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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 4

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j-LAR 1 EC OUN 1TV INDEP 1-DENWT OmFCIÀL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY. S Office Te1ebne No L C:Z3; Edtors Residence Telephoue No. 146-L. Iibertvy i!e Exchange. e' ntefed at the Paszefce at LUbertyville. lit., as Second Cisas blai Matterý Iisued WtockN d ru< Rates Made Knowu on Applicatioit. SUBSCRIPT10N PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLV IN ADVANCE. w.J. SMITH ý.................................................. Editor ' F. G. SMITH ............... ......................... ...... Menacer t- L HUSSARD .............. .............. .......... City Editor PRIDAY,AýPRIL 5, 1912. WHY DIDN'T RE? lunluconoction viffi the Shurleff-MeoGuffin movement 1h. BI OaIeSBenatorshlp matter, it la empiisuisd on lie VY ulda eoft1h.eblkl volers liaI Shurtieffsema te b. dî"Vi»partcular mlereat i Lake Oounty JUST NOW Ils nèlonme: WEY DIDN'T ME »IPL&Y DAEINTERIST inlu le County WIN RE PO'WER TH"ANiY MAN AT SP1i(G- *itdid Shurtleof ever do ta show Ihat ho vas Lake COU " rresnltive -at gpingfieUd Wben he wau tie £Wàkr of the Hous, sud lins aa nu emore power than 00M i1 Governor, viatid ho do for Lake County ini lie wa»e appointments, of slate improvemonts, @te? He did * bi1Absoiutely notiing! Now thon, if ho vas so vi- tall n1ht d rle Oointy's veifare, isn't il roason- abl. te suppose that lie, with ail ilspover as Speaker, eould have siown at least tiaI Lake county vwu on the map of Illinois? So far as bis repreenlatien of Lake Oounty went, hlie nver e zoosem t. di lleral considered Lake a part of his district. AUthIis lime lie z eeka Lake County support tbrougli Ixyiaig to inake il ap- p)ear that lie is FUR a Lake mn for Senator-a'nd at the amre lime pick lup support for imiself i Lake County for Represenlativo. W by siouldILake Counly beso magnani- Mou tron one who bas neyer sliown lie east partiale of in- tereat lu its weifare one who, lirougli bis stand on lie tu- berctlin testing of caIlle measures, anlagonized tie tarm. Ig lgand dairy interests to a dangerous extent? Sh-artleff ~eu now hasn'I any love for Lake Couxty, but la lrying ta bé- hI s lioodoo, Oison, of McHenry, sud lu asking Lake ,"Vointy aià in doirig so, Ieîting on, liovever, liaI ho lias dis- ow'ued a war'm spot in lits Liart for Lake Counîy. Volers taào eb dsceivod al the tùfie. Siurtleff bas "put il over .ta"" for years, but lioy are aI lasI "ente unm" and Ihey te slow liemselves te b. made lie "goal" in ielp- ,tgIurtUofD lide back te the Legislature, and, if possible, +flâ Z. Oison, liemjan vie, as Senalor, iu one tenu did ,-ce for Lake Counîy and Iried te do more fer Lake Coun. ~~~.~ doead e autl feotyla mb san f b.rtbefa- là OR Shurtiof as Represontativo and a Lake County »M for Senater (sud ne Lako Ceunty inu as representa- TIM SWHEN SILENCE 18 GOLDEN. îTii. inay volera of lie Eighti Senaleriai district Unl4lke ta ask Mr. E, D. Shurtleff if loi l reaily a Re- If lectod vould hie vork and vote viti tie Re- party orli. osilil under suci obligations te Lee 8on.Bob Wilson and olliers efthle biparlisan ai. hoaIle ould aurrender ail ef bis supposed Republi. mhueor te &gan join tie-ranks of liaI organization that bu caased every loyal Republican of Ibis, Stale tle blus-Lî ýêmwMt sinme? De«es tmibtink lIaIho knows btter viat fflè~ve Ibat Lee O'Neil Brown aud hi. band of pelitical Ium arenmore vorthy than lie party ho dlaims le affilil. k -I vltii? Domehslislil believe liaI lier. vas no jackpot A. Sh pringfield wliile Yales, Alsebuler, Jones, Wayxnan. 