LAECUNTY INDE)PENDE)NT VOLXX.N 26 WUKEANWREKLY SUN VO.X.N.2. TWELVE PAGI LIBXRTYVU:LE, LAKE COUNTY, ILINOIS FM~DAY, MAROR 22, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR îN ADVANIiOL 4ACJ,(W MO'RT [ON NEW 'fITDolI à bI ' lffOlE F BLOD POISON (fllflf BLCTIC URÂuINeIJVYL" FRD PRO .JUK'JNEICRIOR FACES ARREST IOIIi ~ ~ ~NO SERIOUS CHARGE WILL BE EOURteS ON TUE STATUS 0F THE U u ~ u £ w u 'u u u u ~ u WAUKRII.AN, ilOOKVORD AI s ul i r. r u -iv r PREFERRED AGAINST NEIGH ELGIN TRACTION COMPANY. DU E OlWOAIRNE HR ~ STATERSMATNED UER.Y OFFICIAI.S OF COMPANY ARE NOW 18ATA E TOREV AEO ARSDT L I rR N IET NVESTIGATING A NEW KIND o S iCO S A M. . . o. ng MA~~ BACSEFRSAT OR AN WH08E NAME 18 UNKNOWN LA PRS AOLSRVILLE thensoicuoueswmong tuic QIWBflSiS of OFW E L H TO ACT. WAS SEEKING TO STEAL A RID9 *IAN a *ITUORAW AS WC&- De £LECTRIC CAR. fE RFIELO £XPEbTED lW. Es . MIIUa of L i kftoaju* and f.fat 'of Supervisor Nire. Peter Rykes ,about 38 years ON FREIGHT AT TIME. Tedjued nulmeeting of Old o*~U~~.VUU 0 f Slxtevnth treet, Northt ChicS*O the etockholders and officers o! the f (I ,died at 6:1., Thursday night of biood FOLLOIS 'WEBER DISEISSAL Waukegau, Rockford & Elgin Trac- C.hitteuîden of Gurnee, b u.xIsSupervisor ..,UI.5V poison, as teresult, attending phy-WS lion company was iteid at Palatine sicians assert, of Infection ânring con- 'A QUITE WELI. D wbpn te report of thte offileers was seaieetuTeiqetwllb edti RESUL.T WIL.L BE TI4AT SUPER- cepted. An officiai audit by rallway ex N'rlous towns In [ake CountY nnmi silln Dlorigiao WillIaiam 1. O'Neil, ail of iifteriio<,ii litt ileConrad & Hart limier- VisORS WILL BE CALLED IN. pert accounitants shows: nated their town tickets Saturday and, Town Clent-A S. Pou',rFc no oppo Lah-e Forest tko om h U rsth nyPRNRWOWSSVEIELVY TO SPECIAL SESSION NOW. siesr'iin NUPAN O C acribed........$208,200f( prises were seen, among te mOst luii Aaisessor-{. E. Wheulo i, < A,iNI;0n. LflirForest. %Ia.Rts tln anto t -elr a on- RED'EXTHPPND A special meeting of tihe super- WUtholeo uit of stock pîaid portant were tbese: lIv'iis, -4. jlei\ar:ii C.Decker, Nortl hi h on 12700viW.lle tîeruorumpvd Itîto lierana iiuetîord; 46;Jo F li. 71: Fra ice o :1 Dan Jhî TiO' visera h ba& sab dbyCont n12,0010 WE îlle, ormuy eas Âerî îlictr-ha, oi In 4.F.n IAc..d.......l mieii -. aga. vle urisera îon a cd idao the îe a liituay ('46;iuisnl Fi ii,lrft . Lak Blff tsi rita t atpireifs vmallerdya nukonoa iarnb~~ <> Clark Henduelfor March 20th on Wiîole antounit exivnded tii the bond matter, tehour bibcsngtw a cnicacofn h 1litra fdsiictoLakonB 14o ,9 Al iknw in 4ra jel 10 o'ciock. Total assetts, date- rîpt 2390 §4;Demnorats againatitviiblican niu h:;-LA . Johes.27; iI ( rîîîtlianl. libl iarîlLuxa,,Northi Chi- to take -harge of tite case, an elderly ltantlan Rnd bat Satda morni The signera o! (ounty TreaureIAtuaîvaliue of ! iiiîroiI..t-r nec Supervisor Henry Eger - Nîllîvi , ;E.Daley, 72; W,\ lîi8a. t cO_ womiiifinamed Nirl, Ykikuiliig InutrainliRe stn t Sta> mral * (i- p Wstrf~i~abod o~3iwttO tOtO ojlias ble-eu out or! liltis silnce Eger di- ,AVON.Trttstee Si-hools-John tonneili. thecneighbýorhcuod. atterped 1,irs.Ryles h elie wastrin lite aiao wbci reaie drngUc ratt. 1eîctos rotealon 0 - F ow ented hini a feu v(us n i e Town Clerk-liarnî iii t - to opîlo- 1Cîîîîîmtlaïsio:î- of 11 iglîca -JoCn iurlugconfinement Inqtpet 11 aicen- silchon. eiirîeilduetng see =potysician orui îid-wtfeabeîe gilllseowthe 0opposite direction. 1-is coms.hslOl entrarce ;reuljîtates a hard figlit insi-it iiaraMt namesilie Robertor Ddwimebs-W clp1 elapeettridte b rrs erthi oota 750 fsbcitond, --lihert,-Iilet thle lection In Aprîl,: Assessor-A. W. lia i -ho oppo __l n. Wben infection deveioped ihe co- -amunte oetDme-w pgo. aesinlAtheir deire 10s %et (Ile te cottîiany witch if they beca;se bt ieol rc testrong. bit !on. Ia ol e ig s h ypoBkohdfo b rih ri sihr rinithebditis scton hbailnlutreasury would romiîete te - Aaa 7. Msîî- ;G e i îow aesiîo:n Vesupervilrsnn olntdagsei:yîtts fel betwen the two trains. M t,ý beo:lwýn .*lt ra-Pine ai Aîîorl itirrrse was ithc defeat for1 oietooinand asa eslttheblodposon aîndsvrldepgse " hioetecen1 ras 1,id awodReiilc nmnainfrwprisr'dm,7.itLakicolintyeni seo ltesupie-l f days beforertiheepptysiclan w& tirer expeced wbet. tiis weokeiî for- equ ipiing te saine n ainuer to itcthetihilissssinnomination- for sutperaîsorr aperod maily discharged E. C.Wie. lite handle freiglit. express andlpisseng- lin War ren toc îîsitp yPemn'o igtayCmiso JIoî isong: caue i.ver. Deputy Coroner Coar«, mat pl.ce 17 Wsîefieî;inwishoitewrs.oi10.the nomination over Supei-vI-er, 1001: J. A. !,IcCn.IIr ' ali n a eat ugo on requtet of tcoraseItalîii Chirtenîden hy a vote of 117 ,olTrustee-Aýrti -ig. loi; DcîiliHero gîsdPafound the wme' endîo nsdd 51 ter iutiiAierd ict or yWbevi ie97.undayiedatternooiern.ghAaverdi, tt.I li tÀ ak new electrie car hu., tiat been 1,011 Foi, 8. aeysrosadavad15 ieb eît eltwartre whici signed thte bond. Webber on te mark-it is îcîaîîed the l, alnî iiîdfrWarren Township. Ela. Emil A. Fieke Lake Zurich. vrsrcmon ande oiad w be-orentldahwsrlmdI piacdtei-e by te banks te rarUe Vndecuîrrent car. -1 In Eledaforltrd Freemait Çîow, 11or Grant. Thonias E. Graitani,Ingleside. Icre oud t h gsieAta rste îuery !jteuery. 1ibthyeiieincnr B. garLibrt e omcoiled but witben t it mth-: i end has aceis iten bidttesueiLl a tI aabtersle spri oiainRalpit Ciittenden, 197. tville , lyB.EaIIbr3 an c anvse wsprvie onmtr.Hea qte11aa saen It ecadkobs wh duhetisueii hscr ia ietrsme (cmSeatli oîpoaed Supterviser Em li tgitway CoMmissioner l'ivd Gel- u huteab.TéIett fteds ç îind akeitato iehn thon tiany 'yet devîset.IL Iois n bv plmlnearvdsewspealduo "eY iw uttD«d e-crct u h ü ie nta f t ciaîb t tht' ltter won itetter tialtan XVernon, Afred G. NIsetiter. Prairie by women friends ta remain utihhome. iy dressed snd preseutean . ances, etc. -beinlectIdit'in theite i-ilcieponteasd 0f1 Tooewn (' lerk-Lco Fcn!iie. Thé pitysictan Informed thte SUN yen.