__~w~ughusedeRing The; S!ason's tEventful Sale of Hpuhold Needs, Paints, W11 all e r, den ToosEtc., Thursday, May 2»d,, and Coninuing One Week Right now is a busy time for the thrifty housewifce, for the spring housecleaning campaign in most homes is Weil under way. There is the usuat amount of cleaning and changing about ta be dont, and sa many small home and kitchen needs ta îiçplenish. This page faitiy bristies with timely suggestions--things vou need ta help you in your house cleaning work; utensils that arc, required in your daily kitchen toil, as well as many ot.her articles of common utility. In fact, almost every article required in the running of a home is included in 1 thîs great spring sale, while aur special prices make buyinghere a big advantage in the way of economy. A bilg aB9ortii*nt of graulte-wear will bc Placed On BOS e hUrsday mornfr llne ot consista or tilaS Pans, Berlin kettles, -.a.ce Pans, premrving kettîer milIk anti Puding pans, diperls, cups, and other artices, values to 50c, wIile tbey last, rSave on Tour Paint DIII l'Ser. are always a Bom- ber of oddt jobs et painting ta do about the bouse lu the sprlng and you might as well Bae on the cort of yon' paint, as aur prices mske It possible. MOIJSEHOLD PAINT - D3e- pendable quality, specially prepared for the. Globe, gallon ... . 39 ALABASTI NE-The poilular sailtary watt eoatlng 1 la package for .... f FLOOR VARN ISH-4l1Uefl Floor Varnhsh, noteti for i1 JAP-A-LAC GRAININC OUT FIT- Conolstfng of stain b l grainlng liquli, graimng tool, varniab endi 2 bruahes at. ?IW Gn 01*., Opa! pis g~Obe for UpTjgb~ S* lamp~ ~p~~ceIfqr Here's Economy on Wash-day Necessites WASH BOILER- RONING BOARD - tra heavy block tin. 14 Polis compactly. matie -ounce copper bo of smooth basavooti. anti rîm sale stands ti-tu, large et"e. 9& sale .9 CLOTIIES PINS-100 pollseet bard woMi clothes plus 5 for..................... 5 CLOTHES BASl- KET-New York willlaw clothes bas- ket, uetlu i se. sale i prîce ....48c WASH AD- D$JTCN CLEANSER-Tbe 011ko dlrt . a uer Occnfor..-E fTRC- Four 1 pouii glose stach for... isC cURTrAIN STRETCHER-6 by 12 fent, nlckeled statlonary plns, easlly set up, .ny...........65c mWSHTuBý- Salmise Ieavy galvauised .wasl tub, priceti for tItis sale i5 WRINGER-Extra weon mades clothea 10 mcii 1 rollers, &ai:e rcec.. L98 GOLD DUST-The worlti fainous cleaner, 4 7 pomdt package for C WASHING SODA -six Ponatisof tbe best 5c walsing soda f or .. SD oo-e &KIAT IRONIN OARD Pott» ad aIiro a, nlcely uick, ---4 , %feet Ion g, 3» C with stand att! antile , aIe price ...... sale prîce----------------.57 Ga~dem Ooo~ laWp' ais -~ -'k- 1LWater NUs Heavy gray graite mIss bsavY bail, p1-iced for this sale e2c D" nnr Sts 8.3 plain white with a neat old bandi; a very dalnty met at a price much belo. vaue ..................$039 MAVILAND CHINA DINNER SEY-100 pieces, pure wbIte, dainty plnk anti blue floral decorations; a $39.00 set for .... 75 DINNER PLATES - Regalatioa , , GERMAN CHINA PLATESk- Flîoral anti fruit decorations, Iloer patterns, 60o "va- ues, .29c AueTRIÀN CHINt rAtes.n tiecad&bt- 123c -J RICE OILER 1 anti 2 Quart 1ic. bOlIer, gray enaiiteledb heavy quality .. .... 39e Gluss- ware TUMBLERS-. Bell- abapeti t u m bh1e rs stiiedeger. lead blolisbsduperier quality, regular prie.s,special, for---------..19C rUiLERS-Neede-etched tum- belr. fRat bottoni, extra lear blocu, 10values' 6for....... *.............45c TUMBLER-'Genulne star eut tumblers, ulI ise, straIgbt Msd bell-sbapeti, 25e sel- leri at ..............129 SHERIET GLASSES-Olear crys. taI gluss Colqnlal style, have han- dle, regular 7c Values, sale prîce, 6 for. .35 FOOTED SHERQETS--Clear leeti blocu glass. neat pattera,' 15c, values, 6 9 for.................. 69 SIERBET GLASSES wtb hanti;e, star eut, straight or belà-shapeti. 260 values D at........................ 15C qrdokp. Go-Carts Are Marked Low $PMI-COLLAPSIBLE 00-CART -SBtrongly constracteti, ba gootieasy springs, uphoîstereti lu leatherette. Itood attacheti, 10- inch wbeals wth %-Inch rubiier tires; a regular $6.00 29 cart at ...............9 POLDI NG GO-CART-Peclinlng baek, cane sides. regu>larfrwnd at $3.98 and $4.98 j sale price ............ 