI-Herbent bavieu as.ie'd Wdneda atlaup. îrm d theleufiiirs Tuiendayl aud juot abat Taylor spant Saturdaint îîi Suuday ""ver"~ tihe bouge. Bornal ut Mllburn cemeter'. plteintfiey i l he e ut al i ii ninsu hcg.Howand Converge eptint a fea days at decnîiud u te u-r utre. The Womeni Cuintt ailiMi'me,@'aterîso, Iowra last ae. MISA Bougie [agdeas. callcd ta ber Olive Coleman snd Katlici iie Taylor at M.adMs iet ioeadcid RUS LLhome St St. Couis lat Saturday.Ib; tie iehome £of Mca, 0. P. Barnon tcils v; The eniertaàiment given bY the Cadis, sudden deati of ber fathen.Tusa va.. Fe saild thelatter'@nuather, lMne. on Oaturda>' niait cros a grand t-ces.Tuad> veig Pierce at Spring Grave Satunda>' aud insev r.suieet. the ehnriel nd illeil Sonda>'. BAK NG toitise doori Ahmre coul as realized1 ROUND LA"c TAYLOR GROVE bins. Siank, alter au ilîneese of but a fur tb.efDew organ. 11Mn. and Mm.. Elmbr Hocre are rîicîuig fois days aiti pneumionia, died utat bu PO'W D R Th. Ladies Aid msociaty null meut nith Pdii Brown and ai!. ottended the bis brothber., home of ber daughter. Mni. Rowling. SE ow zzsch botelt Mars. B. C. Melville on Tictnida>'mornlhg 1Manonic dance ai (iraoeake Frida>' Mr&., SamsiFaulkner gare a Part>' Tuaiday, Pcb. 6, aetuthe age of îgit>'. evenbl ain ari .ing. Sotunda>' eveniog; Ming" Mitie nîs d Sitemoved bliens ahiber daugiter froni BERhes ~eh nas ui- n,.A.R. iehls mohenolMn, F Maude Estinoeer tift Satnnday moraning Bertha Faulkuner of Zîîîî it3, heing the central part of tie @bats. the reomains BIR£ b qeau am y@»Pmi Bove .. b ols sho m.E. f on Loumsaa aire @bas cl viit ber prenens. The Faulkner family aili muve belng sipped tieesobohurili BEÊ bhaue' p.u-ow jood died Sonda"'bMubna mt-« fr.im folkae. to the aid homaiesd Doear Warren @Don. mOnfiltia.Tom Whiote huad the mieifordune to have Fred Lekahie and Mies Haz-I Bennett LG R E bE hois, .eI~h--ad Mrnsd Mn,. John [onner ni Milittur' falm arm uâheu t aiAnîour tee houme epent Sanda>' w"iifrieudesut North sud son Raient of 'intbrope Barbor, Sadurdsy. Prairie. Attorney' Paul MacOufuof aibelhrty- BE Uai 7M àje Calmuet vitiied oser Sanda>' vitit friand, bore. ptrFaysdal in sn etn ville, candidate for State Seuaton fnom Aty unTisemon>' fîends of Mise Clara Effin- oand Angela Thieie viaited ai Henry at York Bouse Stands>' and tîîîît upper n n itict, arieddo tFrmeoo@ graof Wankogan, ans very &o .rny tu bear Bittens aut Cil>'"L.e, Sunday. Ue w iti W.H Bnewer. Instituts heid bore laait Fnîday. Dnniug of ber serions iffliem. Henry Jensen sisited at the homîe of Winilned Oould and brida. cho have tic aiturnoan meeting h. addressed ibm Mm, Mary Mlvlllie. Alvin and Mi, Emma Kroppie St MeBeur>', Sunday. luet returned tram Engand, are visiting audience ai iength sud pnovsd b>' bis spent Sunda>' nt C' B. Melvillem. John ftocing and Mrs. Oeo. Ruing relativslbhans remaria that he ls exeeptionali>' aient tu OP40 a Mis.Jonnie Hanw AcuifItammey, @Pont aitended tie fiuerai of 0.G. GIociford John Strahan la eotertaiuîog