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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 7

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'y Miss EladiaIBaildwin tes pendtng ber Amiîhos somen desîrious of Iet' vacatioîn wit b ter parent@slie.. ternug tlieir condiItion shouId talas up Lite. Hotmes andI Miss Alie pent Sun- Nuraing as a profession. The omaîl day with frieude uu Jauesv;ile, Wis. number of compeent nurses maire i Nrs. Sletuper entertaint.d Mr. and Ire. constantly nrnsng demand for tlseir Bayle@ of ladependeuce, Iows. rt.centty. service. Taned Nurses receiTe fronu [ii> li ri assGyo r 118.00 ta $2.00 a week, some as blgb ses l Bieir adcaion it fueodae as $60.00. includlng their board. boere. The Rochester Nurse Instituts sîilI train any woman to be a Professionai Henry ideirna@ ft Tbareday mortîlng1 Nurse In a reasonably short tîme lt o ElIsara, Iowa, wbere ho silI romain ber own home. Readers of the Inde. until faîf. pendent cas gsi free Information and Richard Turgler, s coflege adeat la Instructions hy writlng te thse Roches- &ilwaukgg tg epsding bis vacation wiib ter Nurses Instiliais 1034 Rocthester, friende bors. N. T. Dr. Starck le able to attend e hie Th&t eluelve bo&rdtng houge Wlicb practresagala yea have detérmbted to liait BOUE The Germaa Lethodist co"gegtion DAY mar ho advertised today.have purchased the J. Sftade lot corner ________________ o! Pfam (rove avenue and Lincoln MEN ANTE. . tree and will move their ebuneh froma MENWANED.Plans rove to tioI lot wnon. In uoo bil5 s onhregla sln Mesdames C. E. a.d Chai. Julian and la Atombil Wolt.H. R. Huet are gests of relatives ln lndianapolls si preeeamt, 5There wilI h $o 80.0 automobiles The fountain et J. B. Tisyntons "ae th.Is year, whch Meuns thopt- pharmaec i nlopea fon the summer sanda of good lobe, W. teaeh me«s SturdaY, onfy pure .yrup and fruits ofayaate b. ChauffeursAutomo- BTO Uftd. -MeE"l«ri, Pp l . » fei. Idr. ad Mis. C. Sullus ! of sPIaInes, men. We gie Pers"na Iractcal la' spont AEséter Buîay wllîb relativels.bore. struetion hi mail, and ebtala »oéttlons fon our graduates. 'You unaule&*.ln 1 MlmCriatltsPreilfhen s at EBute.r aielght Weels. so ilst yOuau it a Sonay nuls relatives la PBine. ,-qimer.Cometen hei> sjs~lisdI li.a mstab. to suppose Ibat ou. owRrssa4 pags.Roeeesr Auo.I M an. ais tsuùlng about IlISI 10I34.sO 1hrc tre. ohe-ift uuM Ssmetlrnes 1he7 a«* talkia tiO'.'N. T.1084.abomt iher bat@u-lhebsae and Dr. Ofatatuand, the Itadiug t 'ncti demmatlogi@t. e teuvered thtat us nir nith causes baldist. Thîir tjtruýry lumttetme and agaia heen aoîphy vernifI t luougIs r'îteareh enperimiettt arrti-nlou itndaur the observation nifi-minent au ieutitsi. The mnicrobe latIges in tht.St-hum, wblcb letht. uttural haur ailantI shen permitteel ta lourish il deslruysobe haIn fafllieluns and luiitmne