'i COU14TY INDIRPENDENT, PRIDÂY, MARCH 22, 1912. J4.LY. SUO.I ç.ut~sforth. V. s. . t.-E4y,<~~4 lt ,3Q p. a Cem». t.rn.o Id - gvlsutiyNet MARH SALÉ Cs buinsa Tonica ' FOX LAKE MesdamsL5.Tbompso, L. Co Thoo, Olaon, 9Ch... Pu&dlonpes SDelmr snd Scba"r wers Chlcal esuers Wedeoday. NUV&Jt. W. Xltbbsn Md son whadulagd rmii..sma rimode er*yM*aad'cm l u at week,1 1.d kM UIoada. Mr& 01. Lt. eti Sd chdren @psut tk butt.pswrof tue wssk wth J... News ad Mg fat'~ UbenrtyUle. C. N.'Spriug tS amunda sud lum Vysmhieghaasi i cago, l'peut lai ib Y dBod Y s.imt *$b0 àb ea wvdais ibIs veek vii 96o0- -thamtraaaactod businesslf ifaubea. seai of iii. vosi. Au«ON- IF Tb@ enudsgusd havingdilded ta<quit 554 fan Ima Tý01 SI leU. ... 0 75 fa'IIm àeII'a pule*cino- lrsIullla Teaie. 1 battis......75 Ï a 55raieRal nd oe flv r 01o attiioa, fi batil.. 75 mieoanis ofLantb'é Conerslfat:6. leod i. Mdi i,". plat battié ...75 t0wu of Warren on Mnarh 26, 1912. Veuiab~ Ca~,ua Sibat..... 75 0eomeclg at 1 U',lkcisharp, the Compoued %Y . <Hîpophp oflowng propsity:îBai= team, Bsud ites, 01.25..................... . 20 9 yeara aid; 8-yesr-old ecolt, yearling FOtUO5, 8 bottles for ...... ......2.50 colt, 6 opringtere. 1 8.yesr.old hellsr Sboops ilptoratlve, 8 bottie...2.50 comlng lu eoon, 3 2.y.an- oldhsfara SBoop'O Rheumot&c. 8 bottila.2.50 2 shoo4ts, 200 bashel ont@, 40 babesi w PvSapRt. 8 boule..........2.50 vbest tors or ls., corn lu crib, 20 toum 111.ovl&i al 81.00 Patente St the <.laba. about 6 e: rs. a lu iock, eau. price ihroughouî ths noteofs taci of! vhaat an rye e5mev, saiy Match sud April. pIow. nldlug catîvator nsed on. seson, Rtemomber we guarsaise every botie iowlng machine, hors. rais, Kepsioue Fe Of eisilResmedés ansd rsfobdyour bar loader. 200 gg Iubaton oand mOOey.lfYnu are not doled. brooder, creot Lpaator 400 Albe.. ________________________capacitiv, barrel chuta, bard coal heorer,1 Cook store col onWoodi, @mafi lester, DrU LStoregond equore estenlon table, bedateai TheR jx f i an tresd spings, 1 dozea chire, Isyn -' mOen ser. wing machine, ottiar hase ORAYSLAE, ILL dBoo ,and otLer article, o Usuol terme DRUCE DRUG Cu. ,.VoSiL Aflwi,,eer. Anod b u bl edfnUt b udno OFoA ULT U i o t ePse evIn.Tl-ea utafwsml ue o o ll w he iiO si D O et nel ety aletep ol T o itIp ratl h u bro etnisy uby wt v o la o @p n .C m oo rofc ort ep o ead w iic n ic yo ohtui& o r unn ORCA orba nt r toutng on to mch mney ,'Hôm A WL Co Lie" . M. Rainbow, Mfg. Con 7% PERCEN T ' ounI Cumuative Preferre i St.ock, secursd by aIl assets, fand, plant, hotldings anad mach uery of the ('ompauy; also by an îîîsurauce policy ou tb0 life of ihe Sortary and Treosiirer of the Colunay payabfle te itie Company, thu4 making it one of th. sfZsi, toast s sbstaîatial and conservatîve secaîri- ties it iî possible for an itîve'aîor te) purchaseý Over two hundredper cent protection, and an asopured constant iucr.-a'tu. N aobettv-r ofe-guardeoould Le ibrowu around an issue of stock thon ibis Comnpany has pIaoedtin ibis issue of $28 ,oo0 pre-ferred stock, and no betierpree aution could bc takîti, or asecd for by an jure-ton vho seekes mfety in the mtter of his invetment, with good mre on his money. 