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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 2

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Euultion them a few dtopu Of streutghening food- ëe.y day and! Los of FIesh sud may n0h"rtrmbles AU.4 fttIOiTs (lta Frankt rade a trip ta Waukegen ?mare Kropp if on jury iu Wankegan 'Illavee. John Fînt aud John Hawe were ClosgO Vistar. hat Fida>'. * .Bll Stmuoui aabhubher. 'enterteined bias father and braîhon front North PsaoWi., lest Sanda>'. issi Rnoit lait ast lionda>' for -Ne. B ontier viited relatives ln tbimeso a couple of day.a laitwveit. '.eury Y. B6rgbomn vas eected echoal Uleetor ber. ast Saturde>'in place ai Oa.ar Bouri basmoved la thé Dicbsan &»d amiWS..Dusse la lhe Knicer- Miiie aid J. a. Hyatt of Liberty. le, trsnsetod businessboeilest 'Otlto J'rack ha. sold hie residenceoan 10 lb. totheLae Douanty Tela 'IlBvar4Erit anid4tmlly ai Bamsig. v rla a isbrother Carl bers hat llmq Chas.:Wsver le viithag her ~i.la Waatsgsn Ibis vét. 4Wrand da ine v b. b.hd lu thé Oak *pavSSD« it Baturdaj nlgbt. " bfoms.Wdb>' Rpesmorebsera ai 14WrftyvvlI. Ev.rbady veheame. 4» ate'lalnment vilhé egien b>' tb. X. ILL. C. at Lake 8Mors pavillon, Lake ' si". Satarda>' evenlug. Aprhl 271h. ,Aniaadul. 2r., ebuidren 15C; ,vu sat 8e.Entrtalamént l ,fl 18 a'elock. Attend ànd h.hp te 'Tlsé a>oldt Swithhman on the Division This ta W. C. lhsek, 2248 SprueeS ft., iàtey, ., hl o bas beu, -for 43 years the C.emplo& o. lb.CC., - UL *. Contant caposr. gavs me tirouble.. 51h a iteady, duil pain *gboek that vould tara inta Ibq.aid an>' idue>'action 'vas tiuiar. Bine. atlng four hobbIes of FOW KldueY pille 1 am bfricfront ail *etroubla. aid gladly r.cammend l, "For se b> ail Druugite ,M r. 554 Mrq, amy Kaer of Lllurty ý I *It readvesad hmnda »PIM Iit,'anatsd business -inte di* 'Iodna.d*y. Mr. sadmm DuR. B. Limah sand Mises Cecala Qpwattaended tbe repablcan "ale conveetion at Springfdtdlait Frlday andi Saturda> and report a very pisamant top. The. shoot beld by the Waucortds Oua Clb lait Bande> was iargehy attended and aboutt 750 blnc rocks wiere tbu'own. There yl beno shoot oeil Sonda> the. elub gains ta Tala for cont.ést but the filiowlflg Sanda>' enother big shoot yl ho beld wben pres wili ho given ta tue het merkernen. The daescegiven b>' the lc eve aet the Oekland hall lest Fridas evening wai notlargietltWdod altbougha veri plegaeut limé le reporbed. Mr. and Mrm J. E. Gainer and con Carence maved to their new. home on the Tho@. Geary fârm about three mies nortb of bosen on Tueedey. Mr. Gainer having receutly tradEd bie village property for the fort>' acre farin. G. D. SIroke recentl>' purcbeed a fine nes F,. M. F. touring car. W. F. Dahmso transacted business in the cit>' Wednesdey. Pliss Mary Fîqler of Chicago, epentm Suoday with f ri*s,in Our village. Frank Hîranintus was a Waukegan vsitor Monda>'. Dr. Duelher oi Johneburq, wsmacalhad t>i vilt John Richardson Sonda>'. Dra.. D. Walte, daugittér Georginie, and Pisylils Paddock &pent Tueda>' in Chicago, Kennetis Mandervillé oi Chicago, vaa e guect et thé Spooner ho)me Bunda>'. Claude Sisetier of Antiacit, vas a vitor boe.Sonda>'. John Walton ile aténding thé jury Ili » aukean thas yak.1 *Mise Auna Compton bas Munnd aller