1,K1 OVNTY INDBPENENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1912. 0urCustomters fincl they can get better Graceries, better prices, better service dman csc- ,>vLeme If you want. -youyould demiwith us. Try aur cannedgd,a S oupe, Vegetables. Meu Fruits, etc. They are the bost thatmnsy will buy. Wciake a specialty tof TUA 'AND O~ and "iI guarantee every please you. J. 311Trigg4si A large consîgninent of the farnu ARNIOR PLATE IHOSIERY for MEN. ('orne in and let W Un show YOII how WE can save V(W 1.2 on *your hose. <Otdcu for every day wear, just wlîat you have been look iug for. RUbb.'r coats, rubber boota and rubbers for mnî.lu fact at JW A uuvur_ aim to carry a fuît lino Everything fer Mon I 9Ho NEl4-I Libertyvulle, -- -fliois.J 4.4444554 * * * * * e-o * :~ t * iii * * le !c. .li k Shur-on EYECZLASSES ~~il Are Correctly Fitted by Beswick We use no Drugs ta niake an ez.amnation and we guarantee all of our SPECTACLESfflD EYEGLASS WORK. A. Beswick, '0'TI"' LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS Mr. Farmer You Are Going To Be Very Busy Soon Look up wbat you want in seeds right now. Owing ta li Prices, stocks to select from wili be light.z Make your selection early. Get flrst choice. Only good seed carried. PM0NIÉ 47 ~Libertyville Lu mber Co. DONT RUN ANV RiS Have your fumâm e nsurd miTm MNW HAMPSHMR ]YIRE NSURECOMPANY Char!.,, D. Proor, ýA"4p poupd you buy here wdll To Insu. publcation ln the Indepen- -dOt, Copy muet be in thse office no laft than Tueeday of e»ch week. Adver- tisers. *UpeciaIIy, are asked t0 taire particular notice to tisaffect. W. E. Davis W&@ fn Chicago on huai- "e saturday. Pred Hlima, fr. ake Zurich, spent Wéd.ieday vît h relativesboe.. lire. Otto end eidren lait Thureday for thoir nov bhome et Gary, Ind. 'Tb@.la' Afleroon Cincli Club met vtth lira. WilI Wll, Tueeday. lire. J. Monde and daugliter, Misa unqrra @ent Saturdayl nChicago. AlfrEt . Chusubüi apent the lors part of the voek la Chcago. Qit.a number trou ber bob lu the Performance at the garrison thestre Oaturday oisnlng. Mir. and lira. John Welch returned la veek Iroxu Keinnies, FI&., where th01 lied Wotn epeuding lbe vnter. Water rente ara nov due and muet 1-e pais! on or btutore Aprîl 15th. E. H. COiL"T. Village lerk. On Wedusaday, Mari 13, a daugliter won bornita lMr. end Lire. John 'itermer of Lincoln avenue. Bert Austin moves! hi@ family luet Frlday into the ro-ima ba" of Wîll 8*nborn's. lir». F. G. Hoe froin Chicago, spent gaturday night and Sunday wîth ber deughter, Mir@. Ray L. Hubbard, and fausily bere. There ail ,, a grand Laster haillat th.' twu haill aster Monday nigbS, Apil tM.tfusi' îy Hapke'H rhes>rm. You are in'.ited. Mmre.Abert Austin and! son visites! lu Chicago over suaday. A. W. Kaon shîppes! a carloas! of hors., toa Boston Moudaji. Mi" lBah McCorielk visltod lu Chicago Sunday ans! Mouday. Mm. C. W. Essutrot of Wilmette, vWatod Irlande lau lus clty one dajy lest we.k. The W. C. T. U. yul niteet wlth lire Pearl Ling on Tuesduy aflernoon, Aprlil . Topte, "The Living Wage.' Mr. aud lira D. A. Ycung sud famuliy xnov.d Mandel froxu the Protîne Cottage ou Orchar4 sireet ta the J. E. Ballard! honuon park Place. Mms.B, C. Glassn visites! ber brother. Frank Miede, vbo laIdl at the licÂlieter hooapl, Wankeana, lait Saturday. He ln reporteil cevalens. Frank Wnbbla la building a bain on hi. propery purchaeed from tht Daniel