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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 11

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l., diled ur this monts atrick's t seei- CIarlà Iin tU nr saivl 't f nhgres? dmilotla the JUIl4fl u"te, *ldch b séa iii dam? vlth it thim neutions af the.delegates at larlte te b.ocas ltu: Lhe state cou- ventioji ai Phorlac« April 19. In Poo3' Cpuity. I lu Peola conntW,'for'laltance.lb td u inytricts andi amang Lbe Choffie of 11inois Voters mfnucams ai t iît i lu n ia1ît anti Pekin over lni Tasçveil county. for Predent. Ponrs bas more latterai employee La" aMWot hero a tuItheestate out- , , . mIdo f CiIampo. hco f theaIntr bIiat rSe ofloÎ there. Roosevet, DENEENI ILNOMINA'TED however, carriet Pola county. hi a vott of more tbisa fIli ta one. baaeti *à Iih e -&&Po ïýï*n otnyone pre Gevornor ad ex-mhpe Donne 0f CMl- ohcf bout cil'OM*. meeo Mte om eUP ASepetiOver lu the "mllitary tract" lu the ca.r Varteeth congresclonal district, to T#ehe--Sgncter CUile,,aog«eiet mantalntd bigs Liresta oz. ~iOl, b La Y- O. ' - "fl ' 1ud aven Taft, white Champ Clark "ab~o* 0f vole la VBsieus ections kept bis tvo te one smotberlng of WIl) et lihe lut.cou. Springfieldi vent overvbelmiug- 4p...... for ItoosortteMClark. - ~ . Swoope Lqwdon Di.lot. cit k f MS.r»teThiteeti eogreeteual dis- of MiWtse t the Lb.ad Lèàden dIstrIct, vent' cf , ir. nul coae."doa before Lhe Kosust tldal vave Il n~rseio*eby thUi eu.tircetao m lcsd. oi f ihols s cexoree.l rlb. Coie anti Devltt counties. tva 0f eiection helti thl' 11,t Le stla o "icomusu lntaCangreaman McKiu- rouifft te e'st onleY's district, vers carnied bhi Ioose- 'i'@sdY. Volt hi a big leati. 'Me returus lndicae th at ltheformer sRatiocounti. Ithe haine couati ai preedent «ceiti vy congresalonal farmer Senator Abert J. Hopkins» vas district edPt one anti von tihe whoie carriedbhi Roosevelt hi 9,000 plural- ste. bY c Pltialty of 125,M 0ovty Preienaft tVermillon anti Champaîgn casutle. Vi I tndnilc&te bt fit y-11the home cosutles eoS Cegreusman oet tw 1 t4ghi il ino'ls telagate 8 Cannon anti Congreeamnan McKiney, ta, lhe national conventon wvIli ha ln- are aiea lu the Roosevelt calumil. The etrceildta vte for Colonel Rooeeit.Cty of Dauville, se veil ce Champalga fIe'Ipjaureti fortyelht of the Ottgave a.refiene e luRooe.velL dtobl edleiate. aMd the eght dot@- Roosevet aime mvept Montiaella* gatfl-aL-are vIll ho electeti h$ là@ Piatt coanti. the home City or speci- RepbUhcan mas convenition &M in- o«Charte, Adklna ar the Ilinais structeti for Roosevet by the pQpular boU#e of nopeentatIves. vote tu the st1*1. et large. >ftackford andi Galeshnrg went for S ft, Cbszup Clw a arkeid~ aiRoasevit by a tires ta ane vote, vlth t ferL.aorat OPtlUc 109if tOU~ the 'outlylng districts maintilning Prptiy~1Ja amjOnty Of re1~about the smmc ratio. ma8.,w.00. iqr 01mi cavleti l- *.I. ombnation fer Dotent. 0overuor Wlson'& overvheimlng de- e ~ . ~ t etttaChicagovwasa blovLteaiscsup- portera vha found sme consolation. rovever. lu the charge that a coalition >f te Clark-Harmaa force.shi brought about the former P'rincetan premient'aunudoing. The Nev Jeraey man developei 50na. strengti tu cnoe uneapecteti iL.arters. notabli St. Clair county. s'hlch embraoec Riant St. Louis, but1 ast Sangamosa coaty, whici tncindeo, Wprngffleti. hi400. VThe bly ater zuty glvcn ta Wilson vas Wînne. ~~ bago. vtaich ho von by Lhe mmcilimar- glu of 15. Clark cana-ledlu adtiodn ta Sanga- ne onuti. the flloivng: Adami.