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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 8

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-'I News of ~ ~4 CRAWPO 0F $TATE 130. UNEXI0TED STP TiY O ~g~I ~UT ou4S 58 gna~au~~ ci~ ~~S H IN OONIT~NS IRE TIU"SAVHEN PETIi-ON 49 imefoote Lus1rf ~ p5 S ame a ~va CH IN 4NPiLtD W#n TOWN CtS'RIC b<Wueu Ubbet bus vite au iROY aio a.vnuso ra wuq -r . C .alu .tICE f u ako o b j e t iU P.t l u es t o s f * 0 . t l n s t b ILA fte)Iilioi* state board of hos1til ETTONiNDSAJO a .'u. lalu t e a uute Mr'. Asqud*Iý Melii tuît itra e Actng Mayoýr M iler Of Zion I EU Crawford chiJOH14secter I4en taillit teapPo At the prg#y vic. ia r sSridicae, cM bas complai! An usigatlii 0Of the MOIIg AND b THERS 0F du bog isbohrvol B gLekened and is Roughly hesith ~ondiou 1tu t 4Y sd1 AxGNTWSI n.v o*tmebabohrwoi Lyes BI~c ened anc lB .OUgauy ruody te auiiit a complt. report taeAKGA ONS4 . Yeomnsat lrt. IA.r&z, it la re-. tgdin Ha ded Satuday Night.of h. >tsD. rworhweeboad FonA l"Ol Da y ISme eeIS& aFe. desAnbu o4 EU. iyAp4 2.-atilta. a b dcsrdInZinGî>.bfoemade out a partial report vbuihlie A rather, suvrprlaing and ni itli4 thoraea"fouati theo sl W s ion i y.M 2 - a t a ai a-ed cl r d l o C t ,b f r sub rjttod ta C om m issioier A tterbe ry lb o d I « é'tep cam e l b mt.w n s tife r l n a a f t. 0 0 e an asi th e ïr r a - te sa iltsd abers inay b. brought lto uns to prevent blopti shed. the head of the publie health and sal& 5t oe wheft John L. Cauor etaniatr zedn anaAluji JJlI Vboleut demonstrations on. a aMail scals took place during the after. ty and aiae ta the bieaith deprtlheot 0f WQLtW~hp idup.ti ai e. eslt nbueo of.' a theetty. Dring Itie time ebu as tition wh T-wnCilOQsre $760 for 'Yeoman andi 8500 for Mà,WAUIKEGAN fMAN SAlO TO6 *IËAS- on atsnradet aepttindS ifLmer Green tg iasue a been hore, Dr. Crawford haî viited NutebIlaion, signed by himeeif aid Leraun. George Yeoman, brother of! IATT ISRC UO& o 1Nenithsan publsenehsav e permitted 9ein Zin ty hsw . 91 familles vhere typhoiti fevor ex- e number ocfcthaesln whieh th* tii.defendant. igning the. boyf. Thre 61Ne oiery at n lnutle ecthsring ac ew whd n o ns.afaityt U eveirltd n rm i bsrane bas cdonc lauted tehave prolur sts case rae net for trial andi later con- S& NCTV OF CHICAGO. *hueslerined wth a"biliy," s-gug or a&club. Leadipipt vore disfruted dravu Ibe connlusions vblch bas bas taken te have a complote audit tiu4; on the neit date it vwagi amoflu a certain faction this mornllfg. emboilledl In is report, of bbc boo" ansd records ot James contlnud ufltii Sgatuirdiay wben It as n Waaiigtn. April 17. -presd, - Ohif 0 PoiceJap hs sornlu 75 polcemn.Blancha4d. for nianif ears higli te camte te triai, but, on arsens ral- dont Tan- lalilkely t o" ent athe Choto PlieJap a sor n 5extra poicmn.ihese oficers Te>t of Report.m Imaà b.. rme tath teth.AccrdUg t te rpor whch r.wU>*commltsloner of thostownaihp ure te appear, the justiee diomlsaed ItL senate lu a fev tmys the. nomna.g %aet Wbeau.anr Thetpe thenteni Ws