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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1912, p. 4

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'S, CO(JNTY il wp'tn LA 1 -3 Ofice TeIleofle No. 1. City Editor'cs Renfllence Telepbone No. 145-L. tatcaKd Int t1p aioti.ait Libertyville. III, ae Seond Clanm Mail Mtter le.nd wekly Adrti.tfxl iâtes Mode . nvai'n on ii#plication. IgUgSCRIpTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ............ ...... ..........-...................... i.............. Editor F. G. smirH ....... ..................... ............................. manager RAY L.. HUBBARD.. ................. ....................... Cty Edtor THEN AND NOW. Representative Joe Anderson is in the fleld for the Prohibition candidacy for the Legisiature. We just ean- xot figure out how this can be done, because he was the Re- p.tiican candidate for the position at the recentprimaries. Under our understanding of the law, a candidate at the primary cannot run at election. Furtherniore, Anderson wM Inet have the support he did two years ago when he rau Îs'.probibition nonunee because of the fact that, while a.1.4A Mh., the lt'Dahtho" juiwo arai aLo. thia vear, ilnteadi ANT MULESf UNCLE SAM To DO AWAY WITH MULES ON ARMY AND INSTALL AUTOS 'H.,law,' and her naine la "Mande." No, faim b. It froin sucb. Uer nanel is Silaiade no longer, rather. ber naine l.ias been." NI. Auto la to taIt.lier place ln tiie TT. S. Army. It was madie known at the Fort Sheridan reseri-ablon Snnday ihat Uncle Sain had decided to do away wtb ail mules uned ln the ser- vice lni cartint. suppîles andi ta 1litall- ilu Maude'e place, aautomobile trucks,. of the latest delgn. To test ont the advlsaility of thus more, Unle Sam in vii urchane a iaumlier of auto trucks wblch are ta lie ditrhbutet aimant. the 'arlous liatsln the States. A number wil lie sent te Fort Sheridan ta lie testeti as their candidateThe etrd tlent maiy lait Ibree y cars. An ~ coming into the race again a hi addae eetrdolicer at the. Fort Sheridani pont ln it fer the Republican nomination. Hia deser tion of the an interview wîth a SUN representa- #%>oibs"aftr tey had elected him was rather incousid- ise Sunday isailie feared the test rate te aay the least and the effect will be interesting to would last Iis lorg. watch. It seems as if, if the "Prohiba" were good enough Siace Adamn wan a little boy Maude te eleot hlm two years ago, he should have remembered han been tht. target af abuse htrled Ly tht. sabldiers o! erery aruy n>la the theiritinçlness enough to at least be their candidate for the norld. More bas been expected Of honination this year instead of eutering the race for the '\îNaie" Ilian of aaîy two "crltterai" nomination at the hands of another party. in the service. - . - +She la tobç "shhlfed" bWýe ai d a mort. modemn "beint." If It THE ZMON WA2R. 1aa bch go secalleti use-j lilier tt.ad. The Zion situation is gettiug mighty serious. Some- The' trucks witl rorabhtly e distil boy is yet going to bc killed there. 'Voliva insista he wifl ttet amont. tht. sarloun reservatloîîs ftght with the Bible and the "lantis"' are carrying guns and "'aIs Stmmer, lossily wthlin the iiext el.ubs. It is easy ta figure ont then who is going to be the 1utact i îs aiti that auto truckq "ýkillee" and the victim if auy fatalities resuit, for, up t0,Careata h'ave been used witb nmore or dat, the Bible bau not proved fatal to anybody against îtesuc siii tht. artny for several 'wlum it has been -wielded. Voliva says hie wflingly wilJ nonthn tbut tht. govt.riîmtnt hasneflt tierifice 100 men to-his cause. We're perfectly satisfied 'et Paî thtema to a severe test anti It wth h l Ui'.-.nes long as we're flot one of the number. s v ith tlis 'ta iew that the machiines 4t5.