the pars entirely cloe and tht' .caip gradualîy tae onua s binv appearaoce. Vi en ibis happenâ there le no hope of the growtIs of bair heing revIved. We bave a remedy shicIs silI, se honeotly believe. remove dandruff, ex- terminais the microbe, promote gond circulation in the scaf p and around the baïn rootq, tighteuanad revitalise the baïn noot and overcome baldaes, n0 fong as Ihere lq suy lus sef t ln the hain toots. W. batik up this statement with our os pfonai guarantee tha4 tbf e ramedy cldRxaif "93" flair Tonte sill b. supplied Iree of sf1 cost to the ueer Il 14 fa1p 40 do ai ce Biais. It wif f frequsntly help to restone gray nad fadsd balr to is oinlaIolon providnst lose of cofor bhs t[san ause> by diae; yet It i@ la no sen*. a dyl. Lil i3tt air Tonie aceolnplishse theas ,uftby aldiag la, maklng evsry bain root, follicie and ýl«menI gland .tbong and active ad by etinulating a natural flow of colorlg pigMent throughont the baincellis. W. exact no obligations or promisse -ve slmply agit you, 40 <lv. e xali i.983iain Tonic a tborongh trial B.d il 'otsatielled tel ns aid we will usfnd the mosy yon pald uns lor t. Two sises. prices 50 cent.a ad $1.00. 2o.mmehr you cas obta it la lh.rtyville only sr oar store-The Rexel Stors. Dacxxa & Boi. Llbsrti. vinle. Ili. Pound of boat uig Wisconsin Silo and Tank Company's Stave Silo's Best On The Market ll . l 1 W.. -S. 1IAWTIORNE A GE N Tumçm Libertyville, - Ilinouis Long Distance Phon- LibeyvI1l6 ,s R 2. .,srme' Pbone-Grsysa"e. YOtT RUE No O NY Our-Reputation and Money Rattt rntr are Back of This Off or S ...u isî Byeaud Wýe psy for ail the Medicine nJ'ed Mlasotnic Tem1îit i-le aNtlatîtI. tiuriîîig tite trial, if u- niuuirdy faîls bI t. ctumptetelyrO-li-ne y;îî t-f cnstipation. Vie take ail thie risit. lau are ual Alînil ?, A12 .' Thaii and s-ite obiagt-.eituselunsrîy ay wbatever, il îo Nm. Nee,20acs n t n iheooth.' ,sou acc.'pt moui'ole'. Uould anytbiug wst qoarie'r O'f nectLi . Itut Anti be more fuir for 3ou' le tbere aty [>Ch township. %v. u., 2tt reamon why you sbuîuld heetate to put Our dlaim;.tasilprat-tical tetW.-C. Cremnin andI vi-eio hn I A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a mai t-etlu.riiînsnetpIer 120 acres in li-th' htu. lore ment la Rexai.4.>dprlies, abieh are es of seWIon15,000' oinl i;î lp Ikecaady. They are i.ere pronouatrel, -D,1.0 gentti and pleaitatt iin ation and Dar- ArIlnI- -tu- icuariy agmeealle inenverv was. Thé v fGeorge ward to AIce h iub do nat cause dtarrhouta, nansees. latu. 5.outh haIl of the wst baif or loi iý. inrice. griplia ar oai.lutr inciînvent.in-i-. CorY's adel, Aaukeeaui, Q(à. 2tf. Fipxaîf Orderlîrs amie pirti-ularly gonid L. A. Garwood et a:in toHI A Rar for tbldreu. ag'-d and J.u1it-aItenstîns s ood, lots In the nomtueat qiiiartitr ni Vie urge yitu t;; try lt-xalh tn nîr It Section'14. West