,LKE, OUNqTY flNDZIýC»NT, F'RIDY, MAY 3,1912. ______________ Garden Seedls We have'a large assortment of the'Rush Park Seed'Co.?s un- rivaied qarden seeds.e Mam= moth 5c. monograin packets., 2 for 5caiso large ossortment of Rice's, ferrg's, Manitowoc and. Northrup King & Co.'s seeds 'in packages and buik. J., ETriggs DO YOU KNOW. that this is exclusivelyp a nien' s store? ByJ that we mean that our fine of merchandise -is ~exclusiveigp mens 9 urnishings * But! While it is a mnS store. StillI We always are glad to have the ladies call. We aim to carrq at al l imes a full and upzto-date stock of EVERYTHING FOR MEN J, B, Morse & Co, ~PHONE 14 laibertyville, » . -. mois. ~liSt hfurr-ot EYEGLASSES XAre Correctly Fitediby Wenueno Drugs to make an elxamination ~X andeg4ainteall of - Our SFECTCLES AND EYEGLÂS WORK. LIBERTrYVILLE, ILLINOIS Mr. Farmer You Are Going To Be Very Busy Soon Look uP what you 'Want ln seeds right now. - Owing to lligh Prices, stocks to select from wili be light. Make your selection early. Oet f irst choice. Only good seed carried. PHIONE 47 IjLibertyvilleLumberCo. Wiit- Do You Mean?ý By I)oaying te lave Ter IuhdhrIu lisurel? Charles .' Pýoctor, Agent 'IL ILIPERTYVILLE BRIEFSI ILOCAL AND PERSONAL MENO FtHE E To Insure publication in the 1Indepen- dent, copy must ha in the office na later than Tuesday of each waek. Adver- tIsers, *specially. are asked to take particular notice ta this affect._ J. W. Bulter tranearned inîînessi in Chicauo Monday. The Van Stock C(,., 'rau&dvilie per- formera at the Lyric att nr'xt ueckL C'hester Croker rturned Tneedav tu hie home ati Lancaster, MAA 'r alter n Mr». Rnby returneit tant week trux a Richard Young teft laéit 'w'-k fur St. shor rty I Kana..Panl, Ming., -where lie ira. rî,rured a Mine Helen Oraber wam a Waukegan lucrative pouitiun. Rush Park Seed Conumîrîv's garden Chate, Jochbeim iseendlng thie week 1 eeda, 2 package@ for 5c. J. Fi i Titiir.rrs. wlth relative. at Fort Wayne, Ind. (.-30 D)On't fait tu are tii Van Stock Cu. at Tlhe bethodist Ladier.' Aid sueiety the. Lyric next week. will meet blb.h churirh parirrr Tuesday Fred Jucbem transacteit hursîneetl n bafternion, May 'Zth. Chicago Tupeday. .ad r.BamnJ eeueet Rush. Park SOed Co'mpanv'a grarden Sundy wlth their son, HermnniMeilyer@ Sed,2 package, for 5-. J. EL, T[so(;us aud famtly In Rogers Park. Meure ctoing up nyovntliracté; un dita. Helen Wrght tn apending two Alo âeHoME cLUMosin to. Price in weeka vllng a former achoolmate ut rght. Jeffereon, Texa..Lrnt1r.O .Wrîr11tWd àdr. and Lra, B. T. Ma&non and it ltte eda> tor Norwood, Iowa, f1nr iil cd son Haroldt vi.ited relative. binCicago thece by the serions ilunesu l Sunday. Warner's mot4ir. On Saturday, Aptil 27, aetirhe Court Houas ln Waukegan occurreri the marriageoutMie, Efle Bock, daughter of Mir. and lirm. Peter Itor'k oft tiâi city, to Sir. John Day u trifoton, Mai,., Juetlce Jaimsil Weleh performirrg the terernotry.rThe Ibridje le reli and lavrr- abt.v kiluwr in i.ibcertyville. havinfgmade tlîln rîty fw ierlu. ruririg ber entire Iffe, andit i.now rceeivirîg rjrgratulati(ine and het wi.sofrîa lîrrt uf friéndî. Tiie groom, whild 1nef pnrenmively acquainted berr, lt known ne an indrutrîous yuung Manutofexeruplarr fhabirts. They wili niake their humei, i thinscity Hers id a good ouene rutIoiirrms ot the Cty National lBank rof lhicalzo ins of the cajihierm d utirer riffiials of tIre Institution wbu are upenitîg a frrnk at Morton (irove, tuok passage on one (it the local trains Saturday trréniu r tern Chicago to Morton (rove. Tfîey