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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1912, p. 12

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fLliNS AT ZION ,(omtnued Prom Page One.. *eave thani ta understaud that ha ~*Uidplace under rret ail the. sp- clI police lu cae they refused ta yhic instructions. They dld flot i~éhe. ethie betiEdid neotatke * li torn. %à t b. police -n-1 £iMe~d ce stoppins the. Voiva proce.- »çm, tbés a cashbebtween the sheriff 04a thie police would bave reeultad bMause Shariff Grgn va. on the. Job "edr Instructionsand d vioe !yM Z .i ttorneY DedY an ta lilVPOO- tthe matter. ~b.semrif explanei that haoliad %es.sua.d tht tbm- Voliva peope t" Id lglly hoid their meeting 'w"ouLdangertroau moitation so kýg as they créeted iia disturbeuce- 4Un aion that Iosiruiction, ha made l«'plén thet hé vouidu ses ta t that t4oy vene flot interfed vlth. The jMIépuidi.ds&gr*ed vith hlmn but t", prospects of cis*iug vith the. ~11 tif er. flotplessant banc. the. &D" oic11e ver. vithdravn. Slheriff Green today saplaiuéd tbat lie'rsélii did flot "go aven the Police heeda." but Itlal quit. evidant ha, did Dot lac" asuriuncertainty as ta viiet heauiténdad te do. Hé stad that bc vold not go ta Zion agala. unies caléd. Anrd, If ha la calied again, lu- atsBd eoftha<oei caming tram the In- aqpetdeu as tt hua the thres' timas li bu oane thera, 1h nov soeinma he- iy it viiiba trom Voliva vitb a l'e giret ta amre.thé stata'oe ultimatum that thai mai hld hbeir meetings. Ih là, of coure. a questioni for future de. * dslq* viiethér the Independelila vIii lue~tetaitia liaihave tir. rlgbt ta prevent the. Voliva meetings. If thai do, &MesVoilva vill a thi.e erfrs ni sd àa mailt betveen tii shrff ibsd the. police *ýIll ha een. li@ s etlne Tuesst5y lght. The. Voles forces did flottry ta holà a meeting Tueeda evecing biues, vIilla the spectai police. va " eronsa thé treet sa hetii.orth *«sténn tracks. th.glied theltr watt li vaomthrcrusadersdif not pul lu fippemm ' eAttar dia Coolearn triages liad uepOktd tram the,1plact eh* deputtes vtiidrev on ordere fro êbàIM Hoover vho .aid If the. Volivu b Wg i55d tu lrld thea-meeting tha.n seéng tlié facory vas eccead, ouid do no. Tb* lnjunction Natter. Tbeh rloinaon thra Inunetion ak-i 0d lji )4r. Patin vas theapreiimiuary besaqn& virezbut oneaide va. lre- * sàté 6u~s hili thé -tacision of ïjwpb ýlbftY le Doi décisiveasu ho tàis ue -outaome. it meaztiret Um amffl illvii h permUted to stand t lamai i htre final deciian la mats, wiudr lwili t nov hé before Otabar. t1u, Vliva bas scoré a vctari ýWI elïh afu.auntà te pr-mnecî is »ga.rdé th.e sguh<rd. Haw.ood la Pind. j Eidsr Hervood. erned lsat week ca, achrgo!r ot bepersing à ga±b- *Mn ernn vi. ordered ta iii the.police, a Ufiaed 810 ladcoule. Tneeda nigstt lbyi uteb Schwartz or Wintiirop Han- thé beanlng batng hled lu Zion. police sport. k won bard fooght snd iustad *am iidnlgit. Tii. euaes againgt Tiierpé«d Mill. v. 'etfor,£. e. !au; -bat bseenp the, othe aied 50n llai,, W OOtlDOfd. Wall ce te i£our't. VPIles annOunoed Tuesday tiiet lb W% f g Oi a btittthe* lava of1 DlUBOIS for proYdfansd bymna. n. nId a suit, novpeodng lu tha Chan- CMj court ln Wankega, ta dkoposSeés Fffl B. Cook vus ta. b. rosirai tiqrugl tirs courts viii ail pog@ubie sP0011. Mr. Coo'. nev fuctany ii 430 emPio'esf rom Chcagob«s been thé main Immue af thé flght. (Continued From Page On). port ta bis ide because o f i knowi- edge of Woadmen affaira. Elgin, III., May 30. FIMt thousand dolars, viii be the ammunition of In- surgent Woodmen employed ta batter down the revision of rates and rami- fication of the bead camp. Provisibu bis beau Made ln a ses- sion af the exacutive committee, chosan et the Elgini convention, for a per capita asessment ai twenty-five cents ta fortify insurgent contentions. Ainouniement of action taken by tke ppIlvecommittee vas madle pubul#=fIsy3by Serrotry George H. Andre n. Tva bundred tbousand Woodmen memberg. the entire Insur- gent element of Illnois, viii bie ai- fected by the asseesment wich wifl pour Into the treasury a fighting capi- tal. The Insurgent figbt hereafttr. vill ba a paid battia. FuIdmen wlil condut the Insurgent liglit tbrougb the rest lot Its course. 