News- or- Wauic &.ENINEER ALLEN AND MIS MEN TO ENJOY THE FREEDOM OF THE AMERICAN WORKINGMAN COMM»ISSIONER 0F PUBLIC PROP. "0T TO HAVE 'COMPLETE OMARGE 0F THE BRANCH *I Sivrtue e! an act o! the rit>' euncll tue emploi',., o! the vater * :'=iumng station have been placeti on ta éIgbaur4a-day service basis. liffeatter tue cammIssioner o! pub-. b lc propent>- can direct the0 wonk a, tbwvoer vea-ka station. He eau pro- { vde siffcient men tae perate the plant ou & twelve or elgiit-bour-a-day bais. lie entIre matter lia been placed Under bis supervision by an art ot U Cb ilty' councli. An ordînance te thia ,ffect was POO- pasd i a majonit>- vote o! thecrm- V~Mlseloners Mondai' evenlng. carl Atteç'bery, commissioner o!fipublic liealtiianti safet>-, vas the only mrem- boterOfthte comnmission who did net eéte lai tavar o! the- new ordinance. lu exPlaining bis voie Mcr. Atter fier>'sait!: 'If the, caniilsionera iof iii. Iarioua atiier departmita are 'billaing ta pace men on oiglt-hour u4ay basis,am ai ong ta do thie sanie Iýfhtey do net car, te Bave maney tor thse people, i do otthink tint I need .W* for tua enfd. Since mi' eeton te <lis office 1 have epratedtheii de ofaloeut tpublic heaktiuanti aa!ety (T Méss the police departient) vlth Mg a illiochie!, vitiaut a ight 061l" 00,ptaba, anti 1 have sufferedthetu ~'~lliat o f short one, Mau 4k1.'* ORedeaVore te <ocUt il. o .2'** mut bolieve 1 should."1 ja supense te Mr. Attenboa-y's at tlftit Nor 4uBuns t. Iidinge M. Atteari', i'ou findtii * iercommiessucers are net sav fer tii. tal PaYera. vii, Ç«» coa. ing se hécanam ' h'ita reinark vas hua-led a el#troY ho steetidunifounde la thir feOttems, ho id.a Mdr m aying 1 ppsagIdo."- miayr di But sem dénso thie natter vlth Mnr.A&,. bWiti tditheothet- ceuni of aIn thti ev ewordinane ~ vie has proven <te . orkigman aic. bi Q44inte effice, saiti: "I thînk thdi ~<.man 81t thé vater varia .tatio 114ve seuireti euh' uhat la comng t OM lie.Empleyeec et othea- stations 1 ff » tAt. Of!Ilinoisaraie vorkiug c W it bo--a-dY bas, an Do nt 4delngbal! thé vork. Tb Aauerican Se. & Wr. coupon ý_jXStsOi'tue COaa-nPa-duts R 'sscem0uunY. anti al the otie 10 Iph idutries i thé state O! Jifiisbave adoptod se eight-hour-1 0415Voegfl, anti 1 thinit Wauitega Ob Jotaesi lin Intii niçiement. 1I v xý 0 Put ter eniploi'efton th Und$ 'vag. bais. viion 1 out , mhown bat necessiti' anti efficenc ù*e& 01a s u P7!! 0!t thlnature The. New Ordinance. "Trhe engIneer siiall lave, Immedisi conta-l oer tiie Dumpng station, thde Waaiiegan vater vanta subjecti th* ditutuen anti Contaouo! tue ces aismienénof public prepeti'. Hé %lit dévote bils entîre time te the. dut cf the offic anti euploym.nt a "iI! recelve diereot a salai-y ef j N0O erannunu, payabe in mont! lnIlmnts as oti-er seaalea o!t e e0clsls and ompteyees. With th. sintmu es erattea- provideti fer. ao» manage anti ert &M.d pau Mnl station eficiently. and proue *»I su han l h eltirespousibie forj et sai management anti eperatic Un shalIk.ep maciibeos anti covauts as siill shiow a full ant i ~ emte accouit o! cool nsed andt quati' t fvaten paimpedti tgeti wi<b ail tier oxpesa ant iqibur -109 l antd about the aperation -vummplng station antivri,, &Q 6ther boocia and accounta as1 oV4 »uoeil mai' trou lime ta t- ob .asil.'At least once eacii mot ppit lethé City concil the w M» b>, lua ti about, th. station montu and shah nm M&report et smerlu iaasthé 40w rthé ocmmlsloner oft p ,oua t7 oea>' titeL ne.