c. ffli, V OXL EWAÏ M DI YMAIU NAir. RendiR. M. Teyl Cbalimere bd on " M f" INPtOATIONS POINT TO eA vSRy TERNOON AND MET WITH AP- another page. 14EOPpIcU" o qinTHE I"cgrr< J UlY SEASON FOR ?MATERIAL * oN TOOAV WI B DEVOID PROVAL OF FACULTY. The LadienCinc>Cb ( is entertl E£LAINJ,*I A THtDIF. CORDON MOCINNJS I(ILLS FOWL MEN AND CONTRACTORS. EXCITEMENT NO CONTESTS -eTedaaterÙoon at the hume of FERIENTFOPLANS ARE. WHICII la SI.ýOMm ur-le MAKING APPEARANCES. FACULTV MAS NO OBJECTION TO Mirs. Barry Davie un Miwaukee avenue. KNOWP4 A$ ÇoRMORANT. VYEARtLYINCREARS IN BUILDING ~UEGTE T CNGESIOAL SCMOOL DANCES AT WHICH r.A. .Aetaddutr DECLARE TIAT YOUNG MAN GETS- YOCNGESINL PUBLIC lB BARRED. Kathryn front Ecanstou. vîsted a Ilw INSURANCE iCHEAPEBT WHIIN FIROT EVER $99N IN THIS8 BEC. MATERIALS la ARGUMENT. CO~NVNTION ARE INSTRUCTED dayae ttei arif.entad i fr FAMILY NEROB PROTECTION TION-1S8TIlE BIRD THAT'F1614- FOR OOING WORK NOW. T9 URGE FORThe dance beld in the IhgIIschoo tb i path iet a iio s tERMEN TRAM 4TO ID IS 0 REHlM FRELF gyCTIOz yseraya.enon p art& ,Many readere of the .So.. are Inter-contractorts are of the opinion tbat Th, e ui C ountY Central eý toaie a conite succesand was I o r otiiltn ucaigWoie OIus h 3YR-l O hr i omn e otshu çisamittec hfid ts meeting berte ta- attended by a large number of stu- oo r otesltn ncbsn ode f America,.ether becana. ut Rev. George Mcilnia hot a black thito year. Many 'ho have intended to 4a ad heoilcr~fo te nulg ens s el a rent3r of the facul an automobile this selrdottfait tu e they are members or benficiarles Of double cresteod cormorant atDead riv- build have hesitated on ancioent oftih. yad lere eice orhere si n ont.de nntsa easnemt W.! K iln T-aylIt and letîjini sluthe. theis urante certificates carrie4 by er. recently. It l 54 Inches fron tiP ysalrtwreanelo!ted he ofie ws tho Iat ede n a1nd oej ts dî edeeaing toitures et the C balmers. a fatiier, huababd, brother or son, but to tip of wtng and 34 inçisestronm large amaiunt of front In the groun that tel iput up going througb uinop- ing as mnch as anyone. Tle dancing 1 it Saturd ýy1 (toruorrow) ight le flot ail are familier witb the, detatîs Uip of bill to the. tip 1 ofthse tai. and tho. cold w.ather tisat pr.valled pO.d oune a>r .S.Sutck iasted fOut 3:30 lintil C, oclock ard 1sehool eleLtiou. Let wver.v voter iar in of the, recent changes made in the- Very few of tii... larger sea forI *du Wtnter and up to a short time alo vs. e-eecîe chirmn. te uiqu feau o t was that an mid tisat it le his and ber duty to turu rates. . are ever seez Ilautile region. l'hy are Ti eiainwsntrl h T'h.flot O! OfficeTl follows: admission 1fee of five cents was charg- ont and aid In ele tinr meubere whl BriefiY the. change consiste o! two plestitul along tii. coats of Europe. man alholeure. to bulld a houg. for*- (lsirma-W S.BulOd. e evryoc.are