+ + 4 4IîFOR SALEI a&l"dot OB oboaî + strat hub*ib ow g beKmer Wb /-FOPXLTopbuggy, 29 ted buggy taest v uleys o.hqieo OBR Ls FOR SALE-Lak8 county feame, lard u Yj.<tyvla I. e-27.tf la lu onlaaa, Texae audiFoia DYMOosNI àAnv-u----- -82-ti jFOR qftL-NT Mar ýu- aesudever l acresil..gonua ui-s- Warre*too. laquirs of Ceas. F. 8¶'oL MA W&Iik«>Ui, 111. . B. 2, Phone 267fr. - ~ e-S-tf FOR RENT OR SALE--S raom bouge, 10 s,.sfJ 1u1 10555 IETSfWatLbert i- FOR SALE-8 routa boune matlot lil ll pulj mnodhrn lmprovemet, lot 100u1I50, on ---_______------ _______ Miwaukee avenue .Outi l 01 letrlc FOR RENT-4 Toua bi c ottage on depoL, Inqulre ni B. B. 0Oca3a, Sebool streot; geA aud letrie Ihgbts. Lîoryvll. -82-tl àpply to J. L. PuicE. c 82-tf FOR SALE.V-Lote ln Osborne eUb-8FO E . diuilon o Mlwaukee avenue ffoth of FARMS O ET the E«ttnc depo)t. Water end seoer 1 have a few vory gond feaime for mains lid. B.EK.Oso5eBiuf, Lberty ville. rent for 1912 runnlng from 70 acres CS tu t 300 acres and3 ail close to tations. r - R. B. DIXON, FOR SAL-aard ePrina wheat sneot!, L m. ex. .D&W Grmaumillitseud. Nofoufceed. .W azaczaEox, LibertyvîILe. Phone 278JI. c-2D-tf FOR RENT-Fineoffiies ln the Schanick bgy a- (28-tl EI.'îtiiiTH IAY. FOR SALE-BrowO imare;, bai-oee and .... n,$6I.Mutlbe msiJd to pay board FOR1EINT-1llouase (n sb,oi etreet tbil. LAvn' Lvery, Libryvtlle, Inquireo01 PAUL klAiîùt -FI, tibirtyvile, *FOR SALE-OS)k lumber, Including: FOR RENT-tiood 5mjai! houe aidi a fdw tbousatnd feet o 18 ft bridge U[aritn 7.00 pPr tll>th Wt.A'L plank, and! a lot or binder tongues. ibei il. ~32 wagon tohlgues and reaches. Al§o ccv 1I . W.ANTED era l badg of sawdust. Phone Wauke- WANTEhOIPre"oll&iking and pblain aai.a gan 92-Y1. 99-t îgiýnquireat ino c(Aiti~ FIrst 1ticet. il f FOR SALE-Blores'.'for ail 1urpt~eeWANTEO.Owners of!fatambai-gaine elpo twu second band buggies asud eom-ý harne.s. LiDI'# îsv Libertyvilie, anYwhere betwoeen Chicago and Mil- lii c-2tf waukee to lst caine wth me. 1 can - I1 Cet you resuits if rou realiy want 1.0 FOR SALE-I.evoriarsgltered loietoin Belli. lauli c.ýsvegg two to fini- îîioutbe (I.ui t. B. Dizon, Gui-fee, Ill.,61-tf D&W. $lf5and agi. S E. GATZEiIT, Uiis't17, WANTEO.-youligladsisewit O>I SAE--ylt-od ol o wlieucatiot' for te!.-jpw newrt i FOR AE3,erticoto-il Liberty ville and oi -r elluigm Apy trade for au older bores' .uitable for thse t he )ýtt.,LkCut e livery. SairEs Lîvauiai, Libertvills'. i a Chir i )ratorvl, L1.lon'Ti- FQA sSALE-Indian Ituneer dock seff, ie ingurance f. K ainevîsnting. colie -2 f,0 I4> calle IIi1. L V. .siu, tonne. I<Q segnae tylanp Ulrywlake. li. lPhone 12J2 lRound a@>tgiaelb Lakte. P-32-2 AVT . -2t -11'd~ ý*~_èe t- 1A BARQAIN-in poîltry encng o FOR SALE-About 200() white and I hort time onir, 181 wire, 4<jc burresat fonce poste; ago lot of «und ligh. 6l inch Mta . 3Oarpar rt!. 2tiwiree, V ta 10efor eea! nai *tingI5r kiaîiFA-K 59 îocbee igh, El iueh Ca!v, 3&upar rot!. Bios., Liberryills'. lboie 267L2. Ast for sther bargains. AMERWMt, V-29-tf Wouii Fzsa'c Co. L.iberty ville. c.31.-2 SEN . MILLER.Ateorney Notice le Atiachmant STATc uc ILLIXtOtIm LàKEeCot-T1 la tise County Court o! Lakte Couehy, Ili. Juueterm1912. The Llhorty% iIllOLoieber Comtpany-. a' corporation v. Bai-iy J-.t41eelori îi attachmentt Doutant! 22- 00. Notice la beréby gue to ytau.te sait! Harry J. Sheelor that a Wiit .Attach- taent bas liaen oued!