É Xw ~be prlhouby orer. r«s MM or«tof e9»b.ety counii L.t*o euhélene ci vule pi-c of sait! pnrnplng vater atUon shelle f AI eu ho .miployed snd tnrnilhed fblmuby tih. oomnissioner of publicerpt. IISIN AKc A New Ordinanct. rî That It lie helebY musd iilavftl CHICAGO OApITA.IST TO CON. WiU'kEA4 b6 TIIS qui VIVItAS Wtt. for the, owner of!gayi lot or parcal or VERT ELgOTRUC PARK IN U R4 ,VS8 PIG UI8TUTION - L land in the Citi' of Waultegan, viiich AMUSEMENT PARK MR. tN0,TI* M WYATT AND cîLo@uà Han£.,- ahutte upon ani' treet having a NOLIt8A. COItES fIBE Tg .wm sewer laid tiiereon tao rect, con- Wusa se ehve4pedd r L. C IEU struct or suffen ta h. erect.d or «m"- amusement pare . ort$thât wiUi 0111. STATU OA«D or ADMINIOêTRAT. 1 structed or ta remain upon an such pare tavorabWvillethei large amuseSV MVWUL* ETT ION ',oaRC;t)S M A MONTM lot or paicel o! land, any Privi ' <anît, menti parlus In Chicage.oVRt$NTU SFi. AT TNE VVERY LONGEST. B or water closet of ani' klnd whlch la Tihe fac-thet this La te ho donsoIzmit. UREg WbIIK STARTS SOON? the net connected vith the. lever lu the cd Out todaY and 1< deveopo <bat aitl[Wall mariner provided by the ardinance o! arrangements, have been comPIA"d ed TIIs o h rhietrl ibe doubi. ÈsAte viitiieror Dot parti tecity. teauch anotont thet ailtatietle Srm of Wyatt & Nolting, who are fl)an fr il ne mlliondol tla hos th. Everi' pron ,ialating the. provi- nocoseaa-y now le for the signatures daiigtiepasfo i. akg n tfor ii.isn*ith»wml at opis rTI gion of tua ordinance upon convict- teolie aWix"..alE. E.Samuel, 12 i, dpce toe pio fotrvtoiai' par-W forthe Insbanettled ithe'tistaegu Ion tiiereaf shall h. flned In the. aumrhemotro~, Chicago, manager of <he onal okn vrtest h of flot exoeeding $1006sudndtflots uAmusement contractinq Company baus ponal it ldng inev er titor et the.board of administration vitiin the, utl than $5. pald gaverai visite te Waukogan dur-. DMe biliMlx rort ette~ mth. probablyIn'lu ev days. tab fig<h at fw ay ad 'a0l5t~lay 0f thie land, tu determine the, à*- Wlkgnhs bletfor isaie cs thetonuton >oda.s a'at oe .titre et thee oei1 on vblch the. buîd- tii, aainiioon heeutmade.&par TO COST $13,M TOcalelioato t '[»tO IO1Igwlrieet.te"eIsiuinad6ttrApr, tric Park.' He anncunccs tt Ithe in.lnvi rst< J. Gison from this district bas gtven RAECR VNEt tion la te open an amusement Park He. made thé tripfrrnm Batimore assurance tilat tua ctiy wlie». - Mi PAYECOR AVNUEÇnd thut wili cot btwen WO especially togetdeiils t h.e uia.d laileeted iIf such a thlng can possibli' h.eem a raO,î0. Ot tiqu ln wihwilb du e. Ho lias worked liard trout thé ma ORDINANCE FOR PAVEMENT WAS Contera With Officiais. fiisngtiplnwicylb.d. RECEIVED BY THE COMMIS- 'eu r. Samuel bas beon tn almoat dalYluctiide of, a fév eeks and forwards-l ver' firet and Iif Waukegan la electoti suit SIO ATITSMETIN. cmmunnlcati i vtb Cty officilsl. Mai'- ltheii treasuri' departmont. Upon tueur as tii.location, it willlbis due largely mect SIONAT TS EETNG. Or Bîdîngor, vben Intervieei by the acceptance the. goverrnment vîli adi-en- te bis eforts, coupiet i vtb the co- tiiia -SUN today, admltted tbls ta lie a tact, tise for bide and proceed wth tue Oeaino rgesv oa uies I A MILE 0F CEMENT 8IDEWALKS He admitteti that Mri. Samnuel bas muade several ýiits to Waukegan and construction ofthtei