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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Mar 1912, p. 9

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~AKE 4 )UNTY INDPE--NDENT WAUKEGAN W,,EEKLY, SUN IWO. iRTv=LE J, RDY ,,MARCH 22,1912. _______________________ M mu» n-d eV- a,- thet ter- lent fiat- Ired the to long orth 'eav- and the thxat lir e lu he wliat luè eu lu, et .k could more f the mO. RAN*M. lu'1 THOMAS ORtAIAM. aa1 .IAY GRAHIAM. Aheva la Shfo the saFre T" n a LkeCeuntY Papan tht Lkauesse of Lake Ceuntys FemmetBrethent V*,U d MW*IttiM V tu Ret aarnanTht* an>Othen Trie in the W orldi. Tht rthaeare sr 'lth New Pre.uul.u - % -isthe Puddle Tineeh tto uThot Theomas l8 a Candkidae for the Mi ihty RaP. mmnte tNomheallouIr"inTis (Thesp Ughh) Safateria ti t odWSatluutl Certainu et tht Naami.Lake Coaty Stmsde SahINo 1m ut aUnit WeeeliUP1t @e W t@ leMot Popwolr Mon. Tht aatte Hame Livai et Leuit Lake ail Tbwar Livec tud Rave Sroqaght Mmv National Ametttton te tht 06t11t1Y li»an an>Othen r*mFa..la I.the County Tlu'augh Thoir Wald, Records ah Big Duo Shoots. Eftol Nae$Rerdtetf rleka Kin"is ,@"ic"usarta t tthét u essiom Pin.huret, he von tht Wetern haudi- for- .aom ts f ia iedu vle, ettb$e Mlinois leglaatmue iii have as iCAP at Kansas City' this year sin well to run, evain though hi vas 0" hr, O f the coutnia crack anse hing heati on matten of lvt birds Orace for tt eloi.latune.il a"0418ua champions, No other than Isad targit bits-,ho lto vas, huigh nia»lht vas ton udt an sd retire Iliaute (Graham. ont ofthe fanons for tt .ire dais' shootlng. Ht haid tht board, on vhidi hoBer trie of brethprsai lmng Lakte. la the amateur record for ytare lanum- chairunan for tht pullt two yttI Laite toutis t u dudte for tht minar. ber et bits tult credil. Iu 1911 heo ing one. of thetibent chairmeut R »rpeeetatve frOm thia .110 yon teamateur championuhlp aI ever boid. Impartial, hcnd, di ghthttuatarta district, and. as he singes and doubles. Hie vueosne of vltu gaad experience. hoa v la tht cni former lu thteracelis tht final otaint men chat.» te rapro- gualilfedt ta11iitho Position. T frtoda1161 ei alua 411176Of the noai- sont Amerteiaet tht Internatioalmi hole board roalised It vau uatlon tUéMarbaen 0f lthe district shot ln Swodn lu Junt. vhtn they pastad resolutiSs 1 arevea wou -planing on ctlebratlng Bd b eld top ntch places faotrs; h.Ida vornd eproati th"ut on theI'tvt l a dis lav-mtker' iiall, of ofttentimet màhtng rond of 100 and 125 ICera- ne t hei pnlesin- htditrict traghit. Ht vas avays noar th top Mr. Graham la tht onu furu cotp.ie.41k,1oon7aYi c nlamatches bevere 'ne vus a cotn, oing for thteulnority position cantItemd he mocats aYm tant but neyer drev tht honr bis district He, ltt bis brodt have .ae repreatatlve ai Spring- brothrs bare halt. rmn tht farn»eaI Lag Lakeeas laid. Thomuwovn the Wetern handicap mnil dally knowing the »Oee qobomt rah*m bth@ r. ntirngnschair ln Denivar itu1907 and muad. a record tiry tanner. He bt hlid maa ai tht laU cunti boar invl afu- ai 99 out a? a 100 at nineftotu yards. ta" ail is Ile a"d la clate Vervisuor uaLterr -atsnprvteor This record stoad until lent Summer farmlug Interesta. -ote yt routhtovb of vhen »embody tqualled il. Hesaaine Mr. Graham servtd oa the Po raut HtuaCtu rateu 'TYd-à ithin ane of vinulng tht Grand Hsn- commttee 0f tht -boardi for 19M p. the t icefa aboish01,in tht dîcap tu Cicago 4p 1908 aud vithin yitand iiduring that tint.