- d apperc. H<i le ba"ltom Some lime ago te treasurer decid wiu tIdn it irb oie udf~ Wauconda ILt ail becai reported, s«so-Oca htIorWaukegan, iRobertîD. Wynnu, Wauke-teaystrontatle onW5liaiewaanAtinai ed ie oul ge alng ithut be t, irc-î.ls piaced lu a specilicasing ln titat Former Saîiervlsor Jack Raymîond -jstiesofrthesareWIi,îk iî. . gn edyatron httewmnwsta b a nAsra n h it o ui d vgte aongwtnty $12 'il, tte cnterof te trac-k and tîower 'i iotîd 01ppose Supecrviser Brooks, but j-BETN.- Naukegan, John iG. Deniocest Wou- digan housath ie cout. ii pe- fourtdIlu eurlnie Taald 11151 h butlite reallzed Il would lbe necessary Yil b'. -<-ochn Bat poIlle ji-did flot enter bhc race hence ',c. Thne Independent tt i (fîilows, Vo- kegan. diction jrovcd correct as eile died relatives lu Iti oar.I ta provide a new bond ln case ibe dis- levery e ettucigasaet , frooltb*as unopiiosedl. la'ikbntytiîiî îrebtWarren, Ralph W. Ciittenden, Gur iolyatr~frstnain as c"Jo." hu h*, rianner undernealt itecar. Inli0ot- SprislMehe !\'ro a*stce e e en , ave 6oo!fck. li h vomnreit ae bIs lait. na but b -isseâ Webber. Accordinliy itetook Sprie thro ernn i It wîll go on the balloit i - ition. ée Ieeldl t, ggepswt itlten- ln protid e lle!n..mkt., a sort o! thîrd rail witli- Below are sitawn te various tick- rAnsinstantitprpHior. p onF S- conda, rmid-wBoksi!u *o tendeoris . il ýws qine t aey weot'lu iotb amns4. andutai te receni session of jie su- ouIit e asuat danger. eis îttaced In thte field in ltrvnotta ono Cerop-Hrbît etDeied tislor ber- eor a believ~an t wu uillt agaiet il"tIst die $ d pervîsors, lie aonounced biis defire ta lowns.AseorM.amlg ger, Deerfleid. lwarrant would be swovn out for ber lots ldetiber. Tliey ig«b à,: biteelthe board aoeî,yt t e ,s E E OLCO -, tlE3YIJ j y-j~iA ~ ~ -The bodover meruiters o!f tetbosz4s.. over lthe aid, The board deciiedlite- SEESIN IFDRepublican. -BgtayC pas"e-oli a- ~-tgdbat2, * * 4Sw t hayCmisinpaItding te verdict et thé coroners cause lil eas expiaine& i oesof te Supervîsor-il, B.Eger, 97;n ot)-.- rw ntoiEretLSiits1nict J ie, laceptie te nid bondsmef l dsitown a ldtslre ta Position.5-hol cstct u avu IAvto, FenraC. dLS, Gays nioIw. rAiod> Dd he s e s. I on njousinpa wa. il lie released. Under te iaw. until ti-y JuryFinds Him OUiltY 0On Toîvît('lerk- W il eck-ar o ScolTuse-.. l ar. vn ier .E1adGrylle,,Saes touy aywenakdsopln nog owoki»' Two Counts Iopitioln. Justice o! tle Pt-,î WA. 