1 This stock ie nov heiag affereti et par SI100.00 per share, as a local investinent (altbough for sale teaail in- vestons). NVe do nlot etîleu sucli an iuvestment witb the conditions sarrouridin tht. one, sbould be on the market aiy leagth of teë. JFiret corne, frt served, je our Mete. We know the.sliiîy 0f ibis enterprin, oand recot- moud oar bnvesting friende, and cîjeaiele,, the paresees of ibis stock. The pistil îe rigbi ber. un our 'aidet; ha. a national repitiotion and htbîaîss business rating; ie con- servaîely managed, anal b44 an earning aepiciiy far in excesa of Is fixed charges, wbicb conii onîy of ibis issue of preferrtd atçek. .W. eau a4tisf y the inosi ekeptiual inventer of the sofety of bis puphm. ,-We invite on eâýly application for ehores. They &M goi4n fait, and vs feel assared ihat no investor eau purohaeý' a eeven per-ceut, invesiluent wvuS substanti&f assets, a live, prowioic basinss. mas veil as au insuance policy covWnlg th« satire bette of prefçnred stock tei proteci hie invegsteiwhihouî gréât difficaty. This in eertaialy a geouf as Bona-F 'i& intvesîmentinw every particîlar, a bomne iadnsiry antd s chance 10 invesi yonr fuado in a legiti- mate business- O UA»! BE .CONVINCED; Get beneath the Ri1oView the bright raya of its fatau. Stock for sale 'vile it teste; et par $100,00 per ahane, sevetiSper cent.gs'a-Wteed. A. R. SC E&COMPANY invrs, oigsand Savin s. of, flro ial. go. pas- p - rcEio I I Z Rda., Ojieva Taies isi Job Wes<c Advartlesig tes On Applicatie at Lfb. Mi"e Catherine liccana is gettlng &long aicely ai the ifaukegan hospital. Arthur Nelson returned homne froin Wesley bospitai in Chicago. tirs. J. A. 8trang ban been sici bat ai prewent vritlngis botter. Mmr. J. 8. Dentan retarned ta Chicago Taesday ai ibis week. tir. and tirs. E. A. Martin gave a ahoyer la bonor of Mrt. snd tir. Paul- eau Tuoaday. Be,. and tir. A. W. Safiord ver. CJhicago sud Wbsatan visitors the past naek. D. M.* White irsusaci.d business in Chicago Vussday., A iamify fromIn ovabLas mave i mia tse Harofd Mitto cottage. The Volunteer clams entertaîned the Keystate claie ai the home o! J. B. Donner, Satnrday. LAKE VILLA MIr. sud lMra Carl Soreuson are re- joicing aver the arrivai ai' a baby daugh fer. Mr. and lire. Berit Galigber sîaeuc Sun- day ai Frank (ialigher's near lugieide. tir. and Mmre.Yans Sorention aud eou Oscar sud Le. Tweed aud datightars vere Fart Hill risitors on Suuday. Vincent ticCaran i. entertainiuig tbe neasies. A Colsi, LaGrippe, thon Pneumonia la ioo aiten the fatal -seqaenoe eaid cougbe that bang an wesien iLs systein and lover the vital resietance. Foisys Bouey and T.t Compound le a reliable niedicine thai stops the caagb prampîiy hy healng tuae cause; sootLes the lu- faines air passages sud check's tLe cold. Ko.p alvays an band. Reinse.octL- etitatis. Faorsais by ail D)rugglsts*. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURCR OF ,marble and Granite 'Moiiumenis Cemetery Work of Evory Description Crrespondence 5oIIciffld PORT HLL Professonal Csv<ill Ir.A. J. lirener sutentaiaed ber .E Churcit Serimces. dote,0Ia. n. Clan u of Osse1u oer ilait Thursday sud Fui Ial. 1Ma0ia. M.Mlesmeting. Bey. J. fB. DE 0. P i TraceDavis andi fantuly'hove niovesi 1030 a. mi. PreaüLing, Rev. W. 1,. VUTEEIÂR WÇUN to Aaîiocb ehere tbey vili lIre viih ifhippIe. SubWst, -VhsCoitrageons o STIVD~ lire. DavIs' father. Christ." rtb George Davis of Bristol, Wl.., va. 0:45 p. t. Rpvoru.i LAfeagasv. mois,- am vi.ted relatives andi nsubor ersIst 7. p. tu. Preucbng, Ber. W. L. ue IrSi. WhisppIs. SmLX. "Fo vsus" Dm ~~Mouday. 