(lut iin the Offcetf tise Ciera of the County Court ai sait! C<uty o akeiéet thse sit 01 theé sait! The Lihrtyville Lumber Cmpany, a corpoirationi and! againsl the escale of von tise sait! Bai-iy J. bhel r for Two tlunt!ret! Tweety-ilvodollar@, beides- inlereet, dl-octedt th ie Sherii fo! aIt! Ca'oty t-o ente, wbich sait! viit bas been returuet! by sait! Sherifl exciahét!b! Irrulear ou lot tbi-ec ib ock tivo o! F. à 1 Kuebkee'.. sbtivIioD of -part of thse îîortlî lai! o! section tet--oselt tawnship 44 norîli. rangé Il esmt of tise Tbird i fnipal Ieridiata lu Lake Courty, .Mula îsand! vhieli iit bas also béa-o returinet! mid tefentaIt ne tfout! in ly -outy."- N Sais unl-e you. the mid Bai-iy J. Siseeler ralali pereone.llY ho and! appeai- belote thelieCouty Court- o!fcai Couty on the fbu-t day-o! tise nxt Ici-c thereof. tt e boldeis nt %aukpgan lu soit! (ouuiy ou tise 2tit! oudainluth. moth o! Juns nît , gIve spe!al bail and! peaa to alt! action, jut!gmont yl ho ontéroul astainot 3 on le favor o! théecait!plaintîfi, and the property attachedi oldt!to satiefy tise @ame vîth coet-s. LEW A. IIENDAEE. Clei-. Waukegan. Illinois. April 6. 1912. BEN H. MLLER, PWuaiff'e Attorney. c294 SE A TRAINED NURSE WOMAN'S OPPORTUMITY- Ambitions women désIrIous a! beot, teiig ther condition ahouidt abO UP Nmrgîg as a profession. Tise aiali contannty Incresing déniant! for thala service. Tralnet! Nurses reclve tran 81800 ta $2500-. week, smre as blgh as 85.0, lnciudlng chor board The Rochester NurseInst-It-uta -v111 train &Dy vomn ta b. a Profession&,1 Nurse la a reaonably short ýtimu lu ber ova hobie.Raaders o! tef Inde- 11o'.'C fti-s nînnua±hmsut! 1n - - - - -------C. I Hundret! ThirtY dollar@. héides intérett directet! to the Sheiiff Idî sait! County ta, exécute, wbich sait! visa bas been returnet! by sait! Sheriff ecputcutb.,h lev iug on lot tItres'. i blocit two 0! F a. Kn.bber'a. sobalvisita ào! part of tise north half o! section tweety anse1, towesip 44 north, lange Il est 01 lise Third Pincipal klrridiauin je at. County. Illinois saud wvhicl i t liais aise béen r,tttrned 'mit! defeudant net foutitd je My couuty' .Now, unioe@voju tise sait! Bair>' 1 Sheeler.&hail 1arsotiallY Ira'andt! a- before te bouts t'ru ( If 'ait! Ca>t' ou the flisI day oi tihe nît terni thereIoi t e hoboldeu ut %cukpgae te pajal (iouety <se the 2îîd Monda>' le the monti, of Jue ne not gise special bail set! pîrar [t. saIsIaction. juilgmutut yl ho efterea I against yen le favor o! tise s&it! paintitff an uthie property attachet! soidtutaatisls t-be @Ume vîtît comte. LEW . HEXDEE. Cletk. BSN RE. MIL.LER, Plintifle A»ttOreY- MEN WANTEO. $100 1.0 $150 s Month A'eguiar Salary ln Automobile Worc. There will bo 300,000 automobiles made this year. wblch means thou- sandB of goot! jobs. We teach mon of any age o be oChauffeurs, Automo- bile Engîneers, Repairinen mnd Sales- mon. We give personal practical In- struction by mail, andi obtain positions for our raduates. You can learu lu elght weeks. ce that Fou cafl11i1 s l100n pae.dte itdy for a o i r $o00nplane. Wrt o'y for a Obrtht, Summor. Competent help supplled ownere and! garages.-Rochester Auto. mobile Scbool, Cburcb Street Rochez- fer. N. Y. 1034. Ouarded Agslnst Dlîhonos:y. lu the clty of London at the s de.of KMag John every vîntzer vas required ta bana outalde bis &hop an pron va. sel witi pies markug the difent qunttiem sld. * .Calumnet.. instructions by vatia; ho thohe As10-1 Chestuut Stallion, four toi- NaiNeSInstIvtte, 1034 Ilocheter, pears old, by Urattan, t*2:18- N. _________ dam Nutwood. Stande .i6 BEN M., MILLPfR. %tt«»eY, hands and weighs U200 Ibo. t4tice.ln àAtachmêni' aIo standard bred and regh- STATE oVILLl5Oid} LARE CouNiTy. te1 lu tise COentY Cout o! Lakebo inuty. Will make the season at my 111, June terni, 1912. J. D. Sfeol vu. Rary j. seelr lun barn M mile track, Liberty- attaebmentl. Damant! 