au exlended viil vitb Elgin relatives. Mi. Ereple 19 losel>'recoveniiug front an ettacl ai appendlcitie. Dr. Ny. af Mcilenry, hi atcnding haut. Services viii ho beld in tise M. E. ehureb ever>' Sanda>' lu thé futurie t 2 'ciock. Ail Younug people lnciuding older aDos are mocI condialiy Invitod ta ho prient usaI Sunday in onder ta, make preparations for onganizing e Sanda>' echool. BACK GIVE8 OUT Plenty ef Libetyville Ree.d. ers Have This Experience Ton ýaî thékldne>'-ovewart the- The> can't kéep up the continuel @train. The. baee give out-it aches andI peine; Uinngm>'troublasset in. Don'% vatt onger-bake Doan's Kid- aD>' Pille. Beaidenta of hluevicsity endar.é theru. Cap Lbertyvila peoaple dubt lte fahiasing'evidecoe? A. A. licConneli, 405 S. Ayer eft., Harvard. lit., maya;: "Doan's Kidney Pille hlpcd me no griati> that 1 eau ebrosagh>'reommed lhem. Mly'back vas ver>'Iamse sud when 1 stoap.d sharp pain@ nIsed mi. My kidneye a mée ea rat deai oS troubla. tbe idney scrotions boln too fraquent In epassage. Doan'. Ki '1pey iller.llaved me Ia a uihart lime and amuns a"Dg them, 1 bave baid no cause forcaomplainl. 1 am gratefui ta Ibis rentedy for ils gond vont." 5For sale t>' Mlidealers. PriceSO cents. 1Foster-iihumn C&. Buffalo, Newe York Isole agents for the Unitedi Sbates.. 1 Bémemntho he nene-Doan'a-and bak. no alter. 80-2 e-. 8. L. Trlpp, President. R. F. ous. Vice.Prosidant. - --0 -NI 1 ~ Bey J. Scodt LCaswua. aChiego 1"aqeebwtrs amitl visiter Lioeday. su eda J. B. Mauon moved hie famil lyiront Tllm B«v tanid" Chicago hast veek 10 ithe Dremasnbouge 1 ttils ureh rocker liaI vIte gol et onl 14ke me, .Bay s sure ira friand of mmnd. Feel* se Dr. and Mr@. 'P'. A. Payae or Chicago, cMou bon sthat I don'l caresviiether speni fiunday vltb thé latter', cousin, 1 ever go ta bed or nat?" .J.Cropiel..- DUn. Lewis Hauban, Jr., and son 01 Base Bail Cblcaçovuited au. day hast vwesk-with IîsusIas Wei hi tir e hadio ares. ber tr Jauni@ Linc5. sckhdied for hast Sunda>' a. tb. raina Mr. and Mir@. 0. B. Caldwoell@petit a wouhd havs put a crnlp in the dois.>. et a loew day. in Ciiicaga hast week. Mnr.,Sn e.nij sta«e. As il sem il spalhs lhe ijald weli etlsaded th. annoaluinai ofpraetcc tbtithe boys score sug.ed la. ber caud l 1b. .bhut se bave since learuod that Il 414 a b tis ord Slaata bhs heen qui t. iîî vorlti of good ta the gardec patebes and for the. past week wilh rbeumatism. At lima bea,ý loresta80 perbaps i la 'e it preos writing citetegreativ lmproved. anWeol, Anises'Iis bers outtheb.idI& provenb *bout il boing a hum breere Bort Swan aud familly ai Lihertyvlle, thal baud.e voryhbody a leman. @pot Sunday wihDr.Dary Swean. Landocape, artiet Bill>' Wiliiam.s bas' Lilab Mae Rancessud Luelia Carr opent héea buey on bte giuund titis weot eand lest Tuesday ait the Dunn hoo se WEo I b e oin fine _chape for ibis coming tôwn. hm ee fSundey. Twn goutes have beau arranged wlbh Mr. and lins. Arthur jobovon o! the Libertyvilie ta,,- thisélret ta ho ('bicago, apenb iSunde svîi insMr. Anna piayod hère Doit Sunday and tbe second Lathrop. ,at Lihertyvilie the riunda>' folo aig. Dr. and Mire. Harr fhehi 'U~~uëk Caldwell is thelirst an theé Antioch, visiledad & èsedmvs hast week ijrdbtvl uue Igro i with Conrad Stas. pegging band. .1mb