'Lavyers ln charge of iltigation aasnt the baud camp wiii be reward- ad for the time sacriicef inl furtimer- anc. ai the causa. Lobiiysto viilba paid for time spent ln Induclng tha passage of favorable, legielation. Al axpenses incurred la oppoitlon te, the Increse of rates wIii b. defrayed fram Insurgent resaurces ta lia accu- muiated througb tbe tax. Tbe executive cammittee hopes, vitb money backlng. ta conduct more ettectiveiy tbe Insurgent campaign- Men *Ill1lb. paid ta devote tbeir time auclusivly ta "«bucklng' tbe baud camp and the propasadl rates. *ILK PRICE DROPPED TO SEVEN CENTS TODAY. (Continuad Prom Page Oue.. vaà blamed by the local dealer for tbe milk sbartage ln Obiago. Haesmidi 9tbs± many Chicago dealers vbo bave r purchased miliiifKm leiie county pro- *ducers are unabie ta do so tbls year tfor tbe local producers are glving ttheir atIre supply ta thie Bowman k- people. Tbis mi lel bottled sud t, shippad ta Chicago but doee not sup i piy tbe demand made upon the other * dealers. Tiren. ton, viren the Bowman peo- pie bava an over suuçly ofi mliitbey use It for the. manufacture of butter. Thus wvii.Waukegan haueewlves mai congratglate themseives upon tbe fact tbat mili for tbe prasent wiii b. ciieager, they muet face tire probabil- ily that Il viilnat tue long bafare tbe price viilba bigiier tban aver. Under ordlnary condttiis the. 7 cent prIce wauld last unhil Septembar or Octo- ter. A num ber of phiotographie takan ut Z" irCity rocentiî durlng the. hol var riots are being sbovn lu the. C. P. Inallte & Brother viudov Iodai. A lergea colore.l pichur ofaiWlhbur Glienn Votive at van lun bis patatn, fiaidt.naia oexhibition. Public Notice lé anébi a spécial meeting ot the i ai thé M. Aishuier C'o., w t the. office o ai atcampa kegan,-IIilnofs. on tire lot d A, D. 1912. at the, bourc P M. for thepugpoeof aud voilas pon thé propoi cresUa the espitai stock( porahion f rom tiréaum ia tiie sumof $100,000 sud fo action'f such othar bushi proîerly corne beforé ssf< M. ALSHULER. TiAMON T. ALSII CLARENCE S. AI ýWaukegan, Illinois, April6 rglven ut 1t 119 Genesce St. Phone J1352 M. Fe C. Seidel<wCo 14 The Bouse 01 setter CIthes" bave on hanid a grand assortment of suits owilI meët the approval of' every women~ mrce. Weare featurdg .noveities,, mixtures, &ç. They le in the iatest modeisoIt mannish and fancy, taiiored .pur regular price is 15.00, for to-miorrowonly ....... at this W,,aen'-s Tailor.dW Whs Be:ween theliours2aàd 4 wgff, tu It 75 bandasme tallored wams ,,aL drvraleseand lseeatul'S .n = .0 vle, veryyspeclal et%.-. . am an CutOut (his Co<rdnn lai of Jue. ci of 2 o'ciol k comslteing >UU E * h BfU* W aeltion te ln, Ai UU 54 L~U > off- sld car- )f 2500 ô L Coupons of Gonsecutive Dates> n.é su May > wilI entitie you, to one of the et~ NATIONAL VAOUM OM ENEIIS LHULIOR. -dvertised ln provious issues Directure 6-3 Wkî t Nobby Hats Big shape.. eiaborately trimmed Ywlth riblions 0o much i vogue now. They are specially prlced for te- .t ny.....3.98J Dmess Hais Women a drest hâte, big or email ehapes, trlvnmed with flowers and -riblions, 86 and $7 values, epecial only-..4.95 hospitai wlthout nos. C'harles bcon k.g dition Il and pNx af a fali Iug vbe «et ti. on Wah, tel Was breenil brokan beau lu Oven bus h belon ed thofI lm tbis VmilI Umearsm et tCe Ha did F body af (lied Ibal i.no fi: t" .f00l sud t(W down lu aud cia Ing bis cilsbed Ounu j' ad la a deep 1 @truck m nase. Gruau tel Ws lir, ami tirai Dr anobilie. and eni senloas rtes tta isped: ta sud crd bf mula de.a [ugh mmts7 elI ou flair Nets 6 for 15c AIl women need hair nets. These fine quality hair n"e in &il shades, spec- lai for Thursday ah é-for ............ ....... 5 Gl gm Petdicoats, 29C Fine quallty glnhgani petticoats In etripes and plain colora, eold right along for 50c, special for Ql Thursday et oniy ............ 