ý by 6 ta 1; Bond, b> 3 to 1; Brown. bhi 5ta 1; Caus, hi a %mail »ragis; Cal«., > 300; Elllngham. hi 1.200; Hennr y> 7 ta 1; Knox. hi nearli 2 ta 1. Ma-, -cou hi 2 ta1; Maion, vhlc b br-: Sers tae Mssssippi, hi 1,000' Ma-1 On. tir4 tea1;MaMn h tu 1La; Ne.; 1ào y1, 000; Menerd. br 250; .motgomery hi 1.000; Ricilant. Î;' 8 ta 1; SalIne, b>1.400. andl Stephen-' Denceit and Dunm e l icTke& lu the gaberatordal fight Govemr iluneen vas renamlnated b>' a larueé pluralfti He carrieti Cook counnU Es-Pegolot m oos e.velt. by about 30,000 anti rau uheati ln moet Scf te doua. state cauntie.. cago bk about 80.000 OVer Goyernor On te Damocratlc -ide Etivéd F. WOO<rOW Wilson of New Jersey andiDonnue. former maybr Of- Chicago, flori* tb eiti hi. ovu davstate. sWgpt eia'ithliag hefor 1dm lu Chi- Charle.s9. Deneen vas renaminate ago an5 sd ihl@ plurallty la about 86,000, fon governor by a pluralty af apprax- Rebônd place lu thae Repsbican cou- Imateiy M"(). The Deateen plorailly test vas I>tweÇu States Attornaey ln Caok county ln about X000suanti hI rJohn E. WeYÎM etc'Chlcagç andi Len vote vili b.e aluwst as large as tie Sml Of laakiOee. dia Ln uL0ri. com4bted vote of hIs chIet adver- mer league candidate. Wayam an n Etivard F.Donne, former mayar a ____of___________ Chitîaga, uanaminateti for govarnor f~A~5a.~iI5'it by 1the Democrashy a ploaity ofi, VYiiDflIItVICTOR$1 &about 35,011. AT THIE PRIIIARIES' enator Shelby M. Cuilom. continua- ously fln publicIlite for fifty san yeara, as retîreti as effectively asean Proaldent advlsory prImer>' ballot can bringCAM CLR about tîlat effect. CHAMP S CLARK Reisrné show. tlatiLawrnce Y, J. HAMILTON LEWIS È Sherman la tite chilcaofthLie Reî'nb Sovernor Ilcans for the seat tu te upper boume EDWAAD F. DUNNE of cougness that lai been ocriiled by LIeut. Covernor "rIce Sheiby" mince 1a83 ' and NBs BARRAT Ouàl pluralîty viii total close Lo .10000. Seoleray 0o! tate Sînce itth'Sèutor Culiam and Mr, ANDREW OLBON Siterman repea;,edly anýounred thai Audîtorf lbaýy vouit lu bt6 ' (ha raoé& ci et hJAMÙ1 i.,eAbv ballotUný, IL la cousoa-eed almost cor- Treamu er tain- hàtthéLIie eMJtute* vill folow C. V. tM'CI.EhATHAN the exprassed i vli 0e the people and Attonite> Generai et Slaemman t 1e sonate. PATRICK'& .LIJCEY J:Ylacm. lewIs ai Chicngo ad ino op- o0r position an the Democcratic ballot andi reliveti the unted support of al LWEC .SRNE factions. WILLIAM F. WiLLIAMS 1 Taft Boston Ttes 10 One. Dîi.t Ex-Prasident Roapevelt carrieti near- î-Andrew Don ]y al ni thé coutes in tae state. Ha 2--jolit . anZ < defeateti Prosident "rat by a vote of s-.-Da"ié W. ra>ior at leact titrceela ana tramnGalene a o 4.....McI.a Melimae>' Bth tb. Cannon 4Wn McKley di- 6--Edmuîss J. Sésekf trlcts were swept haLa the Roosevelt 7-Franit Buchanan columhn'hi au unpreeueted tlsrailty. 0-Thomem Gclaghsr Llvlngston cosnty, the home couD- .