quallifled tazfiheutty srvein the general plans--whole life Protection Tise>'are gresi kravolerss 'ald are i fslnily. or a houg. for gale or ta .t Vie Chairman-Ur. J. L. Taylor. The ides was conietved ta raise capacltY of the effice ta whiclseiected. and tertni protection, running tuagas known to have crae.ed the. Atlantic rent, Muet Imow isefore Jbe,.gine i*i S&*etary-l.ew A. Hessdee. $150 ta pay the janlor for bis trouble The. retiring nienber tht Yea" are 50, 60 5and 70. lu addition intahte"i t a single #lght. prtinboetin na ht the " Tmasre-Le conut. a lenngupafervad bt hee rei Ent . .Milieu, Mrs. E. S. Warren two general plans, as recommended ln ancient timnea gentlemen of loi- prtoýomtIg.rw Ejecutive cmmittee-W . l3sllck, ial ga nany dancers tisat the question and W. C. Sanborn and 9 ouu by the committelte e ocm ure taught tlsem tu finis,. T1 vlaedhidengl dac ot heH. aisi tao Dr. raloer, Lee MsDonough, F. S. now'i. llta wbat disposition wilhbe hesirtil>' recommiemd -thatth> le adopted reioliitiols provldtflg the. nat a ring arojpd the. Dock, ielow ttré proviei avne-o ii ,sigo Muar i. o! Highlasnd Park, Crl Kraft madl. of the. moneY. retumnel. ui premiuini Or pure .ctIrrent cost gular pouch and after, the cormorant t he mone3' ta psy for tiie buildinkg and 'et lentme Forest, A. N. Tiffany of An, The holding of the dance >esterday At thse republican congressionai cou- whOle ltfe plan and two oiler plan à camse up ta the surface, stace lit cold h do", not Iel ifit paying for tise Uoçl, . W. Farley of Beuton., Fred marks a ratiier important event In the. vention of the tenth congreusionai permtting niembers to continue pay- Dot .wshlow tii. Ssh, on Account ofrv"ce. of an architot ta draw plns Kirch. er of Cuba. George Renehan Of 11gb echool a. t establisiies a pro- ditrIt helil t Benuelihall, "ryne.- nent of their preeeatrates elttier as thie ring %ho Bahiirais taiten attrayfor bhlmitthat ho cannot arryout. Thot Ao.A. S. Powers of Wattconda. cedent that may b, followed inIlls wood. Wednesday afternoon, Atty B. B. terni 0r whole lite rates for tise ful rom tiie bird and the. bird wes McCOtt'UtM5 camt figure undebtand- votot for M&l à~ rsolution wall jssed in whsch ture. Dnving Iu the Higb seclligym- Miler waa nominateil aé presidentzel value tiiereof overboard &gain ta catch anotiser Ssii. ingly On tise cuoSt Of ex.cmting & COn- omisty. tise del gates ta thse convention of the nasium bas been tabooedup ta thEte Iu.tor oltue ditrict. Juin E. Wilder The futur. level rates of aseesement i'iey have a 'peol abit wheuf tract uil tii,> know wiiat thejý-wIIlTris for greot- e?.ath Congressianiil districtl froin present tine, being under the ban of of Evanstun anS-amies Peaieof Chicago, for wiiole fle Protection after January gorged ortsitting on tiseir percii wîti have ta psY for lober, and thuag tiieau leavep' mu Laite cunty