818000. id ville % at $256.00 to insure mare No"ices beieby alve to ou àtise asît g&M yj. Sheeler that- a Wr & Attacb- with foal. met bAabeeeitud out tu tisa office o!f *ieOirk o!t tse (ouuty Oourý of, aadP t . liebeil0 Lsud a'l B.t tbe atatq et ibofvleM 7o0, the sait!Rai y J. Sbeelr 4rOune phoea122 w brtvlbIi t -comç Overa Wr.but Wp Ddubthaa Wfrelap Br WILL&A . .CHURCH Co vuiagu b? Amerlcn Prima Â-. 1meI~ ~htaen the lutun- oI.laepMoeî% Sb vue laterfot! itb petaVaItou1 P auson.A vii alone ecuitdo athet. k asrcbamont Bar- ver-s papmis wavJa. ne document bssig upio tIsa fisposton of hMe prop«fty. Peter vu recognltod as the " a. blr y ibe coqft of chanacery. but v&a stme.lug.Ite and none' of those sacnltim tdut W@ emn w as reputad te have pt!assn& n ot even a doomi ta tbe b, i -sal. appearet! among the deemget!. papé., IHowever. this vas a vuluable pioce01LPoPert7.andt!Peter Brownuzwpd loto I is.1 f,..armmn a vrble M togfTANT FEAI CONDITION 0F STATION THERF l8 WORSE THAN 18 THE CEN- TRAL STATION HERE. CITY COtINCIL PETITION TO TEAR DOWN LOWER OR TO RENDER BUILDING SAFER. Waukegan firemen are of the opIn- ton that 11. iould ho Impossible to stay lu a mure dangerous building than the pi-sent Central station, but thev ,.. soul iz a U Zon (70v fty 5, i FOR SALE-.-New modern, s-to-date Sven rocuii bouse, lot 50z278. on Linicol AI@. Wili @ellon e@sY ternie /Inquire of 050. S. Iosu, LbertYvllle, 111. c.28-ti Ths 1017 orLiante eiswtint ja 10 .Ite aevsboY vasIllustratot! ou Hanover OtrOet A ~Wèil-dressed mailttook tae rslslpd By 1.5mb a ltêviboy Wwbo fl5ciying ia t aat its~r.IJ ~ bo eOdra snd rend the i-ot acti Lt tjs»acî e ty iit e. Tstlea 4u.ua hlm u Ine stylo. Thte boy saIt! not tuaîTepebd.sakemII lut. but wbee the man startedto 10 n Jo ts. t,&Nlx.ag for a North Station car lie ralce! the crY Of 'Stop thief!' whieh was st April 26, 1912. Once tonunp by soveral ot hits comn. J.E. Wilson and wlfe to liitent il ' Piotlons. and ln a moment an angry son 2 açres le couthomalt o4.fo'rtb, crowd vas at the heels of the lucekie sec;ion 29, Derfed towsip. W, D OU@, Who wae friced te talro a trir10 te the stantIon bouse hetuarp themattei W«s Ùlearot! up.-Boston Joua-cal, Fred Bal-slow and! vite te Et.C _______________ 11rtaer, lot .5, block 4, PoweU'a %oh. Forcng Pant rawt. ,Druce Lako. W. D. $15W0. A '* Florist rPlantly dwsh. red C. Il. Canode andl wife te X. A. A f-eran iorsI ecetlydaîoveedYoungstrun and wife, Part sotheltag an effectivi. methoal 10 force plant onebut eto 1 rmn ou ii-owtb. Tte blgb temperature i-e- orhscin2,Fe nttw, quiroil for this rurpose was prodîceed j1ship W. D $100. by bot wator bottles. The pots a-on., April 6. taining the plants were Invérted oser, EEtate of Mary E. Stranton, decoâ - bhe roceptacle Ie wbtch the stater la iet!, to Fiora .l ctowell, lot 3, biocâ heate!. 'The leaves snd branches are 44, Laike Bluff. W. D. $500. mmoi-sed, whille thue earth and! rootS Cyntha t. Vose and hubant! et al eman dry, The lnvert-'d pots i-est 1.0 John Nladeihoffer tract or tant!lit pon oiats placet! seoste bot watr Sections 8 nt! 9, Warren townablp, bath. A syringa was suhjprated te thitwh tSi fOrclng jarocer«s and bloomed beautifu-W.1. - ,bo Iy Ove seekis Inter. Another plant. 