-.LXne vn ty of Col. Franik LU mith. Pr - td yndenl Evates STaft's wetern manager, Is17n the iî-Thqiomas . Rile>' Roosevelt cap hi a Lre. te oitè vote. ý ~ L~ Roosevett ctripti Caokcony y a pluralît>' 0fraagraxxhÉaiely 060 O-1-dtfiv fciai, eturne f!tem down state probh- i >A. 14xwofth AT Ti E 1>HEODORE ROOIEVEL'T y,. 8. Senîtor -, LAWRENCE Y.*SHERMAN Governor CH4ARLES S. DENEEN JAMES A. ROSE Au~lW JAMES S. M'CULLOUGH ANOREWRUSL Attorney 9pnergI WILLIAM iM. STEAD (At Large) I. M. bH>PgW.5p1j WILLIAM E. blASON 1'~~~~' ii au OUBRM ORIAL VOTE Slheipr Ir Cullilléboau becauceaOcltet FOR 'PRESIDE NT latlumaeT Ué ae w uphse. of, na- Repulcan,-Totaî Vote Maital; tal^, eoip or elvlc activities ROOSEVELT ...............24U.0MInlu I er lot8ft,-Men ban ho TAFT .....................120M00 au ooffpleti op.public oilice. LA FOLLETTE ..............40M000 And one o&th. luculla, features af Oeleodaîos. the record la liat vltb but two ercep- ROOSEVELT ..................i tens &il oidtho officès vre direct ftrat TAFT ........................2 lb. POh tho taile apltv ie LA FOLLETTE................. 0 h. illei for oply a short Urne. Wblls Damocratic-Total Vote other -men liai.eerved In varions ap. CLARK.................... 270,0001 pointuve ofceo for that period, the WILSON .................... 85,000 1retfrtng sonator stands alens lu that Delegetea. the. peopleoêslecteil narepeatedly te CLARK....................... a serve them er afier year for mare WILSON...................... 0 dian hait a century. FOR GOVERNOR. le 1855 Mnr. Culloin vas admittedti Republican. th. bar andi .lected ta the office of clty SîEN...........138M000attoney li Springfield. That vas hie WAYIAN ................. 87,M00 Introduction te the people. Frani the JONES............... ...... 16,000 Pont af Prosecnloi at the State, capital HLIADURGH ................. 3,401ho limbeti gradually. but lnaistently, SWALL ..................... 65,M00 outil ho reacisti one of thae bihep BROWN.................... 14»00 poiioIn thle glft of the people. Devis......................6,000 Cook County ilîste. VATES ........... 31,000 Cicag.-Tiae entire Cook county Democratic. alate selectei bY the comanttue 09 100> DUNNE.................... 135»000 ill ho the. Republican nomme... -AI4#CMULER.............. 89,000 vth sa seeption or tva. CALDWELL................ 72.000 One exception la Joseph E. BIdulIl. DICKSON.................... 7=0 Jr., clerk of fb. circuit court. Ho von _______________________ a renonstion. Bldwlll made anufln- dependent camxaign and uce lu. second ln Cook county. vlth Smll a dorseti on bis record ln office. clore third. Samuel A. Bt±elsou. an Indspienet, Walter Clyde Joues, progressive Re- saldte t baie the backlug of the liquar publican candidate, ran tourtli ln Cook Intereata. made a remarkaMae havlug county. Charles F. Hurbnrgh trait fith ln the city. But Lewis Rinaker wili ln Coohcounty, formner Governor Yatee 1e the Republicaihomie.. 