le. eat. v est c09 this Cty. lire. Wm. Zereen ans! daugliter Ella, of Rockefellr, vinites! Mre.B. Schultz Wedneeday. Walter lierrickfrom Port Towueend, Waah., formerly a resident o! tues plaýe, la visiting hila uepbew, Warren (irummitt ans! other relatives. lire. R. 1. Cramer ans! Mism Elizabeth Grimes returnes! home Sunday frein a wesk'n visit vlth Lire i ramers sieter, NIre. F. H. Flarrell, ut Laiti flemember.Jas. P. ta î.y e,'lim. tradem, retetsans! repaira ail Euo fâeewiug machbinesl. The public t. nlt!umn to fi. T. Cramer and aile t, l oîove t0 Chitago in a couile tif %%it. evks t- r.' ir. Cýrauwr has acept i tu p)- Ltitin tothe Mri. and LMrm.Williain Reijjlv01! lieurboru Duster Co. Sbeld. inhuirmt. are rejoiig ove; the L. H. Whitnej lbas retn, .d Iiîisituse on arrivai of a faby girl bain tu them bot Firt otre-t to Mir. Ili]] ,i Mlwlîaukee. week Frilat. Murcb 29- lir. Hill bas a position ou one ut the Mlie-q Elizu Grimes bus resigned ber'l"cal trains as conduitt, i ,iloIl iove position ut the firrie tîoardiug boase bis family here iminedîaiutlî ans! accspted a position in Chicago Lasi week Wednesday cijiîng ut the Episcoîtal servi"es will b.' cuîuuuct'd haie 'aI mises Hazel Butt'r a.' gîveli a by the R-v. A. (J. Richards ni Lake aiicellanieous shower in l'uoir ofMiase Fore@t. ou Sunday eveuîug ut 7:45. Ail Laura llawk. Abouit toeuity were are miîîdially itivited. premelît and a veîy cîîi'jtile eveniDg The Ityotie Workers will bl,,, i! Nepit reguar metin zm t Tusdayeve ing j1 a ready to dio an y kiud tif furniture Aprîl .)th.Nluttie and refreshinents for ýw0rk, mauutacturiug anti repairîug; imakina wîndow andl deot etreeus an memere ouly. iu faet carpenter work .,u an> kînd. Ail The $ unjritte Lustt ersr e.'ut il'click Norguaruuteed. H.l. Btti lt- 'houe wîll tullie fte place of the- regular l .p2- ilevîtitinal mueeting of the Eîiwort B ly uaing the Caucx.i-l Varunili stin League. (ruînîng proeffl you eau produit. a flle League. effect over siy old di-uîlored Élotr. 'liechobîir of the M. E. church amâistt-d iirot apply the grcund toltr, theu the byt ttheir vîiceS wîll gzu au Lamter sur.WiNr, gaing overit ne iî the graîtn ig progruîîi of uiuu ad roadîug ut 7:30 ruIler; flisiswîtlî taiiiîiîîll's %aèrilti p. n.,Aprl 7h.Stain, ligbt oal. or aiu% iedire inu et-. p. îu, .AuîIl tli.It wears hle il-u. tsi. F. Bl. Lou% iL Mri. ands L. . H. Whitney nioves! tuiGW., satout It. titeir new home April Ist.. The place The illustratedIlecturi' on Jadiguscar Lae bcin ciristened the lIme and le juet debivres!oii iriday evcuiig of thîs ss ek outeide Of the cîtY liuits un 0> uîud st tht M- E.-i.lurvcbvb the Bec. W. L Ave. Tbey eiltect t ) buils! a lutîdsome Wipple wilI lit tbce uluding lecture moderni houe, lu the near future. of the course.'lTe tlîde@ secured foîr thîs The lvanfioe Mystic Workers wîli give lecture are tewn id promise ta be very au entertainuienit and dunce iii the iuterestbug. Ni. NV. A. hall ut thut lplalce un Friday lirs. Maîgurri l'ittH. one of Liberty- evenîug, April 12. Admissiîon 15c and! villes@ oldet rrvitintsý, lied ut th.e home 25e.ltauciuîg extra. Plan tu attend, outlber dauglitet ion F. Divisiou street A cars! reeeivits! rîîm Lester t tuby, a lionday niight. F uerul froin St. foiitorctl>editorouf theitNi LitbtLNLT, Josephe t'athlîî.