building after the.menratlnoproressiv en.localpbusine WILLBE AIDIN AUKGAN tg mre han-ffeated ith l«tic Ontnet18 6t.pects look very baight for W&ukegan proi THIS SUMMER'SV ORDUNANCE parias a location, in fact, aays that 'Tc Cost $7,WSthte present tre.tu ____it la the .ideal spot In the, city fer a h Anoîlnne o ti avngrad- sUi"- ekfiCý -Mr. Samuel alto bas Obecaute tbh goveriment appropriai- - Ait Ree4' i. Docide. aSi t Anordnauc fo thePavng, he roachéd the matter ta several promîn. et $95,000 for the. building, sanm, peu- The inspection of prapsed sites la mat lng, andi cunblng of a portion of teOnt local mon and theoy have been 80 pIe.have become mixsd on the. matter practically cempleted and t remalna mali roadway of Lavri Caurt tram the veoet utuchl aken aip vitii theplan tbat tiiY ei' lleving the building vilcoBtt hat cnly tuar meulir onsantlaji'thoqiseir- perl fline of Steel, Court Ita pina 60baeagreetutaae i«gea., e- e eet veet ofthe. vat lnetrSietels tock* The condition of afair-;etounât. This la not Ithe case. The os lindÏvidualli' an the varila loca- C Cout, asnéclvti y te omms-the present tume 1a sucli that It la ex- site lui question. Washington anti Utica lions efferet. Some of thein mai' de- u Curt ada'ngh n ardereve tetilcmi-pecteti thst thé deal vili b, clased b ii'sreets, comte $26,000. T4 gavérfi- ire ta maite a ft o e .trips ta 1semot siMo le ini cîand'ofie fredplcdthe. first of next veek anti the vork ment ha<f plannéti spending $20000 palavli bv tn iiot i dInspection. Thé apprexîmate cent of Plan laborate Féeturea.s . 8500aprpitInfr tii aer menubers of the board, but Wus atuis Improvement lias been given au As soané as éverythiing la réatiy to slte, .Ieavlng $75.000 for the builîdng i. - pybta hr tm. thi - 81,006.10. ~~~go aheati vitbthé eaestvrk of con- Accordingli', proeoty avriera niear tue locuiotahrtim A$c1 dngta0n6.tm1t0t.n structian. a amal armui'o!falilioti vork-te it nquestion, In erder tu Insure lie Beventyeigiit citios bave askod fan y Aeordig l an stimte urnibedmon vîli ho sent bore and theparit location thon.. ralseti $6000. cuttînst the hospital an&f ail of them hbavebeen -tue commission by thie cîti' énglneer yull rie afiost as rrpidly mas a dréan ant bi asistnts îtvii cat yii. Mr. Samuel gays that It yul douai thé COt to a point whore th. çlseitd bi' memiera of thebenti. 0f J andbisassstatsIt illcStthetax be possible ta liave the park readi' for gavernirient vas ahi, ta get It for vliat c ourne no aone memnber has aecn ail tWai payera o Waukogan approximateli'the opning by the firat of June, the Itpatd hs 7,0 alf olh ie.ý"ide 11,60.5 opae or aeue A dt»wenauh muOwA Pagsthe. building proper. As soon as It became apparent that si -Ordinance for tuis nateti Improvément aisUaII' Open. Tia a10f abntns ai iisvtliakfrteha r vsrcle hitecomsin No expertse la ta be aparedIl, muir- Toe ste l 10e o an hntng aycte ol gtfrtehs r Moai' nd vii paed th comfisin lng the. park a fine one. Two features stroot anti 130 feet an Utica. pitl, the state vas dlviuied up, sme vir -oia n ille lcde ieI that are ta bie nstailet i yl cust about Thé root 1la ta be of cappor and a o! thee niembers agreelng ta vIilpurt th, thé cler's office for public inspection. $6,00 aci. One of tii..e la a ratier hr I r An ardînance for the, construction toaster. lI addition there yl n al a lie nt iIstt e nldcfte sites,.ilcti bnwn a~ %I t