Hapke bas h*é-n hearning thé fine Naît iluudny marning 11ev. Cari wîili points o!fbthe wood teuteiers bradé in spek on. "Thé Transcendent Inspira- hope. bteat ho yul l e jîrýpared ta over- lion." Hie evening subWet vii o eme the orection ofthlIegrautdstand. He ~W bat Ilemainso." bolped Hormuta Kublank siigie a bsarutc Lest Tuesday eveuing a lèe fionde Manersdy nhu on proc surpriaed Mr. and Mr&. IW. E. Duan etbyMang'er Wtheon bac ean 1" oac hd their homo and @Petta ver>' pheasant b>aeotunfor tond " th ri ageso eveninni. ae10k. frgod juaurbut tise> vuih have ta cm c ro t>igtagreb lir.,Loueie Spacht returned Tuecday an>' of our high saharied attiest. eveningfisroin auextendod vieil witb - relatives b Palatine, Irving Park and Elmbu ret. .Collnolil Prooeeddngs George Whitney vas laid up a couple Meeting of théeiboard ut! tructese of the1 dayc lest week wilh the nhoumatiem. village ai Aria at thévilage bail,1 Walter Lentpker cavered bis raute durlng 'Nednesday. April 17, 19412, adlourned big absence. irom Aprit lot. Pregéat, Smibh, preeident; trustees. The base hall chnhgavea ver>' pleasant Rau.. Wei#. Gocswulier, WIatson, douce et lichrides a hllWedesday Zeeî; absent Thatcher. uvsaitg. lb add tste eattene odra The minutes of thse previouc meeting nolu ddtobcaeao> hthe vero readand approved on motion aOf chah. Roua. and Gosivilier. The fohiow Dg. Theé yaung ladies Sonda>' cchooi clasm bis read: wiii give a box sciali n thé chu reh Ban EBý Miler. foeral service .......75 00> asenent tonght (Frida). The pro- L k 6CO. Pt & Pub. Co., printing 8 15 eede are tagotaard painting ths R. P.Bouse,,grading............... 3 10 chureis and aRaabednc abpd lph Roas4 grading ............. 8 04) for. W. D. ParAOus, service.(........68 281 W m Nhrlch mnagr f he sbruEhection eitpen account........21 521 Wn. ebhli mnaerotteuchmu loveti b> Wells and Zersen thet bills fa. nqd off a hord ai lventy.on0 e hoaliowed &ud warrants drawu ou bond a, ..o.evai ast secek. Thesoe rsgurer. IMotian rarriéd. animal. woeioaihhaooddstock and wereI iii. ai village officers rend: ralced for a bigh dcams marktl.W-- R A Smith, trusient ...........$11 20 Lempkor purcbamed thoa for the Lithté. RFHutate.....1 4 john market aI Lako Foreet wisRcf P.Eouge,îstrocte................ 12 00 caters tu a brade tbat demande the bout. F. IE. Gosvhher, tractées........16 100 Clarence Bapike, the able assistant et fi.A. Watson, truste@ ............ 16 400 the Son lino depç.t, la nathing iil Oe. T.aterse, trutes..........7 600 iugeniani. The oth.r marqin> a train Go. Tate, rts.............. 70 40 wai standing on hsi ding hebvéen ber. ', * wai19s ve ..............d....r.. nt0 and Lmlthlon wilb wbich communication ()rllere r ao motind aiRie md seasdeoired and the distance vas to drdd00 n oin fRui n gréat la Permit Of the use ai band illosawllem. - signais. Aller repeatéd>' futile effort, h ai fR. F. Roue for e14 39> for oms ila elvied la error read and Clare was seized vith a happy ehbowed sud wearrant ordered drasen on tbaugbî and golng laside- he taok the mIo !BueedWle office mirror, hrusised the duel ai Yeaits hoard thf onensWese eoD fironethl. ae d urnln lbt "he uonof election atd iuad that: fiaicd te eiél signal. te the vait- TFfvnrcle 9Ttsfrcek iag train. Il is