Antiili toc uî,,lîlp, Our risk. Thi eti sms. 1utc. 2.7w- aunl îhrC.. $1. litmember.,i"'t-au otltaîn lt-ss\ii i-ui Emua G. Turtle" io Cathe'rine« edies in Ibis ntiîuîi uiy tut OU;r SitOor. » feet weaO front on F9'Let dan store -Tht.fital itr. fît-;Kii if & roaid, juist norlh 0f Grand su-i nue. in Btîso. Libt.rty i tlP,1. hI. taik-egan. W'. D. $3iop. ________________*ltaisîuu' e LTU-cursto-, .Il-lo- î I-I. -J., TO TRY ZION CAB(S IlThe Mion City illegal TotiUg xill conte Up again for trial norne 4iiwV during the week beginclng Aprl IiL The followine x'11i e the firt f cases on the trial %il:. People vs. August Becker. People vs. David Mouighmer. PeoplIe vs. J. 4. Main. People vs. Edw4n Yeltotn. People vs William Klin. People vé. H. W. Sutton. .-- These cases wiIl be trie&'d'it 'Counto court in titis City b«e JUdg» Rt-rkhow, m ho bias been called laO Cd acounit of a change of ventre, haia heretofore been talten f rom Jud@» Pýe on.1iidge Persons no longer h*viâg I-.jurtsz iction over theàoase. Nir. 1MM', the state's attorney, wMUo ba a-*Ijsted in the prose<cution of the"-' raoe-i as heretofore by Mr. John D. Po;i.c, ni thefirm, of ('ooke. pope A. 1>011c-'010 baol b"n retafned by the Anti Voljian faction. ifi - - '~ 'yy]TI# MARCI4WATHER REPORT MONR TANI iIB. LrJ.tc>IC.eaerJaedmes 0f Antloçh Shows Temn- .-r'utbls f akeaa, ertus oLake County Ouring 25 CENTS inr. d WIIIuele 1Wakgu Month F554. I over 5undBY. iMiss Supdi speut the pat week1 witb J. C. James. Jr, of Antioh las . . . . ..G.. . . FOR SA.E--Conwis table, 4 bedu and brprete I IJiist isstsed big seather repîort for + pi ,bhl tise, 2 mattrs.s, 108 box. Mrg. C. Solig îs iii Bt pressaswrtig March, and proceding vears of the . .p.....vlle, Ill. b m18..P2-- A ".e'ngEte n c teresting contiftoe, the coldest March -ilY i. l.ld ailthe Preihyterlan chureb'SaudBy îln matif,.ars: FOR SALE-Labo etrant.fbrmi taud @Vosimns, the proffram ceolotng 01f asios %Mr. 1912-Warmest day 42 on the tu uo.ut&»04Ti"s and ilovitia. FOR SALIE- G09durvy la finas shape and duet. li M. iiosibro auctouneed l7th. Coldest day 8 below on the lot. l>MOD AsTN.c-23tf Dot 110w but used *e01 ilttle, for mile thst Frldqty evening sli hé the pictudre Average temperture 23.23. Rainfal ceap.' J. KEurctbit, Libertyvlle. 111. *venég for the chiidrea. 1.99 taches. Onowfall 13 inches. FOUSkE-hls US. o te. ,PI ' A bfrthday party wBs givea to Rob. Mar. 1911-Wsrfleot day 74 on the Thm naÔtifarBeS ecIsned and grad.d, ý Antms Somday eveaiag la bondir of bis iIst. (oldest day 8 above on the ttth. fre from 4111 foui and wed aedsd are. ..Bt...S.. s.. lghteeatb brthday. Average teatperatare t35.32. Rainfal exra beavy. Prices 64e a buehel. 