7 c0, hetrs Vraininug Class. PyiinadOre Uns. A. J. Plisynons f Volo, la speasi. Weduesday, 7:80 Prayer sertesonsaennieanctmDu tacn a lsv day. iavreaki nlîbber ,Hu5Ommoe .î. i BeroSIn daughter Ndre. L. V. Lnai. 8- - 5....i. . .a - u-ý---- the lot se, ri rk, ,Î 't C- od id George Thonipeon rmceved a neit Gracs BSuma, Rutt Doanelly sud Tuwmiud Saisit nscsft'edperleci. sien. dises slips lait ouh. Gras Banms n d George Thonipson reelved 100 la thelr exa&Mntions it Bsvsrd carda vers givut lu ahihmete to Oaa. Thonupson, <lIen Louglmire sud1 Ruth Donuelly. The childrea are coustrnctng datch vindufllsasdkitea thia vosi. Thers »v as il aî tsance Frlday Lecanis of! the etorin. We are glsd of Leuraslieu ell's re- covsry andi hope tO bsve ber ai echool agafin 8soon. The irei and second grades b4.a their Aldins Readere ibis vesi and the third and foanih grades commenced ibeir Gyr's and Appleton Readena itweek. Thomevh o recelved stars ln spfling lit erek were: Towsend 8mith. Gruesg BaUMan1, Earl Devis, Oso. Thompoon. iia.mond Boettcber. Bath Donnelly,n Mildred D)avIso and Rayntond'Luok. t The third grade agnage eda@is _V learnhng,,ThsBlueird" and tLe iourth grade Lnflo' "LlrnsHaut." Barker's htemedy tLat'@ the naine Cures and prevente. Notbing ie it Ifor i cougbs, colds, catarrb and rheumatiatm. 6Guaranteed and for sale ai your drag e LROUND LAKCE 'Rosing & Coverse ahlpped two car loade of stock Snnday alaht. Rose Shumaek retarnsd to ber home in Chicago Saadsy evening slter s two ees is it wlth ber sioter. Mir&. Emil Wfickersunt. Clora and Anna Molidor sud Clara Plielg vere Chcago visi Lors Monday. Martin Thellee ixmuch improved ai the Monroe street hospital sud la expected home iu a few daya. Statua Attorney I)ady and Herbert Coulsan from ifaukegan, vers visitors i trwn Monday. Elazai Coopmau and ber mother retuned ta Chicago alter a few veeka vioit ai the home of jo., Fi tz. Eima White was a Libertyrille visitor Monday and Tuesday. EvaSoreason attended the dance ai Antioch Monday. John Tutti. aud famiily leave Satar. duy for the western part of Indiana viiere h.0 bas taketa a position inaa creantery. Mr. Tutti,' bas been foreman St Forest Gien Creaimery the pa@t two years. Born.a, ta ir. and irs. carl Soreuson, Friday, Match 8thî, a baby girl. The ParishOnrrs of the St. .fosepb's Catholic chnreh are much plessed to annonoce thât On SudaY, March 24tb, tup tirst mass viii be read St ten o'clock lu the uev cbarch jupt aompleted. Rev. A. J. Thipe of Clacago wl ofieatp. Father Thiele bas taken a great Interesi In thus nev churcb and we are certainly marse than ple aoed to have hum give the tirt blessings. Nagili Boom Grows A tramendous wave ai sentiment favorable ta thes aadidscy of Senalor Hugh S. Magili for UnitedStateo @enstor lias beau sweeping aven the @tâte of Illuefs duriug the lat vesi and L&8 caused rsjaicing ai the Progtreseve Repuhlesu beadquarterý. Important dselopmente ln the campolga bave occurred ihai have plared a nen polish apon the chances i Magif l'e electlon and maie hum the feading candidate in tLe four-cornened coutest. Oas ai the mtuesiguificani turas that bas tâten plaace in the casapaign le in tihe attitude of thie daify prisa ail over tLe sate. FraJm a moe passive lüterebt, the leadiiig dai lies sncb as the Chicago Tribune. tii. fociford