were instructed ta pre- thse faculty and school board. wesre iamed as delelatt the National lot, 1913, Illb, higiier than the pres- livngs extended, remnainiag rnotionlenss la double handicap whenever tiser. . er 'sent ta saiS convention thse name o! This ban was litted yesterday when canvention to lie bl-d in cbisicgunt rates, but by tise adoption Of the. for a long time and thus, as it were, la any posibllty of a strike that msy Tours for Decri Attormsel Benamtn illier for nommna- ,Ir. Stebisins alowcd the plasafor the lune IPth. iteoutioul. were adcqstednatural prenilumu or stels rate plans bang thensselves out to dry. disarrange plans. With thei. 1jkefaling rsoles. _ý r residential elector fronitis, (ance ta te crriu'd ont. le sald froin i iLtrutiug thse national delegatesq ta and the terin plans, sale protection ît was ibis peoile posture of thie question settied there isoema tii b, an Teui for Puol> disrit. it ths ndoseentTtIo on te ecellent <ittlook for Lbtilding thua Teun furecaoSil 4itit ihti nosmn tte iserst tirat ie approves 'o! Hlgh Cote for-TileudlreRoosevet for esai- cen b. obtaineul at a ver>' lowcuoit carmorant that prompteS Milotse"*,Yusfreey bievia il Mrqltlier la almsso surt 1actuool dances under proper supecri , I-iti et ttue national convention. The hnti rsn ae !ts oit.poet, ta represet Satan as a comm- wl b aoigtadace In tàTernisTotfore e- Tefollnwtmrg deegates te te Wù,,P. Vaî edi hette) mas-tle Clrssusiule. stes-thon can he furnisheul et 40 cents hiatroilsiPotter the expert taxider-onprso ftepiel bidn ih rdLvr gressionai couvloon isceelected: dînes tbtivers- î.t-nisd alter I;ý- A ouihîer of relativesanaud rieîda ae a month lier uiousand, at 18, 45 cents cmDridootheprcs f uldngep.ndable iakiog Fer fLeti,1W l 3 et tk. 1clii tamres rs t..- -aLt tlwoi'r2 e t -irained at tihe honte oftbit. und Mes. et 25)150cete3;u cents a ti 3mit.will isount thse bird. material wth those of Tant year showa -e cets , 4 that the advance was not Bo great etTsai.Clme.T> dennin o!f Penien. 2;A. i OItuge iiosî.suti-lu tacxlr-îîiîc -lus-p'ir -.u,,.ittuîs<-au'--uus 60 cents at 40; an n6. cents et 4r Benton, 2 irG'st, Wetcli o! NNs- is -irs- t .t,.,.. -i lioSotr iny'.afeni tirnd.white limtishe step rate plan tise rate, I lont itit taoo u~tu..b rsse that. %Tateliai men unit.eluntthe belle! ianc. and note thse l part: Erner t Selons o! ArIIirOh': 10h"71suris a siiea,-s mor es'. ri iî,.icd Ruuuuoîîd tiorSS. Aiong miose pre.st a'Is 18 ta 30 Inclusive-. J.;35 centsI ou.h tmo.SclmimmTvmL itteewl leafrie dsau-Yl Sint I.bolrba -t ia'n oftAu;locli. 