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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 11

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LÀ e OTNY T'~'NN-T, APIL.~ 92 VOTE FOR SHIERMAN Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman LAWRENCE Yf SIIERMAN Republican Candidate for IlmitodS 108 s ENATOR Illinois should be represent- ed ini the United States Sonate by an active, ag- greie statesmian, in tuhwth the people and the spirit of the times. Ail who know Lawrence Y. Sherman agree that ho gresuIve and constructive statesnian, tii touch wltb the people and the spirit of 1h.ý trnes, VOTE NEXI lU ESDAY FOR SHIERMAN * 'I LEN SMALL of Kankake REPUBLICAR CANDIATE FOR GOVERNOR Prlmiary Election April , 1912. b.aîîîk-eu-, Iliis ,-. The Right Man For the Place. lias a S]llulIt.,ý, teulirriin ii trilii*cadIll 1 ,itte -. Iiii keîrti. agilicils, Ili'ligil-ah- c1r4iaI iîîtt-Iîîeit. Ail %wlîo know him welI. 1leclizi' titatIlie t u!ictkr tlîII -t rtlirr lut tlii state lias iad t în1 t weflt vr\N 'tS. IIiesî- iri il-(-'ieas~îîil cînd it tue. Hi" otilliulis t'1t tii4< gi'cît i-sîiles or tht- itîxa 'v- ilîrsef lu-o<rltilît cu air!Jr irrcltîli -ijcr Ili.jrr is in tief', a Wi]li ictu !-Iifle *v, Bn-îijaîii icît t.rioi srrt i-t l-jof rî-cî, adis t i- t slialiet-<l sar vtnsi,u lie liais nt a Il is ni-litivacllirait- iii luis ltiri. Ratliuut' thiie- tûi thi-,litt .mlîct is kirtttil cas ticgiei-,S-lt lii'f ij r <'(ive tvtliî. tiîarrgr' Ileit' i-i c i l or t1tw tlsat stiîiîî,lhtfoîs\-ýrr, st-lt -otiaîieuI aiîn îtwaeîîgt qu- tîat niakes the Lest i '-l -tlîrrîgli utt orteitlîr' îîiîst up-, roai-ing eauiditiates. The t' il v triflil ot-litirisnîlithceau ie levecled at \fi-. $uîîahi Lx hics r iij>>(lits at- t llat le i a Reptuhlcan pav- tisati cîitdlias h-jrît te fIait]i Iliat i., ii i liîî.- ([liter Oee-(aiI Editoîrial. ) Len. nrall of Kinkirk-e. ilt-îrrrilcan eaiidrlarte for tieuernor, i-r s pr-ar- tierI fair-er anuri ms irctn îromiîientiy assot,t-i witi tire agricirituriri inter- este of Illinois for ie ira-t -, ytis. lie w-un iorn en a taromtfear Karikatiee,li-te Ill. 16 le2, and iefore ire wus 18 yeara isod. b"iv hird sork and frugal firaiits lie- halldearrred and cave-r Pnougir money durngnutire Bsiinmrs fn, attend tire Normal Sctrool andIl itines rýjotige ai Vatpaira iro, I.,tri-irnut th ire tre-rternis. At 21, wsur$'-'u î t.ed-i rom hiris srary a" a 1eioî teacirer lire nmade tire tiret tuynreit on ir; acres of land adjioning Kaîrkalree, s ira-hlire irircirnsei ltirai ye-ar for andr, îrîlstorît> afterwaris ire was Unitedl in marr-urge to li Ida loprre,. daugiter of a neigir- ioring fariner. Wl\'ti a capital con-nrtirtg rtf a nigged constituitionr, undtainteil courage, lionesfy, integrity and untirrrrg enet-gy, %Ir. Smalrl laid tire foundation for n brusinescareer sirich iras ireer arr irpiration touirundreds of a»sociates wiro Lave wattirei bia arrois fit r urarî ires of commercial activitv. To tire 16 acre tract Mr. limaitliras gradinilit- added over 70() acres of tire nest landi ir tire Valley of tire Kankrrkee. and tire "Le-n. Sinail Rîversrde F'arm, on wbicir ire stiti resides and personait> farina is known toaga-ricutrrists anrd stockmen as one of tire rest in Illirnois. 