fiad with tham mong other Irundicir one Package securely sealed andt the Iaio name atampeit upon ik in several places. Upon leavlng the train at Morton Oruve the.y muet bave overlookeit this package for tater the brakeman flounit it and gave It to the conductor. who upîo arrivlng at Libertyvilta took It with hlmu to the Newcastle hotet. The bankere, upon noticing their miatake, immsdiately calleit Libertyvilîs hy long diatance telephune and locating the conductor ascertgined that he hait the - Chartsntin andt Ermrst MeDonalId Lat t unday's bal gante fltbeme hecfoe nilteyclled for it. In about returned Tusaday from Caifîîrcla wlr, tmlei ea urtîe rietvisa atoumobit, theybav bfn e,,dng he intr. r Rables, nd ma it M ndi going t o the bncIl rer'ovrred the , MM hae beenape£ndiangdthe ilvter. potPoned onseesouat outraian Il will package g luterly thanking the Con 1r.m.andadfastiiy (rw beplayed ati that Plau" i\t ,uidne let una, iwth Mira. Tuetet May 5. ductur andit ffring hila a reward. Th!@ Waukean. lie rrlused dccl arlng flei brakeman waa Waueîn.The automobile seasor i s oisrning ui)r1entittiol tu anv reinuneratiun tiret, hai If yoti are eorJitemrplating pnrclia#ing wltb lite at staitt, t%%,(i,ii aving Itii oSer, rvhereupoîn tbry pruffored lîim au atofobil thi ysr do't fil u ri4 oe dollar art a-e-ward le-r-+tg honehty. an an,uître hsyardrtfalr ec e imade ber. tast rr'rr. A . .Tire hachage containe" f25.000, thie R.M lallur and let Dm irr plain tIchr-naeepurchait of s- jk flro., a ertire empîtalrzatiorî ut the inmitntion, redeeming fteture, ut th- liiafmere. new 1912 five pannenger -ir] tuuring urbjeh inam open.-d for Iubine@mS iaturdayv Mr. and àre. (0 Taylor adlttesncar.nodel Tand GIrI ,.itnsoduitnlht Duit Yorn rlink tnev sprsAd sud uttesun , Orrrg' rp, riiti tlwimeelvegsoerîrin 1orffring a r«warr]ou lu)ni Ilahtun, Atti.h, are visiting Mer. tu H. H. Huitije &aLPra r ,- %i r% s 1 )1 2 f$1 00t)frr thc safeguardirig out a rul ut Tayore nnnr, ir. C Srri.g imudrsl itchet l'Little Six« rrrrrg -ar- 2,i000'.' 'urîietIring nerv Th iNi. anstock <Co., ii-..paeeeugrr. rn clrriîitwhelapJn f ve tpeupleat 1flic t* i,' ilne, t week. E tC. Uiung Tue@d.siIar rrrlr Irîîrfet in ntexpilet t cnlJh Dou'tmediciiîe. (arter'. it. grarantecd. Dot tay awa,,)"fiiont and spee t ) the village huard bis r. -rgrrarrurî as14Nothirng frIre itfor rouglis, cuir],, catrrh tireur. csi ret cortiîraeîoner. J uHr c Irrîr rausedd itrfîcurnitriîr. For sale nt yuur tmug I-W l'lagg a,îrîrhîeî tCN int rtri taLe thie @tep rwe a,- :tII ,î Ireitristrore- nofaso C . or. Ae 3 et ws undorerru,, ,. - rrnlage land lllii, rrs o~n l'r abc u attieo bave takten brrno -. rtrrn )rn't ptrdriiirtfe rrIl carpet again. ay lI te rrreeîî.-n raotregardinga î-epting the r-r rr ro tr.lryrrnlrrr-jih tanitîbells iVariieli Nay OtbStan ari yru ili have a 'leaner and J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~J T.T.es usae msr rin ~*Roherteon, whrfrer Ii re-emore naniraer frrand ssill bpe rl'lghtot J 1' Stvou th@ Wek nov'l ro b in. tant werlk took ce v,-rt r ir%, Jrrthe withrtfhflce Pftt rrdtire drîrabîlîts-of if. tlth.sG.'WBegro fatirr totiui n lf ytetral %h lpe Emeaifs îrtrîrer]l, rîr-i iar-rI.5.k tP. B. eit t- te Joh r chrou weuttruinseîtb o onadrj rr rs'tLus clCrr. birrt rtý tIrWaue veue.iRacrbon noverIlîlinois anit Indianai .r - 2lttu ______f___ Mua anre asrrinr'April, Be ha. haitetr-1îr'i ,id,EicpfSrie F' 1H M'ieu nrirrîcltIiti Week front tire umade froni the i hcfi,'r'w Ii srrorw at criEscoh Ecpa l rvceriev Joh Itnee bo ,i n Milwaukee. thI yrjc tonigît (Frîdlir A lecture Surrday as folloive: l'hurr'h servie, an avenîre tri the Et Austin bonse un Firet ',iîl accumpany the views. 