'ira sBentong. lliram W. Ferry, Jr.,.Zion about titis phase of lte mabter de- lu titis Way ltey a.GoýeTlediRbr ci,\'nýcae httéofns fwihMi.ltl ôe maagd ta fINS Accordingly. Mondsy evening. Ircas- *Assessor-Frauk Nicitolis b> iis-Gog îa aîlhoni tnf,' Wn iel Theodore N. Clark,, igh- ksai Iigdl t glt'b fu ek an.akettelook - Couitro Iah], -r. sudlit dvetpt Il. r taiei-n hL'y , on. by order o! Jîîdge tî e-busxc Tax toilI ýtoc informai ballotPc-Fremant, Henry C, W. leer Fe tnehrairtîu for littaébor o ette e ita rnlvd a oni have W heia-at lhe j'aiîied on-te turned fu ndctiel utead of iso t-r Bock, S::;,Williamî Einsnian, .71;- i Hoove . n.MyerF Shrda toiniey to tanrthanyfo ea oe'dina t Teynnd ett Re ntisI lu signer! of thtefitrîtbond brîl -- nîcel as ILb cas crtnctili' xiei (,l sould be F. D. IilbLacd,. After Ilîrce ballots COMînitllt-ii- Aotge Rl KirI - of,! - montr nylgl rceinsngh n pu hengitl Wlnitoî hn ii WE.SctoeZiN ewport, James G. W%\els3h, Russell. nion a serionus charge. Her only o!- car. Thte next morniug tbay ing sud dreart) îtiis formai noire te rase. Tas iiicîiîîiscre ci nO oni- reneviig the naoit -ob .Wlîn oîl ieidnrn iSiia ansF.Rn.Lat ors.fns ni sl.I st eil'l lîi> ha h> cal al t aica it> snttoTr.sicr \Wester- ,turned aganntoForierlita lolînitor lîhr. cliticew. On tle final ballot db't; H îto norîesfr aieaS ai outraShridanukc- o1f a fnse asaigdl rc rak 0liiaoT tey h t hicteld snt: Tea A lG.Slteu s. Boci, îeeied 93îiand Einmen W o!î cor wi e i ili o irges aodi. ofA. gun. ticiar C nrd.Wake o n ofednse awiholl e a tiruse, lite t ofanChclagaon n is elaI t ht.îîdî 211;î, Thostcifternt'eac lenry u\.Eblrlav. btSI udfh cceived ninetl Wauk-egan. Heur>' Dea-on, Wa.ikc- Witether or unetlite stale bOard Offarigttaiapocbu To Carl P. Wesîi-rlelii, Ictind..8 iou lei be, orvtsalr.tcBurgess seventy- gan. eIah. iVE U Yt e>'tnraied 0 I roac s (jounty Treasarûr of te tount0>o!ftENION IIANFORTII Sirdcr t and 12 catteriliton n ifornial bai- - four-otes- us hal tinactinth.oteri cngetl. ctcheya rided tiat îwontf Lake In te Stule of lilinois: - 150'DON FRAIA.iEIIAND o tý oîOn fornmat halloS MVE. liaviare - lasAIGT WîTHDRAS _______casirtt a ide îng IL - Witeneas, a lIhe Limea te t"ter- C'E SHAFFAR-Bîrgtary. ceived 42, tîcre being 9 satterlng WAUKEGAN. AGTWHD WSPsethnwkig slgned sined youc bonij as cotut> SFIiA FAR-Burgiav. Illîghway (omniiîsioicr <nriTite W aukei fîy5 tickets weca'i FOR ENGLEHART. treasarer, you agreed titat o .il SiE~<.STEVENS-Eice- i). istctl E. tL. Bavs, 48,. ~Engle.namds edlais go, as fliows: DI lpsTitat Tiiere isOne LegsiCaite train whitred paI Domike qî0 4 ~~retain Inyu fieacmetent lerk ment. becry, i.. Republîcan.DeipssCn SO-CALLED 14ILK TRUST ni adqS4I h to ri to be named by us; ASAIIEL G. STEVENS WVithitold- Sellant Truste (Southu distic)- C. For Assistatît Sitiervisor - Jobhn 1 iaoFor Cçngress Than There u4 u auitlteia Shh And, ehegreas, >ou base di.arharý;ed îîg îpublie funds. YF Wright, b>' acclamation.lnmr.X JSnso:J mWsWldrwiHisigeadBRE O EIE UEEb'semsdaoen sud ist ~î said clark viitout tnl'e ta. usu d l ieidcaet lvn scîr Town t ommitteeman-.1j S, ridieyj mon;us lesaG.5 Wcib; Théeodore Bil.EN!AVNEFR W5 11S itIt ol sceeim wî ttirou t a un; ausehitaving beeeiausîand Titomas C oriett'C . FrSinule, Gerg uthi-iLas fThursila>ua imeeting lu('hi- NEXT SIX MONTHS. or net lts companlon hal