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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Mar 1912, p. 5

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LARE COUNTY NnEPENDENT, FRIEDAY, MARCH 22, 1912. iOur Customers Land they can get beter iGrocie, better prie«, Ibetw mOericc than cise- ïWhe. If you want. lue FreE 1 Groceries eh1 7ý you sboul d dca! ith us. tgwouitia~os Soupe,4 Vegetables. Meaus, Fwitu, etc.. They am te .but tita money ýill'buy. We mRa fflpcwak of TEÂ AND COYM and wilI guarantee every plSseyou. pound you buy here will Je IEIi Triggs Ruber oods The season of SLUSH and RUBBER FOOT WEAR lis here, are YOU prepared? We carry the Glove brand of Goodyear rubbers, and the Good- year and Mishawaka rubber boots ln both short anti long lengths. We have redueed the price on A LL rubber boots for a few days, do you want to take advantage of it? if so corne ini and let us fit you out. The lntest things in Spring hats and' Negli. gee shirtà aretwin i. JE VER Y THNG FOR MEN jB, Morse 8& Co, -- PH ONE 14-= Lmibertyville, - -- -iMinois. lI IBRTYVILLE BRIEFSI LO0CAL AND PERSONAL. MENTION FOR THE WEEK te Insure publicationim the Indopen. la "h snesa ave on. big, dent. COPY Muet b. ln the ollic.no latenrI1 Iuideenna ti owal thon Tuesday of ach week. Advr- du*rs.esapeciaiiy. are asked ta taits partielar notice te thM. effect. L. B. Orles fromn tloch, was a Liertprille business visitor Mondai. Stove@ leogth bard Wood et lýioRTY. VIL.z LumieN Ce. c-26-2 ý su@uevmuueL OU 1 1 Attonuey James . WIcb from Wank.. gau, traomated business in our citY laturday. W. . Hoague front Jamevle, Wis, wae a IÀbertyiville business viitor Uonday. On lMonda Fred Lipp and B. J. Tutti@ troin Chicago transacted buaines lu our cty. tirs. Frank IDgish from Chicago, le vliting triendg ini Libertyvlile. E. B. Wels left Tueeday for Autin, Sion., viiere be wam.calied by the death of a sdater. Mise Rutb Moore froi the North- western Unversiity spent Satuýrday witb bier cousin, Mise Gracs Smith. Mir. and Nlrm,. ueo. W. Schlilng viited relatives an~d triende in Waukegaii Sunday. Big i. t if ,liavlluge nt LilIERiT)VI LLE LtUiiEic Co inle thiug for 'ce Dow c-26-1 Oune man wa n mark Wedneqé _______________________________ the weather w nigbt was exact t ~ *1 HMHwhat would you :J'* man of that Cali Shiuregon wn t wther andi Consîguàment cda Are Correctly Fitt.d pcstPone thiel by Saturday untilr &swickAt the. townsi the, tollowîng We use no Drugu to committe. for t niake an examination Àgridl.y, ThonE land we guamgtee all of *Single, Jr. urfacturerCLESlAta If yure od M BYEGLASSWORIL siovg ter o 1II M r Fa m erLBERTYVILLEL You Are GBng o B Ver OBus ISon .bto.i Look Up what you want ln seeds right now. Owingto ttigh Prices, stocks to select from wlll Iý ight. Make your selectiori early. Get fi rst cholce. OnIy good seed carried. PHIONE 47 Libertyville Lumber Co. fON"T RN ANY RISK * Have your fwwuture insurd in THE NEW HAMPSHiRE PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ~hads DProctobr, A D d Mme 1Ise Dist Coiony L afil Mrs. J. 1. Portions and family and à Ce. G. T. L" sand tamily lef t Mouday atternoon for theu future borne noar Park City, Mntana. Otove isaiébard wood at Lnaiy- ViLLz Lusu ou. C-26-2 L. B. Mon., wbo la sutfering from quit.e srionss lness due to general brsaldowu, tsrsportedeamewbat better et timeogelsgto prss. tieed Corn. asssd ate, eeed harley, clover, timotby and allaita, very be at LiBicaTyviLL% Luminx Co. c26-2 Tii. lNdChaperotthe Wetminlster Guiid wUince st at e.horne of Miss Lva Palois, T.ssdav ev.uing, Marcb 26. AIl membe n rrqueted to b. preet. M rs.