5fr- Sialî's autivifbes,. huteve, haeflotbe onfjnini-il ro farming allone. aitironglirnrcir of iis turne is ilevoteil to iis agicrlturrrîi rtereats and tcie mranargemenr of tire Kankakee inter-State Fair. w-uer rankii, text to theIlilinois State Firr, andiliras fiee-n of g-eat benelit ta frrmera and sttickrrr-enr ait over t ire srte. Ir. imali ws secretary of lire IlliniIloirtlcrrittrali Xetv and Is rerseil ai a oreniber of rire State floarri of Agricultuîre andl le Pro~sideurt of t ho Ilinttois Association of Agricirturai Pairs. lie lsa aua ior*ir- iriid-iititied witir ire tiair> iterests of Ilinois aird 00w (rnnaand coîrducrarone rifthrie urodern ilairretu orftortirernL inoiirist, adjornisrg Krnkaiee. In conmmiercial cies tIr. Small ta knoosoas aerere uîir, rrvative liri esr mrr trarr audi r-t tire aciv e iresldent of tire Piret NatIoii itrBank of Kan- kak ce.e At fisbtrîne-liie enjrys tire confidence of ail tire peoprle aitirout regard to tranif affiliationsras lire brisireen "a sure winirer" every tnre Iras natue iras be-en on ru ballot. Serrator Sinaît neyer vs defeated iry tire tpeuplte- t tire polis. He tris tiers ed tie corîn .asr Supervisai-, Circuit Clerk and Chiarmran of tire Republican Ce-ttral i iitrrttee. He his retiresenteilliti district as State Sens- ior. sud le arr retord as one of the moot efficient andl constructive irembers of tire Illinois 1i -gialat ire- lanlo4 ire was rer-ri-il State Treasnrrer of Illinois, ly tire greatest ma- jority ever given a candîiate for tirat office in titis atan. e, Afltéd tiret office with tire same delit3 tiret hrasmarked every trust comamitted fIniisoar-s. In 1910 ire was aîîîolîîte-d ity PresiderA Wiltlam H. Taft ta tire respansible posi- tion of A&ssstanit Trerrottrer- of tire United States ar Chicago, a trusat involvtng tire cnstody of a irriidred million doettrr e ver>y dam, anîd aoe-pte-d flu>iMr. Surah afte tirsProsident satd hir indorsernente mwere tuh-e trongetit tiret bathbeen receiveil at tire NVitie itouse. M-r. fmalî's sit ces as a îîarty organizer learaknowtedged iry aliis polit- Ical asoctes. He wus regarded iry tire tie Gov. Join R. Tanner as one of tire Most trttrgted advirer-s anrdiras served tire party as a member of tire Sttate Cen- trai Carnmittee several terme. Mr. Sfirall ta esttentiatt>- a self-madle man. iy iis integrity andi abillty ire ira made bimsesf a irst of frtendur aIl over Illinois. He iras tire reprndatian oif ierig airsoluteiy truthflr r ionest, tirororgirly reliabie, a master of details. a man of affaire, shose Word le aa gond as tifs bond. wirsoe fideiity ta a frienri, to a srrured trust or tuahiei duty never iras ireen quesiioned. Extracta from Len. Smnal's Letter Annoruclng Hits Candldacy. I belles e in our cdurtltiitlon, in relîreeentrutive gos eriment lrv the îreo pie aud in tire principles of tire Relîrîblican trartur as declared In tire ilattorins of 0cr National Conventions from tlireUrne of Abrrairamr Uncoln. "Beleving in representative goverriment, i faver State and National Conrvent ions lu wlicir men may meet. discrets and derhare for principias an wsth as for candildates. tIrbelieve In ironesty In loltice s sUt as In busines. If i amn eientsd governor 1i arai do al n my paWrer ta canduct a buai- tres-like, errononiutat. humaile, effiecent atdministration In tire fi r ot f tire peoplie, and shahl try te irsmontas, unte and strenotaien tire Republcan lrirty.' Esiract fr-om Lsn. Serai'. Addrusa at Springfild>d Pcb. 1Z. 1912. "Ifliras been tire smbliton of my Dirfe noms tîme to' become Oovernor ouf tire Great Siate of Illinrois. t velue My reputadon Und iMy firiendansd tireir con fidence more tien t value aimle. If, being electrsd governr a oulil make me a demagogue and sairypocite, tergetfut of my frietdlawd unmirdfrri or My obligations to tire people, tiron may GOd tus mertrful andi preveirt my section.1 "We bave heard your plaintive catI. tlinols, Unels, For a Gos-elrr trong snd teti, Illinois, Ilthres, e Wh IrO wi fiy leed urralai, Wiro le flrm as a atone walh, Andi -e ptedge tbayen Ler. Simail, ilti1noles. llnals, rAnrd we piedge tu yoeu e. 8tuali, Extrmet tram addree. by Uarri F. At wood. TO THE VOTERS 0F LAKE COUNTY: The duties of my office and the