a-eetadeaka tlga s cenie railvay. figure elghta. nmina, lng off better than thie frontv. t, lc. v V.or- eet iea bttigo h ture ratîroati. andigany nuniber oft"tu as lieun fIn the. eut aeently printe Inla spite af the, large territori' eacii saut aide of Sheridan roati. te cOt concessions tliat ar fennd at the» lui the SUN Indîcatoti. of the mombers vialtod tva.thlrtis et bis le8693.96, vas paased by hi'ti.council. parka. An artificill11ago11 also la __________the, cltlea. No the. least positive bint i Thé otiier erdinances passeti:,, considered and mai'lh. installéti. R An rdnane or ii co~rct «r o Have Band Concerts. can ié galned as ta thé location tliat v ai A rLtc o tecntuto A bond stand vili be eroctoti anti WAUKEOAIITE DIES la likeli' t e .selected.. In tact, the Me] Bd!o a cernet eldeval on the, aoth ther, vil! h.eband concerts everi' Rt- 0F BEATMTRBE netrs0 i, or beales a S aide of Ritigelanti avenue, te cot tarnacai snd evening. Scores Of cou- that tiiei' have flot decidéd on an>' $890.40. tertabie 8eoieches viii cdtered pae ahmm-r a i ni ao about the parký tan the conivelmléceMSS. ELIZABETH SACEMAN DIED pse Eahmubr asbsI d e An ordinanetor tue construction o! peopleo ig ih te hear tles. con- A FEW MOMEtNTS APTERSBIT- vidtul paeference and the location vil! gre cf a cementsitievalk on the voit aide ûeata. There vii! h.e a large open air b.e dotermlned at a conferénice. relu oPoplar street, 'the north aide of dancing pavillon anti thé uholo Park TING DOWN IN CHAIR,_________. Ritigeland avenue; cost of Improve. viii h lieIteraI'y abazvfii th cusande T 'iNttTbr< r- et~~o electric llgbta. iMRS. SACMAN WAS BORN UN WR îas~ a-. rmiu, $1703.31. Thle grount iliebreaartaced whéi-o WAUKEGAN AND LIVED IN liOE!IT E éver necessari' and sdgwalks wIv iii8CTY h.IECISOE ITR ou DIPRVEIENTBOARI laid. Those are a teir oftheu plana THSCIYLETM- A BUSY that Mr. Samnuel outllnea for thé pro- -CMISOE LE .ORI aslA TIllE poeot park He, say'5lhé figures that linse. Elizabeth Sacinian, 57 years OMSIN E ERVQVI FOUR RAAS ÀIMPROVMENTSacn a Prk vOuld hée a splendIdd tii-v- adl fe o! Charles Sckman a! 410 WRI TES LETTER TO MAYOR at FOR PVN MRVMNSigcard ton the di' for not Ou'yCALSa.BOW PASSEO WITHOUT SINGLE OM. ould It draw tbe excursloailst taado South Sherian. raati died very sudt- CHRE S.B MW L to JECTION SEING MADE but aIe vauld brnig peoplê bere trou denli' PrIdai'ay .a 0ocok e PROPOSED CRIS GUARANT7EED TO L)ail parta o! the, caunti' anti also fron tioatb vaa due te heart troubles,.Trr PSOTECT INTAKE PRO M ICE, n ctie outaide of the counti' hocalise Saclmuas a boa-n in Wauegan anti DIRT AND OTHER OBSTACLE onONE WAS FOR SEWER IN DOUG. lit vaulti h. eaier te cornse ebere tiisn bad lîveti In tus i ti' ail blyi,!lite id LAS AVENUE AND 071-ER FOR go te Chicago. me A WATER SUPPLY PIPE ne asys hoe sées no reaborn t ail Site 1usd been In tue haut ef healtlî Elmer V. Or-la. comlsalener of lieiii' the deai ulîlnet ho Clouet!i n a up until lier deazti This mrnrnng asie public properti'. bas vritten a letton Pulcblinevr mlt pnsv feu tisys aud the, actual vork of con- startedti t do bler veekiy washuig. te Major Charlés . 