epectéd liaI thé e tT'P'Swnecld29vtsfrlrk book ai ruleu yul provide for the ue ohfeo'Koa. 3 the beliograph. SK L. Tripp, receivret 60 votée for trustées 0. A. Devereaux 57 Thé Ray' Furniturieand Peint slore i Et. C. Zorsen " 46 sbowilts e rgest stock oifihickary@ H. A. Watson rvcelved 49 votai for and libre rucs parch furnituri evorson trustées ta I vacame>. oatgtdé ai e cil>' store. St complise a L. A. Bartbolemew recalveti 14 votes far large verlet>' of articles and l eeWol trustée. Worth going ta cee. ec-81«1 C. C. Deane recelved Il vote. for tructee ta fihlvecane>'. e Here'c a new recelpt for couid comiont. J. R. AYnslay reeîved 2 votés for trustées iA verin ummor evening, a gentie W.. Williams 1 1breose, a cosy>' pareh and anse!o thons P. A. Bock 1- gcomi> hickory or fiby. rush chair. front Shal Ibis vihiage becomne ati-saoon BeRy'&. Sounde good pti en'b il? wvei it térrltor>': - àleu met as gona s t soumds. 0-31.1 Ys reeieuvd 17 votes No reeeived 39 votes.- There ilaone tbhug about hickory' btI Tho, newly ehected momrns were duly kmates il espeeilah> adaptable for poreh evOrn su& booffice.- inruiture and that la il'. naturel tougb. Daved b>' Watsou and Hermen dlnD. No malter vitaltlnid ai rougi Kablaul as mel>'on bond ai Lero>' W. usage jan givo lb yan canwt burt lt ami Knigge ho approved and baud accepted. thé naturel finish rendors itI mMUneDaMotin cerrni. etram marring. Ray' ensoew you soin sa8id bond hoing fihed Lera>' Knigge fine pieco. et pricesi thet are rlgt. vwas ewornaend tuot office of'cherk. c-31-1 T. F. SwivÂt, Clark. Irving E. Payne., Omubler. THE CI1IIZENS9 -BANK A Cbaoking Account with your Home Bank adver- tms the Indtvidda, -the Bank andt ti. ommÜnity du being Prouperus andi Progressve. We invite your Patr-ouafe for Our Nlutual Duistit. PARTNERs Nb OiREcToRs: L.1. Tripe. R. F. Rlou.. Ia'vng E1. Payrdi.. 0k» H. Mie. J. L.. Taylor'. à. a. a"".dlay Rastu»îeraRm.ablilty Approximately 81OOOOO.OO. Duel le.'. Mr& PFred Towner, Or., edaud sn ery returned home Bundaj alter cpendiDg the wock wlth ber mother. Thom wha atlsnded the Ladies'Aid as Mrs. Wm. Cooper'.luat Thureday W. an enjoyable lima. Mr. end Mr@. Wm. WifllariSad Vin LilmIsl h pnt Sda, aIetrMW Wm.. Bouse. Albert 9. Djr rha# rsurnud 10 woik a*th oml imotlng plant ala two ive.ks làeu. Mr. Tripp irai. KanaL..ionhi. ahlcr-In.law, Mirp. Fred Towner, Jh., Tii. Dhaoud lobe churcb n»MMe JvfU be engvdImtrou tlW.ultto1 CI*hes Made New ftb.lo8h. ren eatohiffl n4a1 ~~iprompt amidhinada>'sebo ia-, modUay folloseing. The. P>stor asà gàd~s~lestua. h. ge.y ts. 1a. but ýepéophe tbougbt aage vflwolulh mmmapfdas a Chies amd ruellniea ielabs.Ther. la oj.iaiams.oraaooe Ilii'flvil cl u. 60adys upthlsg yanetai oue svuYO S ameammib.Ia A lb« te a Tualdlareg. . Spgaesfsl aieigulea , ~ ~ ~aiwn.am ne.Thsh, pionm Ae. me tluhoug lyaks halas Mrpsi tI Tb*h. Ufmoot Lake. uneUy Â.noOlw &M.. vi*Wbst ità ire. J.W. Opéoqs, ~buia>aiusraoaMa2. aég TUE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tairtes lake mu i lu ten Like Innd druge and orm.dhle t vo b lir cofv sever hati oiperlsmc. vtt -ni Bedy Ibat gaTe snehlgr.a .