2; Xr. K.l':iitl' lmor hisril!tae rouis aur-i, a to. distance us u'. rs. El-cal lier thoudand and gu-altyIncreases, Lu rmsuE, Cio. c-30-2 In prices front year ta year, neceesi- aoo ai aveu mise high- G. rant Er F.Wa en Chiles W at'î a id ey tat i. ;îfîr r aIir':u T ru - -t - - n duî't tr l tin Bs-il uîudesmi uruustàt ie eg1Se'olucs m i W. Bachr ofWaren harls 'l ;stupplies o! tumber andl otiser mater- mach botter tilac fie cbeap rous a! Waîîlýegin. I1 D. A: littton of ! tisat sliniliur dl N.ucrss-ith"rchaýt.r IluuuRimIgwuiod, lss k,,e TtIrs argueil that by the adoîsîlan Ls dctrgts ulln.tl n h a.acn cl iwgssdbgcahn Wakgil :John D. Pille o!fWsu u nthe evenîngs his ub-c:r su-sue tn tii îî, -'or Eranston, Tir. Irl-lof ut tese plans o! inaurarsîs-t'le yonntg than a.aityeirin the haldppil es mou. hmnaliies manufacturing More ex Calumet is higiieet in qualit> Waukegamr, , hait milion boys eu girls wer Itega. 5:W. F. Weiss o! Warlus-a5O i ay lie g ~ ranted-r. Su ou.i l. , f u rit] lhakotatDr, Emnua min wiso uesires nia> abrtir tise get9 ruhtudrls m uec Amer-, pensive. Týis vouldidtaeht 4;WO.Blolo s thse titir te 5r'rrtheitir't'. Il 1r, N .1.s "> I atud MiëssEva 1est amutint o! inaurance it tiseesali- ic-an edliscaonal Institumtions, and thse those who lntend ta bmld WITT finidk..i..d Highst Awad- bor Scsui a W'ikg'ri.t: ili a lieuaobjertions tn the silents l o'~usul-iu ris iis, SrsJesse Rusliard- est oitlav, duing thse îerîad wruiseus1PhJiltpine government spent over $3r 1 that If tsey Wtit a Iel or two they W Orid' Pr F sella o!f aukr -:sn. letut bSn feciten- tî mli h.s urs -suou tu'~rsr U- r Sr.famlly needs the'gratsl tprotection. 1025.000 a! local reveues for education. uIl have ta pay mnie for melertais WalS of auirl ;,10;'J.1. GLtoess oai .1 ÇtV t \ Unir,-a i %r.._________Thece are at tresent employed asthon now. Wages are also lukel>' toi Mls- 2:J. lT îîe o! Shields. O lus- iii ,rve Ml upervl.ors and ciaaroon tekchsera' be higher and that wouid aloadd t éart1usmlte0te Buiel fShiels,-1: .-Il.'l FRATATIES IMAY Mj«RGE -usSi. tus t'u hirCrartRLIEVE YOUR STOMÂCH iover 9,000 Americîn and native la- the total Pest o! bulding ict year Thisitthe yartsu> lo.Bte haviS laci'.on 0 uueut.t .FRÀî:ur,î"uIuruL-l)il S e musrsvLctItus T'uu. l.itest ter ofilibetv.11Pit1:J.st. ctorrs.f or the year followtng. pro<poition Lever oiter.. c-i- fe !l.bet :1eI.3i. airt o1Fe o! il,, us-ru IlDouILr Lhbrtyîte. : ehu W1th Hi reKNiGHTS 0F PYTH lAS ANO DO-_ - __WeWfHlp ouD I' -Mont; E. le,. frtro,3sSo! Wirucondm:H. FELLOWS 0F WAUKEGAN MAY edciGarn e T 1I*ned oifCCins: îtenry jstried lIN HANOS THIS SUMMER Fresbyterian Servies edorG aate 'oe! vernon; S. P. Hutchînsan o!fWes *bsefe4; Henry Atwater o! Deerfield. ¶0 MEi GEF6 DSCIALPOLII- Ssumas Il-'u' i oiu.-.rtijsct, Pha le . S.Gail o! Deerfield, 2; F. 8 CAL, INDUBTRIAL, EOUCATION- 1 Es-eir u - -7.30i. 