tbis tie requiremente of!the ?armer@, not Susatu eA I rirnsut Chic-ago, Satunday. ehtee from Iowa. ouiy lu regard to ttie lavis ahieh are '~IMAM BV TK 0. (nt~jlA, snrnrianidfaitiity spentSonday SThe.I adieAld eîsiety a'ieiitii thank ti iadlesa l-o tîîîk part in tihe nter- taiument sud helped niake id a sueetse. %Vi,'lite Cinris cram a Kenueia i-aller u %l udav p. atîrb Olie iihavitir a itail ceeks i, ihI fiielittakl art and j llian nuil antinrFauIlmnir, utitlî cta ,frineîde ln,îîZiiii u iidd ut E. S. Fà[i ku-r'e on sundav, J tti-atîl V 1 Iul el i t i i v al.- t larlie llý.wtndelut-,t lts uluable PoWIO tnottihig husue ast icK. CHt i ni-y r flvicinuc i i mingifltuithe Hi-. Miituu îîîeî u-u il ilhuît Mts EFd Hubhard uts. taketi seionel>' il] Suda>' let te reeos-eriug ad preseuf. Mmrs.Elîjali ftiihandsion j lesocri> rcerriîg hi-uni ber mientfilîne»se Aula W it'- as a Cbertyvils 'valler Tueeîlay. Ed Culiy teft T'reday mnn îg Ifur Mflwiuuteealu e w iu-c11ate-nul tins Wîýciineiit Lutiberinens convenîtionî. Elia white crise a Chuagî i vîntor Wedncsuay. Ahuit 1tluit'ou flc utd--uded tic Hiuniers datm,-eSaturda 'v iîgbt. fRete tuun i iat clu-r attu-udd a datnce here. FOX LAKE birs heu I iitghain a-ut lu, Uliiuagui Ttîu rîsýly iii e1iidl aluil arc tiiti relatives. àlbre. .J. Pý Spiczan and ilaugliten Ftîîrence, visited rit K,-uosla, fit, 'u., Friday and Satunday. f., ri r ' ituecnt tig ru îîsu !I u.i 'unues ut Chicago Friday. J. P iiprzui as a t'ilîiuzii1i.-cge Ij1L~¶/-I iNI>~.~YvWm fiast0ueohChivrgînieiit i h __________________________________________________reinti-, bere uîssr îatninnliîîand Sundny. Get Beneath Its Bright Rays Jhnii Kart vi.aa ,,ýéë '70/ P ER ANNUM ON YOUR 70/ rs. I.W. iDuvieunît con ofuîn 1 /1 MONIEY GUARANTEED 7io Chiago, calie f elanivshioSnd Cum latveProerrd- toc oftheRaibowTas Kticki-riuuuctsr les Co. iiiiiîleted Cumuativ, Prferrd Stck o theRamfboW ilîg their Ice i-îue ou PistaI-e Bayf Xanulaeturing Company, redeemable in ten years Toeeday. at $110 an cre iidnsprsae Martin Shi-lIt soId bis barber slîap We arc no prMauoters; uc niake no glowing statentents; we have br oJh ottefrto h ek =imply basculant opinion oin chat ae have seen, sud scatemntts ne Mr. Scni-It hq ntiaoaa loatedat McHelnr-v. kuata h trute andt reliible. The Pretenreut stock hereby, subinitied le not onIv s safe. conservative inrestutent, but s tully protecteul ane. LAKE VILLA We do nat sasitano, non ç16 ne expecti iposbilities, lunt vce Osa oeenw a ryli do expeci that idie capital conking for les@ than 5o'. of it's Osa rcen ra aOayak eaning capacity, ilîl corne trorn i is hiding place sud visitan Friday. imprave itîs poition. 