8.Eom*eîl, engu- t. Public eaindc',me eld uj on git struction.a ri-d t.lue hati vashetibut haIt a dozen user'. offico.Uniteti Statla -uni'. Mil- kSI erlpbieep* tat gtplecea wboen ah@ wat seizeti witb an. yankee. Win., asklng for perisalon te ant fe= yen May c o izlU5s an aucibo Tile nak S Ik a- vltuoua an obectiothie o~)a~p~atc ienn uiia nbee i.Itb a i lu Iin otier cases ver, se strenticpe IN EW RANI> WAOON " Ithait that 1 viii have ta sit Michigan. th. imrovemnta vr, knclowtnn, oa for afv moments," shé 'eId Ma-. Orvua' etter reatis as follova: an trangeli' erenugu tere vanoet.eRSOUINACETb AD0 er daughtr. S8b.,eéank into a chair 'littla thé vlsh of thitycii'officérs dit Srneyeog hr a o uelgQUINACPIC Do andi boa-daaightèr vent ta g9et lher a or thity of a!Waukegan te builti a heobjecton tt; thigimprevement vhich LAW -AND ORDER LEAGUE gasofwtr Whu dgle uaierbv«OUltk. beails for the paving oet l"lrvl.vplce, MAS DISARPPARED, Tl$ SAIUO glass o!ervatr whtitit g aialq a-lb fove our inha m b erSierip*4 place, Çcî:yto4 t s Itrecî r« onti berne ie vs eti " us~itins attOur ai' b e.-, avonet vit. hephîtaaic"ncMté CTYEND EaLY CF TE INE- ipon the tiauglter anti hbe burried anti1 i u tht uut a oultiinvestigate b-e ave wih aphal ona cncrte ENDETLY OF HF Ey te summen sOunetofthe nelgbbors theé matten andt tait up vklu me at lebase, thei~9nue matetial vhiih bas L.AW AND ORDER LEAGUE anti a phyiieln. ,sjcring tiat lier th, earlleut posible date, anti let me o! giren such satisfaction on Northi Park noitiier seemetlte boe h'>' Ii. Theii. i.knov if u i iiehé atistaCtory. teavenue. Tiieré ver, a aumbor o! peo. it the Waukegan Lav anti Ortiei'frainwstlehle eM3. "egr n ae4 p ne ple Préenat tiie public beaiing but League Intenis te, take thé initial step ; 1mto a1 oipoé!t n B.eaeat at.jI pa ne a. it seemeti ta ho ini avar of thie lu- tovartis makung Wauiean the. Muet Sacmngtus i aughters In ;iie (Signed) "ElýMZÈ V. ORVIS." Lai PrOveaits. moral anO lavfnl City' lu ithé Uitedty ti' tié se vas tiing anti toi-thean Aeerdng te Mr. Onvs the. clty cf- jed Tiie buprovemtet for a storu vwater States It must do se vîthont thltaauc. to ina-ay boune. A physicia aibeeuu Scis gpropose to huilti a saal ca-lb rAinl a'are ro 4-lse In !tétl> ummeaideti but wvi ie hésirivet ieiiCover <tie intakt e "te Protect tue b avenu, te Brovwn avenue aisevas A rellolutlon liaitibera drafted biid'««ecart bat dbath Ia4etitiretiaI-Pipe troin stualu10. sud otilr bs0 îiy~~~v acm-soer E moet lntantli'.* leu. The ccrib vil! net otit a fortune. Le The. rmprovenient csfling tor- a cepting theaid prcfft8réd l ti.Lau lirwandacMaoslg a .9 ti e at hé cltgnum h.sever lu Douglas aveuea-cmm Palmer andi Order Loague, but tius -m a r nviat etbgl eadt li____________ applace te Sheridansd cui as knocieti aidet rosolution liba. 4lagfllDerad. rodnuc i i>.Ti oa0 ait' property' ovuer via ptented, uin frnt ime The ruelum u , aiesi ai r Ioihu, Ms ackhodL aon. that thla actien b. taien. «"pociteti" iiieutaovar. * « er bashéaIU ai aiu Anodier limprovement inocitei out At the. close of thé 00011 i OOtlflSChavte tu fetlcU< éliMa-en: Ma-s. vc as that for a vaker muin lu Cajton Monday Mr. Cyuis maM etue fOilU. kias aa.Ss Ea' etreet tromi West ta-et te fihurmau ing statenuent: 'l am Sobgtu te ii- ldra. Cris PattI.i' 9l.e -riok- ter plc.TeCiti' viahedt a <l a ftdraw vmi'reSlatina se.Pting the iaiidM&14 1»01 ROY', 8d*Ude Fe«,WllSf ru. ain beor thes-ti.pavement ielaid se proffea-et. b>' iii. I.avaaf or , an S tai-le . S J4leroe a Win-oth or. tiifite i$ nt bavé to b«"torn up Leagul." ok ea tomb M eieluWu - and -, uiiysI teed ~ ~ <At il. turne of lirà. arimngs voter, scunlgtit In leati pipz freinneyer bac beau i iwisa it1<Io nteuil naildaaioaues néali'su-etsantithei' al Clainedonrecord." ti ieapOqfê' tht s iirela aie more rocinifor "Weill _I have bossu ilulc<n9fd hli tlne ad<btpiokoilber- no beusea on t-hein streét tuat tiers la noe<bsmatter. no 1 baie dc4dd to edal'ai iui e pnabd ~ 'on 'rhen <bey aumnU sa»datance. Tu he E t frdagrt téir aupply i' vii iveceut. vltuiold the asoluUiei."