-kt vaut$ caing froilaae 4amilî. Each wtt otfvtintitg the grand handcap intail tht htating and watt bidse naioal baj";iz tht mater et Coumbus, Ohio, lu 1911. et tne farun. Ho ien, strved of e«prt shooting. Look» Like Onthai. brigo cammittet tonritrs and Accordingli, lu faceo0f tht vide se- famillan viLh that end 0f the Thailr Reor'ds, quainttnce aud popularit>' of thet tine businees. Bd Gruaam, qed 44.- te tht oidttt brathenu, il la interestins aI iseUrne A conscient-lougauhd ahi. ma son. Ht varkt for the Remington ta knaw tLaI lihammtvîi ilicely lbe hi ail vho kuaw hlm. M.1 Oua conui. tht minriti roprestntativefotrih is iooks lice a aure-vînner ln i Thoàas a thte eondi son. agid 4Z. district lunthe next lellature. M. for the laigisiature anti tram j&y, thta mot proficient lanteshuat- Grahaun is ont of tht mont popuiar tui Molenry and Boma. comi iglle, in tht youngettsudé la40 mnnof Laite caunti.vilii Set splendid support thoa jean-et uge. Tht tLis la tht tact la evidext aiiied tu a umit of support1 licidbai,-mare record, than uni through bis tiectian each tvo ynea seMhoanti, amous Lhe Deuuoctt Mma ie-lbSnfitry. - bahemwon the supervitar of Grant and he vould hava hie position an envitabît onis Souuer uu j>I ro im nes, tht gone back this Spring hat iehodtslrtd. Ms vOte-gtttig gats. :>~g~ ~ L.OCAL DIALERS MV COST 0F ~YloAT PEUT INE LAW$ WVIN#EXPENSES prMCÇ 0F PURE F00D LABEL Wauktgan for many ytaru. Atter the Itv. This or courIoý conte the con- wholt thlng la bolled down, accordIng tumner, sayt the merchant. Wo thte tatement of a promnent groc Gardont truck, incuudisg lettuce, po- e of the city, It1laflot the hlgh out ar tatouta nd alto practca1ly a&l truita. living, but the coat of hlgh living. are &bout thet ame as tan jem "0g fmie merdhauit.v-hile RIkIing Ou lu price. People are atUng more of Tuesday afttrnoofl, sait thàt tht Vork- ±ham. The average grocery bill Cor a lui; cita. of todaYlilve botter anditest aunlly of thrteln the cit> of Wauke. better and cet mort thon the nich -mgmta aettimated. i at Psa unonth. or 1902. Tht consumtr of 1912 su A careful comparison was mide of to lt that tht pure food4 label le on tht idvertlutmenta of todaY «an everythiuug canned that loieats. Peacli- ittra ago today, and the pieotamare ot ts, poe, coTn, toifatots, olivet.,ickesohansed ho any great axtent Tht ar- ani everithine muet have tis label tiolta uttd have changed. a gruat demi. Tliq ory lli Waukegau la for the buet Ton yeare igo there wi5 Do such lave.anMd the cout of living mobtu p. Acld ciail kends, ainumn d Mmi Thoe f acto wlli no dobt ha of gréât other harunful adulterations wenq. thoniu té ttht Pepleof thi t lty. cam- neUt& nmailfruits have gone Up in Drce ha. The label ia plnaticailY. TeaPoUS11>10,cause af'tht pure food requaireutatu. for this great incr«»Ias itht Lt. C. tl. Tht pric«et ofv.gatahles udn4fruit ta *Everey label muet sOOw wh thlie about