- VernuL. Gerred icI t today (Fridar) for Mason Cty and North- wood, la., wbsne she wilI vi8it relatives for the. ioliowing week. Wil l COseMy asecemgant book@ Monday, Màard 25tb. Alil ameeeeente not paid on or Meor that day will b. reported delinquent. A. R. SMoNEBsE,. Village Collectur. c-26-1 ir. and àdrs. 0. E, Warner returued tiie iret o!the week froîi Maeon City, la., where they were ealied liv the dpatb 'ifMie Wener. ne, aid te cnoî. ben we bit suspicion. îookîng sPots. ilîneme of Mr. Waruler*ý nti, r. Ut course thei eu wa. two feut tbick but Frank HB. Just, l,rii-r eitr and ownér of thielxi'iii, rtre SMonday tram Lue Xie., Cal., wbere the. thaws b ad rot ted -it and thre waol alwayâ a chance ot running into an air bole..1 Ilittler eiitertainedi the wi-th bisj facuily, lie 1baie i spending ..The only opien watetwew. ound was lui at ber hiomiien Mil. the. winteî. H.l Inteudo ,t, remnain ber. down itear the dam and ber. we saw a STueeday atternoon. util alter tii. primai h- w lien ie b expert,§ curiouns ight. The littl, Patch of trater Il ho orry il you mise. dat to, leave for Montana ini the interestA ot was falrly Llack witb the bads oft leb etowu bail, Friday hie reai .etate holding. tture. that bad corne up for air and a flock ut Last and tient numiier oui the lyceiîm seoe twenty gulle were t.eding un iieh ig to do0 any fencin gthe Co ure. "Tii. Tenncs,,eanm,' Friday tbey had caugiit in the. openlng. Tii. lok alter pons not at oveninjg at thie town baill. Sata reserv.d ,now for momne distance arouud w.. îed 1.(:iyjiEiCa. c-26.2 at Docker & Bondea store. front theiaughter. Perhapsthiesioundo Baur, wbu lba. teen Manager Brebuer Ot îtuuîîa. tfarm lit, nature iaklng but 1 bav, two ioa. with Mir@. L. a-. eippesI a carîoad of registered Jrse witneeees to bear me out." /I ýpaet year, has accepted heifere ou Monday tWi iaIt Lake City, Itlobake Dow a. tbough liartin'e q auconda.UthThsith orl-- iashpe record ie sale at least for tueo year and U. wll entat te hmetroîn the ste fari in lîttie over a year. suth e .e bneoatn ilprbbyd uller, Tue.day atternoon,. A pretty good record for a Lak, couant o ______a__boat._ 't2:30. Tapie: "The.tarin. STiie Epwortii League of the, M. E. Tii. contraet ha. beau let for a large cbnrcb wili bold tiieir reguiar buaines Co. pupsse ~C-26u- bul2gtab rctdte.piga meeting toliowed hy a Parlor Poultry 3o. -26- Bieldonhuret. It will b.ho 6191test aud Plitkat tii. M. E. churcb, Tburaday Wright eutertaiued lier builîtof brick. George E. MeDonald ha evening, March 28. Ail are cordially lier aud a brother troin the contraci for the <arpeniter work. aitd e., Friday righit id The. structure will b.e ns.d a. a priatiqg Tii. Tenueeeeane a coiard quartette Va ,r omk h stablishment. ai singer. and playere, will appear et qd. hard te cake tin Tii. ntertalnmeut and dance given at the towu bail (the> Frlday evenlng dawhit ii ochange lu daythe.town hal Monday uight was ver>' under the. auspices of tii. Libertyville 'hicb toccurbis Tueedayw,îeil tteuded and thorougiîly ,njhi3îd hlgh ahool. Thi. lethu la.tnurnb.r ot 3a t hdie usitiu.do w, ab>'ail. The. entertainmieut ivas exceP- the. cours. and promises tu, b. the bout. i aie. etad wt tional>' good, esch nuinher on the You ehouid plan ta attend. Admission program being well rendered. The, 35c. Reeerved smute, 50c. Tickets un e bad condition ut the dance following the entertaiument, of 1eale ait Decker & Bond'& drug store. ruade the Libertyvill. cours. wa. enjoyed b> the. younger toik@ The flrm Dame of Rcbaeb.le & Wheier, àleo Co. have decided ta andt ail in ail th. avent wa. a declded roal estate and lueurance agents, une of r ale set tor Doit wek uDrese. Libertyvilie'à mont progressive yuung 1 oi mnt.The. tiret streat car to rmn along buoiiie5 frm ha.be.n chang.d sa wli sh1p canctte luet Saturda>' Milwaukee aveinue put in utn appearaue b. noted b>' their adit lii. weë. Tiie woe named townehip &ast week Friday. It wa. ut tiie aid 58W Dame wlU b.e A. R. Schuaeb.l, &o., the eueulng y.ar: . 