Arnangednline0fhe reportr e A caipt.n- 1 Any 'provocation by members of sithel' faction, iill, Kla predctci, Crwford wil moie outfor th sc. ignoer. Tepefoîîow»:ragetn fJdg,Çrg ai d tu I~l»te ln a nect. rotary of the lstte board of hesith, h1 o lbig nor ble BoardLarsen, lipn big retura te Wauke- ter to succeeti Petter S. Grae.up foio 1gbôl Teon AtHorabl te Bado ongan tvo veeks ega decllned ta tae on the bench af the Unitedi statue Wlbur Glenn Voiva la diiectlngthe isovement of his forces from is 4iscovered tefl lg-6iint Adtr-t theTown of Waukegan, 0a isoiiosa t .m tathe CretClr iApsi t01 Pilvat.ef"ce. hor ani moase.suggestions for tor a ipstonwi eb eo tehe îeCola, rlnos.t Curt o nus e prain. t Imrvmn:Gentlemen: vasu ta ho dropped. Mra. Larsen ln the Lewis P~. Manou, son of former quWoirrlndsupreme and niember of tbe lion police force andi The generai condition of Wsukegan Thunesied ettorlgamatm, drtrei ci SntrWllmE.Çanise- * glet 1 ws throstessedin Zion City' the alder'men andi several score Of ls ver>' unsanltary, vTh errign estt oners, ant in an stim ah. latili dteiser. ,r- 10 be Wi ti a .Msuccla eek G i' l takaris>.nqht between ton and ie.e.thera ver. an the lbait Ilarmeti vith Typhold guises have net been urert- paersail tii. towne a nda, t'anan it lasouti s ev tiiere- fair-la- peter as 4lat ne a cffl ca. veb'ieiici4, viin 's band of Voliva's beavY Cpes andi vith special police- c nfWi'nnhv h rmssTl otIlnireetily~ os W . bis vif. aa a D rea of b er orAoasit ict fathers 4.saias .samerngthee sedrd enbadesonthir oas.Threbeen diinfected ai the termînstion of tit j our honorable board te Caus..elsc'apade. MHouason d presentth eroutes use, mairclisi te thse police station migt bave been a fev cracleti boads the causes. an inves«tioUpnta ho madie Hua!nd thetilnmeou »uol #aMd bande en twio emspoyés of if the. train bati pulled lnto the~ depot Tisere are man>' cases of typisold hlgbvay oomlsîoner's. books of the sot à settlemeot? Indarsements. _111 Muassi lFiailacs tactory wulet, as SIBUi. thnough the anedlum of the MileOuP. Township of Waukegan fer the pet-lotiJuat boy tbe case vas adjustetiS) sr.gao i.,o heia1ra ouos Mso ilgste rm ma Nontlsbme- Mcii Prayer Meeting. P>.a eeMar.a pa.at a mlitatpaeuln a lp M t !i aign. but s gSpetheridan-n t. ra0indiefstlbcoin 05sumok- Wien they mcw tiaI thelr bai been The healtis depauiment le net e<iuip. campeteut andinecesary aufitorste course,_Is fnot kuavl, as the parties tln s Obiaga. lutiei. elI telWn- bane vus at . ftis te crusatiers took a bacli ped te hanule tise situation propenly. audit said bSo4k. Andi ve do berebY wyul naturaiiy keep sncb thinga quiet. teresi lu Chcagoa la ov c V. etetadarrived t a51point noir geniceàthe uget epetaiîpelo utie aoqr. It le eeting ta ntethat. b oread aicagi ndcg.la ving i ed MM-iteo idothereiAsueus lMig1 P A uiu. <rspcfty ettonfualmtÙ te OWYS.co thee i Ciag. avn bo aliet* ** ",eCn:plantamnt as »Oon as heemc-sl chairman of thse board of tovu audit, lu lhe transfers sielneth Ib ake cous-hlileofc mn.en eeh 0 *0 .ve.D raliiiosi lysdi.Ts> ,ldv