'Esrbog sud otiera of the mauy candidates before 1he pea. pIe for Governor dlaira Ihat sucli vas lbe case wbile ho vas Speakeofet lsouse? Il la possible lhey are ail mistaker, aMd liaI White, Link, Holtlaw and others, who were inmbers efthle Legislature, have confessed ta lie disgrace Just te rain their own réputations sud bringdagrace up on thwse vie vere dépen dent upon lien? las lie really for- fMlen just vial vas doing and lias lie ne idea from wliat source ho obtained lhe bils constiluting lie deposit et oe ofthle banku ini lus country not so awfully long ago? Tisse are someo0f lhe questions thal Ilie votera wouid like te bave Mr. Shurtleif answer and il would intereit thei mucli more tban tie long newspaper articles pub- hhbdb i n about viat Oison lias doue. Wbal oxpiana- ti=cnShurteff make foris conducî la viat ileresls t4 tivotera jusl uow as lie is again asking for their votes. ,Mr. ShWureff, lie erroys whici you liink A. J. Olsd Mawde are ne justification or explanation et yen' actions M04,dI climing le represent tIlsdistrict. So tar in Ibis ~usagil looks as if Oison dîd il ail. Wiere do yen ÎÎ ITe u De you believe liaI alyling yourselt as an iun- mber ofet liower Houa. wio lias net divid.d seou * ~raMcIntrecemniendaîlon for your roturn? Soinsoe ~d4Ijéi ieJackpot. Have you any knovledge on liaI sub- the. present ou* *«w tMM for Couponre, against Poua lelogicil nS to b. etcmi- nated and elected.' The situation wth rgadto)z £ ibd is cai~ -o that bhm nominatio lm lcin ssnsaorsa~ To show how saeume prvalla k l..district, tb herevith repite. au elUrllw1 CoiUpoa theGutt, rite "&yeven gx e Egeb=. at ter whchtak toothr wthou ,esotmmtsin the Congreudtou efgt, points toe nEbdbd vlctory: "There.is a gro-ting feeling atmôg the votera, of Lake County that George Idmund Fosa heu represented the Tenth (Jongressional District et Washington fully long enougli. And there is ii very.stroxig.feeling that this year, 1912, at the Re- publiean primaries on April 9, in a very good timie for te voters to show that they tl4nk lie has held his prsent office Ion g nougli by failing to vote for Ukm" and ûJins aulomatieally, without undue stress or fffl, returning him to the private life from whicli le came some years ago. "In looking over.the situation,- in sizing up the candidates who aspire to the Republican nomina- tion for Congress, the Gazette sees but one marn who cmxi defeat Fosa at t lie coming primariea. He is Mr. George Engelhard of Evanton-a mighty big, littie man. Mr. GeorK.e Paullin cannot win from Mr. Foss, because politically bis support ie too closely allied with the saine support upon whichi Mr. Foss relies for re-nomination. He is, and alwavs has been, an 'organization' man -and organization mien are flot the ones who have the confidence of the people in these days in polifies. Mr. Engeihard lias a host of friends throiighout Lake Cointv and the Tenth District anîd the Ga- z tte bçIie-v-cs that not only CAN Mr. Eiigelhard win- but that lie WILL -in." ~çul Cl wpo1w.y bai u4Iut ib e forbImlfC a bit offie frç. lu provlug thatt« .aV, klmduu ansd cmidutWà utfthi epleù, *viceservante tbey are pys. h ~~ oée bus iwa&Sbeau notéà for iO üameàrouâ-&Û, dlb. rockway a1wafrs lndUltd upoI t. UMWWhogo.. $bth, luomatter *bat the. nature of bis b.slsee t'bé d4emtestcrtesy and attention la shown bhxý. _at'a wbt conut lu a county or clty o0k4cai for, te~fE jou a man, "ooeh.ol is offce,à&* Ithit hola blgow,à hh t people and wten fàavae aaked or bail. amnt .Pioseqetdiepulctia itrea.d to a cas et"051A1dtgtty whoh e e otvonderbo i~4Dùh ofiia .vr3etMo o - X.ot so Wutb . Dwolvqs ofic. outoes Courweq MdCl onadeaton for patrons b a .iY maked bsailmstous-and Opjqm~ots Bator Ohon uepr at bis clam.tbathe » ird" nfmlug lii at utreéad Io 1M-ý ýe bMacandai; to YOU àKNOW ubbre es or im&wm& The. MacGuffn-Biiurtioff orgas makes a grst ado about and plans te publieh Ibis week a petition ondorulng MacGuMfn's caudidacy. Thlis is not taken seilouaiysas vo all remember Mr. MacGuMfn's weaknesa for signing peti. fions sud the. sequol. It la probable that the gentleman wil ii 1 myge a dose of is own modicino, se te speak, and 1 the vqYeru isupport the-in nho lias been triod snd bas dons eol.. Thi epublicans of Ibis district have good Tb@he maaeow eobbblogI*ematted tu stop anuj cow ftrouklng. oorfu agmy rnwm thmea.mm d gS«jour *om.y baeb. 0" b.ugpeton end luaa talant». ffor @&a& ibe Couotj Vbur a $11.