~ ~ SO i tIe seait a) Fort Shierian. ln- 4 ' 'cit ,ics. t las been the Plani t) ATTERBERY I8 FAITHFUL SERVANT. "tat.) i ies to wagons ta carry tht. -Chief of Police Atterbery insisted on opposing the "-I'i."i' i Iloue bities hat the present et plaras to ad th..uapies ito auto *Ilhouplaiat thewater works. Wehaventyeheardl ch' ad ara the.m'n this nannel'. 4 hourearg ny wa s$170 efrntdvtn l rrs rebatng ay ofhis 1,70 a yer fo notdevoIug i k lorte ! ihat the' machîines n ili et# his tinte te city work as he promised to do when running î.. r-îsei.thi.r arai ses ere test lir fer oMce. Possibly he has LEARNED the police job so r ot ?hcr-d'u1 -oldîcra wht'n t1ley 'OU~ that unlike Assistant Chief Tyrreli, he cau haudie rmake their Inrig hi! r o nSpaita, Wis. f4)gwith only a few hours' time unlike former chiefs as If the' racilaa .'aiad ' rrcket andl -1 give Fei v c t a.r 10 assume 4é. 1,Whô devoted ahi their trne. that muI,ý l Le forci or dispîlaced wZi M as b___ ____ igu easts of hurIer. in the Uaited. *ForYour Spring Have yoas learned low "Chiue o AA' Portlanid Cerent ias made, It is a W ork atoa-y f great interet ta the man who auses cernent. l talla how th. raw materiais are taken frouaithe qual'- ries; br tbey sroeweighedproportioaied crxshed and dotvevet1t the mille; t describes the "Ciago AA" pr oscfdtiig, griaidingimd tien buralng the raw ~ nxaItUrt to ai "elinker" and explains in an interectiuig 5rda"a way, lbhernethod of cooling the *liker" and grinding iad egrdg it, thua producirtg "Ciago AA" Port. l$a~OkaAA li dCament-iahe boat thah ian lis inaie.' ~ Ct~aiiJf" Réad thia tory:- ý ý«îwM Tt vili enaIjlh you la better appreit the su- £wetm .priority cf t he *'Double A" brad--t vili guide pu itie selection of a cernent for >oîr worlt i Use 4Chicago A! Portland Cernent -«7ebWe that can be made- HOME LUMBER, CO., Libertyville, 111. CHAS. HARBAUGH, Ingleside, 111. v"s'ru!'sliC ~t 1 If a greal change le ta b. maietu buncan affaira, thec innfluto!min mIi b- .- - " -jr negnean pnaac States army. antfiIfeeings iil draw thait va>,. TI ego'.ara"îena. Iri said, w ery feai. erer>, lope. vilI bavardJIt; youe d 'o uaa a h exîserimEavui ntithen tht.>,wbo persist Ila ppas- wlthautao triai s h, the' fiait' show.i.g Ing thîs magbty canrent lai bunan a-' theý* have mnateien loaag endurance farai vilI appear ratiier to.renIaI the raifi. ilowîuver, Unle Saur arants ta deuciees cf Prov - I-aice lîself than the mai e a test foi hineif before lie decreca o! mea.-Edoeuaid Burke. %viiihi' enairc ly catîstied.- _______ He ian sec raet the trucks migit a ol out fine oaa level1 roads, bu-. h 'a'îaisaffîcit. What lie uants '-te--e hon tht' traucks work out int c aegIRrFv'c (2. Il it not aul]alai aliin2g '%hepnlied stretches cof oad a a ieare ointeatîl anti if the tractas taa ta camne tria ta expectations. "Mande' flay be resîsed lai the servIce. ARRlaST VOLIVIAS BODY GUARD Al'on A. Walketr. personal litay- naard ta W\iliaur Gleut' Voliva. Ose-cm see'- ol tWiChtirran ('atholic Aposta- lic Churh of Zton City, n'as arrecteti ayit teliat; S1-herif Clînton Green ta- da, an ancalnult s-lu a deadl% wt.aip- : on h-arzc.V. nîker lu chargeti with j a'-iug Piýn-k a smatI boy oyertht. TheHRomane CowfElobbleieoguarantsed bead i ahia pitch-fork. Walker was ta @top any caw fraîn kieking, tut yan hrougia'a 'aac to tiay where 'bl mn>, r.tnrnIbis sKaie aîad gpt yonr -s a'gix ten.ia. înelm!nar%, hearig be.iions>, back. Can tas put on and off i a tminute.l'or nite at th.e Outy tarin' Ina enut uti Pcry t. Prno s t $l.50 Tuansfoaasweek. c-28-tl 1) T. W LnD, vuauntegan, ta,. NORTH CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, No. Ch caÔ ÇQô1 G Hlave jut 4recî'ived tiiere sprinig ] imutofuf îîîu's oxfoî diaanîd nieii*. it e-'-' Watch Our Show Window WearetI th' auly Fo ii blutwîr that carree t;the' ctltltebtl Kiosed Krotch «Union Suits White Cat fBrand The ýjew Ida iii$1OO $25 :n.t CoinfofI laiia1 10 t 25 i'r-in We art' sgeîitsfor the' Royal aîîd linter. national md-aîaa r clothitig. (Iver 