'Ne are in daily tout-lt ith, tht,9 prop oi- d k nukow ahenent ce speak. We recoîîîend theeutchase oftii Bert Galigcr crus a 'Naucotîda vi3itor stock sdtmi jus- ifiec linlurntrecommendtution 1'seRAINBOW lasi Thtreda>'. MANUFACTURING COMPANY (tfonrnerly the W. C. Uit Mfg. ei'îlats udOcroenn C.) of Libertyville, Illinois, insait assuned- tact, a decided sut-t-mss ilim nàOca orne a'th as bnghi prospects as it's name implies. Itins a Home industny visifed f i-nde ut ludienide on Sundai-. snd one that yau tan lways see. Simon (lalîgen as. a Cicago vielcon It lu No Get-RIoh-Quick Wallinglord ConcernTi taid athnmnh. hne.i itis a mate, conoeevative mnanutactuningt plant. A lite, growing reguistiotis nuna aud the enacr is 'ns tuciilon ih subsiatianal assets and irade. An increase in capital disappeariiig. meq-ian iucremsinvnuluineoa ace. Dou'ltbeaîldoubiiigThomsvýL' Co l E A»D lEZ FOR YOURSELF. Don't expect impossibliiios, Finit LaGrippe, Thon Bronclultîs jusi conne prepared to exencise common, ordinary business judge- Tisai cas the case citi Me.. W. S. metan e feel aseuedaof youn cc-apratioii. Shaces $itio est-h. Solfey, MeUrar>'. Ky. My vile cr&@ ,takeu doan cib sa severe sttack 'of la aEe hicis mn ntoia rînchiths. se Schnwebele & Wheeler coue ainh' site hautconetupion afut coald not siaep st ight. Tise finit LIOU YVII& IL MOISbotIle 1 o! aey's Houe>anut Tar Coin, niad gave ber sa u>tcnh relief thst mie oonsed nlng lit uili e.va. per. manenl>' curedu ." For a"e b>'il Bercha Crawhord andl Ruth Haulîun epen Wsnesay iih ElesBrecrn Winlfned Duierou spent Sunda>' atj YortBous ut the Adarnc liome. Monte Young moved lh!s fatniy f0 Waukegan Moudav. The mauy frîî-nds oîf Mrs. Harvey Nici. olas nenseiuioike.i to bear of ber deati. Sb@ wae av-Il knoan here and Mn. Niciofs. bas the my tupati>' of al. Mre. Thieien returniuta obu-r homuehi-e Satunda>'. Miss Louise fllantic uA 'aukegan. uisited ber eli,-r iîenu Suuday. Herbent lIhea wiIl Wauliegan Satur- day un businesis. Geo. Lu-in au,! lîîîly anîl C. Gellinge are anth i si.t.i Mn,@. John Suo iv. sJ lent Suuday wilî ber parerits hem-, Clris Blooho nil Iou frisuidehi-re Thursday. Misme loie l)'î ici 1w 'ýttusying uuitfi1,i.r liserAdiea ii iii, eu-n Ulte i. Mrs. Enerctt l.îIlu tiiitc.d bern luacînts ler liiweet. GYAGE'S LAKE Mteo. I'iauneuuvîll. , ho basu hi-n venu alck, te on thc gii ikit preset. Mr. sudfiMe.. stev'i ouugof Elîend'.io, N. D., cpu-ut su-i -ml daye eufllîg oti friends e eelas t wek. Heury' Mou il nnaoCiuicagro u-iý,ioi- ni-cently. Wili O'Neil cli lui-ia canload (ifistocku Sundas nigit. Mm,.Thayet un,! uaugisten Stella, of 'Naukegan. mClint niunday alti films. James. 'Nitiard FinI retiipidjFriday tu hie home ut Hurtiiu. fiici., alter cevenînl wee)us visit v.'th finde hans. The Sound Sleep of Good Hoallis Ioeotaor Ion diesuffering frattidut-> al1m@ent§and irrcgaaritien. Thbe prouipt needoea o>' cm, tintalo aîîîtr i e nah qisiia ofi ni tific treattueut il the sin, etc. Me. fltuffin te ru-id'-ýt îof tie Lake Couacy AgrieulturiinaBoard sud bise pnamîeed fa use bie inluenes lu matiug smre changes in dia conduct of aflairs e uti climaketae ir- edmore tenefitia ita dis larmars. Re aimeagave ble views regandiug the prcnposed raies o! ratee in die Modern Woodrnen of Amenica, andl pladged him@eaf if elected to nont for Rome equttabnle solotton af