caught . cd tiierefor te us;c l itaing ebezied unda wait h DSpevso-.E.mocrir FrTono Jrk eogoptltn -go o! a conîmitîc romposeil ofthie tride aiso. Now, titerefare, you are stereby no er ate-t.Seeswsct o-P-sn friands o! George P. Engleitard and RESULT MAY BE THAT MEMBERS Tite nexl moment tie wvast at lified taI te ndersigned wxo are osetr t litier ciySle u as iad.oi sition. For A-,aeasiit lP.A. Dunn. Geo. . litigitt, btht progressive lRe- 0FMLPR UCSABN itrustn hoetakscel I Burettes open youx' Officiai bn sbond fudriilrttflesnm suersolr W.E.Nîor, -Robert M:t:w. OF a anhae orCnrs i esdMLK PcODUCpn' ere wili beagcrd ta bfl siler tikse Ini ni.ul ofh TrepooklowArhu. 1For Scitool Trntee-Edwerd Spauid titis District, ILwasa determined titt MVRFS SI. fotbspsto alt arvs Laike, terlafore approvad yt»'lie Yug&CmayofCi-g Lws Coletor-Gerry FiaMcr. no opposi- iug, NiMr. ictugitt stouid witdraw froot lte TeCtia -between lte twa lraiks sud a ait Youubad fsil cut ) Lkcagdta o!es a hotl is ino iiha 'mIsInrBrýrcel ao fMr nlhrgo TeCiaomark-et ptines of îniik senger train passai, so close ia> déie ali elaed rotsuhbodactargd liaI Stveusa-as hortin its William ard KitaMn. teuitdspor fergleitr, 2for lte next six montha verefitxed marveiied aI itis escape. rd4 auonis. is arresl did nIt ake Mmn uCmnainrsupr !lt rge-Frida>', Marcit 15,»bi te Borden Cou- Aititougi tai njur-c,, W' nov bond as sncb countl>'treasurer placeunutil ate dsys ago sud lhe ls Scitool Trusee-J. I. Bradley,. no eected-R. Mt Ingalîs; B. E, Clark-e; traitedtounue man. lrom nuw on Mr.n.o >advuce over lte sanie pcrlitof o!passedtsud loed te ses toc bis sih ufcetsrte ihnt till lu thte canot>' jali, lavlng beau opposition. W. B, Smith. Haigbt ciii vigorousi>' supîport Mr. En-laIys.adfn.Amibaefoto- via'-sfften tsricesoftitinnates una"el unsi iebns f$.0. Fromont Townshîip. Demociratic. geihard and ai lul ear ounlte stump lembars o! ek Nlilk ProdUcers As- sud ciotitea oe it ietl dasaler lteseric 0ftiisnotce Dsuoht.a cloai an sailalid ov terkFnnk olitColecor(hrle Bheafotiiot sciaia. co r litlasumist ee-te itfaienits avlerundr 11 upon your, dt the mande, o! is commun lac Aasessor-G. M. Traul. Assessor-Wiliiani A, Melody, As te nul>' progressive candidaete thirdis o! thte Chicago suppl>', .siertteheeas ai lte passeugor traifl. (Slned cv'rng nîgiefe, Llu Wc8ver, vita itela said te Çolecor-H. C. Payne. Assistant Supervisons - Timotby' for Cougresa ln te Teutit District, Mr.te>'y ltcease ta furuilsitmilk nWII0n The accident tasi leon ct0u Afred W. Meade;C.euWrgt have abat dowu ln cold blond lu bier Justiceo!fte Peac-F. M. Smith. Speliman. leury Broecker, John Ku- Engiebard ta prepaning ta carry ou a lte Samien compan> sud alter dil"- h' aaisdts> usdbt1 jas 1M. Andersan; David H. Jackson; home ucar te Southt Genesce Brel liighway Commssoner-J. S. Bain- hn looasdatvecmagkgis n nietcpetc'are c.ylng. sistsa ad lte njut .ho t 007.A. tlb.bridge sone lMtie lime âgo. Up t o