nteAishe uad.ganbag shouUd bl es - a ra. Calil S speciai meeting af sali t>' court a short lime after tise arrent tn got tiepstobesseinl s 'lmpaail.10'0tth* groëutianti helt a religions nmMtng. moedsifrom typisold premisse, and out- hoard puransat thsate umho!t.cupapariatrnfr- 00Ieraine br uWepre Maaahlng ogerins: up prujers for the. Coo om- housseasheuli b. cîsonni sand treated cs aie.1at sintfomRyYoant i rohr ad be a big honor, 'Anti oulti b. taZoOan ytéCus.pa« h gtrwtce hmfo ihqiklm.cs aeanti lrovide "sbnt rï O eoa ehsbrte.tesecond Urne WAukegau boas bU '00~0l' 5flUb> Oh C05e.ploee Tie ltte vtchti bemtra vth ulc ure.the mater of su audit a! nid books George, O! certain lois In Waukegan, district judgeahlp-Judge Henry W. tise indows but doeulneeni ta teb. The boslth departinent osAould b. of thse hlgbuuy coxmlissionerso0f said consideration 1$6,000. AutioMayer'Nuit. Much improsseti vitis the salemnit>' of equlpped vtis a baoteoogical tabe o aunitid houd. Tie natural conclusion seeing that Blotigett bavlng bho the office mas>' iýè 'ý10q seocesoi -deti lu front o orcudom. ratery so that thé>' may b. able tOe onICamr.Fal eot>.snba ntumn a ltiJa turs. U»jp tationi vise. Vlîva's mou A amilar panier meeting vas heli mk iUysayi e lk oe uîiAam.C .Miu althat time andi that the case dragged UpestIs poIcEltoma o tübrdai igt alter tise tvo Inde- and ailtfood '*HdsnsuppleIs . Maqie.sie lns, vas that poasibly Roy'Yeoman,. MR. AND MRS. LYON RETURN wotise two mm nul er af end liU d ben aen ftram the Btlsue o cnaniIbl usn .0 leiC .Mrus .trougis bis brother, George. of Mue- pendant Botlie uni fo ceistsnvnIrmLk Wall, Frankic urris. nuiot P. Bacon. eo iatdapeiot angn vhiatia Iselin Odlnnc wbcbtrain fer allepoti smoking, muet b. stenitimed betere they art George Meldrum, John Austin, Jms AMýbt teueettbco Vtvd"e bt mkn uetued. Dean, Fra14 Webb, J. IL ddA. ,proPerty to get ready 'cash andi that he Mt. anti lra. G. R.L Lon today re- Mile. cigatf e-N ml hol e eie vi bt as able ta mal. a financial settle- turnetifroxu an exteudtidtrip te Fio. Ilsu 0 o !t toalie h à ceu dte o. Volva s m n e ino tu lk ho l i be iivorll« neils s 'C. DoutasseJohn W. Kelly, George m n o asn& Ijrd feig ia hyrpr beddtm a X~~a MiRr, ella ma os ests anib.onpde u t s en t t psoithve a i.suloaNeiI, 8. B. >tàrt.M. Mgowan, PeWa etfrLresijrt elnsrd.Te eotassetlitobt cape. Mantriedtetotale the. two oae tof0 tIhurt sao lngetvie. otisare alloweti te roaian tisane Bt .AmbsA. flunuing,> . e Colwh.reby the Wauegan man agreeti ta lus apent tbe greatar part of the Win- tii. cil>. 51'. As auntîl thea enii ot th iuasseand thon lnF'I bbr~~ ter d~ rpp h iseulantithapre etter therC. tho club vas tao sout of bis latoti anti serous clashes are pro.the>' sUsOuiibe removei ussien theBlasa, P . J. NoeetiFrani H.ara,. th rbmn ni ý d b.