Repablo, iLs Springfild Register and the Dison Tsfea-sp bLave eudorsesi Sonator Maglît stnOnzliy on iheir editanlal psge. ne bai ai so heen igly pralidby the Rerafd raitecrîpi and Le Stan ut Peoris; theSterlinW Standard; the Joliet xeya; OaIebîfg ail su idreds of »W anpst of 6;4r Impotac iom Lon"sand 4 Edoh Dsby "Met B. J. Leftua let Tnooay for the nord 'O lstorday aSolndag i tthlr home at <o net Baaouhsr load of potatcea trou th Wgmnot Wle..hieif@km i la teoàin. Mr. Lofti Mr. and Mr@. Wm. Olii. retnwud lutig Bmd 1600 bisukl of potatos f rou a* riay «flming trom a bndami t o elgbt &acre t kl..d iies uyéear wbid Madison. Win. Thsy liTuesday tp w Cu 0 dstui a iwrrgond cro0. -1 apend suer& ai la U Louf#. Air.& Allas. Wibha bu .e penuing ilw te am Nori. apSisi aturday MSuIn. Wltt5M W*bipmansd River Foret der at ber bomnta Oliver Lake. retned t. bu hume ot Gages Lske 0 H. . Dookl.'lt Mondai for BiLcLaad TuedW7. i. 7405t1 @Petut «y"*i O 09$Yt7 Win., cm a bedone t rip. Thi wes wltb bODI0.17doter ai Osi Pari, iç tir. Docos4e'aformer home sud St o» eWho diei t we-VOs à dm'a b. owrned aivéral larme <ber. Ni9- III hOÏI#bek of Woodatocli Statue Attorney Dedy and Attorney sicippitila ont tow» for a short vki. Co1-iof 0<Wauiegan, câlled on fiende TOOeaDs On h«i sa home fron Bril. bhm Monday. ton. Mia shboop epet <lis esi sud wlth ePrmtsJuiH. Vici0e.colled ber sdster at Waniqgau. (on ftredibits TOesid. Id r. Viciera la Hear Kebis taaiac.d usinss t scandidat» for repreietaiive &gain tbfg Obicio M~sdajr.Two caloada of hoga were shipped P. C. Wlbur returned Tneeday frontsa Ir iiithesteM fari Moaday and mouiha business and piment trp csnînred the top market price. lisceatly through Tzai.th-ie arlosil o!L swere oblpped ln A slelgh lond of yonng folk@ qtprnled and ezported iD England et the rate or 1Calyle Drou ansd wve euet of this place $92 a hbond. daturday eveaing. Lee Savfge roerned home blonday L. Y. Sfio. waa lu Wauke gan ont alter spending tbree or four da3 s witl basiness. Monday. bisl oncle, Sol LaPlant St Antioch. The Taylor Laike Hôtel at Taylor'@ Rensember that vs keep commuta. Lake i@ nov opena for business, ntany tion railroq6d tiriets on botb roads. Improvemente hen& made for the con- Drue. Drag <Co., GraYelake. vetîlences of the gue"i. We are 91M tu ta tte thai [Jr. Plmer. R. &Churchil made a trip to thp coanty wbO retarned front the Wct.ide? hospltaj seat Moaday. lest week la able to vioit hi. parents ut Itemember we guaranîe &l elilMito, io., for vhihp4-i,,f t Itemedieis aud refond vour money if vonTaesday. Mr. Palmter ai Ceon John. are uot satiofied. Drues Drag Co., will join hlnsthere kriday. Grayelake. Ileeavage ha. accept..d a posiition 0. P. BarrQn visited relative@ la with the foaewild Pres, G,. Chicago thie week.Iies Margaret >MacKay, %nl, les@top. Services n Sxt Sanday even ing ut the iug et Rofewild cottage eNl,rt Satun. Episicopal Mision, begninig at 7:30. day and kýinday wjth frierIdeil, (Pi'ago. dubjeci, "The Two Worlds." Everyone invited.Town Primaries Mir@. Spalding ailter spendiag several At tbe iown Primarieq Iamt Satnrday weeks with lber danghter. lMra. Palmner the followiug offier@r wer.' naaaniinated retnrngd tolier bomeat Iilton,Tnesday. 