'Items-mbs-rusg fateil if'propifi- trcami-d W,- stt ruv AND OTHER pURPOSES. tri.'s '5.n.l l -u ces iVil 1).us"t-eIV tint ws-ps.tesi urtt- ý_,TwÈ1fpae ot Deerfiell, i. - .cjsii? lr. il,' Van'ssu d e r uti mps r t.helv r e t . mdg-suu "M Ilconvention je ta leise d ta Tise Odd Fel and ngitAop-s 'iiss'si 21 tir. nduriys-iaortemm-ii-uuediii l'Eigteaawood, Chicago, next Wenl'-Pytiias o! \ar'iegam inlay Jin banda j-,il.r ,'i ft.',, lutut omp. tiie-tr ia-lut icuit tiseus-sr notlg -~4g~'~~f.rssoon.for social, iliical, e.ucatioal, n-1 5- Nttr' tumtrrr ts ur-u o This ru-nus-yil>' tuas isu-r sed Rertusl 1~e!ohowig dleate tatis sttedustrtal sud irv.. '51 purpasea. Iii.- 'ulis-rsrsl il ur-'.uu ts liystsu-îL,miTuilteu. fertainrie) misuu,-1 Atetoisanudelglu nu he tae ,-laI stp his been r-guuil-s su-niluibssu lo tusthe Sabttsiti îuîlu lu- oi,- fair. anud turo fruSe uiult In Springfield next Fida>' takpur b>'1the eupreue fleaicera oi tise riulu it tire ul of t the muol uchi-pruucrtpoaltetBxit i'tyl t)esia r S.eei twornztiorarunety-nine lier cent IruL, ýTss etsos a dei-'-uiulîru reme-dv E.eton2ndO. W. arl>'. o!f tembeu'a o! bothsorde" sare bin uvr etisVWd-ayeveniuir. lisinKsu i, ri-ulewi ue ci. - O'ant-jisn Strtton. aver of the coîssbinatioms. i At ut24th,. suuljusut. "An Oh Testausmut tvi.uiliug tt'uuus lt u-sfi uu r. vn-'ew.sTise Iurpose af tt.s- step ls .this: tr, - v- reLi -ii'mv-sulsrmg 'i WA iskga lb> o .(a) Tise meiers o! the Ko ! P. t;,eLiAt v tanN lovurs d " ai istI. u r ' Vss- cu1u-c ,, * -- .aae<as -Jae B . onneiL. Wsarta orr are ta becoemf -v-bv wumre rz-i 1 '-ismi t- bersLr i h M meli o ie Jult'lw. 1tt Senutc ugh rir s-Iu tift ii -r-1 Vankegan 1-Wliam ctsontg. tois dgemetI.gs.e Buirniar, Ciaton, II., kuFile L. Wm.sslegan 3-R.eBw Hee. tR-o e mIru5uU ur'.e Tiin- ~atukegls 8-E J. Gren.atc egaisorder areiti isoldmeci iesimxl os.lgeEuAIusu.lir-t Ijetyi J. Pal2sGren . wlIno s nsrunethy effecl by miuu8uiluurr, uicru s1îck ud sreThelî1fuir Wsruconda8-E. lanai. bts e) rs h relietltlinoi stng F'oley,','Is, WaukeaureoKîrce ener catu mein: . klîrurîsroi Tar Crsunpon, i.,suosnvrille i 2, 1517Nri eec Y11pa o. T er.i o t.rs ure.fedcLi LKrf.1.-lTse exrns o bth orders vit vuil sum leurusngIey. W. pandv kse treWuea fleerSel 1-HaiT ' Atwat-n S t- eael nstruenall f e y toil,poiu-.s.'ll'u arse s ure ha i r, tà e mocrle1 a Coui e Enti . .te rm bn t ilh o is rdcs w lt rvts p . He writJ '*5IUy boL eflmeerGANDflO le Pris mm ocra . tî C.un C~ Tr1 heIuts . s ad tethcen et o mch bneOt. The omeis eall no coplet wîhou macnd-.Ee ude atermbine:. rotS pir2,10-0 NrhGeee bath rs anaffilaion uby h L,îrîd is l itb u O Oel lok&StC.oensfr 'musc. nO Uouoe ldlose ooreime andhetatgour aout bugin aveo o-smPrd irhe er iito[Leýh fiDuTàr oom, oads ul And Die ag ntu e thdîIf s teiranaffilaibeIri o u toffni. ruvelor rusel- musWica.e ade iti sy fdloeor y moy r igiin a stko aou t i)rngO weaegod Th offiirtion o bthiseululod- PGysete 1cnrmLto1\ i'Tàr'i . oauret -r havei omadsSttie -'Pi nwrtn yt elmanfr Yeurey rithey ae tleio'str pients s e<~b romi- -etirîyrir .War o îs-etI'le ,rinle onni mttcanc viaîen d eetimusia onl buiyal ats btifther civatyge tat whene Wlhma ! Uu ..k -el Jie f ies uffittaite r es hateul. a -uruasli e n ufc e tr TjÀiq e cls-isst l ~ uirOlinots th iOU.