1zm' 2.3 4ncee. HOLus, PWlieView, i. Fhoae288W2 + FO . ENd+M. and Mtr». R. Vaut a (J soin Carold Mar. 1910-Warmest day 82 on the pI FOR 4mt Wednesday on Ban uteded trip tui 19. Coideat day 18 aboe on the 151h. o + + ' I. . . . . . . . . Oregon. Average teimperature 45.22 Total rain- FOR SAE-i brood amure, welght Mr.anid IUrs Will Omttrinan anîd fali r5-io0 inch. 18C, pouads; 1 brown mare, wetgub FOR RENT-0-room bhouse, barri and ifughter are the gumote of M r. suit Mrs. Mar. 1909-Wariaest day 5f; on the 12U01lgray cioacha hures. welgtbt 1150. lacreofiand. laquiientoftuEiTELLIs, E'jd Wilirn. 26th Coldest day 9 on the l7tb bÀîîs ivri, ibrtvile [3 Libstyville, II. ,e-27 tf p. ie v h il Average temperature .33,1l Total c.20-tf __________________________lit.,_ The lylo rlb h il Ilfi iait îl60-100 inch. Boiy' Crou chiîrch was@ weil attended. Mar, 1908-Warrnest da% 70 on thse PARAS FOR RENT. 11ghpeilînol studeots artc enjoytsg a 2';th. Coldeel. day 15 aiso' on the 9th. FOR SALE-it'early asw amodern sevea ,eae epeaueRifl rmhous on easy teri@. 'rîce 1 have a few very gond farms for weeko vacation. Av- eras eprtr .,i2 Rif $g200. .Mutbiy psymeaeil demired. reflt for 1912 running from 70 acres Liro. Preston Itocbrohaah. whîî lias m~ar. 1907-*Varmest dav ht; oo the lh-MOND ".-CTINx. e28t o 300acres and al close tu stations. been ill fur Point Uties, jeit iprovliug. 21-it.Coldeet day 18 aboi.- oithte leith Mir. andM"r. Therrien entertined 1iA% e rage temperatars 4 2.2 Teotal rain- FÔ SLENe odem. uû'pto.-dte R. B. DIXON. and Neison and f riend of Chicago, Suri-fal i-l. seefrooia bouse, lî>-.>lX278.o 1 m0dIL t1 (rb.. drI ii 96-Warmeýt Ii i o,)n the LinconnAve. Iill seîî a Pady ternis,. lOhms.. fi. 61-tf. D&W.(in tfay.)!r laquirtsf mo . BND ibetyville, I 'ni ana etemperature Totai l rain- Iii. ~ ~ ~ dlIi1g S.8t O eNTe t"îli.sL tht.Sîi;îîckGILERMar. 905-Warmest tIti 77 on 0,, FONSAE-Ful bid aind rgisdteril 2-l LMîno~iStlAa Nrs.jC Alli-ht of NIliakfp . . 2 h(lds ay9alo i.h Poloiîd China sows anid gilts. fiest a of.hraetemlterature 2 -Rain, bréesdng and iîîdjvjduality, Pri.ed 10 FOR RENT-ilousI- on Schoîîl strpet -ii .ti ithA.G.sewrinai's. - -7 rbes. ssii. Lbterty Vil la Si ttk FaruI. J.I lit.1u ti t l'of i M n1. i-i-UIls-rty vi lt., E .1 1inthdento- bas 1.-n u li I \lu i A-i4.-..'armert 4 i, __ *Li t Poîmn., ometai; N7E. Gn-t ki r II..-l 1-tf juin lar flitjs rît.w barrui. Coidest day Ili . 1- ::(1 i v( ra -t eitierattire 21 ,u t i i i ~~.l.1 S.ri S u .ist e trv si--k n i i i) -1t sali 11 7, ,inches. FO AE Hiti u i j -î o FOR R EN T ardei flabtout twt, ilia atraiiitl nu rse-la at îi.liîtan . - i 3-WVarmen t I -ori -. and r.i.ot.îrnîî it it i jn . Antr.vli. Pkt- al, t t fuit,-t-t' S.('. I-ukir M Iisa -iitta Klilj,1 tdeiuwn o ul- j nd 1i1,il. <t Idest day 12 aI, i î,- andi Ut, front itandtl tires 'iditi Iri-tI t il d m-n. t r tg) i i rtit-ulti.is ;- NI r tedt Mn,.. P-.1 .1 oit andît- Vt-1tJ k :,Il -a i 7tî2-W 'arnies i 'l, t" - il, gieut r ntie - eilmrn t e iti' i - tttl " tt .