îlî hlurch Wedriesday novWmwitli g p)alier ut llouistii, Texas, with interient lu st. \larî't3 cemnetery, written froina 1pointtti ls! me c.Wuukegan. tittiirv iîext week. states tbat lie lias bit-il nt lt er.' as a The egg ica tt MN. E. church are representative of the Houtir paper tou tl wiii ititt.Utn feg o write up tise goveroiiienîtîti ule Mexico O Wiig1LIt'tUiD feg o le eperencig jtit ow.the Oroaunage. An1 îîcrsosdesiriog to le eperîucin butnoW.makie SOt-lt coiti ittitn may brîng thein tth ellîurîiii i rýiday eveuoiog Ol tItis That elusive boarding bouse whfch weel, or ouii uiîîliiy The îIliurî'h il you have determInes! tu find SONIE ale Peu,îtîliiSaturday durinig the DAY may bie advertlscdl today. aleno. UVýu oi'le fir a large i-u ____________________________tributioni. Yu ma, rishtfully indulge lu to-day's luxunies if you have provides1 for to-moi. row'e nwîs by having insurance. S E.NBOuRs District Manager Old Colony LiI e nurance Com.pay Office In Gaz Office On Wedni'tiax %iiuttg Mises haie Waîd euttrtit.tnid tsseity a! bier frieuds at an Raster paris at lber borni.un on utb First stu-tet. 'lT-e î'nig wus deight- fhiy speut in lI> utC çrogressmive gailtes. a b autiful llantt(if byaeintbe lîeing avarded tsi the Icizi winner. A utîvel feature cf the- eitertiîniueut au, au cgx hunt, the winuttitc uuutîpîs btiugawaideil Easter ratîbits. At eleven tlîirty dainty refresimeutestere set-ves! aler. wbi'hi the party trok' tîl, ail deciariug Mis@ Wurd a cburmnig iîitfle. 1 rz -1N We Want to Help You Andyou !aflyta, Rsjplneu. and Independence trugh theoer o!YOur arnlngs. "I1'INK 0F THIS 1.00 or mong wUP.6.usm&t-os vM" e wiyl pay as 3 p« te i00 amn"e or1000 a' lj - duelgeteta»Sesd iaveamMm ra- à& Vi WMA lp Y« wfth the rem. OALAND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK iâre. John Barbour returnes! londay evenlng froxu a two vreekse'Fviait wtth relativelun icHeur>. Tht Tîrla Chapter of the Wetminster Oulîs! will moet *t the boni. of Mire Jennie Kern TUsaey'evebidg, AprIl 9. Remember-Everybody le inviter] to the MacOufflu rally ans! barbecue st the tovrn hall Saturday evénng. Speaking, singing aud feaating. Ladies welccnîe. adv-lt The. heurts of tht Square Deal people were made glas! ast week by the receiPt of a telegrrini froxo tht rutne to effeet that unother rîcb velu cl ore tas! been atruek. An iîrîuual incident occurred the otfierfi day w lieu there appeared on the Bide-J walk îirevtl.îin frîît 'of I. B. Egerst liardwaritetotre a fuIlIgrowu tîusk rat. Mlarsîitl Lirrberr 'v au, sumones! ans! with f l iNtoetîît-'lig stick" stoi' PUt Mr. Rat îout oif the t' y ami.! tht thunderitus uppluse if thei.' istaud.rs. Presbyterian Services The servic-es iu tus cehurcît wiflb.' hord ut the ueuaf bonis. Morniîîg service 10:30; subject, 'e le; not fitrs." Eveuîug service 7.30. "Christ oct Itisen. Thon Wliat" There wîll ha special music ut bo th services hy choîir ans! slitis A cordial invitation ije xtended ti ail. .Again attentionti is clles! tiutht special service on GIond Friduy tifgbt, April.th, ut 730 lu thte chnch audiîtorium. Tiiere aili b4 solo winging by Mr. llc!Cirmick anti alec @inginu by a diîet. Bi seubject aillbe "He wa, Iturteil." I t is litpes! that many will avuil tfiemselves tif the@e services to thte' a;liitIIiiig tif their spiritual le. Xiiur@ itt,' Mtst,'r'îî seiche, A. %u tN kuti iti. M. E.(' hurch Services. 6:00) a. m. Sunri*e Lutter sers ice. 10:00 a. m. lass Meeting. Bec. J. B. Macutiffn. 