1 Hàrry RîcL. clerk; Wayne llarvey. T1he snany friends of Miss Ushel asseor; John Mst. laffor J. Johnson drove out to ber home lant Hacker, roadcontmsaeioner.Wýait White, Friday svenuag la a eleigh load sud gave seuPervisors. There vs. no opposition ber s pleseaut surprise. onlY lan<the office for collector, la vhich Clifford Shanis sud wvUe @peut Non- (jeu. Adams vas a elose second receiving dey eveiag vih the latter'. parents, 72 votes ta Usion 73 vote@. hi. j Mir. snd tMrs. C. Allen, where ibey vere .tated thât Adants vilI rua on tLe et.rpriaed 1-y several of the aeigbbors stump. bat je not iuow as yet on wbat who came ta @pend the evenlng. ticket. To the Voters of titis, the Eighttit Sqntor1al District After bovin3 received'*requ«osand encouagemtent frontdesnocrats iu ulmeat ever tovnshiip linbis district, I gava ith. matten very curefui investigation and huve decided ta become a cadiduts for "lne *t reproseutative, subjoci te ith. cfhie. ot-r, us expresiedet t he emourai primeries te be bsN osm Aprif 9, 1912. Bsliering ituat itheexpeiencs and kaNovlsdge whiclt i ucqufred durlnq thse long taros,!offourteen yeurs 1 served &à ;, momereof ils. Coati Board of Spervisors ef Laks Couaty, bol"g Chah-mmnibis tenue, as veU s, CChfrmuu of theBoarnd of eviev, botter qualife mo to serre sud repreon5t -the people of thia district in the statoegRualire thun antman vho bas net hud tsabanfit of sncb experience lu publie affaIra, I foal confident of succoma, and if elected te the office te wich, f aspire, 1t vI iove allegfiauce te ne chus qr faction within tbe-Democraîic parti, au àfi n l eMy only deine te serve sU uike. iu"idtshe teof thiis district te siudyMY rescord of fonsissnaya as a mehr of th~ e u aiup"h freethtIe tow"sip snd lin.thequ*ny la twos4ppsigithavWoea-b aibz Isi Freobytorian Servie« Uomngterrku 10M0 sub ot. .Jesai Tasisasu," <br rd d ou ihcro cyenime survies 7:».. *JmuIguor. Sucs" fourtt Word op the crues. 8=1£wtî mei Bag momma gMn. va m. N inUlhave a short citidrmus Snntobo ecadlug the r MS.ar"ao. Vhs paete aregsqustsou pissashsr ibis =anld sud hlglehJdro. ?80,~~~ ubetfrNch27. -"TIts ai. ah achool at 12 o'clock. if. bava rmtfor imore cholsrea. l.a aton vesis Il enugh lIneno.i i. choya ithe Sudoy achool library i Ibe reopsued. Rverybodv not affllsd vlth aay of of the local chu res la aiid <o blpus fa Our vork. Yoars lu thie "aser'e service, rRural Route Examination AtLbotviliifaniegaffn and Hgh- land Par , inI.. for Laie coaaîy, satur- dey, April la, »112. Ths Unitedi Staies Civil Service Coin- niltfaica uones an ezaminaîlon on the date sud ai the places aams ovs, asa_ reauit oaipvih e. là -PsCteIo c talie certificaion to f111 a vscsncy in the position of rralfcarcler St Laks Villa sud RulasnIad other vacancie an tbey msy Occur on rural routes ai post office in tLe ahOve-named county. The u-sual eutrance safari for rutral carriers lei froin $600' to 81,000 per a&noum. Age buit, 18 to 55, on the date of tLe je walved in cases o! persoas honorably disehargei from the Unitedi Staie@ militar,' or naval service. An applîcant muet have bis urinal domicile iuthe territory snpplled hy a post office fa the caunty for whlcb the sxamnutiou la îiaoned. TLe ezaminionileopen to il mals citizen@ of the United States irbo con comply viib tbe riqatrgeti. APPlication. Form 1841, sud tul lui. formation cOacenng tbe reqaîremeute 0f tLe examination, est Le secursd Irmm the Scrstary of the locafl OIMulnfn board or tLe poatinseter ai ony of thse Placie naned above. or iron the U. S. Civil Service Commisuon, ifashîgion, lThe IN69PILNDENT ha@ more Bahb- o.sse. aMd 8l tihe bM At adrtî Mao"ea la tae muiy. IBEST YETi Stave Silos]I Write or Phon. . B. HOEM -Phono 14-L GrayMEalalt UKM11M. 