tht tîme autoe yemarmgo. Pure goode la tht Cama contain.msnptno.l $ots ae hng uged now andi tht ai- iturera-at nowllling ta put "Dlot; Dore tjoles that were 5014 ton yt"s u0 tgq thdr gooda.to that thay mehe aire, mat'tu, l onad on tht mrttt it»e u w!.qqto u4t M iýtle »ý$t me TvfgTo Foot Thé Popie.. Parrmere tué Daîrymewt nf th@. Elghth austeal District read tii, foi., lowluian rteoetWhlch wtt publithtd in otarly tvery nowepaper In this district ln th@ hegu et eangn0.by th* way et tht8aatonma atht daîrymen auj If potsible te gel thom te vote againet Senater A. J. Oison. FOR THE DAIRY INTB.MUTL l'If Oaftor Abert J. Oison la returatd te, Dprlngiltld by the voter% et thé lgth Senatorial District. tht dairy laterecs l viih fbie to pan mot a single bit of leglation la their Itertet la tht comnateshirna aoftht state iegtlaturt," vnid a politiciae itIt. de promimespirho repetnts the tstk ruiiug districts la> tht lotion. et i theet ta tht dirmtu, but thay'"I face the aimait certslp rue1 et the Anti-Tuherculin tut bill, ptsed at the lait stationWlt" bm y the aid of stock raielng sections of thteadate,"~ heo otmtd., "OMM" 0v Oison broke taith wth the stock raising represen- tatives la tht ttglit*urt on the so-calltd 'Fenc& Bi'; ho squelched il 1» conmittt, of whlch ho was a meinher. la tht face cf hi. promise to Puahislthtrough and muite it à a1w lI return for aur support of tht enti-tuberculin test lkv. For this unfair atmet w iii hutte uny dalty legtslatlon ho might attempt If ho le returned tu lTht trouble whlch han cerne up over the dair> ad cattit hbisepragtaW$ là tht lut lagalature la 0f the grextent lutentat ta the dmilimýtz lsa lithteiéghth district This district has but ton valte thé leglaature. Berause of tht tact the~th Chicago del- egitioa le a du> egaînst any logllatlon protecting the produceru of food a5uppls. the dnlry Intereats muet comnbine wlth the stock raisig section* of the South ta pans aun legitlatiom. It -wUt- agrted Ibat'la return for the aid ef tht stock aiing repretenta- tion In pasug the anti-tubenculîn test bill. tht dalry Interesta wee t W rate for the fonce ffl. Instead, Seuttor Oison arnothered thia bil lanthe. committee of which he vus a memben. This ha called down tht cry of unfair deallur and of vengeance to coule upan Oison If Se continues t0 epreslent the dairy district. Th, ruçii of the present auti-tuboncullu. test bill. a measure drawn up by Representatîve Shurtîtif mad prtenttd by Flrank sheparià, afti.oog Oison dlaims the credit. would be a deaiL biav ta tht dairy iteresta. k would mean that under tht aid methade af ins ectice of tht dairy herds, perhaps ont-hait of ail tht cattie ln the Highth district right ho condeined. Tht fonce bill vhlch Oison eiue4chtd la committe was a meritortous meusure whlch la tht long rua would bave attained thtesamtentd as tht aid tubercu- lin test menaurs. It prevented tht Impartaton loto the tate of dIseattd cattle fraun other statta and thua prottcted the dairi- man lroin bnyhng dlseused cattit. It jrvided that ail cattie shlpiied luto 0thi state must hean a certilicate of htalth front the etate ftramhich they vere shlpptd. Thet itentIon of the cMttit