1 Eliîah Richaraison, and! vite tei NI-a. recelvlng the - anse crentn-.ent e-cept A. E. Richardson, west 50 a t North for the bath, hat! flt even &ta-edto:.080 teet lot 6, block 2. Wiimingtoe*a" tleisier. MattIng or rugs are place! euh. Round Lake. W. D. $1. aVer the Pots to retain the teat dimng ClarissaA. Richardlson and hbuana tie battalng roce s. toelir. A. E. Richardsn, lot 5, bloci - - 2, Wllmlngton'a sub. Round Lake. -W. Mothers MigIrI Learn Atîdotes. D. $1. A Young niother, dui'ing the ln ancy L .A . Fitz a d asife teu '.Irsa.C. A _ of ber ti-st bhem. set hierself the tasit- of commIttIng te meniory antidote carson, lot t2, V.ilutînciton s Sec. for the comnciteut poi'.ons Lueen. es ont! sub., Round Lake. W. D. $39f. pecially-those titat îl i. ,Iýt tic ) (Charles illcNeili, Si-.. andal vfe to sible for chidren tIi coni(ît t contact C. N. Kimbal. lot 126, ,Illt'h' Fais. elth. In addition te tihe, site .ara viwes ub., lîghland Park. W. D. orized meibods of aidi: g dtaastanng$10) ad lnJured persona. Int u. le i-neil . I. Lloyd an dl ci 'te Frànk sort of a -fret aid to the tjttrucSt'MtbI-edwie lt 1ent10 of i-nies. Would nt ttht0 'o 'aru:,axas 1 i oent plan for ail î.uî"t-' ýbllock 2 Lloyd's re-suta, 1lighwood. W. loueekeeafng Magazine. 1 D. $330. Sounifs Made b>' Fîsh. Nec. drag;a.ider on suffrage. Thte skate. when cauglit. graints. WtI!flein ftl'hr.ond i-eceutly fo- thé gma-os ansd gaspa pretty m'a-h aller sCi-toitnatia-c ôf ll-he'a Of Sunùy- lte maniner of a humnan b Iii. ln dis. brook F'lai-n." Kate Douglas Wlggt* trois. Carp ant! goid linb frequently seas asked bose Ple stuot! on the qu- utter curlons sons, but hardiy j.nof votes fol. wemen. Resrlyleg vlti. soundelu themeanln of teIci-m aIugirfthat she t!idn't stand nt ail,. hore uc-t!, inasmucb as thp-i- courais 1Plie tolal about a Noew England Ifaumeats ai-e producet! ly appi-oaching tetaie er.,a- l le ad liovery romanentldeàs- face of the seater ard boi at*Irlsoietu-opoie e Site vas but- ln hobbies unti! a riprtig ris@ Ple aaaig fronitblhriu toebuit. fi-om oditk,, heard. te shted, and btacs 1.0the kîtchen stoaf« _____________-wl.i'r rPke! If .L.a'approved of vp- Brignt Cmerae C -chce'ays, iti's cîffige. rnd if Plie wlshed W Cin, i!vc.cilut'"e'a i!i rr- ots."No, i certallydoboit b TIÈe S6M bUiut of theUsesoao came bt.ýheeurIon. At Sai ber mmnd aleit wopit! see a li-e station that appears Ii,eajmboe, an sari! data for a vIn- uiely ou the blighting of lber lite. fil 1.0lho evon more fraile than a bouse a ter itWoruan&sd.wbat wua more un- wax net tjili latu that ber lasse of for- ut carde. 9 MU fal tlit11lmisthéMtntoievre of tune occure t taber. Even a a-'mpe- q- ho ap0fteZo i> tiyeao.Iarmer 1Bardvlck. iittang boacy vouli bave Madl a giest dittsr- eatn idscsnghemtr beld Ue lvelabi lvngrona nce 1.0 be-a"tib«i motter, sWho ax !prmetl !susi tem tu bésita Ste lboig vIn! tIti-a in feeble huaith. Bu t graduaiiy oh, with a repi-eseutative of tic SU:, t heeu tothehowIng indthrââ-rose above bàtb these tisfr-tunes sa yesterday deelsi-et that lie and the bd lng thé e ales branches or the trees fer as te tako bèld of tue ,'ortd acuain firemen live In constant feur that tiseln aud hurllng the show 1k. a canal biset anad perforut the work l'- l-ai- d i!building wiii tumiale ainsin on their re igain t bis wlndew panes. A toie- aliotteal ber. Bbc bad taut itixt reuigu. lieads. This tear seas increatsed yes- grapb polo shoot! on the roaslide in od a position mastouchert-it theti' a-aitY terday dttriug thie terrifie wlsdstormnh front of and very rieur to bis bouse, ochool. Ator ber