________ aght, MC CANN RETURNS HOME gSufedla slgh of refle. uhs OCent- Spt tu a Nei. pub.- Hugh licCanai, the iYeungusenflving het.O'?8<0 uiS . Wb4mY" mioe * i.ho egti* erstaseosloooà"d q.lote gu&iî on tue Mlwauke road laear Grnd Md "ot ~i00 ,tbo Ou,1 $ i1 Wb ~ 4~ erns u@abahi.te return ai ebsleu i.hukgn oi vre ~~p p~a~~.,. otentroWS lai oéS 0 ou- Yetérdai front the home o lAu Eddy Leu ylata li> i < m etutb:4*t'sa,. ~ I or o!(Urnee. icCan s@bot him atl c h aliecr<oote t<..rgjtbwg.I mve aty the. ai-m white puliag a shctgun ot fatboi. tu lein thaera-band yoga, ne la» . ubar <1 -ta otPIIJA W o O! O bnga 5 5btitttime age.Up to egU><aiLaM ahéalri Tà 1£1 IîtLiýh WRK ÇCOM tIRS.0w. fUgguatTE, FORMER-4 ISRO WT. AD4 DR',Ly0 WAugC<A. WtNT INft THI P.AsT YSAR.OW WTr 0H L PRENT ATA OftMAK. * 1~ ~IJOT PR £NUING Mr@. Edward 1roemte fur years a ccd local victii oft the Titanic *«. ir reason et a dusire to carry ont horror. theory et, th. commission law, UULI.*TIN. mkegan'scomitionors are.plrs- 4se ,. ass..-r.£mn 'In te Igie a banner pdmphlet for Fronotte, Y"tr CltY, dvwned. WU Aa year 1911-1912. pamfger on theo tr Titanic. jeesta re bopkiet vii contain extracts relatives- Mthe vartous gity ordinanesa; wiIl 14rom a Canadian city coins» the ,a map et tho clty cometery; and f5ws of Mrs.: Frenottela tIaglc doath. Iloonta1i mch »ewaof importance The SUN la ln recelpt of a commuai- home. rosidonte s M vlilasi tIs- cation from Edmond 8'eDsUe uho re- at. Àri MOiU&I report for eaeb de. aide# at 118 Mte Cectel, Street Qnpbed, niment wilI b.e given ta the. bookiet. wiec onveyg, the information of the Te Prepare Annuel 0d0«t. Wadkeganit.'a death by 'drcvlntng. WOnday, May 6. Commlsionor Clar. The ommunication reada asa followe: De K. Diver, will present data for Ztor SUN, Lng utp the budget for the neIt In. Vaukegafi, 111. Dear Sir»; ng yoar. Inventories ci stock Iln We bave Just recelved a telegrain eh clty depariment wili be taken etatlng that our siater-in-law, Mr%. Pd. isWOee mond Frenette, was a pahsenger oit Iasmueh as the Chicago architeet the ateamsiiip T'itanic. 8h. was a rosi. iIoýed to prepare plnfoth dent of your clty for years and w. pian forthewrite to ask tiiat you print the. news ûosfed Central tire, Btatlii left -out fur the hanetit of our manY friende. 0matter of radiation. the. commis- 8h, was the wlfe ofor brother, mers were unable to art lni tuus Edward, whom, they ony was botter ter today. The arhie wllknown In Waùkegan - a -"wrenciîe, the palnter-'-W. have recelved no. ae the Cilty a visIt today and vii lnovs , asto bier safoty. We do ne rfect hi. plans. know viietherOurI brother s.iled with Fý__iàlsIener J. J. Dietmeyer vas is vite. Klndly convoi thiDiforma- able to atn the metd iio in to thoir Hiahland Park friends. a. attend meeting tshe vas bou-nthere. lier malden name Grnlng on aocounit of sicknoss. This vas Mary Hazelhuret. Wo do flot the tirst tUne lni many montlia Uiat lcnov viiotier elhe bas afly relatives ity fatiior has mlasedl a meeting on iD your viclnity or Dat. 8h. vas 26 la accouat. yeans aid and our brother M4. They ___________________ bail tiree chidren. Should te have hall any relatives or friends ln Wauk.