==a.u oLa Our costom.r. as do 0oxal Orde*.le. This Bleoudy lanot IMe.Mau otbu laxmative or cauthrthé, I oa auatheb.gond futers of otber IaxaU "but Doute'of On'es t it.ineil u aOrderlie. se aur, -osn ppalIle padw l @4 aau i M o, YOUonhy anul10 ms elw. vwil ms for tiis. .tý.rin= àr~u i. upon aur reomrmd;ii n ie DO glk vhatsve. Roxai Orderlla pt. i. m r saal itsedandy, âO. dmgcpe otiwr aauoyans. & M>at M el> tuat lb.>' me> b.uaa i ee day or idlit.Fb Mt~a1 goal for chmmen, mg4 lire,~ WU. b. ama~ a.le tabkstm a tire.ciokagl.ps. 20a, seusd1.- fi*ember, iexi eil qo uni b. Obtenla .ttis ooUammty omivsi ator elOr..-Tl. Bezm ilutoofê' 'e cmaa BosUbertIjille, IL or " 1.11ne*Kakbuet. Wr. ami Kv.. Bd Adfus avb -Tb$. Làdhe'>iloamry udlelyof tii. Prshtsia Arciebtst oihe home of lira. Kuaïk S8uedmy. . Mia be l Bledrotadt s@pont severai la>. during lthe *ek la Evânsto Mr. nd àM.ýJad3obsentertainsd a laieuimberoafiends la honor ol thé ulrentj.lifhanniveroar>'of thir nmarri- ffe saturda>' ,vonlnga. F. a. Neyer returncd riraMDinnesota iii. latter part o1 the. w.ek ..mMike Rorenherger la Tory HIlait preset writing. Lire. hudlong Tailmalge of Wilmeîte, was th. gooat of Mm. Fred Horeuhorgeç luring the week.1 Dr. and liro. Zoobler of Waukegau, epont Sunday wlth reaive bord. An illusbreted sang service Iras beld et the Preshyberlan church Sonday evening. baverai solos and a duet were the special leatures. Mr.Frank l'eterson spent 4etnKIayV la Chicago wltb iriends. J. A. Stryker. seho bas boan iII for a couple of weeke Ih, ontsemoud. ,_ On A pril 19 th, occu rred the destb ai J. Emimet Knickerbocker, aged dl'4y. years, aller an ii aifolur days ofi pneumonie. Decesed wa» a con oi the hâté Mr. and Mr. and àDri. J. C. Knicker- bocker ai Alien, Mich. Whou niDetoon jeans of age ho rervoved to Ciàifago wbére lit basince remided. Ho wne suceuful business man and et tho lime of bis deatb wum living upan bis mmm tua Deerlleid. Ali of bis immédiate relative@ were prisent Bt bis touerai except one brother in Ctiifornia. Ot 12, 1887, iso vas unitéd in marriege ta Miss Ellen Duti>' of DeerieltI, sho survives hlm. Mr. Knickerbocker vas a gentleman in ever>' senoaithe yard andI vas bl in thé bigh.st estéen b>' alhioa tesebins. Thé fumai vas largely ' attended and the businese plan". ai tise village se cloeed dnrsng tiseisour ai Serye. Imiterant at Déerfieid. t PA.LATMN Mr.S. Sn>'der o! Chago, visited irieuds in Palatune aver Sunde>'. Tb. Ladies' Aid social>' of lie1h.' E. church illv igive a suppen 'Jîbursdayf bvening, May 2. Tise Eastern Star entértained lte Baminglon Chapler hst Frida>' and confsrred te dogme. upon th-e candi- date. Dr. Joa. L. Black vas cahhéd 10 Kahamazoo receuth>' ta attend tise fanmai o bic fathor, Lire. (. H. arpieand ies Aima returued front Kontuet>' ver>'rauchs improved in beath. A telegrant received b>' friende an. nouneed lite deatis of R. F. Linlieman ai Lake City', bavu, of béant dWsaft. A vêlerai of tise Civil sean, uember of Conspan E., 1131h régiment, Iliniso vohuleers. The opeting dance In Seaips e >e auditoriumvilI ho heltI Saturday even- ing, A pril 27 th.1 .1 Lins. lerdinand Tegînueir tlied Aprih 151h. Thé funoraI servicq esvre olbele Smi. Pokul'e cbarcla Wednesdue, RLv. Hatimeistér offlclaled. Interenet It thé Lutheran esmeler>'. DoraD, ta Mr. and Drm Ed Wagner a sou at Olvoiu. Io va. ir. Cooper iront Late Forest, visiled u4nds boe.tlb.past veet. 8"o amy yeaxuwoad the *'In.Do"Mis Abranilc« gv~tus mI~cIom~to tlb. am s~i.a kps' CO U", «*k "êMSssku I! ANibmà-- lJMId 5tsOu O d.pwy Nr Poja Svou u m KNU!NAIO1IL lAu WIJfTTVI ONE 0F COMMITTEE WHIO MEET AT OPRINOFIELD IN iNTER. EST$ 0F M. W. OF . OROANIZATiON PLACER) IN THE MANDa 0FCOMMtiT Ez;ONIE MAN PROM ERACH.