- oddf Is-loKl otr1 ~plHONE 468 , an, wi. l fTaKElongm!STiL. nyen prc-an"e tue, yo who e t paoo rtalse .i aî eua Atic bis-ohnu'is eft o ftu- i-id Ps- or ,,e 'sriiier ii r' alle ris -u T he o fn . W r u r ne Paete ?irt MilI Ii- er tmile; 1a. er -s't e ceets. he Oîîti Tertle tiou iclus nosanyde bigmpnyanin thete W.E île ilbcr ~rll. umets Whors oftiSN norerd or tise aPv,, ws ay, TheA QJ5abl Penr ver crt fts urJtoi Wi-ireiora ms-mu-rT E B K E Riai tisey he anfatuertriluar te nslieus-dudbyprm VIlcame a tisf trtiur iosvt leIf e!,-stullmto s roua h isticini v-us O.n uslclegsi llprsofteolir' 0 htWe - vas niOpIiOr-ut roited-ai tiseruofcs-dytorln rnd' Del dIS soleaIreasbtaitied in.baise Caunty <0 Nat e fPartilt B>' ButhITIClet o- tise tsr-nen o tseuisî ollcationseel es pany dsinsatth Grhm Gr. dvrd tiuseter ofln-t'e' prouhm r> oodasesrs-.suie a Frunan tmE- t SEîov rtrR.N isvolt O he etiz pafutIre-e ieacivanSst tîord f.220 Oio l Nm menh. rot r e it vslarge anc SîGoreu bc.the man th, 1,17N < -~~~~~~~~~~~ orei f!ts alt si ntieoSSiIg H o TE ONiliRte siat oardnbsvih se hrriedL i.ts uei lieB n Sre n tsealoe al ine rttg outresîadet f a elle qrijrit'. '-lu motlue uuzts5 etvlong Thlonge jat a1eviimpe mis t Nea ebe Hit dse Blir ete r- Tb umosttmphtat ihtse iuiie o endtanîeofu atheîIseistricaosto entIfl'oarunoeqat.medy a uy oueauret agod ietumet ramns amit, bm.ailti oe rail ter d t inceG A OPEN TotaI on isthe at ti the ,oer- uinhedcr istîtaleu o rbuan V CA Yiihsnisal-re - Exp..e..Ill) 19, 405rt Tn.Ig-F yURnovhaea inoR e T ouI xert an.' ad egltobItLLoer jt tda ex pS t eS. h an i l hm et s Chi oe ut g p.......ma Pti ucs o e' e ui av en> e ey n oth e v y u re a i d re sa o e ter widow.Caron ....... A4 iel rilsjeogelt h 7-e -'O d aly, Ap tr1510antiren coe H. L OljMr.nsts,1 Iest.TeutS ma e tfe reeWuegl.b i aoiY 'i o i ulvr ln.Teeoej* e iperat burg, noii srs In thesfail Wintt irssus ____40_)_voesfi,_________ 9O Ny isisâder wae luflavnlil anS mails nue Tise Ironiste "i-liseatgaGs meus>' au>nd c ortg ab e nIc aFou lh e tis ats e>'nt Paost aov thate o utt eaytoby o aurntagodistuen y s oraIL. 1 heoIe>' Kîimimirtat Piisthtntebereotissat on.@womanb ta everver :ion- edoy ir.tusve uth idnet ceGRN IENN a,>lnst tiieagaamimi U by .iided. gecieste ber aHeinoin.T P. DUrly.ee(ý o1 . L- - s Sptfratth adasIRaspeset F t Foi on % ettil for revi FOIR mli.. farci maci artie FOR1 ha>' i FOR w> ai FOR big lu lot 4; vilte. FOR -FOR 1801 t FOR FOR FOR sud il and U ui1 gru hltj larrii OATZI Impr< Mvi ut and F FOR mode, Mil.es dep sit FOR disiez. tise 1 [naine FOR e-OaRti $12. FOR FOR FOR huàggî till. BE A Nursi numis consîr servi( $18.06 as $6, TIse train Nurse heu c pende nets-t ter r, N. Y. Tht ln Th, msade sandi o! an] toile. nsn. etrac $100. Ar