éaswucked dtovu, re- ~ ~ directions efthtie hoalh d.partmont. C. H. Brown. H. F. Fitta, E. B. plait it tu report-oC. tva velil ick- -qIaril ove puaoi ie bgtat ithe ant*mnoe prdi- sress On Milk. Upa, Jameg fDoyle, Win. 0. Canner, ars.Mntil oer ail om auolulonOt>,lbuaueo!l.Dr. Crawford laid especlal stress Bernard Dros', Alber't fchults. Chas. , ,, 11 19MÉ1çé1 M Rnhworh t, udi bl iol>' ar' being vagedt hora, I; leupon th.talitIsituation anti udmitteti Ahistiom, Otto Ale, Nits PSSi'50 ta 55atb hiDite a BUN reporter Ibat much of the TiiOinss-Grean. J.1'. Brris, W. J. 4Mýt" 1érep'weWIUstoe ee it i ntoi'nilug te note lthtuIdependents Yhl nteçt a nefo th uk o"FseGog .Wls AbZ aroeband o met. Flnalli thse follolFOii today admittedti iat Il typat uls i>'bscmIrmoseBrLusVaer ag .Wl 04 va Wo isti-ieen smoking ver. thoir intention ta try anti Set Circuit contact lu the. vay of milk. He salti Edwin Allen D. D, Eldysitis, Charles manr aes oare fitiam du. o Cnaltise hiteyse VaionuCth aesh a e rprdt tt uthw Hlzde rdHftlJ LGud Mde* Mtl h . - nUtt- Uyo!fashmay o! the, cases bcd resaitei from E. Pennock, Martin Olseti. Chas. .'-' ' ~*bengnt laue uiti, 5$ cnsintonleu e nrCitynanon ls aant i lkevise vas nat proparedte 0Pavera, Fred Docker. -Jus. Brocson Ropefllas ISir>d., The ded 0!lau d u-bepwrcsof th iseîas.here. Ail of the»e Banchard la Rosi>'. IsOolei, u Tsejuie, t l ni, as 1b ove ji in s a bacaue the >'otai- r. E.Blanche.dvas interviewed over- - nb uiiplodiacaa eort wbîcis Dr. Crawford vîli tho telephono sftéteeSUN learueti - U~dn th le mater iodai, tieuWetiuanilles10wvilldo so. If b. doclarea ma.taee cottri 0f lise deii't_ o! thse petlilon oingfIleaI. He laid it r stuaionsayntttutt&a wa morw'bu soeilthâ hoc0ud.aIl aS, tisai a warrant Woald. be, avoru eachings of Dovie 'il became a baccln thebanda of Prof. Bartow of tise cone, an>'audit vhicb'tisto ola ard T hlie C o r o v e r ont; for CaptXtu A. A. Waler, («M« number anti-tise Volîva faction vili ttl ae uv>'vs seiet>-eeIeit a. ts. a .d o basé etlthe police tiepcrtmont unutet hae littho grauiitt stand gou lu Iis ahi. ta hantie lil sncces#fully. tihem te tak le book# t once. etc. Ilos VVUva r.tbwe4foi'an aniil it- parietltiaglu. tise bufor thbe pies- Ase te wb>iaumeror nthI l -. Me toit As Ifthostup ier hSs-T1 . o ov ri .pa ot a o Por wuldrèult I azy raaiemeus- quential n so h àcneni n Aeoding teth.Cbei'ggmatie.cur 1be Itîetngad mort-urea èeîg taken b>' the state. Dr. ho belotves bis reords are -1- right. have ini your hom e-proad to sho Jabea boy or fourteon it vse- ant because ever Bua ie on, ,vas es Crawford rePllpd t iaI b. titinet tiink e«SI campanions o! is ovu age ver, tabislaieti.Ilbos een a mooteti que-s. al an>' sucb action vonîti h. noces. LITTLE DOROTi4Y DOW DEAO fynvi e h peddcs ein nwl mailklns along loin igbl Wheu one tien &Asta lie lesalit>' o! sncb a mes- sexy. as be tlougt tisaI tbe people aiL9 .Doroli>' Dow, 12 jeara aid, as If ya wisupes thenen id eue das onhusnastie efthtie youngsterm began te $moka.ut.. Circuit jutiges, il la ntId. aeldem lthe city voulti be only too gladte 10t isopr on o;.w'l ea ntuisi Captsin Waller la aliegeti ta bave Mntry ta panson state lava, but Il ila ast uJulitnestugetstionsthoiMunleci morp- OVof Mr. and WhO bRsbertr one oit vitis a pitchfark anti struol the vWlu