- JOHN MCDERMOTT DIES gan or Highland Park who wlsh fuC bhI Mcerott & it log rsientofther Information they can bave sair Joh Meérott alif lng oientorby wrlting ta me. 'Edmnd Frenette, aukegan, died et hisI residence on el brothe-r of ltdwsrd Prenett." dru- street nt 12:30 Frlday mornlng. FA.ward Frenette, who wai better Sice c mrached the age ut maturity. lnown InWatikegan a. ,Frtncble the rMcDermott bas l,'ýn empinyed as a painter." made this City hi& home for em draver at th" Waukegan plant of ;iree years. Ilc l.ft Waulieglan six inontila ego. fils.wlfe le! t Waukegan iAxerlean Oteel and MIre Company. for New York where shle took a ateaxu. ttolied lneenu-tly ut hl- voxution for shlp for Iturope and otiier O9oints. re slzten yeaw. Two wecio, ago le Since lier delmarttire froxu the. cty no os taken suddealy Hl, andailhopeforrelative bas heard trom ber. During tbeir residencé ln this ety A erovery vas giv(un op by the guhysi- they made their home on Southi Park ns In charge. A Chicago sPeciai18t aene an sumanoned And le ,tatu.d that Mr. lli. Frenette vas employed by one cDeranott wan suffering f romtgénerallet the largest decoratora and paint- ea"is'-a aiminisbing aslisity ot furie- era In t b, City. n. During the twe weeko ho law sick In1 WILL BELL FARM MACINERX I. Mr. Mcflermott waà uneoiticIous a sic J. M. Dody's death andl tInà sub- mater part of the time. lis immedinte se<quent t cing of l*.wss.îi-ca-rig -tives vere at hiA bedmide today viien hun,nm. Waukm.anba ha bulno fDrm deai- edieO. ing with thls lUnd of eluODient but nov He Ieavez to mourt i M demise. four tien Thacker. who purchaseil the Lan- other. Pter. James, Thomas And *..,ihardware store. ha.instalIl a lnon ,tan; and two sitsrs. Mrs. A. Tidy and And Intends bandit ng ailtgifA. of tarin [lm Mele MeDerrnott. euiuipment Auch as àir. Dady osed to seli. mang ý New Chalmets "30" Roadster $1400 AIVtIIsb. .usppy, two-pssnsrtr'heraetr u mliaern .ei.starter. haeseto . lcdhe à. tir Iron, qlckdtsCBblO54"1W Ire'cellular radiator. The Chalmera -30" Torpodo Roadator le do- signed for those vho want a graceful, @peodjy, conifortabie ivo-passeniger car at a low price.. It lias all features sny on. could dosire in a car of this type. Thisc las uthe.Chalmeras ulf-atarter-effi- oent, reliable »Il simple. No cranking. No bather. The seat is goaeronsly vide for -twopersona. Gear-shif t and brah e levers are inid. t e low- huulg body. The stylioli clooe-Sithbstop in of brown duck viti aide cartains and eto"u font. 1Lampe, door bonies, &Md matai parts of vind- sbila aue bWak etameled with nickel trimmin*go. Other bright ioti parts of car are nickel plated.. This roaditer han beauty of line-perfeci 'aym- nwety. hI. lebadsoméali finialied. The. body je painted an ttraotive'.blu iwflublaok monld1hugs, t1Ibod »d chasso4ieioluding wheèes, are black The. p5.piln gesoline tank in enameled biaok to hagmonise vith the. Châssls. Wcn% !oen arrange ith lusfor a demonstration at yonr onvenioe? TU.UPHONE 27 Le»ITyvIlLU IL 4 - - x ~> vi il 51 Th msa1 hiem lu tiU Bei Ni thés FAC land but US' S4 brai Dom bv ho, ati thé ' but the or lni net hee DOI do? bis cas COL 1 col te ]es la Coi t tii lai te of