2:301 p. ru. sud Sundas- scîruol at 3:30. sýrent atrrun ,r rrd teBapti4mal service. . ('r <harle" Steren., iwon the Freil.oririage ut Mise Nci, iliMr. Ev .C ihre etr g maririn givn utw'b' a t .,-Iay divard lpiton ilu lrrgI,, Mise, Furniture and Paint store lasn Satue- Rubtdeabrne in ln Cincirnnrrtri, r[,ut I nnouncement day. frrr tire pant ive yAarm hfai, irrafle rer We wlshît anlnnune tri unr triend, Ife . J. V [avis tant Wr.rk Irurehakseotrrîe iu thîs Cty heirrg c tîryr it rh ir 'at on Mai, let. ive have upenit u ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o plnkrubsIrsear r&o rant ut the Fouît, Millrrrg 'o. lrrirg rorrm No. 3 S-irkl rr-'k a Real Etete SoUrti h uk.-avernue. Crînsidera- lier stay heresithe ras' na rfr-rany wririiand Irîsurance rffri'e sv% hrer we wîtl carry' frrîr 1 fi. rients wbo extenr trr , r tiîeir onrr-,ar' Ortist el A. etrou rite ëand isurane TIre Ladieg,' id srrriely ut theIr,' eeey. wihen for a lhaprpy wjerlt-ditefe. I.offieand suIt he glati to to ent iur rrany terianri ehrrehiîi ntient Ieh, rti Pl nthe oulv e-rn J f (rerrge l'Peîtrrn frerdsJ. ERDIs THrrr, lecture rrîrri next Tburtsday nîternouir, ofutthln City auj rn rr pli kirrrs n ras ti <J . .JAsrîrri r, Mmv 9, rt 2:30> or-f i-k. @suent hi@ sotire'lrf" irre 'lire .vouuig Ft". <Arri. r'Anpte seul inîrke thirrborrrne n Racine. 'hic F <n.rttcouseoffSricetn rrîeW., eeeLi "ar i' nteretirîto Raolulions of bympathy wbrh vil buterrrr iifsiic anelitpartnersbip aitira IrM. Hale and wilt WsizmgÂs.it-4aa leaset oue lteavenly; pounn boYtir-ririveri at I.. bronse on couduet a painit cmtractrng buness,. -Fetirer to remri¶e une f ut ne iorei Tuesdav, Aliril 30. mmee e ons oh n The Ralnbow Maiufactmring Cmpany iWubrrr",.r ie Lehck es Ld k TIrelesie. t tîc akeede errrteroutLbertyvillle triiti n tire neme future the Lakesite Cerntery Aissociiationî Ias Assoiation clectrd th, tfolrrwirrgt rfficrs tu enlarge thiri lling anu i mpvlrrt a former preeirdeîit anrd active fur the.. nsrîlni yr'ar: Presirl,rt. tIre, mors bande an tfrrrii,irieis i, geuwing svîrker, therebore hoe It "luntnMatUs.k$; vin-' Iresiriut, Mes. su rapid that irn ru rmrrirrsniefor theun ruide CoredterntAssclaione rtetlie Nelle Kimbalir se-crtarv. Mise litrîrreet otAogrr- u nu utr ob ente sr-itrnetrr hi Scbmînk;trenure, Mrs EmiraMeetirilb oumtJe, tughI rlîir e oldsere.h hemttelt svtulrrîtfîi otfic rrrrrwiiig Seilaufk; reaurpr Mr. Etin 'Ardih; bêymIk, t fil thir ,rdro. Theanuiin10tfirtir.s leir .irruerrtf eraveniont. muirintentent, Mes. c. . C lîkiey. be rt at-n Company sel ier r ldarge tIre do part- Re8si,, th t ira ofmus-n iree -,irl A, E. oeretant famrls' frrontcirmgri, ment wbich nrakr's the rafry carniage trrrns bie siertrr rIthnrrr&rfgtiriry, have takion foutursut tire Npivr.astîs ,rubea,,chîtitr,en d rr lunc,' te ati,,a@ il;trr ffr r' o N'rr PNDNesl'r ir r and htotl forrthe gennnier. Mtr. liorrt,. n.the demand ftre ir,-. rfaeirunexes ut tîrait tir,-w fI,' rderirrr the rririutr'rIn f i',tinie A. - n 'R t,.i,.r .. c, nt beis ntrif .s Mti.re ...i . .i .. .., . - tti c nh ,rrsrcirat iorri rs a t ri me rtr fret disrusng ut tuek iiitire Riiirrrow Mlanufacturing l'o., rrceern r h W. C. Boit Manurfrneîuriîrg c- le fi' thororrghl 'v epriner lr,rr t tine and ia In ting Wli hti h.' -t of mr'rces He is a gond citizen who pronides for bis wifeanc.rildren. He te a beter citizen who alzo provides for bhi#reldow and orphans. District Manasger Colony Life lur-uranca Offire h in js Office Company1 WE PAY YOLJ TO knoosethat TIre hrrrrrr su fanufaçteuring mirrr rirv s cauonDY trter rreIv ool ituster nnannfnctnringr-r-lrrrrr 0inthre Unite.d i1 let Me Figure 'With You States, anuri trin. frrthe fewrmenu. Now is thIe tr îc toa t i rrur fhrrnîtir faeturing inn rîri -m i- ri staterit llin r r . ai r r erf - rrrrra is kmi ur ' f r- rir-.