1000 ~Arnples toiîe1eet froîîîl. Fit Gutaraiiteedl. A fulli hue tof rmai".u h<iery. SCHANCK BLOCK LIBERTYVLL, ILL LIBERTYVILLE, IL Une WSek CommeoCing Mollday, May 6 "TheVan Stock Co." 5 PEOPLE 5 Sinera Dna..,Acro. bats Cemdhn*iàd FPe Cmaedies.Caiebl ADMISSION FOR SuIS WEEKONLY O&Ic Priande 01 l. C. CQolga, ilitrlet Manager 01 lthe À. & S. W. Company "Poe shoeled Thttrsdy .venlng te iteai' tIsho bi aM grmasâoa, Frederlele Daniel Devine, *on et fbis' *ldi.t daugh. ter. mme. PIhllp $iver, wae-' Icliwd an, Chicegb Thordis> afttoonesCa resUlt e61lai *Wtautln from's aroof fallni upebi li lîse nho was open- Ing à wlndèw, The boy baiti one, ta aboni. a tew doora froin thit Snger haome andi vas lni the act of cpeulng a wlndow 10 let saine chliren ln wvieulte rof of the porch gare va>,, one of lhe. ceaxI- linge falllng on bis hoati andtiiniag It was ait once concluideti that bis lu- hurles vole inoat celions ami art efforti waà niaie Io logat, Mr. Geige. bisi granather. vho hag lust tartei for Plttebnrg, but tbey ver. aiable to fini bisaibetore the boy had passeed aiVa>, ýbIrhudaiy eveulaig. sacler Pred ai he ai .cknowaa ber. b>, hIc'trIends, vai 16 ymarc ad a llve4 bore VU tisl.Gda., wlhllb bis MOther tauglshachaohlaWaukegsa FISOS5AL PET ECTivIs Wllil^t. LEQED DESERTERS LCA VE n NORTHl CRICAGO FOR EAÇT y CAPTAIN PUL.LAM, BRAN»-, 5. Oit THE SCLJM 0F THE IAiTH OR TH ESCUIO 0F THE HARTIl- Clonel>, guarded by laieraI aItect- Ives, a uinber of alleged deerteri'd frouathe *19altiedStaites navy, aLited t Chicago and other nearby points bout ofo the mont darlizg eleuthbaln the. country,, ere shippoij frontiie Unted States Training station. North Chicaigo, Ill., toda>, ta New York Ctty,, N. Y., where they will stand trial. .11 convicteql th'éo nien wlll lie thrîact Into federal prisons. "Tbese men, the deuertera 1 mean, are th, rough stuff. the scum oai thse earth,'"caid Ceptaîn Fsllam t0 a OUM retiresentatlvt today. 'l'h.>,are atot Worth tbe bonor of having thoir inalats ln yuur paper",' b.sali. Accordin; ta Captais Fullain ewch year lietweJn 3,000 and 4,000 mon de- sert froin the United States aiavYad army. The, percentaige of deieutlon at th North Chicago station silaieIt openlng hai been cornparativetli smial. t'aide Saim bas Increased thé re- ward offared for the armeet of a de. serter fram $25 td-150. Since Ibis act was passed the number af arreaits b>, Pînkerton mien anid other detectives bas increaeed twofold. Wbeai a inn deserts tram the North tChicago ta- tion notices to tbls ciect are lmme- diatel>, niafet to ail lhe detective hareaîîs lni the Statet The police of ail the. largest cilles ln tbe couintry receive notices. lni many canes a pfc. taire of the deserter decoraes the re- yard notice. Wben arrested by rrivate detectiven desertern are taken to tht. aearest re. crultlng station or post. Tbey are timaI t l ai! aind beld untla isuffie- lent aumber bas beenl gathered lni to warrant the empluîvment or especial detectîves to take them eat for trial. Captaiun Ftllam arasrelîactant to give out naines. Tl attitude ln thltis malter la. indeed, a mont lovai ont. tu is country, and ta manklnd. Plo>,ed ai tb1e Aigu Now tExcuse fer HsbadO& Ruibaxais vîo spei their eveings bittai lb. bIgla spots, eaacouniaer dii. culle. lai fnitng thse doniestlc kebDOI ad bang theîr boos the il o UISi titu..ma>, ov izplain 1h01 the'- have boeau afiltod ivtis athernl asphyxiiL' Nos Yark Tilbune. Lad* M u cm E-s u di 2ia ma b i 02 nlt. to bave am opaimlcam é»vfn ' ne bonre It ail ev.Y' ocal>, sd Plhlir Whou ah. WbIoa coovIuecout, tb r gtriOan essaito rem«outheb. .Ulo that bad heu put tiatise womfd. T»e Chil'a Pes 0a i diatY W» avOtY MU" upset. aobiedluande&, lnignSat Ir: 'q 7 ou spue 1I Mme baie tatbu ail s ched up a&ai thon UDIItK* *sTRER STRAIG13T taw ,. LBa'cock & Co Ilf>,un bave any auto si.rpaoilang Or oibrwlce. WO 1 clai tut know Our buslines anad