thir province ta pais où, muni- clnio5t23sgesinsij~duls ie ,at iedfls. aeri Duryoneeloe i h aï rus.d oe Ruai. boy, lulliting painfulIinjuries cipal lave of this sort. Baverai amale Oui>' plane to Ebeîp. lng at 9 aclacl, tfolailga tva weeg's aid Vosibl breallu ane ,a!flte -c ase hvebeau appeaied tethe cb. -He emphulmdoth le fact liaI h. la lîlnuofa!diphta. bisOe bad practi- We watt every lover ot music and Made by b"re u l is anSi. cuit court but no tiecision vas ever nel ber, ta supercede tise antborih> or cal recovereti frein lie attacl ta!yoeWownt ohvealn a otCl Voliva Exhibto Club,. 1reacised. efforts5o! tise local bhtsdepartmeut diphtbetie anti ber doeIltttbut0d pianoyo n w hvne o vea fie' ioteou At lie eervlee lu lie Tabernacle but rather taeassIstlu' coanattng a largel>' tea c eaxostinetothle heurt in oko h ooe. Rr nteC yesterticy. Oves-netvoilve. exhibflei DAN IEL.J. AVERY DEAD difficult problem. BU iii i t Mth ise i cîtook Ib plîs nsy mornlus et 4 t ~isvmn btmtslsttntdp 'a cluib or cane vblci ise sai bail been local healtis daptenuut la dolu AUl o'clOck. Tise faneatu a beli lits very critical mus1eIan, and gtves101110Ou f to t e tnemAld rman Miller a4 b. Dnil j. A t-c, a yrt.- Chcago tba cli au do. but tb a t 5lia dicagr ,mornIng t 10 Wocko. ad vas trice o vidence of the good judgm ent of ýilia pi atal"y414 c fldy t ist f-or vorliluste eaut e"go p tis lenaose, 8v. ov*eo t U0rl Neva psiiv t bs taomntbiaIdouc.400Stle *ie*. Clicado. fDr. Crawford deelat5ldi aI lu- a.týourco&cli et tbaqfleri. Yon eaui gelcomploteinformatIon about tho Conévei tbe bue ot tobiaco luion Cit voult, ie u as78 >'uii t, .Lnocane tonetent*asuismit bisreput t-e D. Igsx, bave te cease anti vas trong lu bis Cilceffltu 187 sud tboy >caSaer Immelteiî and sailé t a report ,. e have at, Mtochients agealct li o - a ue e was aintWte t tIseba. flrin e f rom Dr. EgA.s«,.ebalaialle s- T1-1 10ii ' S 0 5 , voue. anti vio permit il taeise used. civil vax b.oflired la f150 Uionsrmu.. animlg luflSa pteigw4 &» - -dounctlaI nly t I e mnet UMeWova MisM son sd ce te o! li VI,, be recel eft eby . t. 'Oe. Pom"1t os-I of Cruaers cm8 tisen ~o! the Maonte C>rpbmllg lipe, l t pylas iucfw ea I<MAN'Sjp t* S %) PM1eS»bustOPPed. WB aPl"An as wu asa momler o! the RIunos Sad Unt ityl mas isvite a rli e vrlo ýt11é r W« " ce e lie present tflen League lubs. De la strviveti b>' iees u ie abtsviate t io0 to- $ pSUa et bis mae folotra Itata ms-s Avey, a su ot Dasi J. A.t7, i' a xueD.Cafr a e> fftqe ~t-vo hantre te t lres Md te. dauglters, Mrs. WlflsUdH. are oa. iqlVvuciVffl4 îvudb od4efýyub~vtg1 hxi asll fieuTtvioit tise depot ahi Prusi, It, es- oy N.PInt U »AIbisetts rbb, as eîet i>~~ea.yhgtgaapao I a 8w'> bemn:train antieueO KahbeinoAvey.brinsasou15tifprobnblecaseÔ. tlegI 7o6 tA. t- -5$ Oflf Iociyli se of smleMs. Avery's deati wasaver>' sutideis, vwilusgo mas>' homa e .isbeu a ii prtê.70 Wet e tmauYos>. cus-igS Asà* lie vsltttsig lu a émIt. abiettadrav nome t*n yClos conclu. -~OIs.PateW 3o1nvt ou 1Ms. b nbo *risg5ba5d et about on.Mr. AtarI vasau eau reUtordp 