îî lt ita î h ut.- tttt 1; i ldest day 4 al'. - i h hall yo,îr înrd. Lîtterty %Wla Stoitk FOR RENT OR SALE-Ij rî,,utIota pr-ltM Ir. aînd NIra C. GStittailr--.î-prtr '. tn a Gai /Ei:r.MPlaadt' 27IuWl r.lti il LiltMr..3vIl.t'. lii ît.2on the Iall_1.0.5_inch. ~~~~~ ~~~ mis. Iila i.-i i. titlîza r lts 'OR SALE-lt rmuniî boust-, Ili j iuilrrîFOR R EN T-Six obi - î,îtIntliôttt- 'ora) utýlwatar .BEN iM. MILLER.A IfrVrII 7 i ld It ý.4h a t& i"l ýIi r"tIE.rEi't la-tta ln Ilt1» nt,,ujttmv 4t- . - - iptice in Attachrn , i Vi» n .t fra wt ( a e ut-lt tut1ire . 1, P[iii hlardiet; t1 in ttk rA , .01 LN>t su luUut aîî intn t tf pragu,'- Si t--2It il I itl 1 AKP Cnt '.TY. j t 21 i îlat5t-ta iln te' jýoun ty Court ,I I-i . ý'. Ifts I W.AN TED Llr Hanr, Jtte teri, r i M r.' Il n-c JmIi'n-ýlt f ro ltrtu i î 1 Sc l i vs. a r l FOR SALE-VIuîtîl t rttîint Iitita ii 'aslsaj-- it 5---s atr aîrt.n Dlemand e131) Ili, lott wsitit iaiitieit.tt, i lti'iru it i-rtiit NT OMri1mi10a ii an nnî botuseanid hart;ri si 20 liii . ,uItl u 1 W v tii 'arn. t arti titl boie su , 1îýd s t 'riinitîtatpt\tta-.is hfreby given ttt,ý i,,.'ajd sLe ,r.'.IIIieîtadiiondite $7iiiA. JA IlItjirtipiiri v tooia triarrvI j Sheel Perrth.atiaeeW tirat-a 1 n tatacb shor., good condition. Ail properot vill.1 ttI mss ItIniutliai M DII he I 'l ni i ) t1lki. hlis 'a àfer iw tbsIsnOudo t l, Ilj f FWNi. Laite Zutinh 1; i. n 2-tf ill Misi -2- se 4ickarbrm, Ali tan; ta r-tiîttIth- ofer ithe Couuty t t rit ifat;ld Mis Brbaa ujan ia ret I tttdvoiity of Lake st thte suit ft11,-nalîl FOR SALE-Ahtiut 20>whiîteîail WANTED-Ow ne'. of farm Largalo na ttit rit n lntt5iouani-lii thei-idI ad agaJ.util -1ttti- tf barr oak fince prio. n; . tie t of ttt'tttan% a here hetwecr ChIirmand Chiicago. mu.tius sTirdllar. SI itl .trpt t pitats fr -t.-n e -dt l,,i sak.-r iit ii -t i cnllnî"dtret-ted ta the gSriff otiI il 1i ttt LlcïdIil-,rtyt i 'bons- 24;71,1k, t its ,)wt ,1 rn lln ireesi'iir hieh said n ît ti-, 1.eti t-2s,2 get nn rrceî.lus if ýou rmaI13 want 10 ('tarît." iarrictîr, tlaytttu, Ii. t iaus Ir-tiriind hy aid Sherifi b yll . . ... t h.-valut' îof I Pdlt-vs Hiley aî n Ta rr la-ry ingotitlot tir in. 1,II l kititt1 FOR SA hua t- ta - Ittiîqtusl. as It, tuit-k ai ure el-l1 ,tr H. Ktllt.ul)divjsjttît If patifjtht- n'îItjertà l;pr lClP oltis i-t nIl t. 3. xon. t;urnre, 111 , 61 If. D& 1. csrtun lIt' a-rjit M y lboyhlltdaiet- northt itaîf of sectuaittiiontir ot Mil satîkeeaventue' nîtti) (itiEltirit-iýddtwsi 4not,în- to de1tob. niîîîre of Il. L Onutîî'\E,IWANTEO-Situatitîn tts î-trtwt-itt.r lude itit i-l, ii i; it;u. lbit lisustng FEuh-' t thtThird Principal 9lrt-lt-uîiiLtake. Lts'rtyvill'. -28-ti lu îefý a".A redd .I l-aitîI iî, anîd Tan t:ui.tnîund, lus;on Citunt. Ilîlinois and wbit , it ulads aist I ta Ni'ollice 7'F t o"it;;dutltruîugb 1 %%t.alis telqt-pit Ili-nrp.turd samdidel tti. t i Ituitti FORSAL-Los l Obore sIiji. lite onse l-'îrialr lay ailtlJrtggiPtsi iny coutt." divrisionît în >111 a titteavene;; .