LAF<J~ ~,OT~TV INI)EPENI)ENT. APRIL 5. 1912. Paoee Bevo'> F - - .. Te *o. Voters of LÉ, Csmmt Voigt Tueudiay, April 9th, is Prîiary Election Day. E Z hbm endeavored to meet the vters of the district and while tii he in *la bi3-h I had to mil<e a canvass, made it impossible 108.0unhe1 Z have met a sufficient number privately and in pub- nuemUg to msreIe that I ili be nominated if agood vote is cast z h y o Vi»lad Urne to go to the. polils and weigii carefully al that a Wsad 10 you tbrougii the pres.n and from the platforiu, anu tie XIk yoir -ballot as your coriseience dictates, taking în*.o conhlderallonlb. duty you ove your home, your county and your stite. 1 *iM mdaéosed'or pledged to any orga.nization, or set of men, on auj'.qu«ein relating bto t. peple's welfare, nor have I sought Such. FIchve Mule my campaign with the sole object iLa view of get- ting *9ato1 whicb Lake Oounty is rightfully entitled - the State Sienaterahp. The next Generai A.sembly vil b. obliged to re-apportion the. State and Lake Oounty shouid have a man in the Senate to see to it that vs are not placed n a position senatorially where we now are congreul4aafly-bitohod to a few Cook County Wards. It fa lake Cowuny'a tiirii to have the Senator. McKmwy' County hau had the. Senator during the. past four years, and nover during the. past forty years lias any of the three counties, oompriulng the diatrict, asked to have the. Senator for two Succesive terni. Mucii more than the personality of any candidate enters into the matter and ILake Oowty-your county-should b. considered firat. To AU» who have aidad my candidacy, to ail who' have given nie their but wishes anid made loes arduous the. work of a political cam- palgu, I eitend thanks and assure them should I b. nominated and elected, 1 vill go inoteiorne. untied, unpledged and hope at the. end of the torin1 may baud over te tthe people the. trust they placed in my charge vithout baving in any way violated a confidence, and with a knovledge that ev.ry duty iias been rightfuily fulfilled as I saw it. Sincerely Yours, PAUL MacGUFFIN. CHARLES E. RUSSELL. (id aie. for R jl j. n oIniILI COUN1TY SiI1\l u lu jrm iw.April 14, '12 lîor il nd rais. , v. lnIfliV 9y:urK with C.&N \ rIrruad. 4: % a u'i 1,ai flu r.rX rIf v , d , i 4d-iil I011[1t h,ir, offiCe tand ., -lno -* as reuijîu ir I ,- la-, IJOS. E. ANDERSON licpubican Candidate for Re-Electien State Represenlative 8th Senaterlal District Your6u pro t Wll be sppreiated Pri marier, Aprul A FIGIIT FOR THE PeOFLEI For Humau Rights! Against Corporate Wr",isi Engelhard's Speeches Stir VotersI lMe Tells Some Startling Truths! GEORGE P. ENCGILHARI) Progressive. Republican FOR OÔMSRES* Tenth District Shall the forces of Special Privilege continue supremeiin Congremdictatlng tariff, financial and other special legisiation at the be hest of Wall Street? Shall the cost of living continue to, rise and the average ma indaid t bJiadr and harder to make his wages or salary cover the bare necessities c i â? MR. FOSS BY MIS RECORD IN CONGRESS ANSWERS raa MR. ENGELHARD BY MIS LIFE'S RECORD ANSWUS M This Is The People's Flm-ht-Your Fiahtt 1 submit my candidacy to the Republicans of this district, assurlng thenu that my jbest en- deavors wîil be given, if re-nomin- ated aind elected;, to securing for them everythIng demanded in the way of legisiation for their benefit and protection. Allow me to ask the voters of thsdistrict if the statement made by my opponents in the last cam- paign, to the effect that 1 could go$ make good if elected, are siot strongly refuted by the recqrd I have produced, and'iln vI4wv of these accoînplishments 1. ce- fidently ask for your support tui the coming campaign, for which 1 will be very grateful and wIll r-- turn the compliment by secvlng you with ail the zeal and energy that 1 can muster in your behaif?' ALIF*Tj.OISO C*ndidate for Nomination of State, S eptor Of the Eighth Sena torial DIWtIc1 ujeet ote IVepubI$an Prhuarles t., be held -'t -~ <r LAKE COVýiTY ýl-»RtL 5, 1912. Page $eveý..