8J. b.ore car type and b.d a. a meane 01 Mr. Whseler haviug severed hie connet- ia. Curlett and C. F. power an eigiît boine teain. Tii. car ln tions witb tbe cumpan> the. tiret outhei question in tbe properti utfLLu Sumereti muntb and entsred lutu the tiing ng to do any feneing chia and wii b. rernodeled and equlpped fuirliîdustry near Gilmer. tir. Scbna.bele is ok after puete now at use a. a lunch wagon. This le the tiret a yuuug aud ,nterprieing business mian ..ctingiiCo. c-26-2 tinte a venture oft tue tind ha. ,ver been and w. prediet for hlmn the lieet ut ransition' yul b.o the attempted lu Libertyville and tiier, is succem.. iluetrated lecture given by mucb conjecture as tu the outctime. Tii. local talent intreis given at pple at the M. E. chnieb W. bave a fuil lin. ot insecticides the. town hall luet Friday and Saturday of tlîieweek. Tullthe concentrateil lime,, and enîphur polution nîgbts under the. auspices ut the senior lu the Epwortb League atii5cagallmnD. lBordeau]x iixtuie;4leu bigh echoul cla.s attractsd unueuaily coirnposed of tan lecture.. arsenats of Joad. DECKER & BONDi. large audiences eacb nlght. Tii. 1the tollîiwing wek the Muet ail Ofi us iiiike, but w. don't ail 'ceolo'hed gentmien ail etudents ut the ie the audience tiirougb emotu the saine iurand ut cigare. For lîigli seelool. did eeaptionially weli as dagasear. inetance iu a lI-,ai barber @hop the otlier dlii also the second grade pupile ln the'r .eed oate, eeed harle>'. evenîng a cerhtin yougi man and iiii drill under the direction of Mis@ LelabI yand alfalfa, very le8t et flot so yonng eacb acevted a cigar Webtb. The. monologue by Mie Armilda Ltunii CO. c-ý6.tJ proffered by a friend and alter ligbtîng Brome lis deseeving of apeciai mentioîn a. theni eettled liown foi a good peaceful le the impersouati&in, "Stay lu Vour smoite. Alfter a feW 'puffe." however, Own Back Yard" b>' Mis Kate Carruil rk am0 the. 0ne* wO xiSI ther. ramie a bang' and tii. diejîla>' of a.ejsted by meven littie girls. Tii. 15us5urco e elot for retfl'5d irewurks tlîat fihow.d w.. une of tie cornedy rketch b>' Lucian Ellsworth, le", bat those who a&M beet ever witueiiýed ln oui cit>'. One ut Joseph flotter, Orson Pierce mitua Maundes the. victime f the julie wa. 50 badly Grabbo wae exceptlonally good aud i~ jj ~ y scared that for a haIl boui aftr the eujoyed by aIL The final nuber on the E incident lie was unable tu explain bi>w prugraîîî. Old Black Jo." Impersan. ItNaillbappened. Wbeu b. inali>'got hio ated, was reudered in a ver>' creditabue B uO Rs N- bre bu ho as bieard tu, remark that manner and bigbly apîureeiated. Much the next tiîîîî li acceptsd a cigar front a credit le due Misa. George E. McOoneid, ..ifs InuneCm» ihigtomake sure 1k w.. nut a drlled the. partIcipantd. ie In auofficerma. dl ndieguis. You Could Spend $10000 More a Year Juat on* hors and oas thon. oach wosk. And you can mave $100.00 mors, that ver>' ge ant w. Think it over. WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO BE FINANCIALLY INDEME One dollar in a savings book WMll tart you. Do it Ioda>'. 11E FIRST NATIONAL DANK 0F LIBERTYILI UNITED STATES OEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL SAVINOSF Tii. value ut a Varnieli Stain depnds ver>' largel>' upun the grade ut Varuieb used In making it. Camnpbell'& Vanisb Ittain i. made froin the tougbeet gurn fluor varnisb. You eau finish your fluor Iwitb tue s tain and pounîl 1kwitalgia bammer wtbunt eau.lng the finish to cblp or écrateb. F. B. LovELL Coi. sele sit. Fertilizarfr l alpurpose. at Lus ETY-î viLE Lvuiaii o. c26-2 Spray Vour Trses, Save Your Crops Over 50', mlore fruit and fuI»' 1001, improveîîîant lu qfiality by epraying. (;et a fîook on eprasing at D)Euk.it& B.I 1, S,'. c262 MENrServiese ut the Episerupal ehu rch ever>' Sunda>' a. talows: Ciiurch servicce et 2:40 p. m. andi Sunda>' sehool ut 3:40. LE ev. A. C. icheardts. Beetur. 