- ;t h tolf N;w, utnins ~v.,ii tht- afti Hanry J. tii-Elctîntîlat.Vit'r tttis. trWANTEO-Yniing ladiers wjtit Pilu hiIrsa irauaii..it nia inaîtis bltti -R Ettîcs t.- ir ille îli-atiiîî tîri, rt liif,te il ratars ut -blîre thtet ouri Utou rIt iii II (IUt tlt e.2?-tl Ll.t-vl. nt tî 'nnatgs.îtly ilCKoY.tr; the irstdia.y oIfltenexttl i t-ct. ttî ChUmie Opeaittr, Iiai.e iuity T i 'l'rln' il,; t ha. hnidga t Wat i>k; Lo.tît; t, ýj FO SLEFllblodRod lludphiiitCo la ýrv iI. C-24-il Bert Lia ards msîn ut liastn vtil,t Ciîntyy>'p tht.2adnda dn. tli oithttl Rezo o ALE-uing.iîoîîil nlPuîr iste ----- .......,.frîtud.'inicabt-go. i jtme r td.iît ive specil 1 ai an-Ijnil led ni ; 1-l. ir elii-0i lt leas.1aCI) tîngln' WANT E 0-tIantigirl fiotr gnnrailioii.'- A riceptitîn s ina goien t itituu rilor. t;; .aid anti' ri, nlimient %, i Wl lnt earrd Vll otr tdires#. Joi Mil Libiery. Wuîrk. IliilliieJr.S. lii ATI,- Ittrty. uand Mrm. Franik Edwa utul, T Ieîtîsaltst yOn tu lav.oir tfIltii aiti 1ltii ville. iaule 2. c2N-2 nvil.. l'bîîînillt)t2.r 27-tf enîhiilzat the ltrt !M niM. îdtt npryata'-tiitr';i *12. îrat. ex I?7. WANEO-tiriarniîtli~g:d~,ina U Edward. Satv frintuls at-irt. pr-. the saine wtiî costid.h biu. FOR SALE-A prai-tiîally uw itea ixm. tr r rl hOIti.iWark. NATHlAN dtIinitY lUnc'lît-tiîll tlipartt-tftr thiir WaignIlni. tr1.1>2 t-oaster baB, x et.iH. arMit. IiLLEit.Ltwtyi e. hoe ttitoleiwsh gfieirdeiu gimm ENH Mtii, citniiM Itt-iie $1,Addr"ss . IN* fîýIAiE, 20<X N r 27-tf maiiy yt'arsal1 huppilies. Ashianiti ll.d. t'hi'agîi. 'Ir Vii>.nO ___________________ BFiti, RcKotlelr, Il. F. t> 3 r2t2 WNE-jutti t t rcialigMssettîn ('lînittffrrson nIofu-ti WANTO-Siuat-)rjLy apra t attttuuled the. rrt-ptîîîn Tnemday Pnenili;. Mr. Albert F. Csnrad han secured FOR SALE-Elgiu nîpîlîini- aaiti;, att tim ofhee. C-2? il t Miss Atla Tilittî. iu Iol ttîIniuith e generaliOn eitrt for Itîesale of teitn st-iriane. nqiir. 17 (Ati. ~ ____________ aIt- it iiKnnttsjîa ilm oiule'on Ilitr mI î C~anadan Pacili - lN. sesterît(Canadla trid atliL. irt. în. ilC . îC.l2 wATD- tttî ct lnlj tt vaca'n -ttition. *lands in the. Irut is of Mianitous, Te 0L ,bryiiý 1. j2-IWNrD(IIi ii o iltI Saskatchewan, anid XAlberta. As tI -ce - s-rt. Intiuirr at tht tîlAlie. p-2h)'- liti .Elwtarils iraisucta-d Iumilun- is great interesit- gnanifestediin FOR ~ L-taimare 0Il venirît. d]. aukegart an itiairukue last timnt these lOvW.'linit-d aiteat landpi, and an u be tl L ady rîttuugit riv îneAi 5ii, tr+ MSCE T.TANPi'UTT + i iertha Eraitr ;tfIttidnitîs. ii trd mac y peoule inii h tart of the stai.e E,îîP. diuut.; LadGyéiidive ultîr). 