tloin.min M li. Westeroeld said te te SUN te pésnt lime Danfort bas made loIin.1e -t~C UBA. Fuslaid Paullu. Ha spent bOturda>' Ttc producers dcmand 3% cents a carnitt t eot v b~M tisaItise requstatrain tise V bauds- ,D~o fcil a ttaent vith tt Se c o apposton P.Bckit For supervlsor-Pired Kinselner. aftaruaon sud stenling lunHighland qs. vrg o t clsxmnia ~ lhertevaépoli uDr. 8t alla ta0bal relaici from thebn N postoFanp frdllcor PTown (lerk-Emil F. Scitsede. Park, Higbwoad sud Lake Forest sud Tite sa-caltad i lit trust dictatedIth eds i'juies ltbodceptian of grautiug uesapapet Inter. itici cas oasily avercotue. 1&1I151 For Assessor-E. W. 1111e>'. euvr'mctanorgdyts ai pîea %c sa art avernsse. At s nual mc tSu ca ae beaue te roaîedmarelatavies. He btas ul yet securcd an at- Fishter hing opposlng candidate,. For Colerlor (vote for one-Miies prt ta is receling luntone ctllai.The new scitedule fonrlte summer isononi.faddinthu i Ie ostseml>'am5uehmtortne>'and th ello! ili taI h ie ilVernon TOwnshlp. TlLmen WliRekts.A.Scrcopilcnion1 bais ti tnesluWu-moîîsfo 00poni ! ilviicsd O * e. hWiS tey dot d e sis aould kec Il udaune lte courn le anpoint ane for Supervisor-A.(G. Mietor. -Far Hughes> ' ComttssIanr-Wlti kegan on naxî Waduesday aflernoon. ueull ata at'clt urs te prots r th e ud as iluciltmft pense te tise coanl>' ta face o! tise fie bt n Tovn Clrk-C. C. Gerbert. Paddock. sud ou Wednesda>' evoning will itoud as given ouI b>'te Bonden campan>'.ha vas absoult t climit about bé tta hocoli et sc bnd l Ion t l he previaus Indictimeut ralurnedi Assessor-OG. M. Wiiner. GRANT. a aml>' at Hlgisvood. If the voaltaer follova; April, $1.30; MaY $ 1.05; fogt ri.Tsr eon a roim Uattehae ms n isagainsl temFrsiicgb and Staffan Colctor-Heunry Weildner. (Reptiblican.) lis ai ail favorable talie lIprobably>'Jane, $1.00; jul>'. $1,30; August, $1,45; or iatte a hiait couisihelp tu idiew aof l k.eb4iseckO-&1Mulnb v ere ciarged vwita rglsry s an- lie -Iihway Conmissionr-S. T, F0010 Supervisor-Wilf Sîrattan. soîd an open air ral>' ln Waukegan at Seplembar, $1.50. t>' tcictim aund despitetiet Ioet fl eli ittison-bil ndamon cy. Theetadictlment rolurned tola>'Scitool Trustee--CaSis Maou. (ilerk-W. M. ErDât. aI ite corner o! Washington sud Genes-___________ j Ilfole »lt. ik'tste le or chsrgestemvitit bunglar>. Tblaisu 4Constabie (la fill vacacy)-J- C. Assesson-Harr>' Daimil. seasîreels ou Satarda>' avening lte tsIh poa 0b i h in dfi Ba im o. tW5Item Ifold i b'eeudoue b>'te ulate's attorneyT. te Hoofleman. Ilighway Commssalouer - George 23rd. On Sanda>' eveniug. the n4tit, OAIRY QUESTION IN DETAIL beas usai to!beotr ci~tA5 toaagsml li.Wstraneil 4 teghnbscs gi hm latonTownship._____tisere lano ce>' of convoyt bà , ta do no sà ho butas " lirte arnltnbscs gis tm hTwsl.Jcsn a u drs etn ult i-Ex-speaker Shurtleff ExpIalns3Milk tormation ta an>'ofahibilads. ___ S-.u 1 aervisor-E. A. 8¶che. 168; C. G. Wulai- aekWlh, h.îI ri llo!Iba in ett. Lgst