t4c problemn naa haons that ongatîtua- titou. FREE IF Il FAILS Your bloney Back if You are not Satisfied with the Medicine we Recommend %V.ektre iii îuuustiu e hat lion emeul> wvill pe,uarîcîl ty relli-vu, cinstipuatlin, no iîîuttcr hua chronir it huai- le. thiat w.. unfer lii lurtiebitie ineiieine at on edpie. s hinlitiu irailt cieproduce satie- laiton>' nasuite. Ilt lema une,' tluaîî tt.iuleCtelatieni 11 lu iclutre cunstliatti iiit i cathanli, drugn CLaatuies ratîantiî-sdo nui-li liariuTi 'îe>' i-ase a teaitii ii, irritîste. and i v. aku- th i-euau-esand lte-nd tii ttîale contstiplation ru ire cliroînic Be- sides, tlîeir use lii'îuii-e a habiît i at le dangenîîus. Constipation is vumed îy a uvatnî-@s of the ucrees andîîub usles oftheii-large itntetiteior ln îeceiid i ig vcouî 'nuex- pert lerilaunnt ruluef voiritu ust tlierelone lotue u p and i trFtig theu i hi-nu' urgane andI restore tfli il clulnft lin-r it ivi flN'c atty uni otii i rr iii îîO) det'Iiie lin Ounr r-î'l'bîeîatuî ey are e 'ou-eut iiigly lluulenat tii taO e, ls'ihig eatetu lite cai iii, utîl îare uid lieor chiilureu. d4,luiite i-mone, and ouud folks, as ivell ne fuir Lie rolutt Thiey wut uiru-ut Olt treliereces andt tiiu'-ulcs o! the bonilel ii-hy alupan-tly liane a nuutrai aî-tiuuî liio n th8r assotatue organe or glatîis ,Tuey-(I., oit purge, lýaumore -Xte t.lîueecss. tour i-r-lit,- auy ineuinvenicuce ut lîater-. Tiiettua>' li tati-n St aty thîie. day lin iiitlit. Tue>' aili pnitivcly nilietve c!iruniu- or haiîtuai costiplationu. if nit iof maitleal varlety. and tire inyriadâs of assoielte or dependetut cliînlu ailiietts, il takeîî aiti reglerity foir a reamouable lougtlî of ime. 12 tablcts, 10 îenta; 361 tablu-te 25 cents; fi0 tahlete. 50 rente. Sîld lu ibertyvillie ounISt aur stoe.-Tie liexaîl Store. l àuthi&Bo,n ChhLierty- ville,. 111. use of nuiev uidne>'Pille cili i upeî bactacrheansd riieonatlint. bol niîl etrengtien son.,creat andt ailingtidneys, Chanige of Ownership rastore nornial acfion aud citi itý healib and strengiit s . p N Otiue e liheeb>'given thai I bave ibis SpaleburZ, Ste rling. Ilii, eaya: -j i' si -yutttu grain, femandlumr snfired great pain ln Mr baekl and litiie tAikisie, 111., ces Enil u2st kidaeyu, could not el8ep ai igit asuid aud t Lrotou anutal.r thîs date i. coîtid uaL raieut>' bande aven My heasut11.Icniu.,,t.idbuoinoos. Alitarcunts But two boitltisofFoie>' Kidite>'Piles fonrgoodu ,uîld prio- untus lodatearan etired me." For saiseb>' aIl Dnugglsds. payable f0 me. ________________Parties o wlng me are requescete sil and ettie tainaccounts on onrblt n Farmoe, siouid nisdtbeadvertleement Jul>' 1, 1912. 1i Liat Lianityvllie Cossigt it aes Dated a& Aptakiite, I[il.,1-b..192 CO. lis* tise es umn sof tbiepaper. 0.21-2 J. N. ilEc FOR DYS1>EISIÀ TIRROW 0UT TEW. You Risk no Money if You Give the Kldneys H.lp Try Tis Remody Many Peolt1?e WUBe~ r Happier t We wîîitt elere Hloniul,.ithll indî10--tî 'H11H lbiirHiitii fuiei *'Tlîrovç Ont the Life fine"- oUr @tt"a ..oil itft'aît1-\l, f l~ii 'rh, ior.