1. îri-ntî tere Tuedar iiîgt have relatives il friends !il tIsat 1,9- P. i ais t, iraelH.r i1K country they oil r lýinterested iii 2lt1 f~ir ifsurItuî hit.rentiritg. tî'-kaîr HîlPîl"cnt Sii'ia " 'fti 1larnng that )M v ciitad la nos-in titile,!oina ngo!at, hIrnie >av agsa'piation te g.î- i.uîumiatîon aboutt - îîîsad pigWitPý, V I-f Vn ot the i' hol rîîîîtîi tîu r.western (Canadajandsi ..The. gent.ral FORSAL-lardapint ihttatd ttTn lhltiti- 'tt-lItiitl - t, Ari 20.office is l;îIn t. -litcaied insuite ll.i.RtLibertyville pliont. 278.12. _____________0d07dlt,.pi 2. ~iî, No, 112'We t iAcauts treet. c-t1t + POSITION WANTED+ ARE MICROBES 2t&lt FOR SALE-PulFoîlhîttil [iuffWivanîltîte SITUATION WNE-l ann IN YOUR SCALPMs'Cr-tle aepi ëllas îtr ltabti lît.-501,tpr n-ftig of wsl t itte experiniice itgiigeiral -The averagemi triii ealtb lias thé 15. .1. E. BOLt.casîtt, Rockefe-ller, Ili. farmina; smilllamily. Adîfrees Llherty- It Has Been ProVed. That masterial for 13 pt tîinds of candles. one P-29-1 'Ville. 111.'Rl. D. 1. Box -,,d Il pound .af naila. carl-on'sufficient tor Microbes Cause Baldness 800 pendIls, lulndngs for 16 octaso i - - books, 500 knIife a- ndjes. 28 viofla RF là TAINIrn tIi. iProfessr [Joui of aa burg (tirintiy,-îtiirt.iz. s......-nilssai ad n Keen, accurate VM-iop. Eaoh line and letter and distinct, No more tired, staixied eyes, No more neverous headaches, E very hour close work, easy and pleasant. D)o not postpone having those eyes tested You wiIl neyer regret wearing glase iH you get the. K Fè 1!N' D >î R!MEMBER-I1uss' Jewelrg Store, Tuesdog of each week 10 t. 4 e'dsd. S prio sReot son. tract orfland in Ihe vîiijge of Fox' ___ Superjsors Reprt Lake, . D., $4,500. Tttît. otf Litînnbloc i ho i TIti .- tlastti iiii înilIi t tIn ti il kg, f -'eniDjic--î $72j. R o S E C 0ONi B uli lain f nI uatiîi' îtCîuit - it , f Nl J- i u Io A-ItRHODE ISLAND RED fi.'; Ciîei. tibai- ttîii as li iti Itr u i h 8 i -'a O t tirtn n'tft .ri tai ' i t t ttfii iltn iiitt t ittf tu N r iit i t n aint .tt iti,-a ttii u lît tnt - - - -' un I 'ti a> tiT11 T A A\i KI, n "~u - Il b - tut - -., , h tRhan t. S. TIIIGGS ftlIt.oaa itttt'i 1- 1i 1 C - ~... siittt tt - - t t tîf t-I ltt I- , - ' N 2lGLE COMB BLACK î î~ f tîtît imtr. ni' î-lt îi ý i. t .rnde.i "ti Fi -upeile ' foot In n- i -itai A . 1,1t,1tt,%% iIltu 01 itutJiIl Iff ~pre wtnoersi, 15 for $5.00. tntttttnia-t3 tlit j IarStifaction Garanteed "um' -t"t'ltii t ,ffnt t aI and W i,- .î uitl. i o I, s-a ii t il tt1- nC;i -taii t t t i I-d &il Pow-ell-a l. t-i _____ aîn t.îî. n tt n-îi.i.n iu'4-'-6 Osterm îii wf. uRose Comnb Rhode Island Reds i-au at -tii ntn-it in1 lt tn tiut . . R Ly.on -- I;- 'ttIni i it itit , w a nflr. i.>. 5"thtl I i itta uîi",, I l Ina- . I 'ut --t ii-i rilîi - i 'ulir h îîîoî e n . -I .1.u i i itturu . 11 : JuliIu i : litritttia.' n S- IOfta t ara lt aîlt. ' i i- I - u'iA tr .i st-- itni t t. -r i - - - fueti e iuuî2..A a ln -iu .il i- . C KIm baINEt A. t. .1 tlmt-t-r1s; -t ia- Se 1i*.nt tt ý I nitary t-t1îuuî - ý r .eiIntiaNIîttJh',.. t-.