rasingamtQUI t W ffectuaIIY kuhle ail IaaltUon ln tht atwtrautaof the dairyman, sud even thir thrtat tu repeal tht anti-tuberculin test blIi f Oson la re- turned hba set the lmmensely povertul diry Intereata of thia sec- lion ttilnking whther theY'd botter net ailOW Oson to remaun t haone and tend to Springfield a min Who c»i smaath Ovar tht diMeiutiet 01901Rhh» placet inluthe path of thonseInteresteansd secure utitionalegitiation lu their inter«tt. lowtverTht ab"%e artcl wtu, as we balieve, wrtteh bi Rd Shurtiefi lilmatif id trom and tht piflais ïi6ention was none other thon SimUrtitif. Of coureho dournt ved w want A. J. Oies.i returned ta thet danate, for, wlth Oison lu tht Senate, h.oaae- Xu, nak- flt pay ht demble-faaed gaenetasho hua so auOattsully dont fer Sa lw9ig. If àIt bua liit 66 wual a od meature and prtveuted Chicago tram ditatlng te the dslry- InW and men.. whp wndld Shurtiaf want to reptai It afttr ha htlptd te peo It. and why Bt Wli sheuli Oh~ eti l aso "@ort" about bill Mt0?Whet Interetthmt ho lnuwaut. 'bit tht ln@ t peued when ail of the dalrymeli Coidemii the bOil aud rejoicn Il$t trideflI det1atHma.hurtief more Intrtet lu pleasntoea poiltlaal pal than lu Praimlng plOttiel hieown constitueltat l now loks that way. W. hava often been the Tt- toli time the time wouid corne whtu the fermner weuld USnd out that Rd ShufItif ol a -double.rotar," and thet turne la now at haud. Ail ho caret me ron for the faner la the vot ho gela tram thein. M la tht WSeueider tht aboya otpled article au Isuut to thé common Intelli. b, J&Y- genceof et ry voter thorin. Thiuk af à man who ho* been favored by the &ad OhIP voteas etha hm been, to now thresten te undo what ho clame ha halpad te O f tht de leIqsa itre.tsof the darynitfl tnd lu addition will huIt. uyattem ,e en tht lgitSatSet la thoir intereet If A. J. Oleteinla rtuwttd te thet Stuatti 0fo ames e t thteVabes teili iéturn Oison. Withouthlm, the doiryrnen woud 0w hava item 41fflir4er marcy ut tht handeof thteSttid ot LOve Stok Cemmiisleltf or. fit, and Judslug frein the mercy that'wua ehowu nt Chicago whon they wunttd te sitytili esemmaof t hemown cattla kIlled, they wauld uow ha .gittîna about the samat lped ta Mn O m cy r Plant Ultyla hurtleft can ame tome aret lu 8111 54O, but the doirymeu as 1on tht a uhala tan set uo ment lu' Il. Tht> lcuow froin experlne the board ot 1thug là Livé Steak Carmilontrs and thoir intthadt. Tht> ueed the cotu and the cauntys Wu a >fer ail concernted la te lot the cgrmieltCt SUd sMm* leimate ', lIk d peyiMuatand lit the dam> aew aaient. VACCINATION 15 SIMSTED AS A TYPIOID CIIECK, LOCA LI PIYSICIAN THINK& THAT .vAOSNbtIrON wout.0PRE. V TMANY CASES HURE. fLAN 18 A#IGVED SUCCES THINKI 'IHAT IJLTIMATERLV THE SERUM WILL SE USED HURE QUITE EXTENSIVELV. A practicafli univeruai Innoculation viLh anh-typholtiletor o rum ifor tue peopleO f Waukegan tW render thonx practicaihi Immnunt tram tht ravagea of tht lever, I.lte suggeationaui e Ioda>' hi a local PluYsllau. He sami that lut hi. opinion this I& the bat possible wvii W check tht typhil lever epidemie that bua avept the cit>' et tineunt perloda andi beautsuenc eah .rhy liltimeontiuriug the luit as