~sri,.- ed hlp. l)rteîsD !ilies.ppuH îi 1 hev- i,î ru orksod-can't ê b tnmutliot îttt 11and pi. oi'iil i îtr,îlduiut ofthe blood - cr îuild-a o u i i.eî,thcur r ti î,.î hvre ottiriir woreevery rnme' 1pl,a tîî' r'îîîelî.eî.l.4îlî1î.î ii p theta? RlPeali i i tak,-,5 ii ,ler-. ai.-t 'î n'i'.Kîdrt'. lOnhave '.rof theias irite ek sthH i t H ti i mo tlnalilo!kî.y sufferer, I th irita îl. n*,. ifi iilii. Ii î, fro' ite vrge iii despair. . thon aniinvigorate leiIgs e riUî. Ied. tl eiuee to relioenaue~a ad tltetîîi hi ' IV. latie07 llak St.,Wauke"L promotinw nutrition antd tîringiug abouilt II.envié: .1kidieym were , ,& o fseing îf cort t n TClctýdlîsîrder,, d 1li o,-ltebd sharp, bàig If ot i ge fteial ri.pepniiu Tbiý neîair e nmaýl of y ack. i' a esuble trial we will rettirnu r hé,~ ~ ailc a great deal and 1 1ài t mîîny ifyouare Dtit atiédtled wiil i îjit to dîi..y sele. .& îîrei, lîomIai the reenîta. Three dizes, 10 cents, feCclnp> lung il, ii.. eoutantly and mh. iuetts and 01.00.it liarid for 111H il, attendîl o my woieIt f{emeînber. you eau otitain it onît at als,î haîl troubîle from the kidney eorl onr storé, -The lb-raillitre. IDwciý.n iet pil, the passagebeiug î rregolar l!îî.îî Lîevtyill II. Pntae Kîiiîy lille hpieldme Proinvoi anîd the tcontents if t wo hoxtu (Jlare Delea Rport me to grood health. 1&aun fou' Ire f«Pý Clare Dnie Reort every eympîtoîn î,f kidney complaloL" Frank Clarke of Wadsworbý de- For sale by ail deaiers. Pie50.nw tuestha ai ofthechaactr wtneeesFoater-Millburn Co , Buffalo. New Tu*. niestha ai ofthechaactr wtnesessole agente for the United States, lie plai ed ou the stand at the hearing Iternemiser the namne-Doau'.-q"~i u.hiîli lie nan îulaced under bonds of take "0otoher. 2 $3.00) 10 keep poes, were relative. ADJUDICATION NOTrICEL. He says that tutu of thora wore relfr PUBuIC NOTICF, la bereb iy hg. tives bit marrlage and that tha other that the Subacribed A4mfntatmr*tI.« lite were no relatives at &IL Clarkce the Estate of George W. Hollib&,4.i- Baye that ho vias misquoted with re- ceased, will attend the Caunty Coili gard te hie etatennent about naIng the of Lake County, at a terni thereol lB axe. He said he nlmply held' the axe ho holden at the Court Houge la over Mlever's head and threatened ta Waukegan, ln said Cotxnty. on -î4, use in case Mleyer drew a revolver. lirat: Monday of April, next, 1912 Wh« He eays he bas Illed fa WNadsworth and wbere ail pet-sonasbowling cl&tM fer thirty years aud i hat this wa" agalust sald Estate are natiffl famm the tirsit tîme lie ever as ln any court requestej to present tue sme to M proredinge. furltig that time ho 55ys Court for adjudication. 