9txth. John . .Brown eventh and J. The Oniyetherclose. roe vas lbe- MeCan Davia elghth. tween bMm*liiM NUis and William Dunes Pînralty In Cook i cohty s la iie fs oêaii. ef board tram 40,000 toi 00,000 aver Samuel 'AI- of ?eVsivt, scinlan. lBen F. Caldwell ran a poor Clark Pl.e5ed With Votory. thla'd. .Waahlngtoe-flt goes vthaut ai- ln the davu tate courities, however, lng that 1 am de4pbted vlth the neye the ressaIt vas dîfferenl. Caldwell anrnt r llunoe." ci Speaker Clark, Alochuler ecch carripdt uanY countles. apeaklns cf tTi lleuils primai'y aleo- MeLean couuty was carrled by (loy tIans. "I vould b. eltiien mor, or legs arum' Deneen by 9() votes over former titan huma i f 1 I 4moLterosigood Giovernor TaLes, vho carled tae ou-over the spieledit i vctory vbicb my tY four Years ago. Wayman ran thîrd, friands achleved. 1 have nov corne- ___________________ (bng over 130 tielegates. Of cou",, Uaece canuot nomiite a cantldate,1 but tlaei coastitute a flue tart in tbat direct&*f. "T am praocetiy grateful te the' Democratq oaffllcolaandi hffl that thame lu aLun deates vill go andi do Former Senator Duobois, manager af the Clark bureau, sald: "The ase of Mr. Clark's majority. - fer exceedlng aur expectatlans, justi-, firestheba ller that Speaker Clark%. supporters bale aivays bad that ho possesses taoae qualles" whlch aïk. peal strongly te tiie publie laver andi wblcb niake of hlm a vlnlng candi. data for Uic Democratîr party. Wa, relictate aur trsatis upon the op. er's hantisomea vlctory and commenti Lbis r0sult lu Illinois, onaeaof taepli- citai status tifthe Union. ta Lthe thougbtful conalderatlon of tha Deni- ocracY Of the country as lndlcctlng the speakerf a"11:7 ta command sncb uZervhelmlug papular feeling as ta vauchiafe bis succeas lna Navember.'- Cusisse Win tAee.ptVerdict. Wachlgl..-Bentor Culliut ue greatlY disappolnted wîit the returtis tri, tiheIllinls primarles. LHe bcd becm led hY the reporta vblch ha4 orné tOhtm tram hie managera andi traRMnedi uo vrate hlm tu look torvart vîit confidence to the ont, mntue. à@e expected Mr. Sherman te Champ Clark. g1" hilm a hard race, but ha looki torvard ta tite votera of the etate pe«, Smai) iourth, Hurbsargh tifth. BrowunlMtti2g hlm ta die lu the barnao.vblc slxth, Joues saventh. aud Davis eghth omvr i i great desire. Mn. Cullom. Iloomingtan, lu thla caunty, la tae stateç that aliouid the fl eiraturas home af Senator Frank Il. Funk, who shav that he la' Oat thte chalca or the via one of Senator Hurburgits cam-RoPublîca"s tf t.he state for senator. liaigu Managera. he viii c mplet ly vlthdlaav ram the Farmner (;ov. Richard Yatae fuir- rac andi vi'iaccePt th1e verdict or the liuffl etiti.surprise parti to.the Prle anasd wttIl Duc 1permft . bis sofiet PolItIclans. Hie down state nm tvepronte ath elaa OPNCESPA N.% -Nt WCtFOANIL VZAL ever receiveo by ..ny store AJh which youma fo iv IA Boeles iitcher'a Roaat....... loc Be.! Tenderloina .. NAtive Stéër Bib Bu O Cpt Pu ort.er Bouge steak . . . 2ç iibuffer Steak------------....S8 'OnpÏsa Rump Corn Bé ..........-90 Natie r Pot Roaat .....8c teO SBe.! Tougues...: ........ ide àfOKED MATS. CottaeHams................ 13c j = am ...........10e Psageh...ua...............9 L!ver Sausage ............8c ~Imoreduàmer Saua4ge . ..... 15e . . . . . . . . . . . . 8upar Cured Bqck Bacon...... 12c 'Suiàr Cured Haàm ....... ton. .. ... . ..... E~d QuwW'..............2 Vel t~ .......... ........... . V'ea fd . o............. Good Luck Butterie .2 pounda ................ _ac.?j jýW ý 1 .,Ërier Burbank, omt ln Cailfornia, designs new 4*Iiàwrfut adbre.'ht' orselly Weclôthed i4ô iooen for EeStèr the.n'any Listed' huse In thisý dty! Because we Delivered the Goods. B «""$Ce Sze WVII7 Standard of Better Çlgpthes are knoewn to be rlght en are what we represent themn to be ... Ai 'h Class Tal aa* a e4eÀ h 'th c , O&âeru n; Ga égieots t batf hieth gé bukt, Intot them. Thèy're KUPPEýNtIEIMER'S ,gT1tI CLQTl'ES, that1s W iy it wiII pay yod ien both'money and saiflfattion to See What We Offer from '$1O0.OO up to $25.OQ- F. C. SoMi( Co "The House oo 5èètethes. Digit 1--Martln B. Madden a 2--Jcmes R. Man 38-WlIImm W. Wlson 4--C. J. Tomnkiewlcz ô-Jacob Ganlensteîn &-Ceri T. Murray' 7-iIs.uui O-CUietlo J. Ryberg g-f etiA. Uritten 10-George IL Fos Il-Ire C. CopIey, 12--Ch.nime E. Fuller 18--John C. MoKenabe 14-L»awroce lW. Magi 1&-G4oigo W. Prnceî IS'-Préorfolk M. SmIth 17-4ohs, A.Steling IS-ppt0. Cannon 2Q0-No Casididae' 21-M. Clay' Wilson 28-WflIicm A. RodenhesO t$S-Robert U.Clark 24-James B. Bîcekuan 26--N. B. Thistîcwood Asistant ChIet of PolIce ThomasA Tymneli racelved word yeatenday citer- Doon ta arreit a negra o ia beau arnployed ln a large local store. H-e foanti that 1the t idlad Ici t i a- ton. He taHuotitha Evenston authri I ,s__ tie, miad te ellaw vas arraéted uheai a it~AA le let tha train. IPhe local polilce did 29N . o . t Dot learu an uhat charge the teliov 0 .Ge e e t la ted.. (y eqougb ta brlng hlm witlu stnlk- log ïtattafloe. conslderlng the grant eat i hch Govrnor Danean seîreti early In Cook county aud the northerat Relaubllcan countles. GIclae OfficIals RennmIlnated. Ail the preseut stata offiiaIs vers renomînaleti hy large majorîties. Lieutenant Governon John G. Ogles- hi won renomination on the Reptubllc. an ticket aven Reuben R. Tiffany of Freaport. Home of tha Deaen men wana suppoting Tiffany, but factions) Uînes were not closely drawn KnnIe Ostevlg, village rierk of tee cooutty, vho ran on an anti Lormer plationin, talledt o rose mucla beadwaya. §ètrétany aif Stats James A. Ross,' uho bas senved for ixteen years, wan renamînalîan aven (Chester W. Chorcit of Chicago. Atdtor nf Publie Accounts James 8. hlcCullough. vito bas serveti the same langlh oftitme as Mr. Rose, vas re- nomlnated on the Repubiican ticket. Hîs aoppanents wene George A. Smith of Chicago and John K. Hall of Carml Attonney (lenenal William Il. Slaad. vîit aiglt icars of service ta lis crati. fIt. wan thte Iepublican nomination oven Frank R. Reid of Aorora. Raid màde a strong fight, but tha prnciçpal faction leadens rernaînet out of the cantest on tirnew thaîr support ta Stead. John B. Weaven, coonty judgq of Sangarnon cocrut>', as a third can- didate. 'l'he contest for the Republcan nom. luatîon for attorney geileral was close betvean tndnew Russel of Jackson- ville, former ointe treasonan, vba r.- tîrad twa years ago itecauisa of Lhe catsttutianal provision that a treas- urer must Dot serve tva condacotivu ternis, and t.,1L.Emmerson ai Mount Vernon. The Deneen forces backecti Km. maffou. William E. Itothormel af CSeago andi Horm K RËelimbergen, - eaoeve. aima vire candIdates. * coelale Record Utqu. The netlremeatt ai Scetor Cudllm &- gapublio li. mean» flicremova et Pioe1325-M i19k (. Genéec Street M q". Mr" ýT 1 IL12W IZZEý- -- N 1'6

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