ô&044 The art of makiug watches IT WAZ AL'WAYS, THEUS. JAfAULLU r8U LVUUU VAekkIAL IAULAS UU U5 ' m have'mort.bruine Rp ilca.They figure hifi acno etutdadiilptncteraigo The silly story circuia.ted by Senator Olson's oppon- before olqction iti ol y oaI if a m cnobe onsstentd w,-e 3nts to the effeot hli l alliod vith Ibis faction or that fac- after. Aeopc l t .cnit n t tev are getioo cheaper ion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a labigluhda ybhiads EAO ~N_________sthie lie-wlikh bis ratber stravoté. io sbigluhe tb ohads.SNT OX+If vou would like tu letira inet how 19 IJNDER PLUMIDE TO NO FACTION OR INTEREST. MacGuffin campaigners declare they wlah the Oison fur ttw. wateh rnaking art ha@ ad- 11E WILL BE NOMINÂTED BY ALL THE PEOPLE people would talk about M&cOufffn instead of Shurtisif, youjito<dotuwc.P 1Li'D WILL SERVE HIS DISTRICT. addling that it la Mac who la running for Senater and sot &r.llv rcîjiotl wateh ceau bu .old Isr't it like tie men who are running the MacGuLffn Slirleff.- That's just the trouble-Shurlsf put visi t tuia @tors. ,.-ota.AL -amn-dî ifn to play the baby act and yefl ustily whon they Mac Iio tb. race, flot because ho Iikod Mac of Lake Coun- iî,'r' atel tcbk tisg bAs ar Mlce thorongie ty, but mal te work up a figlil on is hoodoo, Oison. Tii.-fier. The MeeGuffin crowd atempted to gel lhe endors.- MacGuft forces are naturaily oniy tee a2uxi onatediert And we wiingiy place ou! tirue at ment of the Legilasive Votera baue.Two atorU One01attention fron tho rosi mari beind theIl. , Shurtieff, the j.osi frori Waukegan and one from i ~j d Park aîtendedth famers' double-crc.qseo th voters' icbeg and teplie'- A S League Committes meeting in E e::g adatlempled tieian' boi.W A.c]m iïc nHfindSe r crowd a MaeGuffin endorsoment dovu the Ibroats of thet e wyfenli hrie hn-u,îo'etolIJEWELER majority of the commillee. FaiIing i his huley "boit." hey cannot do il. H. jammoedis foot inte it and thhro La>bviae, -.Illinois Every meana vithin the iimited knowiodge Of the1Iiey're sluck and flot extricabie. __________ B"acGuEn managers as ee n used te oblain the. endors. -_______________________________ ment of tho Anîl-Saloon league for MacGufftn. Failing in- ,his they raielieh 1y Oison la under piedge to the drys." Senator Oison hlas not asked an endorsement frein any orgamization. Ho la a candidate for re-nomunalion on bis record which la oe of honesty and fairness le ail. TheT h i e t A c is N w ! Voters League on one aide and lis Liquor interests on theTh im o c i ow, othor know lie mnu and know liey wili get a square deai To business men: Us gour fle Igsured? If not, whij at bis banda. Senator Oison la a liberai mari. Ho knows tiere are nt fit s are gou carin nog? several kinds of people in Ibis district. He la bignogno? l scrrng enou.. to ally himseif vith no faction. The MuIGuffiR orgari des- DO YOU IIINI< that gour chances ot success are better thon those of pairingly asks 1"how dos le do it"? The. anaver is one other men? they cari vel nol undersland. HE DOEBIT BY BEING Do gou sincerelg desire to throw every safeguard arouad gour wile and AB3SOLUTLY SQUARE WITH EVERVONE ALL THE TTfrLE. If lie opposition couid say as mucli tiey wouid not chiIdren to shield (hem Ogainst the possibiIitrj of future want or sut tering. now b. running rings around themseives Irytng 10 account Il gou are poor or in moderate csrcumstanées. or if tsou have a Iimited for the many causes of their discontent. incone.is itnfot bestteoinsure? If go.are rich, wiiIit not6e wise? "Riches + _OGH0FTHS.y take to themselves wings and fig awag."1 TPhe MacGuefn org su accuses us of "1throwing mud" becpuse vo publisied MXcGùfflu 's record; lbey do not re- D O Y 0 U K N O0 W~ fute the statements we made because everyone knows tliey DX) OUf KNOW that everv $1,050 pr)uduj1' ,y W) Y4)(. KNOW that 85,000 or #L0,0OOcan I.. rsd arc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yu tru. Islaandie ty t biida bckfir byatackngreprés,..t» the pro. cd tu your etate by pavi is roithrf p.-r cet t Senator Oison. wiich la having a disastrous effeot le their r pet ent inleredt for a short term of yearx on interests. As they asked for MacGufffn's record vo gave a por- tion of il and are nov pleased le give lie votera a fev ad- ilional points about Ibis man vie nov asks a igheffice aI th. hards ofthle party ho a se oflen botraysd.' 