- DISTRICT. - Thé Woodmeu meeting hel sta Ehln, Wednesda'y and Thurs4ir of titis veok, consistcd af *bout 1,800 delegalea, delegates bsing present tram ever>' auntby ln theo aite. A permanent organleetion was ef' focted b>' the electian of Michel c. Cloar>', ai Gahena,sas president. Tht, pernanent orgaffisation was placed ln the bandset fan, exécutive cornrnttee canshsting of one memben of the cmm- mittee frçsch. congrecuional die. ë't.C.T. Heydeckor vas named and elected as thi m!mher tram thé 10th Congressioal District on thé executive commltteip. Thene le a detenunioatlon ta débeat th prosent Increase af rates andI every effort wiii ho madle toa tccom- Pliish that Durpose. The bill pending in the Illinois legielature wlll h on lite paasage Tuesday of DoIt weehc, andi every county ln the state willhbave at least two representatives of- this or- gantzation present ta assjut in bofflt- ing the billto tlpssage. Il la thought, bowever. that pledges have already been obtalned to pans It l)y a two thirds vote. The meeting was a large one, ad- dressed by Sundeane or Minnnesota,ý J. G. Johnson, former member of the board, of Kansas. E. S. Smith of Sprir, field, Illinois, wbo bas Oled a bill enjoining the officers trom put- tlng the new rates ln force May lut. C'. T. Heydeckor, Michael C. Cer and several othors. Cer It was a meeting which evidencod the determInation of nearly 200,000 men ln Illinois to ose that the rates adopted et the recent head camp at Chicago do Dot go lmb force untîl af- ter suchtlime as a head camp can ha eiecled of delegatei wbo have the knowledge that sorne propose<l change of rates are hiable ta, be hrought ha- fore the head camp. The executive committee mee.t ai Springfield on 'Puesday mornlng nexi. at wbicb lime. lit lu expected there wlll ha at east two delegates tram every couny in the state preoent. to get as onc comrnittee, who wlil urge the pas- sage of the Donohue bill. Slnin erence. Doctor- "Thiomas. dAd Dru. PopjIe get the medipine 1 ordeeed yester- day' Thomas-1 '*l eove sa. air, 1 see aii the blindi dâwa ths morl. miltomacfuhemaa. l mil lit the s.,..e th. e osonfrtr0h.s1u.60nocsa aa «e dsuflos MmMfF de Éfa 11M i a r M c 4K MfSS ANNA DONNICAN MISSINO. PROM MER HOME OINCU DAY POLLOWIN0 EASTER. POLICE ARE WORI<NQ ON -THrE THEORV, I'4WEVER, TouA-r we MAN IloIN THIE CITY. The Waakégau ohlc arémaMs éTé?> effort te locate Mian Auna Don. nigmu, a 20 yesr 014 jouis vojnan seho haten missnlagtrou behom oe, on West Washington street evbr suc. bise Mande>' fohlovlng Hanter. The mater le aimaittra'ntie démpité the théor>' of the * police thel the yaung seoman la emphoyed ln tue Cil>' or vieinit>'. Mise Do.nnigan,la the daugbter o: Mur. and lira PMli> bIonnigan, vho,. conductu a dairy tarn on Washngton otreet. usearhy a'mile West of thé City . 1 plts. S§pe i. sa5.- tehave itatiseT- ~L-~- lff7eneîwità%.