't "~i j oAUES PROPERLYFli DR, C. IL GALLOVAy. ROOa-rom 1 to 83sud 4se 8 >. Puj. MAC OUFFN. ., A'1¶OENy AT LAW. DE GOLDING DENTiIS'p k J. EI Trlgga Bull4 vltb Dr- J. L.Taylor-4shone 19 "ie. Phous 1092 lbertvvliIs. Illinoi DE EL IL SMITH 3VER LARL COUNT? j,ftTIoNA S Ouu-8 te '42 &a..ni.sd 1 to ap s DAILY. iuot lbertyvUIinoi DR. 1. L TAYLOR,~ ornIe OVES J. au. TErnes DL». 00t;»:-7 ta 10 s.-nm. 2 to 4 sud 4S1» 8 P.-'aM. fIfeuxs -,'uaBroadvay. opposi» te eu.La ER . V. SUITtg GENERAL PRACTICE. Hluurss te 10 a. m. $gt u 7to à~.U Om es over Bar tnnlsmre SPEOIAL AITUM0TloTaTEE LIDRTy'VILu. LLtdOIS MArM NC. DUCICE utie. Opp. lItai i8 Lictri.sut»o Office Phone 848 Bon. PhoneI 800 NOXTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS GATZERT &POILE~ AUCMINEEI part Sale. ld ai - . . Canalgument &JSais ld ai - a, Write or Phtons 278 W 1 STRADIVARI I SuN Eiteellisteand nil Nu" l»thsW. Muil, uaI. S W. IM. APPLEY Aùctloncer FARiI SALEBS ONE PER CEiNT LibertyislIle, 111. PHIONE 143J. PUBLIC AUCIONElUJG auction sales sud Lest reenliluhst tag saine. Afi kida of armes, wagons@ad harassa for sale or exeboage st aU ti'aeg. HENRY SINE Phono.. 148 or 48 MION CItY,&ki P. OrMMeTsi. 26-UIU R.Luejoy, foL M (irabbe & Laugher EXPERNCED AucToND*m Live Stock and Ir" Sale> -a SpeciaI~y. -- - - ____________ I I .'i~ SLFLIIWILC iAIUE Unr ANIS NFSU fl~ Farmers, you kaov by our old wsy /.! feediag corut staîks we lbase 40 per oetiof their feeding value. W. maât ae ibis feed. The SILO is the oaly way. THE IDEAL SILO is tbe onîy silo that lha. hinged doora, outomatia take. ups to preveut Silo falling dova in summer. The onîy ase ladder antd, mosi important, ith. ouly silo yon con I fulIl. Itwili pSY YOU to inspeci TRE IDEAL SILO. .Add ress 1 DEAL SILO CO., Chicagog hIii. Or Agent, R. G. 1100K, Lake V86. 10. Phonie lOR Round lAi. ge Ir- or lit ke -1- @MOOL NOTU CUN YOU ASK MORE Your Xoney Back for the Aaking. You Prondie Nothing We are so confident thai we con furnisb relief for indigestion end dys. pepelo that we promise toauppli the medicine fres of ail roi to eveny on. e ho noma i according tu directions who tla not perfectly satiolled vrith the raSaIt. ifs exact nu promises and put Do one nder any obligation whatsvsr. Suroly aoting could Le foirer, W. are located rihtbers wbere yon live, sud ont repuaion should b. safficlent aar. sueof the geaaiaene of oar offer. ifs vaut every oae vbo'laintroubled cwith Indigestion or dyspepela lu any formn to conte tu our store and bny s box oi ResIli Dyspepos Tablete. Tsi. tbem bonis. and giv. thein a reasouabl trial, accordiag to directions, If tbsy don't pissas you. tell ns and vs *111 qalckly retara vont money. They have a vsry ntuld but positive action upon kîte organe witb vhlcb ihey t'oinslu contact, apparsntly acting as s tegala. tire toaie apon he relaed illuscular coat of the howel. thas overcontiug i eainesa, snd aidlag t auren the howels to more vigoroas and healtby actihlty. Tbroealses, 25c. 50c, sud $1.00. Rementher yon cou gsi htezaîli emedlee onfy ai ont stars.-Ths texall Store. DmCKEIL & Boita. Libertyville, 1f11. 1. .- silosl Silos!