'Whcn La!1,e conly office lioldera usethe arguments Pand lireals tb ey are nov usiug le drive volera inle Une fer Iýbcir candli2nte; wlien tliey atack lie houer et a mari like Senator OIson, who in evey respect is their supetor and then cry, "niud slinging" vwhen ail vo have douie la te pub-' 1 ish Maffluffn's record aI Iheir roquost, patience« ceeues te be a virtre. Il lias been said liaI Senalor Oison does et keep Ida word. No mari vIe bau ever iad dealingi busines or po- litical, wili 1fr. Oison can lruthuliy say tiiaIf liore la auy ene virtue1Mr. Oion bas which MacGiiffn bas net, il ia ben true te bis friends and hie premises.. W. vwould muci perler tle go uIl thI Iis cnpaigu wilhout personalilies. We have endeavored le tlick le lie issue anid bave prlnted those Ibinga vbich ve helieved vere lie issues ou vhli lit e question should be docided.' W. regret the ueceslty of aneverlng scutrilbous attacha and only do so boena.i la ot our nature to, lot feleioodsâ go unchaBiiged. W. slxuply vet le state we vii oý b drau ile ,a nevep aper.co rversy but ve vaut to'make il ompiaîic tialt aIse reportsansd underliand attacha on Sonator Oison viiib. roeMntead, gentlemen, w, beg yen for your owu sake, net toe niue hIle lndof vork. Campaigners for .ergue: Bay smtlg ors et O iso t teaailng tifor- abot li iit notbiug te lalk aboutt! % Xe a uvoedoueésI*g .4v attention tle ilsew sM sto givo abais frmcialses ,don. tro tht poduisgpow.r nd ~i, <rui ourwî<ýe and eidren just that însch eap)itaL'! WHA'I SANE BUSINESS MAN wi.uld risi a $1 ,00<> stock olgoodi4in one building without fIre iu'.urauce, and yet tba same stock May ne veýr be iest[oied? 18 IT PRUDtENT or kind $0 permit your fonily to carry tbat îoueb ri8kupon a lif.' that lu ocertain of deotruction in a vc9ry few vears, and that niay be destroyedto-morrow? DO YOU KNOW that a Lle iurance Poiicy costa eas than a Fire Policy? On au ordinary stock of goode you a at rate of tram one pet cent, ta two pet cent. per annum. In caS of tire your lo@@ wuI not proi.ablY exceed aiw-laI! af the stock, wbile it may bu but a trille. YOU CAN CARRY a lile poiicy for from on. pet cent. tu two per cent. pet an num (if under forty years of age) witb a crtanty oi Dtimate death, and there wiIl bu Do salvage. DO YOLU EVER TRINK that ifvou infinre your goodp for a number of years, and tbeu ea,..' payment, that you obtaîn no turther returns for yonr investment? ,.... j-. r 4 < that <unli, DOI Y17 KNOW that you ian <cave yonr fanîiiy $5,000 or 910.000. bv the sknpie payment ti an amount aacb year that iii les" than tue taxes would liu upos the cïame arcount oif ceai eftate and you bave not a dollar o! capital invemted? DO YOIJ KNOW that <bis auas himade absolnteiy sale in your wlfe's or clidren', rigbltbst your creditors, court@,. admiuiâtratorm, sot any osgelcis ranflot depth'e them o! t? lX) Yoi; INOW that tii. deatb ao re partser may, and o! tes doe,,, cause tbe closiî1% Opat a firm'a affaire to its runs? DO YOU KNOW tbat partuemblp intercut msy bu p id off upon the deatb of any member of tbe Irni, by eacb menuet inaàur!ng for the benetit ai tbe otburs, and tbe tîuqinea continue wtbaut Impairment' ARE YOU ENCUM BERED ,rItl< debta or mottgagc.' Tbey can ai l b.- cleared off lu cale of deatb by a fle Inmutance, poliey lu the Michigan lintuai Lufe Ineurance Campus y. e e DO YOU KNOW tliat alter* tht.-.-Yea re, If -Y ee1)1)DO OU5.80W that sls.ty per cent of the busîneca payment lu the lichiges Mutual Lite Iseurance CO- mon of tbie county <ail at leaet once dutlug a petIot! yon will obtalu a flU.pald pblicy for a liberal amaunit? of îwent ygyars? Did gou ever know of any man's estate heimg worse off because he died with a good policg ot insurance upon, bis ite? AMY, OTiIER BUSINESS CAN BfTT!R. AIMPORD TO WAIT. Write te your MioblganNXutual LU. Agent To-day. Tours trmly JOHN HODGE, DISTRIcT MANAGER. {Watch tbis aS e nsd suooodlng;Woea UommaeeU7Ia.

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