e0ats bwtac ltsa 0Mtb sor- tTnment han reailstd thei efficiency 01 the tnetfttuW prevent typhoid %everf and bas caued ils soidiers at Fortt Sheridan and other posa t undergog tht vaccination ln aul effort tW rendetr thom Wleu ibie $o contract tht dis-t taue. eH says tiat wherever the plant bu beau tried that it has povtd very succestful and ho esno reSoon whyE the sanie reauits wouid not ho tapent. enced htle. t Hé a»Ys that the st.in la of ad- vautàgt not oui> lu preventini tht dit* euet, but alto lnrendering Ita Itou eere alter It hua ittea contractedl and ha marvea that thé seront la net ustd ln ma-y of the caea that have developed bort. Ht thînks that ititi- mateiy this mii ha done ln ait cate of tht distase Didl> Themoht. Dmt hope wui Make thoe gUn& for a opaemmi Toath utrelkiWtM Of os mather. aen oty 4tly à.kiag Amende. a We wu hto, uxutueOur regrao. t arte thteait~ aet t UpikotOW DlIumru, "for .eylg luaOur ltt Veetou lasthturou fauw Oltimen. Y M. celmahaw, 'aidMl a mat c roltlug Um, %1whohavet up t te gesotis ci i6000m»aand West te prahlig. Wb. vr.t1 t*mtfw a ut~tligeue. rOUA AGE $1.50 PER YEAR'IN ADVAXC<-L ACCEPT NEW BOND 0OF TRI3ASUI?3RWESTERFIELD AT A SPECIAL MIETIN6 0F T E SupB VISO shortiy befars pros" timnta aftrOon 0the new bond wut op- PrOvsd. The, Committet to whom the Inatter had been roforred re- port.d fAvorubly and upon à mo- lion bains mode that the bond b. approved this action was taksn. ý4Wé4neaday) ln -sp eciaisession ta cou- aider Oo6unty treasurer Weterflelda new bond Whlch h. furnlahed tollow- titg tIewIthdmaw.1 of U.t Id boda- mett aller Mr. Weteresid bail dit- chrged Bd Webller. who acted as rep- rerntative ln blis offIce for the 014 bondsaen. Nvery momber of the board wut prewst ai ttbeope"lalmeting. Coarad movtd that diairman Gra- TO MUKE, SSUILT WEALTHV CONTRACTOR W040 Oa PILLAR 0F 1MIS OktIUC>t, O SAIO TO FACE ARRUST. COIN PEOPLE ARE 10RRIEDI PROI1CUTION Il $^ID TO WEST WITI-SVOLIVA SUT Na -RE- CLINCS TO MAKE STATEMENT Zion City la agOg At vhat hua provod te htont of lte biggest sensations the city bat hati lu. a long tint. - A pillar la ont Of the ZMon Cil>' churcbte, r.- Port amis. attempleti toameult a unar- rltd wounan on Sundi>' uornlng and as A reenl Il la sald tLaI i varrint viii bo svçnrn out fon bis arrest. Tht naunea of tht Intereatetiparties viii Dot ho giron out until afler the arreet ht Place, -1 Tht vonan lni thue s, a vldow vl i ienait chlidnt, Iola a ember of Volivas chunch, vhihe the Mau lin the c ati i pato Whb.a marrled ns» vlth a vile and children, ongaged ln the Ooutractiai businoss. fte la said te ha one ai tht ohurche, v hlch lu opppospd toi Voia. Accofflng Wto eh repart tuatI la golng tht rounds la Zlon CiIty. ha wtt on, hit war te church tat suadaî vhen hé latsetti y tht haute etitLe wounun ln Question. Re la "idlte b ave proceeded W to tack tht voman. Sha fought hlm off sud lanthe mtantlme two or thre of hon chiidren rau scrtaming tu nelghhara for heip. At thiat people arireti aI tht front door tue Mon la sald tu have ganstlhrough the book door and madtieh escape. Tht vonm a asaid tWhart takon the mstter up with Volîra and asketi thet ho taka vhatevtn action ho