bad condition of the country roads have made it practically im- possible for me to personally see as many of the voters as I desired, so I take this means of re- spectfully asking your support at the primaries next Tuesday. During my terni of office, I have at ail times tried to do my duty fairly, fearlessly and impar- tially, without regard to race, color, faction or re- ligious faith, and no man can honestly say that hie has not had a square deal from my office. When the People of Zion City could not gov- ern themselves, a Grand Jury of this County stepped in and returned indictmnents against the sa called Voliva faction, and because of my prose- cution of those îndictmnents, I have incurred the enmity of one Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who boasts that hie will do everything in his power to'defeat me. It has been demonstrated that, so far Wilbur Glenn Voliva does not contrai the Circuit Court, the County Court, juries of this County or the State's Attorney's office, and I (Io not believe the voter-; af this Counity will perîrt lic î,i ta control the State's Attorney's Office dtîîiîîg the next four years. If renominated and re elected, I will Sa con- duct the affairs of the office that the public wel- fare shall be my guiding motive, and will ever strive to promnote obedience ta and respect for the law. -Respectfully, RALPH J. DADY, à tate's Attorney, Candidate for Re-election. DADY FO STATES ATTORNEV-while, a randidate four y.ars specit to an impartial and f~ r 'tr-rr rr. r - r, rr'-nerrof ail tire laws as 1w 8. 191 oihispero.l i h qo n i of tireir enaeft Theireimuiv ront April ',rît \lý, , i M; riY o flot a candidat# * date our cotitit> offir etis-. r tr.tr it ' ardaton, but If eleg nate-d iras ftririsired on(- s r , -rcoîrr"eettte wiroiepeople de resuit of whIch the rerrtrli ., , * . , 111l', 7) lnterested. Tire conte-V Mi,- l ff, V. r i t tha t )> r5On fl 0hi of Sttes Jlitoiier:il:rirrr ord àtilnt ire present term a dates are in tir(-o fieldtI O r i lilii, aiv .11jrosectrtor. noir dications ti',reseuir i it i - r1,r nown he s eritled tu lthe forecssat. ýo fille otera of Lake county U Ralpir .1. Irad3 ill i ii, tA , , t r.tary on AprIt Utb and ws bigfist er Ofoficp!irl-r ri ofieun d him f tereaders of the ibis yer. ter of ,off il, t tit;,and hboire they -tili give blar tions of bis <'pponpntrr t ill ithir -- sIrnsible pIrtioti, tr Dbit-i --'t - a secotnd terin on thi griiiitir- r Ociency and meit. It iras long been ths-cr r-tri i 1%!,(11rti V-oufty officer bas sire -r Itir-tor of thre peopule faltbfti mIl îri and ri liy to continue bitti In office>, îb- -r-I ond terin beltg Itnthe nattire of rtn endorsement of bis hast rec-ordi., If ihis custom ta followed, \t r. i>s I ciata a second termIn n tot oprenr tu question. Att must mcellcne that %Ir.i)rrdy bas given prompt and personal attention toi every coniphairat invotving tire sto- lation or the crîmînal lnws of tbe atate, tira ire iras sectired nn unuarral- ly large percentage of convictions In crlilnnal cases tried before aur courts anrd that he bas been a moat efficient and successftrl rosecutor. Hila efforts lisve cottributed mite terlrrlly in maling the law respected and lunuaklng tire people of fhis cora-l murrtty feel miecure in tireir ýperans and i hpir rtroperty rîgirti. M.rtadr- lis,. ttiricut oer to tbe scirool frînd of tire,<ounty an riverage of more tItan uite tiroîsanri dollars pel FOR State Senatorp",* Which sha11 it be-044 or the other man, There are but twp G didates from wq to choose. The Business Men want OLSONf The Dairy Men want OLSON The Factory Men want OLSON The Laboring Men want OLSÔW, The Shop Men want OLSON ' LAKE

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