fanacesdaeaia lti' (bat thi-eatenet! mornentarily tu raze 1f and! Il sset! ta hlm that tIhe &Oueds resuineal If- ma"i by theiirulng curreutas of air Cieliy bues Utle nîun titi- lBrown-ti the amtsofte hîaidingthourin (li were the vails o o ba Pirits. ctac, excpt tbat HP i-sa"' vhua d ltacliearlypr ftedyw h I ilarawlck, k. Most tai-mers of nie f bat 11. was of considartie ~ storm seemedtu 1.0ie at its worst, NMr. 1it pi-sen da, s. oiiecod y ~~-WhoucnasIte bat! rosmed t .a tit ~Jaap snd the li-emen tbougbt at oe a, phono vitithbls neighbom .Thse in- onable ber ho tbil.abosunt -v.îiytir- titre iat the huildlne sr as a'emiu' tf struentwde lfted i auaddiion t airs, nt! board that tietiatte i' ildosen and i-an outalde for safletY. hit buet vasfpr el lu ang at!tln-tatii-nedout 50 héo! ofnuch -h 'evuitte Eren selen Ilseai;vîriteai hr s SUN tng to a fea. rrom matches tu ire- thon b ial oenexp<ed ci, "1 represeniative ?s'sterday atternoon. pileobrnoe i tthre~îe condition wsaiterions. Es c-y im re, t!ilfthe mctegitu t t a grson)-t-ntim crom a jug o!r inegar 10 n rask oft1 pesitinth",Dot toetl' .lteui thcre was an extra heavy gu.ct oif wind O eider. Thero vere openinge Ibrouglit:10 1.0 Mbisuniversi l'catcItil,nat!,-Jit fimeoent 2Seh at!dîaeta ii te flice huilding iottered as It itisere E doora between standing open. Irfai- brouei.g on the wordsi.' ita-Lu.t ardl aliut to colapsie. Several times itls iln lis voice, or a voicre ar; - itOhie., seemet fiat if was aatitaliy mnovet! wlck Luaradcone qune cuing uta a as- cumber of a telepatone subscriber. Tut'esîinbut$Orn eipreY tli thl'te t nidtrn.0 vole w a aiisbutdid't oun bail obu-cor-é I10 er. et, -antaù, uî s- a The firemen ias e petitionedt! tIc- lkg that 0f any Of the meu o1a tihe Lad tijt Irre ualr. t u,!i(, O 4e m > cta'i e enesa'%ie Rat furi. As sourn as thse speaker wd l htHreyfodl5 o5 r1êMnCt Dtni 0rmv a.'to connectd vlth the numiser Le ad ot! cefat the Hi-o-vu bemeute.1tuln) ex - high teseer frointthe 1,i.1adng, a sakalfo héspkeunesetece ulk-pnnation of te mc.aetî~îthey think titat ttis nay lue partis te -l ly, but Eardi-ick could ntot ir ar to lier ou th day o! uls ic ht i i i bd anse for the tresent condition. Uiii- lie ~loto lio bruin. tiis off thea asay tsat tlsey-sul44-e- peIy a fos, moments bail elapset!1 '- . le thé nortboaa '-t --ro fet ta i tile safer rat lasI. tIl le helievet! btenteeianthcomno-emeitehouse." that a movemnent wiii he paut ou foot bttweDni al aalth otmu ;c What amokebouce? TI,,,rà S-Otas ioont rc9a1wS- saiuo ion vben EHardwlck gt uta troinbis 'mkhue ,teBes '-t(et.se sti-engrthanome presetstationorf chair anal vent through thse moins tas itoe anal er oîte r as a-ut tSi a ey.ese sOtathe iihe lu eset aernet where the telephone vas locateil tu Sheadbrmte ,cIi4l. acres of gioued that luind.frneriy 8 hti ilh nls agro see whu waî uing IL, To ics i-r- coftlninedl thé buMldngs of :t fa-tut _, tomhlitag dosen. lu case of an acci- ts -prise, nuotne vas there. The reccls'ei amokebotise vas. besties i' aîaeîieg, dent. ot this nataure, the firemen seorid1 huntt ln ts place. anal there sias ne the ouly building loft-Iliai îHarvey net ho the oniy unes teasattfer as 1thce ineadiLcation cit -nY 1.0 tadhe ou>Ihiliewalilg for bis sa 'lde;%g haen civ ty onlil hc ssithoatti-e protectioni f near L Hadecizet! u thetblva prenentleuiu.t'thuait ho for sorteme nesd eonfimg dram lo ding oand b tbe yai-daane 1 dourlad 11.o.ut o ue yas and mlght dIiinD.51ted andl. rntatai-lrng i mght esîlt.b sigbd t oebtn oews1ithat IluIis eau. bis