2 c u18 hPetticitats 79C Black pettîcoats made of fleur .11k matérlils; they ruelle and look lîke siik. Special *$ZOO value f tomorroW only .............. 7c SÛRk Waists $1.98 Blik mneesalîne walosa, mannieli offect, very special aIl day tomorrow,.00a .9 values at the $mail Oum of - .......9 ~1i~ Whmo SapI l cus Moto lo Uvo? These bargais for Bat- t- urday wiU convince yoq; that it will coît leu tW hive if you trade at the, 133 NORTHN EM 5T. WU K ,IGAN. 1IL L. * Chicago Markcet. tRAJCffS ACIIE.WS.,"D OCKFORD. ILL Fancy Verni Log................................................ lc Boneles irloin'Roat ....................................... 121/c Sirloin Steak ............121/2c Bonelesa Butcher's Roast ...... 10 Beef TenderloIns ............. 5C Pancy Native Steer Rib Roagt il c--9c Club Steak .............W Short Out Porter us Sek l...c5 Ftank Stak ........ .... .. .lie Hamburger Steak ......... c Corn B3We .................. 9c e.f STnew.................... 6 SMOKED MEÂTS. Bliçed R=a .................. 18c Cotae OM ............... 13 LitePig 1>lcnie Hams ......... 10e Sugar Cured Boneleas Hams .....121/2 Frankfurts ................... 9c PoUah, Sausage................ 9c Liver Sau8ffa ...e ......... 8 ýi m p e d u e S aus a ge.. . . . . . . . . . . . & 84Ù r ured -Baek Bacon . .1**' 21/ým'tdSmmrSuae....1c Sugar Cured Rama .... *«*..e3 *ilwaukeo Bacon ............ 14c Pork Eoast................... lic 7. lbo. Spare Ribs, short cut ....... 25e Porý Bausage. zz.- - ........ 0 Porkt Loin................... 130 Ketti. Bendsred Lard..........1l1e 'ýoneleas Pork Roaà.......... ;12 4 ,; Park Tedolin .......... ..... âïý Uat Pork.................... be No.el0 PaiflLard............. $1,05> LAMB Fancy Hind Quarter Canadian ,Xutton .............lic, Fore Quarter Southdown Lamnb... S Lamb Stew.................. .cý Lamp Chopa ...............12o VÈAL .Calfs Liver ...................10o HInd Qurtr..7.............. lic Fore u r .................. I' Veal op ...................... 12c' Veil Stew ....................Sac Veal Kidney Roa............. lic Calf la Braius ................... à Country EoI/Butterine, 2 pounds .................. ............ 250 Good Luck Butterine, 2 unda.. 85e f acy1l« Wmr*n's Dress Suits, $100, A hapw~ line of ufti la hown at this pricr. Tbey coie l h-ihpcord, noveltiesf ar4 id'itures, our former price was s$lQfor, Thursday orly ........... #VOL, Ail Our $25 Suits- for $ 14.50 Ail of our hlgh clina uts go on sale to- morrow so chu p that- everybody wilii have ont sold rlght along for 22.50 and 25.00, special at only............... Wiu P~-$lI for a Coat Whou This On@ Us S.o l.aIop You wôtnen Who have beei Iing for a coat need, Iok no longer.. Step ln here to-morrow and get just wbat you heve beçn looking for, they are in ail' weaves, materlais and colorings, a coat thot would bc appreclated at 12.S0, special for Thursday onlyj Wou»rà9s Full Length Coats At thi rcw are offering you a coat that - willi w. , tî its shape, and in fact,it us a 8ît*75 15.00 -,gatent, made in "a very nifty style, a speciai, at only.................... These High Class Coats, 12.50 To the women that demands a hgher .5 clama coat Ve are offtrîng you the creamn of our stock, made of ali attrials and col- orings, you generaily pay $20, specia at CHAIL un nai vis, Linen Dustersl.98 This linen duster se ju et the lhlng for the Autoist and women Who ride ln vehîcies. It la eut full and yet ftperfectly. A t la pur. regular $4.98 value, Tiursdlay ofly ................. ....... M9 IMamy a mas doubles bis owiî sttength By taklog advamtagc of anothers weakness. You Want to buy a New Spriog Suit 66Don't You?" You'Il want to buy t when you are ready without délay or disappelntmnent, witi,'an assurance of Correct Fit, Good Style ýand Dependabie Service. That's what we offer you ln the Seidel Standard of' Better Ciothes Prlced at $10 upto $25 The best ciothes obtainabie-Plus our uncondIional guarantee of entire satisfaction as long as you want t.

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