-rrt that hans à-e rr eIosn ire itm.tarttif c rket shonit tre jusrl ' r p-rrrî ow it is tirîre 14Ur ta cungratufate fiMr. F Mt Sullivan, tire seertary and mer-rnranager, for tIreTires Sprayrng efforts b. bas put I frh inii nking thle I arn utirr rq, rne ftor-r frail ii fkinn Rainhow Mai nfie. ti r r: g 'omnîany Whaiii1rorf b *cesi, l;ratjr r ril' r- fitt tii iir. it le today, une niof i.. î...îrimg ndustile, 'rurt.tusi.' ____ PERFECTION FEATIIER Notice BROODIERS and H10VERS As 1tam nrrt ggr nrrrtrr n toMo nn 1 am preparerl trr I 1 nkde of teaniIg on short notre .1 ,i t I ib Ville, 1lit Phl,îrI.-I , c30 t SAVIE-= r Perfection Feathar Hover Tiie@e Brrîrderssuit Hovenu are tIre nii rtiairl ir.i 'set»ece. Noee- taI tri rear chuels nu manmrity. Thîe iiivýrs ore tIre areet thing tu ceai lice mîrther ever invente-d. S-END FOR CATALOCIVt MUNDE! & PROCTOR AGENTS I 183 R-Pboneo-Ilr4 1, ,1Lbertyville, - Inois t 'T EVERY HOISE XEUST DIE Youirsmay be next. The average MUe of a.h orme is 12 years. If you insure with the National Liv. Stock Insurance Company you are alwavu afload. We issue only CLEAN TUOXPlY LEÂR A'ID ONCISE £ OICIES and insure horses, mules, andcettie agaiuistdeatli fromnany causa. b rokn lg. or los by theif. See us about this to-day. REAL ESTATE LidISURAMCE Il.R.8CNR8FL G.,LIBERTYVILLE, JLLP 1~ Barg ains Readymade A few verynpccali teo.ms nmde ni> waeh gai-menta oui sale thus w'el., Children'e (ingham Dresee, neatly nuad e of slrong inîaerials in jîretty plaids trimtqed witlî plain color. These' are good dollar value@, npecial for i5e. L.adies'Ilionne IDresses, prineens style, made of good quality nurse aripe, tueni back ouff. auri two pookena. Thesa are rînisoat quality for S$1.00. Ilinne Dresses linrrdigo asîd light colored peints made rip iii tcat style and are rn'ally servir-sable we offer rrese aluno an $1.00. Sel rîrî 1rrttv. ries'.tlinugr in fanriy work camue in this week. StaiOperl tieces rrn lRus4â crash, in1rrring Pillow Tops, 'Tabule tRiinrruandrl('enterpieees. àTuke "fluoss nu work nlrrrur iniclnrln'r. Most of the pieces are unîy 2ile a few et .50c. EGÏVPTIÂN TISSUES W. W. CARROfLL & SONS CO. TWO STORES High Grade Wire Fence AT MANUFACTUR.R.S COST We are closing out discontinued styles. A firit class fonce. Visit our facbory, examine the fonce, get our prices and don't delay. UBERTVILLE, X1d5j~VSince the organization ~~ of this bank it lia been our constant endeavor to devote our tine skill and capital to pro- moting the welf are of the bank and its eus- tomners. . . Give us your business. Capital, Surplus and tlndivided profits $87900OO.00. L.AKE UOUNTY NATIONAE I3ANK When you want coffee tb.at lias that fine sniooth flavor buy CHASE & SANBORN9S SEÂALTBRAND colee id Fzrederkks s-,, : * * * * i * * * * 3 cents on @very dollar, every year, payable sem-annuafly,-and r YourSeiings WILL BUILO YOU -, A HOME! *AVî~G~ Didjtl ster or-eue to yau-tIrai w:y" Think ilover and came in S 1.00 Star's a Savings Acct, 01 S,000.00Sart's a Fine Home - - We can help you. Cati arr us. [ÂTOMA IAKOF LIBERTY VILLE 9POIltOV Ç IQR POSTAL 8AVINGS FUNDS 1 .- . ýir Phone 30 LIBERTIrVILLF, ILLINOIS ?-ýl' Il