counvt Siullget Whiie thc.e Central tire station lu I sihte el~h utr~ l-ail his pioperty, bareildat' i foi- Waukegan le hast enoatch it Is a pal- self setd, gulng back te huieseat by horlnt imokebouso? Ttktutg up aipri uteZo iysa théstoe. st oiv 10thiL aoutILpick andl ebavel, $ho weutt luto tishe ascmreioieZenCt t the timtd F ermerHailk otIl emokehouiSOand began to dug. tien andal a isit to the littie rit>' ona ai1 Sbeland but- ta move a fi'v luches the northIimght do much toseard mal-% the voice et bis telephone Clieiy of earth wben the came teuone of lng the local firemen more scnre. i Bo.rdian. wbo vas upitais1.luier thute dunboxes cvmmottiy ucet! fui- owe borne sewlng lu prepai-stioti for ikeepisie documents, Tah'D . q If up, sefi ber comlng sodtlng slth Har'vey j -an 'wtb 11. nto Use iu'e and up What 7 h.y Go uy. Brown. boardl above the etorm a flii;mbt ber ruera. Thse buoxmsa locked, 0. G. Netter. the eeeretary in the on theo floor belos,. Çoing dowu o. eeLut the key waa tical te lie %ii-e han- International Piire É5aod 'ssociation hoock e the recelver anal. bsvlng sp a ie ou the UL Opeutng t'oxe .aeOf the W'hite Crn -, v-us dikecislirg in9 kon the nenai "WelI" heurt! bei- lui- 1.0k eut bonds, stock car:t'catesaont! New Torkt a carnpalgri lie lias recentiy I .r@ voles say 1.u bor: îustîy ai deed ta the Brossa ttttaestend. commencet! against tie !trench menu. "IC lnthenothetitconerof heOnte paper reinainet! on tlae 1,ttatun "Wbere ls the Parislarî. let alune filae smokeboume" conaîned.lin au covelc-pe scaleul with Amorîcasi." Mr. Netter exclabmet! Ther. Wasa clcicb. folovet! by ai-u1iwax. seas adressuet te (l>. "Who woult! knos e lsemeaning ofa butc. Si'oclleD znan d er coe.ijted earig I oe, b etuliot a t' le I dndonueau a la 'W\aliistreet,' ci- 'Pont-E tbt rlvey bnat! been sht aaf l thopaper Ilolrsed. ln printeil letteur. Imes Taf t,' or 'Poulet a la SugarP tha Haveypa. bau hutof lnthe'Ist vil cnd testamenît of," ana lnl Trust?' ThesE amenus Puzzle every' Midt of what hoé vas sylus, sud, wIt g"John iars-ey Browen"Un-' body. That Is fra-akly and unilversal- anlg theock t» bbi er o-.t oling the document, Ciciy rettial y aduittet!. 1 Isaidt he anter day te a Bucktoancber culw o tIL -1or na es, ords equeatbing cai l te lest- a vter: 'Walteri-.these dishes are tbtnk at thesasmotmoeabc ponderet i te poei5duset eover 'nitl ta lier aIlnbuFrench.' Y es. air,' lbe anseoret!. Butvbyhadlac- lrei ne tot! ierlit the prîmes are ln Engilîli. Most an wbat lier lover liud trIidtu las c-int ho bat! ieft the boex In the enioke- people go hy tisent.' »-Washingtoni municate. There vas notblng Intel- 1 bouse? Graduaiiy a pirobable exp i- Star. lilgiblo 1.0 ber lenie message abc bail-toncm 0le.[lryfee!t'I_______ récelvot!. ana lhad not nie ruice been lai the evont of uis aeth before listariDJoey blmav iuan er that. saparty oire.marrtiagebis a'tîiitt. even if Harvey Donald la Sic yea-s oni. anal sstb sbat! béai-t! that whlcha aty e, >mode a WEIlnlu br facor, might get bis parents lires over the Jonee tamn Intenalét!for nome one etso. But umr-POeSOnutedouenanld-îywtoboierlaeutseom vey's d!eep toues were 1.00 famîllai- to stroy IL Harrey's-a a secret-ive man ng. Donaids mother ppenals a gi-sai ber o h Mitakn fr tossef nY nd igbt pot hupintuendeal tusspeak deai oftlber tinte irglng him te ho thatah. iega vas50 î of ithe buried tbux if nu necesslty ai-ose quiet mornings senaat te permit the at-Iber Tha he mesa e t!oîl ce.Jonsef9b sloop le pesa-e.Thts bas exicd huho table 1.0 feel