1, Remember Jas. P.Onray lsalistrates, FUI4D8. &Bd n .pal&IIail tid& 0! sswlng as.do. The publie la wulmone ta toupct big o Ba" 4 "lime. 0.25-9 A DAINGrDROUS PRIDE Three Men With Team and1 March l6th Lat Saturday aft%*nooü (;. W. Mlartin, the genial awner of "The Four Oak&," the. summrer camp on the weet bank of Lake Eara andi hie brotiier 5<1 of Chicago, net a record that will probably romain unexoelled for year. to cogne. Wlth a teain and eleigh tram Ladd'a llvery t4y. drove froi the. camp at the. West end of the lake straigbt acros. te the. dam at the. extrerne ea.tern edg. sud tlis o n the. lOtb of Marcii. Mr. UMna@pend@asa. ruch of the. year S possie at bie camp and even in tihe wiuter the. cail nometlrnes becorne@su $trous that h. packs bis bas and cornes ou$ for a week end. êsturday b. came out and brougiit hie bvtb.r wlth hlm; cbey bured a s1.1gb st Lubertyvlle and etarted for the camp bmWakng a rond tbrough the. woods wher. eb550nw vas sometimes six ta elgbt fset deep. Ia an interview Mir. àiavtln oid ofthestrip, 'It wm a new ezpsrlsnce to me and whul. it was migbty bard wore I1emjoyed it. "Whou w, reached the camp aud iooked acîoe tbe faite 1 got a notion ithat w. had a chance to do sornetbing that bail not been don, before, to drive acrose on the, uce on the loti of Mmch. "Wll, Ed aiways wud try anstbing once and the.ddiver waé gaine sovie etarted. The ton luches of @no won the. le made it irnpoétihle tû tell *bat wie were driving iuto andi 1 want to tell yu th w- .-ee UW fltty L-IISUL--tICU. When you want coffee that. bu that fine smooth flavor buy. CHASE & SÂNBORI'8 SEÂALTBRANDU Corlett and Predeiricks. Phtone 30 LIBERtYVILLE,, ILL TO THE PUBLIC: Our finm nains hm been chsnged, and front Ibis date on w. will do business under the. 1km nane 'of. A. IL SCRNAEBELEà&COMPANY insteadof SCHN.&EBELE & WHEELER. It bau been very gratifying ta note the te;ady la.. ores.. in the volume of our business froin onth tuontth, during the puat, and we hersby express tu you, our sinoere thanks for yonr patronge. W. have endeavors.i et au i ures ta give satire estisfaotiun, and we ahe Uo, botter prepared than ever ta handie any butiness yau may give ut, in a prompt and up-to-date masser. W. bny, seli]mand exchange al hindi of real «"tte in Lake (Jouaty, and sell farni lande in Wisconsin, Min- notst, Montana and New Mexico. W. oUet rente, manage prop.es, handle firit mortgages on reai ltaIst, and write Fin., Tornada, Livestock, Lifo, Heaitb, Anal. dent, Automobile, Plate Glass, and Liabili.ty Insursuice in good, reliable oompanies only.I: Again, we wish ta, thank yon for paut favors, and trust that in the future viien yoîu have busineisin any of oui vanione lines, you will sot forget to'oall on Yours very triily, A. R. SCHNAEBELE & COMPANY. (Forneri>'Schabele & WlAeoh) Libertyvile, Iliiniu. March Specials," During titis montit, we off er .morne very Special Bargains in widely varied fines Full siz, Suit Cases. maka of traw matting or iraflla witb brase lk and catches; tliese goide have been advertised ai 0.49 Oui secial pre .................................. ..... AHl over Gingliaru Apruno, cuver tii. entIre drees, full lzes, gond qualît>' gingliarn. flueciel et ..................... *.. ...2 5 Handeoni, Mesaine Pal ticonte. pretty line ut colois, excellent au- îsud weil made. Thase are $200 value«. Wiile they laas.................................................. 1.655 Infat'. Double Cruib lankers, white with plut or blue border; made ut niee., eavy, twillesI hanuel, ut pair.. ......50C Waelî Finiiiughlraida. a ig a.iurtmeut outhe",. braide Iu white a"i culore. 4, and h Yard bîlte, nian>' regular 10e piece. In the. lot. Yuur ch lca foir ...................5............... c SFull width Corset Cuver Eîibroideries. gond materiai. 5 uley woitd, per vtrît............. ..................... Cotton Batts and Comfort Materlale W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO, I TWO STORES rVr.RYB3OY'SA DOIN' l rDMOi t. D 'WITt' y: Success is Yours ¶ý Give lightness to your heart, freedom to your thought, common Relise to your whims, caution to every day lite, and. that which follows must be success. ¶CAUTION is earuing some, spendlng leus, baving a batik accounit, keeping a check on expenditures, asking the~ bankers' advice ln doubtfni business transactions-This bank can so serve, 'ou. Lake County NationaL Bank- 1

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