10:30 a. m. Pîeachiug, Itet. W. L.. Whipîile. Subjeet, 'lmmortulity..i 12 Ln. Bible School. Easfeî prograxu (Misionary.> 7.30 p. m. Easter prtîgiau by ths choir. Monday, '7:30, T'eut-bers Trai ning lass. tVednemday, 7:30 Prucer service, liully. STEER STRAIGHT tii t-n l'asîîiî k & Co. ilsou liaive anc autoi neet, repwiiiiîg tiîlt'ri% iv. . e clainito i o'tit 'îi.ileiiie t u o at- tend tii it-a i-laàiriiijttaifegît il ly es'ery jotb leaving tilt i 'iti it -ii if l ii doit 't nees! iu retr it tiilt. s!dtop lu aiiyhow. Welî'iîiî! Wm. Laycock Co. Agents For MOLINE MOTOR CARS Libertyville, 111. PHONES--Retidence 126L Shop 4324 Easter Lil1ie s -At Te, Republican RaIIy And Barbecue Libertyville Town Maill BÂTURDAY NIGHT APRIL 8, 1912 Paul, Macûuffin CANDIDATE, FOR THE t State Senate And eihes Wiil' Sp.ak Good 1-uaj-ProL Hallberg, of Rookiord, tenor soloist, r will render several seleotions. EVIERYBODY INVITED r LADIM' WELOE Barbe tom of Raily Enough 'for A.U Ail Invited Phone 30 LIBERTYVI LLE, ILL JUST TO RIEMIND YOU 2 Insurance on stock and bmildings aa part of one'a annual expenses, and te alm should be to reduce this item. Xany pay more than the lowest possible rate, and we may be able to make sMgtýns regarding your equipment whioh wil reduoe your rate 10 or 20 par cent. We trust you wfll give us at lesot a part of your insurance, because nearlir Everybody's Doin' it Now and y ou wM find that it pays. AND REXEMBER,ý we also buy, seIl aud exohange ail kinds of real estate in Lake County, colleot rente, manage propeUo handle good first mortgages on reai estate, s"&d write ail thea different Unes of inguranae,twuhý as life, accident, health, livestook, automobile, plates glass, etc. Give us a caiL A. R. Scbnaebele & Company PHONE 18 LIBERTYVILLE, LUCE BUILDING . .L1WNOIS Forthe"LastMinut.--,. Easter Shoppers Thea-ia f nc wg le s, h a eckpate Our Srnsoks nofineeaçad theo Mouey Saviug oppor- taitesfo te ae asr lIpprmwre onever butter. On tm that s tratn it atteio n teour nov l ine ais hoeiayuvis in thse lot as well mi the I astrNcwearin man rforai l the uew mrations, a very attractivec lot ut popular prices. t'pring weighits in Iloiiery. Sonie excellent values in Ladiles' goods, botlî silk and cottoii also sainuw numbers in -Men's andl Children's wear, and Childrexî's Dresses toc, but we tanit cdeseribe theminin this space. ('orne anti look thexu over. 1)on't forget the Lihbons, Ilair Ribbous, Saab Ribbona, Baby Hibboîî etc. W. W. CARROfLL & SONS CO. TWO STORES l'a( I hreb;anoun - m 1 VOTE FOR AU. KINOS 0F OTHER BEAUTIFU 1d"- frebyCnouncSe yor, a THA.T .(AT- FLOWERS FOR THE OCCASION LhtdCY frCutySre- l'IMNATHAN E.Jl1ILL.I Easer askts rragedat ubi.t to the decision of the Iowte Baskets..-Tleane R epublican prirnaries ta be Republîcan candidate f or your aider we wil held on April 9th, 1912. Your, pRECINCT couarrEu reserve a dandy support wdl be very much'ý11.ý for you. apprecated. 0-27 -3 WEST PRECUXCT MER DIT JAESADER0NJ&l i.VIUVIN 's t- CL Suppose 50,000 bankera tliroughout thi e d L EL Suppose your identity were eatablished evmrywh«.ra ' QL Mooey inatters in traveling would Le ipeW od6 they? EL A.RA."Traveler#' Cheques give you ailof thgu aboo. adoantages. Aak us for bookleL) ]LA&KE COUNTY When you want coffee that basý that fine smaoth flavor bi;y CHÂASE & SÂNBORN9S Sv-AT BRAND OF or1 an d lFredericks- +**** )p m m OE Km m fia*** NIE X*k x N****N m )i MDe ýi