And boire came oaitlée ~mystery ot er!t!ently made a ver>' îiMsvoi-usle lin drea!. bosgh ! wbt e. aut!eutthé telephone- mcso.aae. Bat! not Har- pression on the Infant telut!oftDouait! Thnno tmo-nngCiIiY ckUpt- e vsn cauegllin th alte-nabeeu Receutl>' liemet Mc.Jones ln the' Ther nu er welng imnt IY t wiPthé awaare of lits danger.ieg oto mba boitte îhall anal Inforert liber titat hoLIadlaccun slr, ngur !esptddcticy, entt -oa-wbere Usre was ai talepisune andl sent Sauta Claus lut one of tue big depart- lng nie vords "ait lmpendiug caîam- the message? Bat thust.'laory ivoud meut stores. 'What is lic goiîîg ta ell boi-! sme nenot boit!, forI f le couit! go Into ai ieyufi 'rsna.Dnl? at tty. ,Presently sehorI n' hotis hé migist rentain tbei-e anal be e i-.ouerCstm",ioar ld?"ggusol-- s ithout blcklng off the 8s30-. the fi-ont out af danger. lâloreover. If Harvey tilleul Douait!. 'And wshat ai-e yoîa go- -door opien cnd! a héavY stop. Then toi- bat! sont Use message frout any bouse long to do with thoins?"asket! the àlovet! esffiet! volces bhoui. ClCIIY outhé route hi' ses. kuçive 10havelay "sgon tohotyî ua lisone!, erboa-t inkeg11k let!travermeeth -e fart couit! ho ascer- Mr. toues, to 1 a-an play' morninge!"J witisin he. A Utiele ater sebenIber t. id. pied (lie boy. Mthr came loto the room vitit ai-bat! ichy liaudet the selli tutu the court *ndo nte fa e et! t-ooîlm mned; of cbancery anud vas put iu possession Yondo'tnee t tllmemohe; f ber property. Oino day nase drove One Instance ln HIs, fMind. jHarvey la deat." of U. r ic the Brovn Ihomo- SIe-Anal you say fluitIysatabava t 'licmoter satberarm abnt ox teadt! 0the plac vhoee Barvey'IL aiwaye avoidadle au' 'tg me. id like 1 daugetr. sasing not s vot-t! deat! bodly had been touet! iookieg for to havé you mention onué Instance. Harvey Brovn bat! ataited during bousses la vbîch tisere vere teiepbone. le-With plaeure. Remember, right -thsé Mtaim ta valk fran iebishome 1.0 The enly instrument vax ian Iarmer aller va Worm mariet!. 1dite e Pie tut o bis fiance%, a distancé o! tva Hsrt!vlck'm. SeInte trvievet! Bard- yon babét!. and! von the doctor USulem.The rondait o!peut NFrmer lk or i trýadtetocm odhmltwscas Hardvilk's hanse, fh4 Brown a bod!y eko, baed hae ie t-adeUs e-ocm ot l lvscas was fouit! bured. la a drift under ane toytb acetht-onae tt ha deepe r « tdu tellegrapis polos mot far fromnt utout tba!ths HarmiviWa.Wbatbur ho bat! sumIt 1 sJOmi tBearm. nbsnt ar t ova eee!uf ad - a m d u ht an Il yrina ba S Do males Report of the Condition ofl Iftermluable blrnling et simov t dueBrownbhomesteat! alanince.ber Lietvil wbathee hiia efforts tu Est enbâd mther dio!. living c lite of solitude. 2 Wget e- ioma sot a! A traka - She la kuovu as a vonian whase Mmd At the close of Business1 Omat ekdet.The niglt lb ien 5W7 JS W tm «~ Il subjectu aye one. 'IESOURCES- "Abd. 345 t i bi t dubewil Thiao n la a hoe! fthat sisereceivet! " il!sd exhasat5d, he ff, MPPO a telephone message froua ber fiance Losus snd Dîseotinta-----------...ta.. ta aitsu ba! bUl£taUL star hie deatb. Fermer Hardvlcb 11. S. sonda te "curelPrstalleavinu 7O 55000 r Chly a"nabr DMOth- V ID àstt5lt blet- oior t-uthe it-omy &aételle so along Prninis anti, 8. Bond. . -.........t.ie meft -cmtanceai. Ra"'B a s holvet!, but even bis cattôborgtlm onds secunarlîues-.-..---------i3.%. M aly ovuet! tise bouselu vbkicis l u qvnýn neo ýU ufriotpniliaeaig 6 St- y D roTrustf mdPtales inda Ilvat!. but bat!lnh.ttéda, 11r fala onvcea nyou ! gi anSer.. Tea ....a.i...e...n. bohda.clwy'i are a few-io iran o vealReserce Agents . . ]9575.09 i.ve@ata stocks and -b Thn fv-alvsce l snken xroa 0lr CsiIe.