~~ ~ 7 2-,in- 'fIai n h iî-111 l f-tni i < I;.. ;n< iA'HNI R5 il if I us...... t lfat- l it lt leit Ia n iu t - i - 2 L I- i.;.' W i ni I9f.iu-lorb White Leghorn tiir Etmo i'ni, ti -8a1hiii t 'ut .î -~t suret-2t-'. t u ' :iiik an A'. P luam it L. HAII LL t mii. fart tir luit lu 1 f co l h )..- ï I L t vl l eI - - - iii Fe 0t-tutfitote Et.i . .t.t- . C3 F; ilitme taiisiannCIn 2f 14 Katherine liavets aîl i . unl _______ 9u h C stetr'. 'rt-tint-i nlu hhetzer, e) ces ft nr'n~a ~ -andil h. LIa tiansiî h' 1 -$ f; 7 1;~ î.ket- (.0i u; Ptltuniutfe1,te a ilottie LaîuuI!"n' lt;ut7,2 F'm k Sqt-k and wlýý fe 0Lioleia ~ F R S L 2.Llennti- uuîhnU, Il 1 sTen, lot In the eant haîf Of the norîh- I SC w ie T (je.t-o 1it ut4,111ntl, Cl, 1170e ast quarer or Section 29, Deerfieiu .. V hl rinin and Wh 2 .is .FI i.,uîîn. .. - inu townhl)~. W. fD.. $225. - \h',,airi(lottt. nggs frnotr, sa ese n.L tuu u State Blanku Of Lake Forest te Ertt-« Racne1Wutukt.gan and County Fam. .i.VM ti-.'Mi'f Il, 't rile $2.$3 And $5 per is. 26tPttH. t li-n ft iHlitaltI Apitleton, lot 3. Gr-ecit Bay aulit - 55 . o rZ.9n nitn,-Il ion t 1 ;nForeist. S7 M' tD. $427 etrv:ti White Poultfy 1ver -41 Plio e 133 q I B RT VILL E I.LUIS l4i~ '5 CAtin-t -ttt nionGabrilso a iw t T.1,,a1t 2JFit 1)E ltiutlirni il ïa iluraI.lot 5, blockt 1, D rt a es t îie-21'1S Totl _11-sui1 a Ide tiis. MWatikegan. Q, C.$1. I Aijn i -u hâatt tl ttîtelzniif i Itcai trarS lin413 Aint t il land ert elî tmitg lu-t-i irn 14il. 3, Auttuîtit-ui iîin ttînît Stsinrt ~ .t~' A1R RHODE ISLAND REOS h i iost - ýni l tatligtait - iuitt 1111--4f3%.1l Il i-11. tti. ttri'ia 1 t.1 ai a t. itn. .La is UP TL) DATE Irtfun iates idfoe _Ladiesand Gents Tailorl preiui-t~it, u.t wrl8a1 show bird, in Affrontea Sympathte&. "Monst 0of ohe deem ha. Ieft tlîls part Suits Made to Order , Eggs. $I 50, $2.60 and $5 par 16 of île country.- Yctu neplied Farm > IRST ti. t St-Fll (I, IZ-, N -t-iI putettluei' Viier ondlen i. Atiae er Corntossel. "Yoo lnow a deer lsaa tender hearied kinul ni an anhmal, and ALSO CLEAÂNING, DYEING JO OLNAE 1 n'pose the critters couldn't stand lit JAND ALTERING to bang aroundulan' act-e .-'ay tIsu itfttI 1 .a. 1 hantersabsoi one another no." Gosae IlgostiL ...suCzyviile, i "bThe Proof 0f The Pudding-# Lluss ,Jewelry Store, Tues day, Aprîl16 I have arranged for an, office in the Huss Jewe2.Lry Store and will be there- Tuesday, of each. week, com- mencing Tuesday, April i 6th. My work in the optical lune is on a sound footiïng tu Libertyville, as I have dozens of pairs of spectacles and eyeglasses being worn by residents of your city. Âsk Mr. Huiss for a copy of "The -Proof of thre Pudding" as regards the buying and wearing of. glawses "'x:

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