detmtd advlsable. Whoui asked vIL regard Wo tht malter Ioda>', Vliva dtcllmtd te make auj atatounent eaIUit Urne. -At Zion Cil>' police station Il vus doclartd thmt una warranthba s e jt beea tsvQrD out for the arrest of thb man In question. Tht naval training station hba lust recelvodti Irougit the fltan Munie store, a Virgil nev Perfecteti Clavier, u"otilu devtloplug technique la mu. aic- it la maldIntavartbeau the fret one ever rectlred la thit cltjr. Tec e xamiuatitu. Tht next regniar axamination ai candidates for ttacherm ciffloiats vili - he eln 1» unî offFldY tAnd Saturdt3', March 29-30. A part of tht suhiettavill ho ian each day; ex. alntahcé ginu aach morale« at P T. A. SItPSO, Ç. Sgi». Üa m med a eomitf. cf Ie, la- cludiuq Mmstifý te look lato thteaaV boréSa Md reflt ut 3 O'ciock. IBp - id t9Jmwmtte: ColirT14 FW6 i-y. maether and Kitg. Tht hond submitted by Mr. Wer«. field le for S000M ad orlp~ nane ci tii-newnWau1kim g,. a lýond whia wtt conaler*4iu*v la anom ai repreueted at h" over b*Itm 8 a count>'trtaure. Tht alars <b. bond are- Car) P. Weeted, If Dra, 1es rme. lUum= varta, W. &B Suith. J. K. OrvtK Besubeu. Elanuel Sehvstma.V-- 19 Mulav, D. T. Webb. Ather L«mYcV J. C. voer. Jam acct ddsolit. la* Lodeuki, J4. P.idinger, M. .'Ov&~ 1LareuaoDitiop. W. A. Dusa», F. *. .-. <iturchlll, IL-J. DUIdID. J.W. Dut4' 1and ti ., 1 aqsy *W1IAT SENATOR A. à. * OI.SON STANDS v@a * 1 lam fer godrMode and fa *ver à au>ldalilalthat dl- * ecionOfvcllSas * id lit rtad hullb.; 1 dmb averS, iy *o 171biu puhhi eei * ~ ~~m mam baaeeleielf * * oearentt, thet la *h,>S9 w#0 * a lulaver et the peluma> MU -w - *whou Shiui'hl.Wwot todfllt* * lani lfaver etitiugusMy- O ouehtuemu adirect f» lit ma. * ý *tors lu whli ht@yara Stir, * eted. ShMUtIt if mtat he *r~eeeft he- Hop" M 1ht.ha MMe hlm thoaeWhat th@Y * auted; ha matMha kew *botter whatthay wedd tigt * A. J. OLSON. 90- TNAW 0F SHOW SHINo* DANI 300Y.- PQ orol im ous aeli f coid au icieta. auuàulratqtatht damP a"t sinshy veather la txpacttd, agipi. lng te physiclana, in the lhaw or bev#, snovis troun ast veeks bllairL t.u > regulartitnlaeather aondilWa vil incroase dtnges 0f affecton lb" euly lndlrtdnai procautloos am wàa Coutimuanot 0f cold vetit ega, momentanfly titiaithtevasa et 10' h hand alakndsaunav&$Mb . a itai-. Pysiclans ut tbilt ihêUX" temi patients te Une the t uupré, caution. reilalngtma thag 4%, <0*' nmcmty f orcar.. la the vara. damp. *wu ethar 500» te omem ac whpegm a titiS ho mont car" u ate Ota e butn cait and muar. OQue *ab oUtilt hiniteif me wsMly m asmmv. No epeclall d ttIet dmsuS ano gise».Nevealut- iarndmtugatPOU fot et ala thet tauli drice, r«M 0 jon have te Wear rubete COW -s ING Tht vind tadai wtt rlght àlu>tht northeast and oetitlm doclaSIbl -ma eta raid, ny aprlbg. fwý$ tht sun crottes tht e e 0&tW& the. .oanbg- dar et'Ugtt&4iàdl Ivind lm lathe, 41 folovs that th*gS~ t ilng i ln tht 8 legs strain- for E0 it can- ai-vice. ust six- ýdiome- a eacb 0 days er bas () wOn- ils legs tecessl- tre cor- a dfs- f tmet sudden- ildence. îga. be- and tht taculate equirom thonot S sharp. hiy- et" lim o? ushe out,, Graffam 11 25.

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