------ t * ppwaacbing marrlase .rth m bad -wbo, hlevIng ln the posplbllt o! ircioa Paper Carrener. Nickela bées.m i oabe! ardat! tby hieas 4 Sconinuiatlon o! the deat! îi the andi Cents- ------------448 «M <tes taLOf Ià"O7 bat! RUt-id il lvlng, clalnitbat t-bre are naturel Sl.aW.....L.................utS. ...u-.. a baUtsaluath»e veddUg dt ais."0flilt Motiioa for sncb communicatlon sa Redefluitioe lfond witi U. B. Tresaurer 1,0 j»ehbi 1.01 el-. The net a! knat. rosi, sassu lreless elgah b- (%o iclto).... . .. r. M S af i tWe brtt fore ese lttr PtdIco ~, c Total ....................... 52M.ý402a0 «.-a ne'o-avul. vham Hsrv e b dt aune day a nés, las, vIlIcoaet» STATE0OF ILLINOIS, COUNT! 0F LAXE. se. ileI< el *6tO0P t eto am Ucl tu, fflght by mnssof vbleh va May spab i. J. S. OrIdley. Ciuhier, of lihe sboce-D&U toit possession of the proçeaa t HM- W tiSmndidIn aisohisr apbff Wthb statenient la traie lu tihe bliani 117koeKe eAi( Voyn 4etbtl4 sblcb, vitheot tw no More amtaunhMMet tissu ve nov Sbotasribealanalswure lubeforerne tlisMth or a veddlug, ha vonl b. due lawtoi. tRM taoughtise OUaig thm t-a n . Correct Attet-BE .LE ,h@b, Th.m n, Peter Brown. ulght oih ot uSant. a . MTALL I. mcteau d olaitma sili.but b.ho l«14. Wisconsin Silo and Ternk Company's Stave Silo's Best On The Market il ut il- W. S. IAWTIORNEI _AGE N T Llbertyvllle, - Illinois Long Distsnee Phon- Libertyville 15 R 2. if thei- -ui-n 'lauher; 'I îay If thov na.0 sîîy one little thing that the moa folk£' can tdo slotic for gooduess sake lot' 'c.m do It." \POULThiY h irr ose and R.oe% isand edal tipullt o u r.th red l t en na . TIIERTIN IUARATliD R. . C. Kmbai ORPeIesFO TIO Fôt Th.ai gaee -AUf r aise. sndesgr W. - exietece tera ti C115 t 5*I ofe prime wiof Prtria l m oli g ore node slanhd R Ubertyvîlle 1 a ______________________ _______________________ r 1The Yirst National 86014 le. lligois. kT7hursdsy, April 18, 1912. 2ICDItl tkPaLIABILITI ES. CîatisokslId lD............. eoc 1= 1-lusfond ...... ....... ....... 7WOb tUnd4lded Profitl. leuc Izenmes sud Taxles pai........... .81. e lo Ba Notes@otstiiiduiig.... .oo anto'State analPriVate BfluS.andl Baokera ..-... ..... ....... Mia FPOR BAILE I S. C. Whie OrpIsiteu " d Wyandotte cama f orrame55. im RaitWsuka acowmty y~ Cayatal eh"*. Poultry Ta Cortilleuai eérts ubeNOo beà. 5dUS7 Unitedi PIstes toietos Postai Sacî na 2M. > E S Reset-ced for iaxea. ................. 1.110 F»»cCossa XCLvsavituv) My rodes am beauties, brut! foi- en production as wvobd ashow birda. ni Total---------------.... ..-1- M.01.20 Iggs, 81.50,802.60 and 85 par it, Picase PisseYoair Order ia Ad~mae naed al nk. do soiemiy sssear t 1 he 15f 0 id isellef. J. 8. 6111I)LEY.:Casatir. Ith dayJNO. DOLLENMAIM ofda u Apcli 1912. LTELL H. MlORIS. Netarv Publie. PO LES. 18e-L Disostars.a a sauh olbey t ('l i r t, fer lnrt-"t c.@ vbu la net . vutit~ -lh tii' a-it lInes of the itistorY etÈciaoPa-eneita-rev ointton. sodt! hey hic toi oliosse thé progi-es etnof oa ID f Turkey, Persa.a inilla ia i Fga ç.AA patriotie Britisb teacher ý-t Checru vas polntlng out vîtb uride te his geography cisethé mnalty .-edcolore!. possessions of Gi-est Bi-Itain. v'ben lio vas stotipeil hy shouts of "Yoîî stoIe theni" f i-.ieIscisass. luthé pi-Opa ganda of thé revolttona-y party, ton. a poster depictuai thé swctlowlng of Egypt by Gi-est tnItain, ban piayedal pronent part. r ING ining r, ni- Tel. Se des eA ls