èr fatber andi Ibhie. la hiamoli by carne for fber ms teobasdisappearence. Site heft una Word sehe scha vent ave>'. Site laIt ber borne on th. %ton- day rnorniug In question, .aying Ihât site vas gotng ar*er town te do a lit. 'tle shopping. RInce thet tinte ibe bas not heenl»en. A week aga Wednes- day thé mÎothser réceived a note vOlcis purparted te have boon vrilten by thé yaung seomnn lasebch the îald for ber mater net te vorry-ta h e seured ernphoytnent. ttteba Since thén nalhing bais been heard andI tise police seere caiied ln Ial. WVednpsday. A streusuouti effort ha: bteen madIe ta locale thé yousng wo- m an but Dott1h. sllghtést chew Ihal I sousld lead te ber wbereabouts bas Lbéer t earned. The mothér vouhdile la helievo théettheor>'o! thé police that ber daugitter la e n.,.it ber mo- lter love makes bar Sean thal corné. tblng bas bappened ltelite young va- man Juet what tis soméething lo the dope netbknoe and ber wansb feari ube ba$ Dot made knuown. Santé o! the friende of thé famiuly, luowever, sa>' lte mothar le" rstnal thée 'oung vo. man lIa madIe mvi>' vit h eroeit or ltat si bas been cednged out of lthe City. Alîhougit they have notiting tangi- blé Ibat points teamolluer iheor lthe 3police scout Ibis ide andI expect lte t é able la locale the yeung vontani or et leaiît ta get norne definite trace af ber Insideo a eévde>'. et thé mail DESCRIBES TITANICI8 FATE Whenevar Ibere are events of n. tional Importantce, Waukegan or LaIe tcaunt>' are alwaygta thé foré. Thun Il was that tise cant>' ted a man on board thé Titanic and a seonan rai dent on thé rescue abus. Carpatitia. lins C. F. Crane of Fort Sheridan e passenger an thé Carpaîhie, yeeter' dey ln Nese Yort, gave a prephie ac count of the Cerpatitias thrilling race Ith deatit. Site said thal aiews af thé diseantér hed hecorné known te 1he passeugerc on board thé Carpaîhia l andI scores of men atand osen veré linot up an deat vatchlng for thé fins ightbloaithé Titanic. -"WtIIh thé aid ai a poverfuh glass." NIr, Crane saltI. "veoon aighled thé lifehoati. Thé tiret ta camneloto viese vas 'mannai.' b>' vomen. Pecsougens andI seamen on the Carpatitis. ere ln need.'Site h4~ suot,' sald an offhcer of the sblp wvite tood er me. "As thé Carpetha slved up the) ditI 001 se. ta ha thé heasl bit bxcit- éd.1. *llt vas a rentarkablé thlng-thé calmuns. aituas. vomn. Situe vére tbibi>' cled, others vére drescéd in ové- ulag govas. 'Saune of lie hoatis eére ouly bal! tllled and the maen vito ted teso rowing ver, exbnnsted." Th e FRE Daly The latest improved 'sewing machie. The FREE, given away ahgolt.Iy witout Cod Saturday, Apil, 27, 3:10 P. Me' audience-at our big demonsgtm'tion 1 ~on the above date la smire to get this * valuable present, snd whoever that onir mai be, wlll bave the beut aewing machine - - manutactured.. A thonaaxnd dollar donld buy no botter, for there la no botter 'made. The Umelao growlng short-If yoîa have ftotl 01.4ou and raturusi our cop, do it tody. AnjoDb Who ha. Dot recslvd 5* oupas tg tniffl d 1- cèii aMiget on&. No pmrehae or mobey edera*iU vil 1* rs#ied. Corneand nm the.macins--iW ilwila aplau t a dvantmgss$0oYon. birh.n ire. -an alla Dlavid q6baol le vigiti w1n. 4 reslative Theradi Béai Ladie .ed. One by @hoc Bushm -eleven. wrape Up the, sotI kac hie .1.4

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