0 105 as lai bnt.l 1iy* sm»m bi'5* eruam rsvent te tise deota Wanuloas, bins a saoro!tise ata Mr. J s m Id- eot dOPWL Oek mt the. train anti lIs. B, N. Avery', anti anuidr TO SI SUURRO HUAEL ffyi i ~U oa~e vh or t'u mit ,M vbkb lIe Cu'41biea ver. te- brother of John A Avery, forinerli ai- Eivdari Klei, ageti77 jae 4 . yast U u-fyu aeDtqst sd 0bu %ct tilias te the 4##," Chicago te tor or ieth ute , April , Stelovcd busbas t e!WU. lamvti-B u crvujnhv .l arse U > ev it.i t yetise em- eins uIr . Klein.Fanerai hoa-lts Mayos pores- lm"a-dl rni plovove. ipo&t bat vos INBPECT TH«l ROADS. reufllence, 4634 Cttage Os-m ie.1~-. U ptfgI o Vboive aSpiao 0,1qoPt- ps*8tebappesf4ltMone -CUMOssoApril 24 cI 9-.80 a. M. , t-la ieu n tuol en>.*vT il.L*ju S> ~* étoappe tibuuu t Y-8toths TosCierk George uteilupmop.t. ?Eeftan depot, train teo Waike treei4à% ttise11»C W hi0oou-M setier vitis t ise Iiwsi cminisoli-> . Cm ~ ah aa d vu au Irak l-, ers, BtnskKltlw amgEuow h'ut »dtetoau *rd<e sl *ud semdmt- e re m st Iebiflsaimusdéon, h t ves gs$." je TàOII 0*upmq'OSul tàmaSud Q00 9 1 etik ièe. UM »6s, P 4suek *go basu lis éoive t te u" eo grave = ,O.fouae O In. calitaiuO.O.wiam îofr»uutl7or uriasioro, Ps.a, blSeelved paver Of tas-n., frein lIt. BVOIe. 1ttilu- Kmotons 1.0 laxo- "y Itap 05 » » ps'evet'tli deeecratli o Olie' grave o!f lei l aS. Moné'oeu VelIvaas uXiulaned lu tis» 5UN, ao- iounceti plans on hastes for s-esovisgt Iawie's , body 10,a hug@ asuen rhich h. plans ercting uar lie tel> eruade. ' -ms-DonviSe arti O! tise o1e mausoleutuanti tetetuulued liaItise* grave Of ber husianti iboulUI not be'o dug up. s.e retalneai Captalu0.0 Vland ta guard lie gravo. Wiart hua emplayed Ivenity mon, *vho îli guWd the grave day anti uliht, ctrrylug s-ms if, necessa'>. - Wlard van formerl>' bondi o!thse Na- lionai Put l lge. ÀAYer a84Mis wus cilai ta lian, b>'thon oseti . to Volivai, le difSver visatI llegal meaaures bati ieen employeti by.the, îversoer 10 vin thoe lectio. As a resuit Volita, ogetiier viti 195 failovers, ver. luddicti >'the grand jury. 'lbree casesbave heebs triai- Uri. Dovie, apealting of lb. propos- sai mausoleuin, sali: Volita bas tohiai me o!foerYtitg els-e, anti nov Ina lung ta taie froln me tise body O! MY isusisInt. il uua Ibal h b s a>'love for lie mon ho supplanted as leader o!flMon, but h.* vanta tao ow lis, grave of Dr. Davie. th51 b. mai do vils tise body .as be pieeae.» FAMOUS COMPOSER DIES Martin Tovue. a vld«IY lavu cons- poser o! sacreti munic. dietI at hi$ borme lu Laie l'os-est. April 4. Fo1 ove- hurty y>ears h. vas musica edlor of Davidi C. CoOkls Publicationu. At one tinte i. vas musical director Laie Forest arademi>. piano- iroùd l»bproud.to v to your friendBs. rh '- It is made -and isten over this' instrument as ry expert workinen ln the npietOly equipped factory mntry. tested for y" rsby Wu", and guavnlesu >y a lte hlgbest -reeponalbllty, lano tbaât makes yon sure of j'on? molaeyl' worth. ifyou wiUllUte ame hose pen lte Ca.o..r '»Owe Ov A; wTIi a

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