tu st-' * tend ta lt-sa ainade pood b>, avili job l.avlsag ont bande. Eves I >,on doast ned-aaar vrvives ioda>,.drop i1» suyhow. Welcoaael, 1 Agmià ar o pUUNiS.Redd-ee 128L hep 4»84 STAÀVER BUGGIES ARE GOOD BUGGIES We Have a Stock of Fifty . ..to Select Prom. Cali in' and Talk it Over. 8{IIAN(K bRose. *5, A Man Not A ble to Qafy for Lii e Isrne - poor in th sc s that his available funds muet ail be kept intact for necessities which death may materialize at any time, and is poor indeed when, in the absence of availablefunds, ,he;ê fêêh]j,[7a betwecn him and death is but the meager sum that he may be:able tosave while death waits. The only sure way ta have Lif e Insurance is tci, get it wbcen it can be taken, and thc person who delays thc taking witil a more f inancially convenient time may later lcaru of qualifications.that bar hixn completely. To be rejectcd frein Life Insurance dec. not, as so many assume, mean that death is a matter in- minent, as Lif e Insurance rejections cover more than the seriously diseased :o impaired, and are af ncccsaity based on human judgment, which may or May not b. correct. Many a man who applies for insurance in unwiliing mood after long and wearying solicitation, finding himsclf rejected is changed at once into a i everisi, apphicant for insurance. and in bis cagerncss to obtain it he is pralific in sending applications and explanations ta any company he thinks maight take hua. Upon declining a chranic case of this type, a western company rcccntly re- ceivcd this aggricved epistie f rom the applicant, who thus accounted for bis previaus rejections.' "I made application to one of the saitein compani and tlIasosnt a ittie mut of a doctor te exaDapi me, who aaked &Il about an> faliaai, mollies, granifallier and motlaevin-law; how mucla they weiglie4î how fer liai>,could jump: if liai>,wore Mormonas; how the, buil>*tlod on liae Japan quectionl if tli a.>,lia are e sailw liai>,voladinlia1892, a an ose oldwas, Ana. 'After prylng into >, persomda affaire, and getoflg meoto admit orne oit offalIse alat in ltai famii>,, ho got down to the athleic ctait wli ume andi punclaea me ia le iarbe, psllid a, an> shirt anad hitensad ah us> digestion tiaougli a tllphono, fait my puis, , lappei me on tiae chou, Lai me stick ous>, longue oaid thon elucia is fingua in my moualia 10examine m>, teelia. .1AIl "talimee sWac mullang cvi.' a lot cf long namsesandamice damai outianiish jargon, whicia.a ocs bai ev«e.was cemtainoppobrious aepiliael wicia hoawac e&frid teappl>, tome ia plain EnglIcl. Ailes lho lai mussai and posnisi me arounai fer au Lour lho wentah telahie office and filei a billI of cmplaint against me. The upshotof et b whole matas was tuaI i ilint gel My pollcy." It goes without saymng that the company, the medical examiner and' the agent are ail most anxious ta avoid rejections;'the company laies the business and the coofs, the agent losas the commission, and the dootor comas inl:for-Z- unpleaaant duty. .ANY OÜTIIER BUSINESS. CAN BETT!.R AI'ORD TO WAtT. THE! TIME, TO ACT IS NOW. WRITE TO YOUR MICHIIGAN MUTUAL UPE AGENT TO-DAY. Yours truly JOHN HODGE, (wa" Ob usspoce next and suooesdng weekâ. lUvi, Message .verY tiusue) il j;j j '1~ Au The art of makingwatches Bas been maircinaaitnld stenadly for yearts. Waita-lae have nmari [ira lie and îa.ill pîtia.îo their rankingtu-da.v than ëVer. And atilIl tt' ai- rac.'itingoe cheaper aitl ie as ille-waiclki e raber straîlge. If trounwauîli like .to I larn jumt hf)w far tht. watt inainst art Il»asaid- vainîed, thie il@ the .place t tia lné ýN If yaan wjh tr i tiid out liraw clieaaP -a roauly reliabi.. waît..Iiî rtlit. cati vlit tIiis»tor.. Onr waita'b etak colitainm AIL finat the a.rt ti w at.-h aakîaag bas ta aller. And w,. wiffiigly placra. ur ti ie ait ya.ar dImpoaa. A. HUSS JEWELER Libertyvillc, - - fiIinois 1

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