24 TOWEL IUAR-15 luch- es long. uIckeled on brase, sale il price ..........*71 TIJMBLER HOLOERS. --Nînkeleti, ou soliti brasa, speclally 'TO1L ET PAPER MOLDER - Niekeleti braut, ooden rafler ... ... SOAP 01811 - Heavy nickel plateti 20 brase---------0w7j,% 0O-CART 06.69-A saluple line o! go-carts that regularly seU aet $9.00 anti $1000; heavy steel framea uphoîstereti with the. boat of leatherette, omfortable anti roomy, sale i price---------------... .61,9 SULKY&--Chldtiasrabber tire sulky, nicely painteti, eay rua- nlng, priceti pec 9 8c cia et .......... Street Car fire refundei te &Il out or towa rus- tomers a spo0 purcss of $5 or more a 00I V D 0 r. Obuasu i z 5 Lut.? Kilia strou gik ha dlngrier: eslly oerted,; e cially price t NATIONýAL CARPE! SWEEPER-BR0ll55 1.-1 iug. 83,00andi 26 85X50 vWunm et..26 &%Y YéuWalli I'per fHere You cati ae considera- Uable by. purchazlng your 4 4 uew wall paper at tbe Globe, Our spriug line in uncommonly large and embraces the ltt de- fm ague, lu patter n o v ery room. For tItis sale we offer 3 lge Unes at pricesf that irlmc lower tItan the ane qitalliIs ean be pur- ' ' haed for elsewbere, per roll 5c, 10c, 15C WALL PAPERSe -- Od lots of wall paper ln u socient quan- C titI.. for mamme, papers tbat soiti to 15c, sale prîce. roll. 3C CARPET UEATEN1- Pol- lshed i wre, strong andi fleible, smooth wooden handile, sale price ...............7 LIQUID VENEER-Makeà olti furnIture look lik. new, 4-unce 1t boule ............119C *ELECTRIC CLEANER - For carpets, ruge, valle, metc.. large can * for ...............IIf OUSTLES8 MOP - For bard cooti Boors, 60e aricle for ..............29c Vaughan Seds Yon tion't take any chance when you as'oc Vaughan's seedi, for the re- sella are sure. We carry a complet. lIne of Vaughansa lu garden, flower anti lawn eeds. LAWN SEED-Vaughan's Chicago Park lacun seeti lu packages fromn 1 to 5 pourd22Ipe FLOWER AND VEGETABLE 6108 -7 packages 5 for ................... TUBE ROSES AND GLADI- OLAS-Six for ........... lerlia lettis. 4-quart Berlfo ket- tle. blue anti white enameleti. polîiiet U cover, sale price Ea0u EATER-DO ye r eg g boater, botte an egs la one minute, sale pree...........6c CRUJMB TRAY and Srp nicly uickeled. sa-e prie...............7c GAS PLATE-4 ss qo fui buruers, sae * 98 Drifte.......... b MIRROR.- by 10-nehglfâ Wremcb plate mirror. fittd la a 3-uhOak trame, OVIN-For single b u ru stoe, p*n1shedsteel. 1rud w to EU .t....139 malePMUce.. CREAM WHIP WiMh itls Jar., Juat 1ke ut,.4 sale pries.. COFFRE POT - 3.10518 regular pri1e,2e.19 thIs sale ...19 - CURTAIN ROLM--Eàavy brams, extenti t 54 tachbes, plain or fancy hisob@. 100 flesat,7 ,esc. .........7 ~INDOW SHADES- I ateopaque, 38 pales wide, 6 foet long. aoîta4 voIler....... ..... 1 Lawn aud'Garden Needs LAWN HOSE-50 foot lenhth, 5 ply, a gooti dura- ble home% complet. with couplinga, os for ............................ ......0 SPADING FORI-Blue FLORAL SET-Con- nte"l tnes, D. hantile. slstIng or spade. rake sale 3 c andi hon, . 9 price ........ 39c speclal .... 9 GARDEN RAICE - 10 LAWN RAKE-24 tooth teeth. *maleabls Iron. wlre lawu rake, sale 1c sale LAWN F40WER - 14 anti 16 Inch steel blades, 8 IncIt drivlng wbeels. nlcely palU& guaranteed, i saepî..éSGARDEN HOE-Poiàh. ed steel blade, ln a mootb Picturesflelow R. itte i anla ion rame. 16-lneh cire with Mount- Ings of horse-abo. anti bit; a pleture that w. regular- 1>' Bell for 60c, sale Price -.. PICTU RIS AT 81."8 -A very hantisome collsoti'On, of fac-sIle pietures la popular subjeets - mostlY Isnucapes, dm11 gilteti at$,slframes vith greeu shati- PICTURES AT 55e-l'by 20 Inch landiacape subjeets, fitteti wih1-hglilt trams. 89c Is thair regglat pric th i me .....................................5 5 C FEATHER DUST- FR-,Made trom se- lected turkey feath- ers, large ams, long detachable hantile. prb .....19C PMTCH96 - :Me-1 grade parlor match- es, 200 ta the box, 12, boxes for -.AOC MATTING -Good quality Japaflees mattlng ina*s sorteti pat- tai 290 Ya urd y ....al For Saturday on] ywe plwçe on sale abigassortment of china- ware, including pieces that sold as high as 50c. 1In the lot are platters, cieainers, lo- pots, sugars, salads, pitchers, etc. Nons N-if5 sold before 9 o'clock 1