1 1 ho never bad a fight or madle anleue- ELLEN R. HOLLAM + e. - __Admlhietratjtg Waukegan, January 29, 1912. mur £Law M tt.,ae The Lake Count>' Bar association held a meeting dliii rorning at cNt-b It vas declded tu give a banquet on March 6 t vhlcb ladies viii ho lnvited Ail plans bave flot been mnade as >'st, but several speakers of prominene clii ha on the prograni. The affe.ir promises ta ho oaa ofthtie bggiet ban- quet tbe bar aseoclstion ever bhm glv- en- A Warning Against Wet Fel Wet sud cililed fest unsually affect tbe mocoos membrane of ibhe soie, bruat sud ugi and lagripps, bronebitis or ponmonls tus>'reubt. Waich care- fnl>, pantieniani>' tie rnibdres snd for the racklng stnhborn coughs give Foie>", Boue>' snd Tan Cmponnd. h moouiea the inllamed membranes and isals the rougi quicki>'. Take Do euhl- s4ihtute, For sale b>' ail Drugglip. NOTICE. Tc tise tax payons of Warren. i cili ha at Brachens store ,,n Wedneiday lu Ounnea, and Hull'@ store. Waukennu, ou Saturday ta collet-t taxes.. E. F. RAY,. Collecifir. ait wkly. Notice of Sale Notiice is hereby gises ihai tie under- sigued ahI on dis seond day of Match A. 1). 1912, at tis houe 09of ana'cboct P. M. ai Half Day. lu, front of toan hall üeIt at public tendue ta tie higiesi hidulan for esaâ the folIo aing d..aentbed prpnuîlset o.it: Oua irocti stailion ernng four v-mars nid, sined by Alierton 2:09% iinst dam b>'Dur-t-ton. 'his sala is for dia purpeise of enforclng an agister't lien exigting unden section il chapter 82 uofttîp.v uiýed Statutes of Illinois, of 1909, the saâie heiug for the crni, keptug, yard ing aud feeling of ibis aitiii-e desenri4eut boi, amonntiug tri $1326.5t) antuchie cale is made pursuatt to audionity glr-tî iindqin section 8 ouf uhapîen 1,~1 uf sahul Rî-yimcd statti-aof Illinois (of 1909. c-21-8l W M. IR. W YLi È. Twetîty-Mli ýi..-nt.--iisîinandl Kilts tsi I Le eiid ut tiir i "il price on Feli. 24 at t1e Minrket lJay Satue. A great chance tii geL foîndation stcork at ytnur own offer. [BEST YET Save Silos. WVrie or Phase 0 . B. H E Proleussomal Carde DRL . OFeP.UTTBRPIEL. - VUTERINAEY BURGOI. - AMIMRTit fATU VUUUW*MAN. DR.AP. FLCHUDcHL Pttysiclan anud Songeai OMMice ver Dfle k BA ong. >,g Bours & o IoA. i. 1l$0 io8Pa. SpeceaMemoâIoan 10e, . lar, N.. .nh1iwo OLASSES PROPERLY PITTUI1 > LUbertyvilIle, DR. C. IL GALLOATA. c Offlu m UILOVZe pB ave UtbortrylUe. UIioIL - PAUL MAC GUIFIN. - ATTORNET AT LAW. Libortvxe llii DR. GOLDING DENTIS? T Houri 8 ta 12 .m-l to 5p.F& aiti Dr J .çair-hml lies. Phone 1092 Libertvule. Illinoti DR. E H. SMITH.' DENTIST. JVZR LAKI OdxiNrTY 5hATIOriSL . OU»--M 'c 12 a. nM. and 1 ta b DAJLY.i ràbertyvtieiilifrotm DR, 1. L TAYLOR, ' OrEa a OVERJ. UàTu-QuiS BLIIO, - *ouu:-7 ta0 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 "ud.6~- Beeidecsteun Broadway. oppo#lta Linercyvitle, .tOs DR. E. V. SMITti GENERAL PRACTICIE IOutres tef'Ra.5. 2( 4Cn4 2(05.~. SPECtAL ATTENiTION TO Tilt*1 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKER kTTORN'0-A Lt Office Pions 848 Ries. Phone 18" NOITH CICAGO. ILLINOIS GATZERT & POILE AUCTIONEE Lisu"TvvLt, « .- I jNix.t Farm Salee8id at . . . Consignmeiti gales Soid ai 54 Writa or Phone 278 Wl1 STRADIVARIUS VIQUN o5 Excellect toise and la pe«rfe tisa. ComM tend on trial. M"a.Bertha W. M»"d1, im Auctlonoer